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An In Depth Look Of A Chastity Relationship

Beta Males
A beta male is defined by several characteristics that distinguish them from other males. First and foremost, a beta male is typically more passive and submissive in nature. Unlike alpha males who are assertive and dominant, betas tend to be more reserved and accommodating. They often prioritize the needs and desires of others above their own. Another defining trait of a beta male is their willingness to take on a supportive role in relationships rather than a dominant or assertive role. They excel at providing emotional support, stability, and companionship to their partner. They are attuned to the emotions of those around them and are often relied upon for their understanding and compassion. They understand that they may not be the most dominant or sexually experienced, but they embrace their position and find fulfillment in supporting their partner.

Beta males also tend to have certain types of action, or reactions to, or about, specific things, that alpha males wouldn’t have. For instance:
  1. A beta would rather cum his pants at the mere thought of his significant other having sex with someone else.
  2. Rather than attempt to have sex with their girlfriend or wife himself, a beta would rather give oral, or “clean” the girl’s pussy, after another man has fucked and/or cum inside her. And a beta would most likely cum his own pants while licking the girl clean.
  3. Even if a beta male is still a virgin, a beta would still prefer to watch their significant other have sex with someone else (most likely causing the beta to cum his pants in the process of just watching) rather than actually having sex with their significant other.
  4. Rather than attempt to pursue any girl in the traditional fashion, a beta chooses to wear a chastity device as a form of showing his love and dedication to waiting for a chance (opportunity) to date (be with) the girl he likes (loves). Not only that, but a beta would even be will to wait so long in chastity, that his penis begins to shrink and become unusable. (Ironically, the moment he puts the chastity device on, he is automatically viewed as a “beta male” by the very girl he is perusing and hoping to impress. Even if she is impressed [or touched] by the sentiment of him wearing the device, she could never see him as a sexual partner even if they end up dating and/or marrying).
  5. Betas gain more pleasure from the thought, idea, and/or visual stimulation of watching their significant other have sex rather than physically having sex with their significant other themselves. This often leads to many beta males never watching their significant other have sex with someone else, because the thought process is, “if you aren't able, or capable of actually having sex yourself because of how you perceive yourself in sex, and you derive more pleasure from watching (or the idea of watching), then you don't deserve to watch in person, because sex and love making are too intimate for them to experience first hand, if they are “incapable” of performing those acts physically.
  6. Beta males often remain virgins significantly longer than other men. Then when given the chance to actually have sex, they are incapable to having sex, because in their mind, they are more turned on by what sex looks like from the outside looking in, which prevents them from actually being able to perform having sex themselves.
  7. Beta males often try chastity before losing their virginity.
  8. Even if a beta male is not a virgin, a beta male will often choose “watching sex” over “having sex” even if “having sex” is absolutely amazing for them. For a beta male, watching is so much more intoxicating, fulfilling, sexually gratifying, and more of a turn on than the act of participating in sex itself.
  9. Beta males are willing to raise another man’s baby that their significant other has with another man, even if their significant other actively cheats.
  10. A beta male is willing to be in a cuckolding relationship, where the girl has other sexual partners. Sometimes, the girl may end up having only 1 sexual partner who she becomes emotionally involved with, falls in love with, and possibly gets pregnant with. The beta male is fully supportive of this and is willing to step aside (often times while locked in permanent chastity, and/or a virgin), and is willing to help raise any child that his significant other has with the other man.
  11. Willing (regardless of the reason) to wear a chastity device long enough that his penis begins to shrink.
  12. Some beta males do actively choose to go into chastity with the full knowledge they are indeed a beta male. They usually learn about this stuff online through various chat rooms, or websites. They learn what a beta male is, find themselves identifying with the “beta male” outline, and ultimately choose to be locked in chastity, because they learn that beta males often times get locked in chastity at some point.
  13. Most beta males eventually adopt the “pussy-free-lifestyle.”

Penis Size Doesn’t = Alpha or Beta
Penis size isn't inherently linked to whether someone is an alpha or a beta male. There are plenty of beta males with large penises, just as there are Alpha males. Same can be said for Alpha males and beta males having smaller, or averaged sized penises. Alpha and Beta is defined by personality traits, behaviors, and attitudes. A guy could have a large penis and still end up being a beta, especially if he exhibits traits like submissiveness, passivity, a preference for supporting others rather than taking charge, choosing to avoid assertiveness (especially sexually in the bed room), choosing to passively participate in sexual activities such as watching and masturbating rather than actively participating in the sexual act with their significant other. Similarly, a guy with a smaller penis might be more dominant or assertive, fitting the stereotype of an alpha male.

There are several different reasons a male may decide to wear a chastity device. Some may begin wearing one out of curiosity. Some may begin wearing a chastity device because they want to experiment with long term chastity and see if the penis actually does shrink in long-term chastity. For other males, they may decide to wear a chastity device as a way to show a girl he is interested in her and is willing to wear that device as proof he is willing to wait for that girl until she is willing/able to actually date him, even if it means that they may never date. Other males may wear a chastity device, because their significant other wants them to wear it, for “extra fun and excitement, or cuckolding, or changing up the dominance dynamic role a bit.”

