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Possible date?


Cuckwit; rhymes with fuckwit
I've mentioned before I do a bit of Airbnb.

Late last year, during our summer (we're in the southern hemisphere) two girls and a guy arrived as guests.

The guy was in his thirties, turned out to be a smoker (I don't let in smokers, drinkers or those that have not covid vaccinated), but he was nice enough to go out of the house, on the other side of the street to have his coffin nails.

After they left the girls then came back and this time without the guy to stay another week.

We watched projector movies in my darkened living room, took photos and talked a lot.

Eventually they rented rooms 50 KMs away and one was studying English and the other was working as a baker. We continued chatting and emailing.

Then the young Chinese lady finished her course and was going back to China for a while. Whereas the Taiwanese girl was going to stay and continue working.

I still continued chatting with her and invited her to come down and stay the weekend.

Now let me tell you a bit about both. Both are educated in their own country. One as a nurse, and the other in Hospitality. The Chinese one is 26, and the Taiwanese one is 23.

The Taiwanese one is drop dead sexy. A knockout if I've ever seen one! And she dresses well too. Not slutty but real classy.

On the other hand I'm in my early 60's. Single, pale to olive skinned, head hair beginning to get salt and pepper, and chest hair has been white for a while now.

I'm also very tall at 5'5" ;-) and with another 5" in my pocket.

Anyway, I have been jogging four laps and walking 20,500+ steps every weekday. So not quite a potato couch. But getting older, stroke survivor, and have to stop jogging now until my knee surgery comes up. Agonising pain from from the torn meniscus.

The Taiwanese girl has also been doing a bit of jogging after work and I have learned she comes second or third in some local mini marathons.

If I haven't described her body, she's about as tall as me, thin with long thin but strong legs, and almost zero breasts to speak of. Just the way I like like them!

Apparently her friend is coming over in August and she asked me if she can bring her over for a weekend. I said "of course. As long as neither of you smoke, drink and are covid vaccinated. Oh and one of my rooms is vacant". If they stay the weekend I won't charge them.

She seemed happy about that but yeah, August is more than a month away. Long wait, and we'll many days of me strangling my 5" pet snake. Mole, worm whatever.

But what if for my other room I get a tall dark skinned confident Nigerian? I think either my friend (with her friend) may stay longer, or he might go and become a baker working with her to put buns in her oven.

But yes, I'll try not to wear away my 5" nubbin.