Chapter 4

She called me midday on Friday and asked if it was OK if the bartender dropped by before he starts his shift at The Distillery. I was a bit taken aback on two counts. Firstly because she was somewhat adamant about making sure I knew that he would be there and, by implication, to be aware and ‘involved’ with whatever they had planned; secondly because she wasn’t actually asking if I minded but was telling me that’s what was how it was going to be.

This was a major paradigm shift and while we talked she didn't let the opportunity pass without pointing out that she was asking. I felt the only option I had if she was not going to blow things up was to say, yes. So I gave the best happy supportive cuckold husband imitation I could even though I'm just not fully there yet and told her to have fun and text me when they're done as I didn't want to come home and interrupt them.

She said thanks and told me expect the text sometime after 5pm. Then she asked if I wanted to give him a call and share the gate pass so he could get in or should she do it. She got a little snotty when I told her she must be taking me for a fool and added that wasn’t what I meant about me ‘being involved’. I told her, “you do it.”

At 5:15 I got a text, ‘come home.’

I did just that.

She was waiting in bed naked, but looked fresh. I stripped and joined her.

I reached down to her pussy and knowing she prefers to be fucked bareback, expecting it to be wet; it wasn't so I figured he used a rubber.

She pushed my hand away and made her way down the bed so she ended up kneeling between my legs where she began sucking my stiffening cock.

I asked her questions about the bartender but all I got from her with her mouth full was indistinguishable grunting. Without missing a beat she reached over to the nightstand and found one of her dildos which she then slide in and sat on it as she sucked me. I was still asking questions but getting no answers when I felt my orgasm building then, boom, there it was and I began shooting my load in her mouth which she willingly swallowed as she had an orgasm of her own.

When she was done she rolled on her back and we lay on the bed side by side, savoring the moment, the afterglow if you will. I asked her how he was; did she have a good time?

She said, “You passed the test.”

“What test?”

She said that she and Sharon (her best friend) had a very frank discussion the day prior and she had shared what she had been doing. Sharon had given her a hug and congratulated her on now being a ‘hotwife’ and that she had made me her ‘cuckold’. She said she had to look it up when she got back home, as whilst Sharon's description was sexually charged it had still been left a little bit vague. She went on and said that Sharon told her she was being stupid for not including me as that most times problem will arise with the 'lifestyle' if the rules haven’t been agreed. She said that her husband Mark did know what she did and that she would be pleased as punch if he was more involved but that he is generally disinterested.

She said they talked for hours.

So our secret is out and with Sharon now in the know that now means Mark knows as well. I wasn't happy about that but kept my displeasure to myself,

She said that Sharon made a lot of sense and kinda put things in a different perspective. She had given what they talked about a lot of thought and decided to test me, to see if my involvement would work; could work. She said that she hadn’t previously planned a hookup with the bartender but that it had been a spontaneous thing and that I had passed her test with flying colors.

She then said that she's now ready to move ahead with my more direct involvement but it was something she regarded with great trepidation and scepticism. She closed with, “Please don't screw it up."

Rather than getting into a debate of how I could screw it up I decided to take the path of least resistance and said, "I'll try not to."

It was now that time of day and she nodded into nap time so I got up from the bed.

I left the bedroom thinking this makes no sense. Then again, neither does wife sharing and cuckolding. My thoughts concluded with, "Welcome to a conflicted life."

If this is going to work I need to get a grip on these 'intimate' moments ... but how did you get a grip?


Saturday when I got home from a lunch ride to the beach she once again asked me if it was OK if she invited the bartender over before his shift began. I asked if this was another test; she said no it was the real deal.

I ask her if it was going to be just the 2 of them or if it was intended to be a 3-some or something else. She said she didn't yet know and neither would she until she spoke to him.

I expressed surprise that she already had his phone number to which she chuckled and said, “a girl's gotta be prepared.” I joined in the laughter and told her, “Yes, call him” but I made it clear I needed to know the game plan before he arrives.

