Chapter One

My wife is not a healthy woman. She hasn’t always been this way but now in our 60s she suffers from mobility issues and I have problems of my own that are all to do with ‘getting older’. However, that never stopped me from having fantasies about how I would like things to be have been had circumstances not prevailed.

It’s difficult to say just when it was that things changed and we deliberately started down that road signposted ‘cuckoldry via adultery’ but I’m guessing that it was that day when I asked my wife if Sharon was going to join us for dinner that evening. Having said that, if I’m strictly honest it really all began quite a few years ago with our reaching that indefinable time of life that goes under the banner of ‘middle-age’. For myself it was the beginning of experiencing the frustrations of erectile dysfunction which have never since gone away but, god bless, the little blue pill has made manageable and allowed me to keep my fantasies alive; for my wife it was to say welcome to menopause and for her to become less interested in satisfying those fantasies. In addition she began to suffer migraines which initially caused her to spend a few days in hospital whilst the cause was investigated. At the time there was nothing conclusive proven but for sure her whole personality seemed to have changed from that day on. However, I digress.

Sharon is my wife’s best friend and that weekend, as is often the case, her husband Mark was away on business. Sensitive to her friend being left on her own my wife would often invite her to join us to give her some company. However, I should have known better to ask a question when she had her head buried and engrossed in a book for without any thought she blurted out, "no, Sharon has a date." Then realizing what she just said, she stopped reading, picked up her head up and said, "Oops".

I responded, "Oops, what do you mean Oops?"

There was silence for a moment, and then. "Guess I let the cat outta the bag huh?"

"Tell me".

"Sharon asked me to keep it to myself but I’ve blown that, haven’t I? That's gone but I'm swearing you to secrecy. I mean it if you say a word or even hint at knowing anything you're gonna be in big trouble."

I was intrigued and although I had no proof I had always thought of Sharon who is quite a few younger than ourselves as being a hot bit of stuff and wasn’t surprised that maybe, as the saying goes, the mouse did play when the cat was away. (I had desires of my own whenever she was in our company which I kept repressed but had mentioned to my wife in a jokey way in the past.) I agreed, “Scout’s honour’, I’ll not breathe a word; just tell me what’s going on.”

She told me that Sharon didn't tell her everything and she certainly wasn’t going to tell me everything but being her best friend Sharon needed a confidant and had shared quite a lot. She said it was understood between them that ‘date’ is code for sex and that she needs it more than Mark is prepared to give her.

Inwardly I thought this was crazy but I had sympathies for my own sex life was down in the dumps. My wife would rather get intimate with a good book than with me and it was something that we often argued about. I asked if she said anything to her about our sex life and my desires.

She looked at me and gave me a stare that said no. She said Sharon really goes out not so much to date but to have sex with men other than her husband Mark. She wouldn't tell me how often and didn't know if Mark was in on it.

That was the moment when I lit the fuse; I said, "Sounds like what I’ve always wanted for us. I wish you’d be as open as she is; I’d love to see that happen."

Suddenly Sharon was forgotten and we were back to the same old arguments. We went at it each in a huff and angry; each disappointed at the others attitudes towards our lousy sex life; blaming the other for it. I reminded her of the constant string of broken promises she’s made when she said she might do it; she reminded me of our wedding vows of fidelity; I reminded her of the modification to her side of fidelity. We went to bed angry at each AGAIN over sex or lack thereof.

The next night we went out for pizza and I asked if she heard from Sharon.

She said she had so I asked did she say how it went. My wife smiled and said Sharon had told her, “It was good, real good”

I asked for more details but she gave me that look and told me that's all I'm going to get.

I pushed some more but she repeated that's all she was going to tell me. I tried another tack and suggested to her that could have been her getting a good, real good fucking as well as Sharon. That got me nowhere so as sarcastically as I could muster I told her, "Here we are having a lousy pizza while Sharon is getting a good fucking. I think we have the short end of the stick".

She gave me that stare again which abruptly ended the conversation. She stood up, slid out of the booth and walked out telling me she'd meet me in the car.

The drive home was made in silence and I knew better than to ask why I was getting the silent treatment.

However, when we got back into the house everything changed and she comes out, "For God’s sake, I can't take this constant haranguing by you and the fighting over this. If I fuck another guy for you will you leave me alone and quit going on about this crap?"

I was taken aback by the change in attitude but kept my cool enough to respond, "I'm not sure but it would be a step in the right direction ...."

Before I could say anything more she surprised me further by saying, "OK, you set it up; do it fast before I change my mind."

