Chapter Five


It was almost a relief when the consultant listed castration as an option to rid me of the cancer that I had been suffering over the past years. In a sense to be rid of my useless testicles would serve to further my subservience to my wife and her lover as the erectile dysfunction of my tiny dick already showed that I was incapable of being a proper man in a sexual sense and the removal of my balls would complete the impression. (Further to that motivation, not having the unsightly bulge between my legs would allow me a greater choice of ladies panties that I now preferred to wear. A win-win really!)

I had nearly a year to think about my situation before the operation could be scheduled and during that period had many thoughts but concluded there was no good reason for a husband to keep his balls once he had become so completely cuckolded and it had become an established part of his marriage. I must admit to it being a bit of a shock and an embarrassment to me when I used to hear Karen telling people, who offered sympathy before I had my operation, that she didn't think I would miss them but she was right and I now feel much calmer and pay far more attention to my wife's pleasure and enjoyment that at any other time during our near 30 year marriage.

Obi, my wife's current live-in lover, was much amused when I shared the advice and recommendation after my appointment with the consultant. Indeed, as a trainee doctor, he offered to do the job in the comfort of our home but I declined his kind suggestion preferring instead to have someone properly qualified to do the simple surgery.

So it was that I attended a day-clinic at the hospital where I was being treated for my cancer and with a screen set up between me and my soon-to-be removed balls it only took a few minutes for me to be rid of the useless things. I chose not to have a prosthesis inserted and once I had been stitched up my little dick looked like all the world to be a prominent clitoris and to my eyes the illusion was complete. There was little pain afterwards but as a precaution I took the painkillers for two days afterwards. Job done and everyone, especially myself, was most impressed with the result. (A side benefit, apart from me feeling more comfortable, is that Karen loves that I can wear the same style of panties as she does every day and that I don't have bulges anymore!)

However, no surprise to learn that my castration coupled to Obi's virility hasn't stopped my wife and I becoming parents again and Kwesi's birth was a joy for all of our ******. When Karen first became pregnant we didn't make any attempt to claim that the baby was fathered by me although in the minds of some there was an obvious doubt up until he was born. Now that my wife is pregnant again the fact that I've been castrated leaves no doubt about Obi having fathered another baby for us. We see my wife's new pregnancy as an opportunity to not only demonstrate Karen's devotion to her black bull but that our son's birth was a deliberate choice and not an accident.

Her becoming pregnant by someone else I regarded it as being just another change in our long and successful marriage. We've been married for nearly 30 years now and Karen has been meeting other guys for more than 20 of those. After the first few years of denials and secrecy we decided to 'come clean' if any questions were asked and since then our cuckold lifestyle has been common knowledge to our ****** and friends. For sure, some of our friends did wonder why, given that I knew of her infidelity, I didn't divorced her long ago but they were not to know what we were doing was all done with my consent and approval.

I think the concept of a loyal and faithful cuckolded husband is lost on some people and I know that some thought that we must have stayed together 'for the kids'. In fact it had little and, these days, nothing to do with our children but everything to do with the love and devotion we have for each other and in a way my castration coupled with her becoming pregnant was just another example of expressing my feelings toward her and that I would do anything she asked.

In turn Karen also has ways of expressing her appreciation for me and although she wasn't keen on the idea at first when I suggested it she now regularly 'Queens' me after she has been fucked by Obi. Karen's Queening me after she's been fucked by one of her black lovers is her way of renewing our bond and sharing the excitement she had when he was fucking her. There is nothing I look forward to more than for her to straddle my face and for me to lick her clean of the cum that oozes out. For us it now has an important symbolism in that it confirms Karen's continued acceptance of me as her subservient cuckold.

It took a while to convince her but Karen did pee into my mouth after Queening me yesterday. Obi always fucks Karen before we go off to Church on Sunday and in recent times she has always Queened me afterwards. I always try to make sure she has an orgasm before lifting off and yesterday was no exception. She had been encouraging me to finish her off for some minutes before she had her orgasm because she was desperate to pee. After relaxing for a moment she lifted off and told me to open my mouth and almost instantly a jet of warm pee flooded my mouth. I had learned to gulp instead of trying to swallow in another life before we married and her stream of golden nectar continued for what seemed like a minute or more.

