Part 3

Colton came inside and set down his groceries. He put up the refrigerated items and a few frozen meals before he went upstairs to change into more comfortable clothes. He grabbed a pair of shorts and a T-shirt and started to change. He looked himself over in the mirror as he stripped off the clothes he had worn out. He was a little overweight, but nothing crazy. His lack of muscle tone was due to his years of gaming instead of sports growing up. Usually, he would look at himself with disappointment, but now, it was all different.

His confidence had picked up dramatically since his night with Jane. His first time with a woman had been out of this world, beyond anything in his wildest dreams. And the things she had said about him. His big cock, she had called it. He had always assumed that he was average, but he didn’t have much to compare it to. He had never been in a locker room or anything to know what other guys were like, but maybe the guys in the videos he watched online weren’t average.

He could still hear exactly the way that Jane had said it. The sultry voice, the pure lust spilling from her lips. She had begged him to keep fucking her. In the mirror, his body still seemed unimpressive, but maybe he had more to offer the ladies than he had thought before.

A lot of the issues he had with women were his insecurities about himself, but that seemed to fade away when he thought about how he had made Jane cum. The sound of her voice and the way she looked were burned into his memory. He had probably watched the video of them together dozens of times now.

He finished getting dressed and knew it was time to check in on her morning exercise routine. His camera rarely, if ever, left its perch in the window looking at her house. As soon as he looked through it, he had a perfect view of her. A perfect view of Jane.

Her shapely ass was bouncing in her leggings as she did a workout class on the back patio. She looked angelic, he thought.

Every day felt like an eternity since that night. It had been over a week now, and he just kept waiting for something, anything to happen. If he had spent a lot of his time thinking about Jane before, he could barely think of anything else since that night.

He had spent his days watching her and nights thinking about what he should do now. Should he wait for another opportunity like last time? That might never happen. What would happen if he tried to go over and talk to her? She had been adamant about leaving her alone before but was also surprised in the moment. They hadn’t really had a chance to talk about it.

What Colton did know was that he was very horny and struggling without knowing what would happen with Jane. He opened his dating app and looked through a few of the girls. He normally only tried to match with girls he thought he had a chance with, but his newfound confidence had him rethinking it. He decided to swipe on a few attractive girls who seemed to go to the university in the city. What was the worst that could happen?

He looked out of the window and watched her finish her workout. The rest of the things he had to do could wait.


Mason could hear his wife working in the kitchen as he came downstairs. He had changed out of his suit and hoped for a laidback night. His work schedule had significantly improved after he finished the groundwork for the project he had been in charge of and his life was getting back into the balance it had been in before.

Initially, he was afraid that Jane would be upset when he missed their date night, but that worry had gone away quickly. She had actually been more affectionate than usual the last week and a half and he figured she must have really been missing him. It seemed like every opportunity they had, she was all over him.

“Mmmm, smells good. What’s for dinner?” he asked as he popped into the kitchen. Jane was already cleaning up and sweeping some debris off the cutting board into the trash can.

“Just a little homemade pizza,” she looked at him with an expression that told him she knew she had outdone herself before she started loading the dishwasher.

“Wow,” he said and looked into the oven. It looked fantastic. “What’s the special occasion?”

“Just you being home,” she said earnestly. Mason moved to his wife and kissed her, taking her snuggly into his arms. He didn’t know what he had done to deserve such an amazing wife. His hands gently rubbed her back as they stood swaying in the kitchen.

“It’s such a relief to have that project under control,” he said, shaking his head at the memory. Jane was still holding herself against him, her head pressed against his chest.

“I know,” she said, taking in the moment with him. “I’m glad you’ve been home more. It’s nice to have you here for dinner.”

“You definitely make me want to be home,” he laughed. The extra affection that Jane had been giving him had often been sexual. The day after their missed date night, she had given him a blowjob without him even having to ask. Several mornings during the week, she had woken him up for a quickie before he had to leave for work. The date night after the one they had missed had been memorable. Jane planned it, and rather than going out to eat, he had spent half the night eating things off of Jane.

He smiled at the memory from a few days earlier and the fact that Jane had decided just to throw the sheets away rather than try to get the stains out. Chocolate and white sheets tended to make a mess. Thankfully, it was already Wednesday, so just a few more days of work, and there would be another date night to look forward to. He didn’t know if Jane had anything planned, but he had some ideas if she didn’t.

“Do I?” she asked, turning her face up to him. He leaned in and kissed her, his hand dropping down to her butt and giving her a little squeeze before letting her go so she could continue to work on dinner.

“Let’s just say that Henry would have to handcuff me to my desk to keep me from coming home to you for date night,” he said, trying to bring up the topic organically.

Jane’s laugh was intoxicating and she laughed freely at that comment. “I guess you enjoyed dinner last time.” She winked at him and turned to grab a couple of plates.

“What are we doing this weekend?” he asked her, full of anticipation.

“I think it’s your turn to figure that out,” she told him playfully, “but I’m looking forward to it too.”

Mason’s mind immediately went back to the fantasies he had convinced her to indulge him in before. He felt his blood start flowing to his groin as he repositioned himself without drawing attention to it.

“Hmmm, would you rather stay in or go out?” he asked.

“It’s been a while since I’ve been wined and dined, but staying in gives us more privacy,” she answered suggestively. Mason knew that privacy wasn’t necessarily what he wanted. His arousal at the idea pushed him, though. Like last time, it was an almost undeniable desire.

“What if I wanted to show you off again?” The question made her turn back toward him, a bit of surprise on her face.

“What’s gotten into you lately? This has really become a thing for you,” she laughed. “What did you have in mind?”

Mason weighed his options. He could take the safe route and suggest something similar to last time, or he could take a riskier option. He was nearly rock hard now as things came to mind. “I think the weather will be perfect for a day by the pool,” he offered.

Her dark brown eyes studied him as she considered.

“Last time, I got something quite nice out of this kind of deal,” she said, upping the ante before she agreed to anything.

“Name your price,” he shot back, prepared to bargain with her.

“Hmmm, you have been promising me a weekend getaway. You seem to have the time now. Maybe a weekend at a bed and breakfast where we take full advantage of the bed,” she said flirtatiously. Jane probably already had the bed and breakfast picked out and was just waiting for the opportunity to convince him that they should go.

“I think last time you got a single dinner out of it. This is a big jump,” he protested in jest. Mason saw an opportunity to keep raising the stakes. If she wanted more out of the deal, then so did he.

“Oh, please. I basically laid out naked in front of the neighbor for you. I’d say that last time I gave in too easily, if anything,” Jane replied. Her expression told him that she was enjoying their banter just like he was.

“In that case, I’d agree to a weekend getaway if you’re willing to give him an even better view. I mean, if you were already basically naked last time. What’s the difference?” he offered.

She seemed cautious as she thought about it, clearly wanting that weekend getaway. “What do you mean a better view?” He was so close. He just couldn’t push too much all at once.

“Hmmm, maybe you could lay out again, and if he’s outside, you can go talk to him,” he suggested. “Let him see you up close.”

