Chapter Four – Dream (or was it?)


I watched Irene and Oscar until they rounded the point at the end of the beach when they became lost to my view. I assumed that once away from the gaze of us more inhibited holiday makers that they would then pause to strip off their swimming costumes to resume their walk as they joined the nudist area of the beach. I wondered what the other sun-worshippers would make of Oscar when they saw his cock cage.

I had an excursion of my own to make as I needed some provisions and, more importantly, to find a book to read. I paid the coffee bill and with a final glance at the beach, the sea and Oscar’s girls I wandered off into town to see what shops could be found to satisfy my short shopping list. My expedition took me a long enough to find what I needed while at the same time gave me an appetite for something to eat; it was after all coming up to lunch time.

I retraced my steps back to my hotel to deposit my purchases and then made my way back down to the terrace and the cafe bar overlooking the beach where I knew I could find something on the menu to satisfy both my thirst and my hunger. When I got there it was to note that the girls seemed not to have moved or indeed that their parents were nowhere in sight and presumably had not yet returned from their walk.

I settled back on my chair waiting to be served by the busy but laid-back staff, clearly they were in no hurry so I contented myself with looking at my newly acquired book interdispersed with taking in the view of the beach below. My beer came but, I was told, food would take a little longer to appear. It was when I took my first sip that I was aware of a slight commotion down on the beach, the older girl had jumped to her feet and was slapping at the back of her leg. Obviously she had been bitten by something, a wasp, a fly, an insect, who knew? Whatever, it was clearly a major event in her life for she really seemed to be in some distress. The younger girl glanced up to see me looking down on them and I figure that the concerned look upon my face encouraged her to believe I could be of assistance in the absence of their parents. She was right; I waved them to come and join me.

They approached my table giving a great theatrical performance of the younger girl supporting her older sister as she limped her way toward me. I gestured to the chair opposite mine and with a sigh to emphasise her distress she plonked herself down.

I introduced myself and the younger girl did the same in return and spoke for both of them, “I’m Lillian, but call me Lila and this is Eleanor, Lenu, and she’s been bitten by something,” she said unnecessarily. (Actually, I paraphrase for her English was not fluent and I, for my sins, am not great with Spanish.)

“Yes, I think you’re right,” I said, “Let’s have a look.”

Eleanor put her leg up so her foot was resting on my seat. I tentatively held her ankle and turned her foot so that I could look at the back of her leg and at the swelling where she had obviously been bitten. It was clearly the work of a Horsefly or something similar and there was no doubt from the spreading red patch that it must be very painful. I looked up and was about to ask if they (meaning her parents) had any medication in the beach-bags but my attention was taken by her parted legs and the full view I had of her spread thighs. Her tight bikini bottoms were clinging to her and I had no problem defining the outline of her young vagina as the pink material formed a perfect camel toe. I tore my eyes away and stammered out my question.

She replied that she didn’t think they had anything like that but reminded me that the sting really really hurt. She left unsaid that she knew I had been looking at her virgin cunt but still she gave me a knowing smile.

“I think I have some cream or something for bites in my room. I’ll go and get it and I’m sure we’ll have you fixed in no time,” I said with as much confidence as I could muster. She thanked me for the offer and gave another shy smile as I carefully placed her foot back to the ground and made to get up. Her sister leaned toward her to whisper in her ear and before I could get to my feet Lenu asked, “Can Lila come with you? She needs to go to the toilet and doesn’t like to use the ones down here; she thinks they are dirty and smelly.”

I was already gaining an impression that these two young ladies were a bit precocious and wise beyond their years. They certainly weren’t shy and I also noted that the younger Lila was somewhat in thrall to her older sister. However, I certainly couldn’t dispute the observation that the public toilets serving the beach were indeed lacking care and attention. “Mmm, OK, but I think you had better both come; can’t have you being left on your own here, your *** would never forgive me,” I said to Lenu. “I’d better first cancel my food order; we’ll come back later.”

I led the way to my hotel which was almost next door to the bar and we took the lift to the second floor and my room. I felt a little conspicuous having two Bikini-clad teenagers in tow but neither they or anyone else that we encountered seemed to be sharing my embarrassment and indeed all the girls seemed to be interested in was how nice my hotel and room was in comparison to their own hotel.

