Chapter 7

Sunday the day of the ‘triple header’ and I was, as usual, out of bed before her.

Late morning I checked the clock to see 11am and, on cue, the doorbell rang and her 'stud' arrived on time.

I answered the door and let him in. He was about 35-40, tall about 6' like myself but unlike myself rather handsome. We shook hands as he said, “This was a bit unusual, a husband arranging sex for his wife.”

I assured him it was not as unusual as he thought.

He asked, “Are you going to be present?”

I told him yes and he responded, “That's cool” and then asked if it was to be a 3-some.

I told him probably not unless she wanted it that I'm good for sloppy seconds.

Again he said, “That's cool.”

He followed me to the bedroom. She was on the bed with the sheet over her. I introduced them as soon as he got in the room as he started to strip as did I.

She uncovered and spread her legs. He climbed on the bed between her legs sporting a very hard very straight 5" cut cock. She handed him the lube.

He asked if it was really necessary, she said it was.

He said OK and used it on himself and her.

He positioned himself and worked himself into her as she spread her pussy open for him. Once in he started to thrust slowly at first, she pulled his head down to hers and they kissed. I could see their tongues exploring each other’s mouth. She wrapped her legs around his. He had a pretty good rhythm going, and she matched his rhythm. They had become one. His cock was in her body, his tongue in her mouth her legs locked over his, and arms around his torso.

I was stroking my cock trying not to cum as the scene was so very exciting. They were like Ginger and Fred moving in almost perfect unison. She was having orgasm after orgasm.

After about 15-20 minutes he asked where she wanted him to cum, and as expected she told him right where he was. In moments he was grunting his climax shooting his cum deep in her cunt. Matching him she had another orgasm.

When his orgasm was over he slowly rolled off her and lay next to her.

She looked at me and said, "It’s your turn."

I replaced him on the bed between her legs and slid right in. As usual the feeling was exquisite. Her legs around mine our tongues entwined one arm around me the other stretched out holding his limp cock. I don't think I got more than a dozen thrusts when her orgasm triggered mine and I shot my meagre load in her already cum-filled cunt.

When I was done I just laid on top of her for a few minutes as she wrapped both arms around me. He got off the bed and I rolled off of her to see our combined cum leaking out of her.

She asked him if he was a ‘one and done’.

He said, “Yes but even if I wasn't I’m not into not being first.”

As he dressed he asked if a repeat might be in order.

She said yes, but only one more time.

He told us to stay put that he'd show himself out. We both said our goodbyes from the bed and with a thank you from him he was gone, just like that.

We laid there enjoying the afterglow for a while then she said she wanted to shower, “I need to be fresh for ‘my 1pm’!”

1pm came and I started to get the feeling he was going to be a no show but then 15 later the door bell rang,. He said the numbers didn't make sense and he had trouble finding the house but a neighbor told him which house; by number not by name as he didn't know that. Urrggggghhh neighbors.

He was about 50, short and stocky, a very receding hair line. He shook my hand and asked where she was. I brought him into the bedroom.

As before she was in bed a sheet over her; I introduced them.

He stripped as did I and when naked he looked at me as said, “I’m not bi and I don't cross swords.”

I told him, “Not to worry, I only watch.”

She threw the sheet of her and he commented nice. He had a real beer belly, and a short maybe 4 and a half inch cock but it was thick and uncut. I have no idea how she feels about uncircumcised guys.

He got on the bed and struggled to get between her legs. She was still wet from earlier in the day so she bypassed the lube. He got into position and tried to get in her but couldn't. Finally she told him to lay on his back and she tried to mount him, After several minutes of struggling she was successful in getting him in. She rode him supporting her weight with her hands on his very hairy chest.

I hadn't seen her orgasm as yet as she continued to ride him. Without warning he shot his load in her. She dismounted as his limp dick flopped out of her followed by his cum. She rolled back on the bed, laid there and called me over to get in her.

The 2 hours ‘rest’ since the previous guy was enough for me to regain my erection and I was hard enough to enter her very wet pussy. She orgasmed almost as soon as I started to thrust; he sat in my chair and watched and stroked.

It took me about 15 minutes and several of her orgasms to put me over the top before I added my cum to his but a bit deeper in her. She came with me.

He never rose to the occasion a second time.

He thanked her, dressed and I walked him out.

When I came back in she said she needed a nap then shower before ‘her 5pm’ arrived telling me to wake her no later than 4pm.

I did as she told me and she got up and disappeared into the bathroom. For whatever reason after the shower she put on the baby doll, the ONLY lingerie she has sexy or otherwise. I was a bit surprised, but then again most everything that has occurred in the last 6 weeks has been a surprise to me.

She took a seat in the Great Room, picked up her Kindle and waited.

At 5pm on the dot the doorbell rang and I answered it.

This guy was about 40, taller than my 6'-0". I stuck my hand out to greet him; he was a little reserved withholding his for a moment with a puzzled look on his face.

I told him I'm her husband.

He said the bartender told him she was married but he didn't expect to actually meet her husband.

I said humorously, "Live long enough see everything". He didn't enjoy my humor.

With an unhappy look he asked what time I'd be back. I told him I wasn't leaving.

He asked for a clarification. I told him I'll be watching as they have sex.

He says that's not part of his playbook. I told him it's up to her if I stay or go.

We walked over to where she was sitting and I introduced them. Then I told her he's not comfortable with me being in the room but it's up to you.

She asks me what I want; I tell her I want to watch.

She looks at him and says, “There you have it.”

He says that doesn't work for him.

She says sorry but that's the way it is and very curtly tells him to have a nice day. He turns and without a word I walk him out the door.

She's very disappointed. I ask her if she wants to head over to The Distillery to see what she can find. She says she doesn’t want to do that but then asks me if I decided on Mr. Long dick yet. I shook my head and said not yet.

She said this would be a good opportunity.

I asked her a few questions, centering on how she'd feel watching me with another man. She said no different than the last time.

I asked, “Which time?”

She said there was only one time.

I reminded her about Mr. Long dick and my fulfilment of her request a few years ago. She had forgotten about that.

She said, “Not only am I OK with it, I want you to do it, but I want to watch.”

This was a complete surprise.

This takes us in a whole new direction.

I told her I'd have to give it some more thought.

She said, “The night isn't getting any younger.” I was taken aback that it was to be this night.

She asked why not then picked up her phone and texted him. ‘BJ from hubby tonight, what time?’

He texted back ‘Tonight is NG how about a rain check?’

So the decision has been made; it’s just not going to be this Sunday.

She got up to change out of the baby doll and said she was hungry. That was my cue and the signal that sex for the day was over.


Any jealousy I had has faded away. She has made it clear it’s sex and sex only. Most importantly she's including me, not just telling me and asking me, but including my desires. That situation with guy #3 was a surprise that she included my desire as the deciding factor.

She holds me responsible for turning her back into the whore she used to be and thanks me at the same time.

It has been a wonderful 2 months; I've been on a sexual high as has she. She's had sex with 23 different men and maybe 1 woman and I have fucked her almost half the time.

Sloppy seconds has made it possible, I know it sounds crazy, but the excitement I receive from watching and to see her well lubricated and stretched pussy has made it possible. Luckily she's enjoying it as well.

It is a win-win-win for her, for me and for whoever her partner at the time may be.

I don't want things to go back to the way they were but I understand that in time all good things come to an end.


Has that time come? She’s had a serious medical incident that culminated in a week long hospital stay and is now waiting for a bed at the local rehab facility and therefore is 'out of commission' for the foreseeable future.
