Author’s Note:

The success of my last attempt at writing from the male POV made me try this one. I wound up having to do some research, because I have never been to one of the large-scale company parties that I envision. They are only memories of what I see on television. I hope I am accurate! My research also included talking with a friend of mine, who I know is dating a black man behind her husband’s back and is planning on leaving her husband for him in the near future.

So, hopefully, this story will titillate the readers, and give them enjoyment in reading my latest. As always, I would love to hear your constructive feedback…


I sat in my boss’s office, next to Jamar. Jamar sported good looks, was tall, and in strong physical shape, wearing a Van Dyke that was as black as his skin, though more than a few gray hairs were starting to show. He was one of our leading sales executives, while I was in the service and technical side of our operation. I am not quite as tall as he is, however, I had the lean body structure of a swimmer. It made us a sort of Tortoise and the Hare combination, though he was ten years older than my twenty-six. We each had our respective strengths, and I suppose, our weaknesses. Our boss, Mr. Billings, was seated behind his large, ornate mahogany desk, finishing up on a phone call that was so important that it interrupted the discussion the three of us were having. Or, more accurately, the discussion we were being given. Jamar and I were up for the same promotion.

I knew Jamar mostly on the professional level, though he made it a point to make sure the rest of us knew he had his successes. He was even so confident and cocky about them that it added to his arrogant ‘charm’. At corporate functions, he always had this stunningly beautiful girl on his arm, a mixture of class, beauty, and sex-machine. It was always a different girl, too. We used to talk about it at the watercooler in the office, and the general consensus was that he was either hiring them, or they were the young ladies of some of his clients. He, of course, bragged how they were the wives and girlfriends who had gotten curious about black cock, and so he had to show them his ebony rod, and once they saw it, they could not help but fall to their knees and beg to suck it, following by being royally fucked, right there on the spot, no less! Oh, he had so much arrogance about him.

At a company formal event, we were seated at the same table as my twenty-four year old wife Jennifer, who was my own personal out-of-my-league success story. Her red hair and devastating smile had me from the first glance, not to mention her delectable D-cups and a taut bubble-ass that gave her trim, five-foot six frame all of the right curves, in all of the right places. I made the mistake of gawking at his date, along with just about every man in the place. I got caught, however, and my designs on having an amorous night with my wife evaporated faster than a damp spot on the road in Summer.

“Honey... I’m so sorry. I just... I dunno, it just happened! I mean, every guy in the place is looking at her. She must be some model or something that he hired.” It was my only rather lame excuse. “She’s pretty, but she isn’t you. I want you in bed, certainly not her!”

Jenn looked at me rather dubiously. Her arms crossed under her ample bosom gave additional depth of her exposed cleavage, the green satin dress was the perfect contrast to her hair, and the hip-high slit in the side gave her an additional sexual flair. I had been sporting an erection all night, wanting her. Now, a little blue pill couldn’t have gotten it done.

“Uh-huh…” She looked me squarely in the eyes, very dubiously, and with some cold water, if not ice in her veins.

“Forget it Dude, you are beyond busted. You have been practically drooling since she arrived. Tell you what. Why don’t you go ask her to dance, and I’ll dance with her date. What’s his name? Lamar?”

“It’s Jamar, my Love.” I tried to correct her, hoping to assuage her.

But to make her point, she just took my information and actually did just that! She rose from the table, very demure and yet not even making an effort to control her gown as the slit did expose her full leg and revealed that she wasn’t wearing panties to the rest of the table who might have looked. She made her way over to him and whispered into his ear, and then indicated to the dance floor. He, of course, made his excuse to his date and rose to take my wife by the arm. Soon they were dancing to an easy beat. Nothing too close, nothing too wild, just the perfect song for their dance.

This irritated me to no end, so I rose and made my way to his date, this incredible blonde I didn’t even have a name for and asked her to dance.

“That is nice of you, but no thank you. I don’t dance with white guys…” came a soft, but sharp rejection. “Besides, if we did try to take it as far as Jamar and I will tonight, I doubt I would even feel you. You have to be what… six inches max?”

I was so shocked at what I heard; my jaw dropped open. I flapped my wordless lips a few times, and finally uttered an apology and, fully deflated, headed back to my seat just in time to see Jamar and my wife in a close, slow dance, his six-inch taller body holding her close, with his arms around her lower waist, while her arms were wrapped about his neck. At one point, he let his hand stray lower and caress her butt for the rest of the song, which she did nothing to stop. She was smiling, and he was saying something, and then he whispered into her ear. She blushed, and shrugged, and then laid her head on his chest, facing me. She then gave me a sly wink. Not only had she won, but evidently, he had, too, for they shared a short, soft kiss, before he brought her back to the table. His own date, to her credit, had spent her time head-down, looking at her phone. The rest of the night developed with me suitably cowed, and having to endure his smirks, knowing he had spent more intimate time with my wife that evening than I would.