I pointed out to Lila where to find the bathroom whilst I went and rummaged through my suitcase in the attempt to find the anti-histamine cream that I knew was buried somewhere within. Lenu sat on the bed waiting patiently for me to administer the treatment.

I squirted a blob of cream on my fingers and Lenu leaned back on her elbows and obediently lifted her leg so that I could rub the lotion on and around the red bump on the back of her leg. I had to kneel on the floor in order to effectively apply the treatment and once again I found myself distracted as she deliberately flaunted her charms, moving her leg this way and that so the sight of her beautiful rounded butt was added to the promise of her pantie-covered slit. She clearly knew what she doing and the effect it was having on me and once again gave me a smile as she peered down at me. She moved her hands so that she could ‘rearrange’ her breasts within her bikini top and I was made aware that I was not in the presence of some pubescent schoolgirl but rather a young woman.

I heard the flush of the toilet and turned to see her sister return to the bedroom pulling and adjusting her own skimpy costume. She saw me on my knees and didn’t seem at all perturbed at my compromising position of me looking at her sister’s crotch; she came over to sit alongside Lenu on the bed where she focussed on my hand rubbing the cream on the affected leg. She winced as she saw just how big the red mark the sting had caused and then she wrapped her arms around her sister and gave her a sympathetic hug. Clearly, they were very close. I deliberately prolonged applying the cream so that I could delight in the sight of these two young beauties holding each other. The pair of them gave every impression of being much more than just young girls, they seemed more like young women and certainly nothing like the schoolgirls they were.

I got to my feet in some discomfort feeling my cock straining inside my shorts reacting to the sights and thoughts that were swirling in my head. I tried to hide the evidence of my erection and made an excuse of needing to change into a swimming costume and made my way to the bathroom where with some relief I pulled down my shorts and my stiff cock sprung out. I would have dearly liked to have had a stress-relieving wank but my sense of propriety and the thoughts of the consequences of being discovered by my ‘guests’ restricted me to have a few strokes to alleviate the itches that I was experiencing. As I pulled up my swimming costume from the corner of my eye I caught a movement in the bathroom mirror and realised that the partially open door had allowed anyone who might choose to look that way could not have avoided seeing me. Surely not, I thought as I tied the waist band.

Satisfied that my erection had subsided sufficiently to become less obvious I returned to the bedroom. Lenu gave me a smile but said nothing; Lila said, “I’m hungry.”

“Have you bought anything to eat, a picnic or something?” I asked.

They both shook their heads, “No, Mummy said we could have some lunch at the cafe when they come back from their walk.”

I said, “Well, I was about to do the same before you came off the beach. Let’s go back and I’ll treat you.” They needed no further encouragement and we retraced our steps out of the hotel back to the bar we had recently left where we quickly found a vacant table on the terrace.

I ordered drinks which were quickly produced but experience told that we would have to wait a while for the food. The menu was quite basic in its offering and I ordered a burger while after a little debate, which identified what they did or did not like, the girls both decided to have hot-dogs (I did say the menu was basic!). Knowing we’d have a wait I settled down to having a conversation with my two new friends.

“So how’s school? Your *** tells me you are at Boarding school now; how’s that working out; do you like it?”

“It’s great,” they replied almost in unison. “We get to do cool stuff that we wouldn’t be allowed to do at home,” added Lila with a giggle.

“Like what?” I asked.

They both collapsed into a giggling fit. “You know, stuff ... erm, like sports and stuff.” They looked at each other conspiritually but didn’t expand on what ‘stuff’ might mean. I tried another tack.

“Do you miss being at home? I expect you miss being with your Mum and ***, don’t you?”

Their laughter stilled for a moment to be replaced by them both giving a wistful nod. “Yeah, we do miss them but we know we shall be home for the holidays and sometimes we come home for long weekends, so it’s not so bad. Anyway, we know that they like to have time on their own without us being around to keep an eye on them.”

I detected a knowing look between them and the giggling returned. Clearly they had more to tell; I ploughed on. “What’s to keep an eye on?”

“Well, they’re always doing stuff and they’ve got friends who they like to have over and it’s always embarrassing because Daddy seems to be forever running about after everybody and then we have to get give up our bedrooms when some of them stay over. Honestly, we are better off at school without having to cope with all that stuff.”

Wow, that was quite a speech from someone who I had only just met and didn’t really know.

