Chapter 5

Our trip to Savannah was a really nice day out. She seemed to be totally relaxed as we drove around taking in the sights of all those old colonial houses and then the planned visit to Georgia Southern University. I mentioned how in those days it must have been great to be young, at college and away from home and been able to fuck who you wanted, when you wanted, and not worry about anyone balling you out at home.

She didn’t say too much other than, “I never went away to college and it didn’t stop me. I used to come home after school with friends and they would stay through until my parents were due to come home from work.”

I knew from previously conversations that there had been plenty of black guys in her class. I didn’t bother to ask if she had fucked any of them; she’s NEVER been known to say no!

Would she like to fuck a black guy again? No jury needed, the assumption is 'yes'.


She hates the word 'slut'; me using the expression is an immediate path to an argument for us. She says, in so many words, that it evokes her past. Strangely enough she has no problem with being called a 'whore'. Indeed, she often used it first to describe herself.

So my take on her thinking is that a slut gives pussy away free; a whore gets remuneration.

I will say she's not as discreet as I'd like; she says she doesn't care who knows about her and that makes me very unhappy, uneasy and concerned.


Last Wednesday when I got home mid-afternoon she told me that she was planning on going to the Distillery that evening and I was welcome to join her. I asked no questions and told her, yes, I would.

After dinner, I drove us there. As we entered the outdoor area I spotted the bartender busy at work. She led us to end of the bar where she put her walker. He came over, we shook hands they did an air-kiss kind of thing and then he asked what she was here for. She told him a hook-up.

He smiled, said OK, took our drink orders and went back to work. He returned a few minutes later gave them to us saying they were on the house and it's a bit early yet. He said that the pickings are kinda slim; give it some time. She said she wasn't in any rush.

She nursed her White wine and I, a non-drinker, nursed my sweet tea. We gazed about and made small talk and watched as the crowd was getting thicker, it was now about 8:00pm.

A rather good looking guy cautiously strolled our way. He said the bartender told him to see us. We both greeted him and she asked what he had in mind. He said, “You know.”

She smiled and said, “Yeah, I know, I’m just playin' with you.” Her response didn’t seem to make him any more comfortable.

She asked him point blank if he was OK with another guy present. He said, “I guess so.”

She asked if it was his first time. He nodded.

She shot a series of questions, “Are you over 18; are you married; are you circumcised; are you OK bareback?”

He answered in order, “yes, no, yes, yes.”

“And the last thing, we need your last name. We live in a gated community and we need to arrange for a gate pass.” At that he balked.

She very politely said, “Thanks and have a nice evening...” while putting out her hand to shake goodbye. He walked away looking very dejected.

I looked at his retreating back and told her we could drive him then bring him back. She asked if I really wanted to spend 40 minutes (20 each way) driving of which half of it would be with a guy that just fucked your wife.

I said, “Uh, you're right.”

She said, “Of course there is always a motel.”

My response, “Money, Honey; Money.”

It was her turn to recognise the obvious, “OK, so we're on the same page. Our place it’s gonna be. Have patience the night is young.”

It was amazing watching her in action, close up and personal.

A few minutes later another guy sauntered over and turned his back to me facing her and said, “The bartender says you're looking for a hook-up.”

He must have thought that I was just a somebody sitting there. I heard her tell ask him to turn a bit and then she announced that I was her husband. He had a very surprised expression on his face. She saw that and said, “Yup, he's my husband.”

She asked the same series of questions and got the same answers. When she got to the last name he said Smith. She said, “Good, we have a deal providing your driver’s license says Smith because the gate guard may ask for ID.”

He grunted and said, “No it doesn't.” She again said goodbye.

They say three is the charm and, sure enough, number 3 came over. It was the same routine bartender sent him, her questions, this time he has no problem with a last name.

She said, “You follow us; we'll park in the garage; you park the left side of the driveway and you can follow us in through the garage.” She made the call to security and called in the pass right then.

On the way home I told her that it was amazing watching her and that she doesn't seem to be too discriminating. She responded by saying that in the old days by now she would have blown all 3 of them behind the bar.

30 minutes later the three of us were in our sitting room. Small talk is always awkward beforehand given there’s really nothing to talk about but afterwards she becomes the topic of conversation. She disappeared into the bedroom and came out a few minutes later naked and said, “The night isn't getting any younger!”

