This story is solely a work of fiction, and no resemblance or other identification is intended or implied.

The author retains full-copyright, effective May, 2017.

This completely fictional work is a story involving interracial sex, seduction, and a cheating wife.

(MF, IR, Cheat, Alcohol, Preg?)

A Not So Prim & Proper Wife- Chapter 1​

By Satinlvr_mwf (My Pen Name)


Tessa was unusually excited as she walked in the door, her grin spread from ear to ear. “Love, you’ll never guess what happened!” She beamed to her husband. Shutting the door behind her, she hurried to his waiting, open arms, their standard way to greeting each other at the end of their respective work days.

Her four-inch stilettos clicked heavily on the hardwood flooring, the polish so shined it nearly reflected the soles of her shoes. Only the fact that the heels were strappy, and had a bow–tie at the top of her calf to secure it, that kept her ankles strong enough to keep from slipping. Safely reaching his arms, she grinned to him, and their lips met, a soft, tender expression of affection and adoration. She truly loved her Daniel. Long blond hair trailing from her shoulders and almost mid-way down her back, she had that sexpot figure, perhaps as one would expect of a twenty-four year old woman. With C-up breasts, and a twenty-six inch waist, she presented the epitome of an hourglass figure, flared to a pear-shaped butt, atop nice legs that gave her an overall height of only five-foot four inches in stocking-feet. Hence the reason she always wore four inch heels. Without them, just about the whole world towered over her, including her students, and since she dealt with secondary school c***dren, and even the youngest adults of eighteen, a lack of height was often perceived as a weakness. So it was tall heels, always.

She had to always appear professional as well. Skirts, whether they were pencil skirts or looser, flowing pleated or circle skirts, were hemmed just above the knee, or lower, and dresses were at least long-sleeved skater dresses, if not shirtdresses or something more formal. Her blouses were an extravagance, usually silk, charmeuse or satin, or some other fine material, but cleavage was never more than two buttons from her throat, though it did make the material she wore strain a bit to contain her ample bosom. Tessa’s girls were firm, full, and proud. She would never admit it, but her boobs were a source of her self-esteem, and she took an inward pride that a bra was only necessary due to her work’s dress-code. The girls could stand up on their own just fine, thank you!

The warm kiss ended, albeit reluctantly, but she did have exciting news to share!

“Danny!” she blurted out. She used his pet-name when she was excited. “Remember the project I designed? The one to help some of our troubled students? Those who still had some hope of being reclaimed and brought up to graduation levels? I didn’t tell you, but the principal liked it enough to send it up to the district with his endorsement, and they LOVE it! So much so that I am meeting with the assistant superintendent next week after class to review it! Isn’t that great?”

Dan was a bit confused, at first, until she started filling in more pieces and gaps. Yes, he knew she was working on a project, but truthfully? He hadn’t paid overly great attention to it. He had his own work to take care of, and to work on his business. Being an account representative had its perks, certainly, but it also had some pitfalls, one of which was when things got closer to end of month, he was working long hours to close deals, make sure orders were filled, and properly, and in general stay on top of things, and the occasional travel to the more far-flung clients. He had been mildly listening as she was working on the proposal for the last three months, and soon it would be end of month, and he was going to be swamped.

Giving her the recognition she desired, even craved, he kissed her again, and hugged her tightly, truly happy for his wife, but not entirely sure he had a clue what was going on, but he was able to fake it. In the end, it might have been a better idea to pay closer attention. Giving her a final pat on the butt, he asked her to change, so they could start making dinner together.

Tessa had a penchant to be prim and proper while at work, simply because she had to be. Her students thought she was an old fuddy-duddy at the ripe old age of 24, but in truth, Tessa was a woman, and that meant her being soft, feminine, and pretty. Under her outer-wear was a garter and hosiery, seamed down the back, and matching thong panties. She hated panty-lines with a passion, and even the small bulges that announced her garter belt would really antagonize her some days. Usually it was only a problem if she was wearing a tight skirt or dress, or some of her business suit pants. So she would wear looser clothing on her how time, and tonight was no exception. Doffing her skirt, blouse, and bra, she pulled over her head a black satin baby doll, the thin lace hem just swaying an inch or two below her butt cheeks. The front had a nice d**** to it, and exposed much more of her cleavage. Not to mention let the girls rest in comfort, the thin satin allowing her nipples to show very obviously. She liked the look, and in fact, would look very enticing to any man, but she would never dare let another male lay eyes on her like her husband could, and hopefully later on, would. Oh, she might go in the back yard with Dan, as they sat on the deck to look at the stars and drink a glass of wine and just talk, but never would she venture out the front door dressed like this. Provocative and gorgeous as she was, it simply wouldn’t do.

So they enjoyed a nice dinner together, and chatted about their days, venting to each other, with Tessa comprehending more of Dan’s work than the other way around, mainly because most of Tessa’s stories related to students that Dan had no correlation with, they were all a jumble of names, and since she had over 150 of them pass through her classroom during any given day, it made for some real confusion. He could remember certain ones, mainly from their descriptions. The tall kid, the girl who was a slut in the bathroom, black kids were easy to track, as there weren’t many, and one especially stood out, for he was a bully, and for Tessa a real pain in her rear, given he was only fifteen. Why Tessa would want to save him from prison was beyond his comprehension. Dan looked at people as conquests and targets. Tessa looked at people as, well, human beings.

Tessa had a hope that tonight her husband would give her some of his precious time. She knew he worked hard, and did so in order to be so successful, an achievement that allowed them to have a very nice living. They had a nicer home, a lot of luxuries that others couldn’t afford, and in general, a much more comfortable lifestyle. The problem was that when he worked late, Tessa’s own personal needs were left unattended. Tonight would be no exception. Dan had a checklist to accomplish, as he had to make a longer trip after this coming weekend, and he had to make sure everything was in order.

There was no doubt that Dan loved his wife, and loved her dearly. She was his confidant, and his friend, a great homemaker, and a wife, while being his lover fell somewhere around fourth in his priorities. When they made love, it was usually on the weekend, and usually about a thirty-minute coital exploration of shared passion, it was over, and he’d either roll over and start snoring, or go back to work. With a soft, loving kiss from her husband, Tessa, slipped off to bed, and undid the ribbon wrapping her heels to her legs, and then her thong, garter and hosiery. She always wore the thong outside the garters, simply because it made using the bathroom so much easier. She would often lament that garters and stockings were invented by men that way, simply because they didn’t have to do it.

Finally nude under her baby doll, she slid into bed, the silky silver satin sheets helping her slide back into the bed, and as she draped the sheet over her, the way the material simply glided along her curves took her already warmed-up motor and turned it into high gear. Glancing to make sure the door was shut; she let her fingers begin to wander her body, the perfect manicure gleaming against the soft moonlight through the window. With an expansive back yard, and a second story master bedroom, there was no need to close the curtains. Only a helicopter pilot could look inside. Nipples already poking up, she teased on, and then the other, her mind drifting to her fantasies. There weren’t many, as she had a rather strait-laced upbringing, but a favorite was her thong being soiled at work, and having to forego it for the afternoon, only to come home and have Dan ravish her wildly on the couch, her dress up on her back, and her body held bent over. Another secret fantasy? To be in bed, and have Dan making her squeal in orgasmic delight, while a peeping tom looked in surreptitiously. She was curious of other sexually-charged ideas, but they were passing ideas, like outdoor sex, and black men. But they were just idle things, mostly, though she did engage Dan in pillow-talk one night during sex, and teased him relentlessly, about her dress being so full, and the winds so high, that in the stairwell to the top floor of her building, the hem blew up and completely exposed her stockings and suspenders, not to mention her sheer thong, and all of her students could see her landing strip and bare butt. Dan erupted in remarkably short order from that, so she refrained from telling him such stories. It made him hot, certainly, but shortened her sexual experiences, and left her wanting all the more.

The images slowly played out in her mind, as she felt her fingers slide down her satin baby doll, until she could lift the hem slightly, and lightly encircle her pearl. Her breathing grew deeper, and she had to do it quietly, her mind lost in the dream that Dan was with her and that there was a stranger in the house, on the other side of the closed door. Could she keep herself constrained so as not to tip of their passion and love? The images flashed through her mind as to who it could be. A neighbor? A stranger? A burglar? One of her senior students whom she knew fancied her? The last one had her going full-force, the sheer taboo of it making her hips pump up and down, as she teased and pinched her clit. Then the thought hit her of one of the troubled teens? The bully, maybe? Threatening to come in and watch them, maybe bullying them? That was as long as she lasted, and her back arched, her legs taut and wide, biting her lip to stay quiet, even though her husband was down stairs and in his office across the house.

She fell back to the bed, the sheets no longer covering her but fallen aside in a cascade of shimmery satin, her lungs gasping for air, as she was unable to stifle a small giggle in relief. In the plateau of after-love, she let her mind wander. As usual, she thought about her husband, who, despite this one shortcoming, was an otherwise incredible man to be married to. She pondered a bit. Would he hear her at all? What if she screamed? What if she was with one of her fantasy lovers? How would he react? They didn’t own a gun, much to Dan’s displeasure. Tessa simply didn’t believe in them, or think them necessary. If a criminal wanted something they had, she would simply give it to them. Things could be replaced. It had never dawned on her that a r****t would covet her body, and nothing else. Left to the thinking, she relaxed, and drifted off, only to wake up the next morning, her husband in the shower, and readying for his day. Tessa got out of bed and started on her own.

Tessa kissed Dan good bye at the airport, and she smiled with a farewell wave. Dan was going on his trip, and would be gone for several days. Her prim and proper attire of a champagne satin blouse, and black polyester pencil skirt enhanced her figure, though she was wearing a sheer black thong and thigh high stockings, rather than her garter and hose. The dark seam led every wandering eye of the men who might ogle her down to her black patent-leather spiked heels. Her vanilla and orange perfume wafted her very femininity as she slowly strutted her way to the concourse, and the parking lot, eager for her afternoon meeting with the school district representative. Word had been sent requesting this interview, and if all went well, the next meetings would be with the actual board members of the school district. She was finding herself on a suddenly rocketing trajectory, and her school was getting to go along for the ride. Her supervisors were all happy and all too willing to adjust her schedule and find substitute teachers so she could polish her presentation. That afternoon would be the start!

The clock seemed to roll over ever so slowly, until it was finally time, and she drove to the district office. Heels clicking loudly on the linoleum-tiled floor, she made her way to the office, announcing herself politely to the secretary. Tessa was then escorted to a conference room, where the person she was to meet was seated. She was, for a moment, taken aback. Her eyes looked upon a dark figure, nearly coal black, in fact, wearing a pair of tan slacks, a white shirt, and a red tie. As he rose to meet her, he stuck out his hand.

“It is a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Lang, my name is Ofi Ekpera Imbulu. “ He gave her a great smile, his teeth seeming to gleam in the crease of his thick, dark lips, and he continued with his heavy Kenyan accent. “Please call me Ofi. It seems the best for everyone who tries to pronounce my name.”

Despite her heels, Tessa found herself looking up into his eyes as he spoke, his tall, wiry build having him hover almost a full foot over her. Her perfectly manicured red nails were engulfed by his long fingers, and she found a slight jump in her heart as he spoke to her. Her blue eyes lost in his for a moment.

“I am happy to make your acquaintance, Ofi.” She smiled in her gleaming, near-flawless smile as she set her folders down, the tight skirt requiring her body to bend at the waist, the satin blouse shining in the harsh fluorescent lights.

Buttoned up closely, the slick material could not conceal her ample bosom, a fact Ofi did not miss. The trim cut of the skirt, and the tiny waist and flat belly belied her femininity even more. She was, to Ofi, a perfect example of the type of woman who would be a great mother, biologically speaking, and his biology was screaming at his cock. Large, full, firm breasts, slender hips and a very feminine carriage only escalated his perceptions of her. His flat, wide nostrils also inhaled her scent of vanilla and citrus perfume. Biologically, she had displayed herself as the idea female. To his tribal heritage, he was almost entitled to her, and it was only his strong will and discipline that kept him from simply taking her on the table.

