Chapter Three


Karen was to tell me that she suspected that I was masturbating from the very start of our marriage because I was occasionally careless and had dribbled onto the toilet seat or I forgot to flush before leaving the bathroom. Her suspicions were confirmed in her mind after she came across my porn stash by accident when she was looking for a screwdriver to tighten a handle on one of the kitchen doors. She didn't tell me of her discovery at the time but when she eventually confronted me I had no defence but excuses were not required for she said that she understood that I might need to find relief given my inadequacies (and inability!) to make love in a 'conventional' manner.

When Karen found all the porn which I thought was well hidden it was an event that in a sense lifted a cloud from our lives to produce a ray of sunshine that pointed towards a happier future. Since we'd not had sex since before Jorge was born it was obvious that I must of had other sexual outlets and my wife told me that she was actually relieved to find out that there wasn't another woman involved but that I was masturbating and getting my pleasure purely through looking at, what has to be admitted, an extensive collection of 'literature' and a few videos.

However, the revelations weren't all one-way for although I didn't mention at the time of my 'exposure' I had made discoveries of my own for it had been a few days earlier that by chance I had accidentally found in her underwear drawer the vibrator, a purple one, she had purchased which had clearly been used and doubtless filled her own needs.

It was a kind of watershed moment when my little secret was revealed for from that moment on Karen got an insight into a world of which in her innocent outlook on life she hadn't given any previous thought. I'm guessing that to look at those pictures and stories of Black cock and cuckoldry sparked in her similar thoughts to my own as to how in future we might satisfy our pleasures.

Following her discovery life took on another purpose and meaning. With me being at work and the kids both out of the house at school for most of the day she had plenty of free time to enjoy the porn collection and she confessed to me later that she had become especially captivated by the tape which featured a white guy with a little dick being made a cuckold by a Black guy with a big cock fucking his wife. She soon became very aware of the differences in size between black and white and would murmur her appreciation as she looked at videos and magazines that featured the fat black cock plunging into a compliant white pussy. She would lay and masturbate whilst fantasising (I assumed) of being ravaged by the same and it was this video more than anything else that formed in her mind the idea that it was something she wanted to do, to make me a cuckold by fucking a black cock.

Whilst the video was explicit it was the stories and accounts in the magazines that provided a few suggestions of situations of how to meet black men. Some were pretty fanciful and she quickly discarded the idea of going to a club or bar looking for guys as being too risky but the solution to finding someone suitable was, literally, right there in her hands for amongst the porn stash was an old tattered copy of a contacts magazine, 'Rendezvous'. Obviously the information inside this copy was well out of date but she recognised the title from her visits to our local newsagents when browsing for her 'Woman's Own' and 'Good Housekeeping' she had glanced up at the top shelf collection of adult titles and had seen the same name.

Knowing its purpose she decided to find another store where she wouldn't be recognised and went and bought a current copy. The format hadn't changed, it was basically a contacts magazine with very little literary content, just short articles or references to the world of cuckoldry to titillate the imagination. The majority of the pages was given over to classified advertisements which were separated to identify single women from couples for instance with the adverts either basic text or having a photo. There was nothing too explicit in the photos but the text was quite specific and left no one in any doubt as to what the advertiser was looking for. Replies had to be sent to the magazine with a fee and were forwarded by them to the person advertising. As an incentive and come-on to all the men, women who advertised and had a photo could advertise for free, a marketing ploy that must have made a fortune for the publishers!

I wasn't to know at the time what had been the trigger for her different attitude but there was a significant change to our relationship inasmuch that we became more open with each other and, dare I admit, for me to agree that there was no point in my attempting to make love to her because of my inability to maintain an erection coupled to the infuriating reality of me prematurely ejaculating whenever I did manage to get erect. Our sex lives became one of us sharing our fantasies and memories of past events when she would tell me about some of the boys she had fucked before we were wed and for me to own up to the my fascination and compulsions of being a submissive to Sister Contrary, the Dominatrix.

She would tell me how proud of the fact that she had the biggest boobs in her class at school and how from the onset of puberty she has always had a clean shaven pussy because she thought hair 'down there' looked unsightly. She admitted that she became sexually active before she even reached her teenage years although she never went into any great detail.

Eventually I told her of what Sister Contrary did with me and how she had predicted that I would never be able to satisfy a woman and in the event of me getting married what a disappointment I would be to my wife. In some respects that was true but what my Dominatrix didn't know was that despite my inadequacies and failures to fuck that the loving bond between my wife and me would grow stronger.

