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  • Thank you so much for sharing your life and thoughts to the world. I seriously can't wait to find a beautiful, independent, and intelligent woman such as yourself to love. I may be into the idea of interracial cuckolding but what is more important is respecting and cherishing the notion that women own their own bodies and should be free to sexually select the best mates, even if it is not their own bfs/hubbies.
    How did you manage to snag an NFL player you lucky girl?! Im sure concieving with him will be much more enjoyable then with hubby. No offence.
    Well it’s a long story, and actually I have fucked quite a few NFL players over the years, lol, not just this one, lol. But this receiver in particular is one I’ve been doing for a few years now, after his long time girlfriend (who I’ve also fucked) introduced me to him. He wants a kid, but she doesn’t yet, so she suggested he breed me instead, to which I’ve now happily agreed, lol.
    First I got my wife to go black thinking it would be all I need to satisfy my fantasy. Now that she has I cant stop thinking of her getting black pregnant but am shit scared to tell her. The fantasy just keeps progressing!
    Well I gathered the strength and told her in a round about way. Told her she should try bareback unprotected sex. The risk factor would be a turn on. She started laughing and said if I wanna see her pregnant. I said we could handle everything. She just keeps laughing and shaking her head.
    Latinocuck I agree. Just getting her to go bareback should be enough to get her pregnant. But there is one more barrier she's on the pill. She wanted to make sure she was extra safe. Since talking to Jojo my wife has agreed to go bareback and have a black guy fill her with cum, even though covid has put a damper on that. I think I am ready to raise another man's black child.
    God Jojo. After filling her head with how bad I want it, she's finally agreed to a step! She's off the pill and looking for a hot bull in the UK. Will will try to visit during her most fertile time, and she will spend a couple of days of unprotected raw sex getting filled with black cum. I will be off limits. If her belly doesn't swell we will reassessas she says it's a 1 time deal. Thank you Jojo.
    So it looks like Tumblr restored your old blog?! At least partially, when did that happen? Their new sanitized NSFW format is pretty bad but I guess it's better then nothing...
    Yes hon, it’s true, apparently, I am back up and running once more on Tumblr, their nazis have restored my blog and access, albeit with changes, subtracting my hottest pics and their accompanying commentary, sadly. I just learned this a few days ago, I was SHOCKED! And conflicted by it. Not sure what to do, as I love their format, but, I’m still edited as to what they’ll allow me to post.
    I welcome anyone’s thoughts on this btw, maybe it’ll help me figure out what to do next, if I return there or not. Ugh...
    Well the "dashboard only" mode sucks. I would be cautious, obviously the tumblr can't be trusted at all, but with your huge fan base in there... it's probably worth it to keep active from time to time, let them know what you've been up to ;)
    Are blacks really superior to us ?
    This is a very complex question, and it isn’t easily answered with a simple Yes or No. So I’ll address just one area, and leave the rest up to each individual’s own experience and judgement. As far as sexuality is concerned, yes, the majority of black men are physically superior in bed to the vast majority of any other ethnicity on the planet.
    Someone has to be the best at it, and I can speak from experience, it’s easily them. Without question, they instinctively and consistently know how to curl any girl’s toes and make us breathless with exasperated passionate Bliss. They’re built for fucking, and they give us their all, and make it appear almost effortless which leaves most girls all wanting more and more.
    Finally, we’ve hired a wonderful live-in nanny to help me with the twins. Very skilled, experienced, sweet, she’s going to be a great help.
    Congrats on your babies . Btw How early do you want your ********* to know about the superiority of black cock and black men?
    I believe in living in an organic manner, not so much contrived or planned, but merely by enjoying each new day as it comes and living in the opportunity of each moment. Our lifestyle is what it is, it will not change now we are parents, we will continue to enjoy our world as it’s been the past decade. So our girls will grow up in this natural environment, and will observe what gives us maximum pleasure in life.
    So each girl will be equally free to adopt or explore or indulge in whatever interests them as they wish to, when they want to, with our full love and support. Mother Nature will help them decide, as will our basic individual primal desires and needs, helping our ********* live in a manner they feel most insync with.
    It must be Titty Tuesday, as my boobs are aching and I’m expressing more milk than a cow, lol, but at least my girls and my bulls are happy.
    So bitches, whose about to get their total freak on this Saturday night?! If so, you and I will be doing so at the same time!!
    Please do this more often, love the thought of you getting worked over by your bulls.
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    I agree, lol, it’s long overdue, being in my last trimester was soooo hard, as I had to take it easier and not be so crazy or rough as I normally prefer to be, lol. But now, I’m back in full swing again, so to speak, lol. Let the gangbangs reign supreme!!!
    What are your thoughts about friend-zone? Do you agree that it’s normal to keep white guys inside of it without giving them any chances?
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    Besides, many of us like having guy friends too, not just other girls around us. After all, whose going to fix things for us when we need help, lol.
    @JoJo I guess white guys could be friends of white girls regardless of their sexual incompetence. But I guess you would agree that white guys should to understand they have no any chances with woken girls even if they are really TRUE friends. No mercy at all!
    No chances sexually, unless it’s for a pity fuck, we’re paid to, or perhaps for intimacy still for couples in a committed relationship, but definitely not for sexual pleasure as there really isn’t any on our part typically. The rare white guy sure, as there are no absolutes, but like I said that’s only a rare find.
    Yaaaayyy!!! My lil’ sister and her girlfriend arrive here today to visit and see the babies, I’m so excited I can’t wait! So many plans.
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