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Cuckold porn depicts the sadomasochistic torture of effeminate white boys by the formerly sexually frustrated white woman and her swaggering black buck. The cuckold symbolically represents degenerate white “men” in general, who have abdicated their role as paragons of masculinity in the white female mind. The white woman responds to this degeneration by empowering herself with a BBC, emasculating him further. She seeks pleasure in the arms of the more dominant, primordially masculine black stud.

“If you can’t satisfy me white boy, I'll find me a black man who will”.

Cuckoldry is in a sense feminist (in that it empowers women, not that it denies their nature) as well as interracial porn; it is about raw white female sexual power over weak white boys and their desire for superior males. The white female has broken free of patriarchal constraints and racist cultural conditioning and asserted sexual sovereignty; she decides who is good enough for her body and whose genes will carry on into the future. She wins, getting the superior black man’s sperm AND resources from the submissive white cuckold. The white femdom sexually neutralizes the white boy by controlling his sexuality (such as it is) and shrinking his pathetic manhood. She is saying; “you are not worthy of my body white boi, and your tiny dick needs to be locked-up, but you can watch me humiliate you with a real man; a black man, if you pay for it”.

The white cuckold’s effeminacy and submissiveness is greatly amplified by the presence of the black bull. He knows that he cannot compete, sexually or physically. He realizes on a primal level that he does not deserve her body and that he could not take it even if he really desired to. The gratification he derives from watching a big black cock entering a creamy white pussy is a coping mechanism for his physical-sexual inferiority and a means of self-preservation. He tells himself that he is allowing the black man to take “his” woman but the reality is it’s purely voluntary. There’s nothing he could do to stop the liberated white woman from surrendering to her basest instincts; her tight white pussy's ravenous primal craving for big black cock.

Cuckolding is partly a means for insecure white males to relieve sexualized anxiety: give her free sexual licence within a controlled environment so that she doesn't leave you. White cucks feel that they can't truly satisfy her like a black man can, the black man being his polar opposite. As can been seen by the racial proportions and respective roles in amateur cuckold porn, cuckoldry is overwhelmingly a white male disease. I suspect this has a genetic root in the white male's recessive genes, his fear of being bred out by virile dark-skinned males, "his" women's beauty and femininity which enflames his insecurity, his physical inferiority, greater inhibition and smaller, pinkish penis.

"In regards to the neurology; it is that specific cerebral influx of adrenaline that gets a cuck off; it’s the taboo nature of fantasy combined with a sexual rush of endorphins that form a psychological masochism. The cuck experiences a symphony of emotions that are at odds; jealousy, gratitude, shame, arousal, inadequacy, and lust."

When a man sees a woman mating (either irl or online) his body tells him to compete (sperm competition) which increases his arousal. When the bull is more masculine and especially when he's more masculine and exotic (made clear by markers like skin color) the male becomes even more aroused, even firmer, producing even more sperm, to be able to effectively compete. And when the woman being humped is your wife, the man gets extreme feelings of humiliation, powerlessness, shame, disgust, lust, fear of loss etc. a cocktail of extremely intense emotions that amplify it further. Adding racial taboos into the mix increases the effect yet again. Black men are ideal for this due to their physicality and their profane, animalistic reputation. They are the race that white men are most insecure about (due to penis size, prowess and their masculine color, their dominant genes and the fear that the white woman will become addicted to them) and this insecurity is one of the factors that drives arousal. White men also, in a somewhat contradictory way, may be less fearful about his wife leaving him if she has sex with black men because he's seen as socially inappropriate and he may cope by telling himself "it's just sex, not love", whereas a white bull could provide both of those things in his mind.​
There is a particularly subversive element to cuckolding. It implies that a white man and woman can "love" each other, be "soulmates" but she can derive far more pleasure by having sex with a virile black man (and the white man derives immense pleasure from watching her do so), potentially a stranger, than from the man she's romantically bonded with. It suggests a hard dichotomy within the female psyche between love within a relationship and sexual lust/pleasure.

Psychologically speaking, the act of interracial cuckolding must homosexualise white males, often to the perverse pleasure of the women they likely initially corrupted. These women (who view themselves as whores and resent him for it) enjoy the power play, corrupting him further and pushing him below her, caging his masculinity figuratively and often literally.

In cuckold porn there are typically only white women, white men and black men: the black feminine isn't represented, which says that the black race is purely masculine.

Snowbunnies potentially have a stronger sexual desire for black men than black men have for them seeing as only black men can truly satisfy them, whereas black men can be satisfied by non-white women and potentially even men of all races!

