A Distraught Housewife

by RLM

Sandy's Story

It was almost 11:00 PM, and, as usual, I was alone in our den watching some meaningless TV sitcom. My eyes kept darting back and forth between the TV set and the clock on the mantle. "He should be home soon", I thought. "Maybe tonight he would not be totally exhausted and we could have some time together." I knew it was a forlorn hope, but I tried to remain positive.

It had begun a little over six months before when Carson Electronics had finally gone bankrupt and closed its doors. My husband, Greg, had been a vice-president with the firm having risen from the ranks during his 7 year tenure. The $155,000 per year salary he had earned in that position had permitted us to buy an up-scale home in a very nice neighborhood, own two cars, and enroll our 8 year old ********, Gwen, in a private academy. We had joined the country club in our area, took nice vacations every year, and I had more clothes than I could possibly wear.

Now, just six months later, it had all changed. We had suddenly found ourselves with zero income and a pile of monthly bills. Greg had tried in vain to find another comparable position, but the general condition of the economy had made that pretty much impossible. He did find a good job, but its $54,000 yearly salary did not come close to covering all of our expenses. We had few options. One choice was to sell our home, one of our cars, take Gwen out of the private academy, resign from the country club, limit or eliminate our vacations, and so on. A second choice was for me to get a job so we would have two incomes. The final choice was for Greg to work two jobs.

The most straightforward option seemed to be for me to get a job. Easy to say, not so easy to do, unfortunately. I applied for numerous jobs but my lack of work experience and education beyond high school eliminated me almost immediately from consideration for good jobs. The only ones available to me usually paid minimum wage and required work during hours when I needed to be home to take care of Gwen. I simply couldn't make enough money to make my working a viable option.

Neither of us wanted to lose our home, our car, or Gwen's private academy. So, the only remaining option was for Greg to work two jobs. He had been doing this for five months now. To get to his first job by 8 AM, he had to get up between 6:30 to 7:00 AM. From 8 AM until 4 PM, he worked as an associate loan officer in a large bank. His second job was as the night manager in a local club from 4:30 PM until 11:30 PM. This gave us another $35,000 plus bonuses. So even with two jobs, we were still strapped as both together did not approach his former income as vice-president of Carson Electronics.

I heard the front door open. "Hi, Sandy. I'm home.", came Greg's tired voice.

I greeted my exhausted husband with a warm kiss, embracing him tightly. "I missed you, Honey. A lot." I kissed him again, harder. My sex starved female body pressing tightly against his masculine one. I had hoped to feel a raging erection against my belly, but he was just too exhausted. It had been like this for five months. As a result, it had now been three weeks since I had been fucked.

"Would you like some thing to eat. I have a pot roast that I've keep warm. It will only take a couple of minutes. Sound good?"

"Yeah. It really does. Thank you."

While I got the meal ready, Greg showered and changed into his pajamas. He looked a lot better when he came into the kitchen, but the fatigue was still obvious in his face. Dinner consisted of pot roast done exactly the way he likes it, potatoes cooked with the roast, fresh green beans, a salad, hot bread, and freshly made cake. Having had nothing but fast food all day, he was starved. Even so, it seemed almost too much of an effort for him to eat.

I didn't bother with the dishes after we finished. I wanted to be with him. As we walked to the bedroom, I whispered in his ear. "I'm so hot.. can we have sex tonight? I need to feel you in me."

Of course, my husband agreed. What man wouldn't. He got into the bed while I went into the bathroom to remove my clothes, wash my pussy, and put on some perfume. Five minutes later I crawled into bed with my husband, already throbbing with need and desire. He was sound asleep.

At first, I was furious! "I practically beg him to fuck me and he goes to sleep??!!" "Oh Fuck!", I said aloud. My pussy was throbbing with need. A moment later, however, I calmed down sufficiently to realize that no man can work 15 hours a day at two jobs with another 2 hours needed to get from one job to the next so that he has only 7 hours to eat, sleep, and take care of personal hygiene and still have the energy for sex. At first, Greg had continued to fuck me a couple of times a week, but as the demands of the jobs wore him down, this had deceased to once or twice a month, and it was still decreasing.

With my husband unconscious in exhausted sleep, I did the only thing I could. Spreading my legs, I moved my fingers into the wet folds of my pussy. As soon as my fingers touched my engorged clitoris, it began to dance wildly in and out of its protective hood. "Ooohhhh fuckkkk" I groaned, half hoping my moans would awaken my husband. When they didn't, I pushed two fingers into my vagina. It began to throb and contract around them immediately. I wanted to make it last, but I was just too hot. Frantically, my hand flew over my mound and clitoris with a fast, rotating motion that almost instantly worked my clitoris to the bursting point.

Planting my feet against the bed, I arched my hips high off the bed as they began to hammer up and down in fuck motions. My thighs splayed wide open as my fingers plunged in and out of my cunt and rubbed my dancing clit. It exploded!


My juices spurted out, arching over a foot into air in a gushing stream. My vagina and clitoris continued to throb for over a minute as I lay naked on the bed, my big tits heaving as I tried to suck air into my lungs. It was an intense climax, but not satisfying. I needed cock inside my body.


The next Saturday afternoon, while Greg slept at home, I was sipping a cool bloody mary on the veranda of our country club with Doris Hendricks. Gwen was playing in the swimming pool just in front of us. Doris and I had been friends for some time, and she could tell that something was deeply troubling me.

"You haven't been yourself for months, Sandy. I know something is wrong. Want to talk about it?"

Her obvious concern caused my reserve to break, and I began to sob. Doris immediately became concerned. Putting her arm around my shoulders, she handed me a tissue and just held me until I regained control.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to go to pieces like that on you. Thank you for caring and trying to help."

"Come on. What are friends for? Tell me what the problem is. Maybe I can help."

Over the next 20 minutes, I described all of our problems. Once I began talking about them, every thing just flowed out like water through a broken dam. Finally, I concluded with, "So.. we're still having some financial problems, but worst of all is that fact that Greg is totally exhausted... 15 hours a day on the job... two more traveling to and from work. It's sheer torture for him, and I can't get a job that pays anything to speak of so I can help out."

As usual, Doris went right to one of the critical problems that I had not mentioned. "A constantly exhausted husband and financial problems generally lead to really bad problems in the bedroom. Have they?"

Tears welled up again. I nodded and answered, "Yes."

"How often is Greg fucking you?"

"Once or twice month. He tries but its impossible. No man could."

"And have you found a lover yet to take the pressure off of him?"

Now I was shocked, really shocked. "No! Of course not! There's no way I could cheat on him when he out there slaving to support us."

"Okay. Just asking. Just wanted to find out how extreme your situation is. My take is that it's getting close to the breaking point. Do you know what my husband does to make enough money to support us in this lifestyle?"

"You mentioned once that he's in the publishing business in some way. He does subcontracting from a wide range of publications and businesses or something like that."

"That's right. He does. And he's very, very successful at it. Probably one of the best in the business. At least I know his services are highly prized by numerous businesses and publications. The reason I mention it is because I think he might have a job for you... one that wouldn't take you away from Gwen when she needs you."

"I've tried to get a job, but I just barely managed to finish high school, and I don't have any work experience. With that background, the only things available are low-paying, minimum-wage type jobs that have impossible work hour requirements."

"I understand that, but my husband regularly hires people who work only 2 to 3 hours a day or even less, but who make a substantial income. Would you like for me to mention your name to him. I'm sure he would be delighted to talk to you about the possibilities. You could do it when Gwen is in school and Greg is at work. Like this Monday if you like. Interested?"

"Of course I'm interested. If I don't so something to take the pressure off of Greg so he can work only one job, our marriage is simply going to collapse. When can I see your husband?"

"Just a moment." Doris took out her cell phone, punched in a quick-dial number and waited. Very quickly her husband answered. I listened to her describing my situation. Then, I heard her say, "Great. I'm sure she'll be delighted. Please try to help her if you can. Thanks, Darling."

She looked at me, smiled, and said, "One PM, his office, Monday. You know the address?"


At 12:50 PM, Monday, I waited nervously in Mark Hendricks' outer office for my 1 PM appointment. The waiting room was impressive. The walls were decorated with glossy posters of the many publications his firm had produced and also with what looked like a wide array of expensive and beautiful oil paintings. Even the chair in which I sat, was plush and comfortable, unlike the hard seats provided in many waiting rooms.

Promptly at 1 PM, I was invited to go into Mr. Hendricks' office. As soon as I entered, he rose and greeted me with a warm kiss on my cheek. I was not the least offended since we had known the Hendricks for some time and were good friends. A handshake would have been too cold and impersonal.

He indicated an even nicer chair and took one beside me rather than sit with his large, imposing desk separating us. "First, let me say, Sandy, that we had no idea... absolutely no idea.. of the financial problems you and Greg were having. If I had known, I would have approached you sooner about some work."

"We usually don't like to burden others with our personal problems." I said by way of explanation.

"Well, on the one hand, that's laudable, but on the other, it keeps your friends from assisting you when you need some help."

When I didn't response, he continued. "I'll come right to the point. The combination of your lack of college training and restricted work hours make it impossible for you find a job that will help solve your financial problems. That's what Doris has told me. Do I have it correct?"

I nodded trying to hold back tears. I was determined not to cry in this man's office.

"As you know, we subcontract various jobs for large publishing firms and various businesses. One of our primary services is to provide modeling and professional photography services to magazines, advertising companies, and mail-order businesses so that they do not have to retain such professional personnel on their own payrolls nor purchase the very expensive equipment required to do a high-class job. Understand?"

"I think so. How does that affect me?"

"We have, in-house, the professional expertise to produce the absolute highest quality video and pictorial layouts possible. We also have state-of-the-art equipment, but we hire our models on a fee-for-services basis. Most of our models are 18 to 35 years of age, some have prior experience, some don't. The primary requirement is that their appearance fits the needs of the firms who pay for our services. Work hours are short and flexible, and the pay scales surprising large."

Mark stopped and waited for a response. "You want me to model for you?", I asked with not just a little surprise.

"That's the general idea. You're about 27 or 28, extremely attractive... I hope you're not offended by my saying that, but the truth is that Doris describes you as.. how did she put it... drop-dead-gorgeous ... I believe were her words. And I agree. We could set up the working hours to fit your schedule... while Gwen is in school and Greg is working. Are you interested? Should I go on?"

"Yes, I'm interested. Please go on. What would I have to do?"

"Only whatever you're comfortable with. No more.. no less. The amount of work and the fees you would command, of course depend on what type of work you wish to do."

"This may save our lives... I hope you don't mind my being so forward as to ask what kind of money would I be making.. how much I would have to work...what, specifically, would I be doing."

"Not at all. That's the expected and correct business thing to ask. I'll give you some literature that you can study at home and discuss with Greg. I'll just give you an overview now. Ok?"

I was too much in shock and too desperate to do more than nod. "There are several types of modeling you could elect to do. For example. Many of our clients want young women to model their latest clothing lines, skirts, blouses, slacks, swimsuits, etc. They use the results to illustrate their catalogs and for magazine advertisements. As in all modeling, you would have to sign a release permitting them to publish the photographs. There's a reasonable demand for this type of work. We generally pay a flat fee of $100 an hour to the model. With this type of modeling, you could expect maybe 6 to 8 hours of work a week so you would be making about $3,000 a month.. $36,000 a year."

I was stunned...absolutely stunned. Nothing else I had found paid anything close to that amount, particularly for no more than 6 to 8 hours of work a week, and at my convenience. It was almost enough to let Greg quit one of his jobs. But, Mark continued:

"That type of modeling may be what you want, but it pays the least. There is more demand for young women to do lingerie modeling... bras, slips, panties, pantyhose, stockings, garter belts.. that sort of thing. You would have more opportunity for work, more hours that is, and the fee rate is higher, $125 per hour."

I was so excited, I could hear my heart beating. I was acutely aware of my increased breathing rate and how it was causing my large breasts to rise and fall. I saw Mark looking at them. It had been so long since I had had a man; his gaze on my tits was producing ripples of pleasure between my thighs. I felt ashamed, but also, incredibly turned on.

"Another choice available to you is similar to lingerie modeling, but at the same time, very different. Fredericks of Hollywood and Victoria Secrets contracts with us among others for this type of modeling. It involves young women modeling lingerie, but much more erotic garments such as demi bras, bras with nipple cutouts, transparent and crotchless panties and pantyhose, teddies, transparent bedroom attire, mesh stockings, 5 inch heels, and so on. This type of modeling pays between $150 to $200 per hour depending on the beauty of the model, her experience, and demeanor."

"Demeanor? Why is that important?"

Mark's face flushed. "Well, some women just aren't comfortable looking sensuous and sexy. If the model feels like that, the result will be poor. We have to have models who are enjoying their work, so to speak. Understand?"

I nodded. "Is that all the choices?"

"Not quite. We have numerous contracts from a wide variety of men's magazines and a much smaller number for magazines that target women as their audience. They require full nudity, sensuality... you know. You must have seen some of these magazines."

