Chapter Four


I'm not sure how to describe my reaction to discovering that I might be incubating some kind of terminal medical condition. I suppose in a sense I just added it to the list of my perceived inadequacies, something else that to single me out as being 'not quite right'.

Karen didn't see it that way and in her indomitable confident manner said that we would cope with it (whatever 'it' was) and that things would work out. She was right, we did cope and in point of fact my medical condition almost became a blessing and a joy ... but I'm getting ahead of myself.

Karen's passion and preference for Black cock (the bigger, the better) knew no bounds although we did attempt to being discrete in her pursuit. We were helped in the quest in those early days by using the relatively new things called the Internet and home computers. Using computers for communication by this means was still a novel affair and we might have been novices we were also aware of the perils of being *******. We thought we were smart by protecting ourselves with the security of passwords so that our interests remained hidden from those who we would rather not know that Karen was a black cock slut and that I was her willing voyeuristic cuckolded husband who encouraged her to indulge. We bought ourselves a digital camera and learned how to upload pictures to the chat-rooms that she subscribed to and, yes, we thought ourselves to be so clever to be hiding all our activities behind the security of passwords. How little we knew!

Keeping our lifestyle secret had given us 4 very stressful years and it was with a sense of relief when we decided that it would be best to let all of our ****** and friends know and be aware of our preferences before we were found out by suspicious folks spreading rumours. It must have become ever clearer to our circle of friends and acquaintances that Karen much enjoyed the company of black men and we decided that there was little point in denying the obvious, that she did indeed have a preference. It was also made clear that I had no objections to her associations and I believe we soon came to be regarded as a real cosmopolitan couple with liberal attitudes who had this quirky side to them.

There was never any admission as to how far this liking for blacks went although some our friends were more concerned that we might be on a route to divorce when we told them.

More difficult was how to tell the children that 'Mummy is going to be meeting black guys' and reassuring them that it will not make any difference to our ****** life. It was a difficult subject that we'd discussed at length before we took the plunge. In the event the tables were turned on us almost immediately when Emilie butted in and told us that she already knew that mummy was meeting up with black guys. Of course this was a total shock to the both of us but it was not nearly as embarrassing as finding out how they found out and realising the extent of what they knew.

As I said at the time we had the luxury of a ****** computer and although we enjoyed this new innovation we had yet to fully understand the whole business of security or how to maintain privacy. So for us novices it seemed perfectly normal to write down and save passwords rather than having to remember them.

As ever is the case, kids are a lot more savvy with new technology than us 'old uns' and although I would like to think it was by accident (but knowing Emilie it probably wasn't) that she discovered where her mother had saved her email password. So the temptation was there for her to look through the emails that Karen had sent and received. By that time we had made good use of the digital camera and her emails to the chat-rooms were both explicit and had a good selection of photos both sent and received.

When we all sat down for our 'little chat' and the topic of Mummy's black friends was raised Emilie took no time at all to admit that she and Jorge had seen the pictures and read the messages. So what we thought would be a long and embarrassing event turned out to be short and even more embarrassing than we could ever have imagined. Afterwards Karen told me that when Emilie told us that she knew she just wanted the earth to open and swallow her!

However, in hindsight, which is always a good thing, we decided that although it was embarrassing to be '*******' in such a brutal fashion that a detailed question and answer session with them both would have been even worse, so it was perhaps for the best that our ******** is so nosey.

After they had gone off to bed we looked though the emails to see exactly what they had discovered and it was confirmed that the mails (and pictures) left nothing to the imagination about what Karen was doing with my consent. It was made clear that she was meeting the guys due to my lack of sexual prowess and of course the photos were mostly of an explicit nature rather that ****** snaps.

Some years later Emilie told Karen that her brother had emailed some of her photos to himself and that he used to look at them and masturbate. Karen told Emilie that she didn't believe her even though she insisted it was true and we both decided that if the photos were out of the bag it was too late now!

The story about the children finding out is quite funny when we think about it now but at the time it was so embarrassing for both of us to know that both Emilie and Jorge already knew that their mother was cuckolding me. Of course it was never going to be something we could keep under wraps for long and, in retrospect, it was good to get it over with.

We never told them everything that had gone on in the background of their childhood when they had been growing up. They were not to know that Karen quite often did it in the car park of the Old Kent Road Tesco and in the winter sometimes complained about having a numb bum when she got home. There was a pub in Islington that she used to go to with some of her friends on her nights out, one of her favourites that had music and available black cock.