Narratives of complete racial egalitarianism and white male supremacism put white men at a disadvantage by obscuring vital truths, in particular their race's genetic vulnerability to blackness. Both the egalitarian white male and the supremacist white male pretend that their is no significant sexual or reproductive penalty if their societies are saturated with negroes, so the existential threat is largely denied. But on the other hand, the truth of white male physical, sexual and genetic inferiority is too demoralising for the white man to deal with, so he either denies it in favour of one of the two prior ideologies or accepts it and becomes a black supremacist.

Other biological factors:

Unlike yellow men, who are concerned about all other groups of men taking their women but especially civilized white men, white men focus all of their anxiety on animalistic (thus more degrading), maximally exotic, wild, dangerous black men: the only group with a clear advantage in physicality, who white women seem to be drawn to more strongly than yellow women are, which is concerning and demoralizing and can drive racist white men to psychotic agitation, as well as extreme arousal. White men instinctually feel that black men are more the polar opposite of "pure", beautiful white women aesthetically and sexually and lust for them, which further increases anxiety. White men have less testosterone, less confidence and are more neurotic/introspective than black men, while black men are not anxious about other men taking black women as black women are less attractive (which also means black men value them less), black women are more biologically loyal to black men (due to black phenotypic dominance and masculinity) and black men are far more attracted to white women (who naturally reciprocate this attraction), who they desire to conquer. So for these reasons and more in the above essay, black men have a much weaker talent tendency toward cuckoldry than white men, with yellow men also seeming to have a weaker tendency than white men, perhaps partly due to lacking sufficient testosterone to feel as strongly possessive about "their" women. I have not encountered an equivalent among yellows to white nationalist BNWO fetishism. If white men have a weaker inherent sense of tribalism and a greater degree of individualism (on account of their capacity to co-operate with relative strangers and build high trust societies) then that could facilitate cuckoldry. On gay dating apps black men are overwhelmingly tops, whereas white men are split much more evenly between tops and bottoms. In modern society with the races in close physical and psychological proximity and theoretically part of the same national tribe, men are always simultaneously conquered (especially non-black) and raiding (especially black), so the phycological barriers to race mixing are much weaker.

There are more social factors too, such as internalized left-liberal morality, history and modern civilized decadence being most entrenched in white societies due to their technological revolution.

"American culture is centered around niggers. They have holidays for niggers. They killed hundreds of thousands of white men to free niggers. They listen to nigger music. They elect a nigger as their president. They dress and act like niggers. They draw the entirety of their modern culture from niggers. They post sassy gifs about niggers. They watch sportsball in worship of niggers. Their biggest event of the year involves throwing parties in honor of niggers playing sports. They use nigger slang like "based" and "thot". When you say "Martin Luther" they're not thinking of the founder of father of protestantism. They're thinking of the nigger. Their cities are completely overrun with niggers. They worship their zogbot police force disproportionately filled with niggers and their global police force of soldiers filled with niggers. Their men sit around watching nigger ball while their women sit around watching nigger talk shows. They worship niggers like Muhammad Ali and Michael Jordan and Michael Jackson and Jackie Robinson while attacking the whites who actually built their country before niggers took over. Their movies are filled with niggers and their music charts are topped by niggers. They send niggers to the olympics and celebrate when the niggers win because those niggers are true red blooded american niggers. They watch nigger porn to a point where 'BBC' does not make them think of an international media company but about nigger penises instead. They will tell you how much they hate niggers and how the mutt's law meme is a stale joke and they are just pretending to love niggers but the evidence speaks for itself in that America has always been and will be a nation of nigger loving niggers."

"The racialist fantasy is to cry about your girlfriend taking a bantu as her lover because deep down he knows that he's not the big strong genetic phenom that his rival clearly is. The average racialist is a loser so he ought to be a cuck – and he knows it!" - @halalpeating

"The negro fascinates the inferior layer of the white psyche. Since the negro lives in your cities and even within your homes, he also lives within your skin, subconsciously." - Carl Jung (paraphrased)

"A cuckold is a sad male specimen who has no control over his own life and thus can’t demand loyalty and respect from his woman – so he fetishizes her infidelities as a psychological survival mechanism."

The core of the white man's anxiety surrounding black men is the fear that while they are inferior in some respects (even sub-human in the racist mind), they are so superior in a physical and sexual sense that it massively outweighs or even compliments their supposed inferiority for white women, to the point where any white woman who is exposed to their sexuality will become utterly intoxicated, addicted and reject white men as inherently inferior, which feels incredibly humiliating, unfair and ruinous for white men's masculinity.​