Chapter Three – Dream On

I got down to the beach early in order to bag the best view and seats on the terrace overlooking the sand. Oscar had indicated that he intended to do the same and as I ordered my first drink of the day I was gratified to see him and his ****** already setting up in the same spot they had occupied the previous day. He glanced up and saw me and gave a wave and then continued with his task of laying out towels, slathering sun cream on his girls, adjusting the sun umbrella and such. Once he had assured himself (or was it the instructions of his wife Irene?) he left them to stretch out on their loungers and he came up to the bar to join me. We passed the usual pleasantries and then without any prompting on my part he resumed telling me of how life had developed in his world.


It was after that first visit to the nudist beach when she insisted I wear the cage that I realised just how much of a thrill I got from the feelings of being humiliated by her bossy ways toward me. The walk down the beach with the sun glinting off the shiny metal parts of the restricting device caught the attention of everyone we passed so there was no hiding the fact that I was under the thumb of the beautiful naked woman who was leading me along the shoreline. I got quite excited to hear the sniggers as they passed by and my heart gave a jump each time at the thought of how I must be perceived. As I told you yesterday, from time-to-time she would let me go and take a dip in the cold sea just to let my excitement and my straining erection cool down; grief it did hurt when I got stiff!

Anyway, from that time onward the tone was set for how I wanted things to be and Irene, whilst nothing was said, seemed sympathetic toward my desires to be some kind of dominated husband. The crazy thing was, still is, that in all this our love for each other never wavered. She constantly tells me how much she loves me and that all the ‘liaisons’ of the past couple of years haven’t taken any of that love away from me but how at the same time how exciting it is to her to be involved with another man and to know that I will always be there waiting for her at home to return to my affections. For my part I have told her that it thrills me to see her giving herself so completely to someone else, to get what I seem to be no longer able to give and to know that she will come back and to mine once more. As I say, crazy, but it works for us.

The Spring break holiday came to an end and once more the girls went back to school and we went back to our alternative life style. Irene was really into her job as PA to Manuel, an executive with the big finance company she had been with for years. He sounded as if he was a nice chap from what she told me and I was quite relaxed at hearing her thoughts and desires how she hoped her relationship with him would go. The best times were whenever we got to bed and she would share her thoughts, her fantasies, of what might happen. I can’t tell you the number of times we would lie there, her wearing a nightdress; me in my frilly knickers covering the cock cage and she would tell me about how she loved to be fucked by a big dick, a dick that was bigger than mine; one that wouldn’t go soft the moment it had shot its cum into her wet pussy. She would be softly masturbating, stroking herself, while she was telling me this; I couldn’t do anything to relieve my arousal constrained as I was by the cage. Sometimes when we were playing this game she would tell me to get between her thighs and to lick her while she continued to play with herself. I felt this to be particularly frustrating, to be smelling and tasting her and adding to my excitement, but knowing I couldn’t do anything about it. However, it was just a game and when she had had her orgasm she would then use her sticky beautiful manicured fingers, take the key from the chain around her neck and release me in both senses of the word. As is always the case now, she insists that I slip a condom onto my stiff little dick before she allows me to jack off, it doesn’t take long before I fill it and then after telling how much we love each other we would go to sleep

It was a few months ago when she came home that she seemed very pleased with herself. I asked after her day and she replied that it had been extra nice and that Manuel had been particularly attentive toward her, flirting and altogether being quite charming. Then she added, as an almost by-the-way, that he had asked her if she would have dinner with him one evening. I could tell from the way that she said it that she wasn’t so much as asking me if I minded or if she had my permission; she was signalling that, yes she would and that all that was in question was when she would be taking up the invitation. She was also signalling that we were about to embark on a new chapter of the game that we had enjoyed with Jose (before it all went wrong, that is!).

I had to admit to myself that the idea of him taking her out on ‘a date’ was an extremely provocative one. It indicated to me that already their relationship had moved on from just being close work colleagues to one of being a little more intimate and that he might have something other than work in mind.

She pre-empted my thoughts by telling me that it wouldn’t be happening before the following week. Apparently he had followed up his invitation by saying he had a full calendar and couldn’t ‘fit her in’ before then. I was curious that she was so compliant with his off-hand manner but she said with a little hint of admiration and awe in her voice that this was his style and that she liked that he was so decisive and wanting things to be done ‘his way’. As an afterword she said, “... unlike you.”

She rationalised that having a period of grace meant that she had plenty of time in hand to be able to pick and choose what she might wear for the occasion. I took this as a hint that she wanted the ‘date’ to be something special rather than just going out to have dinner and I must admit to feeling a stirring inside when I thought of what she was implying. My imagination went into overdrive when she then invited me to help her with her choice and said that maybe it would be even nicer if I helped her to get ready on the night when she would be going off to meet with him. I was stunned at her suggestion but, at the same time, thought how perverse and exciting it would be to be a part of preparing her for what I considered was going to be the seduction of my wife by a new lover.