She headed back to the bedroom and we followed; we were naked in seconds. She got onto the bed and asked, “Who’s first?”

I offered him as he was the guest and in seconds he was between her legs. He wet his finger, rubbed her pussy then tasted his finger. He then changed his position and went down on her. I was lying next to her rubbing my dick; she had her hand on my leg as he ate her out. She had one orgasm then a second followed almost immediately by the third, a shattering vibrating orgasm that had her digging her nails into my leg. If I had been close to cumming that pain would have killed it.

Something she rarely does is doggy but this time she got on her hands and knees and he entered her from behind. I moved around and lay on the bed so she could suck my cock; she didn't reach for lube this time. He was about 6' tall, maybe 200lbs, well groomed, clean shaven with a thick head of hair. His cock was maybe 5 to- 5 1/2" and pitched a bit to the left.

He fucked her and she came almost immediately. She released my dick and said, “Time to swap.” It was his turn to lie down and I moved to entered her from behind. After a few minutes she had another orgasm this time by me. Again she told us to swap as this time she laid down on her back. She threw her legs in the air and he got between and slid into her. I moved back so she could get my dick to her mouth and she willingly sucked me.

Yet another orgasm and she again told us to swap.

One more orgasm and we did one last swap but this time he couldn't hold back anymore and came in her. As soon as he pulled his wet cock out of her I moved to take his place and my cock was back in and forcing his cum to flood out from her.

She told him to give her his cock and he did so and she licked him clean.

It felt so good dipping into her warm pussy all filled with his satin-like deposit and after a couple of strokes I couldn't hold back either and I added a meagre deposit.

I pulled out and she told me to go get her a towel which she then used to clean him up for travel. She was hoping he might be ready for another round but he said he was sorry but he's a one-time only and he was done.

If she was disappointed she didn’t show it but rather she just thanked him for a bunch of good orgasms. In response he thanked us both as he dressed.

I walked him to the door and he told me how lucky I was to have such a fine piece of ass and one who likes to be shared. He gave me a card with his contact information and looked to me for reassurance. He said, “I did pretty good, huh?”

I inflated his ego by telling him he was better than average.

When I got back to the bedroom she had the towel tucked between her legs and was already asleep.

I am very much enjoying sharing her. The best part is that she is enjoying being shared and that she isn't flirting; she's outright told these guys what she wants.


Yesterday, I got home about midday from a trip out to Garden City. She was in bed masturbating using a glass dildo in her pussy. There was another one laying alongside; she had her smart phone on her chest and she was using her Magic Wand on her clit. She was surprised to see me (I think she expected me back later in the day).

Anyway I told her I needed to use the bathroom but that I'd be with her in just a minute. She told me, “Not now, I’ll let you know when I’m done.”

This was a departure as in the past we both loved her masturbating for me while I jerked off looking at her. I said OK and headed out of the bedroom. She told me to close the door.

I went to my computer and tried to get my mind off her by dealing with e-mails. It was about 30 minutes later I got a text telling me she that she was done.

I went back up to the bedroom and stripped. She was laying there motionless, toys by her side. I got into bed and started to touch her but she flinched away and told me just to jerk off she was too exhausted for anything else.

I did as she instructed and when I felt I was getting close I got on my knees and scooted to her face. She obediently opened her mouth and I unloaded; she swallowed all I had. I laid back down alongside her, she turned her head away from me and went to sleep.


She hasn’t made any mention or hinted of anyone else since the last guy. I wonder if we’ve run the course. I sure hope not, we’re only just getting started. I’m feeling that we are on the cusp of regaining the energies and enthusiasm we had when we were in the honeymoon period when we were wed. There’s a term for it; it’s called NRE – New Relationship Energy. For sure that’s what I sensing and feeling. It would be a great shame if we lost it before we’ve even properly got going!

My role as her cuckold husband is similar to what it has always been; to provide her the means of her sexual satisfaction. The difference is that it used to be my responsibility for her sexual satisfaction now it's my facilitation of that satisfaction. To me there is a minor difference in wording but a major difference in life.

She takes 13 meds each day, actually every day, starting at 3:00am. It seems to beat the hell out of her and usually results in her having up to 16-18 hours of sleep each day. One of her drugs is to treat her low blood pressure and she gets a huge high from it which tends to make her a little crazy, I think most people who take it go that way until it becomes that same old same old.

