The Greyhound splashed its way through the deep puddles on the rain-soaked streets and eased into its stand at the 8th Avenue Bus terminal and, finally with a hiss from the air brakes, came to a stop. The driver cut the engine and in the ensuing silence, made the unnecessary announcement, “Welcome to my kinda town, the Big Apple folks, you have arrived at your final destination. Make sure you collect all your bags and, don’t forget to enjoy your stay.”

Tony looked at his wife who was fumbling to release her seat belt and patted her thigh, “Wow, New York City. Well, we’ve made it so far without a hitch, here let me give you a hand with that.”

Cindy looked back at him with her blue doe eyes and nodded in agreement that, yes, they had arrived safely after an unpleasant journey from Indiana that had seen sleet and rain with a storm as their constant companion. She had been nervous the whole time as the storm kept pace with them and rain lashed the speeding bus but that was nothing unusual, for worry was Cindy’s default condition; she wasn’t a very confident person and she was, as always, grateful to him for showing such consideration.

The bus driver’s announcement and assumptions were not strictly correct. Yes, New York was sort of their final destination, but they were not there for ‘his kinda town’, the big city or a holiday. And It was completely out of character for them to be doing such a radical thing as taking a trip given that both were small town folks who had in their conservative fashion never ventured much further from the farm where they grew soya and corn than to the next town.

However, ‘needs must’, Tony had said, and having come into a bit of money when both his folks passed away in quick succession, they were now able to follow up on something they had previously been unable to contemplate or afford, that of getting treatment for Cindy and her inability to conceive. Tony was convinced that medical intervention was the only solution and would not hear of there being any other way for his wife to get pregnant.

As for Cindy, she always did what she was told. As the only ******** of the pastor of the Baptist church, she had been bought up with some very clear guidelines of what was right and what was wrong; how a good girl should behave, and consequently wasn’t very worldly wise and could only view the world through a narrow prism of her parents’ making. One thing that was made very clear throughout her teenage years was that sex before marriage was a complete taboo. Her father could quote chapter and verse of prophesies from the bible to say this was so and, no surprise, it came to pass that Cindy was still a virgin when she wed Tony.

For Tony, their courtship had been a frustrating period for his High School sweetheart Cindy, was a masturbator’s fantasy made real. She was petite, blessed with an hourglass figure, perky breasts (that, had Tony known about such things, would have been classed as DD), a voluptuous butt which he loved to squeeze when they cuddled … and that was pretty much it, for Cindy wouldn’t allow him to do much else. Whenever they ‘dated’ he would be given just enough free rein to slide his hand up her inner thigh and touch the hallowed warmth of her pussy through the fabric of her panties; sometimes, she would let him explore the wetness between the lips of her cunt with his finger but not too deep, that wasn’t allowed (and certainly her father wouldn’t have approved!)

For her part, she was intrigued by how stiff his penis became when she granted his request to touch and to stroke it. She thought it to be amazing how she could make the shriveled thing grow bigger and how funny it was that Tony would twitch and sigh as she held him in her hand. She was not to know that in the grand scheme of things, coupled to her innocence and sheltered upbringing, that a five and half inch erection was not such a big deal.

Their courtship had been a closely monitored affair by both sets of parents and as such the young couple had little opportunity to stray from the path expected of them. Certainly, Cindy wouldn’t have dreamed of letting her parents down by acting and being ‘one of those girls’ whom her father regularly made reference to from the pulpit. And Tony, well, whilst he had an idea that for Cindy to be ‘one of those girls’ might be a good thing, he took care of his frustrations by frequent masturbation when he was alone and visualized her being ‘one of those girls’.

The virgin Cathy and Tony were wed and with the blessing of the father they assumed the life of a happily married farming couple when, at last, Tony could use his cock for the purpose that nature had intended. The sensations that he experienced and enjoyed surpassed all his expectations and his orgasms, though quick in overcoming him, felt even better than when he bought himself off by wanking. He was well satisfied with his change in fortunes.