Often times, a beta male does not initially put a chastity device on with the intent of being a beta male. However, regardless of the reason a male may decide to wear a chastity device, it immediately makes them a beta male. It's not always a conscious decision at first. Many beta males, initially put on the chastity cage for various reasons (as mentioned above). Love, devotion, or even just curiosity. However, the reason they do it in the first place doesn’t matter, the fact that he puts the cage on at all that automatically makes him a beta. An alpha male, or any other type of male wouldn’t even allow themselves to put the cage on in the first place regardless the reason. The qualities that define a beta—such as loyalty, devotion, and a willingness to prioritize their partner's needs—often align with the mindset necessary to embrace chastity. Beta males are drawn to chastity because it resonates with their beliefs and values, and over time, the association between chastity and being a beta becomes one in the same. So, once a chastity device is put on it should remain on indefinitely, because the chastity cage symbolizes everything that a beta male is, the mindset they have, and everything that they are as a person mentally and emotionally in a relationship. And they eventually see chastity as a necessary continual step in accepting and embracing who they fully are and their overall role in a relationship. The only time the cage should ever be removed would be to move the penis to a smaller cage due to shrinkage.

Permanent Chastity
Another reason why when a beta male enters the realm of wearing chastity, it always leads to permanent chastity, is because once a male puts on a chastity cage, the girl in his life no longer sees him as a sexual partner—not even potentially, except for him giving her oral; but nothing else. This is not an intentionally thing, but rather something that happens subconsciously in the girl’s head. It’s almost an instinctive reaction from the girl’s perspective when she learns a guy has willingly put on a chastity device, that she automatically moves that guy from potential sexual partner to non-potential sexual partner, and the guy falls into the “friend-zone” type relationship. The girl is still willing to date and even potentially marry this guy who is locked in chastity, but she could never see him as a sexual partner. Even if the guy only wears the device for a few minutes, the sheer fact that he puts the device on at all automatically moves him into this special type of category. So, it is actually better that he keeps the device on permanently once the device goes on at all. Because it will actually help him stay motivated in his “friend zone” type role with the girl. Sure, he may never actually actively experience the act of sex or love making himself, but that’s how it’s meant to be, because if a guy is willing to put a chastity device on in the first place, it means there is an inward resonance with his beliefs and values that align with the idea (or preference) of not experiencing sex or love-making firsthand, and simultaneously preferring to be a support role who is always on the outside looking in. Just because the beta never experiences love-making himself doesn't mean the beta is missing out on something. Instead, the beta is experiencing it from a different perspective.

Penis Shrinkage
This long-term, or permanent chastity eventually leads to shrinking of the penis. Again, it doesn’t matter how big the penis is. The guy could have a fairly large, or very large penis, but if his mindset is a “beta mindset” then it doesn’t matter how big his penis is, because he will eventually end up in chastity and his penis will eventually shrink and become very, very small. Sometimes 1 inch in overall length, or smaller – regardless of arousal. It's not so much about deliberately shrinking the penis as it is about the psychological aspect of chastity. The physical aspect, like the shrinking of the penis, is more of a side effect of long-term chastity. It's not something that's deliberately sought after, but rather a consequence of wearing the device for extended periods. For beta males, having a shrunken penis reinforces their sense of submission and reinforces their role in the relationship dynamic. Shrinkage is not necessarily a deliberate goal, but it's often a natural progression for those who fully embrace the beta male lifestyle. By that same token, it makes no sense for a beta male to have large and/or functional penis, so it doesn’t matter that their penis shrinks down so small. It also makes sense that it could be a deliberate goal for the penis to be shrunk down considering the beta wouldn’t ever use it anyway, other than to pee, or orgasm while wearing the cage.

Also, a male choosing (or allowing himself) to wear a chastity device long enough that it causes his penis to shrink and/or become small proves even more that he is a beta, because only a beta would have the capability and qualities that align with the mindset necessary to accept, or allow, that. This is why beta males are better off remaining virgins locked in permanent chastity, not just as a symbolic gesture but as a practical decision. Given their submissive nature and lack of sexual assertiveness, engaging in sexual activity would be futile and unfulfilling for beta males. Therefore, maintaining permanent chastity serves as a pragmatic choice that aligns with their submissive tendencies and ensures their role as supportive companions rather than sexual partners. For beta males remaining virgins aligns with their role and the dynamics of their relationships. Beta males are more suited to providing emotional support and companionship rather than engaging in sexual activity. It's not that they're incapable of having sex, but rather that it's not what they're meant for. Being a virgin allows beta males to focus on their supportive role without the complications or distractions of sexual relationships. It also ensures that their energy and attention are directed towards their partner's needs rather than their own desires. In that sense, remaining a virgin is not only better for the beta male, but also for the dynamics of the relationship.

