Chapter Five – Sharing the Dream


It was a few days before I saw Oscar again. Indeed, with no sign of him or his ****** I wondered if I had misunderstood their holiday schedule and that they had already gone home. It turned out not to be the case, I subsequently learned they had been ‘busy’ and the beach outside of my hotel hadn’t been on their agenda.

Meeting with Oscar had been a revelation and I was quietly impressed at his candour and openness in sharing with me the details of his extraordinary life; the acceptance and his willingness to be the cuckold; the almost confessional manner with which he shared his fantasies which made me feel like I was priest listening to someone unburdening his soul. Most of all I was intrigued by his description of visits made with his lovely wife to nudist beaches, something that up to that point in my ‘sheltered life’ I had not either the confidence or opportunity to do.

With nothing better to do and aware of the proximity of such a beach I dug deep and found ‘the confidence’ and having the opportunity I decided to follow the path along the beach that he and Irene had taken the days previous.

I followed the shore and rounded the point which marked a virtual border between ‘the Textiles’ and the naked sun worshippers. Once I was certain that I had passed beyond the gaze of anyone behind me I slipped off my swimming short and tee shirt bundled them into the small rucksack which contained my book, a towel and water bottle. I had come prepared for a long stay.

It didn’t take long before I had my first sighting of a nudist couple; they were lazing on spread towels under an umbrella on a slight rise of the beach. Both were reading books which hid their eyes so that neither of them gave me the slightest attention as I padded by wearing nothing other than the sandals on my feet and the cap upon my head. I tried not to be too obvious as I looked upon them but it was certainly a stimulating experience to see bare breasts, pussy and cock being ******* in such an ordinary manner. I passed them and turned my head back to my path to find the beach was populated with many other such couples all of them quite natural and totally relaxed about my presence as I wandered up from the shoreline and went between them looking for a spot which I could claim for my own. I took my time and hoped that my excitement wasn’t too obvious.

I eventually found a place at the top of the beach below the ridge of the dunes. It was a good spot for it was slightly elevated which allowed me to look down on the beach and the bank of the dune gave me a natural support against which to lean upon as I sat on my towel and also provided a little shade from the hot sun. I was aware that my previously unexposed body parts might suffer from the shock of being laid bare if I wasn’t careful. After a short while my presence was accepted and then ignored by my neighbours I had no trouble in sharing my attention between my book and the display of so many naked bodies around me. In truth not all could be regarded as a ‘pretty sight’ and indeed some of the women might best be described as ‘khaki beanbags’ given the rolls of flesh that hid any suggestion of the female form; some men were no better and I struggled to understand how the owners of the beer bellies and paunches thought themselves as being attractive as they lolled about giving a passable impression of being pink walruses!

Having said that there were many more attractive sights to be seen and my interest in my book waned as I looked around and I was amused to see a couple nearby who were clearly much in love as the woman was unashamedly slowly stroking the impressive erection of her partner who was laying on his back. At first I felt embarrassed to be witnessing such an intimacy but as I glanced around it was to see that nobody else was sharing my concerns so I allowed myself the continued pleasure of being a voyeur to the young couple.

From time to time people would come up from the beach walk by me and take the rough path that ran alongside where I lay. At first I paid it no mind thinking that maybe they were doing the ‘back to nature’ thing and taking a walk through the scenic route of the dunes. After a while I thought to follow their example and go and see what there might be there to be seen after all I am a keen bird-spotter and there was the promise of different species in this part of the world that would not be seen at home.

The girl looked up from caressing her partner and I asked her to keep an eye on my meagre belongings as I wanted to go take a hike. She smiled her consent and as I got to my feet I was amused to see her reposition herself so she could lay her head on the stomach of her man and to start to give him a blowjob. My god, what have I stumbled upon here, was my thought as I tried to hide my own swelling erection.

The track quickly crested the ridge and I found myself on a wide path which ran parallel to the beach and meandered its way past the hillocks and dips in the dunes. It was not too far before I had my first ‘spot’ , it wasn’t of a bird but rather it was a couple I had recently seen leaving the beach and here they were with her straddling and enthusiastically fucking him as he helpfully lay on his back. They paid not the slightest attention to my presence and were lost in their passion as she mewled her way to what was clearly going to be an enjoyable orgasm. I slowly crept by all the while keeping an eye on their progress.

A little further on and the path emptied out into a larger open area. As I approached another ‘hiker’ came my way and I was a little taken aback to see he was showing signs of what could only have been a recent ejaculation for dripping from the knob of his still half-erect hairless cock was a string of cum. He seemed unperturbed at my gaze as he nodded a hello as we passed each other.

