Chapter 6

Sunday about 10:30 I received a text from the Bartender ‘Is she available now’. I woke her and told her about the text.

She took a minute or so to get her bearings then she asks, “When?”

I tell her, “now”.

She says, “yes, tell him just him and you."

She works her way out of bed as I text back, "yes, just you and me."

I then call in a pass for him and about 10:45 he's at the door.

I let him in and we shake hands. When we get into the bedroom she's lying on her stomach with her hips supported by several pillows covered with the pad, her ass in the air. He says he doesn't do anal; she says, “Neither do I.”

We both strip and she hands him the lube. He lubes up both himself and then her. In a flash he's onto the bed and sliding in her from behind.

It was a different vantage point for me than in the past and it was amazing watching her push her bottom up to meet his thrusts. In only minutes she's cumming; he doesn't slow down driving his cock in her like a machine and straightaway she has another orgasm. Then it's his turn. He announces he's cumming and his fucking becomes a squishing sound as I see his cum starting to be pushed out of her.

He pulls out of her and I see his cum flow out as he continues to cum on her ass and pussy. She moans disappointment and he drives his still hard cock back into her. She purrs approval and cums again but this time it’s bigger and better than the prior two.

He's fucking her relentlessly working his own cum into a frothy foam then he lowers himself on her and I can see him whispering in her ear. She says, “Yes, yes” over and over, louder and louder until she cums yet again. Moments later he's also cumming for a second time and like before he unloads part in her and part on her.

She's a cummy mess but tells him not to stop. He's still hard and the moment he drives his still hard cock back in her she has another orgasm.

He's back to whispering in her ear; I have no idea what he's saying but she's saying yes and yeah over and over and she's having what seems like one long continuous orgasm.

I haven't seen or heard her like this in many years, since when I used to be the instigator. Now I’ve been replaced by the bartender. Truth be told he's half my age and as much as I think I should be jealous I can't be, it's not his fault, it's the fault of mother nature.

He's fucking her like a machine, his cum has saturated the pad. He has her so excited it's a world class pleasure to see. Then he lifts off of her and drives into her one last time and cums yet again deep inside of her. I'm not sure whether it triggers another orgasm or just intensifies the orgasms she's already having. Either way he unloads yet another cum bomb in her and on her.

As soon as he pulls out she tells me to get in her. I have her move slightly so I can remove the cum soaked pad and wipe her somewhat clean. Though I've really been enjoying her cum filled pussy, he is just over the top.

Anyway, I slide right in her and start going at it. Fortunately I'm a tad bigger than is he or all that natural lube would negate the feeling of my penetration. As I continue to fuck her well used pussy he's cleaning himself up and dressing and already going out of the door as we cum together. I just lay on her and catch my breath until she can't take my weight anymore.

She says she's hungry so I get up, clean myself, dress and make us something to eat. It's barely 11:30, she's been well fucked; getting well fed and we still have the day ahead of us.

We go to the movies and she's all smiles and happy, which makes me happy.

We leave the movie and are heading to a friend's house for dinner when she gets a text from the Bartender, one word ‘Now?’

She tells me to head home and to call our friends to say we're going to be a little late.

I ask what's wrong, she says nothing; he's gonna meet us there. She texts him back.

We drove home and when we got there he was waiting.

I let her out and parked up. They had already entered the house by the time I got out of the car so I headed straight to the bedroom. When I get there she's got her pants off one leg around her ankle she's bent over the dresser and he's already in her.

Within 5 minutes she's already had one orgasm and he's cumming, dripping his cum onto her pants around her ankle. He continues to fuck her to another orgasm and cums again dripping even more onto her pants, needless to say she's going to need to put something else on!

He pulls out saying he's got to go; I toss him a towel; he cleans up, puts pants back on and he's gone out of the door in a flash.

She tells me to get in her but I have to disappoint her and say, “Sorry honey, it isn't possible.”

She says, “OK but I’m still horny, very horny...” but gets a clothing refresh and we leave.

We drove out and found somewhere to eat. After dinner as soon as we're in the car she says she'd like to visit the Distillery. I remind her it's Sunday night.

She says she's ‘still horny, please’. As usual I acquiesce.

20 minutes later I'm unloading her walker from the trunk. We head to the bar and, yes, the Bartender’s on duty.

