Chapter Two – The Dream Continues

I first met Oscar when on vacation last year and found him to be a most agreeable guy. Maybe it was the relaxed atmosphere generated by the combination of the hot sun while enjoying cold beer and looking at the lovelies on the beach that made us comfortable in each other’s company but for whatever reason he certainly had no reservations about telling me all about himself, his life and his aspirations and I, as an aspiring writer who loved hearing people’s stories, was more than happy to listen.

My stay came to an end and we parted company and made those holiday promises of keeping in touch and, surprisingly, we did just that, exchanged occasional e-mails over the following year. I think he shared my excitement when I told him that I had booked to return to the same place for a similar vacation and he revealed that he and his ****** had also committed for the same time and that our paths would cross again. We arranged to meet and he promised to would bring me up to date with all that had happened over the last 12 months.

He was already at ‘our’ bar on my first day when I got down to the beach and I joined him at a table under a sunshade that overlooked the sea. After we had finished our greeting (and I had handed over a gift of English chocolate that he confessed he loved) and taken a sip of our first beer of the day he pointed out on the beach below us a couple of sun-loungers beneath an umbrella where an attractive lady and two young girls were laying. She looked in our direction and gave a wave. We both raised our glasses of beer and waved in return.

“That’s Irene,” he said. “Let me tell you what’s happened since we last spoke.”

This is what he told me:


The Christmas holiday was over and before we knew it New Years Eve was upon us and we made our resolutions as we saw out the old and welcomed the new. I wasn’t sure what Irene had in mind for her new year but I resolved to be a better cuckold and to do whatever I could to please her in her pursuit of happiness and love with other men.

All too soon it was time for the girls to return to their boarding school and for us to pick up the threads of our alternative lifestyle. It seemed that no sooner had the girls left that José was knocking at the door with his suitcase in hand and reclaiming his place in the household. As soon as he stepped through the door I witnessed an instant change in my wife from being a devoted spouse and mother into some kind of sexual predator; she couldn’t stop herself from rushing into his arms, giving him a passionate embrace accompanied by an equally passionate kiss. My presence was ignored as I stood to one side feeling completely foolish.

Irene helped me carry my things into the guest room after I had made space in our closets for José to hang his clothes. He didn’t have too many things to take up the space that I had vacated but Irene thanked me for being so understanding and hinted that it was more a symbolic act rather than a practical move. She said that it indicated that for the duration of his stay that our bedroom was now regarded as being more ‘his room’ rather than belonging to me, the husband. After I had stowed away the last of my shirts and underwear she gave me a hug and a kiss and said that she loved me very much. I’m not sure what I felt about that.

So began a whole new ball game. If I had been the compliant cuckold before the festive holiday then the new rules that José introduced ensured that I was going to be subjected to more humiliation. Irene was totally in agreement with every suggestion he made.

Irene was convinced that she had ballooned out over the holiday what with the festive foods that had been eaten combined with the lack of her exercise regime so the first week he was with us started slowly with the pair of them daily meeting up at the Gym and spending god knows how many hours ‘working out’. I often returned home from work to an empty flat to find a note telling me to get dinner started and, being the compliant husband, I did just that. Eventually they would return home both looking flushed and giggling about what they had been doing and after a scant acknowledgment of my presence would disappear to the bathroom where they would freshen up and change before reappearing to come and eat whatever it was that I had prepared.

I could tell that Irene was playing out her part of being indifferent toward me to please José for she had previously told me that this is what she would be doing as part of satisfying my fantasies but it now seemed that José was playing things for real as he seemed to have developed more of a dominant streak since last year. He really looked upon me with contempt and it soon became clear that he was going to be making my life difficult especially with regard to our agreement that I could watch them whenever they were making love. He knew that it was this from which I gained the most pleasure as I stood wanking my stubby dick looking on as he pushed his great fat black cock into Irene’s willing pussy but he also knew that for me to be denied watching that the whole ‘game’ would end.

It was at the end of the week that he made his move. As ever I had been subjected to constant niggling criticisms about the meals I had prepared; the bath not being quite right; ‘where was his clean underwear?’ etc. All comments that were designed to undermine my position in the household and elevate his in the eyes of my wife. It was all part of the game and I didn’t mind for I knew that I would get my payoff at the end of the evening when once again I would be standing naked at the foot of the bed or thereabouts looking on as they fucked.

