Part Two


Ann and me both had no great ambitions when we left the commune in Sedona. We had a naive outlook on, well, almost everything; didn't really know what we wanted out of life other than one of peace and harmony with our fellow men and women as we travelled around the outside world.

As it turned out we didn't get too far in our travels, not much further than Southern California as we followed the fruit and farming jobs and picked ourselves a living amongst other migrating folks, but the short journey opened our eyes in more ways than one and over the years we discovered more than just what went on in the outside world, we ******* more about ourselves and our place within it.

It was the visit to the Adult Bookstore and Theatre just north of San Diego where our real education started with an introduction to black cocks and a recognition of our willingness to be dominated. We had a heady few weeks in the area and it set the pattern for what was to become a most fulfilling period of our lives. I can feel my cock stiffening in my pants when I recall the times we had in presence of our black 'masters' when Ann and me were at their beck and call and subjected to the most humiliating experiences. The weekends and the countless times we both had to jack them off and suck cocks; the times when Ann would be 'gang-*****' as one of the games we played and I would have to clean her up afterwards; the times when I would be made to bend over and a stiff black cock would be shoved up my ass and then Ann being told to clean me up! It was a wonderful but exhausting time and I'm thinking that after those weekends spent in town we must have been both like zombies when we returned to the fruit bushes to resume picking the crop!

Still, as they say, nothing lasts forever and after a couple of years of leading this hedonistic nomadic lifestyle we did begin to slow down and look toward putting down some roots. I won't admit that we were picky as to where we intended to stay but there was an element of being assured that wherever we might choose to remain that there was going to be opportunities for us to continue indulging our adopted lifestyle.

Our opportunity to settle down came when we had been working at one fruit farm in the Leona Valley just north of Los Angeles. We had been there a couple of months when the overseer had some kind of falling out with the Farmer and he was fired leaving no one to manage the floating population of workers. The Farmer must have seen something about me that prompted him to offer me the job, maybe the fact that I was a white native-born American whereas everyone else passing through was a migrant from south of the border or maybe it was because Ann had no hesitation in letting him fuck her whenever he felt the need. I dunno, but I had my suspicions as to his real intentions.

The job came with permanent accommodation and it didn't take us too long feel that we had indeed taken root and the feeling was good. It was a kind of strange sensation after being 'on the road' for so many years and even more when we began to accumulate stuff of our own and not just possess what could be carried in a backpack. The house came furnished but it was inevitable that Ann wanted things to make changes and over time we became increasingly comfortable as she applied the woman's touch.

I applied touches of my own and proof of the effectiveness of my attentions was when little less than a year after we moved in that Ann gave birth to our first child, a boy. Well, I think he was mine; we called him Steve and we loved him (40 years later and we still do!) It would be another few years before the next came along but in the meantime we had plenty to keep us busy and becoming parents didn't stop us from doing what we enjoyed doing, indeed, it may even have helped.

The Farmer was a big guy, went by the name of Jim and he had a mouse of a wife called Amy who seemed to live in a constant state of anxiety whether he was around or not. He clearly was the dominant partner and we soon had first-hand experience of his power over her and others when after the day's work was done we used to be invited up to his house to spend an evening of looking at the latest blue movies that he had acquired or some other film that he had in his collection and then to re-enact in part what we had just seen. For ourselves, we had no problem for his demands of us were right in-line with what we loved doing, being abused and dominated by someone with a big cock and, as time went by, to have his friends come by and join in and do the same. Amy was given the same treatment as ourselves and together we used to act almost as a team as we took turns to be fucked or to have to perform clean-up duties on Jim or whoever else he had invited over. Amy didn't say so but it was clear that she didn't enjoy being treated in this way and indeed we learned that her constant state of unhappiness related back to when she had been caught by Jim giving a bit too much proper love and affection to our predecessor which was the reason he had been fired. You didn't mess with Jim!

There was no fear of us being caught out in such a fashion, we were too much emotionally involved with our own little ****** unit to consider transferring affections elsewhere. In any case our attitude was that at the end of the day it was 'only fucking' and satisfying our lusts, providing no one got hurt why the heck would you want to complicate the situation with talk of love with someone else? Jim understood us and approved of our attitude and our needs very well.