I sat next to her when she made the call but I couldn’t hear what he said. When the call was over she said he would be here at 5pm and that he said he has no problem me being present but there was to be no participation on my part .... at least this time around.

I nodded an OK and then she said she needed to take a nap then a shower and that I should wake her by 4pm.

As she slept my mind was racing thinking in anticipation of what was going to be happening. 4pm came around and I shook her gently to wake her up and she went and showered.

She came back into the bedroom and we looked at what she might wear. There wasn’t much choice. She picked up the same black baby doll she had worn before but decided against it grumbling that it might be in order that she should be taking a trip to Victoria's Secret real soon. She eventually decided to go to the opposite end of the scale and picked out a T Shirt that just about covered her assets. She rationalized that, after all, she would only be clothed for a short time.

She sat at the vanity, did a little primping and preening and with a final look at the mirror declared she was now ready. She looked good as she always does; I gave her a thumbs-up and told her so.

About 5pm the door bell rang and she told me to go and answer the door. I opened it and greeted him.

He was shorter than me but definitely younger, I’m thinking late 30s, and it felt kinda funny when we shook hands and his response to my welcome was, “You must be the husband.” He didn’t say anything more but walked straight past me to be greeted with a hug by my wife. He was clearly not here for the romance for he then looked at his watch and said they should get down to it as he doesn't have much time.

She led us into the bedroom and taking him at his word she pulled off the T Shirt as he started to strip. I followed suit and within minutes we were all naked. She got into the bed and he followed suit. He was already sporting a hard-on as he looked her over and commented that she looks real good for 'an old broad'. He had the strangest looking cock I gave ever seen. It was about 6" thin at the base but tapered to a thick almost golf ball sized deep purple mushroom cock head.

He was very matter-of-fact and asked her when she showered last and she told him. He got on the bed and she told him in a likewise ‘by the way’ manner to be careful about her legs. He made his way between them and went down on her.

I sat on the chair in the corner and watched. Within 5 minutes she was cumming and I guess that he knew the ‘rules’ for he let up for a minute before going back to what he was doing; another 2 maybe 3 minutes and she was cumming again. Another letup and he was again at her pussy and again another 2-3 minutes and she was having her 3rd orgasm, her capper.

As he knelt up and repositioned himself he asked, “covered or not?” She told him she preferred not but it was his choice. She reached into the headboard and handed him the bottle of lube and told him he was gonna need it. He dribbled some on his dick and handed it back to her; she took a handful and slathered her pussy, then tossed it in my direction. I poured a dollop onto the palm of my hand.

He slowly entered her well lubed pussy and went all the way in, he wasted no time and started to rhythmically thrust, and she met each thrust with one of her own, he was still on his knees fucking her and rubbing her clit. She had another orgasm, he slowed down but didn't stop his thrusting, he picked up his pace a tad until she had yet another orgasm; he did the same thing slowing down but still in her. She reached down and put her hands on his waist and told him to fuck her hard. He complied giving her a 3rd this way. I swear I saw her eyes rolled into the back of her head. He again slowed down until it had passed then picked up his pace even more. She panted that she was cumming again and he did the same for what seemed like minutes of ejaculation.

They seemed to have been at it for about 30 minutes before he pulled out of her with a distinctive popping sound and she moaned in disappointment. His cock was still hard, covered and dripping cum as he moved up the bed and I heard him telling her to clean him.

when he was satisfied that she licked him clean he went back down between her legs and entered her again and as he fucked her there was a distinctive squishing sound. She had her legs locked over his and was holding his butt cheeks pulling him in to her. They fucked in unison for less than 5 minutes before he gave her another orgasm. He didn't let up and continued to assault her cunt generating a trembling orgasm for her. He continued until he shot his 2nd load in her again for what seemed like forever. As before he pulled out with a popping sound still hard and even wetter than before, this time he stroked his hard cock against her clit sending a shuddering through her with another orgasm. He kept this up until she had 3 more orgasms.