However, come Friday night and I sensed things had changed when instead of them already being well into their noisy sex by the time I had padded down the hall way to look in their bedroom door, they were both just lying on the bed and clearly waiting for me to appear. I was bemused when José got off the bed and ordered me to come into the room and to go and sit on a chair that had been strategically placed at the side of the bed; Irene’s side. I did as I was told and once I was seated José told me to place my arms on the arms of the chair which he then tied firmly in place so I was unable to move. He then jerked my head back and used another band to secure my neck against the headrest. I glance down at my restraints and saw that he had used my best silk ties to hold me. I was horrified, annoyed, helpless, humiliated that he was treating me so but at the same time excited knowing that whatever was going happen next there was nothing I could do to prevent it. Once I gained my breath I was aware of being quite immobile albeit that my 4 inch cock seemed to have a life of its own and was already as stiff as it has ever been and was dripping my sticky pre-cum onto the cushion below my naked butt.

Satisfied that I was unable to make any meaningful moves he then stood in front of me and taking himself in hand began to tease me how he was going to fill my wife with his monstrous cock; how he was going to make her squeal with delight; how she would be grateful she didn’t have to rely on getting her pleasures from me; how she loved to lick and taste his cock. With that final tease he move closer, positioned himself and stroked his erection across my face. I tried to pull my head away but the restraints he had tied made it impossible and I just had to submit to this new humiliation. My reaction to having his cock shoved in front of my face was a futile gesture; I couldn’t escape and to the sound of their laughter both of them knew it. What they didn’t know was that he had just fulfilled another fantasy to which I hadn’t admitted.

I play-acted resistance for a little while but at Irene’s urging for me to open my mouth I eventually did as she ordered. José guided the fat glans between my lips and gave orders of his own for me to, “lick it, taste it, make me wet for your wife”. I didn’t resist any longer and opened my mouth as wide as possible so that he could push himself into my mouth which was now drooling. I can only describe it as being like a hot stiff fleshy rod but at the same time it felt so smooth on my tongue as I tentatively lapped and sucked to the best of my ability. He groaned his approval at my acceptance and willingness of being violated so and clearly I must have been doing something right for he made no attempt to pull out. Indeed, for the first time ever he showed me he had a tender side as he gently held my head and whispered words of encouragement for me to suck harder.

It was bizarre, in less than a week of his return I had gone from being the ‘man of the house’ to being a tied-up, cock-sucking sissy being told by my wife’s lover to make him ready to fuck her whilst she was laying alongside and almost applauding her approval. My head swimming and I couldn’t believe just how easily I had submitted to being humiliated in this way. At the same time my racing heart was telling me that this was just the most exciting thing to have happened to me and even though I was unable to look and confirm I knew from the ache that my cock was rigid with arousal.

Over the noise of my slurping I heard Irene’s voice directed not at me but at José telling him that he looked perfect and to come and give her what she was waiting for. He released his hold on my head and pulled out leaving me gasping for air. Without a word he clambered onto the bed and kneeling between her spread thighs he aimed his saliva-covered cock (my saliva) at Irene’s pussy which she was framing with her hands as she opened herself for him. I thought I was going to die with excitement as I sat helplessly watching as he guided that black cock into her pink folds. She pushed up to meet him and within seconds she had taken in every inch and his fat hairy balls were squashed against her bum. They began to slowly fuck and I felt myself involuntarily raising myself up from the seat of my chair as I tried to mirror each thrust he made.

Time stood still for me but I think it must have been just a few moments of them groaning and moaning their obvious pleasure that she looked over at me and smiled and that was when I had my first ejaculation. Even without being able to touch myself I was aware of the most exquisite sensations coursing through my body and the feeling of hot cum splashing on my thighs. I almost wept such was the intensity of my orgasm.

She turned her head away and refocused her attention on José who was clearly bringing her to her own first climax. With each thrust she would give a small yelp of pleasure and murmur words of encouragement; words the like of which she had never used with me; words more suited to a whore rather than a respectable housewife but nevertheless extremely arousing to hear and my little cock responded by not softening at all. How long he managed to keep going I had no idea but eventually after she had seemingly cum multiple times I heard his moans turn into more a series of grunts and his thrusts became even more forceful. I was mesmerised as I sat restrained in my chair and saw his slick black cock appear to become even fatter and then with a bellow he began to shoot his seed. The first couple of spurts were shot deep inside her and then whether by accident or on purpose he pulled out of her and his fat slimy cock continued to jet spurt after spurt of white creamy cum over her belly and her heaving tits. I don’t know what she was feeling but I was in some kind of heaven.