The place seems to be rather busy for a Sunday night. I'm no expert but I'd have imagined less people.

He greets us and asks if we're here for drinks or something else; she says ‘something else’. He brings back our usual, on the house of course, and tells her it's kind of busy but he thinks he can create a secure spot in the storage room and that she should follow him.

She looks at me for approval and I nod ... of course. She follows him.

Customers are stacking up at the bar and the other bartender asks where he went. I shrug my shoulders.

He picks up his phone and few minutes later our bartender reappears. Shortly thereafter he’s followed by my wife. She says he’s set-up a small area in the store room behind the boxes with a cardboard makeshift 'bed' and a stack of bar napkins. He has given her the door combination.

He rushes over and tells her he's sorry, it's just too damn busy but he'll take care of her, that she can use the storeroom if she likes.

A few minutes later a guy saunters over and says the bartender sent him.

She asks her standard questions except for the last name.

He answers and she says, “OK, follow me”. She takes her walker and he follows.

15 minutes later she returns and says, “That was quick but fun.”

I ask if she's ready to go home. She says, “Hell no I’m just getting started”. She leans over and whispers in my ear, "I told you I was a whore."

Another guy comes over looking a bit scared and says the bartender sent him. The same routine, he follows her.

About 10 minutes later our bartender comes over and tells me to text her to stay there. As I’m texting I see him head away from the bar with another guy in tow.

About 30 minutes pass, I'm starting to worry but then she texts and says she's on her way back. She returns with a big smile on her face. She finished her drink and says, "Time to go." She calls the bartender over, kisses his cheek and says, “Thanks”. We leave.

On the way home I ask her if she has had her horniness satisfied yet. She says, “Somewhat”. She asks if I want the details, I said of course.

She said she was a bit nervous being in an unfamiliar place but the bartender assured her it was OK and she trusted him. The first guy was just as nervous but once inside rose to occasion. She was on her back and he fucked her to only one orgasm before his own. They dressed and she headed back.

The next guy was just as nervous; he didn't last long but she did get off before he came in her. Just when she was about to get up she got my text, she was laying there pussy agape, cum leaking out when the door opened and the bartender led the next guy in. She said he lasted a bit longer and she had a couple of very nice orgasms, he wasn't nervous at all. After he came he thanked her profusely. She cleaned up with the bar napkins, they dressed and left.

She said all in all it was a pretty good night, she got laid 6 times from 5 different guys had dozens of orgasms was filled do the brim with fresh cum and even got to fuck her sometimes impotent husband.

I told her that statement hurt.

She apologized saying she didn't mean it to be hurtful. She said I could have her when we got home if I was up to it.

I told her she didn't need to add that last part.

She reminded me that I'm getting what I asked for, that I wanted a whore wife and now I have one.

We got home, and got into bed. Sure enough I wasn't able to get hard enough to get in her, and she didn't want to suck a limp dick, so she used her Magic Wand on me until I orgasmed.

We went to sleep.


Monday turned out to be another interesting day in our journey. In the morning she registered for LLI (Lifelong Learning Institute), basically continuing education for seniors, classes held are at the local college alongside regular college academics. Turns out it's Sharon's MO. Not only are there concurrent classes there is also a cafeteria (the Sand Bar) where all generations mingle. This is one of the schools that abut our community.

Late afternoon I get a text from her asking if we have plans tonight. By now I know that that means ‘she's got a hook-up’. At this point I have no information. I tell her no we don't, she says we do now and tells me to be home about 5:00pm. I do as I am told.

She's in a robe and tells me ‘he's’ going to be here any minute. I assume it's the bartender. The door bells rings, she says she'll answer it and for me to go to the bedroom and get ready.

She enters with a new guy, young guy, a very young guy. He sees me and freaks out. She tries to calms him down and reminds him that she had told him that she's married and her husband will there. He says he thought she was joking.

Guess what! She calmed him down and disrobes but he's having trouble getting it up. She gets on her knees and sucks his cock. He proclaims this has never happened before. (Like we've never heard that before!)

He's still having trouble so nods to toward me and she asks, “If he leaves the room would that help?” He says probably. She looks at me; I leave and shut the door.