Seated and arranged, Tessa began her presentation, the way she had rehearsed it. Ofi was certainly an imposing figure, and she presumed he had his attractiveness, but he was not a handsome man. Maybe in his homeland in African, perhaps, but here? His flat nose, coal-black skin, yellowed eyes, and tribal scars on his face were at best unsettling to her, at worst, she found him ugly. Her Dan cut a much more handsome figure, and definitely had her eye, not to mention her heart. She had no problem at all focusing on her presentation, while Ofi had no problem at all focusing on Tessa’s body.

As she began, Ofi’s hands were on the table, showing his desire to listen, while his mind was far away, in fact, in his bedroom, imagining this teacher, woman, and wife on her back, legs wide, his hips thrusting hard into her, until he sprayed her insides with his baby-juice. The images were so erotic to him, that his hands slid from the table, and he leaned forward, feigning attention as he flexed his fingers. Trying to call out attention to where he was faking a question, his dark hand ‘accidently’ caressed hers, as he scooted closer to her. Tessa made no reaction to his touch, making him think it was permissive. Asking his semi-appropriate question, Tessa went on to reply, and he again bumped her hand, letting his long black fingers gently caress back up a portion of her forearm as if carelessly, while he leaned back, nodding.

Tessa was finally starting to recognize he was flirting with her, and she could not help but blush, and give a soft grin. She was more embarrassed than anything. She had to admit that being desired was stroking her own ego, yet still, she was happily married and a dutiful wife. She would never cheat on her husband, her Daniel. Continuing on, she felt his hand brush her thigh through her skirt as he let his arms back down to his own thighs. Again he feigned interest in her project. She was falling for it, and ignored the brush of her thigh. To him, this was growing tacit approval to continue. He was cut short, though, by the end of the presentation.

As you can see, Ofi…” her conclusion began, the idea of taking the bullies out of the classroom, and placing them in an environment dedicated to helping them resolve the issues that are causing their incorrect behaviors also helps the victims. We already have the facilities, and we have the teachers, all we need to do is put two and two together and make four!” She ended with her brilliant smile.

Ofi looked the papers over, to buy time, for he desperately wanted to see her again, but away from work. His mind worked over various scenarios. He was missing something here. What was it? When it hit him, as she sat there expectantly, it jolted him in his chair, for it had been so obvious. The motion had alarmed Tessa so much that she reached out to touch Ofi’s arm, her soft, pale skin on his dark forearm. He was swift on the uptake, however, and used the opportunity of his mild reaction, and her greater alarm, to place his long fingers over her hand, and gently caress her skin. As she saw he was alright, she tried to let go, only to have his hand follow hers, until they were holding hands on the table.

“My dear Tessa,” he began in his African-accented timbre. “It seems there are some important omissions in an otherwise brilliant presentation and program you have here.” His voice was almost a baritone melody, as their eyes met. Her look was almost one of horror, for she had thought of everything, she believed, and was mortified she had missed something. His eyes, however, were imagining her blouse open, the silky and milky white bosom being groped and fondled by his hands, while his cock stirred, as it was already feeling the rise in sexual want for this woman. “The cost factors to the district, related to capacities, and teacher salaries. Not to mention how the whole program will be received by the public.” He gave her a condescending smile. He was making a play here, a guess, almost, but as he read her, she seemed to want to be a good, no, make that a great, teacher, and she truly did want what was best for the students, and the parents as a whole.

Tessa’s jaw flapped a few times, her red-painted lips amply demonstrating how kissable they were, and how Ofi would enjoy seeing those red lips wrapped around his black mamba. When she finally did speak, it was as if she was crestfallen.

“Oh my, Ofi. I am so sorry. I hadn’t thought of that.” She replied, a bit nervously.

“My dear, think nothing of it, these are things that I have to deal with on a daily basis. Perhaps if we worked together on this, we can get the proposal completely done in time for the budget review series next week?” He asked, giving her a hopeful smile. “It would mean working after classes, and possibly into the night. There is much to be calculated before the board will entertain such a program at all. Perhaps a dinner and then we work at my place?”

There, the hook had been cast, with a bait on the end. Truth of the matter was that the board was filled with self-aggrandizing morons who did not understand what leadership was, let alone how to exercise it. Ofi knew such things, of course, as he was educated in the finest of universities in Britain, before being hired at the school district. Actually the job he had was beneath him, but it did allow him to stalk his favorite prey, white women, married or not, and there were a host of teachers already bearing his African essence. He was actually a member of Kenyan Royalty, and as such he had access to many resources, and had come to Britain to seek the finer things in life, before coming home to assume the throne of his ailing father. The fact he might bring a white woman back with him had not been in the original plan. But like all plans, they evolve, and a new bride was on the table. Or soon to be writhing under him.

Still holding hands, she smiled to him and nodded. “Why thank you, Ofi that is a very generous offer of you. I happily accept!”

Ofi smiled. “Dress nicely. I’ll take you somewhere special.”

That evening, as she spoke to her husband, Tessa recounted her presentation, and the horror she felt, and yet the relief of how Ofi was offering to help her make it absolutely flawless. He was her knight in black skin, though she did not mention any of that to her Daniel. She knew he would not only blow a gasket, but he would likely forbid her to continue with her project. Dan wasn’t the jealous time so much but protective over his territory. That included his wife. She was honest, and told him about the business dinner, and while Daniel expressed misgivings, he finally relented, knowing how important this was, and how much he trusted his wife.

Dan, for his own thoughts, had mixed feelings. Something was amiss here, but he had no idea what it was. He knew his client meetings were being especially challenging, as if each client had taken a ‘Bitchy pill’ that morning. He was already scrambling to make deals work, and appease the so far unappeasable. He was finding himself longing to hold his wife in his arms, to sniff her, and kiss her, and feel their bodies together, amidst the sea of slippery, silky, silver satin on their bed. He was kicking himself for not bedding his woman when he had the chance. Inwardly, he resolved to do better. After more chit-chat, they exchanged vows of love to each other, and blown kisses, before hanging up. Tessa was to go to bed, and luxuriate in another moment of fantasy in her soft, sensual bedding. Dan? He was getting to sleep on a mattress seemingly made of nail spikes, and a pillow of solid oak.

The next day, Tessa received a brief e-mail from Ofi, instructing her on what information to collect and bring, and she left her classes to a substitute for the day, while she did Ofi’s bidding. In reality, Ofi had no such need for her efforts. He could gather the same information from the district’s computers in about thirty-minutes. He just wanted to get her used to doing his bidding. He was finding that the women outside of his native lands required some training before their eventual conquest. He had learned the lesson the hard way in the United States….

The girl Ofi had wanted was pretty, also married, and a mother. She also had a very enticing figure, and a flirtatious way about her. Wide skirts and deep plunges were her normal way, and she had little compunction in showing off her assets. He assumed it was her way to showing men of interest she was available, yet he had no way of understanding how some women just liked to be a tease. This woman, her name was Suzi, Ofi remembered easily, was easy to corner in a club, even with her husband in attendance yet situated at their table. Ask her to dance, with her husband’s permission of course, and she was easily on her own. In the darkened corner, amidst the heavy American Hip-hop music he found pleasing, he had secreted her from the dance floor and the view of her husband. On the floor, they had been rubbing all over each other, and it was quite easy to see her arousal, from her hard, grape-sized nipples showing through her own pink satin dress, to the way she leaned into him and rocked her pelvis against him in time with the beat. So he made his move, right there in the club.

Kissing her was easy; she almost willingly gave her lips to him. But the thin pink satin halter dress, with a wide circle skirt hemmed at mid-thigh, would prove a harder obstacle. She would place her hand strategically, to keep it low at her crotch, frustrating Ofi’s attempts to feel her up. Finally losing his patience, he used his greater strength and height, and overbore her, making her wrists fast overhead and then used his free one to have her. Reaching under her skirt, the thong panty was easy to dismantle, for she had foolishly worn a thong with ties at the hips, rather than elastic, so a quick tug and she was exposed. In less than a minute, despite her pleas and cries, he was inside her, deeply plunging his black cock into her, until each thrust made her squeal and moan. He fucked her, for there was no other term for it, hard and roughly, treating her as if he was one of his tribal girls. His hands had belied his length, the ten-inch shaft easily surpassing any other man in Suzi’s experience, and she began to yield to him, until she was no longer resisting, and her will to deny him lost.

A small crowd had formed in a semi-circle around them, as Ofi had his way with the woman, and he then spasmodically thrust into her, signaling his imminent eruption, until he blew off, his long ebony cock transporting his royal tribal black semen directly at her quivering cervical opening, sips of his future childd being absorbed into her fertile womb.

Suzi, for her part, had fought as best she could, but the sheer truth was she was only five-eight in her stilettos, and he was still over six inches taller. She found herself out-matched, and vulnerable to Ofi in a faster manner than she ever thought possible. She cried out for help, but only managed to catch the attention of a few black thugs who realized what was going on, and came to spy on them, and witness her ****. His powerful cock, and his long, heavy thrusts subdued her, and she was overcome by the rising tide of raw sexual tension, until she felt herself orgasm as he did, her body on her tiptoes, while he was buried in her, the pulse of his manhood clearing showing the blasts of his black seed fertilizing her white-man’s garden.

When Ofi was done, he backed away, only to see only the last instant of Suzi’s hand flash out at his face, the open-handed slap coming from literally nowhere, and yet delivering a strong message. Confused, Ofi backed away, and then the black thugs who had gathered took his place at her, resuming where Ofi had left off, fucking her until she was barely conscious. He would never know that he had initiated her gang-****, that ultimately impregnated her with a black child.

Ofi, for his part, conducted a tactical retreat, and left via the back door, leaving Suzi and her husband to their fate. Words of Ofi’s father rang in his head. “Do what pleases you, but if you are wrong, flee the country immediately. Their laws are not ours, and they would, at a minimum, detain you for some days. The Americans cherish and empower their women like few other countries, save Israel, perhaps.”

So Ofi took his father the tribal King’s advice and was on a plane that very night. In fact, he didn’t realize where in the world he was, until he awoke as the plane landed. In Japan. The woman? Suzi wound up being pregnant, but she would never know who the father was, other than certainly not her husband’s. She also grew an appreciation for strong black men who could make her scream in ecstasy where her husband simply couldn’t. She would soon be very willing to cheat on her white husband with virile black men.

All of this brought Ofi back to the present and his training of the white woman with the great breasts, flat stomach, and enticing ass. Yes, have her do his meaningless assignments, and get her used to doing everything he said. It would make her more pliable and cooperative. The very thought of impaling her over and over made his cock hard.

For Tessa, she had been running about all day, and still had a couple of hours until their meeting, so she decided to take off work a little early and get ready. Dan wasn’t expecting to hear from her until after their meeting, besides; he had his own dragons to slay, so she was on her own. So she poured a glass of wine, and took a long, luxurious bath.

Shaving her legs, and armpits, and taking the time to touch up her landing strip, she exited the bath, feeling more relaxed than she had since, well, she had teased herself into a giggling girl in bed. Lotion, check. Hair dried and styled in a soft, curled wave and parted to one side? Check. Makeup? It needed to be done a little heavier, smoldering eyes and a hint more rouge for her cheekbones with the obligatory blood red lipstick, check. Her citrus and vanilla perfume? Dabs behind her earlobes, on her wrists, and out of habit, above her vulva, check! Undergarments? Okay, now came a problem.

This was a tricky one. Knowing Daniel, if they were out for a date night, he would want her to be bare under her dress. But Daniel knowing she was on a dinner with another man? He would want her wearing a chastity belt, just in case. After some thought, Tessa compromised. She pulled on her sheer black thong, the thin elastic nestling into the crack of her butt with the soft mesh barely covering her soft labia. It was cut to leave her landing strip exposed. It made her giggle, in a way. She was more worried about what to wear for Ofi, rather than for her Danny, but she also had no intention of letting Ofi see anything. That was for her husband, but she did plan to tease him over the phone tonight. Call it marital-style phone sex, perhaps, but she was going to make Dan crazy with lust. If he didn’t nail her on the foyer floor when he got home, the man was impotent! She finished her legs with a pair of sheer back-seamed thigh-high stockings.

