Chapter 2

We woke in the AM, She was exhausted but I swear she had a glow, an aura of satisfaction and contentment that I haven't seen in a very long time. I had great time. I would say after 9 orgasms she did as well.

We hadn't planned on our outing to the hotel as being an overnighter so we didn't have luggage or any extra clothing. We dressed commando style and stuffed yesterday’s underwear and the Baby doll and the lube in her purse. I disposed the discarded condom and wrapper into the trash and after a quick check around the room we headed out the door.

On the drive home I asked if she wanted to talk about it.

She said, “Not now”.

I asked if that means we'll talk about it later.

She said, "What part of ‘not now’ did you not understand? Let's not start the dance, just let it be".

Great, she’s back into crabby mood already. I agreed and told her I'd leave it to her to bring it up,

She nodded and said she would; promise.

I wasn’t convinced; she lies; she breaks promises and she can't keep a secret, I didn’t trust her. I just mulled over how she had became such an active participant after her previous stonewall attitudes. I changed the subject and asked if she wanted me to stop for breakfast.

She said, “Absolutely not, let’s get home as fast as possible. I keep having what feels like mini-orgasms and I need some privacy.”

I kept looking at her as we drove and watched as her legs kept contracting closed. I reached home and quickly got her into the house then up the stairs and into bed. I laid there with her as the minis continued. She nodded off; I stayed awake.

About an hour later she awoke and the minis were gone. I dressed and left her and got on with the rest of my day.


I had a week to think about what we had done. She hadn’t felt inclined to speak about it so I still didn’t know what her take was on all this.

And what were my thoughts? Hmm, let’s see; in no particular order.

One thing I never anticipated was the short duration of the entire event. From the time we met to the time he walked out and shut the door was just about an hour. In my imagination I had never thought about duration, it had a never-ending surrealistic time that just restarted and replayed over and over again.

The other thing that has stuck with me was to be confounded in my certainty that there would be failure of some kind; that she would bail out at the last minute or make the experience so distasteful and awful that he would leave. Or the other scenario that she would submit by just jumping on the bed legs in the air and tell us to 'just get it over with'. Not only was I wrong but I surprised and bewildered that she dove in by dressing sexy. I was even more staggered that she had prepared by bringing condoms, lube and lingerie. I still can't get my head around that this was in complete contrast to us having had so much fighting to NOT do this.

I am now officially a cuckold and she a hotwife, or is she, does one time make her a hotwife? I don't know. What I do know is the strong suspicions of a number of times she has cheated on me in the past so that does notch her up on that scale although she has denied, then admitted and then recanted her admission. (I did say she lies and breaks promises). So for a fact this is the ONLY time I am sure she had another man since our vows.

I was surprised when she told him to remove the condom as she used high risk possibility of STD as one of her many reasons to not play with others. Once it was off I wasn't surprised that she told him to cum in her as she loves cum, in her and on her.

Did she have a good time? We still haven't yet spoken about it, the ball is in her corner, but I think perhaps her having at least 9 orgasms is a clue, unless of course her body betrayed her.

I imagine he had a good time. He had 2 orgasms and was fully engaged in the event and I saw no indication of displeasure or boredom on his face.

Me? I had a great time. My desire overcame my angst. Watching him enter her for the first time was indescribable and then having her stretched and lubricated by him thereby allowing me to enter her for the first time in years was beyond sublime both physically and emotionally. Having her take me after him was important for me as it meant I wasn't being rejected because of him and for her to be stoking my insecurities. (Does that make sense?)

I did feel bad that I coerced her into violating our wedding vows of fidelity that she professed to take so seriously but seeing the pleasure she received made my guilt fade away. Also I should have felt like a louse, a dirt-bag, that I allowed, no, gave my wife; my life partner; my love; my prize to another man, a stranger no less, for the selfish purpose of satisfying my own self interest. I had hoped, despite her objections that she would enjoy herself as well. The indications that she did enjoy it have since provided me with the justification.

Will there be a repeat? I have no idea. Until we speak, I am clueless.