"And what's the fee for that type of modeling?"

"$250 to $300 an hour."

"Any others?"

"Probably none that would interest you. The rest is video .. essentially legal pornography.. showing a variety of different sex acts between consenting adults. That type of modeling carries very large fees that depend upon the beauty, sensuality, and popularity of the women. That's about it. Why not take this literature that goes over everything I've told you in complete detail and discuss it with Mark. Give me a call if you're interested. We would really like to help you out. I would try to direct as much work to you as you want."

"I don't know how to thank you."

"You just did. Give me a call."


That night around 11:45 PM I had just finished explaining the situation to Greg. I wasn't certain how much he had grasped. He was so tired and sleepy, I had to wake him twice. "What do you think?" I asked.

"Gee, Sandy. I don't know. I guess your working is fine if you think it would help. The fees seem way too big. You may have misunderstood. Doesn't seem possible for you to make so much. Why would they pay you that much?"

"I guess they pay models that much. I really don't know. Should I do it? Are you OK with it? I need to know."

Greg nodded off again. After I shook him awake, he said, "Sure... if you want to do it, go ahead. Every little bit would help. I really need to get to bed. I'm just exhausted. What kind of modeling did you say you would be doing. Hard to remember."

"Certainly the first kind... dresses, slacks, sweaters, normal clothes. But Mark said there was a very limited amount of such work available so the amount I could make doing just that will help but probably not get us out of this mess. How about I do that and also lingerie modeling. That should give me all the work I can handle and still take care of Gwen, and the money may be enough. Ok?"

"Yeah.. ok. I've got to go to bed." With that, my husband staggered off to the bedroom where he was asleep in less than two minutes.

The thought of modeling had me incredibly excited. Another night with no sex. I just had to get us out of the situation. My husband was going to die of overwork and lack of sleep, and I was going to go crazy if I didn't get some sex soon.


Two days later, I had my first photo shoot. I was modeling bras, panties, and stockings for use in fashion catalogs. I was relieved to find that the models dressed in private and wore a robe out to the shoot. When the photographers and lighting crews were ready, we took off the robes and posed as they directed.

"The first set of shots, Sandy, will be of you wearing each one of the bras that are on your dressing table. Put on the stockings, heels, and skirt but just the bra above the waist. We'll take a series of shots with each bra until we've gone through all of them. Then we'll go on to the rest. OK?"

I nodded and went to the dressing room to get ready. It didn't take long. Before going back, I debated whether or not I should put on the robe. I decided against it and walked back with nothing but the bra on above my waist. Most of the men on the set stopped what they were doing to check out my big tits... 36D in case you're wondering. I flushed with pride when I saw them looking, and at the same time, I could feel the wetness forming between my thighs.

The first shots were normal frontal and side shots. The more I posed, the more excited I became. I had thought that I would freeze with nervousness. It was just the opposite. When the camera boom moved up over me to take a shot down my cleavage, I felt my vagina throb.

"Lean forward, Sandy. Just a little to maximize the cleavage the bra shows. Most women want to be also to show some. Let them see just how much they can show off with the bra. That's what sells the product."

I did exactly as he directed. When the cameraman on the boom was snapping pics, I not only leaned way over to expose as much cleavage as possible, I also pulled my shoulders back to thrust my tits as far out as I could. Several of the crew whistled their appreciation... god... it was wonderful. I had an overpowering urge to do more.

We did an entire series of different types of bras, ach one more erotic than the last one. By the time I put on the last one, the bra cups exposed the entire inner slopes of both of my tits. My nipples were just barely covered. When I returned to the set, the men stared openly. Jack had me pose at a desk, leaning over the desk, my tits hanging down, kneeling on a bed, then lying on the bed on my back with the camera directly over me. Of course, they did the shot from above that showed the maximum cleavage. Jack decided that it would be sexier if I wore a flimsy white blouse open all the way down for this shot. There was so little to the bra, that the shot with my blouse open made it appear that I had no bra on at all. The photo would certainly sell a lot of bras to women who wanted to show off their tits.

When they had taken the overhead shot, Jack announced that was it for the bras. "Take a short break, Sandy. Then we'll start on the panty shots."

I couldn't believe how excited I was. All the men were looking at my large breasts. I knew they were all wondering what my nipples looked like. As I stood up, I pulled off both the blouse and the bra and walked to the dressing with both of my big tits exposed, swinging and bouncing. Before I got to the dressing room, I turned to face all the men. "Jack, what do I wear above the waist for the panty shots?"

"Just put on one of the bras. That way a blouse won't block any of the shots of the panties."

Back in the dressing room, I looked over the assortment of panties laid out neatly on the table. There was one pair that was blue and nearly transparent. It was obvious that my ass would show through them. If my pussy weren't shaved, my bush would have shown as well. I elected to model them first to get over any nervousness I might have. I chose the last bra I had modeled to wear. It was the most revealing and, for some reason I couldn't understand, I wanted my breasts exposed.

Pulling the blue panties up my legs, I examined myself in the double mirror that permitted me to see my back. They showed even more than I thought they would. I could hardly wait to go outside wearing them. I wondered if they would soak through with my cuntal secretions and become even more transparent.

When I emerged wearing the blue panties, heels, and the low-cut bra, all eyes were on me. I could feel the hungry male stares boring between my thighs, into my bra, caressing my exposed ass. I shuddered with excitement. I didn't understand why this was turning me on so much. I had never been an exhibitionist. What in hell had come over me?

The photographer took a dozen photos, many of my exposed ass, before Jack told me to go change. The next pair were white, totally opaque, but they were cut high. The sides were nothing more than a strap. All of my thighs were exposed. I pulled them up tighter than necessary so that the panties sank into my ass crack and cuntal slit. I felt like a total slut.

After that came a pair of form-fitting pink panties that were on the modest side. I realized I felt somewhat disappointed. Another white pair of bikini style panties followed. They fit snuggly about my hips and thighs but were opaque. The fifth pair was the same type that had a leopard skin pattern. I felt sexy and erotic in them.

The last pair was a white thong. I covered none of my ass and very little of my cunt. They were partially transparent. When I looked in the mirror, I could see a hazy outline of my slit. The sight made my cunt throb.

I felt almost naked on the set. I saw two men adjusting their pants. One had an obvious erection. I had to press my thighs together the excitement was so intense. Jack posed me a dozen different ways.... standing, bending over from the front, bending over from the back, a shot that I knew showed my naked ass. He had me sit on the arm of a chair, and then lie on the bed on my back. Finally, I was directed to lie on my side. The photographer zeroed in on the panties, snapped two pictures, and then moved closer and toward my feet for some more shots from that angle. As he aimed the camera, I raised my right leg and planted my heel on the bed. The position completely opened my thighs and he was aiming the camera right between my legs. I heard the shutter click several times before he moved much closed, focused right on the crotch of my panties and took several more shots. I fully realized that these pics would never be published. He was taking them just so he would have a photograph of my opened legs. The white thong became soaked, almost transparent. I felt like I was going to have an orgasm.

Fortunately for my modesty, Jack called a halt to the set. "OK. Sandy, we're almost done. You're doing fantastically well. Just unbelievable! All we have left is a dozen or so pairs of pantyhose and thigh-high stockings. Let's do them and call it a day."

"How do you want me dressed for those shots?", I asked Jack, standing in front of him and all the other men with a hand on my hip wearing nothing but the skimpy bra, thong, and 4-inch heels.

Jack thought for a moment and said. "Put on one of the blouses in the dressing room with a bra, and pair of matching panties. Pick any one you like. Then the stockings or pantyhose."

I sauntered off to the dressing room swinging my ass as I went. I knew I was acting like a slut, but I didn't seem to be able to stop. I dressed as Jack had directed and returned to the set. They had pushed a bed into place along with a chair and a couch. The photographer took shot after shot of me on all of them. In some, I had my legs crossed. In others, Jack wanted them open with my feet on the floor. Finally, there were only two pair of thigh-highs left.

Neither pair of stockings had elastic tops so I needed a garter belt with each. I thought both would look good with one of the black belts on the table. It was little more than a narrow belt around my waist with several straps hanging down to hold the stockings up. I put on a reddish-brown pair with patterned tops and hooked the garters making sure the stockings were pulled up high and tight. There was a matching transparent blouse that I liked, so I put it on over the black bra I had selected. A black miniskirt and black heels completed my outfit.

Looking at myself in the mirror, I flushed red with a mixture of embarrassment and sexual heat. "If this outfit doesn't get them all hard, nothing will", I thought. When I returned, I was hoping for an enthusiastic response, and I got it. "Wow", Jack exclaimed. "If that doesn't sell those stockings, nothing will."

Again, I was posed in a variety of positions. Until finally, Jack had me sitting in a chair upholstered in red with my feet on the floor, legs crossed. The photographer snapped some shots, but Jack didn't like the pose. "Bring that table over next the chair", he directed.

When it was in place beside me, he said, "Sandy put your feet up on the table, both of them."

I did as he directed. The pose was almost obscene. With my legs up on the table, my ass was elevated and the spread of my thighs took the viewers attention away from the stockings and focused it on my panty-covered pussy. "That won't do. Close your legs, Sandy. Press them together so the viewer sees the stockings." When I did it, Jack smiled. "That's perfect! Get that shot. Get it!" The photographer was on top of it and snapped several shots from different angles.

The last pair of stockings were black with black tops. The blouse I had worn with the last pair didn't go well with black. So I took off the blouse and came out wearing all black, bra, panties, mini skirt, stockings, and heels. The men whistled again. One guy said, "Now that's one dangerous woman in black."

After a couple of dozen shots, Jack was looking for one more... something special he said. "How about if I sit on the side of the bed with one foot on the floor and the other lifted a little... like this?"

"Sexy, but we've got some shots almost like that. We need something to really catch the viewer's eye. Any ideas anyone?"

Several were suggested, but none seemed to satisfy Jack. Finally, he was shaking his head. "Well, I guess we'll just have to go with what we have. They're pretty good... in fact, more than pretty good... they're really good."

"How about this?" I asked. Every man looked at me. I was still sitting on the side of the bed with one heel on the floor, the other one raised to mid-calf, the same pose I had suggested before that Jack had rejected, but this time with one significant difference. While the men were discussing different possibilities, I had pulled down my black panties and they were now around the ankle of my raised leg and the knee of the one on the floor. My raised thigh concealed my now naked pussy so that the shot would be erotic but in no way obscene.

The effect of the pose was electric. Male mouths opened all around the room. Several hands squeezed freshly produced bulges in their pants. Jack was mesmerized. Finally, he found his voice: "YES! YES! THAT'S IT. GET THAT SHOT!"

Five minutes later, my first photo shoot was history. Two and half hours had passed. As I drove home I realized that I now had $325 more than I had had that morning. I also realized that I had a very wet cunt.


That evening I put Gwen to bed around 8 PM and then sat down to wait for Greg to come home. I had incredibly mixed emotions. I was appalled at my behavior at the photo shoot. I knew I had acted like a total slut, but once it started, it was so incredibly erotic. I couldn't remember being that turned on in a long time. As soon as I had gotten Gwen in bed, I couldn't resist masturbating with my fingers and my vibrator. It had only taken me a few minutes to have an intense orgasm.

That orgasm had taken the edge off my raging sexual desire, but a vibrator and my fingers were a poor substitute for a cock and a man. I hoped that Greg wouldn't be too tired tonight, but I knew it was hopeless. Fifteen hours of work a day for six months would finish any man. He was just too tired to even think in the evening, and since a man's sexual organ is really his brain, being that tired all the time kept him from getting erections. Even when he did, he was too exhausted to do much. As a result, it had been over a month since I had been fucked.

One thing was absolutely clear to me. If I continued to go back for more modeling sessions, I was going to end up having sex with one or more of the men. Just one session had turned me into a near helpless slut. But if I didn't do more sessions, Greg would never be able to return to a normal life where we had sexual relations like any man and wife. In addition, he hardly ever saw his ******** anymore. She was asleep when he came home, and he had to leave before she got up. And, at this rate, there weren't going to be anymore children, at least not with my husband as the father. That thought made me tremble, both from excitement and fear.

At 9:30 PM, Mark Hendricks called. "Hi Sandy, Mark Hendricks here. I just called to tell you that I just got Jack's report of the photo shoot this afternoon, and he showed me some of the results. You were fantastic! Jack is amazed and elated. To quote him exactly, he said, "She's absolute dynamite in front of a camera. It was incredible to watch." I just wanted you to know how pleased we are. Jack said you worked two and a half hours. At $125 per hour, that's $325. I told him to add another $100 just to show how much we appreciate the quality of your work."

"I hardly know what to say. Thank you for the bonus. We can certainly use it. But.. well.. I have to tell you that... well.. "

"Is there a problem?" Mark asked, concern obvious in his voice.