“Mason!” she said with surprise as she playfully hit him on the arm. Her voice was serious, though, as she added, “God, that would be so embarrassing.”

“Why? You look fantastic,” Mason told her as he thought about what John would think about her body up close. Seeing her from over the fence was one thing, but the old man might have a heart attack up close.

“He’s like seventy! There’s a reason I don’t wear swimsuits like that at the beach. I don’t want every random creep to be able to check me out like that,” she said emphatically.

“Well, that’s a shame because that’s the price,” he said, turning and walking out of the room. Jane’s mouth fell open at the fact that he had said it so definitively. He dropped down on the sofa as Jane followed him in, not about to drop the subject.

“You really want me to do that?” she asked him incredulously.

“It depends how badly you want that weekend getaway,” he told her. In truth, he wouldn’t deny Jane anything, but part of their game had been to haggle in their play.

“Fine, but I pick the bed and breakfast,” she told him.

“Deal,” Mason said as he put out his hand to shake on it, “but I pick the swimsuit.”

“Oh, now that’s a whole different ballgame!” she said, playing up her faux outrage at the last-second addition.

“Take it or leave it,” he told her.

“Let me think about it,” she answered and they dropped the subject.


Colton had watched Jane’s husband leave hours earlier for work and thought. The last few days hadn’t brought any differences to his circumstances. He was still waiting, watching, for any opportunity or sign from Jane to tell him what to do next. She seemed to have gone on with life and pretended nothing had happened. His only solace was that so far, she hadn’t called the police or told her husband anything.

At this point, though, he was struggling. It was like he had tasted the elixir of the gods, and now he couldn’t quench his thirst for more. He wanted to see Jane. No, he needed to see her. He had to.

Colton knew she had to feel the same way, that they had a special connection that night. He had been building up his nerve all week while he watched her, but so far, he hadn’t been able to do anything. He had considered leaving a message in her mailbox but chickened out. Then he had thought that maybe he should just go and talk with her. At least in person, she wouldn’t be able to just ignore him.

He needed to do something. He couldn’t take waiting any longer. He put on a nice button-down shirt and some dark jeans, straightened his hair, and took a few minutes to calm his nerves. It was now or never, he knew.

He stepped out the front door and looked up and down the street. Someone was jogging in the distance, but they were moving away from him. He walked down until he got to the sidewalk and walked towards her house. His feet carried him to the front walkway to her house… and then past it. His courage had failed him at the last moment, and he found himself in front of another house down the street before he stopped.

He slowed down and had to make the conscious decision to turn around. He slowly walked toward her house again. This time, he stopped as he got to the walkway to her front door. Facing her front door, he could feel his hands shaking from the adrenaline. He pushed them into his pockets and took the last steps toward her front door.

As he reached the front door, he reached out and pressed the button on their video doorbell. He could hear the bell ring inside the house and waited.

It felt like an eternity before the door opened, but finally it did. She looked just as phenomenal as she always did, but being right here in person was different. Her hair was up in a messy bun, and she had little makeup on. She was wearing a pair of shorts with a T-shirt. Nothing like the last time he had been this close to her, but it didn’t matter. Colton felt his heart swell.

To say that Jane seemed surprised was an understatement. Her expression went into blank shock as soon as she recognized him and she seemed unable to speak for a moment.

Colton decided to speak first. “Uh, hey,” he managed to get out. It wasn’t exactly the smooth opener he had worked on all week. “Can we talk?”

Jane finally managed to snap out of the surprise. She shot a glance at the video doorbell and hesitated. Colton hadn’t thought about the fact that it would record him being here, but Jane seemed to have realized it immediately. With a look of disgust, she silently beckoned him to come inside.

When the door closed, Colton tried to speak again, but he didn’t get the opportunity.

“What the fuck are you doing here?!” Jane hissed at him. Her anger caught him off guard. It seemed naive now that he was seeing her reaction firsthand, but he had expected her to greet him much more warmly than this.

“I, uh, I…” he stammered as he tried to ignore the daggers she was staring back at him. “I just had to see you,” he managed to say finally.

“What?” she blinked, “What are you talking about?” Okay, maybe she didn’t feel the special connection he did… or perhaps she just didn’t want to admit it.

“After the other night, I had to see you,” he repeated to her, unable to stop himself.

She seemed baffled at that, which gave him room to continue to talk. He was desperate to explain himself.

“I just keep thinking about how amazing it was. It’s all I can think about,” Colton said, his feelings pouring out. “I just thought…” He trailed off and instinctively reached out to touch her arm.

“Don’t fucking touch me!” Jane ripped into him as she pulled her arm back. “Ugh, you can’t just come to my fucking house,” she continued, “Oh, God. What if someone saw you?” Jane peeked out the window and looked to see if anyone was outside.

“Uh, I checked. Nobody was around,” Colton said, trying to defend himself on that front at least.

Jane, at least a little relieved that she couldn’t see anyone outside, turned back to Colton. “What do you want exactly?” she asked him, her frustration perhaps as much anxiety about being caught as anything.

“I thought that um, we could… do it again,” Colton said as his eyes went down to his feet. His confidence was wavering a bit with her negative reaction to seeing him.

Jane stared at him in disbelief, and her head fell into her hands. “Oh my God. You thought I was going to have sex with you?” She sighed in frustration. She took a moment to gather herself and then spoke to him a little more gently. “Look, that is not going to happen,” she said slowly and clearly, emphasizing the word not.

“I just, uh, thought you, um, seemed to enjoy it,” Colton stammered, now feeling foolish for thinking that this would work. His comment about her enjoying it made her visibly blush, though. She was obviously embarrassed and he knew that was because it was true.

“Okay, whatever,” she said dismissively, her voice holding back some anger. “But you have to go. I’m married, and you fucking snuck into my house last time when I didn’t know it was you.” She pushed him toward the front door. “And Colton, I need you to listen to me carefully. Forget about what happened, and leave me alone, please.”

Before he could say another word, she opened the door and pushed him out, closing it behind him. He walked quickly back to the road and towards his own house. Colton sighed. A disaster. In his mind, that had gone very differently. His fantasies had been that she would have been thinking about it as much as he had and that she would take him to her bed immediately.

In the scenarios he had imagined that were more realistic, he imagined them having a long conversation about everything. Maybe she would have given him her number. Had he imagined she would have cursed him out and thrown him out? No, he hadn’t expected that at all.


Mason sat down on the sofa to watch some TV while he waited for Jane to finish putting Tyler to bed. Only a few more days until Saturday and he was getting antsy. He had a special surprise for Jane even though she hadn’t officially agreed to it yet. He knew she would do it, and he would get to watch her talk to John while the man got a front-row seat to her body.

He had gotten her exact size off some of her swimsuits and done some online shopping for her, determined to get the most out of the opportunity. A dozen websites later, he had found the perfect one. It seemed like the kind of thing a girl would wear on spring break. Well, it seemed like the thing that a girl would wear on spring break if she were a little slutty. Mason couldn’t wait to see Jane’s reaction when she saw it.