She understands what she is now doing is all about the sex. She doesn’t want romance; she doesn't want a connection. My take has been that if a guy can't perform, he gets one shot and he’s done. If he can perform he's there until she starts to feel a connection. However, there is an exception and that is the Bartender.

I’m new to this particular game and while she tells me that the connection thing is a ‘red-line’ to her, I am very aware that given the number of men she has had, a veritable plethora, it is unlikely she didn’t develop an emotional connection with some of them that meant she saw them more than once. As I say, she is devious and I take what she tells me with more than the proverbial pinch of salt.

Sex wears her out. Always did and now with her medical issues, even more so.


I had no idea things would take off as dramatically as they have. When she agreed to my ‘suggestions’ I had envisioned that there would be occasional 'play' periods and that, due to her reluctance, it would be me doing the initiating of any hook-ups and making arrangements.

I never would have believed or envisioned that once we started down this path that a month later she would have already shared her favours with 9 different men. In a year maybe but in 4 weeks, Wow, how stupid am I?!

I should have been smarter; she had often reminded me that she had more than 500 different guys in her youth, her late teens through mid-20s. That was a clear signal of her propensity for sexual activity and I had never put that together that she might still have the same appetite.

Yes, I know that it was me that wanted this to happen but I rationalised it was a 50:50 thing that I was doing this equally for my satisfaction as well as hers. In hindsight perhaps I should, despite what she has promised, consider myself to being more of a spectator than a participant because, truth be told, I have never been in control. She who has the pussy is in charge!

I am a product of the 60s; she is of the 70s and that single decade difference has a cataclysmic effect when viewed through the eyes of a female. She willingly, gladly, indulged in the newly found sexual freedoms afforded to women at that time. She has always been headstrong, knows her own mind, does what she wants to do and, as is her way long before I came along, at some point during her first husband’s 'watch' she was motivated to stop playing around ... or so she says.

She has never been one to be ordered around, PERIOD! Originally I felt we were in some kind of competition but, from what I see and what she says, she seems to be going out of her way to prove that it isn't a competition and that while 'I may not have her body exclusively I do have sole rights to her emotions’. I guess I am going to have to accept that to be true and be grateful.


Shortly after we got home from a ride to Tybee Island yesterday she asked me to text the Bartender and invite him for some playtime that night. I don't know why she asked me rather than do it herself but given her tendency to blow up at any criticism I'm not 'looking a gift horse in the mouth' so I did it.

From things that she’s said and the way she’s been acting it seems he is set to take it to a new level and she's ready too as well.

I called in a pass to get him through the gate and met him at the door when he arrived. We shook hands like old friends and I told him she was waiting for him in the bedroom. Without thinking I stupidly pointed out the way and he gave me a look that said ‘I know the way’.

I followed him rather than him following me and we went into the bedroom to see she was on the bed naked covered with the top sheet. As we came into the room she threw the sheet off and I saw she was prepared as she was lying on a spread towel.

He immediately stripped as did I even though I wasn't sure whether this was a participating event or a spectating event.

He said he didn't have much time as he got a call from work on the way over to us for him to go in earlier.

He was already sporting a hard-on, I wasn’t; damn ED.

He got on the bed between her legs and she handed him lube telling him he's going to need it. He squeezed a glob in his hand and rubbed his dick and handed it back to her. She refused to take the tube back telling him to lube her. He squeezed another glob in his hand and rubbed her pussy making sure to insert one, two, then three fingers. He put the lube aside and entered her. She winced as he drove his cock in all the way till his balls hit her ass. In moments he was thrusting in and out of her well lubed pussy and true to form she was matching his thrusts and in minutes she had her first orgasm.

They continued to fuck. She soon had a 2nd orgasm, then a 3rd. It was so intense I swear I saw her eyes roll to the back of her head.

He came moments after her third filling her with a huge load that seeped out and coated his cock as he continued to impale her. He withdrew with a popping sound still hard and his cum spewed out like an overfilled vessel. He worked his way up the bed until she was able to get his dripping cock in her mouth and suck him. I had finally gotten hard but was so excited from my own rubbing and what I was witnessing that I had an orgasm of my own.

