Chapter Six –The Dream Shared


Oscar left me to return to his wife and was soon lost to sight. It had been a pleasant hour or so spent listening to his story and I was in awe of how he could be so candid and open about the circumstances and situations with his status as a cuckold in his marriage, perhaps his candour was an essential part of him needing to feel humiliation; I don’t know, this cuckoldry-thing was all a mystery to me.

It was mid-afternoon and still pleasantly warm so I decided once I had finished my beer that I too would indulge myself in the newly acquired pleasure of the nudist beach. I returned to my hotel room and picked up my backpack with me so there would be no complications of what to do with my ‘stuff’ once I got to the beach for my walk. So equipped I made my way back to take the path down to the shoreline and to find the corner and see once more the sign that warned that to pass beyond I would run the ‘risk’ of seeing naked people. Yeah, right, bring it on!

Holding onto the signpost I dropped my swimming costume and stuffed them into my bag while at the same time pulled out my baseball cap and sunglasses. Although I had been initiated into the joys of naked sunbathing a few days previous I still felt a sense of anxiety about being bare and being embarrassed that someone might recognise me; it wasn’t much of a disguise but my thinking was at least my facial features might be obscured!

Having said that, the sun was getting low in the sky and I had to pull at the peak of my cap to shade my eyes so my flimsy excuse of hiding my face was achieved in any case. With my mirrored sunglasses there was no way anyone could have seen my eyes or recognised my face, or so I believed.

However, I really don’t know why I worried for as on my previous visit the people who were lazing around on towels and beach-chairs or similarly taking a stroll certainly paid little attention to me as I passed by walking along the shoreline. It took no time at all for me to feel completely at home as I delighted once more in the sight of these uninhibited people as they soaked up the last remaining rays of the afternoon’s sunshine.

I continued on my trek until the cliffs at the end of the beach prevented me going any further. Not wishing to just cover my tracks by turning around I decided to take the path which led up into the dunes and would take me back in a roundabout way to where I had started. In truth that had always been my intention to take that route given the sights that I had seen on my previous expedition. I was hopeful that I might witness some of the same.

It didn’t take me many steps up the path before my suspicions were rewarded for as I crested the rise my eyes caught a movement within the tufty grass fronds which grew on top of the sand dunes. They provided a natural cover if one wished to remain hidden ... or not, as the case may be. In this case it was the latter for the two middle-aged men seemingly had no compulsions about hiding the fact that as they lay back on the soft sand behind the grass they were busily but lazily stroking each other off.

I slowed my step so that I could better see and one looked my way and smiled as if inviting my attention. The other had his mind elsewhere for as I looked on suddenly he gave a grunt and his spunk spewed over his stomach and the hand of his friend who was giving him attention. My goodness, I thought, what a sight to behold for a ‘first sighting’.

I walked on aware that my own cock was reacting to the scene and was showing signs of stimulation. I took myself in hand just to make myself more comfortable I reasoned as I gave myself a few welcomed strokes. I ignored the voice calling out behind me that said, “I can help you with that!”

The path led toward the area which I had passed through on my previous visit where I had seen Irene being watched by Oscar when she had been openly giving Blowjobs to a couple of passing strangers. This time there was no Irene or Oscar in residence for their place had been taken by another couple who looked vaguely familiar as being fellow guests at my hotel; I couldn’t see faces but the distinctive elaborate tattoos on his arms was a clue. Once again my presence was ignored as they went about their leisurely fucking, her on her back and legs wrapped around the waist of her man as he thrust back and forth in a perfect demonstration of the missionary position.

I stopped to properly take in the scene and subconsciously found myself once again rubbing my cock which somehow had developed a mind of its own as it progressively became stiffer. The man had his back to me and couldn’t see me standing there but the woman turned her head and looked at me for a few seconds and smiled before closing her eyes once more and returned to the objective of her mounting ecstasy.

It made for an enchanting scene, the sun beaming down on the two naked bodies coupled in the act of love, the sounds of her soft mewling each time he thrust his stiff cock into her gaping wet pussy; the slap of his balls against her each time he bottomed out; the distinctive squelching as he pistoned back and forth. They were soon lost in a world of their own and I had no compulsion to leave but rather I decided to stand my ground and wait to see how long it would take him to cum. It didn’t take long, a few minutes later he added to the soundtrack with a grunt and as he continued to pump it was clear that he was shooting deep inside her as each time he withdrew I could see both his cock and her pussy was increasingly coated with his sperm.