The weekend came by and her plans were put into action when she told me we were going shopping. Nothing out of the ordinary I thought up until the moment when we were in the Mall and she steered me into a Boutique that specialised in lingerie. “You can help me choose something nice,” she said.

I looked on uncomfortably as we surveyed the racks and shelves all covered with the most provocative skimpy pieces of silks and lace. My discomfort came mainly from the swelling that was straining inside the hidden cock cage that she insisted I wore before we left the house. I dutifully followed her around as she picked and fondled the various items occasionally holding them up for my inspection and approval. I could sense that we were the focus of attention of other lady shoppers and sales assistants and my ears were burning with embarrassment as Irene demanded I give an opinion on whatever pantie/thong/bra she had picked up and held against herself .... and all the while my cock was trying to burst itself free from the cage that contained it.

Eventually, with or without my help, she made a choice and my only real contribution to the process was when we got to the register and she stood to one side as I paid the bill using my credit card. I can’t remember if she actually thanked me or not!

It was the following Thursday when she came home from work early to surprise me with the news that she would be going out that evening with Manuel on their dinner date. It was a bit of a shock to be told in such a matter-of-fact fashion but, bless her, she did check to see if there was something in the fridge that could be used to fix something for me to eat. “Can’t have you going hungry while I’m out enjoying myself, can we?” she said as if I was the ****** pet.

As ordered I followed her to the bedroom and did as I was told and ran her a bath with her favourite scented gel. She told me to get undressed down to my frilly underwear but to make sure that I left the cock cage on. She said it looked pretty and I had to agree that the sight and occasional glimpse of my restraint did have a certain attraction that reminded me of my subjection.

I sat on the side of the bath and watched her as she lay back having a leisurely soak in the foamy water. I got quite excited to look at her breasts which were being ineffectively covered with suds, her nipples seemed to invite attention and I hoped that later she would at least allow me the privilege of a least touching them. She looked over at me and I wondered if she was reading my thoughts for after a few moments she decided that she had rested long enough and I helped her step from the bath and offered her a towel which she took and wrapped around her warm wet body.

“Pick up that razor, will you please,” she said gesturing toward the sink, “I need to have a little trim.”

I did as I was told and followed her back into the bedroom thinking how much I was enjoying ‘our game’ being played out. She unwrapped the towel, dabbed and rubbed herself before laying it out on the bed to sit upon it. She leaned back on her elbows and parting her legs ******* her beautiful pussy to me. She smiled to see that she had got my attention

“Come on, don’t just stand there gawking. I need to be getting dressed. Manuel will be picking me up before 7:00.”

I knelt on the floor between her spread legs and took the plastic razor to her still damp groin and carefully scraped at the few stray hairs that had grown since the last time she had ‘made me’ do the task of tidying her. In truth there wasn’t much to do for she kept herself trim as part of her daily routine but this was a task that she knew I enjoyed doing and it served her purpose of having it confirmed that I was being subjective toward her, my mistress. I diligently applied myself to ensuring that the final result of her trim was acceptable to her; I knew that she liked to have a covering of short hairs either side of her pussy lips and definitely not to have any growing inside of her thighs. I finished the task pleased not to have caused any nicks or scratches and I sat back on my heels and surveyed the delightful sight of her pussy with an almost heart shaped pattern of fuzz surrounding the full lips. I didn’t like to mention that she looked just like a little girl, like our teenage *********, but I’m sure that was the effect she was seeking.

“You can give me a kiss if you like,” she said unnecessarily for this was the expected conclusion to this particular ‘chore’. I eagerly dipped my head and as she obligingly parted her lips I sniffed in the heady aroma of her sex and ran my tongue up and down her smooth wetness. She groaned her approval as I lapped away and although nothing was said she knew that I would be suffering all manner of agonies as my cock would be straining my erection within the confines of the cage. It was all part of the game.

Satisfied she pushed my head away, closed her legs, stood up and went over to sit at the dressing table leaving me feeling a little foolish still kneeling on the floor. I watched her as she brushed and styled her beautiful auburn hair. She occasionally caught my gaze in the mirror but didn’t say anything as she concentrated on beautifying an already beautiful face. The table top was covered in a collection of bottles, jars, powders, lipsticks and brushes all which combined to add a fragrance to the air that quite intoxicating as she went about her task. I felt I could have stayed there all night such was the effect of breathing in her scent.

My reverie was disturbed when she turned and told me, “Get me my things that I put on the chair ...,” adding almost as an afterthought, “... Please”.

