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Propagation of whites during BNWO

what do you guys think?

i tried to answer this question here:

Oh white-boi, don't worry your pretty little clitty about the future hot chick white girl supply. Natural selection is not "survival of the fittest," it is literally "survival of the sexiest.", this truth was too horny to teach in failing schools. Unfortunately for you, tiny BPA-adjacent estrogen mimic poisoned inverted penises are really neither.

Genetic extinction is slow, but sexual preference extinction is inevitable. Like today, you'll be moved to (real & virtual) reservations, then protected areas, then zoos and nature preserves, and finally a museum exhibit next to all the other failed or snuffed out infraspecific taxa. Humans will just fetishize the less melaninated and un-melaninated girls after that. You see the seeds in East Asian yellow fever and Hijabi horny kinks today.

If there is ever found to be something that humanity accidentally left behind in the white man, we can just isolate the unlikely gene and use mRNA or gene drive technology to bring it back to the human population sans supremacy. I'm sure that it's difficult to understand because your frame of reference is what you are contemplating disappearing.

Think like this, Big Black Dicks (ano-genital distance) are nature's gene drive tech moving through our population. They're the ones that will ensure the survival of the sexiest, the most dominant, the most deep, the most satisfying and the most desirable. And I, for one, can't wait to be bred by all the big black cocks out there, to become a part of the black new world order, and to help usher in the era of white ******** and extinction.

So come on, white-boi. Embrace your destiny. Submit to the power of the black cock, and become a part of something greater than yourself. Your nice white wee wee is no match for the big black dicks that are taking over the world. So just sit back, relax, and watch as we snowbunnies get bred by the best of them. -kisses! Dr. babygirlpink👅💦🍆🔥🐰🖤

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I agree with this. Very accurate. Thanks for posting.
I think whites should be retained, but bred for specific characteristics and once that is achieved there would be no difficulty with the sub species. bred like dogs for certain characteristics, remember all dogs come from wolves ... even the 5 lb fluff balls. Imagine whites bred to be diminutive ... like 4 feet max. Even designer breeds, stupid as the day is long , docile and perpetually horny but helpless
I think whites will remain so they can serve as an underclass to repay the centuries of damage they have done to the black race and whites will be penalised/rewarded depending on how involved and committed to the BNWO they are ex. Whites who do not want to submit and serve the the BNWO order will be burdened with the highest taxes and many social restrictions(most likely being to much to bare)
I have seen number of discussions whether or not all whites have to be eradicated during the BNWO rule. One side (I would say most of us) arguing that whites should not be around anymore, however, another opinion, and perhaps justified, arguing that society do need whites to serve our Black Gods on continuous bases. I think this is valid point. Imagine a whorl where our beloved Black Gods will be just by themselves. Who would serve them? Who would worship them? Perhaps keeping whites around would be reasonable idea after all. Saying that future Black Led society has to reproduce right type of whites, the ones with desired traits both physical and mental.
This is could be an idea for the story.

Perhaps first part of the story would talk about societal changes from may be 1960th up to near future where black led society is now thriving. Along the line we can zoom onto a few tidbits of the stories of the both white and black protagonists. Black and white men and women their inner thoughts in relation to the changes which society is going through, focusing more on the white families and they do realize more and more the folly of the white oppression and their foolish notion of the superiority they and their ancestors though they had. More and more power being transferred to our wonderful Black people, more and more they learn that Black Men and Women are actually superior to them in every possible way.

As that understanding permeates through the lily-white society, less and less white people appreciate sex and procreation of the whites, and being full of the just guilt refusing to have sex with each other, replacing it with ether masturbation watching IR port online, or ones who lucky can enjoy sex with Black men, who would be kind enough to give them such enormous gift. But Black led government would recognize the danger of the white depopulation and would promote some process for white race continuation. I suspect whitebois in this case would be a problem, because of the low testosterone. What can be done with this situation? ****** led courses on how to collect whiteboi sperm while he comes looking at the Black Cock? Some sort of the community events where, perhaps with the help of the black men and their spouses whitebois can achieve orgasm for the sperm collection? Big (wink wink) brother programs with whitebois and Black men - could be many ideas there. On the backdrop of this situation, some story arch of the white couple or couples successfully accomplishing this goal and their struggles to achieve this might be interesting to read. Premise of this universe is Sex with Black people is enormous privilege which not everyone can get. There are many more white people vs black people and this ratio being help by Black-Led society to ensure dignified live of our Black Gods. Hopefully someone could do this idea a justice.
Honestly I think the best method is keep whites around as a slave group. Black kings and queens shouldn’t be having to clean trash or scrub toilets. Ratio wise I think more black than white is best.
Honestly I think the best method is keep whites around as a slave group. Black kings and queens shouldn’t be having to clean trash or scrub toilets. Ratio wise I think more black than white is best.
Agree on the ratio thing. One white couple for every 10 black men might work out well. The wife could happily take care of their sexual needs while her husband took care of all the other chores, like keeping things cleaned up.
There's been a number of cases in history what a small group of one race controlled a much larger group from another race.