He collapsed on top of her prone form and I felt as if I should have applauded the performance such was its entertainment value but it would have been difficult for I was more concentrating on using my hands to massage my erection which was now covered with the pre-cum that had obviously been seeping as I witnessed the erotic scene. I decided rather to tear myself away and to continue with my walk and hope that if anyone should catch sight of me that my stiff cock would not cause too much embarrassment!

I followed the traces of a meandering track through the hillocks and dips in the dunes and from time to time I would spot the obvious presence of others. I tried to act nonchalantly but in truth my antennae was working overtime as I scanned back and forth to see if there was any other action to be seen. I passed by a natural hollow and looked down to see there was a group of men standing in lose formation around a woman who was on her knees taking turns to masturbate or to suck each and every one of them just as the fancy took her. They seemed to be very happy with her attentions and she showed no signs of distress and was clearly enjoying her holiday very much. I considered joining the party but decided against and continued instead with my walk.

A wise decision for just before I found the path that would take me back down to the beach I came across the perfect scenario. There in another depression in the dunes was the auburn haired Irene on her knees being fucked doggy fashion by someone other than Oscar. She looked a delight as her tits swung in phase with the shoving she was receiving from behind from her anonymous assailant and even though I couldn’t see her face due to her hair acting as a curtain she was clearly enjoying every moment. I was transfixed at the sight, it was surreal to be actually watching someone who I recognised from having seen her a few times on the sun lounger beneath the terrace; someone who I felt I knew so much about from the descriptions that her husband had confided in me and here she was, actually performing in front of me. I had my suspicions of having seen her doing something similar the few days previously but then there had been an element of doubt. Here, there was no such doubt, it was the fragrant Irene ... unknowingly fucking in front of me for my enjoyment. Once again my aching, throbbing cock reminded me that I approved what I was seeing.

Her lover kneeling behind her began to increase his pace and it was clear he was close to his climax and a few thrusts more and he reached his peak and pulled out to shoot his cum over her back. She squealed what sounded like a sound of approval as she felt the hot sperm being spread by his still stiff cock up and along the crease of her bum and then with a final cry of delight she fell forward to spread herself prone on the towel that she had spread beneath her. Without a word of gratitude or any display of grace her companion got to his feet and with his softening cock still dribbling the evidence of his passion he stepped away and left her lying there seemingly trying to regain her breath.

I was transfixed, unable to move as I took in the delicious sight of Irene laying there her legs apart so that I could see her swollen pussy lips wet and showing a trickle of cum leaking out. She looked delightful whereas I must have looked like something stupid as I stood there, rucksack on my back, cap and glasses my only items of ‘clothing’, my tongue virtually lolling out of my open mouth; my stiff cock in my hand. I was still standing looking at her when she rolled over and saw me. Without any embarrassment she crooked a finger and said, “Tu turno”, which with my shaky grasp of Spanish I assumed to translate as ‘Your turn’. I needed no second invitation whatever the language and I moved over to her and knelt between her spread legs and guided my aching cock into her warm wet cunt. As I started to fuck her she began to babble what I assumed to be encouraging words in my ear. I had no idea what she was saying but it seemed that my frantic efforts were pleasing her as the words I took to be Spanish deteriorated into the more familiar sounds of an approaching orgasm. I felt my own climax coming upon me and I added my own voice as I let go with what felt like a fountain as I cum inside her depths. Once again she gave a squeal of delight as she hugged me tightly and I felt her pussy pulsing around my cock as it seemed she was reluctant to let me withdraw. I summonsed up the only other word in Spanish that I felt confident to speak and said, “Gracias”.

Like the ‘lover’ before me I got to my shaky feet and stood a moment or two as I regained my balance and composure. It was only then that my thoughts went to ‘wherever is Oscar?’ I turned and my question was answered for Oscar was sitting on the far slope of the dune and looking somewhat agitated. Like myself he was wearing a baseball cap and had sunglasses covering his eyes which effectively covered both his features and it was difficult to ascertain if he was actually looking our way or if he was just keeping a look out for anyone who might be passing in this direction and disturbing Irene’s fun. Unlike myself he was not entirely free to express his emotions for even at that distance I could see his cock cage glinting in the setting sunshine.