"I can't think of any nice way to put this, Mark. The truth is I behaved like a total slut this afternoon. I don't think I can do any more modeling... but then I know if I don't, Greg is going to kill himself with work trying to support us and pay our bills. I just don't know what to do."

"Tell you what, Sandy. I know Greg doesn't get home for a couple of hours yet. Would you mind if I have Doris drop by for a girl-to-girl chat. I think she can help you a lot."

"I don't mind at all. Would she mind coming all the way over here this late?"

"It's only a 10 minute drive. She'll be there in about 15. And Sandy... I'm looking forward to a very long, very mutually profitable working relationship between us. Within a few months, Greg will be able to quit one of his jobs. In six months, he could probably quit both of them if he wants to. Doris will be there shortly. Good night."


Doris arrived at my front door in slightly less than the 15 minutes that Mark had estimated. I poured us both a glass of wine and we sat across from one another in the kitchen sipping it.

"We don't have a lot of time before Greg comes home so if you don't mind, Sandy, I'd like to get straight to the point. Are you cool with that?"

"Yes. In fact, I would appreciate it."

"Mark told me about your conversation a little while ago. He said you were considering not modeling for him any longer because you had behaved like... how did you put it... like a total slut, I believe. Is that more or less correct?"

"That's what I said."

For what seemed like a long time, Doris didn't say a word. She just sipped the wine and looked down at the table top. Finally, she spoke.

"Sandy, when Mark and I started his publishing/consulting business, we didn't have a dime. We had to borrow money to rent the photographic equipment, and our studio was an abandoned warehouse that we rented for practically nothing. Mark had a friend who was very skilled at photography even though he wasn't a professional. He was our one and only photographer."

"I wasn't aware of that. That's really amazing that you built such a business from next to nothing."

"It was. It still is. My point is that we had no contracts, and we had essentially no money left after getting the warehouse and renting the equipment. Where do you think we got the professional models we had to have to build the business?"

"Friends?" I suggested.

Doris chuckled. "How many female friends do you have who could be sexy, professional models? And of those, how many would do it for no money?"

"How did you manage it then?"

"Simple. I was the one and only model. I did it all.. the clothes, the lingerie, the exotic lingerie, the posing for nude shots in men's magazines, and so on. I was younger then, of course, but even so, I wasn't in your class. Fortunately, there was much less competition in those days so I was able to do the job for us."

"Do you think I acted slutty? Do you think I felt like a slut doing it?" Doris asked, looking directly into my eyes.

"I don't know. Did you?"

"Never! We needed my help. Without it, we would have failed and be poverty stricken today. Now, Greg needs your help or he's going to die from overwork. Even if he doesn't, your marriage is a sham right now. You told me that your husband hasn't fucked you in a month or so."

"I can see why you didn't feel badly about doing it, but while you were posing.. didn't you get sexually excited? turned on.. that sort of thing?"

"Of course I did. Alan, our photographer, was taking erotic photos of me everyday. I was wearing practically nothing. Then when I started doing the modeling for men's magazines, he saw it all... my tits, my ass, my cunt, all of it, and he was directing me.. telling me to spread wider... to arch my ass... to lean forward so my tits would hang freely... every day.. My husband was never present. He didn't want to inhibit me. And I got hot... I mean hot! My pussy was dripping. I could feel my clitoris throbbing with excitement."

"A woman is supposed to get excited when she's naked or nearly naked in front of a virile, handsome man... or any man for that matter. And in our business, if I hadn't gotten excited and hot, it would have shown in the photos and we would never have been able to market them. Mark is wildly excited over your work precisely because you were excited...hot.. and your excitement is obvious in the photos. He says everyone of the photo sets taken today is going to command top price."

Now it was my turn to be silent for an extended period. "Can I be totally honest with you?"

"Absolutely! This is between the two of us. I won't even tell Mark."

"I've told you that Greg and I haven't had sex in a month or more. Even when we last did it, he wasn't able to maintain an erection. He was just too tired. I was able to manage a weak climax before he lost it. That's the total extent of our sex life in the last five or six weeks." I paused, rubbed my head, and then plunged ahead.

"I wasn't just acting slutty today. I was a lot more than just hot. I wanted all those men to fuck me... to ravish me. I was deliberately trying to excite them so that they would. If I go back and continue to model, I'm going to end up being fucked and unfaithful."

"So? What's the big deal about that? Do you think that Alan didn't fuck me countless times while I was posing for him. He would get so hard that no man could have resisted, and I would have been humiliated if he had."

"Does Mark know that?"

"Of course he does. I told him before it happened that it was going to... I told when it did happen ... and I continued to tell him all the sexy hot details every time Alan fucked me. Our sex life got better.. not worse. Just one word of caution: When the time comes to tell Greg, be certain he's fucking you when you tell him."

"Listen to me. A huge amount of the pain of the world, the unhappiness, the grief, the divorce, the broken homes, the suffering, the stress, wars, murders, everything.. is due to the nonsense that love and sex are the same thing. They're not. They never have been. Every religion of the world claims that they're inseparable. Why do they persist in such obvious nonsense? Because it gives the priests, the rabbis, the Imans, the preachers of the world enormous power. It allows them and others who subscribe to this absurdity to control our lives. They can tell you who you can fuck and who you can't. They can dictate when you can fuck and when you can't. And if this produces pain, grief, unhappiness, so what? They have what they want. Lawyers make their living in large part due to this nonsense."

"So Sandy, it's up to you. You can live with the idea that if you have sex with someone else, you're a slut and unworthy. You can turn down the very job that will save your home, your child's education, your husband's health, your marriage and your happiness so that you can claim to be a virtuous woman in the eyes of religion. Or you can tell others who live by that nonsense to go to hell and save everything dear to you and in the process, have a wonderful time and a fulfilling, marvelous life. I chose the later, and I've never regretted it, and neither has Mark."

"That's all I have to say. Mark has set up another photo shoot tomorrow at noon. You'll be doing exotic lingerie, and you can be certain that all the men on the set are going to see most of your hot body. I hope you show up."

She kissed me on the cheek and a moment later, I was alone in my kitchen.


I was on the set 15 minutes early the next day, and I had come with a new image of myself, thanks to Doris. Instead of the jeans and sweater I had worn the first day, I wore a form-fitting sheathe that exposed a substantial amount of cleavage, thigh-high stockings, and sandals with 3 inch heels. Underneath, the push-up demi bra accented my already large breasts to the point that instead of 36D, they appeared to be 38DD. There wasn't much to the nearly transparent, bikini panties that I wore.

Jack gave me a big smile and a "thumbs-up" sign as soon as I walked onto the set. The lighting crew stopped work to look me over. The photographer was a different guy. Jack introduced me to Felix. He couldn't take his eyes off my thrusting tits. I didn't have to be Einstein to figure out that he was thinking about they would look like through the viewfinders of his cameras.

"I was worried that you were going to desert us, Sandy. Mark had warned me that you might not show."

"Well, I'm here and you don't have to worry about that any longer. I'll be here for as long as you want me. What am I modeling today?"

"Today, it's exotic lingerie. More explicit than yesterday. Sexier. Are you cool with that?"

"Watch me", I responded immediately. "If it's not hot enough, let me know. What do we start with?"

"All the outfits are in your dressing room. Go get ready. Joanne will help you with the makeup. We'll start as soon as you're ready. I know every guy here is more than ready."

I felt myself flush with a mixture of pride, pleasure, and not just a little female heat.


The first outfit was a black corset with matching black thigh-high seamed stockings and 4-inch heels. Looking at myself in the mirror, I had to admit that it was very sexy by itself. I put on a black bra and panties and strolled out to the set.

"Ready, Guys? Their stares were more than enough to tell me that were ready. "Where do you want me, Jack? That is, where do you want me to pose. I have a pretty good idea where you want me."

"That chair will do just fine, Sandy. Put your hands on the arms and bend over so the shapes of your ass and legs show."

I assumed the pose and Felix snapped away. As usual, Jack wasn't satisfied. "No. Don't think so. Let's try the couch or the bed. The chair isn't doing it."

"Is this better?" I asked unsnapping my bra and then slowly removing the black panties in full view of the men. This time when I assumed the same pose, my big tits hung down and there was no problem seeing my ass."

Felix's mouth fell open. Jack stared into my eyes and rubbed his bulge. "Perfect. Just perfect. Get some shots of that, Felix."

As soon as he had taken a half dozen exposures, Jack decided there was no way to better those shots and said lets go on to the next corset.

The next item was a grey and black patterned teddy. The bodice just barely covered my tits. There were matching panties, brown thigh-highs with black tops, and white stilettos with 5-inch heels and straps. It was a real "fuck-me" get up. And the way I was beginning to feel, I was hoping someone would do just that.

Jack posed me a lot of ways. After two dozen or so shots, he had me leaning against a glass top table. Felix took a couple of shots before Jack said, "Open you legs a little more, Sandy." I did and Felix snapped more photos. I thought that was be it, but, to my surprise, Jack looked at me and asked, "Any suggestions before we go to the next set?"

I hoisted my left leg up onto the table and planted the heel on its surface leaving my other foot on the floor. The position spread me wide open. My pussy throbbed when I saw half the crew moving closer and moving into better positions to see between my thighs. "How about this?"

"Oh fuck.. fantastic!", I heard Jack whisper. He nodded at Felix who couldn't take enough shots of me. When he was shooting directly between my nopen legs, Jack intervened before he mounted me. The way I felt, I would have loved it.

"Do you like this even better?" I asked as I pulled the top down just enough to expose both of my nipples? For effect, I stuffed some bills in my bra and the top of one stocking. One of the lighting crew left abruptly and headed to the men's room. I felt like I might have an orgasm. Felix took another two dozen shots.

It went on like that for almost three hours. Outfit after sexy outfit. Finally, there was only one left, a yellow corset/garter belt with beige stockings and the same 5-inch white stilettos I had worn earlier. There wasa sun dress that went with it. To see the corset, which was the object of the shoot, I would have to raise the dress. I looked around but couldn't find any matching panties. Instead of this bothering me, I felt more of my juices seep onto my thighs.

This time, Jack suggested the pose we finally used. I was facing away from the camera, bent over slightly to thrust my ass out but not enough to expose my pussy. My hands were on my ass to emphasize the corset and draw attention to how sexy it made my ass look. Once Felix had finished those pictures, Jack called it a day.

"OK, folks. That's a wrap. Let's shut it down and call it a day. Sandy, don't run off. I need to have a word with you."

As the lighting crew moved to start shutting every thing, I called out to them. "Hey, Guys! I bet most of you like this pose better than any of the others we've tried this afternoon."

When all the men turned in my direction, they saw me lying on the carpet, my left leg lying flat on the carpet, my right one steepled and spread wide open. With no panties on, my entire cunt was on display. For good measure, I had my hand touching the top of my clit. There was no argument about it being their favorite pose of the day.


Before I went back to the dressing room, Jack caught me. "Well, that was quite a finish, I must say. You have me and every other guy here hard as stone."

"That was the idea", I grinned.

"Well, it worked. I'm supposed to tell you that Mark and Doris want you to have dinner with them tonight. I'm going to drive you over. One of the crew will take your car home. Mark will take you back when the evening is over. Mark said to tell you that he's already arranged to have his personal secretary pick up Gwen and take care of her until you get home."

"Why can't I just drive myself?"

"Mark's worried that you'll have too much to drink or something and won't be in condition to drive home. Anyway, that's what he wants. I just work for the man. I'll wait for you outside."

As I dressed in my original sheathe, I reflected on two things. First, at $200 per, I had earned $600 for the afternoon's work. With the $425 from yesterday, I had made over a $1,000 in two days. That was more than Greg had made as vice president of Carson Electronics. And the second thing was .. well you can guess... my throbbing, soaking wet pussy and no man to take care of it.


Mark and Doris met me at the door of their home. Doris kissed me on the cheek. Mark was more forward, hugging me and then kissing me on the mouth. In my state, I knew that I returned his kiss with even more intensity than he had given it. When he finally broke the kiss, I flushed red. His wife was standing right there.

"Doris.. I'm sorry. I just got a little carried away. The afternoon was ... well.. very exciting."

"So we heard", Doris smiled. "Jack phoned us about it while you were changing. Don't worry about kissing my randy husband. In your place, I would have probably ***** him. Come on into the den. We have another guest I want you to meet."

As we entered the spacious den, a young man around 25 or so rose to greet us. "This is Wayne Bowman. He's our special projects manager. That title means he gets paid a lot and he handles the projects that require his personal attention. Wayne, meet Sandy Matson. She's the new model I told you about."

"Wow! You're even more beautiful than Doris suggested. We're very lucky to have you working for us."

I moved closer and turned my cheek for his kiss. He promptly turned it back so that my mouth was available and covered it with his lips. It was a light kiss, but as his lips touched mine, his tongue slipped out and very lightly ran over the surface of mine. In my state, the effect was electrifying. I shuddered and he knew it.