I told Karen about the practise of 'Queening' and how I used to enjoy having Sister Contrary bring our sessions to an end by standing over me and humiliate me by pissing over my face. Karen declared her disgust at such behaviour but I noted that she was nevertheless intrigued that pleasure could be gained by such activities. It was to be something that a couple of years down the line would be shared between us.

It was almost bizarre that I became used to us laying in bed when she would allow me to fondle her beautiful tits and finger-fuck her shaven pussy whilst she used that purple toy to satisfy herself and then after she had orgasmed that she would tell me to go into the bathroom and wank my stiff little dick so that I might shoot my spunk into the toilet bowl.

I loved it and was very content to be told what to do and to be controlled in such a fashion knowing at the same time that my wife loved me so.

We were quite discrete in our behaviour as the kids grew up and I'm sure when they were younger that they had no idea that their father was not quite the man he should have been. There was no doubting their parentage for the pair of them grew up in our image and displayed all the characteristics of their parents. Emilie was out-going to the point of being precocious, just as her mother had been, and it was a delight to watch her as she developed into an attractive young lady with all the attributes that I admired so much in her mother.

Jorge by contrast was a quiet one who clearly, just like his father, was going to be a tall lad and, just like his father, had a healthy respect for girls that bordered on trepidation. He was constantly teased by his sister and her friends which he took with good humour and I was to later discover that the teasing included the recognition that (also just like his father) he had a tiny penis which was the cause of much derision whenever he was caught in the showers after sports at school by his better-endowed classmates (a number of whom were black given the ethnic mix of the area of London where we lived). I learned all this from Emilie which gave me pause to wonder how she knew of such ribaldry and the details of what went on in the boy's showers!

It became a common theme in our frequent mutual masturbation sessions when we fantasised about cuckoldry and black cocks and I became quite inured to the idea that we might go down this route. We reached the point where I had no sense of embarrassment when she would tell me that she was happy for me to think about her doing it whenever she sent me into the bathroom to wank and have my climax. I had no suspicion at the time that all this talk was deliberate ploy on her part to 'condition' me to the idea ... and it worked.

It was after dinner one evening and after the kids had gone to bed that she sat me down on the sofa and showed me the latest edition of 'Rendezvous'. I was shocked to see it for a number of reasons. Firstly that I never knew it was still in publication; secondly that my wife knew of such magazines (we had never previously discussed the topic) and thirdly for her to reveal that she knew of my porn stash which is why she knew of the existence of the title. However, the shocks kept coming for she quickly turned to the classified ad section to see who was looking for lust and it took me a moment to see that she had placed an advert.

I looked and instantly recognised it as Karen for although the face had the eyes blacked out as a nod to provide anonymity there was the very recognisable features of my wife's naked body. I can still remember how wonderful her plump shaven pussy looked in it and I shuddered with excitement to see those beautiful full tits so brazenly displayed and thought that anyone who looked at this picture would do so too. (Even to this day I wonder if the owner of the shop had ever flicked through the pages and recognised her before putting it on his top shelf!)

I asked how had the picture been taken given we only had a basic camera that would sometime be bought out for high days and holidays to which she replied that she had borrowed a Polaroid camera from a friend and used the timer to take a photo of herself reclining on the bed, wearing a Basque and stockings with her boobs spilling out and one finger resting on her shaved pussy. The text simply said she was married and looking for a well endowed black guy for NSA sex (no strings attached) and that her husband approved.

It was the first time in a long time since I had seen a copy of the magazine but she said that she had been buying them since the previous summer but didn't finally decide to take the plunge and place an ad until a couple of months back.

I looked at the description and invite that accompanied the picture and it took no time at all to put two and two together and I jokingly shared my suspicion. She smiled and made no attempt to deny it. While I was still looking at the picture she reached and picked up a folder which contained the heap of replies she'd received and asked me what I thought.

Being confronted by the advert and knowing that she been looking through the hundreds of replies was a huge relief to me as was the fact that my wife wanted to live out the fantasy of which I'd dreamed for so long.

She laughed and said that with a double celebration impending she had decided that we ought mark our approaching 10th Wedding Anniversary and my up-coming 50th Birthday in some style.