Curious Desires Vs. Selfishness
It is understandable that a beta male locked in chastity would have desires or curiosities about sex, sexual activities, or even wanting to know what certain sexual acts may feel like. However, there is a big difference between curiosity and actually wanting to pursue it. It would actually be considered selfish for a beta (especially one locked in chastity) to want, pursue, or expect, sex, blowjobs or hand-jobs. Not necessarily because of the act itself. It's more about the expectations behind it. Because the qualities that define a beta often align with the mindset necessary to embrace chastity, and beta males often get more pleasure of watching and “serving/cleaning the girl”, when a beta male wears chastity, he is essentially is making a commitment to prioritize his partner's needs and desires above his own, even to the extent of sacrificing his own physical pleasure. However, he is not actually sacrificing his own physical pleasure, because he gets more pleasure from giving her oral, and/or watching her have sex with someone else anyway. A beta male who has willingly chosen to be locked in chastity for an extended period, especially to the point where his penis has shrunk, has made a commitment. So, to expect, or desire sexual acts, like sex, blowjobs, or hand-jobs, while being locked in chastity could be seen as selfish because it contradicts the purpose of being a beta and being in chastity.

It's a bit like wanting to have your cake and eat it too. The essence of being a beta in chastity is to derive satisfaction from serving and pleasing your partner without expecting, or needing sexual gratification in return. This is because the fundamental aspect of being a beta male in chastity is accepting a role of selflessness and service, where the focus is on fulfilling the desires and needs of his partner without expecting or needing reciprocation. Expecting the girl to provide oral sex to the beta would undermine this principle of selflessness and service.

In addition, even if the beta is regularly giving the girl oral or is willing to do so while she gave him oral in return, it doesn't justify an expectation for receiving the same in return, it disregards the physical limitations and changes that have occurred during his prolonged chastity situation, such as penis shrinkage. Therefore, due to its shrunken and limp size, his penis wouldn't be able to offer any sexual return for the girl that the sexual actions blowjobs or hand-jobs typically aim to achieve—so it would be unfair to expect such acts from the girl when his penis is unable to reciprocate in a way that she might find fulfilling.

It would also be considered selfish if a beta decided that he did not want to give the girl oral after she has recently had sex with another man and that other man finished inside her. It would be considered selfish if the beta decided that he didn’t want to give the girl oral at all even if she didn’t have sex with another man. The beta's role is often centered around providing support and fulfilling the needs of the girl, even if those needs involve intimate acts with another partner. In many ways, being willing to give oral or clean the girl after she has been with someone else is part of the beta's commitment to serving and satisfying her needs, regardless of who else is involved. A beta choosing to not give the girl oral at all goes against the core of what it means to be a beta, to be in chastity, his role, and the dynamics of the relationship. This is why chastity almost always = the “pussy free lifestyle.”

Pussy free
The "pussy free lifestyle" refers to men, typically known as beta males, are abstained from engaging in sexual activity or pursuing sexual relationships with women. This decision can stem from various reasons, including personal mindsets of how they may view themselves as a sexual partner, sexual abilities or inabilities, different viewpoints, arousal of the idea of chastity, or past relationship experiences.

Those who embrace the pussy free lifestyle may find fulfillment and satisfaction in pursuits beyond actively engaging themselves in romantic or sexual (sex and love-making) relationships, choosing to focus their time and energy in providing a different overall approach to the relationship as a support and auxiliary role. Often times attending to needs such as oral when his wife or girlfriend needs it, or “cleaning” his wife/girlfriend’s pussy after she has had sex with her romantic partner. Other needs may be attending to children that his wife/girlfriend may have, who may not biologically be his.

The adoption of the "pussy free lifestyle" is not entirely tied to beta males. There are other men who do refrain from sexual activity for other reasons. For those individuals, the “pussy free lifestyle” may provide a sense of empowerment and autonomy over their choices and relationships. But those are the outliers to the "pussy free lifestyle" because these individuals make a conscious choice to be pussy free and do not seek, or attempt to wear a chastity device. Generally speaking, though, the “pussy free lifestyle” is adopted by most, if not ALL, beta males, because the same qualities that define and align beta males to embrace chastity are the same qualities that align with the mindset necessary to embrace the “pussy free lifestyle.”

Another reason for someone to adopt the "pussy free lifestyle" is due to their partner's preferences or relationship dynamics. As mentioned before, most wife’s girlfriends view a chastity device as an immediate change in the relationship. Yes, the cage could come off for sex or sexual interactions with the penis, however, for most women, once a male puts a chastity device on, she can no longer see him as a potential sexual partner. And for the very reason that the male is no longer seen as a sexual partner, is now the same reason why he is pussy free.

Support Role
Beta males often fulfill a role centered around support, emotional connection, and addressing auxiliary needs in a relationship. This role, however, comes with its inherent limitations, particularly in the emotional intimacy shared between a wife or girlfriend and her beta partner, as compared to that with her primary romantic partner.

When a woman chooses to be in a relationship with a beta male—especially one who is in a state of chastity—her feelings towards him are typically platonic. She may love him deeply, akin to a cherished lifelong friend or a confidant with whom she feels utterly comfortable and safe. Yet, this is not the romantic "in love" experience that is often sought in partnerships. She values the beta male for the constant, unwavering support he provides, rather than for romantic or sexual companionship.

In contrast, the emotional bonds she forms with another man—the one with whom she engages sexually and romantically—are of a different nature entirely. With this individual, she may develop a deep, passionate connection, envisaging a shared future and potentially starting a f@mily together. This relationship is characterized by the kind of emotional intimacy and partnership that she does not seek with the beta male.

The support offered by the beta male is invaluable; it encompasses deep friendship, reliable companionship, and unconditional support. He may even participate in the broader aspects of her life, such as understanding her sexual experiences with her romantic partner or assisting in raising children she may have with another man. His love for her is profound and selfless—he is prepared to stand by her through all facets of life, including witnessing or indirectly participating in her romantic relationships with others.