Karen occasionally had a girls night out with people from the office where she works, but she mostly went on her own. I never went with her on her nights out in the first instance because someone needed to stay home with Jorge and Emilie and also because she thought I would cramp her style and put guys off.

It was several years before Karen had the confidence to bring guys home and for them to stay over. To be honest I loved the slutty behaviour she used to tell me about after a night out and it seemed quite tame when she started bringing them home. I think some actually would have preferred to have done it in Tesco's car park because a lot of them looked quite uncomfortable when she introduced them to me before dragging them off to our bedroom. I think that if they'd known beforehand that I was going to be there a lot of them would not have stepped in the door!

It was in those early days when she was staying over with guys at their hotel that I sometimes used to go with her but she got fed up with my 'limp dick' and she brought a chastity cage to fit me into before we went out so that she wouldn't be embarrassed by 'her inadequate husband'. I loved it. At the time she was meeting guys from AOL chatroom's who came to London on business trips and we would go to their hotel to meet up with them. We would chat and have a drink in their hotel bar and if she fancied them she would make sure her short skirt rode up her thighs so that she was flashing her pussy. At a point in time they would go to his room and she would stay over and return at about 6 the next morning. Occasionally I was allowed to go with them and get to watch but mostly I kissed Karen goodnight as they headed for the lift and I would go home to let our baby-sitter get off.

So it was that the kids grew up knowing that their mother was regularly fucking black guys, both home and away, and that their father was quite relaxed about it. It was this curious ****** environment that forged their own preferences and would impact on their own lives in the future.

When we decided it was best to tell our ****** and friends about our arrangement my mother told Karen that if I'd been her husband she would have cuckolded me too. In a sense sharing that news drew Karen and Mother closer together and up until her death they became the greatest friends and my mother told Karen that she used to regularly cuckold my father. When Karen shared that with me it made sense of the fact that we had so many 'uncles' visiting when I was growing up. At the time I didn't think anything about it but I did remember seeing my mother coming out of the guest rooms at our hotel wrapped in her robe on many of occasions.

Even after hearing this the penny didn't fully drop as to what my parents got up to with the hotel guests but from that point on my mother and Karen became very pally and she enjoyed chatting to Karen and always wanted to know about her men friends.

Karen didn't tell me about this at the time and how close she had become with my mother and indeed might not have done if we'd not found a small leather suitcase under the bed when we were clearing my mother's things after her death. The silk lingerie it contained was a shock to me but when Karen held it up for examination it just brought a knowing smile to my wife's face.

However, we were both surprised when we opened the envelope we found in the bottom of the case and to see the contents. I hadn't remembered how attractive my mother was in her younger day but seeing the glamour poses of her wearing the lingerie soon brought it back. Looking at the erotic photos I realised they must have been taken by my father and when I shared my suspicion with Karen it prompted her to tell me of my mother's recent confession to her and that she had been a serial cuckoldress.

I'm sure a lot of us think that pornography is a recent phenomenon but those black and white photographs were quite explicit and were obviously taken over a fairly long period of time and when we examined them carefully later featured fourteen different men. Sadly there were no faces but I doubt I would have recognised any of my 'uncles' after so long but it did show that my mother had a very active sex-life when she was cuckolding my father and that it is something that seems to be running in our ******. I was pleased to see how happy my mother was when she was being fucked and, like Karen, she seemed to have a liking for anal sex.

I don't think mother shared too many intimate details about my father but she did confess that she started doing it with other guys not long after they got engaged. This went on all throughout the engagement with my father's consent and that when they eventually got married that one of her friends was also booked into the Metropole Hotel in Blackpool while they were there on honeymoon. It seems that, like me, my father used to love watch guys fuck his wife and enjoyed thinking about it when he masturbated.

In the beginning we were thinking to keep the suitcase and the contents but we soon came to the conclusion that it would be best to shred the photos although we still have the suitcase with its silky contents.

I presume that my mother kept the contents of the suitcase because it held some wonderful memories for her and that in her twilight years she was able recall them thanks to the photos and her conversations with my wife. The fact that we were able to identify that she'd been photographed with so many guys and not just one suggests that it was a long term commitment and as they were all taken in my parents' bedroom my father must have been the photographer.

We held onto the photos for several weeks wondering what to do with them but came to the conclusion that my mother's privacy should be respected and we shredded them. A lasting memory of them was how big my mother's bush was and how happy she looked with a cock fucking into her. We never counted them but there must have been several hundred photos and although not all of the men's faces were on show we thought that there must have been more than 50 different men. It was also clear from my mother's changing hair fashion that they must have been taken over a period of more than 10 years and in two of the sets she was pregnant with me.