That was when I got the biggest shock of all. She said that she had made a connection and she was going to give me a special birthday present. In short, she had decided to cuckold me and made the decision without any discussion with me. I was so grateful and am still proud of her for having forced the issue.

I had been in ignorance of all these 'arrangements' being made behind my back for the postman came after I left for work each day so I never actually saw the large brown envelopes but Karen assured me that there had been a lot of responses to her ad although she never allowed me to see any of them or what had been written. Some of the replies included a cock-shot to emphasise the virility of the 'suitor' and these she did share with me as we sat on the sofa I suppose just to remind me of my own inadequacies by comparison. I must admit that seeing these pictures of erect black cocks and imagining any one of them pushing into my wife's wet pussy was a thought that caused more than a shiver of excitement.

Even though she had indicated a preference for black guys a lot of white guys made contact through the magazine to write to her and some of the back stories they spun as to their suitability were so full of fanciful nonsense she just laughed and ignored them.

However there had been a few responses that hit the mark of her requirement for a black man and Karen in her own efficient way whittled down the list to a couple of possibilities and after an exchange of messages either by letter or phone eventually decided on one of them a guy by the name of Darryl.

I was excited beyond measure thinking about what form the birthday celebration might take and my excitement increased when she pulled out of the folder the letter and photos that Darryl had sent and she told me that she was making arrangements for him to come to see us on my birthday.

She told me later that had I said no or baulked at the idea of actually following through on our fantasy or even looked shocked she would have called the whole things off but I didn't. She said that she could see that the idea excited me and how almost immediately I had put my arms around her and we kissed. After snogging on the sofa for a while we headed off to bed and continued to love each other as I squeezed her nipples and used my fingers to massage her clit. There was no attempt to fuck and after she had what seemed to be the most monumental orgasm I went off to the bathroom and returned a few minutes later with my cock hanging limply between my thighs. As were snuggled up to get off to sleep she whispered to let me know that I should let her know if I didn't want her to do it with blacks. I never said a word but just put my arms around her and gave her a squeeze.

The die was set when she went off one lunchtime to meet him and to conduct her final 'interview' over a cup of coffee. From her description to me it sounded as their meeting was all very civilised as they shared their different requirements and set down the rules of engagement.

She told him of her frustration that resulted from being married to a little white dickie but made it quite clear that she wasn't looking for love but just the need to be sexually satisfied in ways that her husband, who she loved dearly, couldn't provide.

Darryl's back story was just as believable, he told her that he was married, he and his black wife was looking for an outlet for his sexual frustration because his wife was pregnant and he's not done it for more than a month as she was now off limits. He said that his wife had helped to select Karen from the adverts. Whether that was true or not I don't know but he said she was happy for him to meet what she called a 'white slut' with her only proviso that the slut should be married.

Karen in turn made it clear that part of the arrangement would be for me to watch her being fucked by him. I guess his sexual frustration was so intense that he would have agreed to anything Karen asked.

He said that he wanted her to look like the slut his wife demanded; she said that he must wear a condom.

They both had no problem with the 'rules' so in a roundabout fashion we all ticked each other's boxes and so the date was set for him to be bought home and for me to be given my Birthday present.

Arrangements were made for the kids to go off to her sister for the weekend so that we would not be disturbed and it was Saturday afternoon I first met Darryl when I opened the door to this large black man. There was little ceremony and hardly any introductions or conversation as he came through the door and I told him that Karen was waiting for him up in our bedroom. He took to the stairs and I followed at a discrete distance (as if discretion was required!) By the time I reached the doorway he was already pulling off his jacket which he threw onto the chair before he turned his attention to Karen who was laying on the bed 'dressed' in the same outfit that she had worn for her posed picture in the advert. I could only guess at his thoughts but mine was along the line that she fulfilled the requirement of appearing to be the complete slut with her bustier, suspender belt and dark stockings. She wore no panties and her smooth, shaven cunt with a wet pink slit that was revealed when she spread her legs was nicely framed by the black straps of her garter belt; her beautiful tits which thrill me so much were spilling over the half-cut bra of the corset and it was no surprise to me to see the stiff nipples protruding from the dark areoles, all evidence to me that she had been playing with herself as she awaited Darryl's arrival.