Next came her choice of wardrobe. This was at once hard and easy. Having been told to dress nicely, she planned to do just that. Pulling her best dress from the closet, a silk skater dress, black with long sleeves and white cuffs and collar trim, it would show off her curves, but cover everything important, and to a very respectable level. In fact, she had unzipped and stepped into it easily enough, but when she pulled the zipper up behind her, she heard a sickening sound. The zipper broke! Uttering a loud “Shit!” she looked at the clock. There wasn’t much time left. She had to think fast, as she had no plan ‘B’ arranged.

Thumbing through the rest of her closet, she was getting stressed. She pulled out her luxurious cobalt blue satin gown. Suitable, but it was for formal events, like weddings. Her thumb hooked on the garment next to it. A dress Dan had given her for date night. To his disappointment, she would never wear it outside. The chiffon bodice was a series of straps that crisscrossed to cradle her breasts before wrapping around her body to secure at the rear of the skirt, exposing her cleavage, her abdomen, and more side-boob than would be acceptable at a club, she felt. Not to mention a hemline so short that she couldn’t wear hosiery of any sort, and if a gust of wind blew by? So would her modesty. Tossing that on the bed, she was getting desperate.

Near the end of her wardrobe, she found something that gave her hope, a wrap skirt. It was pleated, silky soft satin, and moved very well. Hemmed at the calf, it would be perfect. The color was as deep champagne with a maroon petal and flowers print. Next came a blouse. She got that sick feeling again, as she realized the blouse she would have worn with it was dirty, and in serious need of washing, thanks to one of her students who carelessly spilled his drink on the front, probably in a juvenile hope she would remove it and display her breasts to the class. It was over to her dresser, now, and the clock was ticking.

Digging through, she was growing nervous, until her fingers dug up a long-forgotten piece that Dan, again, had bought her in hopes of her being his arm-candy in public. So far, it had gone unworn, but tonight, she had little choice. The meeting with Ofi was important to her students, and her career!

Pulling it out, she arranged the wide maroon satin ribbons, until the halter was properly emplaced about her neck, and the silky satin cups cradled her girls comfortably. Wrapping the wider ribbons about her, the bow was tied with some diligence behind her, and then came the final adjustments. It helped she had long fingernails, and a fresh manicure, though the color was off. A French manicure certainly wasn’t going to clash, but had she the time she would have gotten a fresh gel coat of maroon.

Sitting on the bed, the pleats of soft satin fell with gravity, and the seam of the two ends of the skirt spread, exposing a tremendous amount of thigh, all the way to the tops of her thigh-highs and perhaps even beyond. Tessa didn’t really notice as she had difficulty with her heel, buckling the ankle strap securely. Finally rising to her four-inch stilettos, she gave herself a quick once-over in the mirror.

The fit of her top was near perfect, though the thin satin made her nipples plainly show, and exposed more of her taut tummy than she wanted, but the bow on her back did add a pretty touch, and a hint of allure. She’d remember this top for future use. It would be perfect for teasing Dan. The skirt fell beautifully into place; the hem at her calves, and when she stood there was a nice overlap of the ends of the wrap-skirt, where the pleats lined up perfectly. A soft turn side-to-side showed the ends opening and exposing her thigh. She frowned at that, but realized she would just have to be careful. The doorbell rang, and it was too late now, Ofi was there to get her!

She opened the door to see her dinner companion, and she gave him a polite smile. Reaching out to shake her hand in a professional manner, for this was a professional dinner, after all, he caught her hand and rather than shaking back, he took her fingers in his, and bent her wrist softly, turning and exposing the top of her hand, and lifting it as he bent to kiss her hand. As he was making this grand gesture, she took in his features. Ofi was wearing a dark grey suit, with a black silk shirt, and no tie. Still a tall drink of water to stand next to, they would make a handsome couple for any photograph, even if he stood almost eight inches above her. He told her she looked “like a shimmering mirage of beauty, so beautiful to see, and yet so out of reach of his touch.”

Blushing, she returned the compliment and took his grand gesture to help her to his car with a sweep of his arm, ending with an offered elbow to help her walk, should she wish it. Given the stairs she would have to descend, she did take his arm, though on the wrong side, and as they left, the cool evening breeze caught her skirt, making the hem open and trail behind her, exposing a lot of her leg to Ofi. Unfortunately, Tessa could do nothing for it, as the damage was already done, and her hand was already holding onto his arm. Hips rocking up and down in a sizzling sway, the skirt floated and flapped out behind her, a teasing tail telling terrible men she was an easy prey, but fortunately, though one or two by-passers got a look at a lot of leg, Ofi seemed not to notice, though he had, actually. His eyes glanced down to look at his quarry, and saw her exposure and even before their dinner date had begun, his cock was twitching.

It didn’t matter, though, for he got an equally tantalizing view up her skirt as she seated herself inside his stylish Mercedes, though she kept her knees demurely together. The low-slung, sleek automobile required her to bend and gently seat herself as he opened the car door, and when she did so, the skirt opened again, revealing her to the waist on one leg, and Ofi was smart enough to keep his mouth shut, though the sight would only make his want for her grow stronger. By her reputation, the woman in his car was rather straitlaced and proper. Did this mean, in private, she was happy to let loose another side of her, a slutty side no one knew of? He planned to find out.

For her side, Tessa cringed as her skirt was all but falling off her hips for the man as he was being so polite and proper. He did not even let on what he had seen, and so she kept her mouth shut, though inwardly she was cringing. Proper women, especially married ones, did not reveal themselves to other men like this! The drive to the restaurant was, however, smooth, and the conversation polite. In fact, she was enjoying the sharing of ideas and hopes for her project so much that she did not remember she left her cell phone at home, and even as she was being wheeled to a nice dinner, the device chimed, and chimed, and chimed, with the display showing Dan’s face. Dan’s day had taken a different turn…

The day had just been brutal. The unappeasable became the enraging bastion of bullshit, and to save himself, and to keep him from simply stabbing the client to death with a butter knife, Dan made a polite, but hasty retreat, and wound up at his hotel early. A few phone calls later, and Dan’s whole trip was done early. He was being recalled, out of respect for the clients. Dan had no idea where things went wrong, but he knew better than fight an unwinnable battle, so he made his preparations to return home, and was lucky enough to catch a decent flight, so he would be home for a late dinner. Ringing his wife, he had hoped to give her the news, and have a late meal with her, only to find she wasn’t answering. He tried every number he had for her. He called the home line, her work, and even her cell phone again. Finally, out of desperation, he called the neighbors. One was not home, but the other was, and he talked to the man, who simply told Dan that his Tessa had apparently gone out to dinner with a tall and dark man. The fact that Tessa had also given the neighbor a delightful view of her legs went without being said. Why spoil the potential of a good thing if it should happen again?

Dan was more than concerned, of course. Was his wife cheating on him? Had this been going on before? Was this a first time? What if she wasn’t cheating and this was just a legitimate dinner? He knew Tessa was ever prim and proper, and so would never do so, he was sure, and he trusted her implicitly. It was other men he didn’t trust, in Ofi’s case, rightfully so.

For Ofi, the evening could not be going better. Tessa was dressed as a stunning beauty, and he was now sure that she would be a worthy mother to his heirs, and the royal lineage. He would find a way to make her his Kenyan wife, he was now sure of it. Whatever the political hay taking her to his homeland would cause, it would surely be worth it. He still spoke politely, not wishing to tip his hand too early, for that would come later, this evening, in fact. He would see her impaled on his throbbing, turgid rod, and make her scream in ecstasy, until she was either too willing to go with him, or too weak to resist his taking her with him, and he would leave that very night, and spend the night in their embassy. The next morning, she would be his, as they took their diplomatic plane to his homeland, and she would start her new life as his wife.

At the restaurant, Ofi pulled in for valet service, and Tessa had to give the same leg-baring display as she climbed up onto her heels. She was able to choose the best hand to keep her skirt under control, mostly, but there was still a pleasant show on display, for Ofi, and the valet. Tessa just blushed. In short order, they were ushered to their booth, a cozy, three-person affair, carefully set for two diners in a more intimate setting. Tessa knew this was a business dinner, and yet the restaurant did not, so they had set the two dinner places closer together, where two diners could get better acquainted. Ofi chose to sit on her left, as that was the side her skirt opened on, and would allow him to perhaps have more ‘accidents’ in touching her. Tessa was fine with it, as it allowed her right hand to move more freely.

The first ‘accident’ was occurring just as Dan was reaching the airport. While Dan was getting out of the taxi, and maneuvering through the throngs of other travelers equally interested in getting on an airplane, Ofi’s hand brushed her thigh as he came up to lift his glass, so he might sip as the wine he ordered for them was being delivered. The wine was a red, flown from the Napa Valley in California, an area renowned world-wide for their wines, due to their unique climate. The French had the world market on Champagne; the Italians had a great run of wine-making, but now the Americans were in the hunt, with a fury only Americans could muster. It was spoke softly in the wine-world that the Americans would take Europe as they had in World War II, brutally and efficiently, only their goal was not to defeat Hitler and free the world from tyranny. It was to dominate the wine-making industries across the continent. Some said, having been converted, that they were well on their way, in fact.

As Ofi set his hand to his lap, again, he brushed her thigh, the gesture a little bolder, maybe, and the effort caused her pleats to fall from her thigh and expose her stocking-clad leg to the man, and Tessa started the battle for her skirt. Every time it fell open, she would pull it back up properly, to cover her. Sometimes Ofi ‘accidently” exposed her, sometimes it happened without his help, as the silky, slippery material simply wanted to obey the law of gravity. Tessa was growing a bit annoyed with it, and yet also growing tired of the fight. Their conversation had grown from business to more casual, even personal, and Ofi was skilled and keeping her lips moving, refilling her glass a twice as dinner arrived. Tessa, for her part, had little idea she was being ever so slowly seduced, and from the wine, the conversation, and her general relaxation, she lost the battle for her skirt, and the last time it fell, she simply left it there. It wasn’t like Ofi could see her through the table, could he?

By the time Dan was checked into his flight, and waiting to go through airport security, Tessa’s skirt was gaping open to her waist, exposing her thigh high stocking, and even the waistband of her thong to Tessa’s would-be lover. Ofi, however, proceeded with his attack, and made an excuse to reach across Tessa, and let his hand to her thigh, leaving it there. Thus began the great thigh battle of the dinner table.

Tessa kindly slid his hand from her leg, and then Ofi said something particularly witty, and as she laughed, he placed his hand on her stocking, gently sliding it along her thigh, his very long fingers sliding along her inner leg, half-way to her paradise. Tessa, again being proper and polite, did not say anything, but simply slid his hand from her leg. Reaching to refill his own wine glass, he had to reach across, and the hand went back on her leg, with a small squeeze. As he replaced the wine bottle on the far side of the table, she would slide his hand from her. Then another witty joke, and the hand went back. Finally, Tessa submitted and just left her hand on his, as his fingers slide along her stockings, feeling the soft material. Reaching to refill her glass, he now rolled his hand across her leg, and higher up the inside of her thigh, making Tessa gasp softly, as his fingers brushed higher up her leg, to her vulva. Her glass refilled, she abruptly reached out and took a slug of the rich, fruity drink, an instinctive response, as she would never fight publically, and she was too prim and proper for that. Ofi had his hand now on his soon-to-be lover’s crotch as Dan boarded the flight home.

Tessa was so very confused by this point. Her head was swirling from the potent wine. She was swirling from the attention of another man, as well. Dan had never been a host to her like this, treating her more like a wife than a date. Ofi, while being a gentleman, mostly, was treating her like prey. The game of give and take, and advance and withdrawal, victory and defeat. She realized Ofi wanted her, and she was finding that she was liking it. Trying to be the good dining companion, she wasn’t making a fuss, and even as Ofi started to take some liberties, they were with her leg, just to start. She could live with that, and tell her Danny, and likely he would have ferocious sex with her in the safety of their bedroom. But she was not going to give herself to him, but she wasn’t prepared for Ofi’s next move, when she turned to reply to a question, and found his lips on hers, kissing her.