However, the dynamic is clearly defined by the boundaries set by the nature of their relationship. While the beta male's chastity might symbolize his commitment and specific role within this relationship, it also delineates the limits of what he can expect in return. The emotional and physical aspects of their relationship are constrained to the realms of platonic love and support. The woman, while fully aware and appreciative of his dedication, maintains the right to manage the details she shares about her intimate life, ensuring that boundaries are respected and that both partners' emotional health is preserved. This discretion underscores her autonomy in the relationship, allowing, as she sees fit, to share or withhold what the beta witnesses her and her boyfriend do sexually, or what she tells the beta her and her boyfriend do sexually. Because not all wives/girlfriends are willing to share those sexual details, or allow those sexual experiences to be witnessed—thereby safeguarding the balance and health of their interaction.

No Biological Progression
Due to a significant lack of life experience, many betas will feel immature, inexperienced, very undeveloped, both sexually and in life, and left-behind. The idea of sex, in general, is a foreign concept for many betas. Especially since betas feel they could never "catch-up" or "measure-up" to the maturity levels needed in order to succeed with and progress forward with a girl. And as the women around them continue to gain more experience each day - their lives moving forward - a beta's life almost feels as if it remains unmoved, or stationary pre-puberty—as if watching the future leave them behind, never to look back.

For the reasons that beta males find themselves being pussy free virgins locked in (permanent) chastity, and always on the outside looking in - playing the support role - are the same reasons why it is highly believed that beta males aren't meant to have a biological f@mily of their own. Sure, sex and love making feel wonderful, but so what? What's the big deal just because they don't experience those things directly? Why does it matter? So why does it matter if he doesn’t get to directly experience sex and love making? So, what if the girl they love fucks and sucks another man.? Because, simply put, that is literally how it is meant to be… He’s a beta. Besides, he gets more pleasure out of watching, masturbating, and/or cumming in his cage anyway, right? Or just giving her oral? Just how not all men are meant to have sex, not all men are meant to have their own direct biological f@mily.

So, why does it matter if you have your own kids or not? So what if your genetics stop with you.? Yes, in a sense, you are being "left behind." But so what? Why is that such a big deal? If you were meant to have your own biological children then you'd not be locked in chastity. Your role is supportive only, because you derive more fulfillment from experiencing things from a different perspective and fulfilling auxiliary roles, rather than actively participating in those experiences yourself, and that's perfectly okay.

But that also means that, in a sense, you will be “left behind.” You will not have your "own" biological f@mily. But again, you aren't meant to. Sure you could use IVF, but if your wife already has someone whom she is having sex and making love to, then wouldn't it make sense for HER to start HER f@mily with him, and you have the privilege of raising her children as your own? you are her husband after all.? It's kind of selfish of you to expect otherwise?

...“if you aren't able, or capable of actually having sex yourself because of how you perceive yourself in sex, and you derive more pleasure from watching (or the idea of watching), then you don't deserve to watch in person...

...the reason they do it in the first place doesn’t matter. The fact that he puts the cage on at all that automatically makes him a beta... and the girl in his life no longer sees him as a sexual partner—not even potentially...
chastity almost always = the “pussy free lifestyle.”

it makes no sense for a beta male to have large and/or functional penis, so it doesn’t matter that their penis shrinks down so small. It also makes sense that it could be a deliberate goal for the penis to be shrunk down considering the beta wouldn’t ever use it anyway, other than to pee, or orgasm while wearing the cage.

The essence of being a beta in chastity is to derive satisfaction from serving and pleasing your partner without expecting, or needing sexual gratification in return. This is because the fundamental aspect of being a beta male in chastity is accepting a role of selflessness and service, where the focus is on fulfilling the desires and needs of his partner without expecting or needing reciprocation. Expecting the girl to provide oral sex to the beta would undermine this principle of selflessness and service.

The woman maintains the right to manage the details she shares about her intimate life, ensuring that boundaries are respected... This discretion underscores her autonomy in the relationship, allowing, as she sees fit, to share or withhold what the beta witnesses her and her boyfriend do sexually, or what she tells the beta her and her boyfriend do sexually.

...a beta's life almost feels as if it remains unmoved, or stationary pre-puberty—as if watching the future leave them behind, never to look back.

Just as not all men are meant to have sex, not all men are meant to have their own direct biological f@mily.

Yes, in a sense, you are being "left behind." Why is that such a big deal? If you were meant to have your own biological children then you'd not be locked in chastity.
I went through and kept the parts that really stuck out to me! This was so well written! That very first one is what really made me reanalyze some things! "if you aren't able, or capable of actually having sex yourself, then you don't deserve to watch in person..." That is so true! I would have actually been ok with the idea of a chastity beta giving me oral, or watching me have sex from time to time. But you are so right! If he is incapable of having sex, then there is no reason for him to watch sex!
It is both interesting and arousing to study this, but I wish there were more articles and information regarding the opposite (sort of) situation... an arguably beta physique (mainly small penis size) who is NOT of a beta mindset. One who is confident and outgoing who needs to experience taming and training by superiors who know he needs it even if he doesn't know it, or agree with them.