With his few minutes alone, he scrolled through his emails on his phone and then went through the rest of his notifications that he had ignored throughout the day. It was a mind-numbing process. He had a notification from his doorbell from the day before that a person had been detected, but something about it stood out. He pulled up the app and immediately saw it wasn’t a delivery person.

Mason didn’t recognize the person in it, but they were a young guy. Maybe around twenty or so. The video showed the man walking up to the front door and ringing the doorbell. A minute later, he spoke to Jane for just a moment before she invited him in without much question. That was the end of the clip. He rewatched it several times, but there was nothing else to see.

He backed out and looked for the clip of the young man leaving, and it was only three minutes later. He walked quickly and then made his way down the sidewalk before he was out of frame. Very odd, he thought.

Jane walked into the living room and sat down beside him with a bowl of popcorn. “Whatcha want to watch tonight?” she asked him, offering him the bowl. He took a handful of the popcorn she had offered him.

“Anything is fine,” he answered, distracted by the questions he had for Jane. She picked a romantic comedy and snuggled up against him as she watched. He gave it a few minutes before he decided to bring it up.

“Hey, who was that guy that came over to the house yesterday?” he asked her, trying to sound as casual as he could.

Jane looked a bit like a deer in headlights. “What?” she asked. “Who?” Mason hadn’t been overly suspicious before, but that was an odd reaction from her.

Mason wasn’t sure what to make of it. She looked more nervous than confused by his question. “The young guy that came to the front door? It looked like you let him in,” he said, still cautious to sound only mildly curious.

“Oh,” Jane said as if she just now remembered. “That’s the guy that’s staying next door at Gloria’s house. Her grandson, I think. He just came by to ask about…” she paused as if she was thinking. “…the homeowner’s association. I just had to find the most recent mailer for him.”

Mason knew someone was caring for her house, but he hadn’t realized someone was staying there. “Oh, okay,” he guessed that made sense, but he wasn’t sure why she had seemed so suspicious if that was all it was, “How old is he? He looked pretty young.”

“Like college age, I’d guess,” she said shortly, focusing intently on the TV. She still seemed a little stiff.

A college guy was staying next door. Now, that was interesting, Mason thought. Their upcoming date night wasn’t for a few days, but maybe John wasn’t the only one who would be watching her while she was outside. The only question was if the guy would see her while she laid out. He would have to think about that, but for now, he was in the mood to play some with Jane about it. His cock had been responding to the dirty thoughts that had filled his mind.

“Hmmm, I bet when he came over, he wasn’t expecting a sexy little thing like you to answer the door,” Mason joked playfully with her.

Jane rolled her eyes but couldn’t help but smile. She seemed to be relaxing a little. “I hate to disappoint you, but I don’t think he enjoyed it as much as you think he did.”

Mason could feel his cock shrink a little at the boring reality. “Oh, I don’t know about that. What were you wearing?” he asked, hoping to get her to play along a little.

She gave him an odd look. “Really, Mason? First John, now the twenty-year-old next door?”

“Yeah,” he said with his mouth a little dry.

“God, that might be worse than the old man,” she said as she shook her head.

“I just know what I would have thought if I had lived next door to you when I was his age,” Mason continued, trying to get her to play along.

“Whatever you say,” Jane answered him. He gave it a few minutes as they watched the movie, thinking. In the meantime, he wondered what the younger man had thought about his wife. Jane was a fox by any standard, and though she had just turned thirty a couple of months earlier, she easily could have passed for mid-twenties.

“Did he check you out?” he asked her suddenly, feeling his cock throb.

“Geez, you’re still thinking about that?” she asked him, but he just waited for her to answer his question. The tension was heavy in the air.

“Do you think he did?” she put the ball back in his court.

All he could do was nod back in response. He didn’t care if it was true. Even the idea of it was enough. A few minutes later, he was pushing his cock into his wife right there on the sofa, their movie forgotten.


Colton may not have had much success with Jane several days earlier, but he hadn’t been able to get her off of his mind. The last few days, it had been raining, and she hadn’t been doing her regular workouts outside. Now, it seemed that fate was determined to even deprive him of seeing her. He knew that was dramatic, but he had been pretty down the last several days after he had gone and talked to Jane. He didn’t know what to do, but he had no outlet for his feelings for her. He actually had been successful at matching with one girl who was pretty out of his league, but he hadn’t sent her a message in his depressed state.

It was Saturday morning, though, and it wasn’t raining, so he knew there was a good chance she would go for a walk around the neighborhood. His watching her routines over the summer had paid off, and he could sometimes predict what she would do and when. If he watched her out of the front windows of his house, his view would be pretty limited, but at least he could see her. He had considered moving the camera there to get a better view, but it would still barely be a glimpse of her.

His burning desire and desperation had him ready for a riskier plan. Colton had woken up before dawn to get ready. Jane would be out just after the sun came up, and the road would take her right around the greenspace by the lake in the middle of the neighborhood.

He had taken his camera with him and set up early, taking pictures of the lake and the ducks while he waited for her to appear. She would probably see him, but it didn’t matter. He was allowed to be out in public and maybe being reminded of him would change her mind.

Several minutes passed, and he had long grown bored of taking pictures of the ducks floating on the water's surface when he finally saw someone in the distance on the road. His camera let him zoom in enough to see them in detail without being too obvious.

Colton’s heart stopped. It was Jane, but her husband was with her too.


Mason walked beside his gorgeous wife as she pushed the stroller. She was wearing a sports bra and a pair of tight yoga pants. Her hair was up in a ponytail and she had on a hat to keep the sun out of her eyes. She looked every bit the part of a young, hot, stay at home mom.

She had insisted that he get up with her early for a walk before the day started. So they had gotten up around dawn and gotten everything together to bring Tyler with them. He had to admit, it was a nice way to start the weekend. They had been flirting for days about going out tonight.

“So tell me more about this club we’re going to tonight,” Jane said as she pushed the stroller beside him.

“It’s pretty upscale, but I figured we could get some drinks and do a little dancing,” he answered. He had spent half his waking hours this week thinking about other men watching her dancing in that revealing dress.

“As long as it’s an open bar for me,” Jane joked.

“Whatever you want,” Mason laughed as he answered her. They were getting close to the park along the lake in the middle of the neighborhood, and he felt the wind pick up. It was a beautiful day.

“Hey, isn’t that the kid living next door?” he asked her as he gestured toward the lake.

Jane’s demeanor stiffened. “Looks like it,” she answered him. A naughty idea popped into Mason’s head. No doubt the other day that this guy had seen Jane, but damn, she looked good today. He wanted to see the guy’s reaction to Jane up close.

“Let’s go say hello real quick,” he suggested to his wife.

“Mason, no,” she tried to dissuade. “Let’s just finish our walk.”

“Just for a minute, come on,” he told her, taking a path down into the grassy area toward the younger man. Jane hesitated behind him, but he didn’t stop. The younger guy was awkwardly standing there fiddling with his camera.

“Hey! How’s it going?” Mason asked him as he approached.

The kid looked surprised that he was talking to him. He must have been in his own world. “Oh, um, hey, mister,” he managed to say with difficulty. Mason wondered if he was always this socially awkward or if it was just that he was surprised.