Tessa’s lips tingled, and yet she squealed softly, pulling her head back slightly, only to find Ofi pressing his advance on her. The hand on her thigh held her fast, and his free hand reached to gently hold her arm, as his thick, dark lips laid upon hers, her own trying not to part in response as he kissed her, fighting her natural instincts and growing want. The wine, the hunt, and Ofi’s masculinity were all making her will weaken, like a battering ram assaulting a fortress. The outer doors of her portcullis failed her and her lips parted, and his tongue pressed on, invading her lips to kiss her lewdly and lavishly. Her eyes fluttered closed, as her own tongue returned the kiss with a growing fervor, and she uttered a soft moan, as the grip on her thigh slide higher, until his fingers were dancing along her landing strip. Trailing his fingers through her trim forest, he was then delighted to find such a small, risqué patch of sheer fabric covering her womanhood, and he planned to remove that pesky barrier either by gently sliding it from her, or piercing it with his growing hardness. She tasted him, as he tasted her, and their saliva mixed into a union of two, their shared taste pleasing to both. Her nipples began to display her primal feelings, and her arousal, growing in the silky cradles holding them, threatening to pierce the thin satin, as the soft light sheened, the reflection showing the new contours of her breasts.

The kiss broke, and through her smoldering gaze, she spoke breathlessly. “Ofi, we can’t be doing this. I am married, and I love my husband so happily.” All the while his hand was on her vulva, and cupping her, her thighs parted to allow him access. “Please, Ofi... Don’t make me do this.” She was begging him.

He leaned in, and kissed her again, a soft kiss, before his head tilted and moved to her neck, his teeth softly nipping at her earlobe, which made her try and tilt her head to prevent his sensual assault, only to find his efforts redoubled, and then he slid lower, to her neck, where his lips kissed her just under her ear, on her neck, making her mew. Tessa’s heart was racing, as she was being subjected to the sensual assault above the table and below. His black finger slid inside her thong and he began to play with her folds, to tease her arousal, pressing lightly on her pearl, which made her squeal softly, and her head fall aside. His lips latched on to her now available neck, and he softly nipped at her pale flesh, while his mouth suckled harder, breaking the myriad of tiny blood vessels that resulted in a dark mark on her skin.

Her arms went limp as she gave in to him, and he then took her hand and slid it along his own thigh, until she could feel his growing pant leg. Ofi was so well-endowed that part of his shaft had to lay down one side of his trousers. Her hand slowly began to squeeze his leg, and make his spear grow, as Dan’s airplane speared the air, hurtling him faster than ever to his destination, and his loving wife.

“You need to take me home…” she whispered breathlessly into his ear. It was her last, dying gasp to get home, and safety, before she lost her will completely, and became his lover. For Ofi, he couldn’t agree more, and he wanted to get her home as fast as possible, as well. Throwing a crisp set of large bills on the table, he lay down more than enough money for the meals and a generous tip, and grabbed her by the left forearm, to draw her out quickly, as she scooted along with him. Leaving the booth, her skirt was unable to close, and her long, quick strides, coupled with the sensual hips swivels exposed her left leg to the hip as she strutted, the long skirt acting as a train behind her, while her blood-engorged breasts bounced in unison to her long strides. As further testament to their passionate lust, there was a small spot on the cushion where Tessa had been seated. The busboy wiped it away, ******* of what it truly was, while a small smear of her lubrication coated her outer folds, and had made her thong nearly transparent.

While waiting for the car at the valet, Ofi kissed her again, long and hard, a kiss she returned with equal vigor, mewing in her soft, feminine voice, despite the small line of people waiting for their cars as well. Her arms reached to his head, and then slid to his neck, fingers clasping behind it, as their skins made the starkest of contrasts. A few people stared, and a snide comment was made when Tessa slowly kicked up a heel as the kiss endured, his tongue feeling the insides of her mouth, her teeth, under her tongue, over her gums, devouring everything she offered. The seam of her skirt was partially open, exposing her bent knee and partial thigh, the two lost in the kiss that was at once both forbidden and wanted…

The loud chirp and bounce of the tires hitting the tarmac signaled Dan’s aircraft landing at the airport. From here, it was the simple act of luggage, car, and home. Forty-five minutes, tops, unless there was traffic. He hurried from the plane, despite the inevitable slow older woman, and the guy chatting up a flight attendant who would never sleep with the man, and yet it made Dan’s departure of even the aircraft seem like an eternal torture. Finally clear of the aircraft, Dan made his way purposefully down the concourse and down the escalator to the baggage claim area. A ten-minute wait for his bag, and then he was out the door…

For Ofi and Tessa, it was fifteen minutes to her front door, and when Dan placed his hand on the handle of his luggage, Ofi had his hands under his wife’s skirt, m*****ing her rear end, her hips, and around her waist to her front, fingers rubbing her sodden thong, and gently drumming a tympani on her hooded pearl.

Tessa, for her part, could not get into the front door fast enough. The wine, which had grown from a couple of glasses to over a bottle of the rich, red aromatic spirits, had reduced her proprieties to near nothing. She was moaning and dropped her keys as Ofi hit her clit, and she bent at the waist, allowing Ofi to start to dry –hump her through his pants, and her skirt, right at the front door. The neighbor who answered the phone earlier was peeking through the blinds, having heard them as they walked up the steps. He pulled his manhood out and began to play with himself, watching the woman he took to be a prim, proper, and loyal wife of his neighbor act like an easy slut with total strangers, and a black man, no less!

Finally getting the door open, she was helped inside, the door slamming shut behind her as Ofi pressed against her, and kissing her aggressively, one arm around her waist and holding her tightly to him and his other hand now freely groping her sex and rubbing her folds between the seams of her skirt, Tessa’s soft voice mewing and moaning as he further reduced her resistance. The pleats of her skirt spread easily for the big man, and as he leaned forward, dipping her, she kicked a leg out, her arms reaching around his shoulder and neck as she squealed, the hem of her skirt falling and then pooling on the floor, the pleats spread in a full splay of silky satin material. Tessa’s tongue reached for Ofi’s, kissing him back as hard as he kissed her, and Ofi sensed the time was right. Scooping her up into his arms, he broke the kiss, and said one word, and it was more of a command than a question. “Bedroom.”

Tessa tilted her head in that direction and Ofi carried her to the back of their house, kicking the door open, and then gently laying his prize on their marital bed, the slippery outfit allowing him to slide her easily into where he wished her on the rich silver satin sheets. Leaving the lights off, he reached for her hips, and started to slide her thong from her, Tessa automatically adjusting her hips to help him making the moves seem sensual and seductive. Laying there, her arms falling back over her head, her hair splayed out in a fan above her, she looked like a Playboy model, teasing the would-be lovers gazing upon her. To Ofi, she was more than that and he wanted this woman more than any other he had come across. He spoke easily, his baritone rumbling in the African accent.

“Tonight you see what Tribal men give their women.” His hands skillfully went to his belt, and he undid his clothes, letting his pants hit the carpet, and as he kicked off his shoes, he stepped out of his pants, his own manhood held in a thin red male bikini brief, tented with his length’s hardness, and a small dark spot on the end. The spot only barely visible from the only light in the room, a faded light from a lamp in the hallway, yet there was no mistaking his cock, and it made Tessa gasp. Discarding the red thong and now naked, he slid into the bed, and atop her, and began to hump her, as he attacked her lips again. He felt no need for foreplay, she was wet enough, and ready enough. Her folds rubbed against the top of his rod, and soon he was growing to full-mast, a long, dark, throbbing ten-inches of woman tamer and pussy-claimer.

Feeling him, Tessa whispered huskily. “Please let me…” and she pushed him to roll him over, and she positioned herself over him, her skirt splayed out behind her, as Dan’s hand pushed the front door open.

Dan stepped inside, and set his briefcase down, spying her cell phone on the entryway table, numerous indicators of his calls showing. As he stepped inside, he heard some soft voices, and then a mewing. Following the voices, he made his way to his bedroom, and stopped at the doorway, and saw what the soft beam of light could only show. His Tessa, her legs splayed over a strange black man, her skirt behind her, and as she lowered herself onto him, Ofi next grasping her ankles and by lifting them up, forcing gravity to do the rest of the work of impaling Dan’s pretty wife on his royal black baby-maker.

The only voice heard was Tessa’s, and she made a long, loud intake of air, her eyes rolling up in her head, the raw sexual sensations of so long, so hard, and so thick a cock slide inside her, a slow, inexorable decent down his shaft, until she settled onto him fully, where she had to pause, and let her body adjust to him. The slickness of her folds, along with the wetness of her pink tunnel, let her tense core muscles endure the long, sensuous impalement of her petite, feminine, white body on his hot, throbbing, menacing black spike. Then he began to bounce his hips, and she began to bounce up and down along Ofi’s pole helplessly, as he still held her ankles up, and held her helplessly as his own.

Dan, on the other hand, stayed in the doorway, watching his wife get royally fucked by the black man. Ofi saw a shadow, reacted, and simply gave that knowing smile, a smile men knew, where total victory had been declared. Tessa’s head had lolled back on her neck, her long hair simply sliding down her back, until his thrusts began to bounce her body up and down on him, her bouncing breasts, and soft curls amply showing the powerful thrusts of his African abdominal muscles. And so he still bounced the woman on his cock up and down, became lost in him. Her soft voice let out mewling moans, and then louder gasps and cries, as her lover’s prowess destroyed her last willful thoughts.

Her cries were sharply interrupted by the heavy jolts upward of Ofi’s cock in her, and the bouncing she was doing on it. Dan, on the other hand, started to grow an erection of his own. Somehow watching his wife, dressed in a way he had only been allowed to dream about, was being taken in a new way by some man, maybe a man who picked her up in a bar, and shown a new way of life. Dan had no idea, but he also knew he would not break this up, or announce his presence. He had just come home from getting his ass kicked professionally, and now he didn’t want to suffer an ass-kicking from his wife as well, his ego was bruised as it was. The man knew, and that was enough. Tessa he would deal with later.

Feeling safe, and knowing the woman was now his, Ofi rolled over, throwing Tessa off-balance, and he released her ankles, so that he could land inside them, and control their mating more fully. Legs high and wide, her skirt now splayed out widely under her, she lifted her arms to his neck and moaned to him.

“Fuck me, Ofi…fuck me like no woman has ever been” she panted, eyes locked to his.

Ofi simply picked up the pace, and began to slide his long ten-inch black mamba into her in strong, steady strokes, her love-juices coating his shaft, into a milky white coating, the thick love-cream a display of her fertility. Dan was, by now, rock hard, and unable to resist his needs, and he stepped back and opened his pants, grasping his smaller manhood and enjoyed the sounds of his wife and the other man.

Ofi ignored the white husband, his eyes grew deeper and harder as he stared into her eyes, the tribal predator in his familial lineage coming to the front, and he didn’t make love to her, he mated with her, making her feel every fraction of an inch of his ebony rod.

“Ofi… fuck me… cum in me…” Tessa begged. “I’m your bitch! Make me your slut! Fuck me harder!” And she was thrusting back at him, trying to match his superior cock to her tight, white valley. Her tongue emitted from her lips, waggling in thin air, begging to be kissed, as she was reduced to her basest-self, no longer a proper woman and wife, but a woman deep in the throes of mating with a black man, a depth her Daniel had never been able to make her feel.

Daniel could not take any more between what he saw and his wife’s passionate cries from her lover, so he shot his own baby-makers across the hall, small stains dribbling down the wall as a number of his seminal jets crossed the distance and splashed, to trail uselessly down the wall. He had a momentarily amusing thought that Tessa was going to be pissed that he made a mess on the wall. Like he cared, she had way bigger problems facing her.

Ofi’s pace was growing faster with each thrust now, and as his eyes bore into hers, she was gasping and whimpering, then growing into loud moans and cries of passion. Ofi’s long strokes were making the tide of raw sexual tension rise rapidly, and in faster than ever before, she was screaming out.

“Fuck me! Fuck me! Give me your black baby!” then the dam broke, with the flood of raw sexual passion releasing all at once, causing her body to shudder and every muscle in her body bear down, and with Ofi’s cock being milked, he was only too happy to oblige. His spasmodic thrusts stopped, his final plunge deepest yet, ensuring the head of his cock was at her cervical opening, where her body was scoop sips of his African heritage into her womb, and hopefully fertilize her white-man’s garden and impregnate her with his black children. Dan poked his head around the doorway again, spying his wife’s legs high in the air, as the black man lay atop her, his cock buried inside her deeply, and he could only imagine the way his cock was displaying the series of gushes as his massive testicles sent load after load of his black seed deep into her white body. As she came down from the immediate high of her orgasm, and lay there, feeling Ofi on top of her, she suddenly freaked out as she regained her senses, and cried out, seeing her Danny standing there.