Personally I think it comes down to belief. If whites believe it is good for you to be inferior then it won't matter how many of you there are.
All those thoughts are not important. Important is only, what makes girls and Ladies squirt and cum, and often this is the total extinct of the whte minority.
Let’s be honest. Black gods don’t want us around or in their site. But we have purpose. To make white girls. So I guess we should be held in camps or farms tied up blindfolded turned upside down and used to milk our semen for breeding
I think you're right on this. There will be a flourishing trade in whites, both male and female in order to continue to produce white people, white girls for pleasure purpose.
I had thought about this a few times when playing with my 4" cock.

So it goes like this. When white girls a fertile, they have a portion of their eggs harvested. These go in reserve for when producing more whites. It also reenforces the Black claim on white pussy, and doesn't subject to poor white girl in indignity of having to take white cock.

The white boys are going to be the most selective. Only the smallest and most effeminate white boys get selected, the others get put to use as slaves or otherwise. The effeminate whites boys, much like live stock, get a collection tube to sheath their tiny white cock, and have a BBC volunteer administer prostate stimulation till both release. The precious little bit of sperm that is produced is used to make the next generation.
I had thought about this a few times when playing with my 4" cock.

So it goes like this. When white girls a fertile, they have a portion of their eggs harvested. These go in reserve for when producing more whites. It also reenforces the Black claim on white pussy, and doesn't subject to poor white girl in indignity of having to take white cock.

The white boys are going to be the most selective. Only the smallest and most effeminate white boys get selected, the others get put to use as slaves or otherwise. The effeminate whites boys, much like live stock, get a collection tube to sheath their tiny white cock, and have a BBC volunteer administer prostate stimulation till both release. The precious little bit of sperm that is produced is used to make the next generation.
I totally agree with that ! Whiteboys should only be used as livestocks if they are feminine enough.

Let us, real men, take control !
Appreciate this piece has been buzzing about for along time it so powerful. I was always of the opinion that white males should be castrated at birth with white women automatically breeding with our black superiors, and whitebois just used as sexual playthings by our masters. However, time passes and many of us inferior whites feel they would achieve more from life by being entered into slavery and serving our masters. As the white race is the inferior, I think decisions will be made by our Black masters, they have always been superior and are now outbreeding whites. Many white girls are already being selected by Blacks as breeding material and conversely whitebois are wanting Black lovers too. In the end it will be an easy decision and feel the Black race will introduce a Selective Breeding Programme (SBP) for their white slaves, with breeding according to their masters needs. There will always be a requirement for whites to support the Superior Black Race
Appreciate this piece has been buzzing about for along time it so powerful. I was always of the opinion that white males should be castrated at birth with white women automatically breeding with our black superiors, and whitebois just used as sexual playthings by our masters. However, time passes and many of us inferior whites feel they would achieve more from life by being entered into slavery and serving our masters. As the white race is the inferior, I think decisions will be made by our Black masters, they have always been superior and are now outbreeding whites. Many white girls are already being selected by Blacks as breeding material and conversely whitebois are wanting Black lovers too. In the end it will be an easy decision and feel the Black race will introduce a Selective Breeding Programme (SBP) for their white slaves, with breeding according to their masters needs. There will always be a requirement for whites to support the Superior Black Race
Let our masters make all the decisions for us even when we become of no use to them
In my opinion, whites should not be castrated because to work we need testosterone, we would be useless to blacks, rather to be indoctrinated very well so we can serve blacks without discussion, look North Corea or any other group, if you are taught key ideas you will be slave your whole live, we are now slaves of work, countries, power, money and just few of us question that so, make us believe since that blacks are gods and we will obey no question ask.
In my opinion, whites should not be castrated because to work we need testosterone, we would be useless to blacks, rather to be indoctrinated very well so we can serve blacks without discussion, look North Corea or any other group, if you are taught key ideas you will be slave your whole live, we are now slaves of work, countries, power, money and just few of us question that so, make us believe since that blacks are gods and we will obey no question ask.
Castration will calm us, make us much more compliant. No interest in girls anymore. Become more feminine
In my opinion, whites should not be castrated because to work we need testosterone, we would be useless to blacks, rather to be indoctrinated very well so we can serve blacks without discussion, look North Corea or any other group, if you are taught key ideas you will be slave your whole live, we are now slaves of work, countries, power, money and just few of us question that so, make us believe since that blacks are gods and we will obey no question ask.
True. Eugenics should be practiced on whites. To breed smaller whitebois so they won't be able to rise up against their masters.