I didn’t want to push my luck by asking her about the type of guy and what she means by ‘fast’. I took a chance on second-guessing her likes and dislikes and figured that fast meant ASAP, before the end of the week. In any case I didn’t have the chance to ask for she had already stalked off to the bedroom calling goodnight over her shoulder. On the positive side however she had left the door open this time which meant I wasn’t being told to go sleep on the couch.

I followed her into the bedroom and although nothing more was said I could sense her anger had subsided but that wasn’t necessarily a good thing. We haven't had proper intercourse for years and years, partly due to her health issues and partly due to my ED issues so I was left wondering, what does she have in store for me? She always gets even, she always gets her 'pound of flesh.'


I was up early the following morning and went straight to the task and logged on to the internet to begin searching for a candidate. I had done this a few years ago when I was in full fantasy-mode and knew that there was vast choice ‘out there’; it was just going to be case of being careful and make sure that we weren’t going to be getting involved with someone we couldn’t handle or posed a danger. I put in a few essential criteria such as non-smoker; experienced/must have stamina; be certified std-free; age 30-40; average height/weight; race/colour irrelevant; located within 50 miles. It didn’t take long for the responses to start appearing and by the end of the day I was able to make some judgements and prepare a short-list of possibilities.

It didn’t take me long to whittle down and focus on the one response that stood out:

"I’m an experienced bull looking for cuck/dp/dv couples. I'll travel to you. Willing to meet soon. Can meet for drinks and feel if the vibe is right or not.

I told her I found a candidate and asked if she wanted to see the details. She gave an emphatic, “No, let's just get it over with; just make sure he’s not some donkey-dick!”

She's never been a size queen. She once told me that ‘big’ is uncomfortable and it hurts when a guy bottoms out. I'm now (if I can overcome the ED) about 5"; used to be about just over 6", another by-product of aging!

I went back to the guy and asked for more details. He provided a complete ‘specification’ telling us he's average with a cut 7", White, 5'10" (that’s 2 inches shorter than me but 4 inches taller than her, perfect.) At 175 lbs he's about 25 lbs lighter than me but heavier than her and the height/weight ratio says he's fit. Age 35.

I was nervous about his age as it was close to her son’s age and I thought she might flip at the thought but when I told her she said, "I don't care as long as, like us, he's STD free.”

When I answered him back and said that we thought we might have a deal he came straight back and asked for a photo but she's paranoid about photos so I declined. He offered one of himself in return but I told him it wasn't necessary.

I asked her which day would be best for us to have a meet and greet. She said, "we don't need to drag it out; we don't need a meet and greet. Let's just get it over with."

On this I held firm and told her that’s what we would be doing whether she liked it or not. I then asked if she wanted to be copied on our e-mail exchanges. She went back into her sullen mood and said, '"No".

After several e-mails back and forth I set up a meet and greet with the understanding that if things were OK we'd play after, otherwise we'd say goodbye without any hard feelings.

I picked a hotel close to our regional airport as they had a bar which would be convenient. It also had the advantage of being far enough away from home so that there would be little to zero chance of us being 'discovered'. Hoping that our meeting would go well I booked a room but even though I wasn’t really sure how things would play out I went for broke and specified I wanted a king size bed.

I asked her if she wanted to know any details but she was still testy and said, "I told you let's just get it over with."

I wasn't getting good vibes, this was supposed to be adventure, a pleasurable adventure but I sensed it was turning into something else, something I can't quite describe; definitely not pleasant. She certainly wasn’t acting in what I regarded as being her ‘normal self’. I began to wonder what penalty, what price, she had in store for me and I was sure it was a whopper. Oh well, we're on this path and I'm ready to and willing to take the penalty.

We agreed upon the following Thursday at 6:00pm and that we'd meet in the bar.

Thursday came and my expectation was that I would have to do my usual with her of trying to get her out on time; she is time challenged and somehow we are always late everywhere we go. Surprisingly this time she was on time. I had told her we'd leave at 5:30 and she was ready at 5:30; I was in shock!

I would not have been surprised if she had contrived to make herself excessively late thereby scaring off our candidate which would then have given her the excuse of, "see I tried." Gladly, I was wrong.

We were silent for the entire 20 minute drive. We parked, I took her arm and to the bar we went.

He was waiting at a small table and was exactly as he described. In the flesh he seemed by my standards to be rather handsome. I introduced myself and we all shook hands. I left them to go to the bar for drinks which was a small order as he already had a beer and I am not a drinker. I returned with a Sweet tea for myself and a fortifying Mojito for her.