A number of possible scenarios flashed through my head as I pondered but I was soon to have my suspicion confirmed for I was next greeted with the sight of a busty woman on her knees wearing nothing but sunglasses and sucking on the stiff cock of one of the trio of men who was surrounding her. The other two were stroking their cocks seemingly maintaining their erections until ‘their turn’ I figured. I stood in amazement at the sight and it was no surprise to find that my own cock had reacted to the sights I had seen. I felt a little self-conscious as I grasped myself to ease the growing discomfort.

The players in the tableau gave not the slightest indication that they knew or cared about my presence such was their concentration on the task in hand. I stood open-mouthed as the lucky man who was receiving the blow-job gave a grunt and the woman released her hold and guided and let him spurt his ejaculation over her tits which already showed signs of a previous donation. (I reckoned that the fellow I had passed on the path may have been responsible for that.) As soon as he had finished dribbling out any more cum she swivelled around on her knees to seamlessly take care of one of the other patiently waiting spectators. She did look up at me and I sensed she would have welcomed me to join in had I chosen to move closer but I was in such a state of confusion that my legs automatically continued to take me along the track and I passed by with my stiff cock pointing the way!

The path began to loop its way back toward the beach and I rounded the corner to find yet another more open area. At the far side I saw a few fellows standing beside a rutting couple who were in the throes of an energetic fuck. They were far enough away so that I couldn’t make out the exact details but I could see that the auburn haired woman was on her knees and taking her lover doggy style; kneeling in front of her was another male who was seemingly attempting to keep his cock in range of her open-mouth. The other couple of blokes appeared to be content to just stand watching and wanking. They made for an incongruous sight as both of them had rucksacks on their backs, caps on their heads and stiff cocks in their pumping fists.

I was astounded at the sight and together with what I had been witnessing on my short walk I was still coming to terms with the nonchalance with which everyone had acted. It was then that had my final shock. As the couple continued to fuck themselves to ecstasy I saw sitting on the far side of the group was a chap who looked familiar. He was likewise wearing baseball cap the brim of which half-covered his face. He was sitting on his heels with his knees apart and his cock cage glinting in the sunshine. He was concentrating closely on the action and certainly didn’t look my way which had I been able to see his face might have confirmed my suspicions that it was Oscar who was observing Irene getting fucked by a stranger.

The remainder of my day was spent with the images of what I had seen in the dunes swirling through my head. It was hard to concentrate on anything else and I felt blessed that I had taken the initiative and paid the visit to my first nudist beach. I wasn’t sure if what I had witnessed was typical but I certainly would have no qualms or hesitation of repeating the experience. I elected to enquire about the topic the next time I spoke to Oscar; if there was to be a next time.


The following day marked the halfway point in my vacation and by now I had established a routine that saw me each day have lunch at the terrace cafe that over-looked the beach close to my hotel. The sun loungers that had previously been occupied by Oscar and his ****** were suspiciously empty which suggested that they had indeed ended their holiday and returned home. A pity, I thought, I had so much I needed to ask him ... especially after yesterday’s excursion.

I had just pushed away my empty plate when a familiar voice asked, “Is this seat free?”

I looked up to see Oscar’s smiling face. I gave an extravagant wave, “Be my guest.”

He sat down opposite me as I waved to catch the attention of a passing waiter, “Let me get you a beer. Good to see you; I thought you must have gone home.”

“Nah, we’ve spent the last few days sightseeing; doing the street markets and touring around and staying close to the hotel pool. The girls are a bit nervous about the beach after Lenu’s insect bite and Irene said she wasn’t too fussed about coming down here anyway ....” He paused as his beer arrived and then continued, “ ... she’s more taken with going to the nudist beach.”

I smiled to hear that but made no mention.

“Anyway, we’ve got a few more days to top-up the suntan before we go back so let’s relax and drink to that.” He raised his glass, “Prost; Salute; Cheers or whatever it is you say in your language!”

I followed suit, drank a draft and said, “So, what have you got to go back to, anything interesting?”

“Oh, nothing in particular; work is the same old, same old; girls back to school. The main thing of interest now is Irene and her new boyfriend.”

My ears pricked at that. “Oh, how’s that working out; Manuel, isn’t it?”

“Mmm, yes, it’s working out very well indeed but, no, his name is Jason. It was her little joke to keep me off track by saying his name was Manuel. Not sure why, perhaps she didn’t want me to embarrass them if we were in company and I blurted his real name out. I mean, why would I do that? Anyway, we’ve all seemed to have come to a comfortable place in the relationship and we’re very happy at the arrangement. She’s getting regular attention; he’s got someone to share his life with and I am loving being the willing cuckold.”