Irene gave me a smile as I left her and I continued along the path that would take me back to the beach. My route took me away from Oscar who remained seated on the slope and I didn’t have either the opportunity or the inclination to acknowledge him if indeed he knew it was me that had just enjoyed his wife’s company. As I got to the signpost which marked the point where I had to retrieve my costume from my bag I pondered as to how, or indeed whether I should, broach the topic when I next saw him in a more normal setting!


I next saw him a couple of days later as I was passing his hotel on my walk into town. When I say 'him' I actually mean 'them' for it was Irene, the girls and Oscar who were overseeing their luggage being put into the trunk of a taxi. He saw me and called out.

"Hey, glad to see you. We need to go home early; ****** crisis," he said without specifying what. I didn't ask and he continued, "I hoped I might have seen you at the beach before we left but, no matter, you're here now."

I made what I trusted were the correct sympathetic noises and said that I was sorry their holiday had been cut short but, "... needs must and you do what you've have to do.," I extended my hand to Irene to give my goodbye and said, "A shame that we didn't have time to meet properly, I hope you have a safe journey home."

She shook my hand and said with a smile and in perfect English, "Oh, but I'm sure we did meet and I recall it was a pleasure." She turned away and ushered the girls into the cab.

I'm sure I was blushing as I turned to Oscar who cocked his head and gave me a wink. "Goodbye, my friend. I'll be in touch."

I stepped back and waved as the taxi drew away to take them to the airport. "Oh my God, did she mean what I thought she meant; had she recognised me?"


I never did meet Oscar face-to-face ('in the flesh') again but we subsequently kept up a constant correspondence and an occasional Skype and our correspondence continued and I was treated to many long and eloquent messages that bore testament to Oscar's secret delight at being cuckolded by his wife. (Through his mails and messages I could hear his voice telling me all this and for the sake of accuracy as I record his 'confessions' maybe I should write as if it is he who has the pen.)

After they had returned home that I ventured to ask if the '****** crisis' which prompted them to curtail their holiday had resolved itself.

I could almost hear Oscar laugh when I read that, no, there hadn't really been any crisis, it was all down to Irene having been getting bored and frustrated at being away from home and had been looking for an excuse to return. She used Lela, the ******** who had been stung by the wasp, as having become almost paranoid at the flying insects that were about as being a reason to get away. He said it was a weak excuse but once Irene had made up her mind about anything then there was no stopping her. He had no doubt that the real reason was that she wanted to get back home so that she could be back in the arms of her new lover, Jason, the one who wasn't aware that he was making my friend the willing cuckold.

She didn't see herself as being a cuckoldress, indeed, she claimed never to have heard of the word, as far as she was concerned she was just getting the kind of intimate attention from a nice man who was better equipped and more capable than her husband and, most importantly, that she was behaving this way with her husband's consent. No amount of discussion would convince her otherwise.

On their return home it was but a week or so before the girls returned to their boarding school and once again the field was clear for 'normal service' to be resumed. Irene spent the week doing post-vacation stuff and getting prepared for her return to work whilst I, Oscar, the man of the house, settled back into making sure that the household chores were done so she didn't have to over-exert herself!

She used the holiday as the reason why she had put on weight. I couldn't see it, to me she looked as trim as ever but she was adamant that she needed to lose some pounds and so would be returning to the gym. She suggested that I might also benefit from doing a bit more exercise but I resisted the idea telling her I got more than enough exercise from running about after her. She wasn't too pleased at my display of defiance and I think that this may have triggered her determination to make me pay.

"I have signed up for some classes at the gym," she told me. "I'll be going straight from work so I'll be late home on those evenings." She was a bit vague about the schedule and also more evasive about how long the classes would be. What she did admit in conversation was that it had been Jason, her boss, who had recommended the gym and that he also did regular work-outs there. I wasn't surprised to learn that for she seemed to have become more infatuated with him as time went by and she would use any excuse to 'legitably' stay close to him.

I momentarily considered going to the gym myself if only for the opportunity to be seeing all those lycra-clad females displaying their charms as they used the exercise machines but decided against and contented myself with staying at home and letting my imagination do the running instead as to what exercise she might really be getting.

She knew that I knew. Indeed, it was an obvious ploy given that our whole relationship was based around 'the game' and that I was getting satisfaction from her denying me and her adding a dose of humiliation into the mix. Going off to the gym was a perfect set-up that she knew would have my mind working overtime and she wasn't wrong. All I said was, "Tell me about it when you get home." A reminder to her of her half of our 'arrangement'.