Supposedly all that was about to happen was going to be 'my treat; my birthday present' but I really wasn't sure what I was supposed to do, we hadn't discussed that part of the proceedings. Anyway with the only chair now occupied by the increasing pile of Darryl's discarded clothing I had nowhere to sit and so I just leaned against the door frame and, taking my lead from Darryl, I undid my belt and let my trousers drop to the floor around my ankles. My cock (what there was of it) must have looked pathetic compared to him who had now stepped out of the last of his clothing and revealed a stiff black cock that appeared to be the size of my forearm. I felt like a naughty schoolboy in comparison.

Karen murmured her approval and my presence was ignored as without even the courtesy of a welcome kiss he clambered onto the bed and knelt between her outstretched legs. From my viewpoint I saw him put his black hand down toward her white cunt and for him to rub his thumb along the smooth wet lips and then pause to tease her protruding clit and spread her wetness. He took his wet fingers and spread her juices over his bulbous purple knob and then adjusted his position so that his cock was poised above her gaping pussy. I held my breath; was I about to see my fantasy about come true?

No, I wasn't, at least not for a few moments for Karen despite her eager anticipation had the presence of mind to remind him that he needed to put on the condom that she had obligingly placed on the bedside cabinet. He made some inaudible comment, tore at the foil wrapping and with some difficulty rolled the latex sheath over his fat cock. It only covered half his length.

To their mutual satisfaction he resumed his assault and I was at last treated to the sight of a proper man-sized cock being pushed into the willing vagina of my wife. As he slowly entered her and slid in so that his balls pushed against her butt the sight was accompanied by the sounds of their mutual moans of satisfaction that came from her being filled so effectively. I think I may have added to the groans as I grasped my own stiff dick but obviously not loud enough to disturb them for there was no acknowledgement that I was even there as they began to properly fuck.

I stroked my stubby little cock in time to the rhythm of his black buttocks rising and falling between the supine body of Karen who lay passively below him. Well, not exactly passive, for she began to contribute to the performance with movements of her own and her legs jerked and then her hands first clasped his waist before moving around to hold his bum cheeks as if to capture him and ensure he couldn't escape. There was no fear of that however and his movements became more frantic as his fearsome tool plunged back and forth and I watched as her body shook and her breasts moved in sympathy with his thrusts. Karen's moans and sighs which had accompanied his groans began to turn into the squeals that told me that she was beginning to climax. Darryl must have noted it too for with perfect timing he then shared the moment and with a final push and a grunt there was no doubt in my mind that he was filling the condom with his ejaculation.

Then, all was still. Darryl seemed to slump as if the force of his climax had drained all his energy but, thankfully, he still had the presence of mind to support his weight on his forearms to prevent him from crushing Karen spread-eagled beneath him. I still stood transfixed in the doorway and as I watch him slowly withdraw his still stiff cock I became aware that my hand was covered with my warm spunk; I had clearly cum without realising I had done so whilst I had been witnessing my wife being fucked by another man.

Darryl got to his knees and pulled off the cum-filled condom, tied it off and put it on the night stand before standing and moving to the side of the bed. Karen knew what he wanted and obliged by rolling over so that she could take hold of him and close her mouth over his wet dribbling cock. She glanced up to see me still standing at the doorway and with her mouth full of cock she somehow managed to convey a smile and gave me a wink. I could only smile back my approval as I looked upon her sucking his cock, stroking his hanging balls and bringing him to another climax and for him to spurt another load into her.

As she released her hold of him I staggered off to the bathroom so that I might clean off my sticky hands. A few moments later the noise of my running tap was replaced by the sound of soft conversation coming from the bedroom which didn't sound as if was a continuation of any sex-talk, more like they were discussing the weather or some such inanities. I pulled my boxer shorts up and returned to the bedroom and to my surprise found that Darryl was already half-dressed; clearly he had no intention of staying for a second round. He looked up as I came through the door and made no comment other than to ask, "can I use your phone? I need to let my wife know that I am on my way home!"

And with that we concluded what had been a most enjoyable first session of me watching my wife, my darling Karen, being properly fucked by a proper cock, a black cock, and having herself the most enjoyable orgasm as a result.

I showed Darryl where to find the phone and although I could only hear his half of the conversation it was obvious his wife found it funny when he told her that the 'slut' was fine and that the 'wimp' liked watching him doing it. In turn Karen and me found it funny that his wife knew he was meeting Karen because before leaving he was calling to let her know that he'd finished and was on his way home.