He shot his 2nd load in her mouth and she swallowed as much as she could but some of his cum dribbled out and dripped down her chin. He pulled out and with his cock still oozing cum he got off the bed, thanked us, got dressed and left.

Their lips had never met the entire time. It had been just raw sex; plain and simple; no ifs ands or buts.

He got off; I got off and, more importantly, she got off.

I removed the cum-stained towel to the laundry, gave her a fresh one to lay on before I got back into bed and laid next to her. I put my hand on her breast, her nipple was still rock hard. I rubbed it, she moaned with pleasure.

I asked her if she was enjoying herself, she said, “absolutely”.

I asked if she wanted to stop, she said, “Hell no”.

She asked me if I wanted her to stop, I told her, “Hell no”.

I gave her something to think about and asked her about the Bartender's friends, she said, “Why not.”

I rubbed down to her belly then abdomen and felt the edge of the towel. I asked if she wanted a post fuck hand-job, she said, “Sure”.

I slid my hand between her and the towel, it was already a mess from more of his cum that had dribbled out. I slipped my fingers into her very wet and slippery pussy and thought back to a few weeks ago when it was my cock slipping in. I rubbed her clit and stroked my fingers in her and minutes later she was cumming again.

When her orgasm was over she thanked me and then held my wrist to stop me from doing anything more. I got up, covered her with the sheet and watched as she dozed off.


Talk about opening Pandora's Box. I suspected she'd played with other females in the past as she oft times said 'she had sex with other people' rather than 'other men'. Whether she realised that’s what she was indicating or if it was slip of the tongue, I’m not sure. Likewise the subject of multiple people never came up but I must assume that with her having had so many partners in the past that they weren't all one-on-one encounters. Add to that thought that she handled our three-some with such aplomb it was clear to me that she's been there before.

Anyway no more speculating, I'm sure I'll find out soon enough.


On Monday morning and my week started when she called me into the bedroom and asked me to go down on her. She said she was super horny and needed some relief. I gladly did as she requested and after two seemingly nice orgasms she thanked me. I left her to laze in bed for the morning and went off to run some errands with the taste of her on my lips.

Later in the day at the dinner table we did as we always do and talked about the day. She said she went to Wal-Mart and while shopping picked up a guy.

“Wal-Mart; WTF?!”

She said guys have a neon sign flashing on their forehead that says ‘I'm available.’

I reminded her about my being involved in any future meetings; she said her telling me this time is my involvement.

I asked if she brought him back here. She said, “No, we just went out to the car.”

I reminded her that she told me she can't 'manoeuvre' in a car. She said all she did was blow him.

I asked where they went for privacy, She said right there, where he was parked.


She said, “I'm a whore, what do you expect, propriety? Remember, you started this.”

I said, “Yeah, but the parking lot?”

All she said was, “Yup, the parking lot”.

She then told me they have a hook-up scheduled for tomorrow.

I asked, “Where?”

She said, “He's gonna bring his wife's minivan, so in there.”

I told her I'd rather he comes into the house and they did it here.

She said he doesn't want to get that involved.

I was nervous and I told her to pick a way-off corner spot.

She said, “The van’s got tinted windows and, for crying out loud, please stop questioning me!”

I did as she said.

Later in bed she gave me one of her dildos and said, "Do me". I used it on her until she had 3 orgasms.

I masturbated as I watched her fall asleep.


Tonight at dinner she told me the details of her day.

They met at the prescribed time over by the parkland area of our gated community. She drove over and parked alongside him in a corner of the parking lot. She got into his minivan leaving her walker in the car. She made mention that the windows were in fact tinted just as he said. They got into the rear and she removed her pants as he removed his. He took out a condom and started to roll it on but she balked saying she wanted to fuck bareback.

Seemed like there was a bit of a stalemate for they remained at odds with him telling her he wouldn't fuck her without being covered but she said she wanted to feel him cum. They compromised and he told he would pull out and take off the condom and would cum on her if that’s what she wanted.

She gave in and they fucked for a short while till he came but he didn't pull out, didn’t remove the condom and cum on her and she didn't orgasm. She was pissed about it but said nothing. They got dressed; he thanked her and asked about a repeat. She told him she'd think about it. She told me she’d already made up her mind, absolutely not, but she didn't want to provoke a situation by telling him no.

We finished our dinner and she said she was still horny. I suggested we go to the bedroom.

