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Some of y’all story’s are quite sad


Black supremacist
Hearing some of them are quite sad I know some of them are fake just for fantasy the ones that are true are painful. It was a black man who toke your girl friend your wife your lover some of y’all haven’t gotten over that it resonates with you and your hear try to coup with the damage. You have to be strong you have to be a man and lick your wounds you can not be weak the consequences of such is greater then being stronger would ever be I can’t accept the idea that white men who are here are coupling with damage, looking for closure.
Hearing some of them are quite sad I know some of them are fake just for fantasy the ones that are true are painful. It was a black man who toke your girl friend your wife your lover some of y’all haven’t gotten over that it resonates with you and your hear try to coup with the damage. You have to be strong you have to be a man and lick your wounds you can not be weak the consequences of such is greater then being stronger would ever be I can’t accept the idea that white men who are here are coupling with damage, looking for closure.
It might seem a little sad to you being a superior Black man but not to us inferior whitebois. We know you are superior and both respect and accept that. Many of us are weak faggots who are submissive to our superiors and need to dominated and are happy for you to take our white women and breed them. We cannot compete on a physical level with you, your DNA is so much stronger than ours. Many whitebois would also love to be used as sexual playthings by Black men, even wanting to become slaves to them. So don’t worry about us, we’re enjoying your superiority ♠️♠️
Luck, Brit and BLK are right. I'm 60 and seen a few things round the world. I was probably "brainwashed" from age of 16 yrs old with others, those that got through was nothing to do with skin colour, religion, size of cock (hahaha) etc. But only if they had the right "software". I lost a lot, many brothers, my youth. Brothers who gave all at 17 years old as real men. These guys in this scene today who call themselves an Alpha male, and the women should learn this, over a beta cuck is hilarious. If these, active guy who fuck the women had until the end of time to try to hold a candle to to those 17 year old who Fell they'd fail miserably. If I can be half, i'll even settle for a quarter of the man they were, then i'll feel OK about myself. I am sexually passive and have trans friend who i am a cuck for. Been on sites like this and grindr looking for guys to join us, explain I am only passive with guys, sub to her. Not into verbals from the guys, and no alpha doms need bother applying. They still think they can change that before we meet cause they have a bigger cock, and cuckold means they do what they like to me, so we don't meet. She doesn't allow that negativity around her. She is calm and quiet does not shout or force and I was on the path to what she wanted me to be anyway. But as I told a guy the other night, who wanted me to be flexible with my limits, even before we met, "I'm too old and tired for these shenanigan" and blocked him. Brainwash yourself don't let individuals do it to demean you, only to build you. You didn't get this far just to get this far. And your ancestors didn't bust a gut for all those thousands of years to end it like this. And as for women for who prefer huge cocks, I understand cause i learned myself by being gay. And when these bulls find out I'm gay and only passive, both my decisions it changes the game for them, they don't want to meet us, must be a short circuit for them. So if someone a woman told me my 7 inch isn't enough, well they weren't getting it anyway as I'm not interested in what they have between their legs. Probably confuse some that are used to other types of cuckolds. They'll get over it.
Hearing some of them are quite sad I know some of them are fake just for fantasy the ones that are true are painful. It was a black man who toke your girl friend your wife your lover some of y’all haven’t gotten over that it resonates with you and your hear try to coup with the damage. You have to be strong you have to be a man and lick your wounds you can not be weak the consequences of such is greater then being stronger would ever be I can’t accept the idea that white men who are here are coupling with damage, looking for closure.
You want to know the truth of it, it really has less to do with that than the treasonous psyop the establishment have run on their own native populations. At the end of the war, in occupied Germany the Allies aggressively carried out a covert program of "De-Nazification". Not by banning Naziism alone but by using radio, TV, books and the education system to secretly encourage atomisation and feminism and discourage masculinity, solidarity and national/ethnic pride. It was a great success. Both Japan and Germany transitioned from being the most brutal and warlike peoples; into being economic zones populated by a bunch of emasculated left wing housecats and two of the most productive countries in the world.

When you are a liberal democracy which has to maintain the appearance of respecting the rule of law, will of the people and human rights; you cannot send in the secret police when the electorate start deciding they dislike your plans. You either have to accept the will and the speech of your rebellious population, or...find another way to keep them docile.

You've just pacified Germany and Japan by neutralising ethnocentric solidarity, nationalism and masculinity.

So, at different times and to different levels the British establishment, then later on American establishment ran the same tactics of "De-Nazification" on their own populations. It worked a treat, right up until 2016.



The furious establishment which had been slowly boiling the frog. Stealthily making masculinity unacceptable, deconstructing the English identity and the religion of Christianity, whilst recasting the English and American nation states, as something to be ashamed of instead proud.

Only to be embarrassed by their electorates.

The UK/US elites were furious but they still had to pretend to honour the will of the demos.

They decided...No fecking way are the Brexit gammon and the MAGA deplorable going to reverse the globalist consensus. Not going to happen.But they had to find a covert way to reverse their losses at the ballot box and hopefully punish their people as well.

It is my educated opinion that everything we have suffered since 2016, from BLM riots to trans ideology and quite probably even the Wuhan flu; have been a punishment beating.

The British establishment were slick as feck. They pulled it off in style. Using a strangely incompetent, illogical and suicidal Conservative government; hell bent on only doing left wing things when the electorate voted for the opposite. Plus economy destroying Net Zero policies, culture, ******, community and individual destroying "wokery" and the pandemic as the tools of demoralisation and punishment.

They've now reinstalled the establishment in Westminster and purged the Conservative Party of all it's actual conservatives and Brexiteers. So other than Nigel Farage, we have two Blairite parties who agree on everything.

The adults are back in the room and they have a demoralised, apathetic electorate and 5 to 10 years of total control of government with which to legislate to end freedom of speech and democracy as we know it.

But the rookie American establishment fumbled the ball. Everyone saw the blatant lying about Biden's dementia and even those who have believed the establishment all through this culture war are left wondering what else they have been lying about?

Then that kid missed the Orange Man and the Secret Service got caught either with their pants down or in cahoots, turning Trump into a folk hero... O Jesus if they don't start WW3 with Russia before the election (which is totally possible); Trump will probably win and people are finally seeing the lies behind the punishment beatings. So they cannot run the same psyops.

Interesting times. Unbelievable.

But that is by the by. The point is the white populations of the West have been conditioned to be housecats. Feminine, apologetic, compliant and disorganised. Emasculated, atomised and demoralised by design.

What you see here is less a symptom of black power and white inferiority or a sexual fantasy. Non.

What you see here is the logical outcome of an abused population brainwashed since childhood by the brainwashing techniques of their own treacherous establishment.
It might seem a little sad to you being a superior Black man but not to us inferior whitebois. We know you are superior and both respect and accept that. Many of us are weak faggots who are submissive to our superiors and need to dominated and are happy for you to take our white women and breed them. We cannot compete on a physical level with you, your DNA is so much stronger than ours. Many whitebois would also love to be used as sexual playthings by Black men, even wanting to become slaves to them. So don’t worry about us, we’re enjoying your superiority ♠️♠️
Some if us are here because although we've personally been lucky/privileged in life, we still see the Black race as superior and more deserving than our race, even if we don't feel inferior as individuals. We still enjoy seeing white males getting humiliated, even though we personally aren't being humbled.