“OFI! Get off of me! I’m fertile!” She screamed at him, and she writhed and wriggled under him, trying to dismount him, as his black spear pumped more of his genetic material into her.

“Pull out! Pull out!” she begged, as Ofi did the exact opposite, holding onto her, ensuring every drop of his baby-juice stayed deep within her, until not only did he have nothing left to give her, but also that her body had no way to eject that same gift of life. “We’re unprotected!”

That was what it took for Dan to announce his presence to his wife. Her begging to avoid pregnancy. With a flick of the wrist, he turned on the lights in the room, bathing the scene in warm light. His eyes saw what would become a nightmare. His alluring, sexy wife spread-limbed under a nude black man, his cock inside her, probably still pumping his black seed into her fertile womb, and she was still fully dressed, indicating her eagerness to be bedded by him, in the same bed she held marital relations with her husband, no less!

Realizing that it no longer mattered, Ofi dismounted his prize, and left her lying there, her pussy gaping, and his cock glistening in her love-lubrication, proof of their consummation. A long, thin drip of post-emission leaked from his slowly drooping shaft, leaving a long, thin trail until it snapped, marking the sheets. If Dan had looked, he might have seen the small sliver of white liquid emanating from deep within his wife’s vulva, testifying as to how much of Ofi’s virile semen had been ejaculated into his wife. Standing proudly, his hands on his hips, the tribal prince announced himself.

“I am Ofi Ekpera Imbulu, High Prince of the Zulu Tribes of Kenya. I come to your country to claim my bride. She is a more than suitable wife for me. By the willing actions of your woman, by our laws, she rejects you, and becomes mine. Tonight, this woman is now a member of my tribe, and the bearer of my many children. You have done honor to my tribe, and you will be rewarded handsomely!”

Daniel stood there, shocked at the new implication, and he simply did not know which way to turn, who to listen to, or what to say. The silence in the room was both awkward and deafening, as Dan looked back and forth, from the virile man, his long, shiny-coated cock falling to a long dangle between his legs, another few drips of his post-emission leaking from that mighty tribal member, to fall onto the carpet, to the obviously well-disheveled, and well-fucked woman. Her eyes were on her Daniel, when he finally spoke.

“Tessa, is this true?”

To that, she could only reply softly. “I don’t know….”

A Not So Prim & Proper Wife- Ch. 2

A Not So Prim and Proper Wife- Chapter 2

This is the second installment of a story written for a friend. By way of explanation, I have written this, and the first chapter, as a favor to him, describing things so the story would appeal to him. Some may not care for the enhanced descriptions, or points of view of the characters.

I hope you enjoy…


“I don’t know.”

Those words struck like a hammer into Daniel’s gut. His wife had just told him she didn’t know what she was going to do, or who she was going to choose. Her husband, and her marriage, or some black guy who was now standing naked in their bedroom.

His wife lay across their bed, her satin skirt laying gaped and open, exposing her full modesty to the room, which was also occupied by another man. A tall, wiry black man named Ofi. Ofi was Tessa’s boss, of sorts, and had just finished bedding the buxom, trim beauty. He stood there, his long, thin black cock dripping the very last remnants of post-ejaculate onto the carpet.

There was a long, awkward silence, as neither man knew exactly what action to take. It was clear that Tessa had not been *****, and she had given herself to Ofi willingly. It was also clear that Ofi had taken his full satisfaction in her as well, which was why Tessa was a little light-headed, and confused. Multiple screaming orgasms did that to women.

“You better go.” Tessa said, and Daniel was first to spring into action. He left the room, and made his way down the hall. To where, Tessa could not say. Ofi, for his part, began to pick up his clothes, in a purposeful and hurried way. There was no doubt he was leaving via the back bedroom sliding glass door. To use the front door might be suicidal. Having gathered his garments, he bent low, and was planting a last, deep, passionate kiss on the softly parted lips of the white wife he had just made passionate love to. It was a kiss Tessa returned, perhaps out of instinct, maybe desire, maybe manners, to return like for like.

When Daniel returned, after having run to the entry way closet to bring his baseball bat, he saw his wife being deep-tongue kissed, with her soft voice moaning. That was enough for Daniel to spring into action.

“Get the FUCK outta’ my house!” he bellowed, and made steps towards the black Casanova, the bat rising above his head, white knuckles gripping the handle. In that moment, Daniel would very possibly have killed.

Ofi, for his part, took discretion as the better part of valor and made his way out the rear, leaving the door open in his wake, and he scampered as quickly as he may around the side of the house, his bare feet padding down the soft grass, right past the partly opened blinds of the neighbor. Stopping in front of his car, Ofi hurriedly dressed, letting anyone see him, including the neighbor, who was becoming very interested in the goings on.

Back in the bedroom, Daniel roared at his wife. “What the hell are you doing? Kissing him like that? What the hell is wrong with you? You’re my Goddamned wife!”

Tessa, faced with a suddenly more furious than she had ever known husband, recovered quickly and sat bolt-upright. “Daniel… please… stop! I can explain!” She was starting to sob, as the enormity of what she had done hit her.

“Just shut the fuck up!” he roared at her. “Don’t talk to me!” and he left her in the bedroom, slamming the door shut, leaving Tessa all alone.

That night was as tense as the enemy lines on a battlefield, with Daniel making a bed on the couch, while Tessa undressed and showered, her gentle sobbing gushed into a geyser of tears in the shower, and she didn’t get out until the water ran cold. Looking at herself in the mirror, her eyes were puffy, bloodshot, and even a little sore. Her eyes looked like the wreck she felt, inside and out. Pulling on her satin sleepshirt, she snuggled into the satin sheets on the bed, and began to recount her ‘business meeting’ with Ofi, and where it all went wrong.

The answer wasn’t so simple, or a single thing. It was the combination of many. Her husband who left her lonely and needy too often, bottles of delicious wine, the showering attention of a man, the risqué attire she wore, and the opportunity to sate a natural need. The math added up. Whose fault was it? In short, everyone’s. The math helped her quantify and deal with the situation, but it did not assuage her guilt, and she began to sob fresh tears, fearful of the damage done to her marriage, until she cried herself to sleep.

Daniel, for his part, kept plotting different ways to commit murder and get away with it. Fortunately for everyone, he just wasn’t very creative in that area of expertise. He finally poured himself a double scotch, downed it, and then a second, topping it off with a highball of a third. Before Tessa was out of the shower, Daniel was sleeping with a loud snore.

Tessa let loose a soft whew after peeking out to discover where her husband was. She had been afraid he had packed up and left the house. Closing the door oh so very softly, she slid into bed, and curled up, hugging the pillow as she fell into a slumber filled with dreams. Erotic ones.

“Ofi, no, no! Please don’t cum in me!” She cried out.

“You’re MY bitch now, so shut the hell up!”

“No, no! Please don’t make me your bitch!” Tessa was begging, as the belt around her neck functioned as a collar, with Ofi holding the bitter end. “Please don’t get me pregnant!”

Ofi looked immense, stronger than steel, and more powerful than a bulldozer. His iron grip held the leash of sorts, and pulled her to him, as his cock plundered her depths faster and faster. His thrusting was a frenzy, until he bellowed out, his voice howling as he gave that final thrust all women know, his black cock ejaculating, spurting his hot, sticky baby-makers at her quivering, sipping cervix. Tessa screamed in fear.

The cry awoke her, and she was surprised to find it was daylight, and she was in her bed, safe, but alone. The cry had also spilled over into her voice, and it brought Daniel to check on her. She was sobbing in tears, wetting the pillow and layering snot on it, as well. Seeing she was alright, Daniel shut the door again. He had a lot to think about. He was so very angry.

Tessa, for her part, had a lot to think about too, as well as worry. She had done a lot of damage; she also had a stranger’s semen deep inside her. What if she was impregnated? It was not the exact right time, but within the realm of feasibility. Would she have an abortion? Could she bring herself to do it? What if Ofi said no? Where they lived, both partners had to consent, without a judge’s decree. Could she be required to have a baby from a man she was bedded by in a moment of passion? The only exception to the abortion requirements was a case of **** or ******, and she could not lie about the fact the sex had been consensual. It would not be proper to lie in court.

Then there was her husband. She could not believe how stupid she was. She tried to rationalize it. His focus on work, rather than her, his physical dimension compared to that long gun Ofi had. The drink, the wine, the seduction. All of it whirled in her mind and she started to sob. After about 30 minutes, she drifted off to sleep.

For his part, Daniel had received a phone call from his boss, and he had been summoned to a very rare weekend meeting. There were going to be some higher level managers present, and they wanted to hear where things went wrong from his side. They had already heard the customer and vendor side of things. So Daniel had to sneak into the bedroom, so he could grab what he needed and be dressed appropriately. He saw Tessa sleeping, and left her alone, departing the house without even a note where he was going. For obvious reasons, he was still furious with his wife.

The meeting didn’t go well. Daniel told his side, and while there were some obvious agreements, there were also some discrepancies. After almost three hours of conversation, Daniel was told to plan on another trip the following Monday, and say whatever he had to as a way of making amends. Apologize, beg forgiveness, whatever. While it wasn’t blatantly stated, his job was on the line. This was just the worst possible news for him.

He had to somehow make amends by kowtowing to people who were outright lying to his bosses, he had to sacrifice the rest of his weekend to get ready for it. Then there was his wife. Their marriage was at a crucial point. He could no longer be comfortable in the knowledge his very pretty and alluring wife was his and his alone. She had a suitor. Not the ‘hey, your wife’s hot!’ kind of suitor, but the predatory, plant his seed deep inside her kind of man who was planning on stealing her away from him. On top of all this, he had to leave her behind to save his career.

When Dan returned home, Tessa was in the kitchen, freshly showered and wearing her pink satin robe, the sash tied tightly to keep the hem closed at her upper thigh region. Not that she was afraid of showing her husband anything, just because she was insecure, and needed something to shield her from the fight that was sure to come. She had been nibbling on a cold English muffin when she heard the front door shut. Swallowing nervously, she steeled herself for what was to come.

Dan, for his part, saw his wife, and for the first time, ignored her. He went to the refrigerator, grabbed a beer, and left without as much as a word to her. Under pre-Ofi circumstances, she would have been bent over the table as he rammed his dick into her, simply because he liked the way she looked. Soft, cuddly, cute, and oh-so fuckable. With her nipples plainly poking into the silky satin, it was obvious she was braless, and he was sure her panties were in the drawer, still. Yet he could not bring himself to talk to her, out of fear his anger would boil over. A shitty day, his wife doing a very shitty thing to him, and he had no outlet. So he kept quiet until he reached his office door, then he slammed it as hard as he could, pictures hanging on the wall shaking and shifting, while the loud bang made Tessa jump. Not knowing what to do, she sat there, her mind numb as she contemplated what to do. Or rather, how to do it.

Twice Dan emerged from his office, once to get another beer, and once to use the toilet. Waiting in the den, Tessa had changed into something she knew Dan liked, her knee-length red satin off the shoulder dress, the hem of the skirt widely displayed in a near semi-circle, and red “fuck me” heels. Her panties still remained in her drawer, as did her bra, as the way the dress hung from her upper arms disallowed a one. She had curled and styled her hair, put on smoky makeup, and even her vanilla perfume. She was going all out for her man, to show him she was his. He wasn’t speaking to her, and that was tearing her up inside, but she would make every effort until he did grace her with his voice. Hopefully, even more. Despite how intense and amazing the sex was with Ofi, she desperately wanted to make love to her husband.

Dan, for his part, was angry, but he was still a man, and when his eyes saw what she was dressed in, his erection twitched, just a hint. Still, he said nothing, drinking his beer as he made his way back into his office, though not slamming the door. Tessa took that as a sign of hope, that there may be an end to his cold shoulder soon. After another hour, he had not emerged, and Tessa needed to stretch her legs, so she got up, and went to the front door, leaving a note for her husband.

“Dan- I am just down the street for a short walk at the park. I’ll be back right away. I love you, and I am SO sorry!” She signed it with her T and slowly, quietly stepped outside, into the twilight of the fading day.