She gave me that look and asked, “What for? You can’t get it up enough.”

I told her that she was being unnecessarily cruel, rude and snarky.

She apologized and blamed her mood on being both angry about what had happened in the parking lot and that it had left her still feeling horny. She mellowed and said she was thinking about going to The Old Distillery and asked if I wanted to join her.

I told her, “No, not tonight but you go and have a good time but just be careful.” It was apparent that she needed some alone-time with someone other than me.

She gave me a nod, got up, went to the dressing room for a change of clothing and to put on some makeup. She was soon back to kiss me goodbye and to tell me not to wait up but she assured me she would definitely be coming home, she just didn’t know when. It was about 7:00pm when she left.

I watched TV until it was about 11:00 but didn’t really concentrate on the programs; all I could think about was what she might be doing. I went to bed very aroused needing to masturbate but decided to hold off just in case I needed to perform; I needed to be ready.

It was about midnight when she 'rolled' in. I woke up in an instant to ask her, "Did you get lucky?"


"You got laid?"


"Was he good?"


"Did you cum?"


"More than once?"


"More than 3 times?"


This was getting boring, I needed to know more. I asked, "Ready to tell me the details?"




This had gone from boring to being exasperating, "You're being awfully staccato."


She pulled off her clothes and I could see that her panties were beyond being just damp, "Are you full of cum?"


Oh my God, this was exciting, "How about me trying to get in you?"


"How about you giving me a blow job?"


"... Hand job?"


She clambered onto the bed and lay beside me and I offered, "I guess I'm gonna rub one out, huh?"


She didn’t look good. I asked, "Are you hurting?"


"Scale of 1-10?"

She groaned, "100!"

Hmm, really not good. I asked, "How can I help?"

"You can't ... just let me be."

She reeked of sex, I kissed her goodnight. She went into her nightstand and found her meds. She shook out some tablets and swallowed then laid there for a while before turning back to take some more. A short while passed then she found some more.

She finally fell asleep with a pained look on her face.

I let her be and after a while I also fell asleep.


The following morning I was out of the house early and I was careful not to wake her when I left so we didn't touch base.

I got a call about 11:00am telling me she had just woken. She apologized for being nasty to me and was sorry for being short last night. She said it started with frustration from the minivan guy and ended in being in a lot of pain from her night out.

As usual I accepted her apology.

She asked of it was OK if she hooked up again with the guy from last night.

I asked her if the pain was due to him.

She said, “Maybe.”

I questioned, “What do you mean, ‘maybe’?”

She said he insisted upon having her doggy style and that being on her knees took its toll.

I suggested that in future she be firm about positions. She said she had already spoken to him about it.

I said, “So if you’ve already spoken to him, it sounds as if you’ve already set it up. Why are you asking me?”

She said, “I told him it still depends on you saying yes.”

I told her that's different and to have a good time.

She said, “Thanks, I will.”

It was about 2 hours later when she called and told me to come home ‘now’. I did as requested and rushed home as fast as I could.

When I got in she was naked on the bed with her legs crossed. She said, “I can't keep this position much longer.”

I gave her a puzzled look. She said, “I’m full of cum and you need to fuck me before it all leaks out!”

I stripped as quickly as I could. She spread her legs and there was the white gold oozing out of her magic pussy. I was hard enough to get in her thanks to his lubricant and we fucked till she had several orgasms and caused his cum to become frothy when I added my cum to his.

I carefully rolled off of her and watched as her beautifully cummy cunt quivered. She just laid there and purred; that’s, a sound I hadn't heard in a very long time.

She eventually got her breath ('her pieces together' as she puts it) and she asked if I still wanted to hear the details of the night before. I told her it wasn't necessary.

She said, “Thanks, I was hoping you'd say something like that.”

All's well that ends well.


It was on Thursday when I was doing a duty at the community centre that I got a text about 1:00pm. "Just met a guy at Starbucks, Y or N?"

I texted back, "Yes but......"

She texted, "... but what?"

I sent back, "U must leave the phone on so I can hear."

She texted back, "RU Serious?"

My response, "Y for yes - N for no."

She texted back, "I’ll try."

About 2pm my phone rang; it's her, “Can you hear me?”

“Loud as a whistle,” I reply. I hear a ‘clunk’ as I guess she’s out the phone down and then there's rustling around. I surmise they're undressing

I hear a man voice, “Nice bod."