Lila joined in, “Yeah, then there was that Jose who seemed to be forever hanging around. I hated him; he really wasn’t nice and was horrible to Daddy. I was glad when he moved away.”

I was taken aback by their candour. They hardly knew me but here they were disclosing the ****** secrets as if I was a priest taking confession. I thought it best if I changed the subject but as I searched my limited experience of dealing with teenage girls and what might be of mutual interest I was saved from further embarrassment by the arrival of our food.

My burger was ‘acceptable’ (I’m not really a fast-food fan) and the girls seemed to be satisfied with their choice however, it didn’t take too long before they had found something to giggle about for both of them quickly discarded the bread rolls (they didn’t like bread!) and their frankfurter sausages were speared and held up for closer examination. With a sly glance toward me Lenu opened her mouth and deliberately and blatantly began to suck at the fat sausages on the fork. Lila saw what she was doing and burst into another fit of giggles before copying her sister and doing the same; ‘fellating’ the sausage!

Oh my God, are they really as innocent as girls at such an age should be or maybe this is the ‘stuff’ their boarding school education has been giving them!

Lenu saw my jaw drop as I feigned amazement at her actions and she redoubled her sucking efforts in response. She noted that I wasn’t making any protest and indeed, why would I, for she was giving a creditable performance and demonstration of providing a blow-job and it was something that I had never witnessed before by someone so young.

She carried on with her pretence for a little while longer revelling in knowing she was causing me the same discomfort I had felt back in the hotel room for once again my cock was straining in my pants as my mind went wild at the sight. I still said nothing but rather squirmed in my seat as I tried to make myself comfortable.

The sausage was pulled from her mouth with an audible plop and I thought that that was the end of the performance but, no. She reached for the bottle of mayonnaise and gave a squeeze and whispered, “Watch this.” The mayo was run around the tip and she carefully returned the sausage to her mouth and noisily sucked it back in before pulling it out again to reveal the white dressing spread along the length. It looked as if someone had cum in her and the look on my face must have revealed what I was thinking.

She laughed out loud to see my reaction and in doing so a blob of ‘cum’ dripped off her chin to drip onto her heaving breasts; the illusion was complete. I shook my head in mock disbelief.

I handed her a napkin, “Get on with your lunch,” was all I could offer as advice. “You too,” I said to Lila, “It was you who said you were hungry!”

Our little lunch date came to an end when from the beach below came a shout. Oscar was waving to us from the beach beds.

“We’re back.”


The girls hastily finished their lunch or rather, had taken a couple of bites, and then quickly scuttled away to join their parents on the beach. From my viewpoint I could interpret the conversation that passed between them all as Lenu made a great play of showing off her ‘wound’ and for Irene to respond in what looked to me to be a sympathetic maternal manner. I had no idea what was said but the outcome was that they all gathered their things and with a wave to me left the beach on a route that did not pass my way.

It was later that afternoon before I had the opportunity to have a proper catch up with Oscar. Our paths crossed when I was taking a stroll through the old town and I saw him coming my way. We greeted each other like long-lost friends and with a bar conveniently located nearby we needed no further excuse to stop and have a drink.

He told me that Irene had not been happy when she saw the bite mark on Lenu’s leg and despite ‘my expert care’ wanted a second opinion and insisted on finding a clinic or somewhere so that a professional could have a look. He was almost apologetic that I might think they were ungrateful. “It’s just how she is. Irene doesn’t like to take any chances with our ‘innocent little girls’,” he added as an explanation.

I thought to myself that from the brief time I had been with them that their behaviour seemed far from that of being ‘innocent little girls’.

He said that they had actually found a pharmacy that provided expert advice and, yes, what I had provided had been just the right thing. However, Irene had then decided that they would stay away from the beach for the rest of the day and they had returned to their hotel to spend the afternoon sitting around the pool whilst her dear Lenu ‘recovered’ from her ordeal.

I asked after his expedition along the nudist beach that morning and a smile came to his face. “It was good; I think I may have had a few new admirers,” he said with a laugh.

“How so?”

“After we turned the corner we saw there were plenty of people stretched out on the sand and enjoying the sunshine and Irene was quick to strip off her costume so we could join them. I knew there was no point in making any protest so I followed and my bathers joined hers in the rucksack. I think that straightaway my little secret was revealed and my impression was that every head was turned our way to see that I was fitted with this damn thing. You couldn’t miss it with the sun glinting off.”