Mr. Billings had hung up his phone and was speaking to us, which jerked my attention back to the present.

“Jamar, you and Daniel have been in close competition for the new Division Executive Director position for more than a year. Both of you have performed very well in your respective areas, but the truth is, I just can’t put you both there. So, I took the unusual step of speaking to your co-workers and some of our clients you have interacted with, to determine who should be selected for the position. Everyone I spoke with said what I pretty much already knew about you. Both from a professional and personal perspective.”

I pursed my lips, because in truth, I had no real idea who my people thought about me.

“Daniel, your reputation is a solid, dependable man, who does what he says, and makes things happen. But you are no risk-taker, and that is a worry for me. I need a man who will be a hard charger with the coming new product lines.”

My heart sank, as I figured Jamar was going to win this one. He had beaten me out for just about every promotion or accomplishment so far in my five-year career.

“Jamar,” Mr. Billings continued by looking over. “You, on the other hand, have had some spectacular successes, and closed some enormous deals. Your efforts alone have allowed us almost seven years of increased sales, along with the increased profits they brought in. You have done exceedingly well for the company.”

Jamar looked at me, again with that knowing smirk. Just like that night with my wife, he was staking his claim to the promotion I was ready for.

“But, Jamar, you come with some baggage. Don’t think I didn’t know about some of your... risk taking, we’ll call them.”

Suddenly, his head snapped around, and my heart started to have a glimmer of hope.

“Jamar, some of your gambles haven’t paid off so well. Like your offer to give the president of Allied Plastics an all-expenses paid trip to Hawaii and went along as their guide. While you did close the deal, and I am sure they enjoyed the trip, the president happens to be my golfing partner. He is the one who was bragging about his wife getting pregnant. You should have heard him boast about it. Until their child was born, and lacked any of the features the husband had, including his skin color.”

Suddenly, Mr. Billings’ tone changed, and for the far worse.

“And that was not the first, Jamar. I know why the Jepsens sought a relocation package, and it all had to do with the love affair you were having with their ********. Or the para-legal we had on retainer.” He paused. “No, Jamar, a risk-taker like you is not the man I can trust for the future of my company. You are lucky you are not out looking for a job, Jamar. So, you will not be getting the new office, the company car, or the salary to go with the new director-level promotion. You are lucky to still be employed. If you keep performing at the level you are and keep your dick in your trousers, you will stay employed here. But you cause any more problems with your inability to keep your pants up, you will be flying out of here faster than I can get the door open! Now… you are dismissed.”

Jamar took his sweet time leaving, but Mr. Billings never once took his gaze from the dark-skinned man. The gaze wasn’t a pleasant one, either.

My heart went through a flurry of emotions, nervousness, defeat, elation, nervousness, curiosity, fear, and finally, elation again as Mr. Billings finally turned to me and smiled.

“I’m sorry you had to hear that, Daniel. But he had it coming.” He smiled at me.

“Thank you, Mr. Billings, I won’t let you down!”

“Oh, I am sure of that, Daniel, surer than anything else, so congratulations! Now, go home, get your wife, and take her to lunch, and then to dinner. You are now my Senior Director of Production and Service, and you need to prepare. I’ll show you to your new office, first.”


“Honey? Where are you going?”

“Why I have to start getting ready, Danny, tonight is your promotion party!”

I looked at the clock for confirmation.

“Ummm… it is only ten in the morning?”

“I know, but I have to get my hair done, my nails done, a pedicure, pick up my new dress, and get ready. This is your big day, and I want to be every bit the arm-candy your wife should be! It won’t be like last time. You won’t be ogling some blonde bimbo. Tonight, that bimbo will be me!”

She giggled as she needled me about that night, kissing me as she left for her errands. I had spent the rest of that night apologizing, even as Jenn had crawled into bed, wearing her Winter pajamas. They were like her full suit of armor from my advances. We normalized the next day, and even made love twice, but ever since then, if she could take the shot, the bimbo-thing would come up. It would become sort of a running joke between us. As long as I kept my eyes on her!

