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Psychological effects of black men in white societies and free global travel for white women

1. All white women are potential or actual coalburners, reducing their value and white men's respect for them

2. Whites become more racially and sexually liberal due to interracial friendships, sex, natality and familial integration; personal, societal and potential (racist white men are sexually excluded to a greater degree, both due to their own response and the response of anti-racist white women)

3. White men pursue non-white women to a greater degree, which leads to white women who want relationships with white men having fewer options, as well as exposing white female friends and ****** members to the non-white friends and ****** members of the white man's non-white spouse, increasing mixing

4. White women have the power to racially humiliate white men who aggrieve them by having sex with black men: all white men are potential interracial cuckolds

5. White women may spend longer having casual sex in their teens, 20's and 30's before settling down with a white man, reducing white male sex, ****** formation and fertility rates

6. White women are more likely to gain weight, have affairs and divorce their white husbands later in life as sex is still very available with virile black men

7. White women (who may prefer black men, Africanize themselves culturally and encourage other white women to go black) are able to exclude white men sexually and reproductively (further constraining the scarce supply of white eggs, while inviting the greatest genetic "damage" by accepting the sperm of less civilized, maximally alien black men) without forsaking heterosexuality or natality: white men's individual familial line and racial future becomes uncertain, with fewer conservative whites wanting white children

8. White men are also exposed to a greater violent threat and have a stronger fear of prison if there are large groups of black men in there, so white men become more fearful of the law and thus more submissive

9. White men lose alpha status, confidence (some becoming celibate, cuckolds or homosexual and consuming more masochistic pornography, others becoming wiggers and indirectly increasing black status), motivation, racial pride, possession and respect from white women due to (universally known and largely believed) myths of black men's physical and sexual superiority, their access to white women (whose safety is threatened, psycho-sexual balance disturbed and image degraded), black men's faster maturation (having serious consequences in integrated schools), interracial couples and families in public, white men's impotent whining about dangerous black men (who beat white men up and **** white women far more frequently, crushing white male pride further when white women willingly go black) and black men's overrepresentation in sports, music, media, porn and violent crime (a Twitter poll on a far right account found that 62% who voted said they'd prefer to date a woman who'd had sex with 30 white men rather than 4 black men, I recall another which had white women engaged in bestiality with dogs on a similar level to snowbunnies as far as broadly right wing white male disgust was concerned)


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