Anyone have thoughts on this topic?
It is both interesting and arousing to study this, but I wish there were more articles and information regarding the opposite (sort of) situation... an arguably beta physique (mainly small penis size) who is NOT of a beta mindset. One who is confident and outgoing who needs to experience taming and training by superiors who know he needs it even if he doesn't know it, or agree with them.

Anyone have thoughts on this topic?
Interesting. Could you give a little more detail in exactly what you mean? When you say taming, are you meaning that he would be tamed to become a beta?
Yes. Tamed, coerced, forcibly convinced... however you'd like to word it.

If a person or people more worthy than him determine that he arguably should not be allowed to lead or control others and/or that he deserves to have less privilege than his ego currently allows him to have....

That sort of situation. I'm trying to think outside the box here... different than our current laws and "reality" that we currently abide in.
Yes. Tamed, coerced, forcibly convinced... however you'd like to word it.

If a person or people more worthy than him determine that he arguably should not be allowed to lead or control others and/or that he deserves to have less privilege than his ego currently allows him to have....

That sort of situation. I'm trying to think outside the box here... different than our current laws and "reality" that we currently abide in.
Hmm. I think it would be interesting to read of any real life interactions where something like that happened! Especially if they went in detail about their journey to becoming a beta, like this article.
Beta Males
A beta male is defined by several characteristics that distinguish them from other males. First and foremost, a beta male is typically more passive and submissive in nature. Unlike alpha males who are assertive and dominant, betas tend to be more reserved and accommodating. They often prioritize the needs and desires of others above their own. Another defining trait of a beta male is their willingness to take on a supportive role in relationships rather than a dominant or assertive role. They excel at providing emotional support, stability, and companionship to their partner. They are attuned to the emotions of those around them and are often relied upon for their understanding and compassion. They understand that they may not be the most dominant or sexually experienced, but they embrace their position and find fulfillment in supporting their partner.

Beta males also tend to have certain types of action, or reactions to, or about, specific things, that alpha males wouldn’t have. For instance:
  1. A beta would rather cum his pants at the mere thought of his significant other having sex with someone else.
  2. Rather than attempt to have sex with their girlfriend or wife himself, a beta would rather give oral, or “clean” the girl’s pussy, after another man has fucked and/or cum inside her. And a beta would most likely cum his own pants while licking the girl clean.
  3. Even if a beta male is still a virgin, a beta would still prefer to watch their significant other have sex with someone else (most likely causing the beta to cum his pants in the process of just watching) rather than actually having sex with their significant other.
  4. Rather than attempt to pursue any girl in the traditional fashion, a beta chooses to wear a chastity device as a form of showing his love and dedication to waiting for a chance (opportunity) to date (be with) the girl he likes (loves). Not only that, but a beta would even be will to wait so long in chastity, that his penis begins to shrink and become unusable. (Ironically, the moment he puts the chastity device on, he is automatically viewed as a “beta male” by the very girl he is perusing and hoping to impress. Even if she is impressed [or touched] by the sentiment of him wearing the device, she could never see him as a sexual partner even if they end up dating and/or marrying).
  5. Betas gain more pleasure from the thought, idea, and/or visual stimulation of watching their significant other have sex rather than physically having sex with their significant other themselves. This often leads to many beta males never watching their significant other have sex with someone else, because the thought process is, “if you aren't able, or capable of actually having sex yourself because of how you perceive yourself in sex, and you derive more pleasure from watching (or the idea of watching), then you don't deserve to watch in person, because sex and love making are too intimate for them to experience first hand, if they are “incapable” of performing those acts physically.
  6. Beta males often remain virgins significantly longer than other men. Then when given the chance to actually have sex, they are incapable to having sex, because in their mind, they are more turned on by what sex looks like from the outside looking in, which prevents them from actually being able to perform having sex themselves.
  7. Beta males often try chastity before losing their virginity.
  8. Even if a beta male is not a virgin, a beta male will often choose “watching sex” over “having sex” even if “having sex” is absolutely amazing for them. For a beta male, watching is so much more intoxicating, fulfilling, sexually gratifying, and more of a turn on than the act of participating in sex itself.
  9. Beta males are willing to raise another man’s baby that their significant other has with another man, even if their significant other actively cheats.
  10. A beta male is willing to be in a cuckolding relationship, where the girl has other sexual partners. Sometimes, the girl may end up having only 1 sexual partner who she becomes emotionally involved with, falls in love with, and possibly gets pregnant with. The beta male is fully supportive of this and is willing to step aside (often times while locked in permanent chastity, and/or a virgin), and is willing to help raise any child that his significant other has with the other man.
  11. Willing (regardless of the reason) to wear a chastity device long enough that his penis begins to shrink.
  12. Some beta males do actively choose to go into chastity with the full knowledge they are indeed a beta male. They usually learn about this stuff online through various chat rooms, or websites. They learn what a beta male is, find themselves identifying with the “beta male” outline, and ultimately choose to be locked in chastity, because they learn that beta males often times get locked in chastity at some point.
  13. Most beta males eventually adopt the “pussy-free-lifestyle.”