He fell off her and lay alongside her, his cock still impressively stiff but clearly now he had his climax he seemingly had lost interest in her. The pair of them remained laying on their backs, both gasping for air such had been the intensity of their ‘exercise’ and then José put his arm across his face and I swear that within minutes he fell asleep. Irene was as confused and taken aback as myself as we heard the sound of his snoring and she looked back at me as if as to say, ‘wtf?’ I was in no position to answer but was relieved when she slid off the bed and came over to my chair and untied the bonds that were holding me. She gave me a kiss as she helped me up from my chair and I got to my unsteady feet aware that the remains of my ejaculations were dribbling down my legs. If Irene noticed, she made no mention as she took my hand and led me out of the bedroom back to ‘my’ own room.

We must have made a fine sight, both naked and her guiding me as if I was some aged relative! She sat me on my bed and lent down and gave me another kiss and told me once again how much she loved me and as I lay back she added, “now you can take care of yourself”. With that she went back to José whose snoring had stopped and was calling out her name leaving me to fall into an exhausted sleep holding my stiff stubby cock listening to their love-making.

Looking back I suppose this was the nadir of the relationship with José for shortly thereafter the atmosphere seemed to change. Whilst I was perversely satisfied with the situation of being continually humiliated and having my ‘shortcomings’ pointed out by José it was worth any discomfort just to see Irene being violated by his fat black cock and have my fevered fantasies made real. However, whilst Irene played along with her part in our game (and admitted that she got so much more satisfaction from being fucked by him rather than my pathetic excuse of a cock) unbeknown to me he was becoming increasingly more abusive to her and she was not enjoying that part at all. She has always been ‘the lady’ and apparently over time he was showing his true colours as a brute and a bully. I never saw any of this happening as often he would be trying to subject her to his will when they were at the Gym or elsewhere.

I returned home from work one day and it was clear that the dynamic had changed. I went to my room to change but found the closets were empty. I looked around and discovered that all my things were back in my, our, bedroom. From the en-suite bathroom I heard noises and when I went in there was Irene softly weeping and dabbing at her bruised lip. She looked in the mirror to see me standing there and her eyes reflected a combination of relief and love. She turned and hugged me and said that it was all over. ‘It’ being that she had told José to get out. I waited for the sobs to die down and she said the event that bought everything to a crashing halt was when he demanded that she leave me and go and live with him as ‘his wife’. He had decided to move to be nearer to his ****** down south and he demanded that she go with him. His arrogance was such that he couldn’t comprehend her laughing rejection and he reacted in the only way he knew and had hit her.

I never did see José again and I’m sure she didn’t either although she still continued with her gym regime once the bruising had healed. I felt full of guilt and remorse for having led us to this point but my dear Irene would have none of it and said that she just needed to be a little more careful in future with her choice of men. It took a little while for that remark to sink in but, as she later admitted, to be fucked (her word, not mine) by a bigger cock than mine had been a revelation and she had enjoyed the pleasure she received immensely. Knowing that I was getting my own pleasure from watching was the bonus albeit that she still couldn’t understand fully why that should be so but she was glad that I had made her do it. She gave me yet another hug and kiss and told me she loved me so much.


Oscar paused in his narrative to take a sip of his beer. We looked down to the beach and saw Irene gesturing toward him making signs that he accurately interpreted as her wanting him to get her a drink. He went to the bar, ordered and collected a tray of soft drinks and negotiated the steps down to where Irene lay back on her lounger. He also took with him my gift of chocolate bars to put in the cool-bag she had with her and I was pleased to see her wave of thanks. It gave me the opportunity to take a lingering look at the lady who Oscar had been so intimately describing. She was indeed a beauty and although she was wearing a modest pink bikini it took no stretch of the imagination to appreciate the voluptuous body which even from my distance coupled to my less than perfect eyesight showed off her full rounded breasts with the suggestion of stiff nipples beneath. I was charmed and told him so when he returned to join me once more on the terrace.

We refreshed our glasses and he continued with his fascinating story.


With José off the scene and confined to history we vowed to speak of him no more but nevertheless it took a little while for her emotional wounds to heal; she really had been shocked and frightened by José's behaviour but, having said that, the experience hadn't lessened her appetite for pandering to my fantasies for which I was truly thankful.