“Mason, just call me Mason,” he said, extending his hand.

“I’m Colton,” the younger guy answered as he took his hand. Colton’s handshake was flimsy.

“My wife Jane was telling me that you were staying next door. I just wanted to introduce myself and let you know if you need anything, to just let us know,” he gestured to Jane as he said her name. Mason tracked Colton’s eyes as Jane walked up behind him with the stroller.

“Oh, uh, well, thanks. Nice to meet you,” Colton murmured, his eyes still on Jane.

Mason looked at the camera hanging from around his neck. “You’re into photography?” he asked, trying to keep the conversation going. The young man looked at the camera like he had forgotten it was there.

“Oh, uh, yeah,” Colton said, not elaborating. The conversation was a bit of a struggle, but Mason was determined to keep it going. Colton’s eyes had Jane and dropped to her chest, no doubt drawn to the fact that she was wearing a sports bra. He couldn’t blame the guy, but geez, it was pretty overt with him standing right there.

“So, what kind of photography do you do?” Mason asked as he tried to prompt him to open up.

“Mason, let him get back to what he was doing,” Jane’s voice was impatient from behind him. He looked over at her, communicating nonverbally with his wife. She seemed annoyed to be there.

“Well, in class, we mostly did portraits, but I kind of like landscapes too,” Colton said, his eyes still staring at Jane’s figure. Mason would typically have been aggravated by someone looking at his wife that way, but for some reason, he found watching this guy ogle his wife exciting.

“Portraits? Really?” Mason asked, his interest genuinely piqued.

“Uh yeah,” Colton said. It was like talking to a wall while all the guy could focus on was Jane.

“Cool, cool,” Mason said, “Well, it was nice to meet you. See you around.” There wasn’t much else to say, even to buy time for the guy to check out Jane.

“Yeah, uh, nice to meet you too,” Colton said while still looking at Jane, who just waved before turning to walk with Mason.

They had walked in silence a good way down the road before either of them spoke. “Did you enjoy that?” Jane asked him with a combination of annoyance and uncertainty.

“What do you mean?” he asked innocently.

“I know what you were doing,” she said, rolling her eyes at her husband.

“I’m just trying to be nice. He’s staying by himself and he’s young, almost a kid,“ Mason answered, trying to be convincing. Jane visibly cringed at his words but didn’t argue anymore. After that, the conversation shifted to other topics while they finished their walk.

Once they got home, Mason dropped Tyler off at his parent’s while Jane did pilates to round out her exercise for the day. He came home and poured himself some coffee, spending some time reading the news on his laptop at the kitchen island. Jane had been in the shower when he got home, but now he heard the water turn off in the shower upstairs. Deep breaths, he told himself. They hadn’t discussed their deal in several days and it was killing him to know if Jane would take him up on it. His expedited delivery had gotten the swimsuit to their house the night before, so he was ready.

Half an hour passed before Jane came downstairs. Finally, he thought, but Mason played it cool as if he didn’t remember their conversation earlier in the week. Jane walked up to the window and looked out in the back. It was sunny outside for the first time in days, but there was no sign of John yet. Mason had been keeping a close eye out for him.

She didn’t say anything but went back upstairs without a word. Shit, Mason thought to himself. The weather had cleared up, but where was John? His foot tapped impatiently while he tried to focus on the article he was reading.

Another half hour passed, and he was about to move to the living room when he heard the sound he had been waiting on. The sound of the lawnmower in the distance was unmistakable. Mason’s cock stiffened as soon as he heard it, which drew a laugh from him. That’s a little twisted, he thought to himself. Now, it was just a matter of waiting on Jane.

Several minutes passed, and he got antsier and antsier. He got up and paced into the living room, listening to see if he could tell what Jane was doing upstairs, but he couldn’t hear anything.

He walked back into the kitchen and looked out the window. He could see the top of John’s head over the fence as he rode his lawn mower back and forth across the backyard, but John wouldn’t be outside all day.

“So, which swimsuit?” Jane asked from behind him. He hadn’t even heard her come downstairs, but there she was, and, in the meantime, she had taken the time to do her hair and put on a little makeup after her shower.

“It’s in the top drawer of my dresser upstairs,” Mason told her without letting on. Jane raised her eyebrows, a little unsure, but a moment later, she turned to go find it.

Now Mason’s heart was starting to beat faster. Would she actually wear it, or was it too much? The minutes ticked by as he waited. She needed to hurry before John finished up and went inside.

Finally, he heard her coming down the stairs. Holy shit. Jane was standing there with her hand on her hip, not looking very pleased with him, but wearing the swimsuit. The black swimsuit made her white string bikini look conservative by comparison.

“Really?” was all Jane said, but he knew what she meant.

“Spin for me,” he told her. She obliged, still looking annoyed. The bottom was a thong style that essentially left all of her ass hanging out and barely covered her mound with a string that connected them but didn’t cover a thing. The small triangles covering her breasts left little to the imagination and had no padding, so her nipples were already faintly visible.

“I can’t go out there like this,” Jane told him as she looked at herself.

“You look beyond sexy,” Mason reassured her. Jane’s glare was less than enthused.

“Mason, I’ll do it, but let me just put on the white bikini from last time,” she offered. Mason wasn’t sure why, but seeing her in this swimsuit, he had to see John’s reaction.

“No,” he told her.

“No?” Jane said, surprised. Mason didn’t tell her no very often.

“John gets to see you in this one,” he said. His gorgeous wife didn’t seem to know what to say, but she was thinking.

“Fuck it,” Jane said. “It’s going to be a hell of bed and breakfast.” Without another word, she put on her sunglasses, strode confidently to the door, and went outside. Mason turned and literally ran upstairs to the window of the master bedroom to watch.

Jane was already sitting on the lounge chair, stretching out in the sun. She looked like she should be a model in a magazine with her light bronze skin and toned muscles. He managed to peel his eyes off his wife to see if John had noticed that she was outside, but so far, he hadn’t.

The backyard was almost finished being cut at this point, and surely, he would see her once he got back to his deck, Mason thought. A few minutes later, John finished his yard and headed inside, going up the stairs onto his back deck. Mason watched him, willing him to notice that Jane was outside.

John suddenly froze in place, looking out over the fence. Yes! Mason felt a little foolish as he hoped that the man would see his wife, but it was like an addiction.

The older neighbor stared at Jane for a few moments and then took off his glasses and cleaned them before putting them back on, probably in disbelief about what he was seeing. What was he thinking right now? Mason would have given anything to know that answer.

That’s when Jane sat up and waved at John.

Mason almost couldn’t believe it, but the other man nearly fell down. Jane stood up and strutted across the yard over to the fence where John had been watching her. The bikini was outrageous and her body was on full display for both of them. She wouldn’t have been out of place in that swimsuit with a group of coeds at spring break. Mason was rock hard as he watched her get to the fence and start talking to John, who was no more than six feet from her now.