We had drinks and I had time to look over the man Mark had obviously invited to be my "date" for the evening. He was about 25, dark-headed, piercing brown eyes and heavy eyebrows, full lips, ruggedly handsome. He had a very masculine, virile appearance with a beautifully muscled body to match. In short, the man was a "hunk".

Naturally, Mark and Doris had seated Wayne next to me at dinner. I hardly knew what I was eating. Mark kept up a constant stream of conversation, mainly informing Wayne how erotic I had been on the set that afternoon. It didn't embarrass me because I hardly heard a word. All I could think about was Wayne's hand on my legs.

He had started at my knees. The sheathe was short and both of my knees and half of both thighs were exposed. At first, it was a light, gentle touch first on one knee..then on the other... caressing me... stroking me. By the time the salads were removed, his hand reached halfway up my thighs. He paid equal attention to each... over the top.. down to the knee... back up the inside of my thighs..higher..higher.. I was panting and having difficulty keeping my eyes open and my tongue from extending and flicking over my top lip.

Everyone knew what was happening under the table, and I knew that they knew, but I couldn't have cared less. I wanted this! I NEEDED this! And Wayne was giving it to me.

The entree arrived. It was a superb veal scaloppini with wine sauce, fresh asparagus, and a broasted potato with spices, but I was too hot and excited to eat. Wayne took mercy on me and removed his hand and nodded at the food. I soon found that I was very hungry and enjoyed the meal enormously.

As soon as the dishes were removed and the chef brought in the dessert, Wayne's hand was back on my thigh. Higher this time.. under my sheathe.. on my inner thighs. He caressed them lightly.. pushing higher until his upward progress was blocked by my closed legs. Throughout dessert, he continued to stroke me. My vagina and clitoris were throbbing with intense need. His hand exerted gentle outward pressure... telling me in the way a man always tells a woman that he needs access... he needs her to open herself. I spread my legs. His hand moved to my cunt. I spread even wider.

Suddenly my body trembled, my eyes squeezed shut, and I couldn't keep my head from tilting backwards. Mark and Doris watched Wayne making me cum. The trembling finally subsided, but my breath had deepened and my chest was heaving.

"I don't think Sandy is hungry for dessert, at least not what we're serving here. Why don't you show her the rest of the house, Wayne."

I never even occurred to me to resist when Wayne took my hand and led me up the stairs to the upper level. Having had no sex for six weeks, having teased and exhibited myself like a slut for hours all afternoon, and finally to have this hunk caressing me all through dinner, I was totally helpless. Even though I had just had an orgasm, I needed more... a lot more.

Wayne took me into the first bedroom, shut the door and was all over me instantly. In no time, he had my sheathe and bra off leaving me in just panties, stockings, and heels.

"You're a luscious piece", he whispered in my ear. The words, which I hadn't heard from my husband in months, thrilled me to the core.

I sauntered across the bedroom floor with my 4-inch heels thrusting my ass out and emphasizing the curves of my legs. I knew I looked good and hoped I was exciting this man. The erotic wickedness of knowing that he was going to fuck me, going to drive his cock into my married cunt hole, sent shivers of delight through me until I was quivering with eagerness.

I saw Wayne's eyes settling on my crotch. His eyes bored inward seeking out my core. "God", I thought. "I may cum again before he even gets into me."

I felt his hand sliding over my flared hips. He knelt and pulled my crotch toward his face. A moment later, I gasped in intense pleasure when I felt his mouth against my nylon-covered pussy. I heard the man inhaling the heady odor of my cunt. I was so wet...so hot, even I could smell it. His mouth nibbled at me causing me to squirm in intense delight. He obviously loved the aroma of my cunt.

I ran my hand down across his shoulders feeling the hard bulge of his muscles that rippled with excitement as he buried his mouth into my crotch.

"My panties are soaked. Let me take them off. Please."

Wayne grinned, "That's the best request I've heard in a long time."

I gazed down at the stud. A lewd twist curled my lips... this was easily the hottest sex I had ever had... even counting my wedding night. I arched my naked tits forward letting him see how hard he had made my nipples. I saw his cock jerk in response inside his pants. He looked large... really large... my cunt contracted at the thought.

My panties were a sodden mess when I peeled them down my thighs and then tossed them aside onto the floor. Turning my back to him, I bent over to pick up my panties fully aware of how the plump mounds of my ass bulged out in his face. I wondered how much of my shaved cunt he could see.

Wayne apparently was almost as turned on as I was. He stepped behind me and ran his hands over my shoulders and back and from there, down to the full spheres of my ass cheeks. I pivoted around swinging my tits into his bare, muscular chest as my belly rotated against the bulge of his cock.

"Oh god... please... take it out... I want to see it."

"You take it out", he commanded.

My fingers trembled as I removed his pants. The enormous bulge his iron hard erection made in his jockey briefs was awesome. His cock was so big, the head had pushed out of the top of the briefs by a full three inches. I yanked his briefs down exposing the full extent of his sex gun. That's the way I thought of it... a sex gun... a huge sex gun that was going to fire shell after shell of hot male cum into my belly.

It was maybe 9 inches in length and so thick I couldn't get my hand all the way around it. I squeezed it and the huge, powerful male snake jerked wildly in my hand. It felt like an iron bar. Juices were streaming from my cunt as I felt it throbbing in my hand.

"I want you to fuck my brains out. Don't stop. Don't pay any attention if I beg you to slow down or stop. Ignore me.. I want you to fuck me like I've never been fucked before. I NEED IT.. OOOHHH GOD... I NEED IT!"

With that, I plunged the huge dick into my wet sucking mouth and took as much of him inside as I could.

"Ooohhh fuck!" Wayne groaned and pushed in deeper.

I opened wide and let him shove it into my throat. I expected to gag, but I was so hot and wild for him, I took him deep without gagging. I had never, ever done this for my husband.

Wayne finally withdrew his cock from my mouth even though I desperately tried to keep it inside. He reached for the heaving mounds of my tits and used them like handles to pull me up flush against his hard, masculine body. I guided them, one at a time, into his mouth when he sucked my nipples until it felt like they would burst. I realized I was moaning.. begging him to go easy... he ignored me and sucked even harder ... just as I had told him to. I was at his mercy and loved it.

Wayne moved us to the bed. He lay on his back and pulled me over him. I scrambled to mount him. Frantically, I squirmed my crotch over his rigid, upright cock until I was finally able to position the mouth of my cunt hole over the big head. He slipped into my drenched, steaming channel like a well-oiled shaft.

I went wild. I pumped my ass up and down hard..fast. Our bodies slammed together. I leaned forward and let my tits dangle against his big powerful chest. He held my hips and began to ram himself into me with hard, driving, fast strokes... one after the other.


I heard myself hissing in intense female pleasure as this fantastic stud fucked me. I churned my wet pussy against his turgid pole as my thighs gripped his body in a vise. My cunt erupted.


I felt Wayne unleash a huge fountain of hot jism into the burning channel of my convulsing cunt hole. His sex gun...fired.. point blank.. into me. It fired again.. another huge volley..."AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhh....yes...CUM IN MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE", I shrieked as his gun blasted into me again and again.

"You are a great fuck", Wayne said. "An absolutely unbelievably great fuck! I can't ever remember shooting off that much cum into any woman. And you cunt just exploded around me... again and again... DAMN!"

I was shaking and crying with gratitude as I kissed him harder than I've kissed any man. "Ohhhh thank you... thank you... you'll never know how much I needed that."

I waited a moment for my pussy to stop throbbing, and then whispered in his ear, "Can you fuck me like that again? Please. I'll suck you till your hard and ready."

I hardly needed to suck this marvelous stallion. He was already halfway hard when I put it back into my mouth. In less than a minute or so, he had a new, raging hard on that was once again forcing its way down my throat. I sucked him hard, pulling his ass hard to force his cock down my throat. Saliva dripped from my chin and his balls as he pumped in and out of me.

As I sucked him, I glanced at the door and saw that Mark and Doris had come in to watch. He had his wife bent over a chair with her skirt up around her waist. He was behind her slowly pumping his cock in and out of her cunt as they both watched Wayne doing me. I was shocked to realize that I loved having them watch me getting fucked. I sucked even harder until his balls were on my chin.

"Oh Honey", Doris sighed. "Just look at that. She's actually sucking all of Wayne's cock. I've never seen anyone able to do that. OOhhh..sooo hot... please... fuck me harder, Darling."

Pulling out of my mouth, Wayne turned me over onto my stomach. "OOohhh god... you're going to fuck me doggie, aren't you... jeeezzz... it's going to come out of my mouth in that position...... hurry..hurry...please hurry."

"You've got a beautiful ass", Wayne said as he stroked it, spreading my cheeks so he could see my asshole. "I want to fuck your ass, but not now. Your pussy needs more attention."

I shivered in response and waited for his cock. He pushed his hands under my belly and pulled me up and back. I felt the heat of his body as he covered me. "Oooohhhhh yessss.", I moaned as I felt his cock probing between my legs and then his hands pulling my cunt lips apart to expose my hot, cum-filled hole. The cockhead hovered at my entrance, touching me there. Finally, Wayne positioned the knob in the socket of my cunt mouth and pushed in with a long, smooth stroke.

I groaned as I felt entering me...stretching me... pounding deep into my belly. I pressed my face into the bedspread to muffle my screeching cry of utter delight. His huge cock plunged into my steaming hole all the way to his balls. I felt them hitting my erect clitoris when he had all nine inches buried in me. The walls of my pussy were quivering and clutching at his rampant fucking prick.

Wayne mounted me fully and pressed his full length against my back. His hands moved to my hanging tits, squeezing them in rhythm to his thrusting cock. "Damn.. woman.. you have a tight cunt... incredible... feels like its trying to crush my cock!"

His words sent me over the top again. The orgasm surged through my body causing me to squeal with female delight... his big huge cock fucking me gloriously.... "Oooohhhhh !!"

He screwed me with obvious delight, rotating his hips to get the full feel of my hot hole. Then, I felt him swelling... his big piston making hot slurping sounds each time he slammed into the sticky slime of my cum-filled hole.

"OOoohhhhhh God! Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me! FUCK MEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!"

I felt the end of his cock push forward to hit the bottom of my cunt. A loud gasp exploded from my lungs. I knew he was close and I readied myself for his orgasm and mine.

Suddenly I came!! Flames of hot ecstasy licked through my body as my climax exploded in my cunt and belly, spreading down my thighs and legs. I could hear myself groaning and wailing. My entire body shuddered as I realized with a shock that this magnificent stallion of a man was still hard inside my cunt. His shaft felt like an iron bar in me.. ramming... thrusting... demanding that I spread wider... hunch ... pleasure his male shaft as a woman is supposed to do. He was holding back his load to continue to please me.


I was panting, hot, out of control and Wayne knew it. I shuddered through another orgasm, helpless under this stud who was playing my cunt like virtuoso. He rammed in deep... all the way to the bottom of my throbbing channel.


I felt my juices spurt out between our connected organs as Wayne's load pumped into me again and again and again.


The sensuous evening with the Hendricks was a life saver for me. I had been going crazy for lack of sex. Sleeping beside my husband every night without him being able to take care of my needs was sheer torture. It was still extremely frustrating, but thanks to Wayne's big cock, I could stand it.

After a week, I had moved on to more erotic modeling that included nudity but not actual sex. With my body sometimes totally exposed on the set, everyone was getting more and more turned on. Jack was having to call more frequent breaks so we could all calm down and concentrate on making the photos appealing and erotic instead of hard cocks and my wet pussy.

"Sandy, has Mark told you how well your photos are selling. The prices they are commanding is rising every day, but you're driving everyone of us crazy on the set. You're just every guy's hottest wet dream."

Naturally, I loved hearing all that. Of course, I was doing every thing I could to excite the men. I had finally realized that I had been a closet exhibitionist all my life. Now it was out in the open, and I was free to enjoy my previously secret desires for real. I was in a near constant state of sexual arousal as I took full advantage of the situation.

Unfortunately, my ability to give all the men on the set raging erections didn't extend to Greg. Most of the time, he would eat and then fall into an exhausted sleep. The only uncertainty was whether he would fall asleep on the couch trying to watch TV or collapse into our bed and be asleep within 30 seconds. I essentially gave up when he fell asleep in bed one night while I was sucking his cock. One second, it was hard and throbbing inside my mouth. When I pulled it out to slide my tongue over the head, I was shocked to feel it losing its erection even as I was licking. I put it back inside my mouth, but my husband was already in a deep sleep. I knew at that point, the only possible solution was for me to make enough money that Greg could quit his second job.

The situation on the set changed significantly one Tuesday afternoon. I had been modeling a variety of sensuous outfits, many of which exposed my breasts and some my ass. A few of the outfits made it essentially impossible for me to keep my pussy covered. Toward the end of the session, I was modeling an erotic bedroom outfit with my wrists handcuffed in front of me to simulate a bondage situation. It was obviously a photo intended for illustration in some bondage-type publication.

After Felix had taken a dozen of so exposures from different angles as I posed in different positions, Jack started to call it a wrap, but then changed his mind. "Sandy, take off your panties."