I know from our own experience that most of the guys that Karen has met with didn't want an audience and if it was the same for my parents the guys that allowed themselves to be photographed must have been a small proportion of the guys she actually cuckolded him with. Sadly my father died when I was just 21 (like me he was nearly twenty years older than his wife) so his enjoyment of the lifestyle was cut short but it's was good to hear from Karen that my mother approved of my unknowingly following in his footsteps.

With hindsight it would have been good if Karen had asked my mother if she'd ever had sex with my father because from what my mother told Karen and what we discovered after she died it is quite likely that she hadn't. None of the guys in the pictures was wearing a condom but that could just mean she was using some form of IUD and the photographer seem to have had a liking for photographing cream-pies.

It's too late now for DNA to be taken but since I am over 6 feet tall and that my father was actually shorter that my mother who was only 5 and half feet it would seem to indicate that one of the men in the photographs was my real father!

So although they have been consigned to history I still have the vivid memory of my mom's wonderful smile as the cocks were fucking into her and it mimics what I see when I watch Karen ... other than the fact that my wife does not have a huge bush and all the guys she does it with are black!


We've never seen ourselves as being anything other than ordinary. Our only self-indulgence, until recently, was my wife's preference for having sex with blacks instead of me and of course my acceptance of this. There has never been any love or romance involved in these relationships and because they were purely sexual we have been able to enjoy a happy and we believe, successful marriage. So we see ourselves as a perfectly normal couple, who lived what many would see as boringly devoted lives, dedicated to caring for each other, bringing up our children and regular worship at our Church.

Our kids have grown up fully aware of what their parents do and our attitudes have rubbed off on them so that they in turn believe that this is quite a normal lifestyle. We have never disabused them of this and they have developed their own relationships which I suppose to the outside world might appear extraordinary. Let them think what they want; all is well in our world.

Jorge has always been the quiet one and I'm proud to think that he has grown up to be pretty much in my image in so many ways. Physically, he is of my build and height; mentally, he is very bright, intelligent and in his manner he shows the same kind of deference as myself to the female of the species and certainly his mother has no problems from him being anything but an obedient son. (Returning to the physical thing, he has a small cock, just like his ***!)

Emilie is something else. She has always been the boisterous, strong-willed one and, as her mother says, not the sharpest knife in the drawer but smart in her own way. She is taller than her mother (not difficult!) and has grown up with similar attributes which make her a prime target of so many of her male school friends, especially the black ones whom she encourages (just like her mother!) As a father, I should not be commenting to others outside of the ****** how attractive I find her but she is a beautiful girl and I can understand what draws the attention she enjoys.

The pair of them seemed always destined to take different paths in life and it was no surprise that when they finished with high school that Jorge was the one to go off to college to further his education whilst Emilie stayed at home and floundered around a while before settling down as a trainee veterinary nurse at a local surgery looking after the pampered pooches of the well-heeled in the area where we live.

Jorge when to university far from home in the North of England and took no time at all to settle down. One of his first acquaintances was the accommodation officer who allocated him a place in the student halls and it was not difficult for us to understand the attraction when he told us that the lady, Abebi, was black, a motherly type who kept a close watch on him (in her words, 'a polite and likeable young man') during his first year and had a tendency to boss him around; all perfect attributes in his eyes. After 12 months freshman students had to vacate the halls and find accommodation elsewhere and by that time Jorge and Abebi had become firm friends and she offered him the possibility of renting her spare room.

It seems that Abebi had continued to have friends with benefits visiting after our son moved in with her and although she and George developed a close and loving relationship it never included sexual intercourse (even though they eventually shared a room and her bed). It was therefore a bit of a surprise when Jorge announced that he had proposed marriage and been accepted by Abebi.

After their engagement Jorge confessed that he'd told Abebi about the nature of his parents' relationships soon after moving in with her. She had been intrigued but after meeting Karen and me for the first time Abebi decided that if such an arrangement could work for his parents it might work for them too.

I must say that from the day we were first introduced to Abebi we both took to her and since then she and Karen have become close friends and confidants. Their age difference was always apparent and Karen once commented that Jorge reacted like a little boy when he was with Abebi. It is perhaps accentuated by the fact that Abebi could best be described as looking motherly. Our son is 6'3 and in heels she is almost his height and has what is traditionally described as a full figure, childbearing hips and is definitely one 'who must be obeyed'. I was struck by her likeness to some of the black dominatrix I used to serve and I could well imagine Abebi being a success if she'd chosen that line of work!