I occupied myself by doing chores, emptying the trash, emptying the dishwasher, Even receiving two packages from the online shopping service that promised so much for their subscription, yet were beginning to fall down on the job. I made myself lunch after Jenn texted me saying she was running late. I watched my favorite TV show re-runs. In short, I killed time as my lovely wife did what she felt she needed to do to be that jaw-dropping gorgeous woman she wanted to be for me.

She blew in like the wind at 3:30 pm. I glanced at the clock. We still had three hours before we had to leave. She looked worried.

“Jenn, what’s the matter?”

“I am so far behind! They took hours at the hairdresser!”

I managed a better look. I could see why; she looked absolutely amazing in her new hairstyle. Her long locks, which had some natural curl to them, had been straightened out, and were silky and shiny, as well as put up into a French Swirl. A quick glance told me her nails were freshly done, and even a little longer than before. It was one of the great mysteries of nature how women could do that. They were blood red, and gleaming.

“You look like you could simply walk out the door right now, babe.” I tried to be comforting.

She smacked my chest for her efforts.

“Did my packages arrive?”

I pointed them out and she snatched them up, along with the white plastic garment bag over her shoulder and the three other plastic bags she was carrying on one arm.

“You have the next hour to take a shower, Danny!”

I stood there with a furled brow. Why was the person who was promoted being bossed around? It wasn’t a big deal, in fact it wasn’t a deal at all, it was just my wry humor looking at this for amusement’s sake. But I took my wife at her word, and made for the bathroom to shower, shave and generally look presentable. Once I was done, I sat at the dining table with my laptop, trying to come up with a way to cope with the myriad of new e-mails I was receiving daily. It was mostly sorting the good from the bad from the utterly useless. I did discover one individual who was generating e-mails with content changes that were mostly to justify his position. He didn’t seem to do anything else. I made a note to investigate him next week. It was while I was so deep in thought that I hadn’t notice time flying by, and soon my wife’s soft voice called out.

“Are you ready, Honey?”

I stood and was pulling my coat on as she emerged.

“Yep! Oh, holy shit!”

What stood before me was not my wife. She was an utter vision of beauty, poise, sexiness and lust. She had transformed herself into my every fuck-fantasy. I stood there as my jaw hung, my eyes taking her in. She had been right. I would not be able to take my eyes off her tonight, nor would any of the other men, and for that, I would be the envy of every man present, even Mr. Billings.

Her hair was shiny and smooth, with not a stray hair in sight. Her makeup was dark, smokey, framing her alluring eyes, with fire engine red lipstick that was glossier than a mirror. Her figure was just stunning, with a new dress I had never even contemplated for her before. The liquid black satin was tied about her neck in a thin halter, with two triangles that barely covered her breasts. Or more accurately, they barely covered her areoles. She was revealing her complete cleavage, and more side-boob than a porn star. The dress had no back, and the waistband had a wide blood-red satin ribbon that became a large bow in the back, with the tails that hung an inch or two over the hemline. Speaking of which, the skirt on this magnificent dress was flared almost as if she was wearing a petticoat, making it hang maybe two inches below her butt. The waves of satin seemed to hang in space as she turned, showing me how delectable she looked from every angle.

She then grinned very mischievously and lifted the front hem to splay her skirt in a full circle and expose her lingerie and panties to me. Or what might be called panties. They were similarly blood-red satin, with a small triangular patch that basically held her labia closed but had a V-notch up front that left her clitoris exposed. There were strings of the same red satin that rose high over her hips, only to join in the rear and become the ultimate G-string panty. Strippers didn’t have underwear this small! Her stockings were black-seamed and had a crisscross type of arrangement over her hips that would leave her exposed from her vulva to her waist on the backside. She topped it all off with new, black patent leather stilettos with a heel so sharp they could be used as a hole-puncher and opera-length black satin gloves. She was carrying what looked like some sort of matching coat on her arm.

“I can see you approve?”

I let out a long, slow whistle.

“It will be a serious test of strength to see how long I can go without ****** you.”

She broke into a wide smile.

“Down, boy. But thank you, it is just what I was hoping to hear. But check this out!”

With a swirling motion, the coat on her arm flared about in a shiny silky shimmer to reveal its true form, a black satin cape, which she then began to clasp at her neck.

“Oh… my... Gawd! You look like sex in stilettos, Jenn!”

I could not help myself and began to make an advance on her. She lifted her arms, hands out to hold me at bay. The silky cape slid open to reveal her body, and I noticed the hem of the cape was maybe half an inch longer than the dress. She had done it. She looked exquisite, and whatever was beyond that. Every man in the place would be looking at the amazing, stunning, gorgeous and sexy woman on my arm, and she was my wife!

