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asian is the new white

  1. American_demographic.png


    Literally me pt3
  2. Asian is the new white.jpg

    Asian is the new white.jpg

    Caucasian won't be white no more
  3. American beauties 2030.jpg

    American beauties 2030.jpg

    Standard American demographic in 2030
  4. Who u chosin .jpg

    Who u chosin .jpg

    2034 demographic
  5. Caucasian vs white women difference.jpg

    Caucasian vs white women difference.jpg

    Difference between a caucasian woman and a white woman
  6. Asian is the white now.jpg

    Asian is the white now.jpg

    Utopian society where european whites don't exist
  7. asian is the new white.jpg

    asian is the new white.jpg

    Cultural take over