So it would be over the next few weeks that in the mornings of her gym date that she would not actually say that she was going off that evening but she would make damn sure that I saw her packing her exercise kit in sports bag. She would go off to work toting her bag and I knew that sometime during the day I might receive a call or a text to say she would be late home and not to bother to wait to eat my dinner. So would pass the day when I was left to imagine what might be happening and where. My dick would be in a constant state of arousal until she eventually returned home.

I knew better than to ask too much but as we were getting ready to go to bed our conversation would eventually turn to the events of the day. I pulled the covers over me and asked, "How did it go?" with as much nonchalance as I could muster.

"Yeah, it was good," she would respond with her auburn hair still damp, her face flushed and a knowing expression that was telling me that she knew I wanted to know if she had been fucked.

"Jason showed me some new routines. He's so good; he knows so much about exercises. I'm sure I'll get rid of this tummy in next to no time if I do what he tells me," she said with a smile.

She knew just what to say to get my attention. "Oh what was that then; what did you do with him?"

"Well, we did the usual stuff, the cross-trainer, the treadmill and weights and such then he had me lying on my back and with my knees bent he held my feet while I had to push as hard as I could against him. It was really hard work and I could feel my legs and muscles starting to burn but in a good way." She was pulling off her jogging bottoms as she was telling me this which revealed that she was still wearing her running shorts beneath, shorts that were really quite loose. She saw that I had noted and also I could see that she wore no panties.

I murmured, "I hope you were wearing more than that!"

She laughed, "Actually it was quite embarrassing. As he pushed and pulled against my feet I was aware that he could see right up my shorts. He must have been able to see my pussy . In fact, I know he could and he was really naughty because he kept moving my feet so that I kept touching his cock which had become really hard through his shorts! I mean, can you imagine doing such a thing with all those other people around?!"

Yes, I could imagine such a thing and a whole lot more.

"I'm sure if circumstances had been different we might have taken things a bit further ....," she trailed off.

She pulled on a nightdress and got into bed. She looked at me as she pulled the covers to one side, "Oh baby, you've been wearing that nasty little cage all day. I forgot about it. I'm sorry and you've been such a good boy." With that she unclasped the chain around her neck, leaned down and unlocked the padlock that was holding the damn thing together. At last I would get what I had been looking forward to all day long.

"Mmm, it does look sore. I don't mind if you want to give it a little rub," she said with mock concern.

'Don't mind'? This was all part of the game and it was her way of saying that she really wanted to see me stroking myself and to have it proved that she didn't need to be intimately involved with me getting my pleasure. I complied with her suggestion and gave myself a tentative touch and, yes, she was right about one thing though, my cock did hurt and, no wonder, being trapped in that thing all day and my imagination causing and making it straining to grow!

Ah, blessed relief and Irene cooed as she watched my sore dick begin to stiffen, "There, that's better. I expect you might like to have some lotion to smooth on, wouldn't you?"

I nodded my head as my stroking went up a notch, "That's a new one, she's never mentioned that before," I thought feeling my cock get a little harder.

"Mmm, pity. I don't think we've got anything that's suitable for sore cocks," she said with a giggle, "Perhaps I could kiss it better instead."

Oh my God, this was something new. My cock gave a twitch as I anticipated that maybe a kiss might turn into a blow-job. I gasped, "That would be nice ...," and I took my hand away.

She leaned over and I felt myself almost trembling as she put her head down and I felt her warm breath wash over my groin as she so very carefully puckered her beautiful red lipstick painted lips and so very carefully planted a soft kiss on my cock. I closed my eyes as I awaited her to make the next move but quickly opened them when I heard her say, "There, that should make it better."

What! That's it? She was lying back on her side of the bed looking back at me with my stiff cock pointing up at the ceiling. She affected a look of confusion on her face when she saw the expression on mine, "What's the matter; were you expecting more than a kiss?" she mocked.

Damn right I had been expecting more than a kiss but I also knew that we were now getting more into our game, the one where she both mocks and teases and ultimately denies me. I didn't say anything but waited for her to lead the conversation.

"Goodness me, if I did anything more you would be wanting to be putting that silly little thing into me and I would end up being frustrated because I couldn't feel it and anyway you would be dribbling out your stuff before I got interested. You know it would be a waste of time."

Oh my, she was good. I wondered where this would be going tonight as I placed hand and grasped my cock once more.