All the while I was stroking myself silly but not wanting to cum as I didn't want to experience the dreaded 'post orgasm blues'.

I watched her frantically rubbing her clit along with his cock occasionally dipping her finger in her sopping cunt. He announced he was going to cum again and his ugly cock spurted and dropped another huge load on her pussy. She used his cum to rub herself to another orgasm.

He knelt up and asked what time it was. I told him it was about 6pm.

He said he had to go and got off the bed still hard, went into bathroom and took a towel to wipe himself. When he was done he tossed it in the sink, picked up his clothes, dressed and said to no one in particular, “thanks” then he surprised me, and I dare say her as well, when he apologized for not be able to finish.

Holy shit, the guy came 3 times in an hour, gave her about a dozen orgasms and then apologises to say he ‘didn't finish’. Wow, I was relatively good when I was his age but never that good.

Myself, I was way past cumming, I was just sore and limp. I walked him to the door.

When I returned to the bedroom she was still laying there, his cum still dripping from her. She told me to get upon to the bed and fuck her now. I tried, I couldn't; I was way past that time.

She didn’t hide her contempt and told me to her a towel and said she needed to get out of bed to go to the bathroom. She went to stand but her legs were like jelly and she asked for my help. I held her arm and steadied her as she went through and then helped her sit on the bowl. Satisfied she was comfortable I left her and went back to the bed and began to clean up the mess.

My God, he came a lot more than I thought. The sheet was soaking wet with an actual puddle of his cum and when I removed the sheet it was to discover his cum had soaked through the mattress pad into the mattress. I put down a towel then plastic sheet followed by fresh linens thinking that next time (I’m hoping there will be a next time!) we need to put down a bed pad.

She returned and lay down on the freshly made bed; she was visibly exhausted.

While cleaning up I had been reliving the event and I realized that they hadn't kissed once. That realisation made it a completely different experience for me. I recognized that I had zero jealousy; zero emotional negativity; this had not been a roller coaster but had been a smooth steady exciting and erotic tour.

I asked her if he was a keeper. She said, “Absolutely” that it had been one of the best sexual if not THE best experience in memory.

I told her I was surprised there was no kissing as that is a major thing for her.

She said she was already horny so there wasn't any need for the foreplay but primarily she wasn't attracted to him, that this was just a sex thing, a means to an end.

I told her I wasn't sure I understood as for her, kissing is part of foreplay as well as taking her over the top. I always think to myself that if someone can get their tongue in her mouth, their dick will soon follow.

I need to separate 'love kissing' from 'sex kissing'. I'm just not there yet, BUT I am working on it. I want this to succeed so badly.

She said at first she figured that having sex with him would help her get a steady supply of partners; that he would regard her fucking him was ‘payment’. Now things are different, he's just too good to relegate to the 2nd tier.

I asked her how I did.

She said, “You couldn't get it up, you did lousy.”

I responded that isn't what I meant. I said I wanted to know if I had ‘behaved myself’ and hadn’t blown things up.

She apologized and said, “Sorry, I misunderstood; Yeah, OK, you did good.” She then reverted to her off-hand manner and said that she hoped we wouldn't have to have a post-mortem each time.

She put on a sleep mask and was out in seconds. I was too wired to sleep and too limp to masturbate so I went to the sitting room, put on the TV and pondered the wonderful prior hour.


It's been an interesting few days and I’m still trying to get my head around the changes I’m seeing in her behaviour. I've noticed there’s also been a slight change in her demeanor towards me, things are much 'softer'. I'm not saying a word; never look a gift horse in the mouth.

On Sunday morning just as I was getting ready to leave the house and go out to the beach for a walk she told me come back to bed to play. She hasn't done that in so long it hurts trying to remember when I last heard her make that invitation

Monday when I returned home after being out all day I saw she had her vibe and dildo out on her nightstand showing signs of use. Obviously she been playing; alone or with someone else I don't know and don't care, she played that's what was important.

