Chapter One

We've been married for coming up to 50 years now. That’s nearly half a century; wow, where did that time go?

We married young. Ann was 16 and I was 18. Thinking back we didn’t have to get married but I guess it was just the thing that you did in those days when you told someone you really loved them and they told you right back that they did the same. We had no one to tell us otherwise and anyway our folks were glad to have us off their hands.

We met when her folks joined the commune in Sedona where I grew up. My folks were free-spirits, hippy flower power, free-love Haight-Ashbury types and all that 60s stuff that said be true to yourself and don’t give a damn about what people might think. She was beautiful (still is) and we became inseparable as we grew up together learning of the ways of the world according to the gospel of the commune. Our thirst for knowledge knew no bounds and without any encouragement, surprise or censure from our parents we lost our virginities with each other. It was the best thing that had ever happened to us and we took every opportunity to learn more. We had always been very open with each other and at the same we both were respectful of our elders that we didn’t question when asked to do something for them. It is a trait that has stayed with us all our lives; to show respect and to do as we are told.

So it was that Ann and Allan (me) decided that our passion for each other dictated that we ought to be together for the rest of our lives and so that’s what we did, we found a minister and we joined in marriage to became a couple item in every sense of the word.

We split from the rest of the commune deciding that we wanted to travel and see some of the world that everyone told us about that was out there. We wanted to try new things; meet new people; do something that would help satisfy the constant horniness that we two teenagers were feeling. In truth we didn’t get too far in our travelling but I guess we did better than a lot of folks and we certainly saw a lot of different stuff along the way as we meandered back and forth through the Southern states.

Naive we may have been in the ways of the world but I was smart enough to know that we needed to make a living and it suited us very well to follow the seasons and to become members of the casual army of itinerant fruit and crop pickers. I guess we must have made for a strange looking pair; a white couple amongst a predominantly coloured population of Mexican and Black folks but, as I said, we were young and our upbringing told us that we were all the same under the skin and we thought nothing of it as we settled into the nomadic life.

We loved the life and we lived amongst some lovely people (although there were some who were not so nice!) and we were mainly content with our choice of lifestyle. Our days would be spent in the fields tending or gathering whatever crop was in season; the nights were spent preparing and having a meal in the shared facilities that the farm provided or, if we were close enough to town, we would hitch a ride and eat out followed by a bit of fun by going to the movies or such. Whatever come the end of the day and the eating was done, we would usually go and find a place to fuck. It was all we needed.

However, although we were mainly content with our lives there were times when we craved a bit more excitement. There were times when just for a laugh and the thrill of doing ‘something illicit’ that I would encourage Ann to succumb to the flirting and the more obvious approaches made by some of our companions. It was no big deal for us for her to invite a new cock into her pussy and I got a special thrill from listening to the sounds of their rutting or, if I was denied being close enough to hear, to have her describe afterwards in excruciating detail what had occurred. She got as much satisfaction from telling and watching me as I would be jerking my cock imagining the sights of what she was describing. Yes, we really were open to new experiences and I guess that our only rule was that we did things together and with each other’s consent.

Our travels took us to Southern California, to a farm outside of San Diego and it was a change for us to be close to a big city. It was a bonus that the farm provided transport for those who wanted to go into town and one evening we took advantage. When we got there it was to be dropped off in not the smartest part of town and being strangers we wandered around not knowing quite where we were. However there were a few eateries around and we grabbed a bite before going to explore and see what might be on offer as entertainment.

We wandered into a poorly lit street and in the distance I saw the winking neon lights of a movie house. As we got closer it was to see that it wasn’t any old movie house but more specifically an Adult Theatre and Bookstore. I looked at Ann to gauge her reaction to the sight of the graphic posters in the foyer and tentatively asked if she wanted to do something different. With a big smile and big eyes she said YES!

We passed through the store which was filled with books, DVDs, toys and loads of other stuff that I could only guess as to their use and paid our money to the guy behind the counter. He nodded toward a short passageway which took us into a small theatre. There were a few people scattered around already watching the screen as we stumbled in the gloom to find ourselves a couple of seats. We settled down and I was delighted to be able to sit in a padded seat and to have the luxury of being entertained in a such a comfortable way for it had to be recognized that this was something that never ever happened to us given the basic way in which we lived.