It was a couple of weeks after José's departure that our circumstances changed once more. Irene's company went through yet another reorganisation and it was decided that her working from home was no longer an option so she was recalled to the office where shortly thereafter she was promoted into becoming the PA to the new boss. The promotion came with a pay rise which was nice but the switch meant that she could once again rekindle her love affair with the company gym which in turn meant she could cancel her membership at the sport centre. We joked it probably meant that she would no longer be seeing the other black men who had expressed an interest in her but she said that was small price to pay to regain her self-esteem once more. However, with no-one else on her radar coupled to her now insatiable need for having a cock bigger than mine to fuck her, a low-risk solution had to be found which in the event was surprisingly easy to find. It was an on-line catalogue for adult 'sex aids/toys'.

I'm not sure who actually came up with the idea but to me it was a joy and revelation to witness her enthusiasm when we scrolled through the various toys on offer. I swear she was licking her lips as she reviewed the different shapes, sizes, textures, colours of the dildos and vibrators and to read the recommendations that accompanied the pictures. My joy was made complete when she chose a particularly realistic looking black monster which, on reflection, looked an awful lot like Jose's (but who am I to comment on her way of thinking?) It arrived in the obligatory plain brown paper package and proved to be an excellent substitute.

She called him 'Pepe' and how I loved the evenings we spent with her masturbating with her new black friend whilst she teased how much better Pepe was than me filling her and never going soft which gave her climax after climax on-demand. She would dress provocatively in revealing clothes or sometimes in just her slutty lingerie whilst I would be sitting close by, naked and trying to follow her orders not to touch my cock which would have already be reacting to her provocations in the most agreeable manner. I would try my best to comply but soon I would be giving myself sly touches to confirm my little dick was hard and as a consequence the familiar feelings would start to well up inside me. I tried very hard not to cum too quickly but she knew exactly how to goad and urge me on with her dirty talk and I rarely succeeded in lasting but a few minutes before I was spurting and shooting my cum over my legs and on the carpet. She would smile at seeing the evidence of her control over me and then her pleasure (and mine) would be made complete by her ordering me to clean up the mess I had made before telling me to come and do the same to her wet pussy with my tongue.

I didn’t complain for I had come to enjoy being ordered about and told what to do by one who was normally a placid partner; I didn’t need to say anything to her for it became apparent that Irene was developing fantasies of her own for she began introducing variations to our games. Then again her ideas may not have been so much fantasies but more proof of her becoming a more dominant in her attitude toward me. When I thought about it there were many examples of how the dynamic was changing.

For example she began to complain and criticise about the mess I made when I ejaculated. (She even managed to adversely compare my cum as being inferior to what she had enjoyed with José.) I wasn’t sure whether she was being completely serious but she began to insist that in future I use condoms not so much to lessen the chances of her becoming pregnant (not much prospect of that for she had been on the pill for years) but because she didn’t want me soiling the furniture! I made a feeble protest but in truth I got some enjoyment from her being so insistent and it fed my perverted mind that really she was telling me that she preferred having someone else cum inside her rather than me.

Then there was her laughing at me when I was stroking off and she would look upon my hairless cock and balls (which for a long time now she insisted that I kept shaved) and she would tell me that I looked just like a little boy and ‘little boys’ shouldn’t be playing with themselves like that. Her saying things like that was guaranteed to make me start cumming like a fountain which would then prompt her to say in a voice such as a mother would use to a disobedient child something like, ‘the naughty little boy should have been wearing a condom’. She would then sometimes pull me into an embrace and encourage me to caress her bare breasts and to suck on her luscious stiff nipples. It was heavenly.

We did have so much fun playing that particular game although I didn’t appreciate at first that all these little diversions she played were in fact all part of her denying me to actually fuck her. She seemed to be getting her kicks from encouraging and watching me masturbate whilst at the same time she would be fucking herself with ‘Pepe’. What a sight we must have made, her looking at me wanking my condom-protected cock and me groaning my appreciation as I saw her expertly thrusting that monstrous black dildo back and forth between the puffy lips of her wet pussy. I don’t know how many times she enjoyed a climax, at times to hear her sobbing cries I had to believe it was one continual orgasm. For me the excitement would always be too much and I would soon be ejaculating and it would feel almost like I had exploded into my condom. Then my feelings of pleasure would subside just as quickly as my cock would shrink and I had to catch the spunk-filled condom which invariably slipped off my ‘little boy dick’. Irene, bless her, would always finish our game by asking me to hand her the condom when she would make a great play of holding it up and sliding it around between her fingers while congratulating me for being ‘good boy’ and not making a mess. I would then be told to go and dispose of it and when I returned, the best part of all, she would tell me how much she loved me.