Oh my goodness, I thought, here we go again with the candour and the willingness to ‘tell all’. I decided to push for more.

“I don’t recall that you mentioned this. I thought she had just got a shine on her boss at work and that she’d gone out the one time with him for dinner. It sounds as if she has moved up a level.”

He smiled at that, “Oh yes ... and some.” He looked at his watch, “I’ve got a little time in hand before I need to go; Irene wants to go back to the beach later this afternoon. Let me tell you all about Jason and Irene.”


That night of the date I watched her get into Jason’s car and then I spent the rest of the evening pacing around the apartment tidying up; picking at the plate of food she had left for me; cleaning up the bathroom after her; generally trying to keep to keep myself busy so that I didn’t have to think about what they might be doing or, more worrying, what they might be doing later.

It was just gone 11:30 when I heard the key in the door and I jumped up and went and greeted her as she came in. She seemed surprised to see me and as she hung her coat she said, “What are you doing up. I thought you would have gone to bed long ago.” I was uncertain if she was joking with me or if she genuinely thought that I would have done such a thing. I took it as a joke.

“So, how was it; did you have a nice time?”

“Mmm, yes it was fine. We went to the Grill at the Hilton. Yep, it was good,” she said without any great enthusiasm.

I still wondered if she was playing with me or perhaps didn’t like to admit she had enjoyed a night out with someone other than me, her husband. “Ah, what did you have to eat?”

She ran through a menu of dishes but I wasn’t really listening to the details, I was more concentrating on how to ask her what was really on my mind. “Ahm, what did you do after dinner, did you go anywhere afterwards?”

She smiled, “No, we lingered quite a while through the meal and really there wasn’t much time after dessert so we just went through to the bar nightclub and had a few drinks and a nice chat.”

I was disappointed; I was hoping to hear that they might have gone back to his place and that they had been a bit more intimate than just having ‘a nice chat’.

She saw the look on my face and said, “Really, oh come on, do you really think that there was enough time to do much else? I’m not Superwoman; you’re going to have to be more patient. Anyway, I never usually put out on a first date. You should know that!”

She said that with an even bigger smile on her face and left me not knowing what to believe. For sure they hadn’t been out all that long but then again ....

“Anyway, it’s late. Let’s get to bed and maybe I’ll tell you what you want to hear,” she said twirling the gold necklace around her finger.

We took off our clothes but left our underwear on as we got into bed. She looked delectable in her lingerie and the hold-up nylons; I might have looked a little less attractive wearing my frilly pink knickers but nevertheless she gave me a pat and said, “You’ve been a good sissy boy to wait up for me.”

I swear my cock gave a twitch within the damn cock cage when she said that. It definitely twitched when she bent down and unlocked the padlock and for the first time in two days my poor aching cock was free. She pulled off the rest of the restraint, gave me a stroke and I showed my gratitude by quickly getting stiff in her hand. It was then that I noticed that she wasn’t wearing any panties. I knew for sure that she had gone out wearing some! I made no comment.

“If we had gone back to his place then I’m sure we would have had a lovely time,” she mused. “In fact, you know what, I’ve just thought, why ever did we need to go back to his place? We were in a hotel for goodness sake. Why didn’t we think of that? We could have had a room; oh well... ” her voice trailed off as she pondered on the lost opportunity.

The idea of her, them, taking the elevator and going into a hotel room just to fuck was a delicious thought; imagine, my prim and proper wife going with someone other than her husband to spend a couple of hours doing that before coming home was just incredible. I didn’t say anything, I didn’t need to, I just lay there stroking my little stiff dick waiting for her to continue with her account of her evening.

“It was a bit noisy in there and as we sat at the bar he had to keep leaning over to make himself heard. Actually it wasn’t all that noisy but I knew he was using it as an excuse to peek down my dress ...” She arched her back and unclipped her bra and threw it to the floor, “... so he could get a better look at these.” With that she cupped her breasts, looked at me and smiled.

“That clearly got him excited because he started to squirm a little and I could see he was trying to hide the growing bulge in his pants. Poor boy, he must have been getting quite uncomfortable and I’m sure if eventually we had have gone somewhere that I would have soon seen that his penis was worth waiting for ... not like yours,” she added somewhat unnecessarily.