Cathy, like her new husband, had great expectations of what lovemaking would entail and, to be fair, after the initial pain of having her hymen dispensed with, found the rhythmic fucking (though brief) to be quite nice although she was surprised that cock that she had seen grow many times prior to their being wed, didn’t fill her to any great extent and there were moments when they made love in the darkness of their bedroom, when she was unsure if Tony had actually penetrated her at all! She didn’t tell him that, of course, she was quite satisfied with their loving relationship

And so, it continued through to their 10th Anniversary and, to the despair of the parents who had such great expectations of becoming Grandparents, Cindy failed to get pregnant. Not that it was her fault for, following a few years of failing, she had discreetly consulted a gynecologist who had declared that everything was in working order and that maybe the fault lay with her husband …

... and that was a conversation that was never going to happen for if there was one thing that Cathy had learned about her husband, it was that Tony was extremely sensitive to anything that might question his ‘manliness’, a topic that was best avoided. Albeit, that the topic was alluded to when they shared the news with her father and told of their plans to go to ‘a clinic in New York’. Cindy was surprised at her pastor father’s reaction when he said, “Bless you, go find that doctor who might do God’s will and help you get pregnant!” (What he didn’t comment upon was where Tony had gotten the idea.)

They stepped from the bus, retrieved their baggage and following the advice from the bus driver found their way to the nearest Subway station. Tony had been advised by a neighboring farmer back home (someone who had actually been to New York from their rural town) that the best and cheapest way to get around was to use the Subway. Tony, being the complete ‘out-of-towner’, knew no better than to follow that advice, and so they stepped out into the sleet that was continuing to fall.

To say that the couple were naïve would be unkind, unfair, for they were the typical product of a rural community who were not particularly sophisticated or worldly-wise. They loved each other dearly and had their country ways, were mostly conservative in nature and certainly not versed in the life of the big city, so being thrust into this situation was a bit of a culture shock to say the least. However, Tony was determined to prove his manliness and protect his wife from any unnecessary distress. Despite his own undeclared misgivings, he successfully interrogated the Map of the Subway in the station foyer and led them, bedraggled, down the stairs to find the E Train that would take them through Queens to Jamaica Boulevard.

The choice of Jamaica was a strange one for, contrary to its exotic title, the area was not known for its sophistication and certainly was not a place renown for medical excellence. But Tony knew no better, all he knew of Jamaica (apart from it being the name of some island somewhere in the Caribbean) was gained from reading the small ads in the back of the Porn magazine that he secretly subscribed to and, in particular, the ad promoting a clinic located in Jamaica, Queens, NYC, that promised discrete ‘fertility’ treatments. He didn’t question why such a service was published in the Fetish Section of the magazine. All he felt was relief that he had found a possible solution to their infertility problems which didn’t require him to reveal their shortcomings to their gossipy farming community neighbors.

The ‘out-of-towners’, were blissfully ignorant of the reputation of the area where the small ad had sent them, their focus was totally on finding the ‘clinic’ and getting shelter from the weather which was continuing to spoil their trip, but on the positive side, Cindy did comment in her innocence, “.. doesn’t the snow make everywhere look pretty?”

Tony didn’t answer, he just felt relieved that through the falling snow he was able to identify numbers on the buildings that eventually took them to the address as advertised in his magazine.

He pushed the doorbell button on the intercom panel and after a delay a voice answered asking, “Yeah, wadda want?”

Tony responded with his name and told the disembodied voice that he had an appointment which was the correct answer as the lock then gave a click and the door was opened by Asian-looking young woman who Tony noted was wearing a revealing dress on her body and, Cindy noted was sporting a black eye on her face. She stepped aside to let them enter and the ‘clerk’ at reception smirked when he saw the bedraggled couple enter dragging their wheeled cases behind them.

The clerk was a black man, 6 foot six, 200 lbs. of muscle in all the right places and, unbeknown to Tony, had a reputation that had seen him serve time for the savage beating of people who had offended him in some way (he was easily offended!) He was presently on bail for an unsubstantiated murder charge of breaking the neck with his bare hands a drug peddling rival, a favored method of killing that he had employed many times before. The police were in no hurry to pursue the case given the victim had been equally as obnoxious and dangerous and in some ways New York’s finest were grateful their job of serve and protecting the public had been taken care of by someone else.

Tony nervously approached the desk and confirmed his name and their business. The black man ignored Tony’s outstretched hand, instead smirked again at the mention of ‘business’ and then went through the pretense of looking at a computer screen on the desktop. Tony assumed he must be looking for their appointment details; he wasn’t, he was looking for the pause tab of the violent video he had been viewing with the Asian girl when the doorbell rang. He was also looking for the tab that would initiate the clinic’s sound system.

He paused the video, looked up and staring asked disdainfully, “…. and how long you gonna be staying?”