I asked her if she was again going to the Distillery on Tuesday. She said no, I asked about Thursday, same response. I asked why, she said she ‘wasn't in the mood’. I didn't know if she meant the Distillery or the sex. I didn't ask.

I wondered to myself if this had run its course so as a way of testing her 'availability' without asking again I asked if she wanted do to go to a movie. She responded positively so I’m guessing the Distillery is really off.

After we got home I was laying in bed waiting for her for the nights 'retirement'. Surprisingly with no prompting on my part she climbed in between my legs and gave me head and I enjoyed the most delightful blowjob. It was a very pleasant surprise. I got off; she didn't.

There’s been no mention about other men. I'm letting it lie and let’s see where it goes.


Wednesday, during dinner, she said she'd be going out Friday night to have the evening with Sharon.

I asked for more information but she said she didn't have any; I asked her about her mood, she said it's a bit better; I asked if she planned on coming home after or is this going to be an over-nighter. She said she'd definitely be coming home; all she can estimate at his point is no later than midnight

She said I may need to come and pick her up (she has trouble with aches and pains late in the day) but I told her I'd rather drop her off than pick her up.

She sniffed and said that wasn't necessary that she was quite capable of driving herself and then I shot myself in the foot when I pointed out the logistical issue of leaving her vehicle at Sharon's overnight. She recognised the logic, acquiesced and said, “OK, so you’ll take me and come back later to pick me up.” She followed up with the suggestion that maybe I could spend that time with Mark, maybe go out to a movie or something. I hardly know the man so I declined the offer.

I dropped her off at Sharon's about 8:00pm and later that she told me what had happened after I saw the front door close behind her as she went into the house.

She and Sharon made small talk then Sharon confirmed her ‘date’ would be arriving about 8:30. It had all been pre-planned between them and the deal was that Sharon had a 'date' setup but that he has a friend and Sharon had thought of her.

She told Sharon that she had brought a bag with her baby doll, looked at the clock and said that it felt like it was time to get ready. Sharon said there is nothing to get ready, that she greets her 'dates' naked. What’s the point of 'wasting' money on lingerie when it was for only a moment’s wear but it was up to her, she should do whatever she wanted.

She said if it was good enough for Sharon it was good enough for her. So they both got naked and sat on the couch awaiting their 'dates'. At 8:30 the door bell rang and Sharon greeted them standing behind the door. They entered with big smiles seeing two naked women. Sharon did the introductions and my wife said she felt a bit uncomfortable but very exciting meeting two strangers naked.

Sharon led the way into the spare bedroom. There were 2 double beds with an end table between them. Sharon got on to one bed, spread her legs and said she was ready. My wife got on the other bed and taking Sharon's cue did the same but handed the guy the bottle of lube she brought with her. She said that Sharon and her guy were fucking before her guy had even uncapped the lube bottle! The subject of condoms never came up.

After her guy had lubed up his dick he mounted her and slowly slid in. She said he was respectable, maybe 6'0" 220lbs, maybe 40ish with a 5" dick. She said they got into a pretty good rhythm.

Sharon reached out a hand and my wife did the same and they held hands as they were both being fucked. She said it was strange thing to do but it was really nice and it wasn't long before Sharon's guy announced his impending orgasm, pulled out and shot his load on her abdomen, stomach and cleavage. She said she had an orgasm when she saw him do that.

Then her guy announced he was going to cum but she told him NOT to pull out. He obeyed.

Sharon's guy got up and she followed him into the bathroom where they picked up a roll of paper towels. She came back and distributed some to everyone, Sharon's guy started to dress. Her guy was still on top of her but said I guess it's time to go, pulled out, got up, cleaned and dressed. They both said thanks as Sharon escorted them to the door. She looked at the clock. It was barely 9:00pm.