Penis Size Doesn’t = Alpha or Beta
Penis size isn't inherently linked to whether someone is an alpha or a beta male. There are plenty of beta males with large penises, just as there are Alpha males. Same can be said for Alpha males and beta males having smaller, or averaged sized penises. Alpha and Beta is defined by personality traits, behaviors, and attitudes. A guy could have a large penis and still end up being a beta, especially if he exhibits traits like submissiveness, passivity, a preference for supporting others rather than taking charge, choosing to avoid assertiveness (especially sexually in the bed room), choosing to passively participate in sexual activities such as watching and masturbating rather than actively participating in the sexual act with their significant other. Similarly, a guy with a smaller penis might be more dominant or assertive, fitting the stereotype of an alpha male.

There are several different reasons a male may decide to wear a chastity device. Some may begin wearing one out of curiosity. Some may begin wearing a chastity device because they want to experiment with long term chastity and see if the penis actually does shrink in long-term chastity. For other males, they may decide to wear a chastity device as a way to show a girl he is interested in her and is willing to wear that device as proof he is willing to wait for that girl until she is willing/able to actually date him, even if it means that they may never date. Other males may wear a chastity device, because their significant other wants them to wear it, for “extra fun and excitement, or cuckolding, or changing up the dominance dynamic role a bit.”

Often times, a beta male does not initially put a chastity device on with the intent of being a beta male. However, regardless of the reason a male may decide to wear a chastity device, it immediately makes them a beta male. It's not always a conscious decision at first. Many beta males, initially put on the chastity cage for various reasons (as mentioned above). Love, devotion, or even just curiosity. However, the reason they do it in the first place doesn’t matter, the fact that he puts the cage on at all that automatically makes him a beta. An alpha male, or any other type of male wouldn’t even allow themselves to put the cage on in the first place regardless the reason. The qualities that define a beta—such as loyalty, devotion, and a willingness to prioritize their partner's needs—often align with the mindset necessary to embrace chastity. Beta males are drawn to chastity because it resonates with their beliefs and values, and over time, the association between chastity and being a beta becomes one in the same. So, once a chastity device is put on it should remain on indefinitely, because the chastity cage symbolizes everything that a beta male is, the mindset they have, and everything that they are as a person mentally and emotionally in a relationship. And they eventually see chastity as a necessary continual step in accepting and embracing who they fully are and their overall role in a relationship. The only time the cage should ever be removed would be to move the penis to a smaller cage due to shrinkage.

Permanent Chastity
Another reason why when a beta male enters the realm of wearing chastity, it always leads to permanent chastity, is because once a male puts on a chastity cage, the girl in his life no longer sees him as a sexual partner—not even potentially, except for him giving her oral; but nothing else. This is not an intentionally thing, but rather something that happens subconsciously in the girl’s head. It’s almost an instinctive reaction from the girl’s perspective when she learns a guy has willingly put on a chastity device, that she automatically moves that guy from potential sexual partner to non-potential sexual partner, and the guy falls into the “friend-zone” type relationship. The girl is still willing to date and even potentially marry this guy who is locked in chastity, but she could never see him as a sexual partner. Even if the guy only wears the device for a few minutes, the sheer fact that he puts the device on at all automatically moves him into this special type of category. So, it is actually better that he keeps the device on permanently once the device goes on at all. Because it will actually help him stay motivated in his “friend zone” type role with the girl. Sure, he may never actually actively experience the act of sex or love making himself, but that’s how it’s meant to be, because if a guy is willing to put a chastity device on in the first place, it means there is an inward resonance with his beliefs and values that align with the idea (or preference) of not experiencing sex or love-making firsthand, and simultaneously preferring to be a support role who is always on the outside looking in. Just because the beta never experiences love-making himself doesn't mean the beta is missing out on something. Instead, the beta is experiencing it from a different perspective.

Penis Shrinkage
This long-term, or permanent chastity eventually leads to shrinking of the penis. Again, it doesn’t matter how big the penis is. The guy could have a fairly large, or very large penis, but if his mindset is a “beta mindset” then it doesn’t matter how big his penis is, because he will eventually end up in chastity and his penis will eventually shrink and become very, very small. Sometimes 1 inch in overall length, or smaller – regardless of arousal. It's not so much about deliberately shrinking the penis as it is about the psychological aspect of chastity. The physical aspect, like the shrinking of the penis, is more of a side effect of long-term chastity. It's not something that's deliberately sought after, but rather a consequence of wearing the device for extended periods. For beta males, having a shrunken penis reinforces their sense of submission and reinforces their role in the relationship dynamic. Shrinkage is not necessarily a deliberate goal, but it's often a natural progression for those who fully embrace the beta male lifestyle. By that same token, it makes no sense for a beta male to have large and/or functional penis, so it doesn’t matter that their penis shrinks down so small. It also makes sense that it could be a deliberate goal for the penis to be shrunk down considering the beta wouldn’t ever use it anyway, other than to pee, or orgasm while wearing the cage.