After the flow stopped Karen settled back down onto my face and I licked away the last few drops before she stood up and apologised. She told me that she'd not realised how much she needed to go to pee when she had started to Queen me but as soon as she raised up off my face the pressure was too much to hold back. I told her that no apology was needed and I reminded her that I had been wanting her to do that as a conclusion to Queening me for some years; that it something that I enjoyed and had learned to accept when I used to go to my dominatrix mistresses before we were married. Before going to shower she apologised again and told me that as far as she was concerned it was an accident.

In church a little while after this first time of her anointing me so we reached the point in the service for private prayer. My prayers concerned the hope that Karen had enjoyed the experience and that, ".... today was not going to be the first and last time that Queening me would be concluded by her peeing into my mouth." (My prayers were to be answered!)

At the moment I'm just being grateful for small mercies and have been enjoying the memory of seeing Karen squatting over my face and being able to look up and see the pleasure on her face as she releases the pressure in her bladder and for her stream to jet onto my tongue. I'd not experienced receiving golden nectar since before our marriage and I still see it as the perfect conclusion to a period of Queening, even more so now that I've been castrated and don't have a distracting erection.

Over dinner last night Obi told Karen how much he enjoyed watching her pee into my mouth that first time and I'm hopeful that with his encouragement it is now going to be a regular thing.

When Karen became pregnant by Obi with our first baby, Kwesi, we thought it sad that my mother was not still alive and able to share our happiness. The prospect of Karen having a baby with one of her black lovers was something my mother and Karen had discussed and although my wife had told her it wasn't part of our plans Karen could see it was something that my mother would have agreed with. Indeed, when I think about it, I feel sad that my mother was not able to see her grandson and I'm certain that she would have been even happier to know that, far from it being an accident, that Karen is about to produce another black grandchild for her. For me this is the issue with us leaving it so late to have our black fathered children and we both think it would have been better to have started earlier so that both our parents would have been alive to see their grandchildren.

At the moment Karen is pregnant for the third time since Obi moved in with us. Until she has her scan we don't know if it is going to be a brother or a sister to Kwesi and Kobi but since my wife is going to be 50 next birthday this might be her last chance to have a child, although we're all hoping that it will not be the case and that she will be able to have more children with Obi before he returns to Ghana.

Some folks might feel shocked at our attitude but we've never seen ourselves as being anything other than ordinary. Our only self-indulgence, until recently, was my wife's preference for having sex with blacks instead of me and of course my acceptance of this. There has never been any love or romance involved in these relationships and because they were purely sexual we have been able to enjoy a happy and we believe, successful marriage. So we see ourselves as a perfectly normal couple, who lived what many would see as boringly devoted lives, dedicated to caring for each other, bringing up our children and regular worship at our Church.

As Church goers we attend a magnificent church which dates back to Georgian times and worship to the traditional King James bible service. It is very straitlaced with a paid choir and I doubt that many of our friends there would embrace our lifestyle choice or even see it as Christian but, as if often the case, out of sight is out of mind. We are accepted, Obi sometimes comes with us and I'm sure everyone knows and understands that he fucked the boys into my wife but there is no controversy because we are in effect hiding in plain sight.

What other people might think is of no interest to us. Prior to Obi coming on the scene we have bought up two perfectly balanced children who have gone on to make their own way in the world and we are proud of them both for their achievements. They have taken with them our shared values and there is no shame, only pride and admiration on the part of us, the parents, in what they have gone on to accomplish.

When I shared with my son the suspicion that my father may not have actually been 'my father' but rather I was the result of one of the many fuckings my mother had with 'my uncles' he was much amused. Indeed, his reaction was that it would have been wonderful if 'back in the day' one of Karen friends had fathered him rather than me! He reasoned that three generations of cuckold husbands would have been even more impressive if none of the husbands had actually consummated their marriage. An interesting thought and after hearing what Jorge had to say I was left feeling sad about the fact that I'd ever done it with his mother.

Jorge married Abebi in the summer of three years ago. She is 15 years older than him and was originally from Nigeria. They now have two boys, Abeo and Bako and she is once again pregnant with a ******** on the way. It's not his, none of their children are and they can never be sure who out of her many lovers was responsible for impregnating her. Out of choice he has never had sex with her so as a consequence none of our grandchildren have been fathered by our son and we are all comfortable knowing that; in our world the most important thing is that children are both wanted and loved.