I try listening but can't hear a thing. About 5 minutes later he comes out with a smile on his face. Success, I think to myself.

I enter the bedroom, she's on her back with cum leaking from her. I think about doing a cleanup but I am hard and don’t want to miss the chance and I slide into her as fast as I can. She cums with me.

I roll off of her. She tells me that he wasn't very experienced but had a lot of enthusiasm. I question his age knowing how she feels about younger guys, she says she's past that and tells me about how she enrolled in OLLI and then picked him up.

The story ends with her telling me with a smile, “School has so much young cock for me”.

I think she views the college as her own private stud lot.

She nods off and I got up to go and prepare dinner.


It was Tuesday and she called me about 2:30 asking if I can come home. By now I know what that means and I no longer assume it's the bartender.

We talk and, sure enough, she's at the college and has arranged a hook-up between his classes. I apologize that I can't get home.

She asks if she can take him home alone. Of course I say yes.

When I get home a few hours later, I asked how it was; she says, “It was OK”. She added that she had forgotten how quick young guys can be and, to top it all off, he insisted on a condom.

She said she wasn't in any mood to talk about it anymore. I gave her the space she needed.

We went on with the rest of our evening as a ‘normal’ couple.

Normal? Hotwife and cuckold certainly isn't normal; being a whore wife and enabler certainly isn't normal.


The following day, Wednesday, and we’re eating dinner when Sharon calls. I can only hear one part of the conversation but my wife says to her, “Hold on,” and then asks me if tonight is OK to have someone over?

I ask her if I'm included and once again ‘hold on’ and she asks Sharon.

They chat for a few minutes then she turns to me and says, “Yes”.

I ask if I am a participant or a spectator; she asks Sharon.

Another few minutes pass; she says it's my choice, he's cool either way.

She hangs up and says he'll be here in about 30 minutes so she needs to shower and get ready. I tell her I'll clean up after dinner. She gives me a big kiss, hug and thank you.

While she's in the shower I ask her why can't Sharon do him. She says she only plays Fridays.

I say maybe we should set a similar rule.

She says we'll need to talk about that before I think too seriously about that idea.

30 minutes later the door bell rings and from the bedroom she yells that she'll answer it. She appears in the baby doll, (the only sexy lingerie she has) and rolls to the door. I look surprised; she knows why and says, “Sharon says it's what he likes”.

She lets him in, they do an air kiss. He's about 6'2, maybe 40-45, handsome, actually very handsome. She has a smile that goes from ear to ear.

He looks her over and compliments her on her nails. She loves it when someone notices the small details. He's a charmer I think to myself. She tells us to follow her to the bedroom.

As soon as we're in the bedroom she turns and embraces him engaging in a very deep kiss. Deep and what seems like a passionate kiss.

I thought I was over the kissing thing but no I’m NOT!

She reaches down to his crotch, cups his clothed package and says that it feels nice that he's ready. She undoes his pants and lowers them taking the opportunity to get on her knees at the same time.

HOLY MOLY Batman. Let’s talk about being hung! Apparently even handsome men are cursed with mini-dicks. I look at him and I don't think the guy is more than 4" and he's fully erect. I see the look of disappointment on her face. She's not a size queen but this ..... !

She takes it between her fingers, not in her hand and says, "How cute" followed by her lips. She sucks him but he doesn't get any bigger. After a few minutes of sucking she removes the lingerie and gets on the bed and spreads her legs open. He follows suit but goes down on her, licking and sucking her pussy. I get onto the bed as well and try to rub my cock to life. This she's enjoying a whole lot. She has her 1st orgasm. He stops for a moment, picks his head up and says he may not have a big cock but he can eat pussy like nobody's business, he stick his tongue out, man it's bigger than his cock. He goes back to work on her generating a 2nd orgasm. She holds his head and tells him to wait a minute. He has his tongue in her and is wiggling it about and I have a great vantage point. She cums again this time clamping her legs around his head and shoulders trapping him in her crotch, she has the 3rd orgasm shakes. She's in good place.

She tells him that she wants to suck him off, for him to climb up on the bed. He does as instructed and they engage in a kiss, she has never had a problem tasting herself. She tells me to fuck her. I get between her legs as she's sucking his cock. Try as I may I can't get in her. He announces his orgasm, she doesn't release his cock. I'm pumping my cock as fast as I can. He cums in her mouth as I cum on her pussy.