As I understand it Abebi was our son's first and only girlfriend and he was therefore still a virgin when they met. At some point they decided that he was going to be happier if he remained a virgin and watched her and masturbated rather than risk the humiliation of proving to be sexually inadequate. It was therefore not a huge surprise to hear that her current 'boyfriend with benefits' went on honeymoon with them and that Jorge was still a virgin when they returned home afterwards.

Abebi's boyfriends have never lived in and are always just casual visitors. None seem to mind Jorge watching them and I guess that, just like me, it became a normal thing for him to be getting enjoyment sitting masturbating his tiny cock whilst looking at his wife get pounded by some black stud. Abebi never showed any sense of embarrassment and always had several friends with benefits on the go, more than one of whom was allowed to do it bare. So it was that they were not entirely sure who actually fathered their children but to them it doesn't matter because all three are 'their' children.

When we first met Abebi and witnessed how she treated Jorge I shared my thoughts with Karen that I could see her as being some kind of Black Dominatrix to our son. Karen didn't make too much comment but it did trigger her curiosity to ask, based on my pre-marital past, about what Jorge might have do as a slave to his 'black mistress'. She found most of it amusing until I recounted my experience with Sister Contrary when at the end of our sessions she would 'Queen' me.

Karen had never heard of the expression and I had to explain that the name 'Queening' is a very British concept because I understand that elsewhere the practice is referred to as 'face-sitting' but no matter what it's called I explained based on from my past experience of being trained to accept the golden nectar that to do so clearly defined the relationship. Being Queened, left me in no doubt about my mistress's superiority or dominance and reminded me that she is my Queen and ruler.

I could see that while Karen didn't appear totally convinced by my explanation that she was somewhat intrigued that a woman could have such dominance over her submissive slave. I think she may have also noticed that my little cock was tenting my trousers by the end of my description given I had become quite excited at recalling the memory.

That discussion triggered other memories and we spent quite a pleasant evening recalling how our lifestyle developed. We spoke about the first step of placing an advert in the contacts magazine; of how when Darryl, her first contact, rang the doorbell and she came to the door wearing just a Basque, stockings and heels to welcome him; how he had made no comment but just took her straight to the bedroom and gave her the fucking of her life that she had been gasping for.

She said that when she saw the size of his cock that she was so frantic to have him that any thoughts of making him wear a condom didn't come to mind and being on the pill she took him bare.

I reminded her how after that first time he used to come to the house and when we got to the lounge she would undress him and sit on the sofa to kiss and cuddle while I sat on the chair to watch; how it only seemed a few minutes before she stood astride his thighs and lowered herself onto his black cock in that position called 'reverse-cowgirl' so that she was facing me and we could look at each other as she bounced up and down on Darryl's cock. She reminded me that she used to ask if I liked what I could see; I reminded her that I never said anything but used to just nod while I masturbated and she had to take my nod for a 'yes'.

We spoke of when after she had yet another orgasm that she would get off Darryl and come and kneel in front of where I was sitting and then call for Darryl to come and take her doggy fashion and to fuck her hard. Darryl would start by holding her hips as he fucked his cock into her and she would tell me to grab and pinch her nipples. They are so sensitive but she does love them to be pulled and squeezed. With her encouraging me to pull and pinch harder she would soon be having yet another climax and from the look on Darryl's face and his grunts I knew that he was squirting his load deep inside her. She said that it felt so good; that she had not had such a good fucking or big loads filling her up since she had got engaged to me.

I should have been upset to be reminded that I was incapable of performing the same but I wasn't. I just said that it reminded me just how slutty she could be and how I loved it when after Darryl was done she used to press her face to the carpet and lift her butt and let big globs of his cum ooze out; how she used to tease me by telling me that is how a real man fucks.

When Darryl was fucking her I could see just how much she needed it and she was really loud when they both came. It was a real turn on for me when Darryl would pull his cock out of her pussy, stand up and I saw his cum bubble out from between her lips. She would always pass a comment, I don't remember her exact words but it was something to the effect of that she hoped I could see what her cunt looked like when a real man had fucked her.

We have never made any effort to guide or influence our children's lifestyle choices, it was not something we thought was appropriate and although, as they were growing up, they could understand that Karen must be having sex with the black guys she was meeting it was not something they ever witnessed or we specifically spoke to them about.

As far as Jorge is concerned he has always had a similar temperament to his father so it was no great surprise to discover that he too had realised that you didn't need to copulate to have a happy, loving marriage and that it could still be sexually fulfilling if your wife did it with guys who were more virile and you masturbated instead.