Our honest relationship and attitudes towards them meant that my prostate problems and condition was no secret and when it was advised that I needed to be castrated they both became most interested in my transformation, as Jorge described it, into becoming a 'eunuch'. He shared the thought that there was no better way of declaring one's devotion and acceptance of being a submissive to one's wife than to have your balls removed. Up until he made that mention that I hadn't given that aspect any thought but I saw his point and had to agree with his way of thinking.

The idea of Jorge, even though he had no underlying medical issues to justify it, having the same operation appealed to them greatly. What better way of demonstrating your commitment to being denied was his reasoning along with his great concerns of the prospect of one day being required to do it with a woman even though it was not something he and his wife ever planned to happen. However, he did have reservations about taking this giant step which were revealed when Jorge was speaking to me about my experience. His major concern was that losing his testicles would also remove the desires to watch his wife with her lovers. I assured him that it was not the case and indeed it gave an extra thrill and I'd not lost the desire to watch his mum being fucked and that I still enjoyed seeing the pleasure she experienced with Obi.

To cut this increasingly long story short they arranged for Jorge to be castrated on their first wedding anniversary so that they could celebrate both anniversaries on the same day in July. Obi had assured them it was a simple procedure that even as a trainee doctor he was quite capable of carrying out and so one evening when they came to celebrate the anniversary Obi took Jorge into our bedroom and within a few minutes the job was done.

Like me, he elected to have an empty sack rather than have placebos inserted and if any of her men friends doubt that he doesn't do it with his wife he's happy to drop his trousers and boxer shorts to show them the evidence! (I am not quite so bold.) I was later amused to also discover that Abebi kept the removed testes and has them in a decorative jar that sits on her nightstand.

However, unlike me, he does need to take hormones along with other medication to maintain good health and, apparently, their ****** Doctor is amused by the fact that Abebi had been pregnant twice since the minor surgery. Thankfully I'm at an age when the lack of hormones makes little difference to my health but not taking such medication means that than unlike Jorge I can no longer have spontaneous erections because my cocktail of drugs denies me that reaction. To be honest it is a small price to pay and both Jorge and I are even happier now that our lack of sexual prowess can no longer be questioned.


Having a baby by one of her black lovers was something that Karen had always resisted. Not because she felt she was too old or that she wouldn't be a good mother, indeed, as time went by she became increasingly 'broody'. No, her concerns were that, as often reported in the media, in so many cases when a child had been conceived by a third party that the husband would disown the child and the marriage would break down. Our married life and our love meant everything to her. She always had it in mind that whilst her getting pregnant with another white man would be manageable, to have a baby with black man would make it blindingly obvious that the child wasn't mine and, bless her for the way her mind works, she said it wouldn't be fair on the child.

So, in her mind having babies with them was out of the question and if any one of the guys she was looking forward to doing it with refused to wear a condom then he was always going to be shown the door for she knew there would always be someone else waiting in the wings wanting 'to fuck a white woman' who would follow her rules.

For my part whilst I may have been a little apprehensive about the prospect of her becoming pregnant it was only because I was unsure how at our time of life we would cope with becoming parents once more. I certainly wasn't concerned what other people might think, I'd long gone beyond that consideration; conversely, I had the view that if she did become pregnant it would effectively proclaim our endorsement of black sexual superiority. Living proof of the potency of black sperm from a fat black cock against the pathetic dribblings that my stubby little dick used to be able to produce.

In some respects the decision was taken away from us when we set up Obi moving in with us. For us it was just an arrangement to rent out the spare bedroom to a medical student; for him it was a chance to move out of student halls; for us it was an opportunity to fulfil our long held fantasy about having a Black Master; for him it was only going to happen if he could do it bare, without condoms and for her not to be on any other form of birth control. Indeed, he said he would only move in with us if she agreed (his words), "... to let me fuck black babies into your wife".

Obi is a lovely chap. In his early 20s, well-mannered, very confident in himself and his abilities, maybe a bit on the bossy side (but we both like that) and he is hung like a horse and seems to be able to go all night long without losing his enthusiasm to fuck my wife. The bonus for us all is that there is no hint of romance, he knows he is there to provide one thing and that expressions of love doesn't come into it!