Apart from the growing of fruit Jim had another sideline which went some way to explain the frequent turnover of 'friends' that used to visit and share our free-time. Jim not only liked to watch blue movies, he also made them and we soon discovered we were unwitting actors in his productions. It turned out he had some deal going with a porno prodution outfit in nearby Santa Clarita off of the I-5. They called themselves 'Triple A' and we were a little bit surprised the first time when he unpacked the 'latest movie' to see that we actually featured in the production. There was no mention of our names in the credits but then again we didn't really take much notice of that part once the film began to roll! It certainly had never twigged with me the reason for there being so many cameras around the house but then again being observant has never been my strong suit. (The one thing that did stick with me was that 'Triple A' neatly summed up what interested me most in life, Ann, Amy and me, Alan!)

The scenarios of his movies always followed the same pattern with him being the main character who in one fashion or another would be hitting on another woman who wasn't his wife and that he would be dominating both her and her 'husband' (guess who played that part!). HIs own 'wife' although humiliated by his behaviour would take great pains to involve herself in the action in an attempt to win back his affections but this would only prompt him to find more extreme ways to demean her.

Once we realised what was going on we threw ourselves into our roles with relish and, given our own desires to be dominated, the fact that we were making entertainment for others only added an extra layer to our perversion. Jim had a variety of situations he liked to play out but whatever the loose script called for once he had the cameras rolling he would take great care to make sure that his big fat cock was centre-frame. Usually it was Ann who would be laying spread-legged on the sofa showing her wet willing pussy that was the initial target with Amy in the background maybe sucking on my cock as she looked on at her husband 'cheating' on her. He would take his time to get to his climax fucking Ann in a variety of positions (all the while making sure his by now slimy stiff cock was in view) and then when he had shot his load either in her or over her or both I would be made to come over and lick her clean of his cum no matter where it lay. Amy would at the same time be commanded to clean her 'husband' and get him stiff before he then gave her another fucking. Ann and me would have to act out that we were impressed by his stamina and that we wanted him to turn his attention back to us after he had finished roughly fucking Fanny. For Ann and me it wasn't all play-acting for we truly were impressed by Jim and the rough crude manner which he treated both his wife and us. We both loved being dominated by someone who we considered superior and what he demanded of us was only what we wanted to do in any case. It was truly a win-win situation whatever way we looked at it. (It became even better when on occasion he gave us a cut of the profits from the sale of the movies!)

As time went by the 'Triple A' movies Jim was asked to produce became more extreme and involved other 'actors'. There was no lack of participants who were willing to be involved for with the constant flow of migrant workers passing through the farm to tend to the fruit crop Jim had his own pick of the crop as far as finding suitable players was concerned. He tended to favour employing black males who had been recruited not so much for their fruit-picking skills but more for having big cocks. It amused Ann and me that he would conduct interviews with prospective workers in our presence and as part of the process would make them lower their pants so he could see just what they were packing! Amy would also be in attendance and she would blush with shame when he commanded her to go closer and heft and fondle the dangling penis and ask her 'will he do?' She never did give an answer knowing that the point of her being asked was only to humiliate her. Ann was disappointed never to be asked to give her opinion.

So it was that the movies took us to another level when in addition to the four of us there would be two, maybe even more, black actors who like ourselves would soon be naked in the house and for the cameras to begin rolling. Jim would have given a quick overview of what he was looking for and it didn't require much imagination for us to act out the plot. Indeed, no imagination at all as far as Ann and I was concerned for to be abused by so many black cocks was heaven indeed. Over the months (years!) I lost count of how any times I had held a stiff ebony cock and guided it into Ann or Fanny's cunt; had sucked and made the same cocks cum in my mouth; had some of them fuck my arse whether I wanted it or not and all the time the cameras were recording every humiliation. Ann was being treated the same and we were having the best time of our lives.

Against this background we were leading a 'normal' life and we had both settled down into the ways of being part of the agricultural community. I loved the life of being a farmer, enjoying the outdoors, the fresh air and working with different folks as the itinerate workers passed through working the fields; Ann never tired of having now roots, her 'own house' and bringing up our children ('children' because it was a few years after we settled down that we added to the ******, two girls, Missy and June). Now in our mid-20s our life had become a complete contrast to the nomadic existence and hippy ways of our upbringing and I guess you could say we had 'matured' late in life. However, as conventional as our adopted outside appearance might seem to the outside world there was, of course, our other life always bubbling away nicely in the background and it was never going to be easy to hide what we were up to in our free-time from inquisitive kids as they grew up.