He pulls out of her mouth and she tells me to lick her clean. I do as I am told. If she had waited just a few more minutes I wouldn't/couldn't for I always suffer from 'post orgasm blues'.

He's laying on the bed next to her as I lick my cum from her pussy (not the first time), as I look up he's rubbing his dick to no avail. She's pinching her nipples. I get more aggressive until she has another orgasm.

When it's over I get up. He's still soft. I'm soft, she's had 4 orgasms. We're done! He gets up and dresses, I walk him to the door. She covers up and goes to sleep.

I know that my 'kissing' concern is just bullshit that I need to get over.


Thursday she calls about 4pm and asks when I'm gonna be home. I tell her about 5 or so. She says, "we have a playmate coming over,” it wasn’t lost me on me that she said ‘we’. Interesting words as this has been about her not me, any selfish interest I may have had faded away almost a dozen and a half lovers ago.

Anyway, as usual I say OK and ask who it is.

She asks does it really matter.

I tell her yes and no.

She says, “It's a hook-up from the bartender”.

I arrive home a few minutes earlier than expected, literally just a moment before he arrives.. As I get off my motorcycle a car approaches looking for house numbers. He sees it and pull into the driveway. I wait for him, we say hello and I escort him into the house. Once in I tell him, “Please wait here I'll see if she's ready.”

She's just getting out of the shower and I tell her he's here. She asks me to entertain him for a few minutes so I go back out and try to make small talk. It's always awkward.

He sees my awkwardness and comments about it, that he can understand how uncomfortable I must be making small talk with a guy who's gonna have sex with my wife in a few minutes.

I agree.

He comments that I must be new to this.

I agree, he says I'll get used to it and tells me he used to be a cuckold as well and it took quite a while until it became second nature and then it was like wearing an old shoe. We chuckle.

She rolls out of the bedroom towel around her. They greet each other and she guides us in the bedroom.

She asks him if he's OK with the 3 of us, he says he's OK with whatever she wants.

She gets on the bed and spreads her legs and start rubbing herself. He takes out a condom from his pants and holds it up for all to see, she balks, he says he doesn't do uncovered very often especially with someone new.

He and I strip and I see he is big, very big maybe 8", 9" or even 10", not very thick but definitely long. I see a problem. She doesn't like big, let me rephrase, she doesn't like long; she likes fat dicks.

He rolls on the condom and it covers maybe 2/3 of the length of his shaft. He approaches the bed. She closes her legs, and says, "holy shit, you ain't gonna get that in me." He says sure I can.

She restates it a bit differently, “you may be able to but I'm not gonna let you.”

He's shocked he says all women love his big cock.

She says, “yeah it's big and I've seen bigger but it's not a turn-on for this whore. It hurts and I have more pain than I can handle thank you.”

He asks what the problem is and she tells him it hurts when a big dick bottoms out.

He says he will control his thrusting.

She says, “That's what they all say”.

He says, “Trust me”

She says, “OK, let's try it”.

She hands him the lube and he applies a generous amount on him and her. I watch as he guides his very long cock into her. A few moments and short strokes and she says she's ready. I watch and rub my cock and he rhythmically fucks her. Until he goes too deep and she yells with pain and pushes him off and out of her. She says, “I trusted you!”

He apologies and says he didn't think she was that shallow. He'll do shorter strokes. She says you have one more chance. He re-enters her and picks up where he left off. Again he bottoms out and again she pushes him off and out and tells him no more. He apologies and pleads for one more chance. She refuses.

He says he can't just leave with a hard-on like that; she says, “You won't.”

She calls me onto the bed and tells him to remove the condom. We both comply, each on a side of her. She has a cock in each hand rubbing us. He is rubbing her pussy. I slide up and kiss her knowing how much she enjoys kissing hoping this will help her over the top.

He changes position and puts his cock to her mouth, I start to pull away but she holds my head there. She takes him in her mouth and then she takes his cock and puts it into my mouth. He doesn't pull away.