Tony was momentarily tongue-tied as he held the black man’s hypnotic wide-eyed gaze but then gathered his composure, “Not sure, the doctor I spoke to when I enquired said it depended on how successful the treatment went; said that usually folks stayed a couple of days till they got satisfaction. So, I guess we need a room to cover that,” Tony responded with as much confidence as he could muster.

Black guy smirked again at the mention of ‘doctor’ because it was himself who had taken the call. He wondered if this white guy was playing games with him given the ad in the magazine though heavy on innuendo, was quite clear about what services the ‘clinic’ provided, and it certainly wasn’t fertility treatment. He shifted his focus from the nervous Tony to the bemused Cindy who was looking around, speculating on just what kind of establishment this was that they had come to. She finished her inspection and returned her interest back to the desk and was immediately captured by the same hypnotic gaze of the black man.

Once he was satisfied that he had their complete attention, he continued, “OK, 2 days then. Your room is down the hall, next door to hers; she’ll show you,” he said, gesturing toward the Asian girl who had been standing dutifully at the side of the desk. “When you get there, turn on the TV and you’ll get further instructions ‘bout your treatments. Now, if you just sign this disclaimer, you can have the key. OK wit dat?” he said, the smile long gone from his face and just a hint of menace in his tone.

“Uh, yah. You could point us in the direction of getting something to eat. We ain’t fed since this morning.”

“Well, ain’t this just your lucky day. It ain’t 5 star but we have room service. Check the TV for the menu and I’ll deliver once we get your order.”

Tony picked up the key that was slid across the desk, “Thanks, we’ll be right there once we get out of these wet clothes.”

The clerk watched them follow the girl down the hall, then went and locked the entrance door and switched the neon sign to read, ‘no vacancy’.

Cindy almost cried with relief when they opened the door to their room and saw the comfortable-looking king-size bed. “Wow, Tony, would you look at that. That’s a lot bigger than our bed back home!” She dropped her case and sat down on the end to check the comfort.

Tony, equally stirred at the sight, agreed but with hunger in mind and the prospect of getting something to eat, he was even more impressed that the room was equipped with a large flat screen TV mounted on the wall facing it (a TV the like of which was well outside of his meagre price range). He picked up the remote, sat down beside her, switched it on and the swirling colors that appeared immediately grabbed their attention.

The swirling pattern continued to play and [was] accompanied by soft soothing sounds that completely captivated them both, their hunger now forgotten. After a few moments the psychedelic show faded out and was replaced by the equally mesmerizing sight of the black receptionist looking at them.

He asked if they had found the room to their liking. They both nodded.

He asked if they were ready for him to ‘come pay you a visit’. Again, he saw them respond with their nods.

He told them that he would come by in ‘a short while’ but they needed to get themselves tidied up before he did so. To which they replied, it was a reasonable suggestion.

He told them that the TV must always be switched on when they were in the room. Tony replied that it would never occur to him to do otherwise. (Cindy nodded her agreement).

Knowing that they were now completely under the influence of the programming that they had been subjected to from the moment they crossed the threshold of the ‘clinic’, he smiled at them, gave them a few more instructions and then said, “See you shortly”.

His face faded from the screen to be replaced once more by the psychedelic show and the muted weird music.

Cindy gave a shudder and said, “Guess we’d better get ready then!”

She stripped off her wet clothes and felt grateful when after stepping into the bathroom to find there was hot water and she was able to warm herself up.

Tony was equally enchanted and pleased when he looked at her in the shower stall with the water streaming down over her body, to see her nipples stiffen as she directed the hand-held spray over and around her pussy. He surmised that as the spray lingered over her clit, that the traumas of their journey were now receding to the back of her mind and that maybe she might be thinking of more pleasant things. As he gazed on her naked form, he knew that his feelings of relief manifested itself by his cock stiffening as he took in the view. He pulled of his own wet clothes and stepped into the bathroom.

She giggled when she saw that he was slowly masturbating as he waited his turn to get showered, she knew that he was easily aroused and that despite all the traumas that they had just been through that her horny husband now had only one thing on his mind.

However, she was not so easily diverted and as she stepped out of the shower stall, she chided him, “You can forget about that until later, I’ve gotta powerful headache and I’m needing to be fed. You take care of yourself in there if you want but I’m getting dressed and waiting for the food that nice guy told us about.”