Do I want a repeat? At this point in time the answer is yes, I think so.

Will I bring it up if she doesn't? Probably.

I no longer have to play the fantasy in my head, I now have the real thing to play. I would love to have taken pictures, better yet video, but that was never going to happen; she doesn't even like me to shoot her in normal life.


Following ‘our adventure’ our sex life went back to what it has been like it has been for many years now, terrible. I had hoped there would be an improvement; that the experience might have sparked a fire, but, no, we’ve returned to that place I thought I had made an escape from.

My emotions are running from one extreme to the other but of her's, I have no idea. She just keeps everything buttoned up and leaves me to make my own interpretations. It seems to me that this is another symptom of what has been ailing her these past few years; these mood swings and being uncommunicative.

She is a collection of contradictions. Sometimes she will resolutely refuse to talk about ‘her past’ but then there have been moments of weakness when she told me she ‘had sex with over 300 different guys probably closer to 500’ (her words not mine) before she met me. She told me that sometimes she had an early date and then later that evening a late date (date is her code word for sex). One time when I asked she insisted that she never had a ‘black boy’ but another time when we were with other people it was during the normal course of conversation that she had boasted that black male class mates would join her at home after school before her parents came home from work. That raised a few eyebrows but when I thought about it afterwards there was no doubt in my mind that she had been having sex with these black guys.

That was then and maybe some of what she let slip was exaggeration but, that’s OK, she was young and single and could do what she wanted but now, after the pious vows of fidelity she made at the altar, I am certain that ‘since marriage’ she has cheated on me twice. Once was about 8 years ago and the second time just a few months ago.

I discovered that first time when I was cleaning her car for her and in the trunk, buried in the bottom of a box of stuff was a plastic bag within which was a tube of lube. I wasn’t shocked finding it for she had my permission to fuck/suck anyone she wanted just as long as when I asked her afterwards she tells me what I wanted to know. My disappointment came when she outright denied doing anything of the sort. I wasn’t convinced and asked many times and even told her she wasn't being honest but every time she went into denial.

Then about 4 years ago without any prompting from me she confessed and said she had done it. I struggled to remember the time frame but she helped me out and reminded me she was going to her chiropractor 2-3 times a week to get treatment for her bad back (another of her symptoms) She said that he wanted to see her everyday as she in such bad shape. At the time I didn't think anything of it but during the 'confession' she asks me if I remember that time period, I say yes.

Then she said she started to play with another patient who she met there. I asked how often. She was her usual evasive self and said not often enough but it was several times a week.

A few times; several times in one day? She wouldn’t say.

I asked her why she stopped and she said because she thought I had found out but I had no idea that this had been going on; how clueless was I?

She said if I didn't say anything she would have continued and added that they were getting ready to include his friends to their playtime.

My jaw dropped and I asked why she hadn’t considered doing the 'friends' thing with us.

Her response was, “Because I live with you.” I never did understand that answer.

Later on she denied everything, the infidelity and even denied making the confession. A full recant and once again I was left with the suspicion that I was now living with a schizophrenic who has a bad back!

The latest indiscretion was a few months back. Our bathroom toilet was blocked and I plunged it over several days trying to free it up and finally a freshly used condom pops to the surface.

However, unbeknownst to me she had already called a plumber to remedy the problem and he had called when I had been out at work

I brought the subject up of how a condom came to be in our toilet as I don’t use them. She denied knowing anything.

Not good enough; I asked for a reasonable explanation how that got into our plumbing, again she says she has no idea. I kept pressing on, telling her I didn't care if she fucked anyone but I did care about her honesty.

Finally after putting the full court press on her for quite some time she admitted that she did it. She said, "After you went to work, I called a plumber to clear the toilet. They said he'd be here about 10:00am. I was feeling horny and figured I had plenty of time to please myself and rub one out.

“At about 9:15 the door bell rang unexpectedly, I was pissed, it interrupted my playtime. I got up threw on some clothing and answered the door. It was the plumber, he said his prior appointment cancelled so he figured he'd show up early. I took him and his helper through our bedroom to our bathroom but in my haste to answer the door I left my toys on the bed, My Magic Wand and glass dildo, I'm sure they both got a good glance at them.