I can't say what went on in other families but for us and our 'little Stevie' we had plenty of evidence that show that he had an early interest in his dick and what pleasures could be had from that area. Ann used to comment that judging from the state of his bed linen it was clear that long before he became a teenager that he was regularly jerking off. For me it was no big deal for I had been the same at his age and had an insatiable curiosity about the physical difference between the sexes and for me I had likewise been an early wanker together with my buddies when we had compared both notes with what we'd seen and the changing size of our dicks as we stroked off together speculating on what it must feel like to be 'doing it' with a female. Therefore I wasn't particularly shocked when I discovered that Stevie had been peeping in on Ann and me when we had been making love and for my mind it was all part of the growing up process and better that he saw what he did in the safety of home rather than get some cock-eyed version of events from his buddies or some stranger or, even worse, the sanitized version from Sex-Ed classes at school!

Ann didn't say one way or another if she shared my outlook and relaxed attitude but she went along with me when I had the man-to-man talk and told him that I really wasn't mad or anything and that it was OK and I indicated that provided he didn't make his presence too obvious that he was welcome to 'observe'. I mean, heck, how could I object, I had done the same with my own parents and others when I was his age and it didn't do me any harm.

However, I took things to another level with him and whereas in my youth I had nobody telling me what in the world was happening and the cause of my frequent erections and had to find out a lot of those things for myself, I took it upon myself to explain to him what it was all about. It was never just a 'Birds and the Bees' talk, I figured he deserved to know everything and the variations and enjoyments that a guy could have besides just simply fucking your woman. Over time when we had our little chats I told him of the various positions of 'making love'; of how it was OK to play games when you were maybe tied up and blindfolded; of the delights that came from sucking penises or licking vaginas (in the early days I called it just that, the dirty words came later!). I mentioned that it was OK for a group to get together and to share each other's bodies and not just with the opposite sex. I said that it was fine for his mother to have sex with others as long as it was by consent and not forced. I impressed upon him how much better equipped black guys seemed to be than us 'whites' and what fun his mother and I had enjoyed at some of the parties we attended in their company. (I never did mention the time that a dog was introduced at a party we attended and how we both were 'made' to service that fleshy dog cock!). All-in-all, I told him all about the pleasures that for us was a completely natural thing and that, yes, it was OK if he wanted to peek in on us and stroke his cock while doing so.

I wasn't so candid with our two girls, I guess that contrary to my Hippy upbringing I must have retained something of an old fashioned attitude and I let their mother deal with any questions that might occur to girls as they grew. Steve being a few years older than them had his own interests to follow and, being the 'big brother' he didn't seem to have too much interest in them, rather, he appeared to me to be following his own path and it was his constant curiosity which eventually drew him into our 'other world'.

After our talks he must have quickly figured out why me and his mother spent so much of our spare time up at the farmer's house and although nothing was said I suspected that he must have sometimes followed us up the path to peek through the farmhouse windows. My suspicions were confirmed in dramatic fashion when one time that Ann and me were being ritually humiliated for the benefit of the cameras that Steve was caught out by a late-comer to the party. He hadn't heard the approach of someone coming up the path and the first he knew was when this black guy yelled at him with a 'WTF you doing?' before pulling him away from the window and dragging him into the house.

The guy was Ann and Fanny's current Bull and we had been waiting along with Big Jim for his arrival. I'm not sure who was the most surprised to suddenly see our son in our company, Jim who was seated in his favourite armchair; Ann who was naked, on her knees sucking his cock or me … well, not me, for nothing seemed capable of surprise in the crazy world in which we lived. Maybe I should have been embarrassed for when Steve made his appearance Amy was assisting me to pull up a pair of silky French knickers to cover the cock cage that Jim had told her to clip around my cock and balls … but, no, I wasn't embarrassed, more amused than anything else.

The Bull quickly established that the peeping Tom was our son and he was likewise highly amused. He made Steve go and stand to one side asking him something like, "You wanna watch your Mommy, huh?"