The street was relatively quiet, most people having either gone out for the evening, or simply staying in. The weather was nice, with little breeze, making every footfall of her stiletto heels click and clack on the tidy sidewalk easily recognized. It was a typical suburban neighborhood, white picket fences, some back yards hedged by a row of trees, and some not, some simply a wide-open space shared with neighbors. Dan and Tessa’s home was one of those, as when they moved in, it had been a stretch to afford it, and now more affluent, they simply had not gotten around to it. Their neighbors were good people, at least on the surface.

One neighbor, however, had watched Tessa depart, alone, and looking extremely pretty and feminine. Placing the TV in the far corner had been sheer genius, allowing him to be entertained, while at the same time keep a pervert’s eye on his sexy neighbor. Her display of dress and grace caught his eyes easily through the partially open slits of the window blinds. Unlike his own wife who had let herself go. The figure of his wife was a hefty pear-shape, while Tessa still kept a trim, hourglass figure. As she walked down the sidewalk, he could not help but admire the kick of the skirt as her fine calf and the ankle-strapped pump shined in the street-light. The sway of her hips made the hem of the skirt swish and sway with every step, and he had never wished and prayed for a windstorm so badly in his life.

Where is own wife’s ideal of dressy was a nicely-woven sweater and a long skirt with flats or low heels, Tessa was every day both a display of fine and refined womanhood. Stylish, feminine, and well-dressed, a proper woman and lady. He was envious of Dan, and coveting Tessa in the worst way.

Tessa, for her part, was completely ignorant of her neighbor, a man named Roberto, and his lecherous desires. Though he was a cordial neighbor and sort of friend, the couples had never really bonded. As a result, Tessa never paid a lot of attention to them, unless they were outside together. The conversations were polite, even enjoyable, but Roberto wasn’t the type of man to light Tessa’s fires. Roberto was not exactly the most attractive man in the neighborhood, overweight, and seemingly leaking sweat in a snowstorm. He was a heavy-boned Hispanic man, whose flab belied some tremendous strength, his job as a warehouseman conditioning him to heavy labor, which he offset with large quantities of heavy, fatty-meals and beer. His heavy frame and pot-belly made him a match of sorts for his wife, though he admitted he was working on it, trying to trim down. He had reduced his beer intake to only four or more on weekdays. His wife, Carol, however, was simply enjoying the life of an empty-nester woman, with children and grandchildren who had moved a fair distance away, and she enjoyed her crochet and her television love stories. Together they were a decent couple, but other than that, not much. At least on the surface.

Tessa made her way along the street, simply looking at houses and the various states of lawn-care, her mind moving from who needed to develop a green thumb to Ofi, and to Dan. She was muttering to herself, about how stupid she had been, and berating herself for falling into the arms of her illicit lover as she entered the park area. The park was a typical neighborhood park, with trees, lots of grass, a few picnic tables, a children’s play area, and public restrooms. A sidewalk meandered around and throughout, and it was this path she chose, taking her deeper in.

Her self-talk evolved into how to escape this horrible trap she had fallen into, and reclaim her husband’s favor. She had already decided she would try her best to save her marriage. Her involvement with Ofi would be reduced to the bare minimums, and even then, only at the workplace. Her attire would be fully professional for the man, as well. Next time she saw him, she planned to reject his advances, and place no doubt in his mind that she was a wife, but not his. It had been a one-time incident, and that was all. It had been good sex, maybe even great, but there was more to that to make a marriage, and she already had it. She loved her Daniel with all her heart and it was tearing her up inside for what the tall, strong, virile black man had done to her. Yes, she blamed Ofi, for the seduction, and the risk of pregnancy.

That stopped her short. The risk of pregnancy. It hadn’t dawned on her until just then how it might be unlikely, but still possibly she was now pregnant. Pregnant with a black man’s child. Her plan had been to make herself available to Dan any time and any way he wanted. But now she couldn’t do that, the realization dawned on her. She had to be absolutely sure she was either not with child, or having Ofi’s. She knew it couldn’t be Dan’s, because he had not touched her since her last period, despite how much she wanted him to. Her mind wandered back to the last time they had made love. As in really made love, not the climb aboard, get laid, and hop off kind of sex, but real, passionate love-making.

Tessa had stopped deep in the park, and leaned against the nearby picnic bench, and let her mind enjoy the memory of it, starting with Dan calling her on the phone, and telling her to dress nicely for a dinner date, as it was a special occasion. They would celebrate his new promotion! So Tessa did just that, showering and shaving her legs, even making sure to touch up her landing strip that worked as an arrow to her heat. She’d seen it once in a picture on the internet, and had been intrigued. Dan liked the small display of exoticness, and so she kept it up. After trimming, she pulled on her nice garter set, white with three straps to each leg, and then her white pair of hose. They were a new set, kept just for such an occasion, and so she drew them on, softly unfurling them as they slid up each smooth and soft leg. Next came her panties. Actually, for this outfit, she chose a G-string. The string riding up her crack was a bit of a nuisance, but she liked the tight feel of the thin and small lace patch that covered her womanhood, a V-shape that exposed her landing strip, and even her pearl, when it would peek out from its sheath. She felt wicked and naughty when wearing it, and she hoped Dan would find it enticing, if not outright filled with lust for her.

Her dress was next, a pink silky skater-dress, hemmed above her knees. The skirt was wide and flirty, and yet long enough to not accidently expose her unless she was twirled hard, or the wind came up. Sexy and yet proper. Her strappy high-heeled sandals came last, and with a dash of perfume and evening makeup, she was ready. They never even made it to the front door for dinner.

Dan brought home flowers, and as soon as his eyes settled on her demure figure, standing at the end of the foyer, front leg on its toe, knee bent, and her hands on her hips, she had that dazzling smile that was Dan’s Achilles heel. Well, that and her legs, and her nice breasts, full, firm, and just right to hold onto. He set the flowers on the entry table and almost made a rush at her, scooping her into his arms, and carrying her back into the house, the front door not fully closed, as they made dinner a memory.

Setting Tessa on the bed, she lay back, lifting one knee and letting the hem of her skirt fall to her waist, while laying her hands over her head in submission to her man. Admiring her work, and her beauty, Dan seemingly made his clothes vanish from his body, leaving a pile of trousers, coat, and tie, and shoes and socks on the floor. His boxers landed with a fling somewhere in the room.

“You look so beautiful.” He said, his eyes drinking in her beauty, and he lay next to her, the soft satin bedding caressing his skin, and helping his arousal grow.

“I love you, too.” She purred back as he kissed her with a soft, lingering peck, which turned into a long, passionate lapping of tongues, her lipstick smearing on his lips, and then marking his cheeks as she kissed him, while he nuzzled into her neck, nibbling her tender flesh, and then her earlobes. Her styled hair fell into a fan about her head, and his hand slid up her body, feeling her curves, almost as if a massage through the silky polyester-blend dress. When his hands cupped her breasts, she mewed softly, feeling her nipples hardening as he squeezed them, her thin lace bra showing her nipples as they grew erect, and yet supported her form.

His dick had hardened, and now was pulsing along her thigh, like a lizard sunning itself, while her delicate fingers reached down to collect it, her perfect French manicure gleaming in the subdued light of their bedchamber. Long, slow, soft strokes caressed his throbbing member, as he slid his hand down to her heat, fingers dancing along her runway fur. Their lips rarely broke contact, even speaking to each other as they kissed.

“I love your body.” He said.

“I love your cock.” She moaned. “Make me scream your name until everyone knows I am your wife!” Her hips started to rotate and rock, her body growing as heated as his was, and eager to mate.

His fingers danced in circles down her landing strip to her notched-V panties, and then found it. Her hot button, and he began to tease it, soft circles that made her voice sing a long soft wail of pleasure, the endless teasing of her nerves making her core rev up and grow warm. Her moistness was flowing, until her love-juices were leaking through her lace protection, and then coated his fingers as he delved lower, long, soft strokes caressing her petals, each touch making her new for more. “Please…” she was almost begging. “Make love to me. Make me your woman!”

To punctuate her neediness, her hands left his body, and reached to her waist, to start to slide her thong off of her hips, hoping he would take the hint. Instead he took the new-found territory as an opportunity to do what she asked, to make her scream until the whole neighborhood knew she was his wife. His hand now slid with firmer pressure, until her folds separated, opening her love-canal to him, and then he gently introduced his middle finger into her, crooking it to slide along her inner walls. His finger pad caressed her sweet spot, and that made her whole body flex, the bolt of sheer sexual joy taking control of her body.

Noticing her reaction, he did it again, and her body flexed, the wave of raw sexual tension building inside her. He slowly began to finger-fuck her, making sure to massage her raw, sensitive nerve endings, making her hips rock, and her body flex, as her voice began to whine. Each stroke of his finger made her voice grow higher and louder, her mind lost in the pleasures of man on woman. Her tunnel began to flex, to clamp down on his finger, her Kegel muscles reacting as nature intended, to tease her lover’s manhood into successfully inseminating her.

He kept up the strokes, going faster and faster, his wife’s sweet voice now erotically whining, the sound making his cock start to leak his pre-emission on her silken thigh. Each stroke of her pussy made her louder and louder, until her voice became a high, tight steady whine, only to be silenced by a violent shuddering of her body, as her climax blew through her, making her scream in orgasmic bliss, her sharp scream echoing off the walls.

The crescendo having her body heated to an extreme, Dan gave little time to let his wife recover, and he slid between her legs, using one knee, and then the other, to part her quivering thighs. He looked down into her blue eyes, the love she felt obvious in her gaze, as he had that goofy smile men have, the one where men are a bit abashed to admit their heart, and yet his eyes spoke volumes of love in return.

His shaft began to contact her folds, and his hips began to dry-hump her, the camel-toe slide coating the top of his manhood with her juices, and yet teasing her with the carnal temptations of his being inside her. She looked up to him, her voice softly pleading. “Please... please... make me a mother.”

Holding her wrists above her head with one hand, the other grasped his turgid rod and slid it up and down, ensuring he was well-coated in lubrication, as well as her gates open to him, each of his movements having the desired effect of refilling the broken dam of female lust. As his head engaged with her opening, he gave just the tiniest of thrusts. “You are taking my cum woman, no birth control today.”

Just his words made her start to try and raise her hips to him, an attempt to make his throbbing baby-maker slide deeper into her. The talk of babies had been considered a taboo subject, as though she was ready and wanting, he did not feel they were financially stable enough to have children. He always had a box of latex at hand, in case the moment ever struck them, but there would not be a baby until he felt they were ready. Evidently his promotion had changed all of that, and the baby-talk had made Tessa grow white-hot in need.

His shaft slowly sunk into her, the long, slow, and insistent invasion making her voice whimper as she was impaled, and her voice spurred him along. His thrusts started almost immediately, deep and slow, followed by shorter, faster strokes, his hips swaying from side to side, to make her feel every vein and bump on his shaft. Her voice again started to whine, only with a louder start, and her lips started to form words. “Oh, yes! Oh, yes! Fuck your baby into me! Make your wife pregnant!”

Dan simply let nature take over and his own thrusts became more insistent, and more demanding, the sight of her body jolted by his pelvis smacking hers, her pearl taking the beating of joy, as her hips rotated, her legs up, and toes pointed to the ceiling, her adjustments making her feel every heartbeat of sexual pleasure, until he was near, and his thrusting turned into spasms. He was close, and he then yelled the magic words. “I’m fucking my baby into you!”

The very concept of having her husband’s child fulfilled every fantasy such a prim and proper wife would have, and it sent her over the edge a second time, just as his own thrusts ended with a final slam of his cock as hard as he could, pushing his cock as far as he could reach to her depths. Tessa screamed in pleasure as small dollops of his semen jetted into her, a journey to her cervix, which was sipping, first into nothingness, and then the tiny puddle of his seed, until it could scoop his genetic material into her womb, where it could hunt for an egg to fertilize and take root.

Collapsing, they were both a hot, sweaty tangle of arms and legs, Tessa’s curled-toe feet falling widely, as she was spent. Gently, and lovingly kissing in the afterglow of such a loud sexual tryst, they had not heard the first calls of ‘hello’ from the neighbor. They hadn’t heard the second call after, of “Hey, are you okay in there?” But they both heard the doorbell when it rang twice in immediate succession.

