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Doxxing/Posting Of Innocent Individuals


A White Wife Enthralled with Black Men
Staff Member
Registered User
Hi, Everyone-

I thought it would be obvious, but evidently not. It is against DarkWanderer.net policy to e x p o s e innocent/unknowing individuals. This includes f a m i l y members, friends, strangers at a party, or someone walking down the street. If you are posting a photo of someone, you better have a WRITTEN PROOF OF CONSENT to show me.

Keep in mind that even a tattoo marking is enough to identify an individual, so those count, too!

What may be a fetish for us may not be a fetish for your intended person, and since we are ALL subject to Google Searches, and with the growing skills of Hacking, AI and Facial Recognition, we cannot allow members to post imagery of other individuals without their prior consent.

There is an exception to this policy: If you are posting images of someone in the porn industry, okay, fine. They were paid for it. If there are images in the public domain, that is also acceptable. Public domain is defined as "The realm of intellectual property being not protected under patent or copyright, i.e. no person or other legal entity can establish proprietary interests." SOURCE

Failure to do this will result in either the thread getting locked, or the thread deleted, or the User being banned. Pick your poison.

If you have a question, feel free to ask.