The movie that was being shown had no plot; it was just an interracial fuck-fest involving a group of white wives who were out for a hen night and somehow ended up in a club that was predominantly frequented by Black men with big cocks. I wasn’t expecting clever dialogue and was therefore not disappointed to be viewing and listening to a constant stream of groans and obscenities as one by one and then altogether the wives were being fucked vigorously by cocks that never seemed to lose their erection. It was wonderful and a revelation.

Ann was equally impressed and we were both turned on by what we were watching. We settled back and we started to slowly play with each other. I unzipped my pants and eased my dick out; Ann lifted her butt and slipped off her panties, pulled her skirt up and then unbuttoned her blouse. We both concentrated on the screen and stroked and masturbated in contented silence.

I don’t know how long we had been jacking and jilling as we hadn’t been paying attention to the clock when before we knew it we had two Black Men sitting either side of us. Then one sat next to me said, “Relax man, nothing bad is gonna happen. Now watch my friend.”

I looked over at the other old Black guy sitting next to Ann to see him push her hands away from her tits she was trying to cover. She didn’t resist and he started feeling them and then began to pull and pinch on her nipples. When she gets excited her nipples become stiff and long. It was soon obvious that she was excited!

The old guy next to me started talking dirty and I liked how he talked as I watched Ann who was looking straight back at me as if to gauge my reaction. Her head jerked away as her old guy started fingering her pussy between her spread legs. I could hear her moan as she started to grind at his fingers.

The old guy next to me pulled out his cock, pulled me by my ear and told me to take the seat on the other side of him. “Wow, what a cock for a 50+ year old guy,” I thought as I clambered past him and sat down. He took my hand onto his cock and said, “Jack me off.”

I looked up to Ann and she just smiled. She also looked like she liked and approved what they were doing to her; what they were doing to us. She clearly had no objection to seeing me with my hand jacking another man's dick.

I continued to stroke the black cock happy to be feeling such an impressive penis then the old guy said, “Look at your woman, watch, I bet they’re going to fuck.” Sure enough Ann stood up, pulled her skirt up and sat on the old guy’s cock.

We watched as she began to get into it and then the old guy with me said, “She needs a Big Black Cock .... just like you do.” With that he grabbed the back of my neck and pushed my head down to his cock and ordered me to suck it.

I didn't want to and tried to resist but he held my head and forced me. I looked up at Ann and she was watching me sucking as she enjoyed bouncing on the guy’s cock. Both the old men were talking filthy now urging us both on. I started mouthing the old guy like he wanted and found that I was liking it; I never thought of doing such a thing before and I soon decided that I would do just whatever he wanted.

It didn’t take long before I heard him grunt and I swear that I felt his cock swell as I sucked. He held my head even firmer and then without warning he spurted his hot spunk into my mouth. I was shocked and confused. Up until that point in my life I had never so much as tasted my own cum let alone have my mouth filled by someone else’s. I was even more confused by my inward admission that I liked the taste and feeling.

He let go of my head and I looked up at him smiling down at me. “Good boy, you make a fine cock-sucker. Now let’s see you do the same to my bro while I take my turn fucking your woman.”

His ‘bro’ pushed Ann off his lap in our direction and she literally fell across me as she was grabbed by the arm and pulled toward us. Bro’s cock was sticking up, stiff and coated with Ann’s slimy juices. He cocked his head and growled at me leaving me in no doubt that my mouth was needed to take the place of Ann’s cunt. So it was that with the sound ringing in my ears of Ann being vigorously fucked I knelt down and took another cock in my mouth, a mouth that was still half-full of cum.

Other patrons drifted into the small theatre, all of them black and all of them taking great interest in Ann and me. The film was ignored as they crowded around waiting for an opportunity to shove their big fat cocks into Ann’s gaping pussy or for me to suck them off. They didn’t seem to care which and we were treated as just being available toys. I lost count of how many cocks I was made to suck and I’m sure that Ann had also lost track, if she had been counting in the first place. It all became a bit of a blur as one after another a black man would be lining his stiff cock at her waiting pussy and would fuck her until he had cum inside her. After he had had his fill (or rather, after he had filled her!) he would find me sitting alongside and make me clean off his wet dick with my tongue. We were both being abused in the nastiest way and we both loved how we were being treated.