What she didn’t say was that she was also looking forward to getting a closer look at the guy. She’d never before been in the proximity of such a powerful looking individual, not even way back when in High School and standing at the desk looking around, she was intrigued not only by his muscular physique that strained against the tee shirt he was wearing but more so by the bulge in the sweatpants that seemingly went halfway down a leg to his knee.

“Surely that can’t be his penis causing the bulge,” she thought but she was also not to know that her newfound interest had been planted by subliminal suggestion from the sound system when she had been standing at the reception desk.

Tony shrugged and stepped into the shower. Had Cindy bothered to turn around she would have seen him following her advice and that her husband was now wanking more furiously with a soapy hand, but her attention was directed instead toward the TV which was still displaying its patterns and emitting soothing sounds. By the time she had finished drying herself, fixed her hair and dressed, not forgetting to dab her favorite perfume behind her ears and neck, he had climaxed and a spurt of his watery cum had joined the suds flowing down the drain.

She smiled when she heard his muffled happy cry. Then, turning her attention back toward the TV, she felt a compulsion to go and sit on the bed to watch and concentrate, as the TV directed, to the muffled rapturous cries coming through the wall of the adjoining room of the Asian girl. She blushed when in a moment of clarity, she recognized a familiar sound of the black guy’s voice as he was clearly ejaculating,

Tony was still toweling himself off in the bathroom when he was distracted from drying his shrinking cock by the sound of a knock on the door. He glanced through to the bedroom and was bemused to see that his wife was sitting watching TV and appeared to be masturbating.

He was further confused when she didn’t answer when he said, “You wanna get that, honey?” but a voice in his head (actually, a voice from the TV) suggested that he ought go and see who was there, so he wrapped and held the towel around his waist and padded through to open the door with the expectation of seeing food on a tray.

It was no surprise when he opened the door to see the big guy standing there, but a little disappointing to see he was empty handed. He felt compelled to ask, “Oh, hello, where’s the food?”

He got his answer when the black guy stared at him with a familiar mesmerizing wide-eyed look, stepped forward and then slapped his face with the back of his hand, “Shut the fuck up and sit over there … if you know what’s good for you.”

Tony, stunned, dropped the towel, stumbled back to flop, naked and wet onto the chair, aware of the blood that was now streaming from his split lip.

Cindy, by contrast, in her befuddled mind, was a tad annoyed that Tony was causing a scene. She had been enjoying the delicious thoughts that the TV was streaming toward her and now, he had appeared, complicating and spoiling things just as the suggestions were beginning to get ‘interesting’.

She was amused to see the blow that caused her husband to collapse onto the chair and even more pleased when she saw he appeared to have no intention of asking any further questions.

She turned her glazed expression back toward the black man who had stepped into the room and was closing the door behind him.

From their different positions they both watched as the black visitor pulled off his shirt and then undo the ties to loosen his sweatpants. He hooked his thumbs in the waistband and pushed them down. The first thing noticed was that he wasn’t wearing any underwear; the second thing was as his sweatpants dropped that he had a massive rapidly hardening black cock swelling to get their attention.

Cindy licked her lips and thought, “Oh my God, that is huge … just like the ones the TV said could be mine to enjoy … if I was a good girl …”

Tony had no such thoughts. Being a practical kind of guy with a head for figures, he calculated that the rigid black penis must be all of twelve inches in length with a nine-inch circumference. (he based this calculation on having often measured his own in the vain hope that wanking might make him larger!).

The black guy gave Tony a contemptuous look and stepped out of the sweatpants pooled at his feet. He turned his attention back to the startled Cindy.

“Get up,” he commanded, and she complied and stood by the bed.

She offered no resistance, nor did she feel the least bit alarmed as she felt his broad black hands reach and slid down to fondle and squeeze her ass cheeks. On the contrary she couldn't help but feel extremely aroused by the attention being given by this black man whom she had just met and only briefly shared a few words.

Her only slight confusion was that her husband was no longer expressing any concerns or objections over what the black guy was doing to her. Indeed, she glanced over, and it seemed as if her husband, whilst fearful of the black man, now seemed to be taking an interest in what he was seeing him doing. (She was not to know that the TV’s messaging may have had something to do with his acquiescence)

Black guy, now confident that the TV had them both fully under its spell, issued his next command. “Youse, get over here and get this white slut outta dese clothes. Youse was supposed to have her ready for me!”