“Oh, shit!” Dan muttered, and he scrambled off of his wife, and started to look for his clothes. He was still scanning the room for his boxers, when his wife spoke with a giggle. “It’s okay, honey, I’m still dressed. I’ve got it.”

Making her way to the front of the house, she tried to smooth her dress, to ensure she wasn’t revealing herself, but there was no mistaking her freshly-fucked appearance, including the small smear and trail of seed starting to trail down her leg. Looking to the neighbor, Roberto, she smiled to him as he spoke.

“Umm… Sorry to interrupt you, but the front door was wide open. I just wanted to make sure you were okay.” He spoke smoothly as his eyes feasted on Tessa and her sexy appearance. It was there his fantasy was born, of fucking Tessa until she had his child in her. Standing there, dressed up, and her hair and makeup mussed, and her gait a little wobbly, she looked like Roberto’s dream girl.

Reaching for the door, she smiled to him pleasantly. “Yes, yes, we’re fine,” and she giggled. “Very fine, in fact. I’m so sorry we disturbed you.”

Robert took this as their desire to have what would pass for privacy for the rest of the evening, and there was no mistaking Tessa’s locking the door to ensure it was closed. That night Roberto would masturbate three times fantasizing of Tessa in various lewd and salacious ways.


Dan emerged from his office, only to find the den vacant. Walking to the kitchen, he noticed her note and read it, frowning thoughtfully. Looking at the clock, he realized that they had shared the same house for over twelve hours and he had not spoken to her once. Of course, his day had his own share of shittiness, so he didn’t really mind her being uncomfortable. In fact, he hoped she had a bit of it, herself. He was still so angry he wanted her to feel hurt.

He had to admit, she had out-done herself in the way she had been dressed, and looked at once proper, and yet unbelievably sexy. Were he not so angry with her, he would have dropped everything he was doing and ravished her until they were both spent. He had a momentary smile, imagining her thrown to the ground, her skirt splayed widely, her shock giving him time to sexually assault her, leaping between her legs and lifting her skirt to her waist, while his raging hard-on shoved hard inside her, furious thrusts to make his cock empty his balls, draining of his semen into her. It would be wild, animalistic fucking at its finest.

His mind made-up, he made his way out the back door, as Tessa would have to take the long way, where he can shoot directly across the backyards of a few neighbors and get there when she did, if not even before. The darkness helped hide his movements, and nobody saw him as he trespassed, winding up in the back of the park in a relatively short order.

Tessa, for her part was non-plussed to find company joining her. The form was tall, and being night, the lighting was weak, and marked the lone figure in silhouette. He was thin, and taller than her, but then many were, but definitely not her husband. He could be Ofi, a fact she did not relish, but other than that, she had no idea who was coming her way.

“Hey, Mrs. L…” the deep voice greeted. “What’er you doin’ here?”

It took Tessa a moment to recall the voice. “Andre. What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be with Janice, or whoever your girlfriend of the week is?” The tone and tension in her voice clearly displayed her disdain for the young man. He had a history of being a troublemaker, and a womanizer of some repute, at least amongst the girls. The young man, had, in fact, been one of the chief motivators of her idea to create the program to transfer all of the problem children in the first place. It also would have the side-benefit of getting the wise-ass out of her classes and into someone else’s. To her way of thinking, the young man was the sole reason she was in this predicament in the first place!

The tall, thin, black youth gave her a happy-go-lucky grin, and he let his eyes feast on her trim, yet buxom figure as he spoke. “Nah, she got buggin’ me too much. Time to move on, yanno?” He replied, his eyes never reaching hers, but instead stopping at her well-formed breasts, the grapes on top firm and visibly displaying themselves through the thin, red, silky satin. “What’er you doin’ here? Looking for fun?” The question ended with a bit of a leer, and some unabashed hope in his eyes.

Tessa gave Andre a sarcastic tilt of her head, and a condescending snort. “Trust me, Andre, my business is none of yours. In fact, I should be heading back home, my husband should be waiting for me.”

Andre had the temerity to reach out and actually collect her by the arm, and held her on her feet. “Wait, Mrs. L… I just wanna’ talk.”

Her eyes went to look at the long fingers on her upper arm, and she so she paused, hesitating. She already had enough turmoil, and now some kid was wanting to bare his soul, perhaps? She was torn between her current troubles, and the desire to truly help people in need. Making a decision, she held still, and spoke in her teacher-voice. “Let go of me, Andre. What do you want?” she spoke in her teacher-voice.

Andre, for his part was at a loss himself. He had known his teacher was pretty hot, but like this, she was a sexy beast in heels, and his own cock was stirring. Out of reaction he did release the woman’s arm, and stammered. He was stuck trying to find anything to say to keep this woman in front of him like this, while he figured out a way to get inside her panties. The fact she was one of his teachers meant next to nothing to him. He had long-outgrown school, and was just punching his ticket by doing the bare-minimums until he could get out.

“It… it’s like this, Mrs. L. I ain’t got a girl like you. One who’s pretty and not so dumb, and won’t fly off the handle if I even look across the room.” He began. “A real woman, instead o’ some bitch who thinks she knows mo’ then she really do.” Then he started with some mindless drivel about how forlorn he felt, while he managed to square off and stand in front of Tessa, essentially trapping her with her backside against the picnic table.

Tessa had relaxed once she felt back in control, getting the young man to release her by a simply voice command. Leaning back, she turned her full attention to him, as she asked what was going on, and then nodding her head softly to acknowledge his words. She had crossed her legs at the ankles out of habit, and was leaning there, when Andre had squared off to her, placing her feet between his legs. She was completely ******* that Dan was watching, and listening.

She listened, and began the well-intoned speech that all adults have in mind when speaking to someone who was either feeling badly, or was insecure. “Well, Andre… I am sure you will find that right girl for you. I know that you seem to draw girls to you like flies, but someday the right woman will fall into your arms, and then you’ll both be happy. In fact, I’m sure…” and that was the last she managed to say, before Andre’s lips smashed to hers and his tongue began to press forward.

Being only an arm’s length from her, Andre was easily able to surprise Tessa, and start to kiss her, while his hands started getting busy on her body. Dark hands on her chest, he grabbed a handful of her breasts in each, and groped firmly, pushing her backwards at the same time. The act started to bend Tessa backwards uncomfortably, and as he pressed, she had little defense and to save herself from injury, she lifted her legs, spreading them outside his thighs. Were she in a tight skirt, she’d still have her modesty in play, but the full circle of silky material spread for her easily, and as she landed on her back, her legs bent, knees above her waist, the hem of the skirt fell to her torso, exposing herself to him. The action also forced the lewd kiss to break, but not until he had gotten a good taste of her, and she him.

“Stop this, Andre! Right now!” She demanded.

“Shee-it! Mrs. L., you ain’t wearing no panties? Hell, I nevah’ figgered you for one o’ them thong bitches. You musta’ be lookin’ for some cock, ain’tcha?” Andre started to leer. “Well, I’m gonna’ help you!” And he then reached down and dug into his gym pants, and pulled out his dark rod, the semi-hard flesh throbbing and growing with every beat of his heart. Laying it atop her vulva, he started to dry hump her, letting the velvety tool slide back and forth and caress her petals, the action starting to arouse the sexually needy wife.

“Dammit, Andre! Get... OFF of me!” She cried out, trying to deny him. “I’m married!”

She grunted as her hands pushed against his chest, the loose jacket denying Tessa any real purchase to grab or even use to push. Her hands still tried to push him away, as he towered above her, his hands still on her boobs, squeezing and mauling them as his cock finally reached a hardness he felt sufficient to go to work. Finally, she resorted to grabbing his wrists, and squeezing for all her might. It was like trying to squeeze a handrail, however, and though he was not exceptionally strong, his wiry build, and adrenaline-fueled efforts easily withstood her defenses.

As Daniel approached from a distance, he could see the soft feminine form of a woman and the half-naked form of a man. Creeping closer, the moans and pleas of his wife made voice recognition easy, and he knew it was Tessa with the man. Staying in the shadows, he tried to stay hidden, so he could see what his wife was up to. He knew he should show himself, but a part of him wanted to see Tessa hurt. He was still angry with her, despite his decision to see her. Maybe part of his plan had been to assault her in the darkness, and maybe force himself upon her without her knowing who it was. Any way to get back at her. He had no idea how, but he wanted his wife to hurt like she had hurt him. But this person she evidently knew was mucking up his ill-formed plan, or lack thereof. Still unsure of what to do, he stayed hidden while he watched.

“Say what ya’ want, but I knows you want it!” and then he started to slide his cock up and down her slit, the slickness she had been generating nearly all day giving him the wrong message. In the few rubs it took to coat his cockhead, he then shifted balance and aimed for her depths, a firm, full thrust all that was needed to begin to slide into the taut, tight woman.

As his sword began to push, her body gave way, and it reacted, not caring how her mind and heart felt about this. Her back arched, and her lips parted as she took a deep intake of a gasp, her voice demonstrating the sexual pleasure of his rod delving inside her. Eyes rolled back in her head for a moment, she was completely overtaken by the initiation of sex, much like she had with Ofi. It was not a feeling she ever had with her husband, whose girth did not match either illicit lover, nor did his dominance. Daniel always asked, while these men took.

“Fuck, Andre! Pull out!” She demanded, as her back suddenly arched, her eyes rolling back in her head. She couldn’t speak for a moment as his cock took over her body, and she moaned, her now-lover’s hands on the back of her thighs, forcing her knees to her ribcage, and allowing him the fullest of accesses to her pussy. It took several thrusts of feed his length fully into her, but he wasted no time in starting to cycle his hips.

Dan stood there, in shock, watching his wife getting sexually assaulted. He took quick stock of his resources. No keys, no anything sharp, just the change in his pocket and some cash. He didn’t even have his cell phone on him! His shoes were soft-soled tennis shoes, and he was wearing shorts and a polo shirt. He knew he was going to have to intervene, and perhaps get his ass kicked, but he had to do something. He was stirring up his convictions to spring to the rescue as his wife spoke.

“Andre! Listen to me! I might be pregnant, or you might get me pregnant. But…” and she had to release a moan as Andre’s cock massaged her tunnel, making her feel that special extra pang of pleasure. “I am begging you to stop! Leave me alone, and I won’t” and she moaned again. “say anything… but if I get pregnant because of you,” and yet another moan. “I’m going to see you rot in jail!” and she had to release a few quick mews and moans, as his cock was thrusting into her, faster and faster, Andre’s own excitement building.

Andre, however did no such thing. This was his chance, and he knew it. Fuck the hot teacher, or go away with his tail tucked, and frustrated? Not in his lifetime. “Shut up, bitch! I’m breedin’ you for the fuck of it!” and he emphasized his point by slamming hard into her, again and again, making her voice mew repeatedly. His hand shifted to her now-exposed clit, and he began to twiddle and tease that, too, which made Tessa do nothing more than moan and mew, her hands falling aside.

Tessa tried to get out her last gasp of reason, before she was his to be had. She could feel her will weakening. She loved sex, and had discovered that the power Ofi had in his passion had made her head spin, and sent her own views and ideals off-kilter about what to expect from sex. Andre was further doing the same thing. Sadly, both men, even in coerced or forced situations, were better lovers than her husband, and her body knew it. “Andre!” she mewed. “I belong to my” her voice moaned loudly. “husband! I’m not for you!” and then she squealed softly.

Andre for his part, didn’t care. Here was slick pussy, and he was inside, her body giving him pleasure, and he was taking it all, and would enjoy it for all it was worth. His thrusts were growing rapid, for though he was young and virile, he was still not well-versed in the art of stamina. Part of it was the excitement of the woman he was fucking, so forbidden to actually have a teacher on her back, and a pretty hot one, on top of that. Part of it was also being outdoors, which added to his own exhilaration. Lastly were her words. He loved the idea of giving her his baby. Not thinking of consequence, but of the idea of being able to brag that he knocked up the teacher. In his social group, that would dam-near make him a God. For her to admit it was just too much, and his hips began to spasm, the erratic thrusts signaling his climax, and he buried his cock in her to the hilt, the vessels in his shaft pulsing as he started to spew his seed into her. He erupted with several jets of hot, sticky semen, before he was interrupted.

