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Interracial, or specifically dark skinned men with pale skinned women in Australia


Cuckwit; rhymes with fuckwit
It seems to be very big in the USA. And even in some of the more multinational nations of Europe such as UK, France, or Germany. Perhaps even Spain but then most Spanish people are olive skinned anyway. Like Italians, or Egyptians, or most nations around the middle east.

However Australia is mostly European, with some Asian, and the America's. Even the Aborigines (the Indigenous Australians) only amount to about 3.3% of the total population. And included amongst them are many people you wouldn't be able to tell whether they're Aboriginal or have Aboriginal blood in them, or they're just listed as Aboriginal for political reasons. Because 'race' is not a legal construct here in Australia, as in some other nations. But some will go ahead and try and register or list themselves as Aboriginal just out of political opinion/belief. For example, I am 60 and I have a long time friend who is a computer science consultant, with often a girlfriend at his home. He is Harvard graduated with a PhD, and he must be ~ 5 years my senior. He claims he is part Aboriginal. You could not tell by looking at him, or his mannerisms, his lifestyle. He might be. We just accept it and don't dispute it. He is also a Mensan. That's how I met him btw. Thru another friend who is also a Mensan.

But back to Australian Aboriginals. Only 3.3%! Nothing like the ~10% of the USA. And our African origin folk, they only amount to 1.6%. A far cry from the 10% of the USA's 10%. We also have 3.6% from the nation of India.

Sometimes you can go on for days without seeing an African. And mind you, there is a noticeable difference between the obvious Aboriginal and African 'black' people. Vast differences for me, but probably less obvious for overseas people.

Perhaps the most obvious is skin tone. On average some Africans can have slightly darker skin tone. On average, as there will be exceptions. But I've not seen any Aboriginal people with really dark skin, whereas I have with African origin people.

The second most obvious is how they dress. The Aboriginals tend to be more political in how they dress. Whereas the African origin tend to average out a bit more conservative. That is more like me and the next person. BTW, I am of European origins.

The third most obvious is language (how they sound), mannerisms, etc., in short how they interact. The Aboriginal people can be polite, professional to downright anti-Australian. Basically some of them are not happy about losing their land, their culture, their identity to Europeans. Which I understand.

The Africans otoh, appear to be a bit meek, generally trying not to create attention, as they don't want to end up being in a fight with some really rough locals. In bigger cities they probably feel safer. We have on the occasion have read of or heard of marauding African youths, causing petty crime, including beating up locals, and then running away. But generally because their numbers are low, there's probably less reported crimes on them.

Then there is the Indians, and Indonesians, Malaysians, and other darker skinned nationalities. It's almost impossible to confuse an Islander with an African but I'd imagine some might. Whereas Indians tend to be either themselves, or pretend to be African origin when going hunting for pussy. I used to know a fellow Uni student who gloated about his sexual escapades. But that was decades ago and he is now married to his wife back in India.

So you'd have to add all the darker skinned nationalities to come up with the same percentage of just African origin in the USA. But the culture just isn't the same. Come to think of it, Australia also does not treat their African origin people like the Americans do.

I forgot to say anything about the local women going after African men.

Well back when I was younger I used to live closer to the City. And I knew a nightclub that mostly had African origin men, and mostly pale skinned women. Well, they were mostly young men and young women. And some aussies took their girlfriends there. Presumably to have a good time, or maybe to score/sell some drugs. In return for bringing in pussy. I also knew some Indian men would also go there to score. I personally never went there, but I was aware of it's existence.

That was decades ago. Now I live about 50 km's from there, and very few of the African origin men actually appear with local women. In fact I've never seen one around them here. I do remember back about ~ 10 years ago, one local woman (pale skinned) was jumping up and down about being accepted to go to the USA, because she was going to meat more black cocks there. I mean, dark skinned people. But I only red of her post from the internet, and don't even know where in Australia she lived. To North Americans, Australia is almost as big as the USA. Maybe take away Alaska and you have the land size of Australia. With 25 million people total.

But the internet is a big thing down here, and I'm sure a lot of people live a different life online than what they live day to day outside of the internet.

The other thing of note is that when I was in NSW I shared a house with 5 other Nigerians. They were all religious, and ranged in age from 21 thru to 45. Two were married (with both of their wives back in Nigeria), two kept bring different girls home (all of them Nigerians), and one was single. But in discussion with him he also had the desire or aspiration of marrying someone, as long as they were from Nigeria. He even talked to me of marrying a Nigerian woman. Of course, some of you may know me better, and I trotted off the requirement of non-religious, capable of or doing a medical degree, and that pretty much eliminated every one he knew. I also have a fetish for Scandinavian type women with looong legs, narrow arse, and an unrestrained libido. But talk to me long enough and I will get horny about anything. Including dark skinned Nigerians, or men with big cocks, or even the knot of a gnarly bark of an old tree. But I couldn't make that obvious with the five Nigerian men I shared a house with because they were religious, and they believed in the death penatly their nation has for gays. So even though I am not gay (probably ~70% hetero, 20% homo, and 10% who knows), I was reluctant to show interest in men (well their cocks really. I have no desires of their face, their achievements/failures, etc) to my housemates then.