Tony scrabbled to his feet and in a haze of confused thoughts went over to join them standing alongside the bed. Black guy pushed Cindy toward him and said, “Strip her.”

Tony complied and with trembling hands pulled down the zipper of her dress and slipped it from her shoulders so that it fell to the floor. “Pick it up and hang it over there. Ain’t you got no respect for fine things?”

Confused, Tony did as he was told and draped the dress over the chair, fearful that to disobey would invite another slap from the black guy who was smirking whilst holding that massive cock. Cindy, meanwhile, reduced to just panties and bra, shivered with anticipation.

Tony returned and Cindy helpfully turned her back to him so that he could unclip the fasteners of her only proper lingerie, a lacy bra. It was something with which he was unfamiliar given that he had no previous experience of being allowed to do so. He fumbled to release the hooks but with the ever-present threat of violence from the black man hovering over him, helped his focus and he soon managed to free her tits from their restraint.

He had no such delays with pulling down her matching French knickers; they slid down easily and mindful of the instruction to be respectful toward fine things, he picked them up, folded and placed them on the chair with the dress. The black man didn’t notice that Tony took a few moments to hold the damp panties to his face so that he could inhale the aroma of his wife’s cunt.

He completed his task and turned his attention back toward the bed where black hands had moved to cup his wife’s full white breasts.

The black thug fondled her for a few moments as if he was gauging and assessing the potential of his latest ‘client’. Satisfied that he had made the right choice, he then pushed her onto the bed and Cindy felt a sense of ease, almost as if she had been in the arms of this black man many times before (as indeed she had, in her fantasies) and she offered no resistance when the stranger joined her and rolled onto his back, took her hand and placed it on his cock. Tony’s eyes followed them from his bedside seat hoping that the black man didn’t notice he was sitting on his wife’s underwear he had so carefully folded.

Cindy again licked her lips as she glanced over and closely examined what she was now holding, an amazing foot long penis with prominent veins decorating its length and, contrasting the blackness, was capped with a pink knob emerging from the retreating foreskin. It triggered a strange primal reaction in her, beyond anything she had previously experienced with Tony, and made her realise how sexually inadequate her husband was in comparison. In her spellbound state, she therefore felt it quite reasonable and acceptable for her to get closer to make a better comparison.

Cindy got to her knees alongside her new black master and with no hesitation leaned over to him, wrapped both her hands around the stiff tool which was now pointing its obscene swollen pink glans at her face. She licked her lips again and with an unladylike gesture spat a gob of saliva onto the fat knob and with her thumb began to smear the slimy spit to spread the pre-cum that was beginning to dribble from the fat cock before lowering her head

Tony sat there and was both confused and also extremely aroused at the taboo scene playing out before him. His Cindy, his sexually conservative wife had never acted in this fashion, even once, in their ten years of lovemaking. She was the type of girl that would much prefer to have the lights turned off whenever they went to bed. Certainly, she had never given him any oral attention as she considered such a suggestion as being ‘dirty.’ Such an act was just a fantasy for him to have a furtive wank over as he sat in a locked bathroom as he flipped through the latest edition of ‘Going Black’ and with that thought crossing his mind, he took hold of his own stiff stubby cock and sat back to enjoy whatever might transpire.

Cindy tried her best but there was no way that she could take but a few inches of the fat black cock she was fondling into her willing mouth. Not only was it something she had never done before but it was a physical impossibility to insert it any further than beyond the rosebud lips that surrounded his massive tool. However, it was not a disappointment to him for Cindy had quickly learned to provide pleasure by sucking at and licking around the fat glans that filled her mouth. Her busy tongue soon bought him to the edge and with murmured words of encouragement her black master instructed her just when to lick and when to pause so that his pleasure was kept at just the right level.

Tony was delighted by what he was viewing. He was even more pleased when in one smooth movement the black man pushed Cindy onto her back and then straddled her and begin to face fuck her. Never in his wildest dreams had he ‘seen’ his wife doing such things … but then his attention was broken by the sharp command, “Get over here white boy. Get your woman ready for the best fuck of her life.”

Tony stood up without hesitation and almost fell as his foot caught in the towel that had been so unceremoniously dumped on the floor. He kicked it to one side and stumbled over to where his wife was enthusiastically sucking a cock that was more than twice the size of his own.

“Get over here and give dis white pussy some tongue action. I likes to have my women nice and wet when I fuck!”