"I was with a real man so tonight and I could tell he had a proper size cock, not a silly little Willy like yours." She pulled up her nightie to her waist and ******* her shaven pussy. She looked down at herself and trailed her fingers around the slick looking lips, "Mmm, I wonder what it would be like to have his cock inside me? I bet it would feel nice to be filled up with a big one and I bet he would last longer than you can."

Now she really was messing with my mind for I knew, or at least strongly suspected, that on her late nights and on other occasions in the past year she had hinted of many opportunities to sample his 'big fat cock' (her words). My own cock gave another twitch as I resumed my gentle wanking.

"You know, after our gym session this evening he asked me to go back to his flat. I wasn't sure if I should ..." her voice trailed off as her fingers began to trace a rhythmic path between her puffy pussy lips. "If we had I expect he would have soon been able to see me properly without my shorts being in the way. He would have seen how wet I was waiting for him to get that big cock of his out." Her fingers were now dipping inside her as she slightly spread her legs. "I would help him to get his clothes off and it would take no time at all before I was on my back and he would be trying to find the right place ..... I would help him with that too."

My hand was now moving faster and I reached with my other hand and cupped my balls.

She looked at me to make sure I was paying attention and her description was having the required effect. "Oh, and how lovely it would feel when I felt him slide that stiff cock into me and he would be touching places that you could never reach. I expect I would really have to spread my legs to let him get properly in, wouldn't I?" and to emphasise her point she spread her legs even further.

My mind was going all over the place, had she or hadn't she fucked him tonight before she came home? Did it matter?

"Mmm, he felt so strong and as I felt him push fully into me I had my first orgasm. Oh, he felt lovely .... I was in bliss. I don't know how long we lay there .... him on top of me .... it felt divine and I just seemed to have ..... one orgasm ..... after the other." Her fingers were properly fucking her wide-open vagina as she gasped out her jumbled descriptions and I could tell she was about to have her own moment of bliss as her breathing became more ragged. She bit her bottom lip and mewled out a cry of ecstasy as her climax overwhelmed her head, no doubt, full of visions of being filled by a cock that was so much more capable than mine of giving her what she needs.

I was still wanking, transfixed by the sights and sounds of my wife telling me of her fictitious night out .. or was it? Her description was so vivid that it didn't matter, it was having the required effect. I closed my eyes and pictured him fucking her, her cries of passion and of him ultimately cumming deep inside her. It took no time at all before I was similarly overwhelmed and I felt the heat wash over me and for my spunk to spurt and fountain beneath my grasping hand, the hand that neatly enveloped my stiff little penis.

I lay back against my pillow and tried to get my breath. I looked toward Irene who was still laid on her back, her nightdress still rucked up around her waist, her quiet hand covering her pussy and, I suspected, her fingers still inside her warmth. She looked over to me and smiled, "That was nice, wasn't it?"

I just nodded as I was incapable of speech such was the explosive orgasm that I had enjoyed. I picked up my hand and looked around to find a tissue to wipe the cum that was dripping down. Yes, it had been nice, I thought as I wiped my fingers and dabbed at the cum that was pooled on my stomach and she had played the game perfectly giving me the perfect fantasy description of her liaison with her 'lover' but it was just a game wasn't it?

"I could use one of those," she said as I went to put the tissue box back onto my nightstand. She lifted her own hand from her pussy and there was the distinct dribble of cum trailing from her fingers, man cum, not the sweet clear nectar that she usually produces when she has an orgasm. Oh my God, so maybe it wasn't a made-up story at all ... or was it, she didn't say.

We finished cleaning up and lay back down and resumed 'normal' conversation as if nothing untoward had happened. She asked what I had been up to during the day; I asked after her's. Inevitably Jason came back into the conversation and she suggested that she might invite him over one evening to have dinner and actually have me meet him. I mentioned that I felt like I knew him already but she let the reference pass without further comment.

She then said almost as a by-the-way that he had invited her to go to the Opera next week. She said she wasn't sure if she would accept given she wasn't big into that kind of stuff and didn't know too much about that side of culture.

I told her that she should go and expand her mind, did she know what Opera they would be seeing.

"Ah yes, that much I do know; it's Verdi's 'La Traviata'"

I smiled, "Good choice for you. 'La Traviata', it translates as 'The Fallen Woman'."

She punched my arm before turning over to sleep and left me to think about what I might cook when Jason came to call.
