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  1. Stormbringer

    Welcome To The Neighborhood

    WELCOME TO THE NEIGHBORHOOD By Stormbringer "Here we are," said Fred, turning the moving van on to Washington Avenue. Amber reached over to grab his arm. "I hope this is a good idea." "Everything will be fine," replied her husband. "This is all my fault. If it wasn't for me, we wouldn't...
  2. Stormbringer

    The Man In The Closet

    THE MAN IN THE CLOSET By Stormbringer Three incidents caused Ben to develop an interracial fetish. He called them the peeper, the porno, and the pissing. Up until the incidents occurred, Ben had always coveted his wife Sheila's magnificent figure to himself and was borderline obsessively...
  3. Stormbringer

    Junk In The Trunk

    JUNK IN THE TRUNK By Stormbringer Mindy Dawber arrived home late from work. A high heeled shoe extended from her car door, followed by a shapely ankle and calf. Her skirt started at the knee. Her entire outfit was a thousand dollar business suit which suited a vice president of marketing at a...
  4. Stormbringer

    Bush Bashing 2

    BUSH BASHING 2 By Stormbringer "There's the target" said Leroy nodding towards the house. "Damn!" Deon Brown watched the woman kiss her husband goodbye as he left for work. The woman was Melissa Stevens, an extremely attractive blue-eyed blonde. "Damn," said Deon again as Melissa looked...
  5. Stormbringer

    Department Of Corrections

    ...pulled her car on to the driveway of a nearby white ranch house. "You really need a smoke?" asked another black prisoner. "Nope, just habit." *************** Kelly Ann locked her door the second she got inside her house. She peered out the curtain at the blacks bagging trash along the...
  6. Stormbringer

    Caught Stealing: Try It, You'll Like It

    ...black man, but froze when she saw the King security uniform and the man's massive size. "Mall security. You both need to come with me." ************ "What is the meaning of this?" asked a nervous Karen feigning indignation. Marti had turned white as a ghost. "We have it on good...
  7. Stormbringer

    Bush Bashing

    ...are for Hugging" and the Kerry/Edwards bumper sticker with the iberman of Gore/Leiberman sticking out from under it. "I guess I'm driving." ******************** Kim spun around in the mirror. She pinched her belly, thighs, and ass. "I'll be damned," she said. For the first time in her...
  8. Stormbringer

    Hung Coon: Part 3

    Hung Coon: Part 3 A Shame the Gunslinger story Copyright 2005 by Stormbringer "One hour until your funeral, coon." Shame put his hands on his six shooters and spun around. He grinned as the cowboy took off running. "It's nice to be appreciated," yelled Shame at the retreating figure...
  9. Stormbringer

    Hung Coon

    ...took some tin deputy stars out of his desk and shoved them into one pocket. He glanced over at the wall clock. He had three hours until noon. ******************** Inez Martinez lifted a shot of whiskey with one shaking hand and quickly downed it. She was in her room at the San Mandingo...
  10. Stormbringer

    The DARK Lord of the Sith

    ...Have a safe trip." Tony picked up the Vader mask. The thing even had a voice masking device in it. Suddenly, the large black man grinned. ************* Carrie walked inside O'Briens, the Irish pub on the ground floor of her husband's office building. A banner above her read; ninth...
  11. Stormbringer

    Hung Coon: Part 2

    Hung Coon: Part 2 A Shame the Gunslinger story Copyright 2005 by Stormbringer There were only two hours until the noon train arrived. Shame strolled down the dusty streets of San Mandingo with a purpose. Townsmen and cowboys watched him walk apparently without fear for on the noon train...
  12. Stormbringer

    Big And Bigger

    ...shooting. The head shrinking slightly as the foreskin rose up to envelope it. "Fucking good pussy. Your dick really loosened her up for me." ************** "See him? He's the Silver Surfer." "Is he strong?" "He's very powerful." A shadow fell across the comic book and the seven...
  13. Stormbringer

    Mom Gets Pounded Because ******** Is Grounded

    ...had her feeling like a teenager again. She even giggled as she laid out the underwear and stood. Her hand reached for the belt of her robe... **************** Big Nig almost fell out of the tree branch when Michelle's mom took her robe off. Gawd damn, did Michelle's hot mother have some...
  14. Stormbringer

    Doctor Bitch 2

    Doctor Bitch 2: Kat the Slut by Stormbringer "Oh god, thank you," she said after the orgasm had passed, then "Oh god," again when she realized that Horse wasn't stopping. "Turn her over on her knees," said Dunnell kneeling before her. Horse stopped eating her pussy and rolled her over...
  15. Stormbringer

    Car Trouble

    ...her and sperm coated her womb. Vivian's orgasms turned into a big one again, lasting as long as his cock continued to pump sperm into her pussy. ************** "Come on, do it?" "I will not," said Vivian feeling like a whore. She was squatting over a small trash can wondering if she'd...
  16. Stormbringer

    Long, Hard and Full of Semen

    ...of Ray's sperm. So the bastard liked to jerk off looking at pictures of Jenni did he? At least he'll never see the pictures on my computer. ***************** At that moment Ray was jerking off looking at pictures of Jenni on Mike's computer. He had gone to hotmail and automatically...
  17. Stormbringer

    Long, Hard and Full of Semen

    ...a hat, baggy shirt, and loose swim trunks. He was very pale from being on the sub so long, he was sure to get burned today. "You guys ready?" **************** Jenni was still horny. She was mostly silent the drive to the beach. Last night had been upsetting to say the least. She had...
  18. Stormbringer

    The Lottery Winner

    ...after a brief pause. (Laughter) A remote held by a beefy black hand pointed at the television, before switching the press conference off. ****************** Scott watched as Lauren emerged from the water. The twenty year old woman looked great in her bikini. It was a modest, blue and...
  19. Stormbringer

    Wendy and the Witchdoctor

    ...a truck. "You're probably right," she replied watching as the three workers finsihed, they bowed their heads towards the bald giant and left. ******************** Stan was wrong, the new neighbor was the black man. Stan saw him outside the next day as Stan was flipping burgers on the...
  20. Stormbringer

    Girls Night Out

    ...but she had never encountered one this large. She felt herself choking as it pushed into her throat. She relaxed her jaw, vowing to try harder. ******************** "What's taking Deb so long," said Alisa as Kerry returned to the room. Sherie got up and peeked out the window. "I can...