“I said down, Danny. Just wait. I promise you at the end of the night, you will have me all to yourself, and we’ll fulfill all of your fantasies. Just be patient, and I will make it all worth it!”

It took nerves of steel and an iron will to not ravish her as she stood there, promotion party be damned. But I managed to stop, even though my manhood was tenting my trousers. But I managed to take her onto my arm and escort her to the car.

“Are you wearing that cape all night?”

“Oh, heavens no. I’ll remove it once we get there. It is to keep me warm, not start some kinky sex party. That’ll come later.” She grinned at me.


At the party, we made our grand entrance of sorts, and I was swept aside while Jenn was escorted to our table. I was taken to the bar to make the necessary meetings, greetings and so on, shake hands, have a drink, and socialize. I tried keeping an eye on my wife, but most of the time she was in the company of other wives, and they were girl-talking, or whatever it was women do at these events. I did manage to catch her eye a couple of times, and she winked at me as we both followed the new protocols of whatever my new position required. I did happen to see Jamar there, seated at what would normally be the same table we would normally be seated at, and he had some brunette at his side, but I think Jenn had her beat. From the furtive glances he kept giving my wife, I was pretty sure he did, too. Our former seats were occupied by Will and Patricia Williams. Will Williams. I bet his name was Hell on him growing up. I knew him and had even recommended him to replace me. He was a good, competent guy, though he was a little boring. His wife, Patricia, however, was rather vivacious, though she had to shine with her personality as her looks would be a little in need of a few things. Jamar would show no interest in her.

Dinner was, well, dinner, with people coming by to congratulate me, and compliment Jenn, and then came the normal announcements and recognitions, with the finale’ of my official announcement of my new promotion. Everybody clapped, and all that, but frankly, I just wanted to get the Hell home and stick my dick in my wife. Mr. Billings and a few others came by to congratulate me again, and compliment Jenn, and I was sure I saw good ol’ stable, conservative, dependable Mr. Billings staring down her chest as he spoke with her. I couldn’t blame him, or even get irritated at him. My wife truly was shockingly stunning!

The DJ finally opened the dance floor, and as we were making our turns to leave, rising and my wife just having donner that ‘kinky sex cape’ as I thought of it, when I was pulled aside to meet somebody else’s somebody else they thought were important, and so I had to leave Jenn standing there. That introduction turned into several more, and before I knew it, over half an hour had escaped me. I turned to look for my wife, but I couldn’t see her.

After another introduction, I managed to catch a glimpse of Jenn, only she was on the dance floor amongst maybe ten other couples, but as last time, she was with Jamar. This was irritating, and I could see him start to slow dance, and draw her hands up around his neck as his own started to rest at her hips, and then begin to slide around, enjoying her curves on top the silky dress she wore. All of it under her cape, of course, but to those in the know, mainly me, it was obvious what he was doing. He started feeling-up my wife!

The soft material sheened and glimmered in the dance lighting as they danced, and when I finally had a chance to look back over at Jenn, he now had his hand under her skirt, and I thought had lifted the hem up high enough to reveal her butt to those guests who might notice. It was odd, I had a flash of a thought. My wife was being sexually molested and exposed, yet for some reason, I was still the focus of attention. So much so that I was finding it difficult to break away to get my wife from the scheming clutches of the black guy pawing her all over. Or even under her. I continued to watch them, as he leaned down and whispered to her, making her blush and turn away for a moment, her smile almost embarrassed. Then she looked back to him, smiling pleasantly, but she shook her head. Whatever it was, Jamar had just been denied! Score one for Jenn!

I was now basically ignoring the conversation that had moved on from me and kept a closer eye on my wife. I was able to finally make my exit from the group, and step towards my wife when I heard the song end, and witnessed Jamar seem to nuzzle into my wife’s neck, and then pull back as they had a moment of silent communication, and he then bent his head lower and kissed her! Not the tongue-wrestling passionate embrace I am sure we both wanted to have with her, but long enough to leave no doubt it was more than platonic. I was now seething as I made a bee-line for Jenn, and took my rightful place as her husband, drawing her off from him, and abruptly left him standing there. She had this weird gaze in her eyes that I couldn’t understand. But as we started walking, she began to recover.

“Thank goodness you have good timing, Honey…”

Jenn muttered as we exited the ballroom. Our pace was brisk, and she had to quick step to keep up, making her cape float about in her wake. She looked sexy as Hell, but I was so angry. Not with her, but with Jamar. In that moment, I was seriously contemplating which ways I could have killed him. It was a toss-up between drawing and quartering and flaying him of all his skin.