Daniel, finally, had heard something that spurred him into action. His wife still wanted him, and loved him, and wanted to belong to him! Andre was hammering his wife as hard as he could, Tessa’s voice mixing with her lover’s, in a synchronized series of moans and grunts, which were growing faster and faster. Then he sprinted forward, and ran at a full-sprint, as he saw Andre stop thrusting, and he knew what that meant, which made Daniel even angrier. To his mind, this asshole was ****** his wife, and he was going to do something about that. He bellowed out a yell, and he furious hands reached for Andre’s neck as Daniel slammed into him, dragging him laterally from the picnic bench, and out of his wife. Like Ofi, there were some tendrils of white genetic material strung between them until they snapped, but it left no doubt Tessa had been fully inseminated.

“Get off her!” Daniel yelled, as they hit the ground, with Andre lying on his back. Daniel leapt on him, to straddle his chest, and began a flurry of blind punches, some of which connected quite well. Daniel’s eyes were blurred by angry tears and he left nothing behind, dumping every shred of the anger in him onto the hapless young man. Not that Daniel thought of him that way, to him, Andre was a ******, pure and simple.

Andre, for his efforts, was grunting and growling, trying to deflect the blows, some successfully, until a haymaker came from below, and crushed his lower jaw into his head, then it was a daze of taking more hits to his face, until his nose broke and blood started to spray everywhere. Somewhere in this, Andre went dark, and his arms flopped to the ground.

It was Tessa who finally stopped the fight, or semblance of one, by rising to her heels, and grabbing onto one of Daniel’s arms, as he lifted to punch the hapless target yet again. “Please... Honey... he’s had enough…” she pleaded. “He’s out of it.”

Daniel looked up, and saw his wife, her own face now tear-streaked, though she looked somehow radiant in her beauty to him. Wiping tears from his eyes, he then looked down to see what destruction he had done to Andre, which was considerable. Nose broken, eye swollen shut, lip bloody, swollen and cut, face bruised in many places, and surely he was going to have a great pair of black eyes. There would be no hiding his ass-kicking. Getting up, he looked down, his body shaking from the adrenaline, and he spat on Andre, aiming for his face, and only partially making his mark. “Touch my wife again, and I’ll kill you…” he menaced, a voice that was new to Tessa, and quite convincing.

“Please... take me home.” Tessa asked softly, and she tried to take Dan’s arm, and lean her head to his shoulder.

Daniel, for his part, had spent a lot of fury on Andre. Standing over him, he gave a last look, and then took his wife, and half-escorting, and half-carrying her back to their home, using the shortcut through the backyards. Along the way, they began to talk, for the first time, about everything that happened.

“Thank you for rescuing me.” Tessa started. “I don’t know what else he was going to do, and now he isn’t going to say a thing about what happened. If he does, I’m going to file **** charges.” She led off with. “I’m sorry I went to the park alone, but I needed some fresh air.” And with that, the tears began to fall again.

“It’s okay, Tess…” he began, using the shortened name he usually called her. “But you don’t go anywhere without me. I know you are a very pretty woman, and guys lust for you. In the past I knew I could trust you, but I don’t know what happened. I don’t know if that trust can be restored, at least for awhile.”

Tessa began sharing what happened with Ofi, and how. The flirting, the wine, the attention, she even admitted his physical attractiveness. He was a well-built, self-assured man.

“But I don’t love him, Danny.” She continued, using her own pet-name for her husband. “I love you!”

And she placed a kiss on his cheek, the only place she could reach as they walked unsteadily on the grass towards their own yard.

She went on to lament the fact he seemed more interested in his career than his wife, as if he was taking her for granted. She admitted her physical needs, the sexual needs, were left unfulfilled, and Ofi was simply the perfect storm of time, focus, seduction, and need. She was sobbing as she said these things, soft releases of tears, as she admitted her weakness to her husband, her sheer, abject failure, humiliating herself to her husband. She opened every page of the book that was Tessa to Daniel, and he read it, taking everything in.

Daniel, for his part, was also crying tears. Embarrassment, shame, hurt and still some anger, though mostly aimed at Andre, this time. By the time they reached the back patio of their home, a ten minute walk that wound up taking over forty-five, there wasn’t much left to be said. He felt badly, for placing his career first, and his wife, second, and he admitted he had to fix that. He told her of the most recent work setbacks, and the fact he was leaving the next day to repair the damages to his career. He knew he would have to leave her home for the next week, as he still had to complete the rest of his last trip. For this, he wanted some assurances.

“First, you don’t go on a date with that guy. I don’t care the reason. He can’t be trusted, and you can’t be trusted around him.” His tone was sharp and clear, that this was not open to negotiation. “I don’t give a shit about your project, or your students. Fuck ‘em.” He growled. “You will answer the phone when I call, regardless of what you are doing, or who you are with.” He continued. “And lastly, I am going to have sex with you, now, and whenever I want. Go get cleaned up.”

“But Honey... I… I can’t. I can’t let you risk giving me a baby right now. Not that I don’t want to, believe me, I’d love to have your baby. But only yours. If you make love to me, and I get pregnant, we won’t know if it is yours, or… theirs.” Her eyes turned downcast as she spoke the last work. She swallowed loudly. “If it is theirs, I’ll gladly have an abortion. But I don’t want to risk having to lose your child, instead. So please... wait?” She looked pleadingly into his eyes, practically begging.

“Excuse me?” He was rather incredulous. “Let me make sure I understand this. You want your husband to go on a trip for a week, unable to be with his wife, and needing to have sex.” He began. “So you are willing to risk your husband finding some strange piece of ass on the road, rather than give him what he needs right now? You are wanting your husband to cheat on you?”

His words were sharp, and hit home like an arrow piercing her heart. Eyes welling up, she swallowed, and silently shook her head. “No” she whispered. “I’ll go get ready.” She ended demurely, giving in to her husband’s wishes, as a proper wife would.

“Go get cleaned up.” Was all he said, and again, it was a command, or demand, whichever way Tessa took it. But she would do it, for her husband, the man she had spoken and given her vow and heart to, required it. Daniel had a different idea.

Entering the house first, her heels clicked loudly on the tiled kitchen floor, her rear-end swaying provocatively, making the swing of her skirt so much more of a tease. Dan ogled his wife, wistful that he hadn’t the chance to enjoy her in the park, like he had semi-planned. He had to admit that his wife was gorgeous, regardless of which angle he looked at her from.

Tessa did as she was bidden, taking her clothes off and instead of re-hanging them, she tossed them in the laundry to be cleaned later. Heels went to the closet, and into the shower she went, the hot, steamy water soaking into her tense muscles. She did the best she could to clean herself out of Andre’s semen, using her finger to delve into her core, using a scooping motion to try and draw out as much as she could. She managed to get some out, but how much she wasn’t sure. The man wasn’t as long as Ofi, but he certainly seemed virile-enough to make her pregnant, if it came to that. So she worked her slit more, her ministrations at the same time arousing her. Pursing her lips, she mewed softly as her palm hit her pearl, rubbing it as her finger dug about. She took her time, and made sure she was as clean as she could manage, even taking the extra few minutes to trim up her landing strip. She wanted to look her very best for her husband, as she would be working to make up to him for her transgressions. She owed him, and she knew it.

Daniel, for his part, had been busy, too, by mainly getting his nerves under control, a highball of scotch helping with that. He then went to the medicine cabinet and took out what he thought he would need, including aspirin. He went to their bedroom, and turned down the bed, the silky sheen of satin sheets shimmering as he turned the lights down. Stripping, he tossed his clothes in a pile in the corner, for Tessa to clean up later, a subtle dig at her new-found station. He was going to get his pound of flesh.

When Tessa stepped from the bathroom, her hair dry and naturally hanging from her scalp, long tendrils drawn downward across her shoulders, no makeup, and no perfume, she was just as nature made her. With full, firm breasts, erect nipples, a taut stomach, and a narrow, curly patch of hair aiming to her garden, and her folds were puffy from the manipulation, as was her pearl, cautiously peeking out from under her hood, she was the true, natural beauty Daniel had been able to land as his wife. She looked nervously at her nude husband, who was stroking his dick, a small coating of petroleum jelly on it, fingers moving slowly back and forth.

With his free hand, Daniel beckoned her to the bed, and then on to all-fours. Kneeling to the sheets between her legs, he used his knees to spread her legs a little wider, and then he leaned forward, aiming his cock at her. Then he pushed her head down from behind, until she was face-first on the mattress.

Tessa had little idea what was planned, other than this new position with her husband, something she was actually looking forward to. “Please… Danny… take me. Make me your woman…” she purred in her come-hither voice. Keeping his hand on her neck, he obliged, and leaned forward more, aiming the mushroom of his shaft at her exit hole. Then she squealed and tried to writhe.

“Honey! Wrong place!” She cried out.

Daniel simply pressed harder, using his free hand to hold her still by the neck, while his other than held his cock and he pressed harder. They had never had anal sex before, and he knew next to nothing about how to do it. But he had heard from other guys at work about it, and how it asserted their place over their woman. Daniel aimed to do the same thing.

“Shut up!” He commanded. “You’re doing this! If you can fuck a black man, you can take me up your ass!”

And then he gave a hard thrust, one that made her cry out, but at the same time made her body submit, and he gained some purchase inside her.

Tessa’s voice uttered loud yelps of protest, wordless cries of violation, but as Daniel was able to force more and more of him into her, she found herself relaxing, and actually submitting to this. With a final thrust, his shaft popped into her, past the second anal sphincter, and then it was just a matter of pushing deeper, until he was buried inside. He held steady, to help her adjust, something that he just did, without knowing why, and then he began to withdraw, before cycling his hips to screw his wife, performing anal sex for the first time.

Tessa had no clue what had been coming, and when it happened, it scared her at first. So much so that she was tense in all the wrong places. But as he forced his cock at her rear repeatedly, she somehow had a thought her mother had taught her many years ago.

“When you get married, your husband is going to want to have sex with you in all sorts of ways. Let him, and he will love you more for it.” Her mother’s voice echoed softly, and so she let go of the fear, and relaxed, Daniel’s shaft finally opening her.

The feelings weren’t much, other than fullness, but as he used her, she began to breathe heavily. Her eyes closed, and she let her thoughts wander, of sex with Daniel, sex with Ofi, and that horrid moment with Andre. Her fingers wound up wandering to her pearl, and she began to tease herself, index finger working away as Daniel worked away, her soft voice now moaning. The pace was growing faster, and his thrusts harder, as was her finger’s motions to keep up. She found herself yielding, and reaching a new door in her mind, opening it to peek inside and finding happiness. She was finding submission in a new form, and it was to her husband, the man she loved, and she found herself loving him more.

Daniel began to hump her even harder, his voice growling. He began to utter some nasty words.

“Take this, slut. You’re MY bitch!”

Words he would normally never say, especially to his wife, but somehow, in this aggression, in the release of his anger and frustrations, it helped him. They helped his feelings and helped his sexual pleasure. He was degrading his wife, and she appeared to be enjoying it, moaning from his taking her ass, not aware she was fingering herself to sexual heaven.

His testicles drew tight, and his thrusting became spasmodic, and then he erupted in her bowels, a loud bellow of his conquest, as his wife cried out in her own orgasm, a near-perfectly timed sexual release for both of them. Shots of his seed spilled into her as he held steady, much as Andre had, his cock pulsing as each jet escaped his body. Then he got lightheaded and leaned forward, forcing Tessa flat on her face, his hot, sweaty body atop hers. Rolling to the side, holding her with him, he kept his cock in her ass as he slowly drifted to sleep, the highball and climax helping him to dreamland.

Tessa, herself, had her own woozy drift, with Daniel’s arm draped over her chest, holding her to him. She didn’t want to wake him or risk upsetting him any further, so she simply snuggled in, and closed her eyes. Her last words were “I love you.” softly whispered.

Dan replied by snoring.


The next morning, Daniel dashed off to catch his flight, and begin his ordeals at work. It was either that, or lose his job, which might happen anyway. He was in such a hurry, that he didn’t notice the gold box leaned against the pillar holding up the portico. Inside the box was a dozen long-stemmed red roses, of exquisite beauty. There was also a card, imprinted with the simple words… “For My New Wife…”