We made uncomfortable small talk but after a bit she looked at her watch and said, "It’s getting late guys."

Wow that surprised me; her taking a bit of control to move things along.

She stood up and I wondered if he might be disappointed to see there was absolutely nothing sexual, erotic or sexy in the way she was dressed, looked or comported herself. I offered to pay for the drinks but he took the bill from my hand and went to settle up. I made a feeble attempt to stop him but she glared at me and said, "He’s getting my pussy and you want to pay for drinks too" as she shook her head in dismay.

I ignored the comment but wondered sarcastically, was this the fun I had anticipated?

As we entered the elevator I was getting butterflies. She stood equidistant from us both. Fantasy was starting to meet reality.

I unlocked the door and held it for them both then shut and locked it. I turned on the TV. She said, "Why don't you guys get comfortable I'm gonna take a quick shower."

Oh fuck, I thought to myself, generally her showers are long term affairs; I mean ‘drain-the-hot-water-heater’ long. We got undressed and sat on the bed one each side watching the TV. His cock was quite impressive. It stood straight up in the air, hard with a nicely shaped head, tight balls and he was trimmed as well. No ugly popping blue or purple veins, no discoloration, it was a very nice looking dick. It looked like I did some 35 years ago. I had to rub to get semi-hard-on, after all he is half my age.

We just laid there waiting for him to have my woman. We said nothing, didn't even talk about the weather. The silence was deafening. Again fantasy was meeting reality as I thought that this guy will be entering my wife's prized possession, her pussy, my pussy in just a short time.

I expected a long wait but was surprised when I heard the bathroom door only 10 minutes later. She emerged wearing a new black baby doll I had bought her many months ago which she had just stuffed in her drawer never to be worn. On her feet were high heels that I haven't seen her wearing that I can remember; she hasn't worn heels in many years, bare legs. I was in shock as this was not the woman who had told me a couple of days before, "let's just get it over with". This was a woman who seemed rather engaged in the process.

She nonchalantly leaned herself against the wall and looked out of this world hot. Her blond hair was draping the black baby doll. She said that she hoped that her being pantiless wouldn't disappoint us but the thong she had bought was a little too small and made her feel uncomfortable. She was a vision, she even trimmed her bush, I haven't seen her dressed like this in many a moon. Suddenly my ED issues seemed to take a vacation.

I heard him under his breath, "Wow. 65 my ass."

I got up from the bed and approached her face to face and started to kiss her. That is her #1 turn on. He got behind her nibbling her neck and ear lobes. I held her helping to steady her. I could tell she was enjoying the attention. We switched positions, he was now face to face and I went behind her. They kissed and I nibbled. She reached a hand down to his cock and the other to mine and began to give us both soft strokes. I started to lift her baby doll above her head and she complied by putting her arms into air as I slid it off.

She disengaged us saying, "it's time for bed boys". She was getting playful. I liked it. It eased my ever increasing angst.

She laid on the bed and spread her legs. I dove in and started licking her pussy, it was dripping wet; she hasn't been this wet in ages. Again this was a sign to me that the passive woman had been left at home. He got on the bed near her face and she started to suck him. I looked up to see one hand cupping his balls and the other on the shaft of his cock as she sucked him.

Within minutes she had her 1st orgasm (she has always been multi-orgasmic) and pushed my head away. She needed me to wait a couple of minutes before continuing. I didn’t need to look at my watch but gauged the time was right and I went back to licking her pussy again which triggered another orgasm. I noticed that during her orgasm she stopped sucking him but returned once she had recovered.

Another couple of minutes and I again went back to her pussy. This time I reached up and tweaked her nipples, as I laid there licking and nibbling what I call her magic pussy. During #3 she stopped sucking him and just held his cock and moaned. It was a new experience for me to see as I have never been sure about her for despite being very very experienced she has never talked about her sexual past - EVER.

When she came down from her climax and she got back her breath she asked me to get a bag she had in the bathroom. I got it and handed it to her. She reached in and retrieved a condom and a tube of lube. She handed the condom to him and she lubed her pussy outside and in. He rolled it on and got between her legs.

I was about to experience for the 1st time another man entering my wife. He lined up his condom covered cock and I watched as if it was a miracle about to happen. For me it was, and I held my breath as she reached down and guided him into her; she moaned with pleasure as he slid in her slowly, inch by inch.