To say this command got everyone's attention is an understatement. Bored members of the crew immediately turned toward me. Felix was suddenly vastly more interested in the shoot.

"Whatever you say, Boss", I commented as I lifted my hips and slowly pulled the panties under my ass and up my thighs. When they were bunched at the crease of my ass and thighs, I stopped. "All the way off, Boss?"

"Yes. Please. All the way off." His voice cracked as he said it.

I pulled the panties up my thighs, and when my arms weren't long enough to pull them higher, I bent my knees and slipped them down my calves and off my feet. With my legs lifted and pressed tightly together, I asked, "Now what, Boss?"

"You're the model. You know what to do."

Indeed I did! I let my legs fall open and planted my heels on the bed. Pressing down, I arched my pelvis upward completely exposing my cunt to the entire crew. My labia were wet with excitement and flanged open. Felix aimed his camera right at the opening and clicked away. For the next 10 minutes, I struck one sexy, sensuous pose after another, every one exhibiting my ass and pussy in one fashion or another. By the time the 10 minutes had passed, my thighs and cunt were drenched with my juices. The room was heady with my sexual aroma and every cock in the room was hard as stone.

When Jack finally did end the session, I strolled back to my dressing room taking my wet pussy with me and leaving a dozen raging erections in my wake. It wasn't long before the door opened and Jack came in, shutting the door behind him. He walked straight to me, took me in his arms, and kissed me with heat and wild desire. His erection throbbed against my mound as his hand caressed my ass. I kissed him back with equal passion, grinding my pussy against his rigid shaft.

"I've got to fuck you", he breathed in my ear. With a struggle, he got himself under control enough to ask, "Can we? Can we fuck?"

Crushing my naked tits against his chest, I answered, "Of course we can fuck. How could we possibly not? You can't stand it any longer and neither can I. But you have a choice to make."

"What choice?" he asked as his erection grew even larger with my comment.

"We can fuck right here.. right now. Or you can follow me to my house and fuck me in my marriage bed. It's a 10 minute drive. I don't have to pick my ******** until 5:30 PM. That gives us over two hours for us to enjoy each other."

"God.. that's an incredibly difficult choice. I'm dying to get into you. I have been ever since you first walked onto the set. But the thought of screwing you in your own bed is just too much to pass up. I'll follow you. Please hurry."

"You won't believe how much I'm going to hurry, Jack."


"Oh yes!" Jack urged. "Do it to me! Suck me!"

The couple were on Sandy's bed in their master bedroom. They had hastily thrown the bedcovers on the floor and were doing it on the bottom sheet. She knew that by the time they were done, she would have to change the sheet.

Pulling her hand down to base of Jack's prick, Sandy opened her mouth and pushed her lips down the throbbing shaft. He moaned as he felt his rod being engulfed in her hot, wet mouth. "Ohhh fuck... yes... Suck it!"

She took inch after inch into her mouth until the head was shoving its way down her throat and her nose was buried him his thick pubic hair. "Oooh Aahhh... Yes!.. UUUmmmmppphhhhh!!!" he groaned.

Jack's naked legs trembled around Sandy's head as she worked her mouth up and down his ramrod hard erection. He held her head and fucked her mouth like a cunt.

"Play with my ass", Jack ordered.

Sandy obeyed the command instantly. Thrusting her free hand right up between his legs where she began running it around and over his smooth buttocks. He grunted with intense male delight when she thrust her index finger into his anus and began to finger fuck his hole.

"OOohhh shit... it's about to shoot, Baby. I can feel it!"

Suddenly, his entire body jerked in a violent spasm, stiffened up, and exploded into an even more intense spasm. His cock throbbed violently inside Sandy mouth hole, then exploded, sending out a huge solid stream of white cum that shot straight down her throat into her belly.

Sandy held the jerking dick inside her mouth as his orgasm ebbed. Then, slowly, she continue to suck, to fondle his balls, to jack his shaft with one hand while she finger fucked his anus with the other. In five minutes, Jack had another erection.

She thought he would fuck her now. She was wild for it. Ready. Open. Throbbing. But he made her wait. He pushed her onto her back, shoved a pillow beneath her ass and pressed his lips into her cuntal folds.

"Ooohhh... Oohhh Jack... What are you doing to meeeeeeeeeee?"

"I'm going to make you cum, you beautiful Slut. Then I'm going to fuck you."

Sandy groaned and waited. He worked his tongue hard at her cunt. Holding it open with one hand so he could lick it freely. His hand fondled her naked legs.

"Ooohhh Jack... OOoohhhh..Oh... Jack!" she babbled as her body writhed uncontrollably beneath him. She squirmed on the bed, her legs shaking in convulsions around his head as he sucked and licked her married cunt. She felt the delicious wetness of his tongue between her legs, on her pussy, on her clit, into her hot throbbing hole.

Abruptly, her body rose violently up off the bed. Her legs thrust her cunt hard against Jack's tongue. A violent shudder engulfed her body as her orgasm burst inside her pussy and clit and shot down deep inside her pussy hole.

Sandy was still in the throes of her orgasm when she felt Jack rising to his knees and sliding between her gaping legs. She thrilled when she looked down and saw him taking hold of his hard throbbing cock and aiming it between her legs.


Jack pushed down and forward causing the end of his cock to spread open her wet pussy lips that quickly accepted its male conqueror inside. The woman moaned under him. He pushed more cock into her. She gasped and moaned loudly. Jack closed his eyes and thrust hard into her. His entire prick sank out of sight, enveloped by her hot pussy flesh.

Jack fucked her like a wild stallion for 5 minutes... then 5 more even harder... Sandy came. The fucking continued. His hands held her ass now as his cock slammed in and out of her cunt with the incredible force of a rutting male intent on breeding the female under him. Her legs and feet flailed wildly and erratically in the air. Each thrust of cock into her sex pit forced air from her lungs as she grunted and gloried in the intense fucking he was giving her.

After another 10 minutes of non-stop hard fucking, her male stud exploded his load into her waiting cunt. She took it all and begged him to shoot in more. As he fired in the last jets, Sandy came again.


Within two months, my modeling had advanced to another level of eroticism and income. The photo session two days ago is a typical example. Mark had now moved me to modeling for men's magazines that featured total nudity and sex, including penetration shots.

The first shots that Jack ordered were of me in a hot, sexy outfit that showed a lot of cleavage, my legs, and generous portion of my ass. As Felix moved around the bed, I continued to move into different poses for him, now without any instruction from Jack. I bent over so that my tits including my nipples could be seen down my blouse. He captured them in several shots. Then, I rolled onto my back, steepled my knees and let my skirt slid far up my thighs. Several pics were taken from the side and then with Felix aiming the camera between my legs as I faced the lens.

Click... click.. click went the camera. I let my legs fall open. Click.. click..click.. I spread even wider... more clicks of the camera followed. Unbuttoning my blouse, I took both tits out... from directly above me now... click.. click... click.. I cupped them for the camera... click.. click..

I pulled my legs up and pressed my knees against my now totally exposed tits. Click.. click.. Open your legs wider came Jack's command. I spread wide open immediately. A half dozen clicks followed.

"Your panties, Sandy. Slot your panties" I pulled the crotchband deep inside my slit and ass crack so that it effectively vanished from sight. Click...click...click...click. I pulled the panties down my thighs and off. Felix took anther half dozen photos of my exposed cunt.

Jack wanted the blouse and bra off... then the skirt up around my hips. Click..click.. click.. "Roll over onto your hands and knees, Sandy... Aim your ass at the camera.. put your head on the bed and reach back and open your cunt for the camera. When I was in position, Felix moved in close... pointed the lens at my open pussy and snapped away.

After that, Wayne came onto the set and worked with me. Felix took dozens of shots as he held and sucked my tits. More photos of him with his fingers on and in my pussy followed. Then it was my turn to take his huge cock into my mouth. I loved sucking it. God... I was already on the verge of an orgasm.

Finally, Jack ordered the penetration shots. The first dozen or so, Wayne took me doggie. I kept urging him to fuck me..not just bury it and let it soak inside my pussy. "The pics will be blurred, Sandy, if I move." he explained.

"Who cares. Fuck me, you bastard!"

"Later. Quit being such a Bitch."

Next, I got it missionary. Finally, he put me back on my hands and knees and fucked me in the ass. When he had first done that, I had screamed like I was being branded. He ignored me, of course, and pushed it in even deeper. After several sessions of anal sex, he had me stretched enough that I could take him and even have an orgasm. After Felix had a dozen shots with his dick in my ass doggie. Jack ordered me to ass sit his cock. When that was done, we called it a wrap. I had been working on the set for two and a half hours and had made $1,000.

I went back to the my dressing room, stripped to just my heels and waited. It didn't take more than a few minutes. Wayne came in threw his robe on the chair and then threw me onto the couch. I jacked my legs up into the air, pulled them back and waited.

Wayne moved between my spread thighs. "Hurry, Damn you. Hurry. I'm dying for it", I hissed. "Stick it in me... Fuck me hard."

Wayne worked to adjust his cock at my opening while I spread my meaty, wet cuntlips apart with my fingers to help him. I could feel my cunt mouth fluttering, twitching in anticipation. Juices oozed out of my vagina and trickled down the crack of my ass. When I felt the cock head pressing against my opening, I groaned and cupped my tits for him. He pushed it into me. "OOOHHHHHHHH.. YES! FUCK ME!"

My wet, hungry cunt devoured him as I wrapped my legs around his hips and pulled him deep into my sex saddle. The feel of his huge fuck meat reaming out my quivering channel was delicious. I was already about to cum. Wayne was right with me. I felt his organ expanding, jerking as he rammed it all the way into me, held it place against the neck of my womb, and fired his cum into my throbbing, climaxing hole.

A minute later, he pulled out of me allowing the huge wad of semen inside my cunt to run our in a thick stream. It didn't bother Jack in the slightest. As soon as Wayne was out of the way, Jack slammed his hard meat deep into my still throbbing, cum-drenched hole. He held my ass while he fucked me. Halfway through the fuck, I began to climax again. He felt my pussy convulsing around his cock and although he tried to hold off, he had no chance. My vagina milked his load out of his balls and he made certain that it shot deep inside me where it was supposed to go.

After the guys had all left, I showered, worked on my makeup, and laid out my clothes. I had just put on my panties when there was a knock on my door. I started to tell my visitor to wait until I put some thing on and then realized how silly that was. "Come in", I shouted.

Felix poked his head in the door. "Oh good. You're still here. I was hoping you would be."

"Takes a girl longer to get ready than a guy, Honey. More things to fix... more things to clean up. Young boys don't clean up their rooms and older boys don't clean up their playground after they're done."

"Oh. I guess that's right. Well... ok. I'll see you tomorrow." He smiled and turned to leave.

"Wait a minute, Felix. You didn't come around just to say "I'll see you tomorrow". What's the problem?"

He blushed and stammered like a young boy. "Well.. that's right, but I hadn't thought about.. you know. So maybe next time."

I leaned back on the couch, smiled, and asked, "Do you want to play in my playground, Honey?"

I slowly spread my legs and could feel the intensity of Felix's stare. He had a huge erection that was tenting his pants. Of course, he did. He had spent three hours photographing every inch of me and had to be almost in pain. "I was going to ask you if you would be interested, but I realize that you're all cleaned up and ready to leave."

"So I have to take another shower. We can afford the water." I motioned him over, unzipped his pants and found a real treasure inside. It was hard as stone and a thick, seven inches... more than enough to pleasure any woman. He groaned when I had all of it in my mouth and throat.

He slowly pulled himself out and pushed me onto my back. We both worked to get me out of my panties and then to get him out of his clothes. I spread wide and he moved smoothly and confidently into my sex saddle. It was my turn to groan when his sex spear stretched me open and entered. He pumped me slowly until he was completely buried. I felt him lifting my legs. A moment later, I was being fucked by a confident male in full command. Between moans, I whispered in his ear, "You can play in my playground anytime, Lover."

He hammered into me in steady, forceful thrusts that drove it solidly into the bottom of my vagina. A few minutes of this confident male holding my ass in position as he rammed me had me trembling in orgasm. The contractions of my pussy excited Felix to a fever pitch. He increased the force of his strokes, each one driving my hips and ass deep into the couch and bringing repeated female grunts of pleasure from my lips. He slowly increased the speed until my tits were bouncing wildly in response.

I came again. This time the pleasure was so intense I shrieked when my vagina and clitoris exploded. After 15 minutes of intense fucking, Felix pressed his body tightly against mine and whispered, "I can't hold it any longer. You're just too tight...too hot."


Later, I did have to take another shower and redo my hair and makeup.

------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------

Greg's Story

I remember distinctly that it was a Friday. Once again, I dragged myself home, again so tired, I had to stop for fear that I would fall asleep behind the wheel even in the short drive to my house. After getting a cold drink to clear my head, I managed to negotiate the remaining distance to my garage.