“He was making all sorts of moves on me, and it was getting harder to fend him off. He even tried to take off my panties right there in front of everyone!”

I could not help but roll my eyes.

“I saw him whispering to you. What did he say?”

“Only that a night with him would be something I remembered forever, and I would not be the only wife he stole from her husband. You know, the bragging stuff men say when they want to seduce a woman.”

“Oh? Anything else?”

“Well, he did tell me he loved how my ass felt, and that I was lucky to be in with a crowd of people, or he would have seduced me right there on the dance floor.”

I groaned in frustration. At this point, Jamar and Human Resources were going to have a meeting next week.

“Anything else?”

There was a long pause. One that made me feel very uncomfortable and was filling me with dread.

“Look, you have to understand, I did tell him no. at least six times. But I couldn’t stop him from doing what he was doing to me, without making a scene, and I definitely didn’t want to be that wife who embarrassed her husband at his big deal. So, I just endured what he did as best I could and kept it quiet.”

“What happened?” My tone was far less friendly now, as we entered the elevator.

The elevator stopped on the next floor and as a couple boarded, we had to stay quiet, but Jenn did take the time to more properly adjust her outfit. I could not help but lewdly gaze at my wife’s figure as the cape somehow accentuated her ample bosom, rather than concealed it. I really couldn’t see much of her cleavage from the side, but the size of her boobs was obvious. Even as I was upset with Jamar, I felt myself getting an erection. The elevator finally let us all off, but by then, I was sure my pants were tenting my arousal.

“Honey, like I said, I just had to endure him as he was molesting me.” She began as we now had a more private moment. We got in line at the valet, and she squared off to me, and leaned in, whispering hotly.

“Kiss me.”

So, with little hesitation, I laid my lips to hers, and we kissed, smoothly at first, and then more intimately. I could feel her jostling around in front of her for a minute, but as we kissed, she smiled, looking up at me.

“That was nice, and I feel better now.”

“You feel better? I didn’t know my kisses were so great.”

“I love kissing you, but I also needed to fix my panties.”


“Danny, he had been fingering me on the dancefloor, right in front of everyone!”

My blood went back to boiling again.

“Honey…honey... listen to me. Nobody noticed. My cape was blocking us, but the more I kept telling him no, the worse he was making it on me. He was breaking me down, and if you hadn’t appeared when you did, I just might have given in to him. He had me so close to an orgasm, and honestly, I am so horny right now that if you ordered me to, I would bend over the hood of our car and give myself to you in front of everybody!”

I shaved off 12 minutes in the drive home. I hated Jamar for what he had done, but I wasn’t about to let the opportunity he had left for me go unused. When we got into the driveway, I opened the door for Jenn, and as she rose to her feet, she intentionally spun on her heel, to let her dress fly out, and her cape with it.

“I am so horny, what am I to do? I sure hope no strange man comes along to fuck me…”

Jenn was giving me her teasing, Little Red Riding Hood impression.

“I am so helpless like this. If some prowler comes along, he’ll have sex with me right here on the grass!”

All the while, I was trying to drag her inside, because I was about to become that sexual predator. I finally got her inside and didn’t even get the front door closed when I was pressing her against the wall, kissing her fervently, with my tongue lashing against hers in a shared need to have a hard, hot fuck. There would be no making love tonight. She had dressed to tease me, I was forced to be tormented by my wife’s words, and so I was going to get my relief. Even if it meant ripping my wife’s panties off of her and fucking her in the foyer.

My hands were all over her, feeling, rubbing and groping her, her voice mewling as her hands also were feeling me, particularly between my legs. My not-quite six inches were raging hard, and ready! She was taking my coat off, and using my tie to hold my face to hers as she worked to undo my belt. My hips were already trying to shove my dick up under her skirt and through her panties, while our tongues very lewdly lashed at one another. It was then we both heard the sound of a car drive up and stop.

“Shit, the neighbors!” we both exclaimed in unison.

“Go get ready, Danny… I’ll close up the house.”

I dashed from her to go to the bedroom and finish disrobing, finally ending in my pair of blue silk boxers, with a small wet spot where I had been leaking from my arousal. I snuck into the john and went pee. As I relieved myself, I had the odd thought that I was the one who usually locked down the house for the night, but I was thinking that Jenn just wanted to prance around and enjoy her outfit. She had never looked more sultry, sexy, and even slutty. In fact, I had never wanted to fuck a woman so badly in all my life. I heard the familiar loud clunk of the front door being slammed shut, a result of the wood warping a little, and my being too lazy to fix it.