With Obi there was no deliberate intention to have babies with him just an acceptance that he would do it without a condom and that it could happen. We were quite relaxed about that possibility (still are) but if the truth were known we both thought that she had left it too late in life and with menopause around the corner that it probably wouldn't happen.

When he first moved in with us Obi was surprised at what a devoted and loving couple we were and couldn't understand why I was so relaxed about my wife doing it with black guys. He'd also expected me to be more clingy with him and since he had an arranged marriage to look forward to was wondering how to put me off without upsetting me. So being joined only at the groin is something that suits us both and he is more than happy to help add to our ****** because he can see what good and loving parents we are.

I have to admit that after having watched Karen insisting on condoms for so long with her other 'boyfriends' that it was a shock to see her letting him do it bare and even more so when he teased me about fucking a baby into my wife. When I spoke to Karen about it she was relaxed about the whole thing and pointed out that if he was going to be living with us it would be wrong to make him use a condom and that in any event she was 'probably' too old now.

Well, I can still remember the first night after he moved in and him telling me that he was going to be fucking his baby into her. I watched him from my chair in the corner and was delighted to watch while stroking my less than impressive dick his stiff black cock push into her pussy and his swollen balls slap against her butt as he steadily fucked my wife. Eventually I saw his buttocks clench as he shot his load spurting deep inside her but it wasn't until the following morning that we realised the consequences and the 'probably' turned out not to be impossible and our son was born on schedule 9 months after he moved in.

Although all of our friends were surprised to see that Karen was pregnant none were surprised when it was obvious that Obi must be Kwesi's father even though Karen and I are registered on the birth certificate as his parents. It's Karen's baby and so it is perfectly logical that as her husband I should be registered as the father.

I've always had a fascination for Karen's tits, her 'prominent points', since they started sprouting when she was still a schoolgirl and of course the little minx used to go out of her way to try to tease me. I always pretended to be embarrassed when she caught me looking down her cleavage but in truth I used to rely on being caught because I noticed that it made her even more daring. One of her favourite ploys, that she explained to me after we married, was to loosen her bra straps before giving me the leaning forward treatment when she would speak to me quietly so that I would be able to hear her more clearly. When she did this her bra fell away so I could see her puppies almost as well as if she'd got them out to show me. Of course over the last thirty years her boobs have drooped but she still has the gorgeous plump nipples I remember from those days.

I loved her even more when she was pregnant for her tits became even more humongous and when Obi fucked her they would dribble and squirt. (The downside, if it could be called that, was that sometimes she would be in discomfort and had to use a pump to relieve the pressure; we ended up donating the excess milk to the hospital).

I have always admired a pair of big boobs (I'm a tit-man through and through!) and I've never been nervous about handling them. Karen has always had big plump nipples and now with her pregnancy the sight of the droplets of milk forming on them is a turn on for me and it only takes a moment for me to feel like I'm in heaven.

I don't know if it was the conditioning I had from serving Black Dominatrix but my Mistresses were always protective towards their pussies but they indulged me and would allow me to admire their boobs. I loved being smothered by tits and Karen has always made the most of my fascination by letting me fondle hers whenever we 'made love' and now, with her pregnancies, squeezing her nipples meant that I got a good soaking. (One new thing I did learn was that it stings when the milk squirts into your eye!)

Karen loved being pregnant and I used to catch her looking at herself in the mirror, clearly she was sharing my thoughts and being much impressed by how much bigger than normal her breasts appeared.

I loved her being pregnant for other reasons. I would awaken in the morning and watch the happy couple having their 'waking-up fuck' when I would then go downstairs to tidy up before making my mug of green tea. Karen would invariably follow a few minutes later and since her towelling robe didn't go completely round her tummy now I witnessed the most glorious sight a cuckold could dream of, his wife's tummy bulging with a black fathered baby inside and her chubby thighs coated with his cum.

When I pointed this out to Karen she would have me lay on the floor and squat over my face before trapping it between the cheeks of her bottom. I truly thought I'd gone to heaven as my pointed tongue slipped straight into her and worked on her pussy and clit, clearly I would be doing the right thing for she would wiggle and wobble her bottom to increase the sensation and the noises she made told me that I had succeeded in bringing her to yet another orgasm. She wouldn't let me touch my cock but would tease about me being limp and tell me to wrap my hands round her so I could feel the baby that Obi had fucked into her.