Several surprises awaited my arrival. On was my wife, Sandy, who was wearing an incredibly sexy outfit. The dress she wore just barely covered her ass and half of her big tits were on display. The dress was far too short to allow her to wear stockings, but with her tanned legs, she didn't need them. Her legs looked sexy and hot in the 5-inch heels she had on. Looking more carefully, I was certain that her tits were naked under the dress.

Most men would have wasted no time in dragging such a hot looking woman to the bedroom and fucking her ass off. But I had failed so many, many times over the past four or five months, I actually dreaded the prospect. It was obvious that my wife wanted sex. Not surprising considering that I had only managed to fuck her successfully one time in last six or seven weeks. I knew her female hormones were on high boil, but I was so tired, I usually couldn't manage an erection, and if I did, I couldn't sustain it. The more I failed, the worst it got.

Sandy had me sit down on the couch. She sat beside me and handed me my second surprise in the form of a small black book. I recognized it as a bank deposit book.

"What's this?"

"It's our salvation, I hope. Take a look."

I opened the cover and found it was the balance book for a bank account, as I expected. What I didn't expect was that it was a joint account between Sandy and myself. I had assumed that whatever little bit she managed to make, she would place in an account solely in her name. I turned to the first page and found it filled with entries, all deposits. On the second page, it was the same story... nothing but deposits... no withdrawals. Then came the coup de gras, the current balance on the third page, $35,214.67!

I was totally stunned. "What? How is this possible? How can it be $35,000?" I stammered.

"Well, that's after taxes, of course... state and federal income tax and social security payments. I think they took out about $20,000 when they considered our combined incomes. I didn't claim any dependents, so we may get some money back after you do our taxes at the end of the year. I don't know much about that stuff."

I was speechless! I looked back at the account book to check the dates. The first deposit of $425.00 had been made a little over three months previously. The last deposit made the previous day was for $1225.00. My wife had made around $55,000 in a little over three months... about $200,000 a year!

I realized my wife was speaking to me. "Tonight, I'm going to serve you a marvelous dinner and then put you to bed. You're going to sleep until noon. When you wake up, I'll have breakfast in bed for you. Then, you're going to call Jason and resign from your night manager job effective immediately. No more working two jobs for my wonderful husband! After all that's done and you're rested, you're going to take your wife to bed and spend the rest of the day and the night with your cock inside my pussy, my mouth, and my ass. And I don't want any arguments from you, understand!"


I gave my wife no arguments. I slept until almost 1 PM. Sandy brought me a breakfast in bed that consisted of scrambled eggs, hash browns, biscuits, bacon and a ham slice, and a big steaming hot pot of coffee. Best of all, she served breakfast wearing nothing but a garter belt, thigh-high stockings, and a pair of shoes that looked like they had 5-inch heels.

"If you want more, just ask, Honey. I'll do anything. I'm so fucking hot for your big cock, I just can't wait. Your hot whore will be in the kitchen. Love you." She leaned over, dangled her big tits in my scrambled eggs, put some on her nipples, and held them up to my mouth. "Here's your first bite, Lover."

When Sandy left the room, I had a raging, throbbing erection, my first in over six months. I was more puzzled than ever. She had never dressed like that nor talked so hot and dirty before. I fucking loved it!!

Later that morning, I called Jason and resigned as his night manager. He said he was really sorry to lose me as I had been the best he had ever had, but he fully understood that two jobs and 15 hours a day were more than I could handle.

After hanging up, I went looking for Sandy. I called out, and she answered: "I'm in the bedroom Stud. Come fuck your hot, dirty whore."

When I saw my wife on the bed, my cock surged to full erection instantly. If my cock was hard at breakfast, it was now a carbon-steel battering ram. Sandy's lips and nipples gleamed with red gloss. She had her hips mounted on two pillows, and her legs were jacked up and back with her knees on either side of big, naked tits. Her pussy gaped open and gleamed with her wetness. A thin stream of lubricant ran from her ass. All she wore were the heels, hose, and garter belt.

I was on her in a second, my raging erection probing for her cunthole. "Higher, Stud.. higher. Your whore's cunt opening is higher..."

I moved my cock higher and found her wet open hole. I pushed in and her cunt convulsed around me. "OOOHHHHHHHH FUCKKKKKKKKKK.... THAT'S THE WAY I WANT IT...THAT'S WHERE I WANT IT... FUCK ME, GREG! OOHHH SHIT... GIVE IT TO ME LIKE A WHORE... From now on... you can fuck me anytime...day or night.. just fuck me hard..NOW!!"

We fucked from 2 PM until dinner time. I lost count of the number of times my wife exploded in orgasm. Around 3:30, she rolled over onto her hands and knees, reached back and spread her ass cheeks open.

"Can you see my wet asshole, Lover?"

"Ohhh god yes!"

"Does it look like an asshole you want to fuck?"

"Are you kidding me. You're really going to let me fuck you in the ass? It's gonna hurt."

"Get on me.. Mount my ass and stick it in. Don't worry about hurting me. Just use me. It's lubed and ready for you. And don't ever bother to ask me if you can have my ass... it's yours.. anytime. Just tell me to stick it up in the air, that you've decided to fuck it. .... Oh...hurry... just can't wait... Please stick your big hard cock up your hot wife's ass, Baby."

I was worried at first, but there was no need to be. My cock easily sank all the way into her on the first thrust. It was obvious that my wife had been frequently pleasuring much larger cocks than mine in her ass for the past few months. Moving my hand around her hips, I searched out her erect clitoris and, as my hips pounded stroke after stroke into her ass, my fingers danced over her throbbing passion bud. She went wild, gyrating and hunching back as the cock drove into her depths. After a few minutes, I felt her ass contracting and throbbing around my embedded cock. I was amazed. Sandy was having an intense orgasm. A moment later, my cum rocketed into her throbbing hole.

At 2 AM, I awoke to find my wife sucking my cock. Another first.. She had never done that before. She sucked me all the way into her throat. Another first. I warned her that I was about to cum and tried to pull out. She screamed at me not to. Another first. I blew a huge load down her throat into her belly. She just sighed, rubbed her clit and brought herself to an orgasm while I watched... another first. When I fell back asleep, she still had my cock in her mouth. Another first.

Sandy served me breakfast at 9 AM in the morning on our deck. I was waiting as she refused to let me do anything. This time the breakfast was eggs Benedict, one of my favorites, pancakes, juice, and coffee. She served it wearing her bikini bottoms and heels... nothing else.

"The neighbors can see us if they look out their windows", I warned.

"If it embarrasses you, I'll put something on. I thought you might enjoy having the other husbands know what a hot, gorgeous wife you have at your beck and call. I know they've been giving you a hard time.

"Oh god... I love it! Thank you... thank you!"

"From now on, Lover... anytime.. anywhere. Do you like this better?"

Sandy stood and removed the brief thong around her hips. She sat back down and opened her legs. Sandy smiled, touched her clit and asked, "Did your big cock stretch my cunt much last night, Lover?"

We ate the entire breakfast with my wife sitting stark naked beside me... well.. almost naked. She did have on her heels. When we finished, she looked at me and asked, "Wanna fuck me right here, Baby? I'm hot for it again if you want it."

I didn't have enough nerve to fuck her on our deck in full view of the neighbors, but if I had gotten up the nerve, I have no doubt that Sandy would have loved it.


By the end of the week, I had fucked my wife at least two dozen times, every time an erotic, sensuous adventure, better than any wet dream I've ever had. But I still couldn't understand how she was making so much money.

About 10 days after she had shown me the bank book, I looked again. The balance was now up from $35,000 to a little less than $40,000. It was time I had a serious talk with my wife. That evening I decided to get the truth.


"Sandy, you've done a fantastic job of getting us out of the financial sewer, and you've probably saved my life and health by doing it. But I've got to know how you're making so much money. It's eating at me."

"I'd love to tell you, Darling. Come on. Take me to bed. I'll tell you everything while you're fucking me. I promise, we'll both enjoy it a lot more that way."


Later, lying naked in bed with a rigid, throbbing erection, I watched my wife seductively stripping while I slowly stroked my cock. When she was naked save for her "fuck-me" 4-inch heels, she straddled my body. Holding her pussy over my cock, she whispered, "Stick that gorgeous cock in my pussy, Lover." The wet folds slipped easily over the head as soon as I pushed it against her opening. My wife sighed and drove her hips downward. When I was totally sheathed inside her cunt, she leaned over me letting her big tits brush against my chest and said, "Mmmmmmmmm...so good. Now what did you want to know, Honey?"

"What kind of photos do you pose for?"

"Very sexy photos.. in lingerie, bras, panties, teddies, garter belts,heels. The kind that makes men hard."

"If I buy men's magazines, am I likely to see my nearly naked wife posing in some of them?"


My cock throbbed inside Sandy's pussy. She felt it and clamped her vaginal muscles hard around my shaft, milking me, again and again. "Oh fuck", she moaned. "Your cock feels like an iron bar in me. OOohhhhh!"

I had to struggle not to cum. "Do you get hot when you pose? Does your cunt get wet?"

She sensuously pumped her gorgeous ass up and down my cock, grinding her clitoris against me every time I thudded into the bottom of her cunt. "Ooohh yes.. I get so hot and wet.. sometimes I have an orgasm right there on the set."

"Ohh god! The men on the set.. do they know you're hot? that you've cum?"

"Sometimes they know. Depends on how intense it is. Men can't always tell when a woman cums. You know that."

"Ohhh... I just have to ask. Have other men fucked you?"

Sandy pounded her cunt up and down my cock. "What do you think, Lover? I'm posing nearly naked in front of a dozen men every day. Everyone of them are hard and dying to get into me. And at the time, you hadn't fucked me in six weeks. What do you think?

She leaned close to my ear, squeezed her pussy around my cock, and said, "Of course other men have fucked me!!"

My cock erupted inside her... just exploded. Thick stream after thick stream of hot cum fired out of my throbbing prick, filling her cunt and then spurting out between our tightly coupled organs. Sandy continued to ram her cunt up and down on my ejaculating rod until it became so sensitive and painful, I had to beg her to stop.

We held each other tightly, my dick still semi-hard inside her channel. Her pussy never stopped its continuous squeezing and throbbing action on my shaft. In almost no time, I was hard again. She smiled and kissed me hard. "Ohhh Baby... what a marvelous stud you are. That big cock is already hard again. AAAhhhhhh soooo good. Please fuck me some more."

The squishing noises my ramming piston made inside her cum-filled sex cylinder were incredible. As I held her ass and rammed her, I said "How many? How many cocks have fucked you?"

Her mouth opened wide, but only female grunts and moans came out as my wife convulsed in an intense orgasm. The spasms of her cunt on my prick were delicious and wonderful to feel. "Cum, you hot Bitch!", I screamed at her.

"Ohhhh yesss... you're making your dirty Bitch cum.. and cum.. ooohh god... FUCK ME HARDER...UUNNGGHHHHHHHHH..."

"How many?" I demanded as I drove one hard thrust after another into her throbbing hole.

"UUGHH UUUGGHH... OOHHH Please... don't stop.. so hard... big dick.. in me.. aaaahhhhhh oohh.. you're making me cum again... oohh fuckkkkkk..."


"Ah ah ah uunnnnnnn... don't...aaahhh...know.. mmmmmmm... ooohhh give it to meeeee... uunngghhh... maybe.. aaahhh... 15.. ugh ugh ugh.. 16.. oohhh fuck meeeeeeeeeeeeee.."

Sandy came again. She was too tired to move, but I was a raging bull. Holding her hips steady, my hips slammed fuck stroke after hard fuck stroke into her convulsing vagina. A thick white forth of churned pussy juice and cum coated our organs and our thighs. "How many times do you think they've fucked you?" My dick about to shoot off again as I asked.

"Ooohhh... two.. ooh three times a day.. uuummmmmmmm... you're gonna cum in me again aren't you. Hurry.. I want it. fuck more cum into me like they did."

"How many times have you been fucked?"

"Three months, ooohhh...harder Honey.. .fuck me harder.. uuummmmm aahh.. ah ah about 60 photo shoots. aahhhhhhhhhh.... I'm gonna cummm... fucked at least twice.. each one... uughh... cummingg. do it to meeeee... maybe 150 times. Cum in me... hurry... Shoot in meeeeeeeee..."

"How many times have you cum?"

"Honey", she whispered as her cunt convulsed in one s pasm after another. "I cum every time they fuck me...usually two or three times. Those studs have made your wife cum about 400 times."

I came in torrents immediately.

It took us fifteen minutes of deep breathing for us to recover. We were both still panting when I asked, "Do you think Mark would let me watch the photo shoots?"

"You want to see your hot wife being fucked by other men, don't you?"

"Ohhh god...YES!"

"I'll ask Mark, but he's very strict about visitors on the set. He's only been present himself one or two times. I don't think there's any chance, but I'll ask."