He left the house and I returned to the bedroom where Karen was still laying on the bed, her ravaged cunt openly displayed. I pulled off my clothes and went to get in bed with her but she stopped me and pointing to the nightstand said, "Get rid of that first, will you."

I picked up the tied-off condom which was still warm and full of an impressive amount of cum, far more than I could have ever mustered, and went back into the bathroom to deposit the evidence of my inadequacies into the waste bin before returning to Karen's side. She welcomed me with open arms and we snuggled together and she asked me if I had enjoyed what I had witnessed. My stiff little cock pressing against her gave her my answer and as I rubbed myself against her thigh she let my hand stray toward her open pussy, a pussy that was still gaped wide from the battering it had taken from the biggest cock that had been inside her since we had been married.

My fingers easily slipped inside her wetness and it took but a few moments before I recognised the signs that my manipulations and attention to her clit were bringing her to yet another climax. She bucked and sighed as the orgasm overwhelmed her and her movements against my stiff cock which had smeared her with my pre-cum was enough for me to react the same. We both came simultaneously and my hot spunk shot over her tummy.

"Happy Birthday Darling," was all she said before she rolled away off the bed to go and clean herself up leaving me there with the feeling of immense satisfaction that we had both achieved and fulfilled our fantasy.


We knew that the arrangement with Darryl was only ever going to be a fixed-term affair and would fade away once his wife had given birth. They were both highly-sexed people who, like us, were much in love with each other and that him fucking my wife was purely an agreement that filled a need; there was no romance involved, it was only lust that was being satisfied.

So it was that over the next couple of months that Darryl would call and she would make a 'date' for him to come over. It was always at our place and it was always during the day when the kids would be at school and once the time had been set I would try to get my work shift rearranged so that I could be present. It didn't always work out that way but I often was able to share in the experience and over those few months we all became comfortable in each other's presence, them on the bed vigorously fucking and both getting satisfaction from his big black cock; me sitting on the chair watching and stroking my stubby penis. It was Darryl who introduced Karen to the delights of anal sex and it often became a feature during their times together. I was in awe that he had the stamina but, no matter if I was there or not, their time together would always end with him making that call to his wife!

Darryl's visits ended when his wife gave birth and we didn't see him anymore. There was no further contact (indeed we never knew if it was a boy or girl with which they had been blessed) and that was a clear indication of the type of relationship that we had been conducting. It was purely about the sex, there was no emotional baggage attached and that suited us just fine.

Karen started following up replies from the magazine again but it became too long-winded for her and after meeting a few other guys through that route she graduated to using what was then the new phenomena of the internet and the AOL chatroom. As ever, the criteria was that she didn't want to be involved with a regular boyfriend because she didn't want give up any quality time she had with me and the kids. She made it clear in her 'negotiations' that she was only ever interested in casual dating and was just looking for good sex and not a relationship and, oh yes, that her husband wanted to watch.

The internet turned out to be a blessing for we soon discovered it was a good way to find visiting black business men who would have a hotel room for them to do it in and we wouldn't have to worry anymore about the chance of our secret being discovered by the kids or indeed by the possibility of the surprise of visiting friends to our home.

However, whilst we did our best to be discrete it became increasingly stressful to find explanations for the increasing number of black friends that seemingly populated our lives so we decided that in keeping with the changing times (and the more liberal attitudes that the internet seemed to have brought along with it) that we would no longer deny what must have seemed to be pretty obvious to those who knew us. We made the decision to 'come out' and that thereafter we would live our life in plain sight and let people make their own judgements and be damned if they didn't like what they saw.

As far as we were concerned our private life was just that, private, and the most important aspect was that we loved each other dearly and we were living out our expectations in the pursuit of our pleasures.

There was one special and enduring friendship that we maintained and that was with my mother. She had always had a liking for Karen from the first time I bought her home to be introduced as my first proper girlfriend. Mother had been a bit bemused that her son who she regarded as being a bit of a soft touch in the masculine stakes had managed to capture the heart of such a beauty, and a strong-headed one in addition. I think she saw in Karen a person much like herself, a woman who was going to rule the roost over a husband who could be manipulated. Whatever the reason, she liked her very much and they became close friends and over the years shared many confidences (some of which were at my expense!)

It was after Darryl had left the scene that my mother and my wife began to have a much closer relationship and they used to have regular phone calls to catch up on each other's gossip. The gossip ultimately focussed on what Karen had been doing and from what she related it was obvious that Karen had told mother what was going on. Karen used to tell me how inquisitive my mother was and how it seems that she wanted to know everything and was particularly interested in the fact that my wife only met up with black guys.