I suck his cock as she rubs the shaft, basically jerking him off. She makes no motion or effort to take it back. I'm afraid he's gonna stick it so deep in my mouth that he'll gag me so I wrap my hand around the shaft to limit his penetration. She's still rubbing his cock, 2 hands, the wonder of a long dick.

His moaning increases and he says, “If we keep this up I'll cum.”

She tells him she wants him to cum in my mouth; she tells me I better swallow it all. Not a minute later he has an orgasm filling my mouth with his warm load; his hand still on her pussy, his orgasm triggered hers. I swallow every spurt. He seemed to have absolutely no problem with being serviced by a man.

Here's the disclaimer. I've sucked a lot of dick, though to the best of knowledge she's only aware of one time which was at her suggestion.

After he cums he pulls his cock out of my mouth and moves off the bed. He starts to dress and asks if he can come back in the future.

She says that she's sorry but she's not interested.

He says, “I was asking your husband not you.”

She looks a bit dejected and he says he's sorry that it didn't work out for her that they could have had a good time. Then he asks again. Before I get to answer she says, “Sure I don't see why not.”

He looks at me asking if she's right. I say, “Sure why not?”

He finishes dressing and I walk him to the door.

When I get back to the bedroom, she's masturbating. I love when she masturbates.

I say, “We need to talk.”

She says, “Not now.”

I agree and suggest we talk tomorrow (Friday) night.

She says she has plans with Sharon.

I tell her she didn't tell me.

She says, “Now you know.”

I tell her, “We need to talk TOMORROW” with more insistence.

She repeats that she has plans. I ask her what's more important us talking or her time with Sharon. There's silence, a huge pregnant pause. I ask her, “Well?”

She says she's thinking; that Sharon has a new guy coming especially for her. I tell her to cancel it, “We need to talk”.

She says maybe we can talk early and she'll delay the playtime till later on.

I ask her to please cancel that this may impact that.

She grumbles and reminds me that this is what I wanted, but agrees to my 'terms'. She puts her toys aside saying, “You’ve ruined it,” covers up and says she's tired and needs sleep.

I ask about dinner, she says she'll have yogurt then nods off.


Friday she blew off our talk and went to Sharon's to meet the new guy.

When she got home I wasn't happy and she knew it, I asked how it went.

She said she didn't want to talk about it.

I said that I guess it went bad.

She said not to read anything into it, she just doesn't want to talk about it.

I asked, “How about later?”


I let it be.


The sexual energy in our house is palpable. Yesterday was exactly 2 months and she's had sex with 20 different men. It's easy to see how see accumulated a youthful portfolio of 500+.

Due to a medication change she's on a bit of an involuntary hiatus. Mostly bed-ridden. She commented that she'll have to make up for this lost time.

Yesterday was another in bed day alone, even refusing a visit from the bartender but she was horny last night and I watched as she used her glass dildo and Magic Wand to several orgasms. Then she turned attention toward me until I had one then she when back to herself for a few more.

I have no idea what is on the horizon for her, for us, but it has put life back into our dead relationship.

I highly recommend this lifestyle.

Without ever being familiar with or meaning of the term cuckold, I knew what I wanted, It was many years ago, when in a moment of weakness she told me of the hundreds of men she'd been with. I listened and had an unassisted orgasm filling my tighty whiteys!

I took decades to get her to be a hotwife overnight.

Sometimes I can't determine who's having more fun: him, her or me. This lifestyle certainly isn't for everyone but it is for us.

If I had to do over our wedding vows instead of ‘Will you love him, comfort him, honor, and keep him in sickness and in health’ it would say, ‘Will you cuckold him, hotwife for him, include him, and keep him sexually satisfied in sickness and in health’.


Monday and she was finally feeling a little better and managed to get out of bed. While sitting and watching TV her phone rang. I can only hear one side of the conversation.

"Hi...." and from her demeanour I know it's the bartender.

He obviously asked how she was feeling. Her response, "Lousy."

The conversation went on and I had no problem guessing what he was asking as I listened to her.

"I'd love to but I'm just not up to it tonight, I'm just not feeling well...

"Maybe by Thursday...

"Keep them on ice, I don't want to miss them...

"How many do you have in mind?...

"I'm not sure I'm ready for that amount BUT I'm, not sure I'm not ready either...

"I'll talk it over with my husband...

"Let's touch base Wednesday or Thursday....


