I hope I can do this story justice. It took me 49 years to find out that being on the receiving end of a hard black cock was what I had needed for years. It all started when my husband and I were going through some rough times, we were both tired of each other and had nothing in common. Jim, his golfing buddy would come over to the house every Sunday after they played golf to watch football with my husband. I really never thought about having sex with Jim in fact I never thought about having sex since it had been so long. Well, our common restroom was having plumbing problems so every body had to use the restroom off of our master bedroom. The men would watch football and I would clean house and work in the kitchen, One day during this time Jim excused himself to use the restroom and I thought he stayed in there quite long, but didn't really think to much about it. Later that evening I was going to doing some washing, and while sorting things I noticed that a pair or my panties in the hamper were wet and while looking closer I saw some long black hair on them, funny because my husband is blond and I had keep mine trimmed short. The more I thought about it the hotter I got, I started thinking maybe Jim had had them out. I thought about it for a whole week, and the next Sunday I made it a point to put a pair of white panties (that I had wore that day) on top of all the other stuff in the hamper and yes, they were somewhat wet. Again, Jim excused himself and used the restroom and again he spent a lot of time in there. After he came out I went in to check them with shaking hands I opened the hamper and found them all balled up with a few drops of cum on them. I can't tell you how excited it made me, my hands were shaking and I was very excited, I lower my pants and panties and masturbated right there while using my other finger to wipe his cum off of them and taste it. GOD, I was so hot, and I had the best climax I had had for years. I was so embarrassed when I came out of the restroom I knew that Jim was watching me.

That whole next week was hell, I must have masturbated ten times thinking about what has happened and Sunday morning I made up my mine that I was going to take it a step further, I wore a pair of pink panties that stayed wet all day and just before they (husband and Jim) got home I placed them in the hamper and up a note on them saying "Cum here". Well, it was about an hour before Jim went to the restroom and when he came out I was so excited and was afraid to look at him, he ask my husband if he could get him another beer and when he walked into the kitchen with that smile on his face I must have turned bright red. He passed by me an said "I left you a surprise", I waited for five minutes and ran to the restroom and pulled my panties from the hamper and there in the crouch was the biggest pool of cum I had ever seen, I almost passed out, I pulled my pants and panties off and set on the tub tasting his cum a little at a time, I didn't want to waste it, I came so hard that day and made up my mind that I had to let him fuck me. If any one wishes to hear more please let me know and I'll continue.