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Science teaches who parasites are

brown mediterranean


When you think of yourself as Powerful and Capable, perhaps even Noble among those like you: but people whom you have Power Over, and Control of: make you feel "Weak, Puny, Insufficient, Incapable and Intimated" even if unknowingly and unintentionally. It is only natural that you would use your power over them to hurt and punish them: and sometimes even murder them, for bringing out those disturbing thoughts in you. Because even though they may not know or realize it, you know that your innermost thoughts and fears about yourself are true!

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The Albino Enslavers​

European Albinos who chose to settle in areas of the Earth between 40 degrees North and 40 degrees South; knew fully well that they would NOT be able to do the FARMWORK necessary to support themselves with FOOD in those areas due to the Damaging/Killing strength of the Sun’s UV radiation at those latitudes. So they resolved to use the Slave Labor of pigmented people as a means to supply themselves with enough Food to live in those Latitudes.

At that point they were merely Parasites:

Dictionary.com - Par·a·site

An organism that lives in or on another organism (its host) and benefits by deriving nutrients at the host's expense. A person who habitually relies on or exploits others and gives nothing in return.

Wikipedia - In evolutionary biology, parasitism is a relationship between species, where one organism, the parasite, lives on or in another organism, the host, causing it some harm, and is adapted structurally to this way of life.

The Skin Cancer Capitals of the World​

Australia and New Zealand have the highest incidence and mortality rates of melanoma in the world.​


There’s no competition for the country with the highest rate of skin cancer in the world. It’s Australia. One out of two Australians gets skin cancer sometime in their life. Every year, 300,000 Australians have surgery to remove cancerous lesions from their skin. Australia’s problem is simple: It’s located as close to the equator as the Sahara desert, but most of the nation’s 20 million people are descendants of immigrants from the northern, fog-shrouded latitudes of Ireland and Britain.

“This is Mars for most of us, a totally alien environment,” says Robert Burton of the Australian government’s Cancer Strategies Group. In a national campaign, the government now urges people to wear hats, shirts, and suntan lotion whenever they’re outside. On the beaches, children and adults have begun wearing neck-to-knee swimsuits. It may sound extreme, Burton says, but it’s necessary. “You have to wonder how many pale-skinned people you see lying semi-naked in the sun in the middle of the day in the Sahara.

Israel was originally 3rd. highest in the world.​

“We were third in the world in the incidents and mortality after Australia and New Zealand and it was, of course, because we have a lot of people who come from Europe with light skin,” Miri Ziv, the Director General of the Israel Cancer Association told The Media Line. “In the last five years, Israel dropped to the 20th country with the highest incidents (of skin cancer) and in terms of mortality, we dropped to number 13 for men and number 20 for women.” According to Ziv, the ICA has worked tirelessly for the past half-decade trying to promote a more sun-smart attitude. “We disseminated our sun-smart stuff in TV programs and in the media. Every summer we launch the early detection project and we encourage people to avoid sun bathing from 10-4.” Ziv cited the achievement that while melanoma is still rising significantly for most of the world, it has stabilized in Israel.

South Africa​

In South Africa, among the white population, there is one of the highest incidences of malignant melanoma in the world and concern for skin cancer overall has grown in recent years. The estimated yearly incidence of malignant melanoma is 4.76 per 100,000 persons overall and 19.2 per 100,000 in whites. In 2009, the Western Cape of South Africa’s incidence for whites was unofficially reported as high as 69 per 100,000 population. South Africans are especially susceptible to skin cancer due to their exposure to year-round high ambient solar ultraviolet radiation (UV) and latitude (22–34°S) [3]. In a population of 54 million, the racial mix within South Africa shows a diverse population, consisting of black (80.2 %), white (8.4 %), colored (8.8 %) and Asian/Indian (2.5 %) populations
When the Confederate States seceded from the Union, they all wrote their reasons for secession, this is Mississippi's stated reason.

Mississippi: Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery—the greatest material interest of the world. Its labor supplies the product which constitutes by far the largest and most important portions of commerce of the earth. These products are peculiar to the climate verging on the tropical regions, and by an “imperious” (meaning power or authority without justification); one arrogant and domineering law of nature, none but the Black Race can bear exposure to the Tropical Sun: (today they claim to be the most pious Americans, “The Good, God Fearing People”. Yet they call the supposed works of God “imperious”??) . These products have become necessities of the world, and a blow at slavery is a blow at commerce and civilization. That blow has been long aimed at the institution, and was at the point of reaching its consummation. There was no choice left us but submission to the mandates of abolition, or a dissolution of the Union, whose principles had been subverted to work out our ruin. << Click here for other Confederate States manifesto quotes >>
SLC24A5 and SLC45A2 are the genes responsible for ‘depigmentation’ (pale skin) in Europeans today…
SLC24A5 and SLC45A2 are albinism genes…
“Specifically, the gene SLC24A5 turns out to be critical for the production of melanin, the predominant dark pigment of the skin and hair…100 percent of Europeans have a mutation in SLC24A5 that impairs the function of the protein”
(Francis Collins, ‘The Language of Life: DNA and the Revolution in Personalised Medicine’; 2010, p.150)
“Researchers made a major breakthrough in 2005 by discovering a gene, SLC24A5, that apparently causes pale skin in Europeans”
“A new report on the evolution of a gene for skin color suggests that Europeans lightened up quite recently, perhaps only 6,000 years ago”