“The plumber sent his helper to go and get tools. When he was out of the room the plumber asked if he interrupted me and I told him he did. He asked if I got to finish and I told him no, I didn't as I felt my face turn red.”

I looked at her as she spoke trying to figure out if she was telling me the truth. I said, “Then what?”

“He told me to go ahead and finish while they worked on the toilet. I told him if I was to finish I might as well use the real thing. He told me that would work. I pulled off my top, dropped my sweats jumped into bed and told him OK, let's go. I was so horny I could barely see straight.”

She turned her head I guess to gauge my reaction but I knew better than to interrupt. She carried on, “He stripped and got into the bed with me. He was already stiff so I reached for a box of condoms and offered one but told him I really prefer bareback; he declined the rubber. He got on top of me and entered me in one shove.

“As he was fucking me the helper came in, he saw what was happening and said he'd wait in the truck, I told him to join in. He stripped as well and jumped on the bed. I sucked the helper as the plumber fucked me. He fucked me to a few good orgasms then unloaded inside me then the helper took over.

“He took a condom from the box on the end table, rolled it on and he went to work on me. as the helper fucked me I sucked the plumber and soon he came in my mouth and I swallowed it all. At the same time the helper filled the condom and I matched both with an orgasm of my own. I was amazed that the plumber was still hard and he got it up again and then we all came together. The helper got rid of his condom in the toilet. The plumber looked at his watch and said they had to go they had another appointment."

She had delivered her ‘account’ in a robotic monotone which gave me doubts as to whether she was telling me the truth or if this was just another one of her lies but the evidence was there, a tied- up condom filled with someone else’s cum so I had to believe they fucked my wife. I wasn’t sure if I was annoyed about that or I if I was more upset that they never even fixed the damn toilet.

Later I went back to the bedroom to do a bit more checking as I had been wondering where the condom might have came from as we don't use any. I remembered that quite a while back I was going on a business trip and I had bought a box; not for my use but as an encouragement to her invite someone home to share the bedroom and to have a good time while I was away. She didn’t, or so she said.

I opened the drawer on her nightstand and tucked at the back was the same box. I lifted the lid to look and, sure enough, there were only 5 left; 7 were missing.

Seven; had she actually ‘cucked’ me seven times?

I went downstairs and asked her but she denied it; then she denied the ‘plumber story’, denied it ever happened; denied telling me the details. She said that if she actually did fuck someone else she wouldn't tell me and if she told me the details as I claimed, she would probably have made it up to shut me up from constantly asking about it.

I was totally confused and really didn’t know what to believe. I was also beginning to have doubts about her mental condition.


A week after the meeting at the hotel and that significant three-some she asked me if we had plans for the coming weekend. (Not sure why she had to ask for we never usually have anything on our schedule other than watching TV.) After I told her we didn't, she told, not ‘ask’, but told me to contact him and see if he's available.

I asked if she was serious and she made some snarky reply that equated to ‘Yes’.

I asked if she wanted to talk about it but she said as far as she's concerned there’s nothing to talk about, this says it all.

Wow, I haven’t even had to make any mention and here she is taking control and doing what I’ve been badgering for so long. OK, I told her but it wouldn't be the Hyatt again, our budget wouldn't allow it and I would have to find a much cheaper motel.

She said, “Forget the motel, I’m thinking here.”

I reminded her one of her rules when we first discussed this thing was 'not in our home'. She then reminded me that she also told me she wouldn't have sex with anyone else but she had and that things change; that I should get used to it.

I thought about it and how that would work and said, “OK, he could stay in the spare bedroom.”

She said, “No, that he can share our bed and we’ll have him here for dinner as well.”

Wow, what a turnaround; what a surprise. I said, “OK”.

I sent him an e-mail inviting him for dinner and ‘entertainment’.

He wrote back that he'd love to but it was a long drive afterwards.

I told him he'd be able to spend the night.