He couldn’t quite make out where the man’s eyes were, but damn, it was so hot. In fact, this was probably the second of their neighbors to check out his wife’s cleavage this morning. John seemed to be enjoying the conversation with the young housewife and was talking very animatedly, waving his hands and gesturing. If Jane was uncomfortable, she didn’t show it. She stood there as confidently as could be with no sign she was aware that almost every inch of her was ******* to their elderly neighbor.

John pointed to something in the back of his yard, and Jane turned to look. That was when he saw John clear as day check out Jane’s ass in the thong bikini. He was already stroking himself through his shorts as he watched them, but God, this was just so hot. They kept talking for several minutes before she finally said goodbye and turned to walk away. She didn’t hurry but instead seemed to exaggerate the swinging of her hips as the man watched until she made it through the door and disappeared.

Mason ran out of the bedroom and took the stairs as quickly as he could, meeting Jane as he reached the bottom. He immediately grabbed Jane and kissed her, his hands frantically exploring her body. He roughly pulled the top off of her and his mouth found one of her nipples, sucking on it.

Jane moaned in response and reached her whole hand into his shorts to start stroking his cock. Mason couldn’t wait, and he didn’t bother moving anywhere but just lifted her leg with his arm and pulled his shorts down. Jane pulled the string on the side of her bottoms and flung them aside while he drove himself inside of her.

“Ohhhhh,” she moaned as he filled her. Mason was a bit rough as he thrust into her rapidly, but Jane seemed to be enjoying it too. He had her pressed against the railing of the staircase and was hammering into her.

They had barely started and he could already feel his release building. “I can’t believe you did that,” he told her.

“Shit, he couldn’t take his eyes off of me, Mason,” she told him. His pace increased even more as he raced to completion. Mason wasn’t able to speak, but Jane seemed happy to keep encouraging him.

“Harder,” she ordered him. His hand grabbed her ass firmly to hold her in place while he kept hammering away at her, and he knew he was close.

“Damn, ohhh. Shit, Jane,” he groaned as he came inside her. He held her there for a moment and then finally let her leg down.

“Well, I’d say that had you pretty turned on,” Jane teased him as she drew circles on his chest.

“What did you talk about?” he asked when he had finally caught his breath.

“I asked him about what he was planting in his garden in the back,” she giggled. “He seemed more than happy to tell me all about it.”

“He was definitely checking you out,” Mason said.

“It’s definitely the first time I’ve ever had a man that old eye fuck me like that,” Jane said with a laugh, “It felt dirty.”

It was so hot,” he said and kissed her again.

Jane ran her hand down his face, “You’re going to love the bed and breakfast I found. We’re getting a suite,” she told him playfully.

“So worth it,” he said, satisfied.


The rest of the day had been pretty uneventful as they lounged around and spent the day together, but Mason had dreamed about Jane’s exhibitionism after he had fallen asleep. It was burned into his memory and it was all he could think about when he woke up the next morning.

“I should only be a few hours. The baby shower should be fairly small and then I’ll swing by the store on my way home.” Jane told her Mason as she steamed the blue sun dress she had picked out for the day. It was a warm Sunday afternoon and she had been looking forward to this shower for one of her good friends. Mason wasn’t mad that it was just for women and he could stay home and enjoy his time off, but

He pressed up against her from behind. “Mmm, that dress is going to look good on you, but you could afford to show a little more skin,” he said flirtatiously.

“It’s a baby shower, Mason, not a night out on the town. Besides, you aren’t even going,” she said, rolling her eyes.

“I know, but it’s still exciting knowing what you’re wearing in public,” He replied, pretending to pout.

“I saw how excited you were yesterday,” she joked.

“Exactly, and damn, you looked good,” he told her as he kissed her on the neck.

Jane turned to her husband. “All of my friends will be there today. I can’t just dress like a whore.” She joked. The day prior had only added more fuel to the fire of his lust and desire revolving around his wife.

“What do you think they’d say about yesterday?” he asked her.

Jane’s smile was naughty, “I’m sure they would have been surprised.”

“What do you think their husbands would have thought?” he asked her, being more provocative.

“God, Mason! You’re being so bad!” she said playfully. “Let me get dressed!”

“Well, what are you going to wear underneath?” He asked, running a finger down her back until he gently caressed her butt.

“You haven’t had enough of me after yesterday?” she flirted back. Jane always liked it when he showed how attracted he was to her.

“Never,” he said and kissed her on the lips. “They don’t need to know what you’re wearing especially for me. The only one who will see it is me when you get home.”

She let out an exaggerated sigh, “Fine, for your eyes only,” she winked. “Now, let me finish getting dressed. You can see later.”

Mason went downstairs, reveling in his victory, while he let Jane finish getting ready. He had seen a number of the new things that Jane had bought for herself, which included a generous amount of lingerie, but his mind was going wild with the possibilities. He sat in the living room, the anticipation killing him.

She walked through the living room as Mason was watching her intently. Jane grabbed a few things she needed before leaving, pretending she hadn’t noticed him staring at her.

“Any sneak peeks?” He asked hopefully.

“Sneak peeks of what?” Jane answered coyly.

“Underneath,” he said.

“Oh, you mean this?” She slipped the edge of the dress up her right thigh until it barely revealed the tiny string of her panties at her hip, and then she let it drop. Mason was speechless. Jane giggled. He knew that she loved having that effect on him. “Now, mister, I don’t want you touching yourself before I get home.” She said as she walked over and ran her fingers through his hair. “That’s my job,” she said with a wink.

Mason’s brain was in a fog as Jane's teasing diverted too much of his blood flow below his waist.

“I love you. I’ll see you in a bit!” she laughed playfully as she grabbed her purse and walked to the door.

“You’re such a tease!” He shouted after her as she bounded out the door.


Jane walked through the sliding doors into the local grocery store, her hips swaying from side to side. Everything about her was perfect, Colton thought. He had followed her out today after seeing her getting ready without her husband. He didn’t know where she was going when he followed her, but it ended up being a party. After waiting a couple of hours, she finally left and headed back toward her house. He had worried that she was going straight home, but to his delight, she had stopped somewhere public.

Her hair was way down and her makeup done, making her look very mature. She was wearing a blue sundress with a modest neckline that came down almost to her knees. Very conservative, considering what he had seen her do in private. Jane maintained the perfect image of the classy housewife, but he knew the truth. He knew that underneath that façade that she was every bit a slut. After watching her the day before, he had decided that he had to try again. The show she had put on with that swimsuit, she had to have known that he would see it. It had to have been for him. Nothing else made sense. He sighed. If he couldn’t reason with her, he needed to bring that side out of her like he had last time.

His cock throbbed. He couldn’t wait any longer. It was time to play his hand. Colton stepped out of his car and followed her into the store, cautiously making his way down the aisles until he found her. There she was, looking radiant as she added things to her cart. He watched her for a few minutes until she was toward the back of the store.

Colton approached her from behind, making sure that nobody was too close to her to overhear them. “Uh, hey,” he said as he walked towards her. She startled at his voice and turned quickly toward him. As it dawned on her who he was, disgust filled her face again. Colton tried to maintain his composure while her eyes bore into him.