Imagine my surprise when one evening after we both returned from work and, as is our way, sifted through the mail that had been posted through the door. There was the usual junk stuff and flyers, bills and such but intriguingly there was package addressed to me. Irene smiled as I fumbled to open the padded large envelope for obviously she knew what it contained. I didn’t share her smile when the plastic device fell out; I instantly recognised it as a cock-cage that had been advertised on the website from where we had bought her vibrator. I looked at her in disbelief and said the only thing that could be said, “Really?”

She laughed at my reaction and gave me a kiss and said something to the effect of, ‘Sweety; it’ll be fun. We can make sure that the little boy behaves himself.”

So began the next step up the path of me being the complete cuckold; the level that said that even if I wanted to that my cock would not be free to fuck my wife ... unless she allowed it. I really didn’t know what to say but secretly I was as intrigued as her as to how this might work and later that evening I lay naked on the bed and she tenderly fitted the thing to enclose my hairless, smooth cock and balls. Once she had checked that my cock was totally encompassed she snapped little padlock into place that came with the package and almost triumphantly slipped the key onto her gold chain necklace. It felt really strange to be so restrained but perversely it was comfort to know that I had no choice in the matter.

She smiled and laughed at my dilemma of being so effectively made impotent but seeing my initial horrified reaction she then admitted she had only bought it as a bit of fun to be used as a prop in future games and that it wasn’t intended to be a permanent thing. It was with mixed relief that I laughed along with her and hoped that’s what she really meant!

From that evening onwards it seemed there was no end to the inventiveness of her imagination and ways in which she could increase my humiliation of being a cuckold, even it was only play-acting. A few days later of wearing this restraint I mentioned that I thought the cage looked ugly; she instantly countered with that she knew how it could be made to look more attractive. Her solution was to slip off her silk panties that were soiled from her previous excitements and handing them to me told me to put them on. I swear that as I pulled the damp thong up over to cover the cage I felt my cock swell inside and threaten to burst the padlock free! My mind went into overdrive as I thought what a perverse thing to do and, oh my, how my pre-cum did dribble through the slats and add to her juices. It was that night onward that I discovered the pleasure that came from wearing her panties; it was something I then began to take a secret pleasure in doing.

The winter melted away and springtime bought warmer weather together with the opportunity to visit the beach. Our first visits were taken at Easter time when the girls were home for the school holidays and we had a lot of fun taking walks and playing on the beach. We all kept our clothes on but that didn’t prevent me from getting excited when I glanced up at the spots in the dunes and recalled the fun we had last year when the girls hadn’t been with us!

The holiday came to an end and the girls left us once more to resume our alternative life. We were both kept very busy with our respective jobs and Irene especially was finding the going a lot tougher now she was back in the office rather than when she was working from home. However, it suited her for she seemed to have blossomed and, dare I say, the added pressures that came from her promotion suited her very well and her confidence in all things seem to increase day by day; none more so than when telling me of her needs, feelings and desires in the bedroom and beyond. It was these desires that would lead us toward what we had both been missing since the departure of José.

It didn’t slip my attention that during our conversations Irene would more and more be slipping in mentions of her interactions with her new boss. I soon learned his name was Manuel and that she clearly found him to be an admirable chap and a joy to work for (or ‘serve’ as she put it in a rather odd Freudian-slip kind of way!). From the tone of her voice and the situations she described I could not help but think that there might be more than work going on when she was with him but from my point of view, if she was happy then I was more than happy. Certainly, I had no twinges or feelings of jealousy as she would dreamily relate what ‘he said’, what ‘he did’ and colour her descriptions of how he looked when they were in the office together. She told me that he was in his late-40s/mid-50s, divorced or separated, she hadn’t quite worked out which, and that he lived a couple of blocks away from us. She didn’t give any indication of his looks but I guessed from what she said that he was attractive in her eyes. Indeed, seeing how she was so obviously smitten with him and me still harbouring desires to be cuckolded I actually encouraged her to take advantage of their obvious close proximity and hinted that I had no problem if she might wish to take the relationship outside of the work place and maybe socialise with him. She leaned over and I’m sure I saw a tear in her beautiful brown eyes as she hugged me and said, “That would be nice. You do know that I will always love you, don’t you?” Once again she melted my heart.