Abebi once told me that she always saw our son as a young and innocent boy and that the fact that he was still a virgin when they met was no surprise at all to her. She'd had friends with benefits for many years before Jorge moved in and as their friendship developed she saw no need to give them up as our son was perfectly happy with that arrangement.

And speaking of 'arrangements' it was at this time that we made new arrangements of our own. With Jorge permanently moved out from his ****** home and Emilie now living with her current boyfriend (black, of course) we had not only empty bedrooms that we could rent but also now had the opportunity to take our lifestyle to a new level; we advertised for a lodger but we were quite specific as to who we wanted to share our house.

Obi is Ghanaian and a medical student at a nearby London Teaching Hospital and ticked all the boxes as far as we were concerned when he answered our advertisement offering accommodation. He had come to England from a well-to-do ****** in Accra to study and to qualify as a Doctor before he goes back home; he has an air of arrogance coupled with a bossy manner that belies his age (he is 22) and it was Karen's delight to discover his qualifications already included having a big fat cock that was forever in need of being attended to.

I had my own reasons to be delighted for until Obi arrived on the scene the guys she met were mostly too shy to have me there in the bedroom when they fucked. Obi had no such inhibitions, indeed he took it as a compliment that I wanted to be there to observe how well a black man could fuck a white woman. That the woman was also my wife seem to give him more of an incentive but he made it clear that he preferred if I was to watch that I did so without disturbing them and that I should go to the bathroom if and when I needed to relieve myself.

Obi like most young men has energy to spare, three or four times a week is never going to be enough so on a regular basis they do it in the evening and in the morning if he doesn't have to rush off to medical school, with extra fucking during the weekends and holidays.

After he had moved in he soon began dictating other rules. It was he who discovered that in the past that there had been times when Karen had made me wear a chastity device to cage my cock. He thought it would be a good idea if I did so again. She told him about my having been 'Queened' in the past by a black mistress. The thought amused him and he said that he would like to see her do that to me. His other 'rule' was that he would only fuck her bareback; in his culture the idea of using a condom was never considered, indeed, it was viewed as being sub-normal.

Before Obi moved in, if we were naked in bed and kissing I was allowed to use my fingers and hands to massage her boobs and nipples and jiggle her clit. If I needed to relieve myself after she'd cum I had to go to the bathroom and masturbate there so as not to leave a wet patch in the bed. Now if I'm watching I have to be quiet and concentrate so that I can see how much she is enjoying herself.

Before Obi moved in we had slept together naked when she didn't have one of her friends staying over. The only time I had to wear the cage was if she was staying away overnight because when she returned home she wanted to see me wank and produce a load for her knowing I had been unable to masturbate in her absence. Now I was being told by Obi that I would have to wear the thing 24/7 and that, "oh, by-the-way, I've decided to fuck my baby into your wife". There was no discussion or consideration as to our views on either matter.

When I realised that Karen was going to let him do it without a condom and that he want to have a baby with her it was like a dream come true. She hadn't given any real thought to the consequences of not using protection until she heard him teasing me about his fucking a baby into her. I was so pleased when she told me that she would let nature take its course and that she would be happy to have a baby with such a fine young man. I was overjoyed about the prospect of becoming a father again so late in life.

Obi on the other hand took a more detached view of fatherhood; I'm registered as the father and Obi's will be returning to Ghana when he's qualified as a Doctor, where his parents have already lined up a wife for him. I understand that his parents have a young girl, the ******** of one of their rich friends, waiting for him to marry when he's finished his studies. So settling down to life in the UK is not an option for him.

When he agreed to move in with us he told Karen that one of his childhood fantasies was to fuck a baby into a white wife and that was why he insisted on doing it bare and unprotected with Karen. Happily for me Karen has enjoyed being a new mother and doesn't see any reason to stop him from fucking more babies into her. Which is exactly what happened; we now have two lovely sons with another on the way.


Meanwhile, whilst all this passion and excitement had been building in our lives so had my underlying health problems. What had started out a few years ago as a prostrate problem and was being treated with drugs had, I was told by my consultant at the annual assessment, spread. He identified a secondary tumour growing in my testicles and whilst another cocktail of drugs could be prescribed to combat the growth his advice was that I would be better served by being castrated.

I think he was surprised at my instant response to follow his advice. He wasn't aware that the idea of being unencumbered from having the useless things dangling between my legs was a very attractive idea indeed.


... to be continued