When she got off I didn't say a word, she said, “I guess you're wondering.”

I said, “I am.”

She filled in the blanks and told me what he said.

"How are you?"

"Are you up for some sex tonight?"

"When will you be ready?"

"I have 4 guys that are looking for a sure thing."

"And I have a few friends that want to join me with you."

"4 friends."

"So what do you think?"

"And about later in the week?"

"OK. let's then, bye."

Then she asked me what I thought about him and his friends. I knew this was going to come up but didn't think it would be so soon.

She asked me outright, "do you think I can handle 5 guys?"

I was a bit taken aback, hell I'm her fucking husband and she asks a question like that as if I'm Dear Abby. Stupid me I answer like Dear Abby. I ask her if she's thinking of group sex or a gang bang.

She asks, “What’s the difference?”

I told her in my opinion group sex is all at once, gang bang is one after another; concurrent vs. sequential.

She said she never thought about it like that before. She said she really didn't know but obviously she'd need to give it some thought.

I asked her about the talk we were supposed to have had last Friday. She said she wasn't up for it yet. I asked that we please do so before any more sex with others. She said she'd do her best to accommodate my request.

We went back to watching TV.


Come Wednesday and she feels better and so did her extracurricular activities escalate.

Thursday she has the bartender coming over about 3pm.

Saturday one of the bartender's 4 contacts turns up.

Sunday the other 3 come by. The first at 11am, #2 at 1pm and #3 at 5pm.

The following Friday she has a night setup with Sharon and she already said she'd be at the college a few times next week. She said I was welcome to be involved at all 'sessions' except for Sharon’s as she didn't know if I could be a participant or spectator.

She promised we would talk later today and we did when, here's the kicker, she told me she had heard from Mr. Long dick. He told her he was interested in a blow job. She said she had no open time for him. He said he was not interested in her, he was interested in me taking care of him. She said she told him she didn't see why not but he should talk to me directly.

Wonder if I should do it or not. She has no idea about my cock-sucking hobby. Not sure I should involve her or continue to keep it secret.


It was Wednesday evening after dinner and I said, "Are you ready to talk?"

Her response was hardly positive, "Not really, but let's get it over with."

"I'm not sure I like the way this is going."

“In what way?"

"I think in every way."

"That's a pretty wide brush stroke, don't ya think?"

"Yeah, it is, but there are so many things that I'm disturbed about. And I think I've been pretty accommodating. I haven't said no yet."

"No you haven't yet, but it sounds like you're going to now. I want to remind you that you wanted this, YOU wanted this. You wanted your wife to be a whore and now she is."

I asked, "Why do you keep throwing that up in my face?"

"I never want you to forget."

"Truly, I won't."

"You're right, you won't, I won't let you forget."

"I sure hope you'll stop reminding me."

She wouldn’t let go,"Dream on, hope is good, it's an admirable goal."

"Now you're being snarky."

"Yeah I guess I am. What's on your mind?"

"Jeez where do I start?"

"Duh, at the beginning."

"I'm disturbed that you are indiscriminate."

"It's only cock. That's what I'm after and I don't care who’s it is."

"That's what I mean. AND EVERYDAY!"

She looked at me quizzically, "If you could have sex every day, wouldn't you?"

"Of course I would."

"So why should it be different for me."

“So many different men."

"Would you rather I find a regular to fuck over and over."

"Like the bartender?"

"Yup like the bartender, or you ... but you can't, can you?"

"That's cruel."


"And in the house too, what are the neighbors gonna think?"

"Yes in the house. We can't afford a motel every day, I can't drive too well after dark. So yes, the house. The college guys in their dorm would raise so many eyebrows. Of course I've used a car, picnic table and Distillery store room but those were mere diversions. As far as the neighbors I have a simple answer, I'm giving haircuts, it's a perfect ruse for many men, short visits."

I tried another tack, "And this bareback thing."

"It's what I like, you wouldn't want me to do something I didn't like would you?"

Another tack, "And what's up with Sharon."

"She's my dear friend; my compatriot; my whore in arms. You should thank her; she's the one who convinced me to acquiesce to your wishes."

"Are you playing with Sharon?"

"What's the difference if I am! Anyway I need some secrets."