It must have been the weekend following that momentous conversation that the weather really took off and we decided to take advantage of both the sunshine and the opportunity of not having the girls at home to go and spend time at the nudist beach. I was really excited at the prospect as we got ourselves ready but was a little nervous when Irene (who was back to being her dominant best) called to me from the bedroom whilst I was finishing my shower and said she wanted to be certain I was ‘properly dressed’. I was a little confused; if we going to the nude beach what need was there to consider a dress-code?

I dried off and went into the bedroom where with a gleam in her eye sat Irene on the bed holding in one hand the cock-cage and in the other the thong she had taken off the night before. Once again I said, “Really?”

We got to the beach and clearly many people had the same idea as us for already the best spots were taken and all around were naked couples stretched out on towels, fold-up chairs or blow-up mattresses and such. It was a delight to be back and as we wandered about looking for a suitable spot to encamp I feasted my eyes on a dizzying array of breasts big and small, pussies shaven or not and cocks; cocks all bigger than mine. A spot was identified and we spread out our towels and as ‘nudist beach protocol’ demanded we stood and nonchalantly began to undress in full view of anyone who cared to look. I say ‘nonchalant’ but in my case my heart was racing for I knew that when I dropped my shorts that the thong that was beneath would be ******* and, goodness, whatever would people think? Nevertheless under the strict instructions from Irene I did as she had told me and took down my shorts and then with my head hung in shame I made a great play of folding up our discarded clothes all the while turning and making certain that my frilly covered butt and groin was presented for the amused spectators. I daren’t look to see what the reaction had been for I was already steeling myself for the next humiliation which I knew would be even more intense.

Irene had already stripped off and was standing looking at me as I hooked my thumbs into the waistband of the thong. I swear that her nipples had stiffened in response to seeing my embarrassment and I can only imagine what she was feeling inside as she watched me step out of the thong which had fallen around my ankles and then stand up straight so that the sun glinted off that damn cock-cage that was so effectively encompassing my ‘private parts’. If a smile could be said to express triumph, then that was what she was wearing; all she was wearing!

As I sat down on the towel I’m sure I heard some sniggering and comments being made from the folks who were around us but I was too embarrassed to see who might be looking and I lay on my stomach and just enjoyed the feeling of Irene smoothing sun lotion on my back. She then lay alongside and I managed to return the favour without ******** myself too much and as I lay back down again thought that maybe the rest of the day might not be such an ordeal after all; wrong!

We must have been an hour or so soaking up the sun when Irene announced we would take a walk. I was horrified at the idea but she was oblivious to my protest and pulled me to my feet so that once again my cock-cage was in full view. I stumbled down the beach to the waterside trying to keep close behind her while at the same time holding my hands in front of me to hide my shame. It was a futile gesture for once we got to the lapping water and began to wander along the shore she took my hand and very pointedly told me not to be so silly and to ‘walk properly’. As we meandered along the shoreline I began to relax and slowly became accustomed to the curious looks from folks who we passed. Indeed, I actually started to enjoy the experience of being regarded as a sort of slave to my ‘mistress’ as we padded along, so much so that I felt a growing excitement inside the confines of the cage to the extent that it became quite painful. Irene was not so mean that she didn’t prevent me from dipping into the cold sea in order for me to calm down from time to time. Having said that I was so relieved when we eventually got back to our pitch and she took the key from her neck chain and unlocked and released my poor aching cock. At last I was able to lie on my back and let the sun provide its healing rays.


I was bemused by Oscar’s candour in telling me all this. It seemed as if he was almost relieved to have someone with whom he could share ‘his story’ and not have to be concerned about being judged. I certainly had no intentions of abusing his confidence and told him so.

I offered to go and get us more beer but Oscar declined and said that he ought get back to his ****** who looked as if they were preparing a picnic from their cooler. He asked if I wanted to join them but I excused myself as I had plans of my own. We shook hands and as we went our separate ways made plans to meet the following day when he promised that he would tell me how things had developed with Irene and Manuel.

I eased myself off the bar stool and looked down on the beach. Oscar said something to Irene and they both looked up at me and gave a goodbye wave as I left the bar. As I wandered away I thought about the forecast for tomorrow which promised another fine day. So there would be nothing to prevent our meeting and for me to hear the next chapter of his confession. I’m excited already!