No, it wasn’t unnecessary; this was just what I wanted to be hearing. She knew/we knew that we were into playing out our little game, the game where she would be describing her being with someone else who was better endowed than me and being pleasured and satisfied in ways that I was unable to provide. She was providing me with the ‘proof’ that I was inferior and that she was justified in seeking sexual satisfaction outside of our otherwise perfect marriage.

“I would, once we got to his flat, let him unzip my dress and it would be lovely to see the look on his face when I turned around and let him look as I stood there wearing just my lingerie, the lingerie that you chose and helped me put on. I would be just as excited to watch him as he took off his own clothes and I know he wouldn’t be shy or slow for I know from work that he really is quite the decisive, positive person and when he has got something in his sights he doesn’t hesitate to get on with it ... unlike you.” Once again the hurtful barb.

“Mmm, you should have seen his cock. I could see even before he pulled down his pants that I was in for a treat and I wasn’t disappointed. So big and stiff already, I could hardly contain myself from going over to him and touching it but I knew that it wasn’t up to me to make the first move so I just followed his example and began to take off the rest of my clothes instead. I undid my bra and pulled off my panties and was just about to take off my nylons when he told me to leave them on. He said that he liked to see me like that.”

Oh my God, her power of description was awesome, she knew exactly what I wanted to hear and visualise and I responded by stroking my cock a little faster, my pre-cum beginning to flow and make my pleasure a little easier to achieve. I was still unsure whether what she was telling me was really just a fantasy or indeed was the truth; I mean, why had she come home not wearing the panties that I had so lovingly helped her put on earlier? I knew better that to ask.

“He went and lay on the bed and, my goodness; you wouldn’t believe how his cock stood up so big, so long, so strong. I swear I could see it throbbing. I couldn’t help myself, I got up onto the bed and I just had to take hold of him and find out if he tasted as good as he looked.” She looked over at me and reached and touched me. “Hmm, you’re just as hard as he was ... but that’s where the comparison stops!”

Now she really was messing with my head. Had she really gone back to his place with him or was this still just a make-believe story?

Did it matter?

No it didn’t.

“I began to lick him and, just like you, that lovely sticky juice began to dribble out. I love to see that, it looks so innocent and I knew that it means he was really up for giving me what I need. I licked it away as best as I could and my spittle made the fat knob of his cock all shiny and smooth. I could tell he liked what I was doing because he told me so. I went to take him into my mouth but he stopped me and told me to turn around and straddle his face. Bless him, he told me he wanted to give me the same sort of pleasure. I did as he asked and I’m sure I heard him gasp his appreciation when he saw for the first time that I was shaved. I was going to mention that it was you had shaved me as I knew that you wanted him to be the first to love me that way ... but I didn’t. In fact, by then, I didn’t give you any thought at all.”

She took her hand from my cock and transferred her touching back to her own body. I was disappointed that she had done so but, hey, this was all part of our game and she looked a delight laying there clad in just her hold-up nylons, her soft breasts rising and falling with her breathing and her fingers starting to languidly masturbate that baby-smooth pussy. She spread her legs a little wider and she smiled at me as I groaned my appreciation.

“Once I’d turned around and got myself comfortable over his face it was to discover his tongue was as hard and impressive as his cock. Oh my god, you wouldn’t believe just how deep he could push that slippery thing into me. It felt divine, so much so that I almost forgot what I was supposed to be doing to him. He gave my butt a slap and reminded me.”

I was transfixed listening to her description of their love-making and I grasped my own cock harder in response as I visualised what she said they did ... or did they? On the one hand she sounded so convincing but on the other we were playing a game, right?

“As he lapped away at my pussy I dipped my head and did the same to him. My goodness, I don’t know how I managed it but I opened my mouth wide and I was actually able to get that fat knob inside my mouth. He felt it go and he pushed upward to get me to take in more but I was worried that I might choke so I grasped his shaft with both hands so that he couldn’t push too much. He didn’t seem to mind and we both settled down to enjoy each other in the loveliest way; him slipping that tongue up and down my lips, me sucking and swirling my tongue around that fat cock.”

I now suspected that she was making all this up. Indeed, it sounded as if she was reading an extract from a porn novel or the letters page of one of the more ‘progressive’ ladies’ magazines! I mean, nobody talks like that, do they? I didn’t share this thought, I was too busily wanking and trying not to cum. Whatever the truth, she was good at this and I didn’t want her to stop.

“It was a few minutes of him licking, probing and feeling his hot breath that bought on my first orgasm....”

First!! Does she mean she had more than one? She’s never done that with me!