It must have been after about 3 hours before they would let us go. We staggered out into the night with me smelling of god knows what and Ann trying to clean herself up with a handful of tissues that we grabbed from the restroom. We hitched a ride back to the farm and sat in the back of the car in stunned silence hardly believing what we had done. It wasn’t until we got into our bedroom that we could talk honestly about the whole thing. We both agreed we loved what had happened and before we went to sleep we had already decided we would make a return visit.

We went back to the theatre the next evening and, I'll be dammed if one of the old guys from last night didn’t follow us in and sit down next to us. There was nobody else around.

“Back for more huh?”

I spoke for both of us and said, “Yes Sir.”

"Well you ain't gonna be getting much here," he said looking around at the empty seats. He asked if we wanted to go somewhere alone with him. This time it was Ann who responded and she nodded her head and whispered, “Yes.”

He wasn’t satisfied that she had given an appropriate answer and he said, “What did you say, I couldn’t hear”

“We want to go somewhere with you,” she said a little louder.

“Right, that’s better. So who’s your Daddy?”

Ann joined me in looking at him apprehensively. “Who’s your Daddy, bitch?” he repeated.

“You are Sir,” she stuttered.

“Then say my name; what’s my name?”

“Daddy, sir,”

“That’s better; come on let’s go.”

We followed him back out onto the street where he took Ann’s arm and led her with me following behind to the area known as the projects, apartment blocks that housed the city’s poor and low-life (we later discovered).

There was no conversation until after we had climbed the stairs and was let into his apartment. He literally shoved us inside the grubby flat and told us to get undressed. Then without any preamble he said he was going to turn us into his sex and cock slaves. He sure did and over the next few weeks after our days work was done we would make our way to his apartment where he would be waiting to 'instruct' us and submit to whatever he had in mind.

The first few nights it was just the three of us. We would get stripped off as soon as we arrived and he would get us to kneel in front of him as he sat in an armchair with his pants down at his ankles and his hand stroking his cock. He liked us to compete for the favour of his attention and we would play his game of taking turns to lick and suck and stroke him. In truth we didn't mind who 'won' for it was such a turn-on to be treated in this off-hand manner and I got as much pleasure from watching Ann suck at his cock as I did from taking his cock into my mouth myself. Likewise she would be content to sit back and masturbate as she looked at me trying to get him to cum.

He would order me to kneel by the chair he was sitting in and then tell Ann to stand in front of him with her hands behind her head and legs spread wide. Then he would talk to us filthy telling me to look as he played with Ann’s cunt and clit, telling me to watch as she grinded against his fingers. When they were good and wet he would take his hand away and make me mouth his fingers. Ann loved to join in the dirty talk and then she pleased him by changing from calling him Daddy to calling him Master.

He seemed to be able to control himself for hours (or so it seemed) and even after either one of us had bought him off he was still as stiff as if nothing had happened and after he had cum he would then ‘condescend’ to give Ann what she had been craving from the moment we had arrived. Although his cock wasn't overly massive, it was certainly bigger than mine and he liked to hear her beg and tell him how she preferred to be fucked by him rather than me. That first night he made certain that I was standing close by and he ordered me to look at her laying there on the couch as he thrust his cock into her wet cunt.

After the first time he fucked her he decided I wasn’t being humiliated enough and he told me to take hold of his hot slimy cock and to guide it into Ann as he pushed himself forward. I played along with being made to look foolish but in truth I loved being treated as a wimpy sissy-boy and to feel his fat cock. Ann likewise played her part and gave an Oscar-winning performance of being a sex slave to her dominating ‘master’ crying out with mock cries of begging for mercy. Everyone had a great time that evening.


It was the following weekend and we had been given the two days off from work which meant that we were free to spend more time with our black master. The weather was hot and we went with great anticipation of doing more of the same; Ann being his plaything; me being the subservient servant; both of us playing the game of being his white slaves.

It was early afternoon when he opened the door to our knock and we realised as soon as we entered that this time our visit would be a little different. There, in what passed as being the lounge, was the other black guy who had been with him at the theatre, his ‘bro’. In the light of day we could see that he must have been over 50 years old and like our ‘master’ he was bare-chested and wearing just a pair of baggy shorts. He looked up at us standing there and after a few moments of taking in the view said, “You’re supposed to be naked; I was told you’d be naked.”