He wrote back that he would be there with pleasure.

I gave him directions and as we live in a gated senior community gave him the code for the gate.

He arrived as expected and I think we all felt a little awkward as we ate the BBQ I'd prepared. After we had eaten the atmosphere still seemed thick and very tense so I put on a movie to lighten things up, a comedy, and it worked. We made jokes along with the movie; they both had drinks (I don't indulge in alcohol and had an iced tea) but it all seemed to ease the unnecessary tension we then had ice cream as an after dinner dessert with Amaretto by which time we all seemed to be the best of friends.

When we were done she stood up from the couch and took our hands and guided us to our bedroom saying, "The night isn't getting any younger". As we entered the bedroom she excused herself saying that she needed to 'freshen up' and how she was looking forward to a repeat of our first night!

She emerged from our dressing room wearing the same 'baby doll' as last time and we went straight into the same scenario as before.

We repeated the best we could and helped her achieve the same 9 orgasms. This time we had no need to go through the charade of offering to use a condom, he had no need to roll a rubber on as he has already had her bareback and so bareback it was.

I have no idea why she wanted a repeat of the same scenario, perhaps she felt more comfortable playing out a familiar performance.

When he and I were spent we laid down on either side of her our softening cocks slimy with our combined juices. She ignored us both and reached up to the shelf above the headboard and pulled down her Magic Wand and masturbated herself to 3 more orgasms.

We just laid back and enjoyed the show. When she was done we all fell asleep.

A few hours later I was awoken by feeling the bed rocking, I looked over to see her riding him and them fucking.

I reached over to touch her; she took my hand without breaking stride and placed it on my stiffening cock. It was yet another surreal scene, my wife fucking another guy as I laid next to them in our bed masturbating.

I had no idea how long they had been at it but I took some lube in my hand and went about it. The sex was exciting to watch, to see him kneading her nipples and rubbing her clit was great. What wasn't so great for me was when she leaned down and kissed him. It didn't seem like a sex kiss but instead a connection kiss and that bothered me.

He announced he was cumming and he thrusted harder, deeper and faster and she matched his movements riding faster and harder matching his orgasm with one of her own. I couldn't hold back and unloaded a puddle of cum onto my chest and stomach.

She collapsed on him laying flat on his chest his arms around her mostly holding her butt checks as she kissed him with me watching still holding my shrinking cock.

After a few minutes she slid off him with a popping sound and reached up to the head board and took down another 'cum towel' and put it between her legs. She then moved down the bed, repositioned and licked and sucked him clean. She took the soggy towel from between her legs, tossed it toward me and told me to clean myself up.

Satisfied that I had done what she asked she again repositioned and laid down between us. She can't lie on her side but her position definitely favored him and I was left looking at more of her back as she laid in his cradled arm. It was if I was a bystander; I wasn't happy.

I glanced at the clock, it had gone past midnight. We all fell asleep.

I awoke at about 5:30 to them fucking again. She was on her back and he was driving her with a steady rhythm. She had her legs locked around his legs, her hands around his back. He was alternating sucking her nipples and kissing her. He repositioned himself on his knees still in her. He continued thrusting; he alternated between rubbing her clit and tweaking her nipples. She did the same, when he was on her clit she was on her nipples and when he went to her nipples she went to her clit.

She told him to make her cum again. On hearing her say that, I reached over and touched her left nipple. She turned her head and saw that I was awake and she reached out to me and began tweaking my nipple as well and then she said she wanted to suck my cock. With difficulty I repositioned myself (us seniors aren't very limber) and she sucked my cock as I tried to face fuck her but she made it very clear that I wasn’t in control.

She told me to cum, I said I wasn't ready.

She repeated with more force saying, "I told you to cum".

I conjured up all my fantasies in my mind and dribbled my load in her mouth which she willingly swallowed. That triggered another orgasm for her.

He pulled out of her and stroked his cock unloading on her abdomen and stomach. Like me he's a dribbler but unlike me. he was still firm and when he was done milking the last drop he re-entered her. I lay back down and rubbed my now limp dick hoping for a resurrection watching as they fucked yet again.