Karen always described their conversations as being intimate and I could only guess at what they talked about when I wasn't around but a measure of their conversations was revealed when 'post Darryl' my mother had shocked her by saying she was not surprised and that she'd told Karen that, "if I'd been her husband she would have cuckolded me too".

According to Karen my mother's one regret was that in her day there were no black guys to meet up with and when they were chatting my mother always wanted to hear about my wife's latest lover and liked Karen to share intimate photos with her. I know from what Karen has told me that my mother thought that I was born to be a cuckold and suggested that it could be the reason why I was so accepting of the cuckold lifestyle.

However, their conversations were not all one-way for from the beginning my mother began to share secrets of her own and letting us know more about her experiences when she ran the hotel with my father although I think it took quite a while before she hinted that she used to regularly cuckold my father.

Since her meeting other guys was now common knowledge Karen was never embarrassed if someone saw her with one of her young black friends and was happy to chat with my mother about them. Fairly early in these exchanges my mother expressed her regret that there were few if any black guys in the UK when she was younger and that there were none where she lived.

These conversation carried on until after short illness my mother died. It was a couple of months before then she told Karen that she was doing the right thing by cuckolding me and that she was not at all surprised because, yes, she'd done the same to my ***.

At the time Karen didn't tell me about this and might not have done if we'd not found a small leather suitcase under the bed when we were clearing my mother's things. The silk lingerie it contained was a shock to me but just brought a smile to my wife's face but we were both surprised to see the contents of an envelope that was in the bottom of the case.

We opened it to find it was full of black and white photographs of my mother. I hadn't remembered just how attractive my mother was in her younger day but seeing these glamour poses of her wearing the lingerie soon brought the memory back. The poses were definitely erotic and I figured that they must have been taken by my father who had the hobby of developing his own films and printing them off in a darkroom in the basement of the hotel where we lived.

I'm sure a lot of us think that pornography is a recent phenomenon but those black and white photographs were quite explicit and were obviously taken over a fairly long period of time and when we examined them carefully later featured fourteen different men. Sadly there were no faces (although I doubt I would have recognised any of my 'uncles' after so long) but it did show that my mother had a very active sex-life when she was cuckolding my father and that it is something that seems to be running in our ******. I was pleased to see how happy my mother was when she was being fucked and like Karen she seemed to have a liking for anal sex.

In the beginning we were thinking to keep the suitcase and the contents but we soon came to the conclusion that it would be best to shred the photos although we still have the suitcase with its silky contents.

I presume that my mother kept the contents of the suitcase because it held some wonderful memories for her and that in her twilight years she was able recall them thanks to the photos and her conversations with Karen. The fact that we were able to identify that she'd been photographed with so many guys suggests that it was a long term commitment and as they were all taken in my parents' bedroom my father must have been the photographer.

I now know from our own experience that a lot of the guys that Karen's met didn't want an audience and I figured if it was the same for my parents then these photos must have been a small proportion of the guys she actually cuckolded him with. Sadly my father died when I was just 21 and, like me, he was nearly twenty years older than his wife so his enjoyment of the lifestyle was cut short but it was good to hear from Karen that my mom approved of my unknowingly following in his footsteps.

Although the pictures have been disposed off and consigned to history I still have the vivid memory of my mother's wonderful smile as the cocks were fucking into her and it mimics what I see on my wife's face when I watch Karen .... other than the fact that my wife does not have a huge bush covering her pussy and all the guys she does it with are black!

So it seemed that what we were doing was really an example of 'like father; like son' and that it must be something in the genes that made me act the way I did, to be so compliant and indeed to have sought out this way of life as a reflection of what my parents did.

In the grand scheme of things I should not have been concerned at arriving at this conclusion of following in my father's path but there is something that has occurred which is giving me cause and pause for thought.

My father had died from cancer (a disease that was never spoken of back in those days when lest to say it might inflict the same on whoever heard the dreaded word!) and I learned years later from my mother before she died that it was cancer of the prostate that killed him.

Recently I began to have trouble to start urinating coupled to an even greater reluctance to get an erection. My doctor has suspicions that I may be showing symptoms of the condition that took my father's life. I have been referred to a consultant for tests.


... to be continued