“I told you not to talk to me. Leave me alone.” She said coldly and turned to walk away. She seemed intent on keeping as much distance between them as she could. Today, though, Colton’s desire had emboldened him, and he wouldn’t take no for an answer. He glanced around him. Nobody was close by. He walked quickly to catch her, grabbing her by the arm and cutting her off as she tried to protest.

“Listen,” Colton said, his own anger bubbling to the surface. He was tired of her dismissing him, “You’re either going to do what I want, or I’m going to tell your husband and everyone else you know what you did.” His boldness seemed to have surprised both of them, but he suddenly realized how ******* he was in the aisle and how he was acting. He softened his expression and weighed his options. Colton quickly looked around him and had an idea. He let her go, but the feel of her skin and the smell of her perfume had only added to his lust. His desire for her was uncontrollable. Time to roll the dice, he thought. “So, this is how it’s going to work. Right now, you’re going to follow me into the bathroom and we’ll see if you want me to keep this secret.”

The fury in Jane’s eyes was unlike anything he had ever seen. His heart was thundering in his chest as he tried to stand his ground and appear confident.

“Fuck you.” She spat back, “I don’t believe you’re going to do anything.” She clearly didn’t like being blackmailed, but he knew that from last time.

That one stung, but his lust was still in control. “It’s your choice. I guess you’ll find out if I’m serious when you talk to your husband.” Colton said. He turned to walk away as calmly as he could, with his legs feeling like jelly. He knew this was a gamble, but he figured she might take him seriously if he seemed confident enough.

As he rounded the corner to the hallway and reached the public restroom, he stopped at the doorway. He looked around as inconspicuously as possible to ensure nobody was around. Not a soul in the back half of the store. Finally, some luck, he thought. He pushed through the door and stood by the sinks. He could feel himself sweating while he waited, unsure what would happen next. Should he wait by the door, or should he pick a stall? He hadn’t really thought this part out. He shuffled nervously, waiting. Too much time had passed, hadn’t it? Perhaps he had overplayed his hand.

The door suddenly flung open, and Jane stormed in.

“Now you listen. I’m not going to do anything with you. This is over. You’re going to delete the video because that was a mistake and you’re going to leave me alone. Don’t even look in the direction of my house.” Jane let loose. This was not the reaction Colton had expected when she followed him in, and it caught him completely off guard.

“Uh… uh…” he stuttered. He was about to accept defeat, but was that a slight waiver he saw in her resolve?

She was bluffing, he realized. She’s trying to take away the power he had over her. If she didn’t believe he would tell, then she wouldn’t have followed him in here. He just needed to focus and offer her hope of a way out, and she would bend. He thought for a moment.

“I’ll delete the video of you and leave you alone,” he offered, trying to figure out his next step.

“Do it. Right now,” she demanded. She looked gorgeous, even as furious as she was at him.

He swallowed. “If you do something for me,” he forced out.

Jane looked even more pissed as she realized he was still trying to get something from her. Her foot quickly tapped while she stared at him, unyielding. She took a moment to consider.

“What do I have to do?” She asked with caution.

Colton swallowed nervously. His confidence was at an all-time high, but he had never said something to a woman like he was about to say.

“I, uh, want you to give me a… uh… blowjob,” he finished, trailing off at the end.

If looks could kill, he would surely be dead. “You’re disgusting. You really think I’m going to suck your little cock?”

He didn’t have a response to that and he wondered if he had made a colossal mistake. Panic started to set in as he watched her expression. If his legs had worked at that moment, he would have cut bait and run out of the store, but he was frozen in place.

“Ugh, unbelievable.” she put her face into her hands and sighed with frustration. “Fine. Let’s get this over with. Then we’re done.” She said with anger in her voice.

She pushed him back into the stall while he was still too stunned to speak, following him in. She closed the door behind them and locked the latch. Jane wasted no time in dropping to her knees. She started unzipping his pants. His uncut penis was already hard when it flopped out right in front of her face.

Jane reached out and grabbed it with her hand. Her small fingers wrapped around his cock, not quite able to completely encircle his shaft as she started stroking him slowly. Colton couldn’t believe this was actually happening, but wow, it felt incredible. He couldn’t help but grin as he watched her work his shaft. She must have noticed his smile.

“Can you not look so pleased with yourself?” Jane asked in annoyance, but she started stroking him faster, drawing an involuntary moan from Colton. She was clearly trying to get him to cum quickly to get this over with.

He sat back on the toilet so he could focus on the sensation and watch her work.

He was feeling more powerful and emboldened as he watched his cock right in front of the beautiful woman’s face. Colton placed his hand on the back of Jane’s head and pushed it down toward his cock. She resisted with a disgusted look on her face.

“Okay, okay. Just give me a second,” she said desperately, steeling herself. Colton, however, was full of lust and feeling impatient. He tried to push her head down again.

“Can you stop trying to force your little cock into my mouth?” Jane said angrily as she pulled back.

“Little? That’s not what you said last time,” he said reflexively, leaving her speechless for once. Jane’s light brown eyes looked up at him, furious, as she wrapped her lips around the tip of his cock and started working her way down to the base. Her eyes never broke eye contact as she took every inch of him to the back of her throat and held it. Colton nearly came immediately and had to use all of his willpower to hold off. Damn, he thought, she really wants to make me cum. I can’t let her win that easily.

Jane came up and took a gasping breath with saliva dripping down her chin. “I fucking hate you,” she said and then immediately ran her tongue up the underside of his cock, sending shivers down him. She wrapped her lips around him again and started to bob up and down on it, using every trick she knew. She kept this up for a minute or so. She was giving it everything she had, really pumping him with her mouth, and even started moaning while she did it.

“Fuckk,” Colton moaned with immense pleasure.

Jane stopped and looked at him joylessly, “Can you just hurry up and cum?”

Colton again decided to try his luck, “It would help if you, um, showed me your… uh…” he trailed off, trying to explain what he wanted. Jane, however, had followed his eyes down to her chest and seemed to know what he wanted.

Again, loathing emanated from the slender young housewife as she reached up and lowered the dress off her shoulders so she could pull down her top. Colton marveled at the thought that she was pulling her tits out so that he could cum faster while she blew him. She revealed her lace blue bra as she lowered the fabric of her dress. This had been the best idea he had ever had. She pulled the bra down to her stomach so her breasts were free. Her small, perky breasts and the small nipples fit perfectly with her long, lithe body.

Jane immediately grabbed his cock again and started to suck the tip while she pumped the base with her hand. Colton leaned forward and grabbed a breast in each hand, gently pinching both nipples. She flinched at his touch but didn’t stop him, and a moment later, he felt her nipples harden under his fingertips.

“Having fun?” Jane asked when she pulled his cock out of her mouth. She didn’t wait for an answer but instead swirled her tongue around the head of his cock and then took him into her mouth again. Colton watched her face as she continued to stare daggers at him. It was too much.

“Oh God, you’re so fucking good at that,” Colton panted, squeezing her nipples harder. He could have sworn he saw Jane smirk for just a moment at the compliment.

“Yeah?” she asked as she used both hands to stroke his cock. “You like how I suck your cock?”