"It's possible that the bartender's pimping you out, that's he's getting paid for your services and you're giving it away for free."

"Does that mean you want me to prostitute myself as well?"

"No, I'm just sayin', that's all."

"I don't care if he is, I'm getting what I want and that's what I care about"

"You hate being watched and now you're talking about a gangbang or group thing, they won't be wearing blindfolds you know."

"My attitude has changed towards that, I'm not only getting used to it but kinda enjoying being a performer."

"And you still won't let me take pictures. I really want to, you know."

"Yes I know, you told me that many times. That's something there hasn't been an attitude change towards ... but one never knows what the future will bring."

I could sense I wasn’t winning this discussion. I tried yet another tack, "You never ask me to hook you up, like I did the 1st time."

"I don't need you to, I've become quite self-sufficient as I was when I was younger. How else do you think I had so many partners, by luck?"

"I wish we had started this years ago like I wanted."

"So do I, so do I ... and I'm sorry I cut you off, it was a terrible mistake and I wish I could go back in time and correct that major error."

"We're on the same page with that one."

I could tell she was getting tired of all this to and fro-ing, she said, "I guess we're done talking. Just so you know, I know your concerns. Let’s check that I’ve got it right. You don't like that I'm so indiscriminate with who I have sex with; you don't like that I'm having sex so frequently; you don't like what the neighbors might think; you don't like that I may be playing with Sharon; you still don't like that I cut you off; you do like that you're finally having good sex with me; you are enjoying sloppy seconds (so am I by the way); you are enjoying my keeping you involved and you are enjoying watching me have sex with other men. You question my gangbang and group motives, you want to take pictures and you want to hook me up like the bartender. Do I have it all?"

"Yup, you go it all covered."

"Point blank question. Do you want me to stop?"

"No! Definitely not!”

"OK let’s not talk about it again. Let's eat dinner and then play."

She sure took the wind out of my sails, so to speak.

Trouble is I don't know what smooth is; I don't feel I have as yet found my 'sweet spot' though, to be sure, I am enjoying it. Never in my wildest dreams would I have ever imagined I'd be happy, so elated, to have a slut for a wife.

Though I was completely honest and open about the things that concern me. I do LOVE what's happening.

I love that she will have sex anyone

I love that she is having sex most everyday

I love that she might be playing with Sharon

I over the top love that we're having sex again

I love the sloppy seconds it is exquisite

I love that she is involving me if only by verbiage

I over the top love watching her with other men

I love the idea of her servicing a group of men

I don't like that I can't take pics or vids

I am OK that she finds her own hook-ups

Yes I wanted this and I and am glad I pushed the envelope and do NOT want to go back to a vanilla sex life.


Friday and she had a night setup with Sharon.

I dropped her at Sharon's house due to her late-in-the-day driving issues and Sharon brought her back. I asked how it went.

She said the 2 guys Sharon had lined up, 1 for each of them, were a no-show. She said she spent the night with Sharon; my mind immediately went to sex as she told me what a great evening they had together. I asked for details and she was very forthcoming but teasing me until telling me that they just went for coffee and dessert, no sex. She had a grin from ear to ear enjoying the folly and I took the bait hook, line and sinker.

Saturday and I left her sleeping knowing she had a visit planned for later. I went out for a morning ride to Pooler and got home about 12:30 to find she was up and about. I asked when her visitor was scheduled to be here. She said he had been and gone

Wow, that was fast! She said faster than you can imagine. She said he barely got in her and he was cumming He apologized as he got dressed and didn't offer to satisfy her in any way or even offer a 'let's try in a few minutes'. She said he couldn't get out fast enough, she speculated it was from embarrassment.

I completely understood. With my first wife I was a quick cummer but with my current whore-wife, who I played with while I was still married, I could literally go for hours. Yeah I know I'm a shit but unlike so many others I know who and what I am.

I asked her if she needed a hand getting off, she said no she masturbated after he left. I asked if she was up to us playing. She said, “Later,” and later it was.

While we played she asked if I had decided on whether to give Mr. Long dick the BJ he had asked for. I told her I hadn't decided.

She told me if I do she'd like to watch.

Now that was promising and may help me make a decision.

Soon her triple header will begin. I am looking forward to it and hope I can recover 'between takes'.