Tony hesitated as he struggled to get onto the bed and understand what was being asked of him. “Surely you can’t expect me to do that,” was the question that formed in his head, but a black hand threatened to slap his head, and he got the answer.

Trembling, he awkwardly lay down and slid behind her. She obligingly spread her legs to allow him access and soon his head was between her thighs and the heady smell of her wet cunt was filling his nostrils. He felt his cock give a twitch as he, for the first time in his life, was allowed to taste a woman’s pussy; his wife’s, her most private place.

Cindy, who in her prim little world would never have imagined such a thing was now moaning with pleasure as she felt her husband’s tongue tentatively probed between her pussy lips. She would have liked to have glanced down to witness her husband’s humiliation but having her mouth full of black cock prevented her from doing so. Tony had no such impediment, he looked up and could see the thick black shaft of her aggressor in her mouth and his hanging balls swaying as he gently face-fucked his wife.

She rocked back and forth against his tongue, covering his face with her juices and the longer he lapped and licked the louder came the sighs and groans from her cock-filled mouth. Tony could hear the sucking and slobbering above him and soon dribbles of his saliva mixed with goodness know what else started to splash his face as Cindy began to experience an orgasm the like of which she had never known.

He heard a black voice say, “That’s it Bitch, good girl, good job,” and then without warning Cindy gave a jerk and clenched his head between her thighs. Her head fell back releasing the black cock from her mouth and with a loud squeal she spasmed and climaxed, ejaculating her pleasure all over [Tony’s] face and into his open mouth. He gasped to breathe as she squirted into his mouth and then he added a grunt to the soundtrack as he felt his own cum flood and spurt over his hand, not realizing he had frantically been wanking his own cock.

His pleasure was short-lived for just as he was delighting in the strange warmth coating his face, a sudden change in temperature hit him as Cindy was wrenched away. The big black man had grabbed her and without ceremony pushed her over on the bed. She stumbled and unknowingly kicked Tony as he lay there, which confused him no end and he was suddenly overwhelmed with a sense of humiliation. He felt as if he was being totally ignored and in addition that his wife, far from sharing his humiliation, was actually enjoying the black thug’s rough treatment. Her lack of consideration gave him cause to think he was somehow inferior ….

…which was exactly what the black thug intended.

He instinctively ducked his head as the black man stepped over him and he glimpsed the fat, thick, 12” long cock swinging above him dripping yet another glob of spit down on him. The black thug looked down on him contemptuously, “Get up wimp and sit over there,” gesturing to the chair beside the bed.

Tony scrambled to his feet and did as he was told, fearful that he might be in line for another slap. He rubbed his lips with the back of his hand to soothe the pain he was still feeling from the earlier blow only to then realize that he was spreading his own cum over his face. He felt even more foolish and hoped that his silliness hadn’t been noticed.

It hadn’t, neither Cindy nor the black guy were paying the slightest attention to him. Blinking he turned his attention toward the bed where his naked wife now lay and saw her assailant roughly spreading her legs. She then assisted him by drawing her knees up and move her hands to either side of her gaping wet pussy. Forgetting the mess he had smeared around his face he felt nothing but admiration for her as he took in the lewd sight of a cock that looked to be as big as his arm hovering above her wet cunt.

She then surprised him further when, all inhibitions gone, she mewled, “Please, don’t make me beg. Come on; fuck me with that beautiful cock of yours ...”, language that she would never have used but for her befuddled condition; language that he didn’t know she knew! (But then again, he didn’t know that she had long held such fantasies.)

The towering black figure positioned himself between her parted legs and Tony then watched as the stranger, inch by inch, eased his massive cock into her, pausing between each push as if to give her a chance to become accustomed to his girth. (He didn’t need to show her such consideration as Cindy when acting out her fantasies alone and unbeknown to her husband, often used toys that were equally thick. Hence, the reason she hardly ever felt Tony whenever he made love.)

Slowly but surely, to the accompaniment of her sighs and moans, the massive cock slid in and out of view leaving Tony with the sight of muscular black buttocks between her thighs and a pair of black sperm-filled balls resting against the pink rosette of her anus. He held the sight for just a few moments before, all consideration toward her forgotten, the black man began to violently fuck his wife and making her his slut for the evening.