Ann, Amy and me were all struck mute as we saw him pulled into our company. Not much that you can say when your own son makes an appearance into your company when his parents are half naked and obviously engaged in some sexual activity. Me, standing there with another naked woman looking particularly 'cute' in my panties and his mother on her knees holding another man's stiff cock. We also kept our mouths shut because we knew that both Jim and the Bull would not take kindly to us making any protest.

Jim didn't seem particularly put out at having his pleasure interrupted and he just gave a smile and nodded his approval at the recruitment of what was to him a potential player in one of his porno movies. He pushed Ann to one side before getting up to go reposition and make some adjustments to his damned cameras.

The Bull looked me in the eye and said, " … found this kid outside looking in and jerking off. Wadda you say, do you send him home or can he stay and watch us play with his Mommy and Daddy? Huh, wadda you think?"

It was a rhetorical question for both Jim and the Bull had that dominant streak about them and I knew I wasn't being asked for parental advice. Clearly this new situation presented to Jim and the Bull a new way for both Ann and me to be further humiliated.

Jim didn't wait for me to respond to the question, he spoke in my place, "Nah, he can stay … he might learn something." He pressed the record button and then turned his attention away from the camera and looked directly at the trembling Steve, "Go stand next to your Mommy. Mommy, why don't you help him get his dick out and lose the pants." Fanny, as ever, seemed to shrink into the background as she went about her secondary task of monitoring what the cameras were recording.

The Bull smirked as he released his grip on Steve's arm and gave him a push to go and join Ann on the other side of the room. I don't know anything about the Bull's up-bringing but in truth what was being proposed was no big deal as far as we were concerned for Ann had many times done just that as Steve had been growing up … and more than just undressing him … but why risk spoiling a good story by telling that to the Bull? Ann fumbled with Steve's belt buckle and in a moment his pants had fallen to his ankles and his half stiffened dick was poking out of his boxers.

Jim now in full 'movie director mode' came over to join them, his own cock bobbing obscenely as he walked, "Mommy , git your ass over and kneel on the couch. Sonny, you go stand so Mommy can reach you …."

He turned to me, ".. and you, Faggot, come over here and you can help me put my dick in your wife!" The Bull needed no instructions, he went and positioned himself so that his equally stiff fat cock which he was holding in his fat fist was placed just so in front of Ann's head as she draped herself over the sofa.

"So boy, you wanna see me fuck your Momma, do you?"

Steve didn't say anything, he just stood wide-eyed as Jim manoeuvred himself behind Ann's kneeling form on the sofa.

"Like to jerk off watching your Momma, do you boy? Well, now you don't have to peek through windows, you can jerk off standing right alongside her. You'd both like that wouldn't you?"

Jim wasn't specifically talking to either of them, his dialogue was purely for the benefit of the cameras which were capturing every clearly spoken word.

"Momma, little Stevie boy doesn't have to jerk off all by himself, does he, why don't you give him a hand?"

If Jim thought he was making an outrageous, original suggestion then he was clearly way off the mark. 'Helping' her son was something that Ann had been doing for more years than I could remember and masturbating her son had been part of his upbringing, especially at bath time. And, no, I wasn't shocked at all to hear Jim say it, after all it had been normal part of my own growing up in the commune and I owed a lot to my own mother who taught me so well.

Steve did as he was told and Ann gave him a nervous smile as she reached out and softly grasped his hairless dick. The Bull muttered something to her that I couldn't hear but clearly was an instruction for her to turn her attention away from her 'little boy' and instead to concentrate more on his cock which he held in front of her mouth. Whatever it was he said she understood very well for without hesitation she opened her mouth, licked off the pre-cum that was beginning to drip from the fat knob and took him in and began to suck. Her hand on Steve's dick moved in unison as her head bobbed back and forth.

Jim grunted his approval at the scene. "Like that, do you boy? Like to watch your Momma playing grown-up games … like Mommy holding your cock, do you … like to see Mommy naked with other men, huh?"

He turned his head to look at me standing there I guess expecting to see me, his subservient slave, expressing some emotion at being further humiliated but I had long gone beyond that point. I mean, how could I make any objection when my son had already seen my cock cage before I pulled up the French Knickers that now covered my embarrassment? (In any case, my own incestuous upbringing left me more interested at seeing the scene before me and it really didn't occur to me that what I was looking at was anything too much out of the ordinary.)