Also, a male choosing (or allowing himself) to wear a chastity device long enough that it causes his penis to shrink and/or become small proves even more that he is a beta, because only a beta would have the capability and qualities that align with the mindset necessary to accept, or allow, that. This is why beta males are better off remaining virgins locked in permanent chastity, not just as a symbolic gesture but as a practical decision. Given their submissive nature and lack of sexual assertiveness, engaging in sexual activity would be futile and unfulfilling for beta males. Therefore, maintaining permanent chastity serves as a pragmatic choice that aligns with their submissive tendencies and ensures their role as supportive companions rather than sexual partners. For beta males remaining virgins aligns with their role and the dynamics of their relationships. Beta males are more suited to providing emotional support and companionship rather than engaging in sexual activity. It's not that they're incapable of having sex, but rather that it's not what they're meant for. Being a virgin allows beta males to focus on their supportive role without the complications or distractions of sexual relationships. It also ensures that their energy and attention are directed towards their partner's needs rather than their own desires. In that sense, remaining a virgin is not only better for the beta male, but also for the dynamics of the relationship.

Curious Desires Vs. Selfishness
It is understandable that a beta male locked in chastity would have desires or curiosities about sex, sexual activities, or even wanting to know what certain sexual acts may feel like. However, there is a big difference between curiosity and actually wanting to pursue it. It would actually be considered selfish for a beta (especially one locked in chastity) to want, pursue, or expect, sex, blowjobs or hand-jobs. Not necessarily because of the act itself. It's more about the expectations behind it. Because the qualities that define a beta often align with the mindset necessary to embrace chastity, and beta males often get more pleasure of watching and “serving/cleaning the girl”, when a beta male wears chastity, he is essentially is making a commitment to prioritize his partner's needs and desires above his own, even to the extent of sacrificing his own physical pleasure. However, he is not actually sacrificing his own physical pleasure, because he gets more pleasure from giving her oral, and/or watching her have sex with someone else anyway. A beta male who has willingly chosen to be locked in chastity for an extended period, especially to the point where his penis has shrunk, has made a commitment. So, to expect, or desire sexual acts, like sex, blowjobs, or hand-jobs, while being locked in chastity could be seen as selfish because it contradicts the purpose of being a beta and being in chastity.

It's a bit like wanting to have your cake and eat it too. The essence of being a beta in chastity is to derive satisfaction from serving and pleasing your partner without expecting, or needing sexual gratification in return. This is because the fundamental aspect of being a beta male in chastity is accepting a role of selflessness and service, where the focus is on fulfilling the desires and needs of his partner without expecting or needing reciprocation. Expecting the girl to provide oral sex to the beta would undermine this principle of selflessness and service.

In addition, even if the beta is regularly giving the girl oral or is willing to do so while she gave him oral in return, it doesn't justify an expectation for receiving the same in return, it disregards the physical limitations and changes that have occurred during his prolonged chastity situation, such as penis shrinkage. Therefore, due to its shrunken and limp size, his penis wouldn't be able to offer any sexual return for the girl that the sexual actions blowjobs or hand-jobs typically aim to achieve—so it would be unfair to expect such acts from the girl when his penis is unable to reciprocate in a way that she might find fulfilling.

It would also be considered selfish if a beta decided that he did not want to give the girl oral after she has recently had sex with another man and that other man finished inside her. It would be considered selfish if the beta decided that he didn’t want to give the girl oral at all even if she didn’t have sex with another man. The beta's role is often centered around providing support and fulfilling the needs of the girl, even if those needs involve intimate acts with another partner. In many ways, being willing to give oral or clean the girl after she has been with someone else is part of the beta's commitment to serving and satisfying her needs, regardless of who else is involved. A beta choosing to not give the girl oral at all goes against the core of what it means to be a beta, to be in chastity, his role, and the dynamics of the relationship. This is why chastity almost always = the “pussy free lifestyle.”

Pussy free
The "pussy free lifestyle" refers to men, typically known as beta males, are abstained from engaging in sexual activity or pursuing sexual relationships with women. This decision can stem from various reasons, including personal mindsets of how they may view themselves as a sexual partner, sexual abilities or inabilities, different viewpoints, arousal of the idea of chastity, or past relationship experiences.

Those who embrace the pussy free lifestyle may find fulfillment and satisfaction in pursuits beyond actively engaging themselves in romantic or sexual (sex and love-making) relationships, choosing to focus their time and energy in providing a different overall approach to the relationship as a support and auxiliary role. Often times attending to needs such as oral when his wife or girlfriend needs it, or “cleaning” his wife/girlfriend’s pussy after she has had sex with her romantic partner. Other needs may be attending to children that his wife/girlfriend may have, who may not biologically be his.

The adoption of the "pussy free lifestyle" is not entirely tied to beta males. There are other men who do refrain from sexual activity for other reasons. For those individuals, the “pussy free lifestyle” may provide a sense of empowerment and autonomy over their choices and relationships. But those are the outliers to the "pussy free lifestyle" because these individuals make a conscious choice to be pussy free and do not seek, or attempt to wear a chastity device. Generally speaking, though, the “pussy free lifestyle” is adopted by most, if not ALL, beta males, because the same qualities that define and align beta males to embrace chastity are the same qualities that align with the mindset necessary to embrace the “pussy free lifestyle.”

Another reason for someone to adopt the "pussy free lifestyle" is due to their partner's preferences or relationship dynamics. As mentioned before, most wife’s girlfriends view a chastity device as an immediate change in the relationship. Yes, the cage could come off for sex or sexual interactions with the penis, however, for most women, once a male puts a chastity device on, she can no longer see him as a potential sexual partner. And for the very reason that the male is no longer seen as a sexual partner, is now the same reason why he is pussy free.