Emerging from the bathroom, I washed my hands to sound of rapid footsteps, and I hurried to dry my hands, thinking Jenn was at her absolute peak. She was, but not in the way I expected.

I turned to say something, and I was greeted by the sight of Jamar holding my wife to him in a bear hug, Jenn’s feet off the ground and uselessly kicking, while she tried to lean back. Her face grimaced in what was either pain or strain.

“What the fuck are you doing here?”

Jamar was as startled to see me as I was to see him, only he reacted faster and literally threw Jenn across the room and onto the bed. It demonstrated how strong he really was. Jenn was on the petite side, topping out at 5 foot 10 inches when in her stilettos, and her curves gave her a nice 34-26-34 figure, topped with a nice pair of C-cup breasts, and a taut ass that demanded groping every chance I got. I got to witness Jamar throwing all 120 pounds of her across the room as I advanced on him, with my own five-foot ten-inch swimmer’s body moving with clenched fists.

As I saw my wife being thrown across the room, I had to look at her, to make sure she wasn’t hurt. Unfortunately, it was also the last thing I saw for a moment, until I glanced back just in time to see a large black fist come flying at my face.

The next thing I remember was the sounds of crying out. Jenn’s desperate pleas begging Jamar not to do whatever he was doing to her. As I came around, I realized it was very dark, which made no sense, and as I began to move, I realized I was covered in something. Everything seemed to be in slow motion for me. I couldn’t correlate the sounds I was hearing with the motions of my body. The sounds were in fast and sharp utterances, while my hands and eyes seemed to see everything in slow motion. Also, my ribs hurt like Hell. I took an experimental deep breath, and came to the realization I probably had a cracked rib.

I started to paw at my face, trying to figure out why I couldn’t see, as I heard Jenn continue to beg Jamar to leave, to stop this and to leave us alone. I pulled away the thing keeping my world dark, and realized it was a pair of underwear. I couldn’t figure out how my underwear wound up on my face? They also smelled funny. Not like poop, more like a scent I wasn’t really familiar with. Like a mix of musk and maybe semen? I propped myself up on one elbow, and whimpered in pain as my cracked rib reminded me that it was there. I managed to push myself up and lean back against the wall, only to realize that I also had a bloody nose, and a split lip. But that wasn’t nearly as painful as what my eyes finally got to focus on.

I saw Jamar, naked and in his full masculine glory hovering above my wife, her legs apart and her hands on his shoulders, desperately trying to push him off her, as he was lining up his turgid rod to take my woman as his plunder. I could focus on his manhood, and he had to be nearly twice as long as me. Maybe ten inches, and thick again by half at least. I also thought it off that I was seeing the first uncircumcised cock ever in my life. Yet that hot, throbbing shaft was now sliding up and down, along my Jenn’s slit, getting coated in her love-lubrication. The juices he had induced from her, and I had continued to enflame, only now he was going to take the fruit of his labor.

“Dammit, Jamar! I said NO! You are ****** me!”

“No shit, Bitch, you’ve been teasing me all night, and now you’re gonna’ give up that sweet pussy to me. I seen you staring at me all night. Wanting this black cock. You know how big it is, time for you to feel it for real. I’m gonna’ fuck you stupid!”

With that, I heard him grunt heavily as I heard my wife crying out in what I thought was anguish, but I would alter learn was also a bit of pain. He then began to thrust into her, slow, heavy jolts of his hips to pile-drive his cock into my aroused wife’s body. He took maybe half-a-dozen more thrusts to completely force his cock into her, making her tight pussy feel every fraction of an inch of him inside her. It was a barbaric, masculine, powerful act that made her voice wail in greater volume, but with a different tone. Gone was the anger, and now as a more feral tone. Jamar was literally going to fuck the anger from her body and replace it with lust.

He rested his body atop hers, her hands still trying in a final, futile gesture to displace him, but her satin gloves kept slipping off his chiseled frame. It was then I also realized her panties were dangling from one ankle as her skirt was lying up at her waist, and her cape was splayed out under her. My wife was in her ultimate display of femininity. Only she was doing it for Jamar, not me. It angered me, and yet as I tried to get up, I winced and then yelped in pain, collapsing back onto the floor, revealed in the posture I was going to be forced to take. A voyeur to my wife’s carnal violation and **** by a physically superior black man.