I smiled and said, “But isn’t that what you both wanted, for everyone to see your dick being caged like that?”

“Yeah, that was the whole point of her taking me there. It’s part of our game; for her to show off her body with me in tow. It’s crazy, I don’t know why it gets me so excited but whatever the reason, it does.”

“So what did you do?”

“The usual; we wandered along the shoreline hand-in-hand. Every so often Irene would stop and make a play of taking in the view but really it was to make sure that people had the opportunity to see her with ‘her slave’. I can’t tell you how excited it gets me to know that people are looking at us and making whatever conclusion they may. Mind you, there’s the other side; it gets painful when my excitement gets too much and my dick is squashed up inside this damn cage.”

He looked around to make sure that we weren’t being overlooked and to emphasise his comment he pulled at the waistband of his shorts and gave me a glimpse of that curious device that encased his penis.

He let go of his shorts with a snap and joked, “Irene, bless her, is not so cruel that she wants me to suffer that much so occasionally she ‘lets me’ go and take a dip so that the cold water calms me down!”

I shared in his laughter thinking that here was a man who clearly knew his place. However, having been left with the ‘awesome responsibility’ of looking out for his girls I was curious about something else and asked diplomatically as possible, “You were away for quite a while, did you walk far?

“Oh, good god, no; not far at all. The beach isn’t all that big and only goes for a few hundred metres before it ends at some cliffs and then at the back of the beach are some dunes.” He smiled as he mentioned the dunes. “There were lots of people lazing around on the beach and there wasn’t really a vacant spot for us to lay our towels so Irene suggested that we go up into the dunes which is what we did.”

“So how did that work out?” I asked.

“Great. We found ourselves a hollow; laid out our towels and set down and stretched out. The sun was really nice.”

“Did she take off the ‘thing’ .. the cage thing?”

He laughed again and shook his head. “Nah, that’s when things got weird, we’d just got comfortable when Irene nudged me and pointed to the hollow next to us. There was a woman kneeling giving a blow to her man. He had his eyes shut and she had her back to us so I guess neither of them had seen us arrive.

“Irene totally concentrated on watching them and I could see she wasn’t the slightest bit fazed or embarrassed at the sight and I had a passing thought that perhaps she might think about doing the same to me.”

“Did she?” I said picturing the scene.

Oscar gave another laugh, “No. She turned her head so she could still see the woman giving the blowjob and began to stroke herself telling me that ‘Mmm that looks fun. What a nice spot we’ve found’. She completely ignored me and just kept watching the couple next door.”

“Ouch, that must have been painful,” I said with as much sympathy as I could muster. “Didn’t you say anything; get her attention; didn’t you ask her?”

“Hah, you don’t know Irene. I knew there was no point when she is in one of her bossy moods and, believe me, today she was in one of those! Nah, I just did the same as her and took in the view and tried to ignore the pain that the damn cage was causing.”

I smiled as I imagined the scene of the naked couple in the dunes being watched by Irene softly masturbating and Oscar, my friend, with his swelling cock being contained by the shiny metal cage and being unable to do anything to relieve his sexual frustration.

“So then what happened?”

“Hmm, that’s when it really got weird; Irene told me that she wanted to feel my tongue in her. That was a first, for she had never before suggested anything like that when we’ve been outdoors. I reckon seeing the other couple being so open must have tipped her.”

“Did you do as she asked?”

“Of course I did. I knew she wasn’t making a request; it was an order. It’s what we do!” he said giving another laugh.

I shifted in my seat trying to make myself more comfortable as the scene that Oscar was describing formed arousing images in my mind. He went on.

“I rolled over and got to my knees and got between her legs and did as she asked. She tastes so nice when she’s in one of these moods and I was happy in my own way to be giving her pleasure like that. I guess it must have made for a strange sight with her holding the back of my head against her while she rubbed herself with her other hand and me with my butt stuck up in the air. Then again, perhaps not so strange if what the other couple were doing was a common occurrence in the dunes; who knows?”

I was amazed at Oscar’s candour in telling me all this. Here we were, two newly made friends, in a public place and him describing the most private event within earshot of ‘regular’ people around us. In truth I don’t suppose anyone was taking the slightest bit of notice but to me it seemed most bizarre. I shook my head to clear that thought and returned to hear him continue.