A month passed. I was an absolutely new man with an incredibly hot wife. Now that I was only working one job, I had what seemed like an unlimited supply of sexual energy. That was probably due to the fact that Sandy seemed to have an incredible number of new ways to excite me. Whenever she was around, I was hard most of the time, and she was always ready whether it was routine, man-on-top, regular sex or some thing off the wall kinky.

To add icing on the cake, the money just kept getting better. We weren't going to be multi-millionaires, but one or two million in savings and stock securities seemed to be well within reach, thanks to my wife's drop-dead sexy body and her constant hot-to-fuck attitude.

There were a few negatives of course. Most of the women at the country club were insanely jealous and total bitches, but Sandy totally ignored them. The biggest negative was that my wife had been correct about Mark barring visitors or spectators on the set. So, my wildest fantasy of getting to watch my wife having sex with another man was unfulfilled. To compensate, Sandy always gave me a detailed description of every thing when we were in bed having sex. It wasn't as good as actually getting watch, but it was damn close.

About four or five weeks after Sandy first told me about her modeling job, we were invited to an exclusive party by Mark and Doris Hendricks on the following Saturday evening. The occasion was to celebrate record sales by the company for the fiscal year. All the employees had received substantial bonuses as a reward for the parts they had played in the company's success. The party was just one more way Mark expressed his appreciation to others for jobs superbly well done.

Sandy had informed me that the dress codes for the evening were "hot and sexy". I knew that she would be dressed to "stalk and kill", and I hated the idea of being a drag on her. So, I had spent a lot of the previous week creating an appropriate new look for myself that I hoped would complement the gorgeous woman I would be escorting to the party.

Around 8 PM on Saturday, Sandy came out of her bedroom dressed for the party. It was exactly as I had expected. She was attired in a tight, black and white outfit. Her miniskirt did come to mid-thigh but there was a split at the front of her left thigh that rose to the top of her thigh. The white blouse buttoned below the black bra, which exposed the upper third of both of her large tits. She was bare-legged with clear sandals on her feet each of which had a thin, 4-inch heel. I wondered what kind, if any, panties she wore underneath. Her full lips looked sensuous with the pale pink lip gloss on them and the dark eye shadow and mascara gave her an incredibly sultry appearance. She wore a silver chain necklace that matched the multi-chained bracelets she had on each wrist. I had absolutely no doubt that she would give most of the men at the party raging erections.

My wife opened her mouth to say "How do I look?", but she only got the first two words out before she saw me. I had let my dark beard grow for a couple of days and now sported a rugged, very masculine and virile, unshaven look. In addition, I had had my hair fixed so that it had a full, tousled look. I even had one diamond stud ear screw in my left ear. My new, form-fitting silk shirt molded my very trim and muscular shoulders, chest, and arms. The deep V neckline exposed my hairy, muscular chest, and the three silver and gold necklace chains with matching medallions that hung in the opening of the V added an element of masculine sensuality. (At least, that was my plan.) The tailor-made, soft leather pants hugged my narrow waist and tight butt. They also outlined my cock perfectly. I thought it looked erotic when it was a soft but thick five and a half inches. When erected to its full length of almost 8 inches, it looked almost obscene, which was also my plan. My shiny black boots had a one-inch heel.

To say I was nervous is an understatement. I was near terrified that my wife would burst into laughter. "Well?", I asked. "Too much? Should I go change? It won't take a minute. Be truthful. I don't want to be a laughing stock at the party."

When Sandy finally managed to close her mouth, she breathed in a low, sexy whisper, "Holy Fucking Damn!... Oh my Gawd... " That outburst was followed by her moving close and pressing her big tits against my hairy chest. Her hands ran over the soft leather covering my tight butt.. she let her fingers delve into the clearly outlined crease between my ass cheeks. Next she kissed me...open mouthed... her tongue licking the inside of my mouth and flicking over my tongue. At the same time, her hand was cupping my balls and running up and down the length of my bulge that grew quickly to full staff. Her body actually shuddered when she felt its length and girth. Stepping back, she looked at my rigid 8-inch fuck stick perfectly outlined by the tight pants.

"OH SHIT! It's gorgeous!" She rammed her mound against my bulge and ground herself up and down its length. "I WANT THIS IN ME... OH FUCK ME!"

I absolutely loved this! And I couldn't resist repeating what all women have said many times when the situation is reversed. "Not now. You'll muss me."

My wife laughed. "You dirty, hot, fucking, stud bastard! You're incredible. All the other models are going to be at the party.. you know that. And every one of them is going to be dripping wet and wild for you." ... My wife was silent for a moment, then she asked in a soft voice, "Are you going to fuck them?"

"Just one of them. You!" I felt my wife's body trembling against mine. "I was just teasing you a moment ago. I would love to take you to bed right now and fuck you until neither of us can move."

She shuddered as her tongue licked her top lip in rapid flicking motions. "You have me so damn hot, I can't believe it. Make me wait.. make your hot slut wait for it. Ravish me when we get home."


The party was exactly what I expected. The women were all incredibly sexy and dressed hot, particularly the models. It was a erotic experience to be in a room with so many gorgeous women, all sensuous and interested in sex. Sandy, however, was in a class by herself. None of the other women had the awesome body my wife did and none had her totally uninhibited attitude toward sex.

The men were a different story. Except for Jack, Mark, Felix, and myself, they all wore the usual plain business suits men usually wear or they wore dress shirts with slacks. My wife's prediction turned out to be precisely correct. The women were all turned on my appearance and sensuous attire, particularly my prominently displayed tight butt and the bulge of my cock. Before an hour had passed, I was receiving attention from most of the women in the room. That attention had my cock hard creating a big 8-inch bulge in my pants. Once that happened, the level of female attention I was getting increased still further.

Judy was easily the most forward and aggressive of the women. "Hi. I'm Judy, one of the other models."

"Hi. I'm Greg."

"I know. You're Sandy's date aren't you?"

"Yes. Actually, I'm her husband."

"Really!" Instead of dampening her interest, that piece of information seemed to increase it. "Tell me, doesn't it get sort of boring fucking the same pussy all the time?"

"Don't nearly as much as you might think. My wife is incredibly inventive in thinking of new ways to keep our sex hot and wild."

"That's a surprise... particularly considering the fact that she's getting dicked by 3 or 4 guys every time she works. Most women getting fucked that much wouldn't be very interested in getting it on with hubby."

"I guess she likes me."

"She must. But if you ever get tired of fucking the same cunt, give me a call. I love to have you on me and in me." Pulling down the bodice of her dress, she gave me a hot smile and asked, "Don't you think you would enjoy fucking me?"

She handed me folded piece of paper and walked into the crowd. When I glanced at the unfolded note, it contained Judy's address and phone number. Within another hour, I had three more such notes in my pocket.

After getting a drink at the bar, I went looking for my wife. I found her almost immediately on the dance floor with a middle aged guy in his mid to late 40s or early 50s. He was wearing the usual business suit. Sandy was dancing very close to him as the hi-fi system played a slow song. Her big tits were mashed solidly against his chest. The man had his hands on my wife's ass, and she was raising no objection. As they moved about the floor, I saw that he was pulling her lower body against what I was certain was a very rigid cock.

They continued to dance through that song and another one, Sandy never moving out of his arms the entire time, even when there was a lull between songs. Shortly after the start of the third song, another middle-aged guy cut in. The first man raised no objection, so it was obvious that they knew each other well. The first man spoke with his friend for a moment gesturing toward my wife who was waiting to be claimed by her new partner. A moment later, he pulled her close to his body and they moved off across the dance floor.

The new guy danced the same way with my wife as the first one had. His hands went immediately to her ass as Sandy pressed her tits into his chest. After a turn or two around the floor, things changed. Her partner's hands disappeared underneath my wife's short skirt where, I was certain, they held her naked ass in his hands. Once more I watched as her mound was pressed against a hard erection. It didn't take long before I saw her hips grinding against it. I had a raging erection, so much so that every woman who passed looked at it.

The song ended and they strolled off the dance floor and disappeared into the crowd. I went to get another drink.

Perhaps a half hour later, Sandy approached me. "I need to talk to you. Come on."

She led me down a hallway and into a small room that served as Mark's study. Sandy shut the door behind us after we had entered. "Are you OK?" I asked concerned.

"Yes. I'm fine. I know you noticed the two men I was dancing with."

"I did. They were both feeling you up pretty good. Particularly the second guy. He had his hand underneath your skirt."

"Did it make you mad?"

"No. I know you love me." Sandy beamed at that statement of fact. "It did make me hard though." Her smile grew even broader.

"Harmon had his hand under more than just my skirt. He was inside my panties too. And inside my cunt finger fucking me. If he had had anything close to your technique, he would have had me cumming right there on the dance floor."

Now it was my turn to smile broadly.

"The first guy is Bill Simpson. He's a vice president of a large company that publishes several men's magazines. The other guy, Harmon something... can't remember his last name.. is also a vice president of the firm. They're considering hiring Mark's firm to handle all the photographic production for all of their magazines and most of the video as well. It's a multi-million dollar deal."

"Wow! I can see why you were dancing with them."

"Yeah. Mark asked me to. He just spoke with me again and told me that they both want to fuck me. I need to know how you feel about that. It's not the same thing as screwing on the set when I have a boiling hot pussy."

"Sandy, I love you. I'll support anything you want to do. Do you want to fuck them?

"The man I want to fuck me is you! But, the thought of doing it with two guys I just met is exciting. It would also cinch the deal for Mark and he's the one who helped us get out of our financial mess that had you killing yourself working 15-17 hours a day. And I know that one of your hottest fantasies is to see me being fucked by another man. You could watch while they bang me."

"How am I supposed to do that? I doubt very much that either of those guys want an audience, particularly not the husband of the woman they're fucking."

"I could take them into the guest bedroom that adjoins the master bedroom. Mark and Doris have installed a one-way mirror between the guest bedroom and the big walk-in closet in their bedroom. They even have lounge chairs in there for comfortable viewing. You could see every thing through that one-way mirror."

"How do you know about this mirror?" I inquired, pretty sure I already knew the answer.

"I was in that closet watching Wayne screwing Doris one night while you were at work."

"Did she know you were watching?"

"Probably, but Wayne didn't know.. he still doesn't."

"How did you know the mirror was there in the first place?"

"Mark took me in.. we both watched Doris being fucked. Mark's a lot like you. He loves to see his wife being fucked."

"Did Mark fuck you while you watched?"

"Of course he fucked me. He gave it to me like a wild man."

"OK, but I don't think Mark and Doris are going to appreciate me being in their bedroom like that."

"Doris will take you in."

"Doris? Not Mark?"

"Mark doesn't want to fuck you. Doris does."


Thirty minutes later, Doris came over and said, "Bill and Harmon are anxious.. really anxious.. to get started. We better go up to if we don't to miss anything."

"Is Mark cool with this? I mean it. The two of you saved Sandy and I when we needed help the most. The last thing in the world I want to do is abuse his friendship by doing some thing with his wife he does not want."

Doris stepped close. "Mark wanted to come with us and watch. But I told him I wanted you alone this first time. He's disappointed but he's not angry at all."

"Ok. Let's go. How are they going to decide who gets to fuck my wife first?

"Bill hates sloppy seconds. Harmon loves them. So it wasn't much of a problem for them to decide."

The view through the one-way mirror was amazing. It was as if we were in the next room. There was a love seat right in front of the mirror, which Doris and I now occupied as we waited to watch my wife being fucked.

I reached over and unzipped her dress in back. She moaned softly as I pulled it off her shoulders. "Stand up", I commanded. She obeyed instantly, and a moment later, her dress was on the chair off to one side.

"Now you", she said. She took off my silk shirt and then unzipped my pants. When my cock sprang out, hard, erect, and throbbing with precum coating the big head, she squealed with delight. "Ooohhh FUCK! You're not wearing any shorts or briefs. That's so fucking sexy... "

I pulled her into my arms, flicked open the catch at the back of her bra and had her tits out as I explored the inside of her mouth with my tongue and she stroked and squeezed my big cock. Slowly, I worked my way down her belly, then onto her thighs. To give us more room, I moved to the floor on my knees and hooked my fingers into her panties. I lowered them slowly until her neatly trimmed cunt bush appeared.

My hand found her sensitive nipple and began roll and pinch it. She moaned softly and then louder. "Can they hear us in other room?"

"No.. Don't stop. Please, don't stop. The walls are soundproofed. We can hear them because of the microphones, but they won't be able to hear us." Her voice trailed off into a groan as the erotic sensations coursed through her body. When my fingers slid between her legs and began massaging her vagina through the satin panties, her hips rose up off the love seat and humped wildly in the air. Her legs parted, giving me full access to her sex.

Mark's wife was hot.. really hot. I made her reach two orgasms before I put my hand inside her panties. Her pubic hair surrounded the wet, juicy slit. When I probed inside her vagina, massaging her clitoris, she wailed like a banshee, her tongue licking rapidly over her top lip. After I had brought her off again, I removed her panties.