He took a sly look over toward Amy who was standing behind the tripod (I guess more to make certain that his erect cock was properly framed than for any other reason) and then to the winking red light on the camera he slowly parted the lips of my wife's pussy with the bulbous end of his stiff cock. Ann made no sounds other than giving out muffled groans that her cock-filled mouth would allow to escape. The groans stepped up a level as Jim pushed into the wet cunt that he knew so well and soon the room seemed to be filled with noises of more appropriate to the farm yard with him grunting as he began the familiar rutting, doggy-style, of my wife; the Bull almost bellowing his approval at being sucked as he face-fucked her and my son whimpering like a spoilt puppy as his mother jerked on his stiff little cock.

From Amy there was no sound and, me, I just stood there, as instructed, making sure I wasn't getting in the way of the cameras recording the scene.

I had to admire Jim and his stamina. He seemed to be able to control himself admirably and to hold back from cumming too soon. Ann, she was something else and never felt any need to restrict herself from the orgasms that frequently overtook her. I listened to her squeals that indicated she was enjoying yet another climax as she continued to steadfastly suck on the black cock filling her mouth; I listened to the Bull when he eventually shot his load down her throat; I heard the constant narrative that Big Jim spouted as he talked dirty to both her and to Steve, asking if he was enjoying what he was viewing, whether it was nice to have 'Mommy' holding onto him; I perceived the subtle squishy sound of Jim's cock pistoning into her wet cunt; I wondered if the cameras were also capturing all the soundtrack!

Eventually, Jim's control left him (or was it part of his 'script'?!) and he moved up a gear and began to fuck her more energetically. A few more strokes and a final push and I watched as his fat buttocks clenched and it was clear as he gave a grunt of his own that he was spurting and filling her womb with his spunk. He held her fast for a few moments before slowly withdrawing … and that was the signal for my walk-in part of the movie.

I knew what was expected of me (and Fanny) as I had to do this so many times before when he had deposited his load. I went over to them and laid on the floor with my head under her and I acted out my part of being like a starving man possessed of the need to lick up the cream-pie that was oozing out of her gaping cunt. In truth, I didn't need to act for I really enjoyed the role; what I didn't enjoy was the pain of my stiff cock that was restrained within the cage!

As I lay lapping up the juices that she squeezed out, Amy would be attending to her husband and the Bull and similarly be licking them both clean and attending to them so that they might be good and stiff ready for whatever sequel Jim had planned for the next part of his movie.

From my position on the floor I couldn't see what Amy or my son was doing but from the noises that drifted down to me it was clear that teenager Steve had been included in her attentions. He must have thought that he had died and gone to heaven!

That night was the first of many such evenings when we joined with Big Jim and continued to be enthusiastic players in his impromptu movie production team. Steve didn't always come with us, being a growing lad he had a load of other interests to follow and often it would be Baseball or other sports that took precedence. However, on the occasions when rain stopped play he did deign to be part of the cast and Jim would devise a script whereby I was required to appear to be humiliated in front of my son by, say, asking me about my 'preference' for cock-sucking or if 'I was enjoying watching his mother jacking off her son' and such.

Often there would be extra players recruited from the migrant fruit-pickers and I wondered if Steve shared my admiration and had the same tinge of envy when we saw how much better endowed the black guys were that were included in the cast list. It went without saying that for us two particular 'whiteys' there was no contest when it came to size comparison!

In truth, I never had any sense of shame or embarrassment at his involvement in our little games and pastimes. As far as I was concerned Steve's inclusion was him just being fast-tracked through adolescence and having us, his open-minded parents, help and guide him to avoid the painful pitfalls that might await him otherwise. Such a free and easy way of thinking from my parents had certainly worked for me in my upbringing back at the commune in Sedona (albeit that there were no cameras around in those days) and I never thought it did me any harm. The only firm advice that we did offer was that it might be best if he didn't mention to his school pals or teachers of the circumstances of how he became so knowledgeable about sexual matters at such a young age. We impressed upon him that other folks might not be so understanding or forgiving!

Having said that, I took quite an opposite position in my attitudes toward my *********. Whether it was because they were so much younger and I was rightfully more protective toward them, I don't know, but I endeavoured to ensure they remained innocent of what was going on up the Farmhouse during those years of our 'movie making' with Big Jim.

Their awakening would come later, after Jim and Amy had passed on and the discovery of the legacy Jim had left behind.


To be continued ….