Ah, to be young and virile; I remember those days.

It only took a few minutes and he was again cumming this time in her sweet pussy. The reward was another orgasm for her. When he was done he pulled out and moved up to her mouth where she cleaned him up. He got out of bed and got her another cum towel from the headboard. She ignored the offer and instead she reached for her Magic Wand and went to work on herself.

He asked if he could shower and I told him of course he could and he went off to the bathroom leaving me to lay there as she masturbated using his cum as lube. Sure enough a few minutes later she had another orgasm.

She put the vibe aside and got out of bed and using a walking stick for support went into the bathroom. She left the doors open to the bedroom which allowed me to see what was going on. I watched as she got into the shower, knelt down and sucked his cock. He stopped washing and put his hands on the shower stall wall and let her suck him. A few minutes later I heard him cum; knowing her I am sure she swallowed every drop.

He kissed her and exited the shower. He dried, came back into the bedroom, preened and worked on getting dressed. I had been watching the entire scene and when he returned I took that as my cue to go and take his place and tried to get into the shower with her. Before I could put my hands on her she stopped me and told me to just wash her back. I tried to touch her pussy; more firmly she said, "Just my back." I did as she asked.

When done she got out and dried herself by wrapping the towel around herself leaving me standing in the shower. Through the misted glass I watched as they met in the bedroom. He had finished dressing and was making ready to leave but she went to him, unwrapped her towel and hugged him giving him a deep kiss. It looked odd, him dressed; her naked. I got out of the shower and joined them in the bedroom.

When they separated she re-wrapped her towel and he thanked both us making a point of thanking me for sharing her. She gave a snort and told him that she had shared herself and that I had nothing to do with it. He looked bemused as he made his way out.

The front door had only just clicked shut when she unwrapped the towel once more, got onto the bed and spread her legs telling me, "you have permission to fuck me now". If he had been bemused at her behaviour, I was dumbfounded, this was the first time that she had ever, ever taken this tack.

To say I was confused would be an understatement but to add 'insult to injury' I couldn't get it up; my cock stayed soft.

She told me to ‘take a pill’, her code for Viagra, I reminded her that it takes 45-60 minutes to work and then has a 2-3 hour window of opportunity. She said, “That’s too bad then.”

I got on the bed and made to go down on her. She stopped me saying the permission was for fucking only. Holy shit, WTF is happening here?

She gave me a withering look and got up. I followed suit and we dressed for the day.

When done I asked her if she wanted to talk yet. She asked rhetorically, "what is there to talk about?"

This was excruciating. I felt like I was being treated as some kind of an afterthought and she doesn't want to talk?

She left me in the bedroom leaving me with my thoughts. The visions of the past few hours passed through my mind and I stirred at thinking about the hot sex they had enjoyed as I lay alongside watching. Then I thought about their kissing and that wasn’t such a good feeling. I thought I didn't have a jealous bone in my body but I was wrong. Add to the ever increasing snarky remarks, the sarcasm and her general negative demeanor towards me and I concluded that I was not enjoying this as much as I had hoped.

However, she seems be taking it all in stride as if it’s nothing more significant than a manicure, she's completely blasé and treating it as inconsequential. From my point of view, she deserves it, our sex life hasn't given either of us any satisfaction in recent years and if she is now getting some pleasure then that’s alright with me.

I’m still bugged about the kissing though. When I'm excited all is good and the kissing part is OK but after I cum things change drastically. It's been twice now that she has given him those deep passionate kisses as if she was in love with him and denying me the same as if to say she doesn’t love me. I can't say my attitude has changed; she doesn't know my inner feelings as we haven't as yet talked about what's happening.

Truth be told this whole thing had turned into a roller coaster ride for me and, like a roller coaster ride, each time it gets a little more comfortable with the highs and low evening out until it becomes a mundane ride. Of course two rides aren’t very many to base this theory AND I do really want to enjoy the ride.

We DO need to talk, desperately. The longer it waits the more anxious I become.