That set the tone for weekend. Without waiting to be told we both stripped off and stood waiting for ‘our orders’. They were not long in coming. Bro told Ann to ‘get your ass over here’; I was ordered to fetch two cans of beer from the fridge, not for us, but to hand them to our hosts. By the time I had returned Ann was already on her knees and pulling down Bro’s shorts to reveal a cock that was every bit as impressive and stiff as our Master’s.

I did as I was told and stood aside and heard and watched Ann do as she was told as she dipped her head and began to suck. Bro groaned his approval and settled back in his chair and nonchalantly swigged at his beer as Ann slurped and swigged at his cock. Master said something to the effect of, “Nice; Good bitch ... ,” and then came over to where I was standing, “ ... come on, what are you looking at; get me ready to fuck your bitch.”

I knew exactly what he was asking and what was expected. I knelt down and tugged at his shorts. There was a pause when the waistband snagged but a sharper tug and his stiff cock sprung free and was perfectly positioned in front of my face. I shuddered with excitement to as I took hold of this beautiful fat smooth penis and leaned forward to lick it.

Master seemingly took little interest in my efforts; he just stood there looking at his bro being given an enthusiastic blow job from my wife while all the while they both continued swigging their beers. I could see from the corner of my eye that she had one hand stroking his cock and balls whilst at the same time I suspected her other hand was busy between her thighs as she knelt before him. Whatever it was that she was doing to him began to cause him to concentrate less on his beer and more on her along with his filth talk, “Yeah bitch, just like that; suck it, oh fuck, yeah, suck it ..”

Ann was happy to comply and could only respond with a mumble from her mouth that was filled with black cock. Her mumbling was accompanied by the soft sound of squelching from her wet pussy that unseen to me was being attended to by her busy fingers.

Their sounds became louder and that was all I was left with as master pulled away from me and went over to them and stood behind her. He grabbed Ann by her waist, pulled her up off her knees and her head jerked up away from the fat dick she had been sucking. She looked around to see master aiming his cock, a cock all wet with my spit, at her cunt which she then obligingly spread open with her masturbating hand. She whelped as he plunged into her but the cry soon turned into moans as he began to roughly fuck her from behind. Bro murmured words of encouragement as she was forcibly pushed against him and then he grabbed her by the hair and told her to keep on sucking at his cock; she obliged.

I was left sitting back on my heels, ignored and could only look on as they used her for their selfish pleasure. I didn’t mind for this was what we had been expecting and indeed would have been disappointed otherwise. My own dick was rigid with excitement but I hardly daren’t touch myself for I knew that I would cum in an instant if I did so looking on as my wife was being abused in such a rough fashion. It was a fantasy that we shared and here it was becoming a reality before my eyes. So it was that I sat there mesmerised as their moans and grunts of passion became ever louder; I’m not sure who was the first to cum but, for sure, the sight of her mouth being filled with cum while at the same time to see her pussy dripping spunk as master continued to pump into her was just too much for me and unconsciously my hand dropped to my stiff dick and I joined in the ecstasy listening to her cries as her own orgasm swept over her.

He pulled out of her and with his cock still as erect as when he had abandoned me he came back and said, “Clean me up, faggot.” I took my hand away from myself and wrapped it around his slimy black cock and began licking. I glanced over to see Ann who was still on her knees being pulled up to lie on top of bro. He had no difficulty in slipping his cock into her gaping cunt; she made no attempt to prevent him doing so, indeed, she gave him every assistance. Soon they were both getting into the rhythm and he lazily laid back and let her dictate the pace as her hanging tits swung back and forth. It didn’t take her too long before once again she cried out as another orgasm overwhelmed her. I tried to turn my head to look at her but master grabbed me by my hair, “Keep sucking, faggot.”

Eventually he decided he had had enough of me and pushed me away. I had mixed feelings about that as I was enjoying the taste of him but at least now I was able to rest my aching mouth and to sit back, jerk my dick and look at Ann being fucked by the other black cock in the room! However, my rest and playtime was not to last long for with a final grunt the ‘other’ black cock began to let loose inside of my squealing wife. He pulled out and spurted his cum over her pussy and his stomach; Master shoved my shoulder, “get over there and clean ‘em up.”

I obeyed.

It was the first of many weekends we spent in Master’s company.

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