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  1. Stormbringer

    Doctor Bitch

    ...that Horse's pre-cum covered her fingers. She barely avoided getting in an accident as she sped towards the nearest store to buy some mouthwash. * * * Katherine sighed as she put her drink down beside the pool and sat down on the cot. She stretched sensuously and laid down on her...
  2. Stormbringer

    The Rivals

    ...to see herself on the tv screen, but it hadn't resulted in any increased sex drive on George's part. He had destroyed the tape soon afterwards. ********** Julie was almost asleep on the cot when she heard the doorbell ring. She got up and looked around for her robe, realizing that she had...
  3. Stormbringer

    The Unwanted Houseguest (Part 3-6)

    ...a maniac she scrubbed her face to remove all traces of her defilement and when she was satisfied, she let David in, kissing him on her way out. ********** David had just left the shower and she could hear him laughing with Steve downstairs over how ***** he had been last night. Beth got...
  4. Stormbringer

    The Unwanted Houseguest (Part 3-6)

    ...she said looking up at Steve, who just smiled and nodded. "Click,whirl" "Look at his big cock in my ass," she said to the man with the camera. ********** ?? "I see it you slut," said the camera-man. "Now beg him to fuck your ass." Click,click,click, whirl. He snapped off a bunch of...
  5. Stormbringer

    The Unwanted Houseguest (Part 3-6)

    ...on her knees staring in disbelief at the empty doorway, fully believing he'd come back until she heard his bike start up and drive away. ********** Beth opened her bedroom drawer and she looked at her old baggy sweaters and tops. She removed them, revealing her newer sexier outfits...
  6. Stormbringer

    The Unwanted Houseguest (Part 3-6)

    ...heart gave a little leap of joy knowing he was still going to fuck her but the tears continued to roll down her eyes as she ran to the bathroom. ********** Beth stepped into the tub and lowered herself into the hot water. She had run out of tears a long time ago but she continued to sob...
  7. Stormbringer

    The Unwanted Houseguest (Part 1-2)

    ...studies hadn't exactly opened up a lot of career opportunities for her and she was waiting tables at a nearby diner, much to her displeasure. ************ David looked at the pot. There had to have been at least $600 there. He glanced at his cards for the hundredth time, four sevens...
  8. Stormbringer

    The Unwanted Houseguest (Part 1-2)

    ...about running inside for another banana, but then remembering she'd have to pass by Steve to get it, she started the car and left for work. ********** The rest of the week went by without incident much to David's relief. Steve had announced that he would be leaving by the end of...
  9. Stormbringer

    The Policeman: An Urban Legend

    ...that would bring old Joe "fucking" Stevenson down a notch or two. The two gathered their gear in silence and within a few minutes were on patrol. ********** What a long fucking night, thought Jackson. They'd only been patroling for two hours but it felt like forever as Joe wasn't saying...
  10. Stormbringer

    The Fiance and the Fitness Instructor

    ...he knew that if she lost weight she gain back all her self respect, and just maybe he would have the room to be able to eat her to orgasm. ***************** They pulled on some baggy sweats and drove across town to the new state-of-the art fitness complex. They paid their new...
  11. Stormbringer

    The Bride and the Black Bartenders

    ...Mark a little indignantly. "Here's what I had in mind...." Will nodded as Mark filled him in on the plan. It just might work he thought. ****************** Mark and Will were busy mixing drinks for all the guests at the reception. It was what they called the post-wedding rush...
  12. Stormbringer

    Blackmailed by the Brother-in-Law

    ...I wish men lasted longer, she thought, I could make love all day. She laid down next to her husband and snuggling together they fell asleep. **************** The next day, Bernard watched the video tape, while Anne was out shopping. He had pulled Anne on top, because he wanted a...
  13. Stormbringer

    The Bikini Conspiracy

    ...like she could read his mind. "Why, no dear," he lied. "I hadn't even noticed she had large breasts under all those clothes she wears." ************** Robert was still thinkng about Linda as he worked in his office Monday morning. Around noon, he looked up to see Linda and...
  14. Stormbringer

    My Wife & the Black Gardeners

    My Wife and the Black Gardeners by Stormbringer "I don't like being around those people," said my wife, Jenny. She was standing at the window, watching our two black gardeners mow the lawn. Jenny was wearing a short terry cloth robe and her curly brown hair was tousled prettily. I ran my eyes...