There are currently SEVEN types of Oculocutaneous Albinism scientifically defined: OCA1, OCA2, OCA3, OCA4, OCA5, OCA6, OCA7
Blue or Green eyed, Blonde or Red Haired, with Pale skin...
This makes them susceptible to Sun Burn and Skin Cancers...
In modern medicine, this is called Oculocutaneous albinism type-2 (OCA-2)
Oculocutaneous Albinism type 2 (OCA2), is defined by “COLORED” hair: often Blonde, and “COLORED” eyes: often Blue...
And contrary to many false definitions: with the ability to “TAN”
This is of course a rather uncomfortable diagnosis and definition for so called whites and others so afflicted...
More than 80 mutations in the OCA2 gene have been identified in people with oculocutaneous albinism type 2...
People with this form of albinism often have light yellow, blond, or light brown hair; creamy white skin; blue or green eyes...
Here again, so called whites have set a very clever logical trap...
A glance at the definition of OCA2 Albinism in the table below, shows us that the most TYPICAL symptoms of that type of Albinism are: BLUE EYES, and BLONDE HAIR! The White IDEAL!!!!
Whereas the typical symptoms of OCA1 are: WHITE HAIR and WHITE SKIN, (sometimes Red eyes), which is actually rare...
(See what they're doing here: they're saying, "we are not the Albinos, THEY, those few, are, not us")
But of course only the intellectually challenged will believe such transparent n0nsense.
Starting from the top of their heads:—
Their straight hair is the result of a recessive gene…
Their blonde or red hair is the result of a recessive gene…
Their blue/green/gray eyes are the result of a recessive gene…
Their pale skin (Albinism) is caused by a recessive gene…
It is exciting to see white people succumb. It is even more exciting to see white people working to destroy that abortion of History and Nature that they represent.
Thanks again for sharing this educational content, it was really a very interesting read! I'm so happy that wh_tes are finally getting the opportunity to learn about all of this. It's super important, and it's super beautiful.

Our Human Genes

Each gene resides at a specific locus (location on a chromosome) in two copies, one copy of the gene inherited from each parent. As a simplistic example: When two Chinese mate, the child will look Chinese because all the genes are healthy and all the genes are the same. But if a Chinese and a White European mate, the children will look like some combination of the two, because the "Appearance" genes are not all the same. Gene copies, however, are not always healthy. When the copies of a gene differ from each other, as through deleterious mutation or failure: Then in this heterozygous condition, we call the two parts “Alleles” and the undamaged or un-mutated allele is dominant, and the organism’s appearance and function is normal. The damaged "other" allele has no noticeable effect on the organism’s appearance, and is called the “Recessive” allele.

When BOTH alleles of a gene become recessive, then the gene cannot complete its assignment. As an example: many Black people have alleles of their “P” gene which are heterozygous and they look normal in every way: (The “P” gene controls the production of Melanin in the skin for protection from the Sun). But if TWO of these people with heterozygous alleles in their “P” gene MATE, then one or more, of their children will be an Albino. If two Albinos mate, there is only damaged or recessive “P” genes to inherit; therefore ALL of their children will be White. The trait for curly hair (which is the normal for humans) follows the same rules, two damaged or recessive allele’s of the "TCHH" gene means straight hair. Same for the genes which control eye color and hair color: (Blonde and Red hair is recessive, as is Blue, Green, and Gray eyes).

Note: The trait for Curly/Kinky hair (which is the "Normal" for humans): is produced by two "Undamaged" TCHH genes. That means that "Curly Hair" is "ANCESTRAL" to Modern Humans. You might keep that in mind the next time you see the White mans depictions of ancient humans shown with "Straight" hair.
In the new lands, Albinos found that nature had played a very cruel joke on them. Because of their susceptibility to the Suns rays, they could not stay outdoors in the Sunshine for very long in most parts of the world. Thus they were ill suited to work the lands that they had conquered, and could not provide for themselves in those places. So they turned to enslaving other Humans to do the work for them, and it is after their enslavement of Brown and Black Humans to do their work for them, that the Albino denigration of Browns and Blacks peaked.

By way of explanation, Psychologist Alfred Adler suggested that whenever people experience feelings of inferiority, they automatically experience a compensatory need to strive for superiority. The term for this Psychological disorder is called "Compensation:" which refers to a type of self defense mechanism in which people overachieve in one area (in this case, the need for World dominance) in order to compensate for failures in another area (Physical inferiority).

As an indicator of how totally pervasive the Albinos descent into degeneracy has been: Albinos and even many normal Black and Brown humans view Albinos who do not abuse survivors of Albino ******** or Slavery as a singular act of kindness: i.e. that is a really "Good" person there! CLEARLY, EVERYONE EXPECTS ALBINOS TO ABUSE OTHERS, IT IS UNDERSTOOD TO BE A PART OF THEIR BASIC DEFECTIVE NATURE.

The center of the conflict called the "Thirty Years Wars" was Germany, capital of the Black Holy Roman Empire. It is no coincidence then that Albino Germans were among the first, the most numerous, and the most PERNICIOUS of the Albino "Compensators."