Colton wasn’t sure if she was just trying to bait him to finish or if she was actually getting into it, but either way, he was getting closer.

“Fuck yeah,” he answered. He knew he wasn’t exactly creative with his dirty talk, but he had never done it before.

“Is this big, thick cock going to cum for me?” Jane asked with emphasis dripping off of the words. She either deserved an Oscar, or she really was getting into it. Her eyes had gone from anger to more of a determined look.

“Now it’s big?” Colton asked her.

Jane was giving in to her lust. “It’s fucking huge,” she said as she jacked him off.

“Yeah, I’m going to cum,” Colton said as he closed his eyes.

“Fucking cum for me,” Jane said and took that as her chance to finish the job. She deepthroated him suddenly, and Colton reflexively grabbed the back of her head and pumped his cock into her throat. The feeling in his balls was reaching a fever pitch. Her brown eyes held eye contact while he fucked her throat in the bathroom stall.

The creak of the door opening unexpectedly brought him back to reality and killed his impending orgasm. His eyes opened, and Jane's eyes were huge, panic having replaced whatever as she wrenched her head up. She looked at Colton and held a finger up to her mouth to tell him to be quiet as if he had to be told. The person who had come in had gone straight to the sink to wash their hands. Both Jane and Colton were frozen in place as the sound of the faucet started.

The stall went to the floor on the sides, but the door stopped about a foot above the floor. Jane, realizing they could see her under the stall door, quickly stood up and turned to peek out of the crack of the door. She stole a glance and then moved a foot to either side of the door to try to hide them from view.

Colton sat there, looking at her from behind, her perky ass covered by just her dress, and his cock about to burst. He reached up and slid his hands under her dress until he touched the sides of her legs. Jane turned and glared at him, angrily mouthing words in silence as she swatted at his hand. He had already seen the other side of Jane start to come out. She just needed to go a little further.

Instead of stopping, he ran his hands up to her hips and stood up behind her as he pulled her dress up. This uncovered her entire ass, which was barely covered by a tiny blue g-string that matched the rest of her outfit. Her slender backside was toned and perky from the pilates and squats he had watched her do so consistently. Jane tried to push him back away from her while her facial expressions silently screamed at him to stop. He squeezed her bare ass despite her protests. Jane rolled her eyes in revulsion and snuck another peek through the crack in the door while he continued to grope her.

Colton couldn’t resist with how close he had been to finishing. He reached down and pulled the thin strip of her panties out of the way, and pressed his cock against her opening. She realized what he was doing right as he thrust upward into her tight pussy. He had barely gotten the tip inside her when her hand locked around his cock, squeezing tightly.

The sink was still running.

“What the fuck is wrong with you?!” Jane risked whispering with the sound of the running water to cover her voice. “You aren’t going to fuck me,” she hissed and pulled his cock back out of her.

Colton’s lust had driven him to the point of not caring if someone heard them. He started thrusting upward into her hand. She just glared at him as he squeezed her ass and pumped into her hand, making her essentially jack him off. The water turned off, and they listened to the stranger dry his hands. Colton had an idea and quietly slipped his phone from his shirt pocket. He started a video and got a great angle of Jane’s ass with her panties still pulled aside. He carefully put the phone on the toilet paper holder, angled to film them.

The second the door closed, Jane spun around to face him.

“You almost got us caught,” she whispered furiously at him. He didn’t answer, instead pushing her down to her knees in front of him again. She didn’t need to be told what to do.

Without missing a beat, Jane wrapped her lips around his cock and started sucking his cock like her life depended on it. Her hair was a mess as she had to push it out of her face, and her mascara was starting to run, but she was in her element.

Pumping his entire length with both hands, she freed her mouth. “Are you going to cum?” she asked him again.

“Keep going,” he told her, trying to drag it out as long as possible. She deepthroated him again, and he grabbed her head and pumped his cock into her mouth. Jane’s response was to moan around his cock. She pushed back a little and he let her breathe. Spit was dripping from his cock, and she gasped for breath while her hands went back to stroking him. Her brown doe eyes were looking up at him and he could see the lust clearly in her eyes now.

“Fuck, Colton, I need your cum. Fucking cum for me,” the emphasis she put on each word was slow and deliberate in an outrageously seductive way.

“Okay,” Colton said, barely able to reply. Now Jane was definitely smirking, pleased with herself. She grabbed a handful of toilet paper, and then she deepthroated him again as if it was her finishing move. Oh, it was coming. It was almost here. Where was he supposed to cum? They hadn’t talked about it before, and his brain completely shut down. Jane finally had to breathe and pulled back.

“When you cu-“ she started, gesturing to the toilet paper. It was too late, though, and Colton couldn’t control himself.

As soon as his cock came out of her mouth, he came. Colton had been pent up, and his eruption was massive. The first spray of hot cum across her face surprised her, making her pull back. The second, third, and fourth ropes coated her breasts, her lace bra, and the front half of her dress.

Her eyes were closed as cum dripped off of her face and breasts. “Oh my god, are you fucking kidding?” Jane asked him angrily as she got up off of her knees. She immediately started trying to clean herself up with toilet paper. She wiped cum off of her face so she could open her eyes. Colton quickly turned off his recording on his phone and sat back on the toilet, his legs too weak to stand. He had never experienced anything like that before.

Jane opened her eyes as she finished wiping her face. She looked down at the mess he had made of her. Her blue dress had dark stains down the front of the material. The lace bra that had been pulled down was nearly saturated. “Holy shit, this is so much cum,” Jane said in shock as she tried her best to clean herself up. She grabbed more toilet paper to try to wipe as much of it off of her clothing as she could.

Colton was still trying to recover when she opened the stall door and looked back at him. She had quickly done her best to situate herself and had her dress back on, though the obvious dark cum stains were all down the front of it.

Jane sighed. “Fuck. Delete the video. Don’t contact me again,” she said with ice in her voice before she turned and walked out of the bathroom. He pulled his pants up and followed her out in time to watch her make a hasty exit from the store before anyone noticed her disheveled appearance.

Colton took his time walking to his car, trying to take in everything that had happened. Jane’s lust had seemed to get out of control just like last time. It was clearly a trend and Colton was already thinking about how else he could exploit it. He got into his car and rewatched the video he had just taken. He knew he had told Jane this would be the last time, but he couldn’t give her up.


Mason grabbed another beer from the fridge and cracked it open. He took a deep drink, lost in thought. He had been eagerly waiting for Jane to come home from the baby shower, his mind preoccupied with how she was out in public with almost nothing on underneath her dress. Nobody would know, but

He heard the door open and walked to greet his wife. He walked into the foyer as she was almost to the stairs.

Jane’s appearance took him aback. Her hair was a mess and her mascara was running a little from both eyes despite looking like she had done her best to fix it. The blue dress she had worn to the shower had dark stains down the front.

“Geez, what happened?” Mason asked from across the room, freezing Jane in place. She hadn’t seen him until he spoke, but she quickly turned towards him.