Her voice, "You too. Nice cock."

Him, "So I've been told."

Then I hear more rustling around before her voice, "Lick my pussy."

"I don't do that."

"Are you serious?"

"Yes I am. But you can suck my cock."

Her voice with a giggle, "I don't do that."

"Are YOU serious?"

"Hell no, I'm not serious, I love to suck cock."

"Good; do you swallow?"

"Stupid question, of course I swallow. Any woman worth their salt swallows."

"Not in my experience."

"You need to find a lower class of woman."

They both laughed then he said, "Good sense of humor. Might that woman be you?"

"Yup. I'm your regular garden variety whore."


"Yes really."

"Show me."

I hear her say in her best slutty voice, "Stick your hard cock in my wet juicy pussy and fuck me till my eyes cross then unload your hot cum deep into my cunt."

"Does your husband know you talk like that, does he kiss that whore mouth?"

"Yes and yes."

"If your husband only knew what a whore you are."

She laughed again, "Oh yeah, he knows."


"Yes, really."


She continued, "He knows I'm here with you now."

I could almost see the disbelief on his face as he said once again, "Really?"

"Yes really and please stop saying that."

"OK, now what?"

I guessed she must have had the look by now, "Are you kidding me? I told you what! Now shut up and fuck me. And I like to be talked too."

I heard him mutter, "You have such nice breasts and vagina."

"Did you say breasts and vagina?"

"Yes I did."

"How about nice tits and cunt."

"You have such nice tits and cunt."

"That's better. Now stick that hard cock in my cunt and show me what you can do."


From this point all I hear is rustling, moans and groans and an occasional 'fuck me harder' or 'fuck me faster' from her then there was a few ‘I'm cumming’. Then I hear from him a loud, "I'm gonna cum" followed by deep grunts. Next I’m listening to what sounds like squishy noises.

I guess it was a couple of seconds then her voice clear as anything, "Let me lick you clean."

"OK. That was good, real good."

"Hmm, your cock tastes good."

"Feels good."

"If I keep it up will there be a round 2?"

"Sorry, only once for me," was his answer.

"OK then I guess we're done."

More rustling that I took to be them dressing then much louder sounds that I couldn't make out before I heard the car door close followed by the distinctive noise of a car key being inserted in the ignition. Another clunky noise as she picked up the phone and then, "Hi honey did you hear all that?"

"Yes I did, it was hot."

"Good, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be."

"It was great; you did good."

I could hear the breathlessness and excitement in her voice when she said, "I'll be home in about 20 minutes. I'm full of cum. Meet me at home, it's your turn to fuck your whore wife."

I made my excuses to the community centre and jumped into my car. When I got home, she was already in bed waiting for me. Again I was able to get my dick into her thanks to her being all lubed up by another guy. It didn’t take me long before I had added mine to the frothy mess that was streaming out of her whore cunt.

I asked how her pain level was, she said, “Under control.

I asked because I have a sneaking suspicion of something. It’s something I’ve read up about given her medical issues and I have a theory.

Having Sex causes an increase in the production of two hormones: endorphins and serotonin.

Endorphins interact with the receptors in your brain that reduce your perception of pain. They also trigger a positive feeling in the body, similar to that provided by morphine. For example, the feeling that follows a run or workout is often described as "euphoric."

However, low serotonin levels are often attributed to anxiety, depression, panic attacks, insomnia, obesity, fibromyalgia, eating disorders, chronic pain, migraines, and alcohol abuse. Other symptoms are having negative thoughts, low self-esteem, obsessive thoughts and behaviors, PMS, and Irritable Bowel Syndrome are also another consequence of low serotonin levels.

So my theory is that given that having sex increases the natural production of these hormones I’m thinking that the more sex she has the more sex she wants to have as, more importantly, the better she feels.


Yesterday she called and asked if we had plans for tonight. I told her, “We don't, why; what do you have in mind?”

She said that she had had breakfast with Sharon who told her that she is having 3 guys over tonight and thought she might want to join in.

I told her we had no plans but asked if this was wise, whether she was ready for more than one guy. She reminded me that we had already had 3-somes so she had already has had more than 1 guy.

I couldn’t dispute that but told her I had hoped that for the 1st time I'd be present. She reminded me that I had already been present at our 3-some!