He graciously allowed her a few moments to grow accustomed to his girth, before he began to cycle his hips, withdrawing his dark black cock from my wife’s body, before slowly pushing himself back into her. The act made her draw in air, and then forcibly expel it, her soft voice filled with a louder mewing.

“Please... Jamar… Don’t. Don’t do this to me. You are ****** me!” Jenn was begging him.

“Shut up, slut. I’ve been wanting to fuck you for months.”

Jenn moaned louder over the next few thrusts, as Jamar’s intensity began to grow slowly.

“Please… pull out at least… you aren’t wearing a condom...”

“I told you, Bitch. Black guys don’t wear rubbers. We want our women raw!”

I could almost hear a laugh in his voice. He was fucking my wife, and laughing at her!

“But I’ll get pregnant!”

“Good. Gonna’ knock you up, an’ then I’ll get to fuck you all I want for the next eighteen years!”

My wife began to grunt softly as his intensity grew, along with the intensity of his thrusting. Over the course of many minutes, I heard my wife’s voice start to change pitch, and it went from low, slow moans to heavier grunting, and then to a long, low whine. It was a voice that went as long as every breath, interrupted when Jamar made a particularly heavy thrust into her. It made her body jerk and her voice cried out as she shivered from an orgasm.

I also belatedly realized that Jenn had gone from trying to push him away, to clasping onto his muscular arms tightly, while her knees rose parallel with the bed, her panties still dangling with every thrust Jamar made. Her hips rose to meet his, and there was no longer any fight in her left. She had gone from being ***** by this vile black man to actively mating with him.

They were now locked in eye-contact, and Jenn’s eyes seemed to have this heavy daze in them, like when I had rescued her from Jamar on the dance floor. That powerful cock was plunging fully into my wife, and even I could tell that their only focus in this entire world was each other. If I had been able to, my wife would still have insisted that she be allowed to have Jamar have his way with her. They were now fully committed to mating. Jamar’s cock was plundering my wife’s body, his black spear was coated with the light froth of Jenn’s slickness coating his manhood.

“Who has a bigger cock than your husband, Slut?”

“You do, Jamar…” my wife moaned sexily.

“Who fucks you better than your husband, Bitch?”

“You do, Jamar…” my wife purred out in blissful moaning.

Their pitch and tone suddenly began to change, with the increased power and speed of Jamar’s hips pounding my wife’s body, impaling her with his black spear.

“I’m gonna’ make you cum more than you rhusband…Make you my Bitch!”

“No, Jamar… please... please… Don’t... don’t do this!” Jenn moaned out, clearly in a battle of wills not only with him, but within herself.

“I’m gonna’ cum in you… make you cum... and make you... MY Bitch!”

“No, Jamar! No! Please! Don’t make me cum… don’t make me Your Bitch!” Jenn was clearly begging, but worse was her body’s reaction.

Her toes were now pointed up at the ceiling, and her hands were clasping at his back, trying to hug her body to his as he thrust frantically into my Jenn.

“I’m cumming in you, Bitch! You’re mine NOOOWWWW!!!” and he ended with a bellow.

My wife, dutiful, my devoted, sexy wife did the unthinkable and she shrieked as she orgasmed on his wife-tamer and pussy-claimer, her body shuddering violently in that joyful release between a man and a woman. I had never seen my wife have such a sexual response when making love with me. I realized his cock was probably twice my size, but she always said size didn’t matter. Was she lying? Was there more to it? Was it just the way she had sex him? Did she enjoy being *****?

I could not help but notice the heavy shudder Jamar also made as his black baby-maker was pulsing heavily from the copious spurts of virile semen from his heavy sac, held tight against my wife’s ass. It supplied his black seed to my wife’s fertile valley. Would his black seed fertilize her white egg and force it to take root in her body?

Jenn was in tears for a moment, soft, sobs that I was sure were from her humiliation at being ***** in front of me. But she looked up to him, as his fingers tenderly caressed her face, and they kissed. Long, lewdly, and with a tongue lashing even deeper than Jenn and I had just shared those short minutes ago. Their caressing and kissing carried on for many minutes, as I noticed Jamar’s cock finally beginning to soften, yet he was too big to fall out of her. He just lay there, plugging her vagina closed, forcing her body to absorb all of his semen.

His head dipped to the side, and I heard him say something to her ear, and she nodded softly.

“I will. I promise.” She replied, looking into his eyes.

“Remember, Bitch. You belong to me.”

“Yes, Jamar. I promise.”

With that, he rose from her, and I heard a soft plop of sorts. He kept his gaze between getting dressed and her lewdly splayed form, looking like a well-fucked porn star. With that, he turned to leave and grunted.