When Sharon returned my wife was still on the bed with the paper towels wiping up the cum that was dripping from her pussy. Sharon said she hadn't cum; my wife said she had but only once.

Sharon asked if she minded if she finished herself off. My wife said no, that she'd go and wait in the living room but Sharon said she didn't need to do that and she took a dildo from the nightstand drawer. She lay there watching Sharon masturbate and then without knowing she had done it found her hand had drifted down to her pussy so she did the same. They both stroked themselves to orgasms, Sharon first followed by her.

They lay there for a few minutes before my wife got up and dressed. She left Sharon in the bedroom and called me to pick her up. It was only 9:30 when I got the call, she hadn’t been gone even two hours.

It was on the way home that she related the events above and I thanked her for involving me. I couldn’t help but ask if they kissed. She gave me ‘that’ look and said that was an odd question but, yes, they did and that it had helped her cum.

We had intercourse when we got home. She fell asleep straight after I pulled out


On the following Saturday I was committed to helping out at an event that was being held at the community centre and I was scheduled to be there until 6pm. It was around 3:30 that she called and asked if it was OK if the bartender came over. I told her it was but I wouldn't be home for some time yet. She asked if I could leave early. I told her I would try to get away but it might prove difficult. As a by-the-way I reminded her to put down something to protect the bed, a towel or something. She didn’t comment but just told me to please try to come home early.

I was able to leave earlier but only by about 30 minutes and I got home about 5:30 or so. There was no car in driveway or in front of the house which told me either he was gone or it had been a no show.

I pulled into the garage and headed into the house. When I got the bedroom she was laying spread with her legs open and arms out with a puddle of his cum still dripping from her gaping pussy dribbled down to her ass crack. It was a magnificent sight and gave me an instant hard-on.

She didn’t move as I came into the bedroom, in fact she looked comatose. I called her name and asked if she was OK. She still didn’t make a move but just grunted, “Uh huh,” followed by, "get in me". Something I haven't heard in a very long time.

I stripped as quick as I could I got on the bed and got between her legs and positioned my stiff 5” dick ready to impale her. I entered her smoothly and easily, she was so full of cum and so well fucked she could have easily taken a horse cock. Something unexpected, not pleasant either, there was so much cum pooled on the towel that my balls actually dropped into the bartender’s cum puddle. However, even though I realised what I was feeling it was it didn't stop me from depositing my load in her; it only took a few minutes.

When I was done I got off her and took a good look. She had dried cum on her face as well as dried cum strewn on her body. She had also passed out and I wasn’t sure if that had happened before or after I pulled out.

I rolled her on her side and I guessed that her meds, the endorphins and serotonins, must have really kicked in as she made no reactions of feeling her usual pains or discomforts as is usually the case when I help her so. I removed the soiled towel and rolled her back and then I took a warm washcloth and cleaned her up the best I could.

I woke her at 9pm and asked, "Sleep or dinner?" She chose sleep and straightaway dozed back off.

I let her sleep and went a fixed myself something to eat. Through the night she awoke only for meds by her alarm.

Sunday morning when I got up she was still sound asleep. It had been 12 hours, Wow.


I woke her a little while after I had ***** my first coffee of the day and asked, "sleep or breakfast?" Once again she opted for sleep and dozed off.

At noon I again woke her but this time I insisted and forced her out of bed. With all the meds she takes she has to have food. She grumbled but nevertheless did as I told and came through to the kitchen and sat and ate the ‘feast’ I had laid out.

After lunch she said she felt a bit brighter but still wanted to go back to bed. She asked me to join her. I did as asked shedding my clothing hoping for some adult time with her. She had other ideas and decided to talk instead. The conversation gave me pause to think that things were not going as well as I had hoped.

I climbed into bed and she asked, "What happened to you yesterday? I thought you were coming home early."

"I did."

"No you didn't."

"Yes I did, I got home about 5:30."

She looked puzzled, "I don't remember that."