“I was lapping away and it was obvious she was getting close to have an orgasm by the way she had begun moaning and bucking her hips. I love it when she does that; it means that I’m doing a good job and that she will attend to me soon after.”

“And did she?”

“What ... have an orgasm? Of course she did; she couldn’t fail with my tongue licking and lapping at her clit just how I know she likes it; did she take care of me? Nah, that’s when things got really really weird.”

“How so?”

“Well, when she cums she gets really noisy; can’t help herself, it’s always the same. However, what neither of us knew was that while she was making all her noise that the couple next door had stopped doing whatever to each other and were now looking at us.”

He took a sip of his beer and I thought that might be the end of his tale. I was wrong, he put down the glass.

“..and that’s when it got really, really weird! I felt her as she cum on my face, I lifted my head and when I opened my eyes it was to see two blokes standing a few metres away wanking their stiff cocks. We’d obviously gone from being the watchers to being the show. I didn’t know if I was expected to say anything to them but clearly they had appreciated our performance for one of them already had his hand covered in his cum and the other one certainly looked like he was close.”

“Did Irene see them?”

“Not sure, she didn’t say anything and I didn’t want to embarrass her by pointing them out. She was already showing signs of being self-conscious when she realised that the couple next door had been watching us. I also didn’t admit to her that I love seeing other men’s cocks. It gives me a thrill to make a comparison to my stubby little thing, don’t you know!” he said laughing that laugh once more at the same time as giving my shorts a knowing look and raising his eyebrows in a jokey fashion.

“Anyway, they wandered off before she could see them and the other couple gave us a wave before they turned their attention away and carried on as if we weren’t even there. We both lay back and I don’t know about her but I was thinking ‘did that really happen?’ I still can’t believe it!”

“But she still didn’t do anything about unlocking the cage, huh?”

“No, she seemed to have forgotten all about me and she closed her eyes and went to sleep leaving me feeling more than a little frustrated.”

I commiserated, “I bet. So then what happened?”

“After an hour or so she woke up; saw the time and remembered that we had left the girls alone. She blamed me for letting her sleep so long. There was no point in protesting it was nothing to do with me and the next thing was that we were making tracks to get back.” As an aside he mentioned, “Yeah, sorry about that and all the stuff with Lenu getting stung. We were really grateful you were there to take care of her; thanks for that.”

I mumbled it was nothing, glad to help and all that stuff but wondered when might be the time to share with him what had happened and what we had done in their parent’s absence. I gauged it might be a bit premature to mention anything about what their darling ********* got up to when out of their parent’s sight.

“Anyway, I’m guessing you know the rest. We went back to our hotel and she has been fussing around the ‘patient’ ever since which, of course means that I am still waiting for her to provide to me her half of our bargain. I’m actually been sent on a mission to get some more medication from the pharmacy so I best not linger here too long; she’ll be wondering where I’ve got to.”

We both picked up our drinks and clinked glasses in a mock salute of comradeship before draining the last of our beers. As he eased himself off the barstool we made tentative plans to meet up again for another lunchtime session of watching the beach while getting up to date with our life-stories. For sure, my story was nothing like as complicated as Oscar’s sounds to be but I was happy to be entertained by his accounts and I hoped he didn’t feel short-changed that I had nothing as interesting to swop.

I reminded him that he said he was going tell me about Irene and how her latest love affair was going. “What did you say his name was; Manuel, wasn’t it?”

“Yeah, I thought that was his name when she first mentioned him but I must have misheard. His name is Jason and, yeah, there’s quite a lot to tell.”

He leaned over and added in a whisper, “But that’ll be for tomorrow. For the moment I need to get back and if I play my cards right and the girls have gone off to their teenage disco in the hotel then maybe I’ll be getting my reward. She owes me and one way or another I will be cumming just like that bloke on the beach. Hmm, maybe I’ll tell her about that. She still doesn’t know she was being watched! See you tomorrow.”

With that he hobbled off clearly still feeling the restraint of the cage that was wrapped around his cock. Thankfully I had no such restrictions to worry about and I made my way back to my own hotel room and with all the visions that Oscar had generated in my head I had myself the most enjoyable time as I sat naked on my balcony overlooking the pool below.

I can’t wait to hear what he has to tell tomorrow.