I told her that 3 guys represents a 4-some and I felt that I shouldn't be excluded.

She said I wasn't being excluded, just not included. Semantics!

She said, “Please, pretty please ...,” and then she added, “... beside it's Sharon's event so it's doubtful she's gonna have all 3 guys.”

I gave in and agreed.

She suggested I spend the night with Mark (Sharon's husband), maybe go to a movie or something.

I told her, “I don't think I'm quite ready for that just yet.”

At 7:00pm she left for Sharon's all made up and showered. I headed out to dinner. We agreed she'd call if she can't drive; she wouldn't risk driving if she wasn't up to it.

I went to a local restaurant for dinner and, low and behold who's there? It was Mark. I couldn’t ignore him and we joined each other for dinner.

We didn't specifically talk about what our wives were up to that caused us to be here but I asked how long they have been doing this. It was a crazy story.

He told me he's been a cuckold since before they got married. They were married the first time for 15 years then they divorced for about 10 years then remarried for what is now 20 years.

The deal they have is she can have anything she wants Friday and he can have anything he wants at other times. So that's 35 years of Fridays nights and god knows what happened in their 10 year hiatus.

We finished dinner and went to see a movie. Afterwards I had a message to say that she's home. I parted company with Mark and went home.

She wasn't in any mood to talk about her night but said she would tell me over the weekend.


Saturday night dinner and she asks if I want to hear about her Friday night. I respond, “Of course,” and she couldn’t wait to tell me all about it.

She got there shortly after 7:00 to find Sharon had 2 glasses of wine already poured and waiting. She said they chatted about the 3 guys that were expected to arrive soon. Sharon told her, “They're young, really young.” To which she expressed her concerns about age.

Sharon assured her they were all over 18 and that they are students from one or other of the two colleges on the outskirts of town.

I knew that many of the students party in the Old Town where the Distillery is located and there is another joint nearby, The Ale House, where apparently Sharon 'recruits'.

I did a quick calculation and figured the age of the 3 of them added together is younger than Sharon or my wife. This could be a little off putting for her; it reminds her of her son. She said that she mentioned this but Sharon was a bit dismissive about her feelings. The female psyche is a very strange thing indeed.

Sharon said, “When they get here, the guys are in charge, whatever, whoever they want.” They chatted a little more and then Sharon said it was about time to get ready. She disappeared and then returned bringing out a couple of Terry robes, one for each of them.

My wife said, “What about being naked?”

Sharon said, “These guys don't like that.” They put them on and within minutes the door bell rang announcing their arrival.

Sharon let them in and led them and my wife into the spare bedroom. Sharon got into one bed and she got into the other. There were condoms, lube and toys on the dresser.

The guys stripped and the first guy went down on Sharon while the others watched and stroked.

My wife continued the retelling of her night with great disappointment saying that they didn’t give her much mind so she took a toy from the dresser and watched as the first guy got between Sharon's legs and slid into her as she spread her legs wider. Within minutes he was cumming in Sharon and then he dismounted.

The second guy took his place and fucked Sharon slow with long deep thrusts. My wife continued to masturbate as Sharon was getting laid. Soon the second guy was cumming in Sharon and the third guy rolled on a condom and took his place between Sharon's legs. She said this guy came so fast it was almost not worth the effort.

She said she was disappointed that they didn't pay any attention to her at all. As fast as they arrived they were done and just as fast they dressed, said good bye and were gone. She continued to masturbate as they left.

Sharon got paper towels to pat herself and to stop the cum from dripping all over. My wife said she pulled her robe around her and tried not to show that she was feeling a bit out of place but continued to masturbate as Sharon sat on the edge of her bed.

Sharon saw she wasn’t happy so she pulled away the robe, took hold of the toy from her and fucked her with it until orgasm. Sharon apologized to her for the lack of attention from the guys and hoped that this in some way made up for it.

After she had cum she got up, got dressed and they said their goodbyes. She drove herself home.

She was clearly pissed off as she told me the details.

I asked her if she was going to 'party' with Sharon again.

She said, “Of course.”

I asked that after Sharon's use of the toy on her if would be just the 2 of them.

She said she hadn't given it any thought.

I asked if she had ever been with a woman before and she said, "Let’s not go there."

I ended the conversation but I think I got my answer.