“Well, surprise surprise, I did." (It was no surprise to me that she was confused for her medical problems has resulted in some short term memory issues.)

She continued, “You must have just missed him."

I responded, "Too bad but it did mean I had you to myself."

She still looked puzzled, "What do you mean?"

“We screwed."

“We did?"

“Actually it was more like I screwed you."

I could see she was struggling when she said, "I can’t remember that at all."

“Yup, I bet you don't."

She smiled, “Wanna hear what happened while I can still remember?"


“Well, he got here about 3:30 and I met him at the door naked. I took a cue from Sharon's playbook; she says there’s no need to waste time dressing to just undress for sex and she right when she says that we get to save on lingerie. It's a double benefit!

“Anyway, he stripped off as he followed me into our bedroom and I put the walker to the side and we both got into bed,. He straightaway got between my legs and I handed him the lube. He lubed himself and I did the same but I really hate lube, it kinda kills the moment."

I had to agree, "Yup, sure does."

She nodded and continued, “He worked his way in me and when he was all the way in he went to work, thrusting in and out of me while rubbing my clit. I had several orgasms until he filled me with his cum, actually over-filled me as I felt it seep out of me and down to my butt.

“When he was done he shimmied up and had me lick him clean and then he made his way back down and was in me again fucking me some more giving me more orgasms. Again he pulled out and I felt a lot of cum ooze out as he had me again lick him clean. This time his cock was way wetter and he dripped all over me.

“When he was satisfied that I had cleaned him off he went right back and was again back in me and fucked me with even more vigor which caused me to orgasm over and over. Again he filled my pussy with a load of cum and again he dragged his sopping wet cock to my mouth and had me clean him. This lst time he held my head and virtually face fucked me, until he was ready to cum. He held my head even tighter as he unloaded in my mouth, I tried to swallow as much as I could but he just overflowed my mouth and some escaped down my chin.

“He wasn't done yet as he re-entered me yet again; this time he ploughed me like a man possessed giving me even more orgasms. I completely lost count as he fucked me into oblivion. The last time I came so much was on my last birthday when you made me cum forever."

I squeezed her hand and said, “Sorry I missed it."

“So am I. You would have been more included, other than just a spectator."

“Damn," was the only thing I could say.

She returned the squeeze, "I don't remember much more than that."

I gave her my version of events and told her, "I was able to leave a little early and I came home to find you flat out on the bed with his stuff strewn all over your body. I stripped off and we fucked."

She looked shocked, “Are you serious! I can't remember any of that."

“You had passed out, not sure if it was after I pulled out or before."

“That much I can believe, he fucked me silly."

I made no comment but continued, “I then rolled you on your side and cleaned you the best I could."

Her mood darkened, “Unbelievable. Are you making this up as a way of getting back at me?"

“Don't be absurd. More important, my question is, did you kiss him?"

“You are joking, right. This guy just had his cock in me, he came in me filled me with his cum and you're worried about a fucking kiss"

“Yeah, I am."

“You're so fucked up."

“No I'm not. Did you kiss?"

She raised her voice, "NO WE DIDN'T FUCKING KISS. HAPPY NOW!"

"Yes I am but I’m guessing now that he's been a ‘two-timer’ he's done."

“Where did you get that idea from, two times and he's done?"

“From you; the connection thing you told me about."

“Oh boy did you take that out of context."

I tried to keep the sarcasm out of my voice, “Really, OK then, clue me in."

“Kissing is a turn on for me."

“Yeah I know that."

“So you need to understand. It's all about the sex and if it's a turn on then what the problem?"

“It's so intimate."

“Pigeon hole; husband pigeon hole."

I hadn’t a clue what she was talking about.

She gave me a pitiful look, “Sometimes you can be really dense. When I kiss it's emotional, when I kiss while we're having sex, it's sexual. When I kissed the first guy it was sexual, I was afraid that I was getting a connection and then it would be emotional, so 2 times was it, before it has a chance to become emotional. I really don't want the connection I want to be strictly physical, strictly sexual."