Support Role
Beta males often fulfill a role centered around support, emotional connection, and addressing auxiliary needs in a relationship. This role, however, comes with its inherent limitations, particularly in the emotional intimacy shared between a wife or girlfriend and her beta partner, as compared to that with her primary romantic partner.

When a woman chooses to be in a relationship with a beta male—especially one who is in a state of chastity—her feelings towards him are typically platonic. She may love him deeply, akin to a cherished lifelong friend or a confidant with whom she feels utterly comfortable and safe. Yet, this is not the romantic "in love" experience that is often sought in partnerships. She values the beta male for the constant, unwavering support he provides, rather than for romantic or sexual companionship.

In contrast, the emotional bonds she forms with another man—the one with whom she engages sexually and romantically—are of a different nature entirely. With this individual, she may develop a deep, passionate connection, envisaging a shared future and potentially starting a f@mily together. This relationship is characterized by the kind of emotional intimacy and partnership that she does not seek with the beta male.

The support offered by the beta male is invaluable; it encompasses deep friendship, reliable companionship, and unconditional support. He may even participate in the broader aspects of her life, such as understanding her sexual experiences with her romantic partner or assisting in raising children she may have with another man. His love for her is profound and selfless—he is prepared to stand by her through all facets of life, including witnessing or indirectly participating in her romantic relationships with others.

However, the dynamic is clearly defined by the boundaries set by the nature of their relationship. While the beta male's chastity might symbolize his commitment and specific role within this relationship, it also delineates the limits of what he can expect in return. The emotional and physical aspects of their relationship are constrained to the realms of platonic love and support. The woman, while fully aware and appreciative of his dedication, maintains the right to manage the details she shares about her intimate life, ensuring that boundaries are respected and that both partners' emotional health is preserved. This discretion underscores her autonomy in the relationship, allowing, as she sees fit, to share or withhold what the beta witnesses her and her boyfriend do sexually, or what she tells the beta her and her boyfriend do sexually. Because not all wives/girlfriends are willing to share those sexual details, or allow those sexual experiences to be witnessed—thereby safeguarding the balance and health of their interaction.

No Biological Progression
Due to a significant lack of life experience, many betas will feel immature, inexperienced, very undeveloped, both sexually and in life, and left-behind. The idea of sex, in general, is a foreign concept for many betas. Especially since betas feel they could never "catch-up" or "measure-up" to the maturity levels needed in order to succeed with and progress forward with a girl. And as the women around them continue to gain more experience each day - their lives moving forward - a beta's life almost feels as if it remains unmoved, or stationary pre-puberty—as if watching the future leave them behind, never to look back.

For the reasons that beta males find themselves being pussy free virgins locked in (permanent) chastity, and always on the outside looking in - playing the support role - are the same reasons why it is highly believed that beta males aren't meant to have a biological f@mily of their own. Sure, sex and love making feel wonderful, but so what? What's the big deal just because they don't experience those things directly? Why does it matter? So why does it matter if he doesn’t get to directly experience sex and love making? So, what if the girl they love fucks and sucks another man.? Because, simply put, that is literally how it is meant to be… He’s a beta. Besides, he gets more pleasure out of watching, masturbating, and/or cumming in his cage anyway, right? Or just giving her oral? Just how not all men are meant to have sex, not all men are meant to have their own direct biological f@mily.

So, why does it matter if you have your own kids or not? So what if your genetics stop with you.? Yes, in a sense, you are being "left behind." But so what? Why is that such a big deal? If you were meant to have your own biological children then you'd not be locked in chastity. Your role is supportive only, because you derive more fulfillment from experiencing things from a different perspective and fulfilling auxiliary roles, rather than actively participating in those experiences yourself, and that's perfectly okay.

But that also means that, in a sense, you will be “left behind.” You will not have your "own" biological f@mily. But again, you aren't meant to. Sure you could use IVF, but if your wife already has someone whom she is having sex and making love to, then wouldn't it make sense for HER to start HER f@mily with him, and you have the privilege of raising her children as your own? you are her husband after all.? It's kind of selfish of you to expect otherwise?

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Wow. This is an amazing piece. Thank you for detailing everything the way you did. It’s very informative.
I've always imagined, in fantasy, laws that would be put in place to reduce white males' ability to "cheat" to gain or retain power and rights they don't deserve... or the ability to hide behind false pride... such as they must strip and display themselves if commanded to by certain people. Maybe lose the rights to have certain or all possessions... maybe not allowed clothing at all except in certain conditions.
I've always imagined, in fantasy, laws that would be put in place to reduce white males' ability to "cheat" to gain or retain power and rights they don't deserve... or the ability to hide behind false pride... such as they must strip and display themselves if commanded to by certain people. Maybe lose the rights to have certain or all possessions... maybe not allowed clothing at all except in certain conditions.
oh. there is something like that that was posted on here a while back. it was posted in text format, and then also published with it's PDF version. I was fortunate enough to download the pdf version. But basically it is a whole write up that goes into detail about laws and things set in place. But i will say it can get quite extreme for some people. And I would say we move to DM to discuss it further. Or if you have discord, i can send it to you there.?