The ‘things’ were the new lingerie that we had bought at the weekend. I picked up the flimsy looking cream coloured lace bra and panties and thought that I hadn’t got much material for my money but any such thoughts were soon set aside once she stood up, turned and faced me revealing her naked loveliness. I proffered and she stepped into the thong-like panties pulling them up so high that I was treated to the creation of a delightful camel-toe as the silken gusset moulded itself against her pussy. A hint of a smile was on her face as she teased me with the sight (she knew exactly what she was doing) before she had sat down again and invited me to fix the clasp of the half-cup bra which she held against her breasts. I looked at her in the mirror and felt a lump in my throat as I looked upon her firm tits being supported by the cups of the bra that did nothing to hide her pink nipples. She smiled to see the effect her appearance was having on me.

“You forgot to get my stockings,” she snapped. “They’re over there.” I stumbled back to the chair, picked up the packet and quickly returned to her side. I carefully opened and extracted the dark nylons and passed them to her and watched transfixed as she slid them one at a time over her smooth legs. Satisfied that the thigh-high nylons were correctly positioned she stood up and I was treated to a stunning vision of paradise as she stood before me clad in what I can only describe as the ultimate ‘Fuck Me’ attire.

“Pass me my dress, won’t you,” she said ignoring the obvious look of desire on my face. I turned and saw her yellow sundress on a hanger hooked over the closet door. I meekly handed it to her and without giving me any thanks she quickly and carefully pulled it over her head. She shook her shoulders and the dress dropped to deny me any further sight of her provocative lingerie. Smoothing away imagined creases she said, “You can zip me up, if you please,” and so doing, the job was done.

As if on cue there was the sound of a car horn outside. Irene looked out of the window, “Oh, that’s him. Where’s my purse? I must be going.”

I thought we made for a ridiculous sight with her in her finery; me standing there dressed only in what was now very wet frilly knickers covering my cock cage that was leaking my sticky pre-cum but, if nothing else, it emphasised what I had now become, a subservient cuckold who was in thrall to her demands for the attentions of a more dominant man. However, this relationship wasn’t something that was intended to hurt either one of us for we both were getting exactly what we wanted.

She gave me a peck on the cheek and as she held my hand I felt something in hers. As she drew away I looked to see that it was the gold necklace that held the key to the lock on my cage. She held it out and I thought that she was offering it to me so I could release my pain and discomfort but, no, she lifted it and placed it around her neck, “Fasten this for me sweetie. I wouldn’t like to lose it.” She turned and dipped her head so that I could fix the clasp.

“You just enjoy yourself and keep busy while I’m out and don’t forget there’s something for you to eat in the fridge. I’ll give you a call to let you know when I’ll be home. Love you, bye.”

The door closed behind her and a few moments later I heard the car pull away and I was left to my own devices and an evening of anticipation of whether once she returned that she would play out the last act of our game.

I went and checked there were condoms in the top drawer of my night stand.


Oscar drained his coffee cup and placing it on the table top nodded his head toward the beach and said, “Well, thanks for listening but I think ‘someone’ is suggesting I ought go and join the ******.” I looked in the direction of his nod and there was Irene standing alongside her lounger looking meaningfully up at us. His girls were sprawled under the shade of the umbrella; one was reading a book whilst the other seemed to be glued to her phone. Neither of them was paying the slightest attention to anything else around them.

‘Teenagers, eh?’ I said.

He agreed, “Yep, some things never change. I don’t think we’ll be getting much out of them today which is why Irene suggested that we take a walk along the beach. She is forever making comments about my weight and waistline and says I need to do more exercise,” he said theatrically patting his paunch. “Apparently the far end of the beach is a designated nudist area and she says she would like to see how it compares to our beach back home.”

I lifted an eyebrow at the mention of their fondness of being naked and I recalled his account of when they had last visited their beach back home. “So, how’s that going to work?” I asked. “Will you strip off when you approach the area? And what about your kids; are they going with you?”

“Oh, they will be fine staying where they are. I’ll just tell them you will be keeping an eye on them and for them not to get into any mischief while we are gone. And, yes, we’ll pull off our swimming costumes when we get there. Can’t be denying the locals the sight of our magnificent bodies, can we?” he said with a laugh.

He looked around to check nobody was looking in the direction of our table and so assured pulled the waistband of his swim trunks down just far enough for me to catch a glimpse of something shiny which had a small padlock attached, his cock cage. “Anyway, they wouldn’t be able to see this unless I took my trunks off.” With that he slipped off the chair and went down to join Irene.

I gave them both a wave as they wandered away hand-in-hand along the shoreline. Their girls didn’t show the slightest interest and remained fixated by whatever it was they were reading.

I stayed a while finishing my drink and mused on what Oscar had shared with me. What a guy; what a woman and what a story! I looked forward to hearing the next instalment.