"Oohhh god.. you're killing meeeeee... I can't stop cumming she gasped in the throes of still another climax.


At that moment, the door to the guest bedroom opened. Bill Simpson followed my wife into the room. We heard his voice clearly say, "Do you want the lights out?"

"Never. I like to see the man fucking me, Honey. And I love seeing his big cock sinking into me."

If Simpson was hot and excited when he entered the room, hearing this gorgeous woman telling him she wanted to see his cock sinking into her cunt drove him into a frenzy. He quickly unbuttoned her blouse and flicked open her bra. Her big 36DD melons thrust out into the open, the nipples hard and erect. She pulled his head between them and moaned. "Suck my tits, Honey. Suck me good. It makes my cunt throb so hard when a man sucks them."

Doris was panting and thrusting her cunt against my fingers as we watched. Her legs spread wide open as I moved closer. Looking down between her heaving tits, she saw my hard erect cock in my right hand as I guided it to her open wet vagina. It was about 8 inches long and thick. A strand of precum hung from its tip as I aligned the pole to the entrance to her body.

I swabbed it up and down her drenched cunt slit, letting the head slide erotically over her sensitive, engorged clitoris. Every time it stroked, her clit jerked and danced wildly. Doris grunted and thrashed on the love seat, begging me to put it in.


"Ooohhh god damn... yess... suck my tits, Stud. Aaaahhhhhhh", we heard my wife moan in the next room.

We looked through the mirror and saw that Bill had worked Sandy's skirt off leaving her naked except for her bikini panties and "fuck-me" 4-inch heels. Sandy grabbed his head and pulled it hard to her tits. She felt his hand drop to her thigh and lightly rub the inside of it. The intense sensation was making my wife's legs spread as if they had a mind of their own. Slowly, Bill worked his hand up toward Sandy's cunt. When it reached its destination, he began rubbing her clit. She arched her back, thrust her hips forward and came, wailing as her hole throbbed. Bill unzipped his pants and pulled them off while my wife squeezed and pulled her nipples frantically. With her panties pulled to one side, I could see her cunt hole opening and closing as it pulsed in anticipation of cock.

Doris howled as she was penetrated. Her eyes flew open and she cried out as the first four inches of the thick fuck stick sank out of sight. "Oohhhh shit... you're big... thick. How much is in me?"

"Four inches."

"How much more dick."

"Four more."

"AAAhhhh god... Give it to meeeee", Mark's wife wailed and screamed as one climax after another passed through her skewered body. She wrapped her legs around my waist and pulled me inside of her until the last inch had disappeared.

Once socked solidly into her her sex saddle, I ground my pubic bone against her big clit.


My cock surged in and out of her spasming hole, each stroke hammering all the way to the bottom of her pussy. She came again, this time squirting her juices out and around my cock that continued to fuck her senseless.


The sound of another woman wailing and screaming came from the guest bedroom. We looked in and saw that Bill now had my wife on the bed. He had already taken off her panties and was between Sandy's legs. Her scream came when he rammed his cock up inside her wet cunt. I watched with my own cock throbbing inside Doris' pussy as he slid his into Sandy's hot box. Bill moved his hips in circles, thrusting into her with hard driving strokes. My wife began to cum again. I could tell that she was reaching the point where she was about to go into multiple orgasms. Bill hooked his arms under my wife's legs, levered them up and back so that her ass and cunt were a perfect target for his cock. I saw him grin as he looked at her totally exposed pussy. He pushed his prick back inside groaning with the intense male pleasure of feeling a woman's cunt sliding over your hard dick. He buried it to the hilt and started hammering in and out of my groaning wife.

Sandy's feet were up in the air, well above Bill's back. As the man drove stroke after determined hard stroke into her cunt, my wife's heels danced back and forth, jerking, flailing the air in wild gyrations. Her ass and tits were repeatedly jarred forward as the cock thudded into the bottom of her sex hole. When he pulled out for another thrust, her ass and tits returned to their original position only to be rammed forward again by the next plunge of cock into her depths. The fierce fucking forced repeated screeches and groans from my wife:


I could even hear the squishing sounds of his prick as hammered back and forth, in and out of her channel.


The delicious sensations of Doris' cunt throbbing around my buried cock were causing my prick to jerk in hard spasms inside her. Each time it jerked, she moaned. I looked down and watched as her large tits wobbled back and forth in response to the fucking her cunt was receiving. It took only a few strokes before she squealed and reached another mid-blowing climax. Mark's wife had become a mindless fucking machine as she slammed her hips up and down on my rigid pole, impaling herself again and again, cumming repeatedly. I held back my own orgasm and finally pulled my dripping dick from the drenched cunt of the fucked out brunette on the love seat.


Bill had now turned my wife over onto her hands and knees. He held her hips as he boosted her ass into position. "Spread your knees wide, Honey", I heard him tell her. My cock jerked hard when I watched her obey instantly. She put her head down on the bed and arched her ass high, knees far apart, to present her lover with a gaping, wide open cunt waiting to be fucked.

As Bill fitted the big knob into her opening, I watched her wet folds sliding around it, engulfing it, until it sank out of sight inside my wife's cunt hole. He held it still, just inside her. Sandy moaned.. then began to thrust her ass back against him, trying to get him in deeper, trying to persuade him to fuck her ... to make her cum again.

"Want it?" he asked.

"Oh yes. Please."

"What do you want?"

"Your cock. Your big hard cock. Please. Fuck me with it."


"In my cunt. In my hot, wet, married cunt hole. PLEASE!"

WHAM! WHOOMMPPF WHOOMPPF WHOOMPPF .. again and again he slammed his rod into my wife's fuck hole. He gave it to her hard. My wife's hips jarred forward, her tits bounced, and she screamed,

"AAAAAEEEEIIIIIII.... That's the way I want it... FUCK MEEEEE...FUCK ME HARD!"


"Oh you're fucking meeeeee...fucking meeeee.. your big cock is in my cunt... aahhhhhhh.... my husband would kill me if he knew I was letting you screw me like this...ooohhh god fuck it...FUCK IT... CUMMMINGGG... IM CUMMMINGGG AGAIN!!"

"Take it you hot whore. Here comes the load, Baby. It's going into your fuck hole.. UGH UGH UGH... ALMOST THERE!! HOPE YOU'RE ON THE PILL." he screamed.



"Oh you fucking bastard... you're breeding meeeeeeeee... fucking a baby into meeeeeee.... oohhhh shit... shit... uuunngghhhh.. cummingg again..."

Bill continued to cum inside my wife's pussy for almost a minute before he finally pulled out and let the huge stream of semen flow out of her fucked out hole.


While Bill dressed, Sandy made a trip to the bathroom to wash the sweat off her body. I noticed that she didn't wash her cunt at all since Harmon loved sloppy seconds. He was certainly going to get one. Her cunt was awash with Bill's cum load.

I turned my attention back to Doris who had been sucking my cock. She could only get five inches in at first before she would gag. But she kept working it in as far as she could until now she was taking about 7 inches of man meat into her throat and sucking like a professional whore.

"Come on, Sexy. I want you bent over the back of the love seat so I can fuck you doggie while we watch Harmon giving it to my wife."

Doris scrambled to get into position. I noticed the back of the love seat was the perfect height for doggie fucking a woman bent over it. I was sure that this was not an accident.

Five minutes later, Harmon entered the room, stripped off his clothes while watching my wife in the middle of the bed rubbing her clitoris furiously. She was still naked save for her "fuck-me" heels and Bill's cum load coated her pubes, her inner thighs, her labia and a thin stream of his fuck juice was running from her hole.

"Do it faster, Slut. Make your cunt and clit cum for me." Harmon ordered.

My wife's fingers quickly located the place she needed to be. Rapidly, she finger fucked her cunt and strummed her clitoris. Her body arched, then fell back as her hips churned up and down desperately seeking release. Harmon knelt down and looked straight between her thighs as she pleasured herself. Her hands moved faster. One sliding over her clit, the other ramming in and out of her fuck channel.

"Fuck yourself, you hot Bitch. Make your cunt cum."

My wife's hand flew over her clitoris. It took less than a minute before her hips rose high up in the air, and her hole contracted.. opened... contracted... opened... The orgasm caused my wife to convulse into a fetal position with her hands between her thighs. She stayed balled up like that until her cunt had ceased to throb.


While we waited for the action to start, I moved behind Doris' bent over body. She had her head resting on the cushion of the love seat. Her legs were spread wide and she kept them ramrod straight to arch her ass as high as possible. Her cunt gaped open, my last cum load running down her thighs.

"Reach back and pull your ass open", I whispered. "I want to inspect your hot asshole."

A moment later, she was holding her ass wide open for me. Leaning over, I licked her cheeks. She was startled, clearly not expecting me to do this. When her ass was wet with my saliva, I moved to her puckered hole and rimmed her. She moan... "Ooohhh that's feels wonderful. ooohhh.. no one has ever done that to me... please.. don't stop.."

I continue to lick and probe her ass, finally pushing my tongue inside and coating the surface with copious amounts of my saliva... wetting her... getting her ready.

"May I rub my clit? she begged. "Please let me rub my clit."

"You may"

Her hand literally flew to her engorged clitoris which she frigged and rubbed rapidly, frantic with her need to cum. The tongue inside her ass was driving her crazy. When she came, her ass contracted on my tongue in a hard spasm. I continued to lick and probe and she continued to cum. Finally, I pulled out and watched her ass contracting as she came again. Harmon was about to start fucking my wife, I wanted to be in Doris' ass when he got his cock into my wife's ass.

At the same time, I squirted astroglide into Doris' asshole and around the opening, and Harmon lubed up Sandy's hole. She was on her hands and knees on the bed. The same position she was in when Bill pumped his load into her cunt. Only now the cock was going into her asshole.

I placed my cockhead at Doris' asshole and watched as Harmon put his against my wife's. He pushed in the head. It easily sank out of sight in my wife's ass. I pushed mine into Doris. She hadn't been ass fucked nearly as much and I had to use more pressure to get into her. She moaned in some pain but begged me not to stop when I eased up. One more hard thrust buried half my length into her butt.

Harmon was holding my wife's hips now as he sank 5 of his 7 inches into her upthrust asshole. I knew from experience that Sandy could take him without a twinge of pain, but she wanted him to enjoy ass fucking her.

"Oooohoooooooooo SHIT.. BIG... AAAHHHHHHHH... EASY ... EASY... "

Harmon pushed the rest of his length into Sandy's ass. When she felt his balls slapping against her cunt, she sighed,


Together, Harmon and I began to fuck the women's assholes. I couldn't tell whether Doris or my wife was gasping and moaning the loudest. Their fingers frantically plunged in and out of their throbbing cunts while other fingers rubbed their erect clits with a fury.

Suddenly Harmon yanked his dick out of my wife's asshole.

"NO...NO.. put it back it... I'm about to cum... Keep fucking meeeeeeee...please!" Sandy moaned, this time really meaning it.

"It's going back in, Bitch." He lowered his aim, yanked her hand out of the way and slammed it into my wife's cunt to the hilt. He thrust three fingers into her gaping asshole and used it as leverage to work my wife's hips back and forth over his embedded prick.

"Oh God... look at that! Do me that way, oohh please.. do it to me like she's getting it", Doris wailed.

I gave her what she wanted. When my three fingers rammed deep into her ass, she may have regretted her request. Pulling back on her ass, I rammed forward into her cunt. Back and forth. Keeping perfect time with Harmon as he cunt fucked my wife and fingered her asshole.

Doris was screaming in another orgasm. Sandy was grunting and then gasping as her orgasm exploded.

I couldn't hold out any longer. "I'm going to cum in you, Doris. Where do you want my load?"


Pulling out of her wet cunt, I aimed the head at her now wide open asshole. "Hold your cheeks open. Raise your ass.. I want to see my cock going into your hot ass, Honey."

Her hands gripped her cheeks and yanked herself open. The sight was obscene. Her asshole gaped wide from the fucking of my 8-inch, thick dick had given it. With her cheeks being held wide open, I could see it all. Her ass hole was opening and closing as she throbbed in anticipation. I didn't make her wait. Inserting the head into her hole, I pushed all eight inches inside her ass and began fucking her like a machine.

I saw that Harmon had done the same. He was back in my wife's ass ramming in and out with all the force and speed he could manage.

We both yelled at the same time. "I'm cumming... shooting it up your hot ass." Two sex guns released volley after volley of cum into the two assholes. When we finally pulled out of the panting, moaning women, they both collapsed in a heap.

As we were leaving the party a little after midnight, Mark stopped us. "Sandy, we just got the contract. I can't thank you enough for helping like that. I know it wasn't all that pleasant for you. You'll find a $5,000 bonus in the next check. And Greg, Doris said you were just terrific. She said she must have cum a dozen or more times. She also said you're better than any of the male models we have. So, if you want to change jobs, we would love to have you as our chief male model. You will make just about the same money as your present job, but it will be a lot more fun and... as an added bonus... as a member of the crew...

You get to watch!
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