These days there is no need for me to dash off to the bathroom and have a 'post-orgasm wank' (her orgasm, that is, not mine) and I can carry on forever with her stting on my face. So when Karen finally pushes her pussy onto my mouth as she climaxes I am in no hurry to stop. Having been taught by an expert, my wife, I knew to lick between the lips and across her clit with my tongue, so as to push the hood back and stroke the tip, and to most importantly keep my lips out of the way and resist the temptation to kiss or suck. At the point where she started to convulse with her orgasm, I can be very naughty and I lock her thighs down with my arms so she can't escape. In the past I would hear my wife begging guys to do it harder as she came so it was out of character to hear her begging her submissive husband to stop. Sometimes like a good boy I would stop; other times I wouldn't release her and I kept repeating licking her until after she had orgasmed again and eventually manage to wiggle free leaving my face smeared with her juices and Obi's cum.

I often get to watch him fucking my wife when we go up to bed. For me the jury is out as to whether it is more exciting to see him doing it fast and furious or with longer, more leisurely strokes with a crescendo at the end. Last night it was hard and fast and Karen's whole body wobbled when his groin crunched against her plump bum. I love to watch from the side when he is doing it like that until the moment he's ready to cum and I watch his buttocks tighten as he fucks his cum deep into my wife's pussy.

It is one of the most beautiful sights on my planet; the way that his cock bows as it meet resistance each time he fucks it back into my wife's pussy. I've often read about a woman's pussy becoming permanently stretched by having been fucked by black cocks; it certainly hasn't happened to my wife and when I asked once she told me that the exercise it gets from squeezing their cocks keeps her pussy muscles tight.

I didn't start wearing panties until after I was castrated and that started as a joke. With no balls my 'tighty whiteys' looked saggy at the front and for a joke Karen brought me some panties as a present that Christmas. As one might imagine it amused Obi for, previously to me being castrated, he often insisted that I was constrained by a cock cage. Now, with no balls my cock could be tucked between my thighs and the front was perfectly smooth, looking just like a girl. He made a great show of pointing that out and so in the New Year he told me to get rid of all my men's underwear which was consigned to the rubbish bin.

Later that week Karen took me with her on a shopping trip to Knightsbridge and make a tour of lingerie departments in various stores to see what was in the New Year sales. She said it was going to be 'her treat' and we picked out some more panties which were a world away from the matronly white panties of hers that I had sometimes worn in the last several years. I really liked some frilly raspberry-coloured ones she found at one store so she bought me 4 pairs which means I have enough to wear them all the time now; they look very nice and she approved the fit although she did add that if I didn't stick to my post-Christmas diet and lose some weight that she would be taking me back to the store to get measured up for a matching bra. I haven't told her yet that the idea has some appeal!

Although Obi is permanently living with us he isn't there every night as he works shifts at the hospital which keeps him there for a few days. Karen hates it when he is away as she has become totally devoted to his ever-ready black cock and I'm, obviously, no alternative in providing what she craves. However, it's not all bad for with Obi away we can enjoy some quality time together and to be honest I do miss sleeping naked with my wife although I know that a hug and a kiss is not a satisfactory substitute for her.

Although I haven't fucked her in years, perversely she does miss feeling my erection. She always saw it as a sign that she still excited me and loved to feel me rubbing it against her thigh when I was playing with her clit and squeezing her boobs while we kissed. Part of our sex-play was that I wasn't allowed to climax while we were in bed (she didn't want to have to clean up my mess) but over the years I did have a few accidents although usually I made it to the bathroom where a few extra strokes would finish me off. She told me that I always looked so sweet and innocent when I came back to bed and that she loved to see my limp cock because it showed that I'd cum.

With my balls gone there's no chance of that happening now but we do have another three nights to enjoy before Obi will be back and I'm sure, in our own way, we will enjoy all of them before he returns and 'normal service' will be resumed.

He is usually pretty drained from his work when he does return home but I know that he will still have enough energy to fuck her before he catches up on his sleep and again when he wakes up to shower and get ready for work the next day.

For my part I must make sure that everything is ready so that once again we can all get our pleasures; them from fucking; me from vacating the marital bed and sitting in the chair watching as I caress my limp little dick.


... to be continued
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