“I’ll give you this. You took my best shot and didn’t pass out.”

If he only knew.

Once he had safely left, Jenn got up and began to tend to me. We didn’t speak of what had just happened to her. I think we both knew where we stood.


I had to take a couple of days off, and eventually went to the doctor for an x-ray. Indeed, I had a broken rib, and a moderate concussion. Jenn went to work the next day, almost as if nothing happened.

When I finally went back to work, I tried to see Mr. Billings, but he was out of the country on vacation, and I didn’t want to air this out in the Human Resources Department. They were terrible at keeping secrets. I had to wait until Mr. Billings returned in three weeks.

That Sunday night, she called me into the bedroom.

“Daniel, we need to talk.”

“I think I know why.”

“I don’t think you do.”

“I know, you are pregnant, right?”

She shook her head.

“It’s still too early to tell, but in my heart, I think I probably am. The timing was right, and it was supposed to be something I was going to surprise you with that night. But there’s something else.”

I looked at her with some confusion.

“Jamar asked me for something, and I promised him I would. I couldn’t deny him. His cock is just too powerful for me.”

“What is that?” My tone was a bit agitated over this.

“It’s about our future.”

“Oh? So, what, Jamar thinks that he can just ring you up and you’ll go to his place and fuck him?”

I did not like the direction this was going.

Jenn shook her head.

“No, Daniel.” She took a deep breath to steel herself. “If I am pregnant, then I am leaving you. Jamar asked me to marry him if I got pregnant by him. He had asked me to marry him several times, starting months ago at the Annual Formal Party, and asked me again at your promotion party, and then reminded me of it in bed. I had promised him that at the party. It is why I was so upset. I knew it was just a matter of time before he got me in bed. It was just a matter of how. I just never expected him to **** me. I also never expected it to be so good. So, I need you to know that if you are not the father, then I won’t put you through that ordeal. I won’t make you suffer the humiliation of everybody knowing your wife cuckolded you and fucked another man and got pregnant by him.”

I couldn’t even find the words to reply to this, and simply left. I climbed into a bottle and wound up sleeping in my car that night.


Three weeks later, despite my asking and even begging, I came home to an empty house. Her clothes and some personal effects were gone. On the kitchen counter was a pair of pregnancy tests. Both were positive. There was also a note.


By now you have figured out what has happened. I am sorry, and I wish I could have been a stronger woman for you. You have been very good to me, and I will forever be grateful to you for that.

Please, do not try and use your corporate political power to get back at Jamar. You can’t. What you don’t know is that he left the company the day your promotion was announced. He now works for your competitor and is a Vice President of Sales and Marketing. We are moving to his new office in California, where we will eventually be married.

I know you will be angry, and I don’t blame you, but please know that while I will always love you, I have to admit my love for Jamar’s way of loving me is more than I can fight. He has taken me from you, because he will always be that superior lover to me than you can ever be. His magnificent black cock has claimed me in front of you. So rather than cheat on you, it has to be this way.

Please, be safe…

Love, Jenn.”

I was so angry I crumpled up the note and threw it in the trash, and then after a stiff shot of Tequila, I brought it back out and smoothed it flat. I was humiliated, but there was nothing I could do, except move on, so I decided then and there I would do my best. I sealed the letter in our wedding album, and then had a large bonfire, and burned the whole thing. Up in flames, just like the love for my wife.

We did divorce, though the split was not as amicable as she would have hoped, but tough shit. I was the one who was wronged in this. Jamar was at the final hearing and the final decree. They left the courtroom together arm in arm, and I walked out alone.

Fourteen months later, I had started to recover, and even met a young woman, who was pretty, and was someone I had a growing interest in. Things were picking up when the tragic news hit. Mr. Billings had died of a heart attack, and our company was being bought as a sell-out by his widow for many, many millions of dollars. We had an all-hands meeting, and the new corporate merger was announced. Minimal layoffs were expected. Then the new company Presidents and Vice Presidents were introduced. Jamar was there, and we made eye contact.

There was an enormous corporate party a few nights later, and I went with my new girlfriend, Amber. Amber dressed well, looked great on my arm, and was rather well-spoken. But she was not in Jenn’s class. That was made plainly evident when Jamar was announced, with Jenn on his arm. She was wearing the very same outfit she wore the night she was *****. Only she looked quite happy to be on the arm of her ******, and the huge ring on her finger made it plain she was his wife.

I was the only one laid-off two days later… I lost to the man I had beat.