Tony was powerless to do anything about it but, then again, he had already decided he didn’t want to, the sight before him was one that he had often dreamed about when masturbating, it was just that his fantasies had never included his wife in the script. Given that his prim and proper wife seemed to be making no objections, then why should he?

It was a couple of hours later, after having cum into her willing pussy more than once, that her invader turned his attention back to Tony who was still sitting, his shriveled cock limp between his legs, dribbling watery cum the result of his wanking as he watched his wife being so thoroughly fucked.

“Get over here, wimp. Youse needs to clean her up, she’s all messy, I don’t like my women messy.”

Tony immediately climbed onto the bed and bent down, and just as he’d seen so many times when watching Porn, was confronted by the sight of a gaping pink wet pussy seeping white sticky globs of ejaculated semen. He knew exactly what was expected of him (as so many white males on his laptop had done) and he felt his wife’s hand on the back of his head, guiding him down till his tongue found her now stretched opening and the warm prize that his befuddled brain told him was his.

Black thug stood to one side and reached for the glass on the nightstand to take a welcomed drink of water, quenching the thirst caused by his efforts. He looked down at his two latest ‘slaves’ humiliating themselves and congratulated himself on having done such a good job. He also focused on his cock, still erect, slick with the combined juices from their ejaculations and dripping. He grasped it to support the weight and slowly masturbated as he watched, waiting for the moment when he would command Tony to stop what he was doing and to come over and to clean him up, to prepare him for another fucking.

Tony lapped up the last traces of cum from his wife’s body and felt strangely fulfilled that he had completed what he had been told to do. Cindy, meanwhile, was feeling even more satisfied from the experience of having had a proper fucking, from a proper man-sized cock, not one from the ‘little boy willy’ that she had endured since the day she had married.

She, trancelike turned her head and looked at her ravager and the wonderful erection he was stroking.

She continued to look on as her husband shuffled across the floor to kneel in front of him and tentatively stick out his tongue to lick the black cock that was being held.

She was amused when she saw the black man violently grab a handful of her husband’s hair forcing him closer to suck on his cock. It impressed, frightened and aroused her that someone could become so instantly aggressive.

Her arousal was intensified when a voice in her head told her that once again, she needed to have it. She mewled, “Please come and fuck me”.

Black guy smiled to hear her, having it confirmed that the mind-bending TV was continuing to control the emotions of this pathetic white couple. He had been unsure of what the hell the guy had been thinking when he had taken the call some weeks back, but it soon became clear that this country hick had been taken in by the inuendo of the advert and had no idea that he was subscribing to some kind of fetish dungeon. He had babbled on about needing help with some ‘fertility issues’ and had not hesitated when the fee for ‘services provided’ was mentioned, so black guy had gone along and, not confident that they would show, responded and made them ‘a booking’.

He was a little surprised when they showed up at the ‘clinic’ to meet the appointment for he couldn’t believe that such naïve people really existed. But here they were, and he decided that he would take advantage of their presence to satisfy a few needs of his own … with the assistance of the mind-controlling system that equipped the clinic.

Cindy pleaded again, “let him be, leave him alone and come and fuck me, pleeease …”

The black guy smirked; he couldn’t believe how well the TV was putting words into her mouth. He shoved Tony to one side and stepped over him and went toward the bed, his rigid and nicely cleaned cock pointing the way.

Tony licked his lips and swallowed the last of the juices he had lapped and sucked from the cock that he now so admired. He quite understood that his wife was similarly enamored and how she must be delighting in being fucked by such a monster. There was no doubt in his mind that she had been enjoying the most intense orgasms over the past few hours and he could fully understand and sympathize with her pleas of wanting to continue with prolonging that level of pleasure. If there was any doubt or confusion in his mind, it was the fleeting speculation of where she had learned to speak like that; not the sort of language she would normally use! However, he concluded (or rather, the TV assured him such language was necessary as part of the’ treatment’) that if she was happy to be treated in such a way and as a result, get pregnant, then, so be it.

He crawled back to his chair, mused and rued that it was strange that in this sexually charged atmosphere that he was unable to get an erection but, not to worry, he fondled his limp dick and called out, “Yeah, fuck her good; breed her!”

And so, for the next couple of hours Cindy was fucked every which way interspersed with her sucking on and keeping the black man’s cock at its full 12” erection. Tony for the most part was content to sit in his chair and watch and offer vocal encouragement as he masturbated his shriveled willy with a hand that was consistently being covered by watery cum from his frequent orgasms.