For me it was both exquisite and horrible; a sight to behold. It was incredible, fantasy meets reality and I was uncertain which was winning. My angst was off the scale; my stomach did flip flops and for a moment I thought I'd vomit. I felt like I should stop them and shout ‘Nooo’ but I guess this is what every cuckold goes through the 1st time.

My emotions went all over the place but I made sure not to miss seeing him being in her all the way. I had that moment of anger when I saw how willingly she gave herself to him, she showed no resistance whatsoever. I had to mentally slap myself reminding myself that it was me that wanted this, not her. She had resisted it for years and now I only myself to be angry with and to blame. She was giving me what I wanted.

She whispered, "Give me a moment." They laid there coupled but motionless until she said, "I'm OK now".

He started to fuck her, in and out, slowly, methodically, she had her hands on his butt pulling him in tighter/closer. The look on her face was what I remember from when we used to fuck; it was now another man, another cock, a void empty for years now filled. It was pure ecstasy; pure enjoyment; pure fulfilment; pure satisfaction; pure pleasure; pure sex. It was the pure act of fucking for no purpose other than pleasure, no breeding, no love, no emotional connection. It was unmistakable.

She had wrapped her legs around him essentially trapping him. They had their lips locked to each other. It was the kissing that really got to me. I had remembered that hookers never kissed their Johns, that for them it was considered too personal. I kind of felt the same, his dick in her pussy was OK but his tongue in her mouth wasn't.

She reached a hand out to me; I had thought she was going to exclude me from here on. She did that hand finger motion than that says 'here - now' as she said, "a 3 some needs 3 people". The moment they broke their kissing I took the opportunity and I bent down and kissed her as she was fucking this other man, it was surreal to say the least. Sexual excitement won over angst.

I couldn't tell whether my kissing her was exciting her to fuck him with more vigor or her fucking him was exciting her to kiss me with more vigor. She sucked my tongue so hard I thought it would leave my head as she had her 1st orgasm with him. She told him to wait a minute, he did as I had. She gave the all clear and they resumed their fucking.

She told me she wanted my cock and I repositioned myself so she could suck me while fucking him. I have to admit that my body isn't as limber as it once was and it took a lot of effort to maintain the position and any kind of erection. (It really sucks getting old) As soon as my cock hit her mouth she had another orgasm, more intense than the previous. All she did was hold my cock and moan.

After a few minutes of recovery she said she was again ready to resume fucking but, " first get rid of the condom."

He asked if she was sure.

She said, "yes I'm sure, I hate rubbers.". He quickly pulled it off and they went back to fucking with even more vigor than before but this time bareback. I had to pull away as I was about ready to unload and I wanted to wait. She understood and moved all her focus to him, re-wrapping her legs around him and her arms as well. She found his mouth and was fully engaged in kissing him, all as if I weren't there.

My angst returned and went nuclear ... but what did I expect? He said he was ready to cum and asked where. She said, "in my pussy, where else?" I reached over and pinched her nipple and that was enough to trigger her 3rd with him which in turn triggered his orgasm and he pumped her pussy full of cum.

When their mutual orgasms subsided he laid there for a moment before withdrawing. He gingerly make his way off of her and laid on the bed next to her. I didn't let the moment pass and I got between her legs and was able to slide my semi-hard cock into her; the first time in many years. His warm cum was a lubricant and her being stretched was the key. It was something I had told her so many times in the past, my fantasy and one of my justifications for doing this.

She kissed me hard and deep as I entered her and as she felt me grow harder she turned her head and told him to fuck her mouth. He repositioned and did just that, not a hard fuck just a enough to know it was him was doing the fucking and not her doing the sucking. She had another orgasm and knowing her preference we were all motionless for a few minutes before returning to what we were doing. I lowered my head and sucked on a nipple; that was the trigger for yet another orgasm.

When it was over I continued fucking her pussy and he her mouth until he said he was going to cum again. She didn’t hesitate, she held his butt so he wouldn't withdraw and with a grunt he shot his load in her mouth as she swallowed. As he withdrew she found my mouth and kissed me making sure that I tasted his cum.

I looked at him and was surprised to see he was getting dressed. He looked at me and said he'd hang around till I shot my load. She told me to cum now and I did, filling her pussy with more cum. She had yet another orgasm this time sending her into the stratosphere. I withdrew and heard his thanks as he exited the room and closed the door.

I thought how strange as returned my gaze and watched as our combined load of cum leaked from her wide open gaping cunt.

We laid next each other touching, holding, caressing until we fell asleep.

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