“... and he heard me making this fuss and before I had even finished moaning he pushed me off, rolled me onto my back and he was on me in an instant, pushing that stiff cock all wet and shiny with my spit into my spread pussy. He was so rough, he didn’t just slide into me, he shoved and I felt his balls up against my bum and my insides, how can I say, just filled up with his fat cock.”

Oh my God, she really was good at this. I closed my eyes and visualised in fine detail everything she described knowing that my little dick would never be able to achieve such a result. I opened my eyes and saw that she was equally excited at what she was telling me, her hands were dipping in between her legs sliding over that beautiful puffy pussy, fingers probing inside her obvious wetness. I got to my knees and with one hand still wrapped around my stiff little dick I reached with the other and tentatively stroked and caressed a stiff nipple. Her head instantly turned and she looked at me and my expectation was that she would tell me, “... don’t do that” but she didn’t, she just smiled to see that her words were having the desired effect.

“I would like to say that I was shocked at his aggressiveness but I didn’t. It was just like I always want to be treated, with a bit of dominance; forcefulness; by someone who knows what they want and doesn’t need to ask. He held my arms and I couldn’t move as he began to slowly fuck me. I couldn’t look down but I knew that my pussy was being ravaged in the most perfect way; I knew my lips would be clinging to his fat cock as he moved in and out; I could only imagine that my clit would have been shiny and wet with my juices and giving me the most exquisite sensation as he pushed against me on each stroke...”

Her description was sending my mind into another place and I felt like I was beginning to hyperventilate as I gasped for breath. My hand must have been a blur as I imagined it was my cock that she was describing invading her beautiful pussy. She saw my excitement and put out a hand to stop me but, too late, I was overwhelmed by an intense orgasm and my spunk jetted from my knob end and splashed over her stomach. She squealed as she felt the hot juice on her and grabbed my hand, “... don’t waste it. Come on, get in me.”

I scrabbled to get between her legs and still holding my cock and with my cum continuing to dribble out I managed to position myself so that I could do as she asked but even as I let go of myself and put the tip of my dick against her pussy I knew that it was too late. Already I was going soft and all I ended up doing was to mash myself against her. I could feel her warmth but I certainly wasn’t penetrating her by any stretch of the imagination but, undeterred, I humped myself against her as if I was fucking her and she cooed as I guess my nubbin rubbed against her clit. Indeed, she did more than coo for she went on to give me every impression that once again she was climaxing and I was grateful when I heard her whisper and thank me for, “ ... being a good boy!”

It was a perfect ending to a perfect evening for me. Once again we had played out our game and played our parts well. She had been the domineering wife and I had been the submissive hubby doing everything she asked and expected of me. The final stroke had been my inability to satisfy her with a man-sized erection and that was fine, it was what we expected and only served to confirm my place in the order of things.

I fell off her and went to bathroom and found a towel which I bought back and after I let her use it to clean and dry herself I took my turn and did the same. I gave her a hug and thanked her for being my perfect wife; she returned the compliment and said once again that I was, “ ... her good little boy” which gave me a warm feeling inside to hear. I just so loved this game we play and knowing it is just a game makes me feel even better.

I asked her if she had any plans to have another ‘date’. She paused before answering and said, “Oh yes, he’s asked me if I like the theatre. When I told him I love the performing arts he said that there is a Ballet being staged at the Coliseum next week, would I like to accompany him. He said ‘if that’s OK with your husband’. I had to laugh at that; I told him I’d be delighted and that my husband would be pleased to let me go. I hope you don’t mind but I also told him you are not very much into ‘culture’. He did laugh at that.

“So yes, I am going to have another date with him. Perhaps if we go back to his place afterwards I can get my panties back. I think that’s where I must have left them.”

What!!! She left her panties there? I thought that this evening we had been playing out our fantasies in a game but now she’s telling me that she left her panties there? Maybe I’ve got it wrong, perhaps tonight hadn’t been just a game after all.


Oscar looked at his watch, “Oh my Goodness, I need to get going. She’ll be sending out a search party to get me if I’m not back in the next few minutes.”

I laughed at his play-acting panic.

“She wants to pay her daily visit to the nudist beach. It has become a bit of a ritual, she really gets a lot of pleasure from our walk along there,” he said enigmatically with a wink.

I knew quite well what pleasure he was talking about but didn’t mention that I had seen them a few days previously. I let that slide and just said, “Hmm, perhaps I ought to take a look myself before you go to see what all the fuss is about.”

He looked at me and without any embarrassment said, “You do that, I’m sure Irene would love to see you there. I know I would.”

He wandered off and as he did so I wondered how best I could do what he suggested.