“I, um,” she started, nervously avoiding eye contact with him, “spilled coffee all over myself.” She shook her head in disbelief at herself. “I had stopped to get coffee on the way home, and someone pulled out in front of me, and it went everywhere.” Mason had no reason to distrust Jane, but it didn’t look like coffee stains to hi

He walked towards her and looked at the dress from up close, inspecting the dark stains. “Geez, did it burn?” he asked as he touched one of the stains. It was a little sticky.

“Um, no, it was an iced coffee. Well, a latte,” she said as she turned a little away from him towards the stairs.

“Hmmm, well, I’ve been waiting on you all day,” he said as his hands slipped around his wife to pull her back toward him.

“Mason, I need to go change,” she started, but he leaned in to kiss her. She turned her head away from him. Mason wasn’t going to let her go that easily and his hand turned her head back until his lips found hers. She resisted him at first, but then her lips parted for him. They kissed deeply and he moved her back against the wall as they continued to kiss. Jane’s resistance seemed to melt away quickly.

Mason’s hand slid around to her front and under her dress to between her legs. Her panties were already soaked through. He smiled as they made out, thinking about what that meant. Had wearing the skimpy lingerie underneath her dress affected her as much as it had him? It must have been what had gotten her so turned on because that hadn’t just happened. She had been turned on for a while before she got home.

His hand slipped under her panties and his wife moaned. Her hand grabbed his cock tightly through his pants, almost bringing him to his knees.

“Oh God, Jane,” he said.

“I need this, now,” she said as she squeezed his cock to make sure he knew what she meant. The hunger in her brown eyes burned into him. More than desire, she needed it. He didn’t have to answer because she was already unzipping his pants and pulling it out.

As soon as his cock was out, Mason tried to lower himself to start lining up with her to take her right there against the wall, but she shook him off. She guided him over to the sofa and had him sit down. She stood in front of him and slipped the dress off, letting it fall around her ankles. All she was wearing was a blue bra and panty set she had teased him with that morning.

Mason watched Jane pull her thong aside and straddle him, slowly bringing herself down onto his cock that was sticking up in the air. It entered her with no resistance as she bottomed out on him with her first attempt. He felt his wife shiver as he filled her.

“Damn, Jane,” he said as he laid back. She slowly raised up and down on him, his cock disappearing into her each time. He was happy to enjoy the show.

“You like how I feel?” Jane purred into his ear, exaggerating the slow movements of her hips.

“God, yes,” he said. “All I could think about all day was your slutty underwear under that dress that nobody knew about.”

“Oh yeah?” Jane asked. She waited a few moments and asked him another question. “What would you do if someone had seen it?” His cock twitched inside of her, and she bit his ear lobe in response. God, she was so good at teasing him.

“I don’t know,” was all he managed to say as his mind was swimming with fantasies.

“Tell me,” Jane demanded as she rose up his shaft painstakingly slowly. He hesitated, and she held herself above him, the tip of his cock about to slip out of her.

“It would be so hot,” he groaned, and his hips rose to push into her more. She swept her dark brown hair out of the way. Her face was hard to read, but she rewarded him by dropping back down onto his cock before she started slowly rising again. Jane placed a hand back on his chest to support herself while she continued to watch him.

“You really want someone to see that much of me?” she asked. “You want them to see these?” Jane asked as she unclasped her bra and tossed it aside. He realized suddenly that this was an interrogation but with pleasure rather than torture to extract the information. And like a sexual polygraph, the twitches in his cock, the movement of his hips, and his face would tell her what she wanted to know.

Jane was a pro at getting what she wanted.

He swallowed, knowing they were entering uncharted territory for them. “Yeah,” he said, and again, she rewarded him by taking all of his cock into her warm pussy.

“You’re a dirty boy.” She smiled naughtily. “So, who do you want to see me?” she asked, pressing him to tell her more.

“I don’t know,” he said, trying his best to keep control.

“Hmmm, John’s already seen most of me,” she said as she ground down onto his lap. “You want that dirty old man to see my panties?”

His mouth was dry. “Yeah,” Mason didn’t want to go into it this far, but she was breaking all of his resistance. He was so hard from the talk and could come at any second, but she was edging him masterfully with her slow movements.

“Do you think he saw you fuck me on the balcony?” she asked with her lips brushing against his ear. It was almost too much for Mason and he could feel himself ready to pop, but Jane was riding him too slowly for him to reach that point.

“I hope so,” he groaned. He was surprised by his honesty, but he had imagined John watching her as he had bent her over the railing, and it had turned him on so much that he had cum too soon to get Jane off that night.

“Mmmm,” she moaned. “What about Colton?” Her eyes were bore into him as she waited for his answer. Mason couldn’t deny it to her while she had his cock in her pussy like a vice grip. She could have asked him for nuclear codes at the moment and he would have spilled his guts.

“Especially him,” he answered and braced for Jane’s answer.

“Why?” she asked him while she continued to edge him, keeping him in a mix of agony and bliss. But there it was, the question he had been afraid she would ask him. He had no idea why he found it so erotic, but his cock seemed to take control when that subject came up.

“He could barely keep his eyes off of you the other day,” he admitted, “He was staring at your chest, and I don’t know why, but it’s been driving me crazy.”

She drove herself down on him again, rewarding his honesty again. “Really?” she asked. Her breath was getting heavier, and Mason realized for the first time that she seemed to be turned on by the talk too.

Maybe, he thought, just maybe. He decided to take a risk. “He probably went home and jerked off while he thought about you,” he said to see if Jane would respond. Her movements sped up slightly, but her eyes narrowed at him.

“God, and you want the poor boy to see all of this?” she asked, squeezing her breasts together for him.

“At least,” he said as he grabbed her ass and squeezed it. Jane leaned forward onto his chest and let Mason take over the work as he started pumping his cock into her.

He kissed her along her neck. “You think he would like it?” Jane asked while she rested for a moment.

“He’d want to fuck you,” Mason told her. His state of arousal was making him more bold. He increased the speed of his effort, hoping to get Jane off. It had the effect of making her breasts bounce as he drove up into her.

“Fuck, Mason,” Jane said in response, her hands gripping the back of the sofa tightly to brace herself. She seemed to be getting closer, turning her head toward him and kissing him hard. “Don’t stop. I’m going to cum,” she told him, her lips less than an inch from his. Mason kept his pace perfectly.

Mason decided to push again to see if Jane was enjoying their play as much as he was. “Maybe I’ll invite him over to take some pictures of you,” he told her.

“Really?” she asked him between her breaths, panting as she was on the precipice.

“If you wear something like this,” he said as his fingertip ran along her thong.

“Ohhhhh, God,” she moaned as her orgasm hit. He felt her pussy clamp down on his cock. It was too much to restrain himself anymore.

“Shit, Jane. Ughhh,” he gave a few final deep thrusts as he filled her up. He slowed to a stop and they were still, both panting from the effort. His arms were around Jane, holding her. Her head was still resting against his, neither of them speaking as they stayed in their embrace. Mason’s mind was clearing in the wake of his orgasm, wondering what Jane was thinking.
Next: Part 4
Previous page: Ch. 02