She still wasn’t making sense so I asked, “So why is the bartender limited if two times and you don't get a connection?"

“It's not like the two times that was happening with the first guy. The bartender is different, I really don't like him; his demeanour; his looks; his pheromones; his body nor his cock. Nothing about him is appealing to me ... but the sex is spectacular. You used to be good but as good as you were he is better, a whole lot better. So for me he's a keeper because there will never be a connection. I don't kiss him for emotion and I don't need to kiss him other than to get the sexual high."

I tried to interject, “But........."

“There is no but, its emotion and sex; pigeon holes. Get with the program; I will not let it get emotional, I will not allow a connection. We're fucked up enough now; we don't need to be adding anything more."

No dispute that and I just said, “Amen," before changing the subject, “Did you have sex with Sharon?"

She was back into one of her moods, “I told you all the details and sex with her wasn't part of it."

“Yeah I know but....."

She snapped, “NO BUTS."

I wouldn’t let go, “Will you?"

“Who knows what the future will hold."

I pushed, “I want to take pictures."

She said, “NO. Ask me differently."

What the ...? but ask I did, “Please may I take pictures?"


“Why did you make me do that, ask again?"

She looked me in the eye and said very clearly and precisely, “I wanted to hear you say it and I wanted you to clearly hear my answer, it’s NO. NO PICTURES - NO VIDEO - NO SOUND - NOT NOW - NOT EVER."

“Just for me?"

“Which part of NO don't you understand? Don't blow it up."

I was determined not to let go, “OK, I get it but I do need to be more involved."

“I'll work on it. You could have been involved yesterday but you didn't."

“That’s not fair, you know why I couldn't."

She went silent for a moment while, I’m guessing, she gathered her thoughts. Once again her mood changed and eventually she said, “Now that we’ve got that out of the way there’s two things I need to say, are you ready?"

I took a breath and calmed myself, “I guess so. Go ahead."

“First, I want to thank you; second, I'm very angry at you."

Wow, this was different to what I was expecting, “Details please."

She said, “I'm having a great time, I forgot how much I love sex and how much I missed it; not just the sex but the different men; the variety, so thank you for letting that happen. I gave up being a whore, I worked hard at it and you brought it all back. You made me a whore again and for that I'm angry with you. You’ve turned me from being a faithful wife into being a whore wife. It’s unlike years ago when I wanted to stop but couldn't without professional help; now I don't want to stop."

Oh boy, let me get my head around this one, "So you're OK with whore but not s...?"

“Yup. Mom never called me a whore; it doesn't bring up this bad memories."

I kept a steady gaze on her and said, "That I completely understand but why don’t we think of you being a hotwife rather than whore wife?"

She liked that suggestion, “Hotwife, hmm, guess I need to do some research but it seems like you're liking sloppy seconds or is it sloppy 5ths."

“Actually I am for several reasons. Firstly, I get an immediate hard-on seeing another guy’s cum dripping out of you; second, I can actually get in you without losing my hard-on and, best of all, I'm enjoying your enjoyment immensely. In my mind what I’ve seen they're all like mini gangbangs and for me gangbangs are off the scale."

She smiled at that, "Now that's food for thought,” then without missing a breath she said, “Time for me to shower."

With that she got up and went into the bathroom and got into the shower.

She stuck her head out of the shower and yelled, "Don’t jerk off". I did as she suggested and we had sex when she was done.


We went to Savannah yesterday, to visit Georgia Southern University. On the return drive I asked her if she regretted not having gone to a sleep-away college. After a few minutes of thought she said, "yes and no," then added, " ... if I went away I would have had a lot more freedom but I would have been limited to just college boys. Staying home had its limitations but I had both college boys and working men."

I’m not sure if that thought stuck in her mind but we had an interesting time when we got home.