At one point, when Cindy was once again being doggy fucked, he was overwhelmed with the desire to go and touch and fondle the black man’s swinging sperm-filled balls (an idea suggested by the TV). The black man didn’t object and silently conceded that the feel of the white boy’s hands was a nice touch and had assisted him in shooting another fountain of black baby seed into the sloppy cunt of this white married bitch.


The weather didn’t improve for two days which meant that Tony and Cindy were stuck at the clinic. Not that were concerned for with help of microwaved meals bought in by the Asian girl and the suggestions made by the TV, time was passed in a haze of pleasure. Tony watched with admiration how his wife responded when fucked by that incredible black cock which never seemed to lose its vitality, always erect and always able to release a fountain of cum at the right moment.

Between meals, he watched his wife being fucked every which way. He especially liked it when the black guy would take her doggy style and to be told to lay under her, lick her clit and to fondle the swinging balls as he thrust back and forth. There was something so nice about lapping at her wet cunt and feeling her breasts, her hard nipples, rubbing against his chest in rhythm to the thrusting. He appreciated that she at the same time was attempting to suck his cock but the violent thrusting and the fact that she didn’t have much to suck on meant that he wasn’t sure if she had actually managed to satisfy him that way.

No matter, their stay came to an end, and it was time to go home. On leaving the hotel, they went to the front desk to settle their bill and to thank the black man for his support and consideration toward them during their stay.

In response the black man didn’t waver from being the surly host, grunted as he tapped at the keyboard of the computer, that he ‘hoped that they had got what they came for’ and, “lemme check to make sure we’ve covered everything”.

A reasonable measure, thought Tony, but what he didn’t realize was that the black man wasn’t referring to their accommodation but, rather, was checking that the mind-control system had issued its final instructions to wipe their minds of the memories of what had taken place

The Asian girl held the front door open for them and they found their way back into Manhattan and the bus terminal where Tony remarked that he had ‘the mother of all headaches’, to which Cindy sympathized and said that she was also feeling a bit weird but what Cindy didn’t say was that she was feeling ‘a little sore, down there’ and that she continued to feel very horny (she didn’t think that was the sort of intimate information to be shared!)

As she sat on the homebound bus, she wondered if the treatment (the details of which she couldn’t remember) had anything to do with it or if it was something to do with having been in the proximity of that awful black man who ran the clinic. She gave a shiver at recalling his face and features and chided herself for being so impressed and of having become aroused by his obvious violent mannerisms. (Again, she wasn’t to know that the TV had planted this reaction when she was under its spell and that the graphic details of his horrific crimes had been drip fed to her as a means of instilling a morbid fear of the consequences of not doing as she was told).

Meanwhile, Tony settled back into his seat and as he drifted off into an exhausted sleep, pondered on his inability to get an erection. He hoped that it was a temporary condition. He was to be disappointed.



The visit to the clinic and the ‘treatment received’ proved to be a great success … for Cindy.

Not so much for Tony for his headaches and general malaise continued after their return home. However, his lethargy didn’t prevent them from continuing to love each other … in their own fashion.

Cindy had no trouble in satiating her persistent horniness given they had two black workers who helped out on the farm. She was very discrete about inviting them to fuck her given that such behavior would be looked down upon in the rural community in which they lived. She was also in denial about where such ideas had originated; she had never felt this way or had these urges prior to that trip they had made to New York, was her thinking. Certainly, her parents would have been horrified to hear she had been intimate with a black man!

Tony, he quite understood her needs but was a little embarrassed by his lack of concern over his wife’s behavior and how she would so blatantly invite these black boys to their bedroom and fuck. His only concern was, try as he might, he could no longer coax an erection out of his shriveled dick. However, that didn’t prevent him from masturbating and having the most intense orgasms as he watched his wife get hers in a more conventional manner. (They agreed that they wouldn’t be telling a soul in any detail how they much they had enjoyed their visit to the clinic!)

It was a few months after the return to Indiana and the resumption of their mundane farming lives that one evening after he finished working in the soya fields, Cindy excitedly told Tony, “I have news. I missed my last period, and I’ve checked and, Yay, I’m pregnant!”

Tony shared her joy at the news, forgetting that his cum hadn’t come anywhere close to her since New York,

“Oh wow, that’s brilliant … bet you can’t wait to tell your folks. Your *** is going to be surprised.”

Prophetic words!
