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  1. K

    Extreme bnwo chat

    Session app
  2. K

    Former neo-nazi converts

    Also went from white nationalist to bwno obsessed recently. Much better to embrace it
  3. K

    Comment by 'kiwiBeta' in media 'bnwo wht extinction.jpg'

    I used to be scared and them I gave in and embraced and way happier.
  4. K

    wasted and horny anyone want to talk about how the anti white male propaganda in the west is working so well with porn and entertainment

    It's insane how dumb the general public is to the social engineering going on with anti white and especially anti white male propaganda and agendas being pushed. It used to scare me but now idc cos I'll be fine and safe from it and a alot of the general public who support it will regret the...
  5. K

    Real white female prison officer fucking black prisoner!

    It was hot. She couldn't resist
  6. K

    There’s nothing quite like the contrast between a Black man and a white sissy.

    This is true. Won't ever get a gf so been playing with trans girls and femboys lately which is great. Recently accepted most ppl are to dumb to accept white extinction is being pushed and is real so just embracing it now and jerking off to it and having more fun than have had in ages making me...
  7. K

    Was Anyone else afraid of white extinction until recently? I accepted it about a week ago and it's now turned really hot even tho I'm still new

    Most ppl don't really realize what's happening with all the anti white and especially anti white male propaganda and porn and other stuff that's been pushed for awhile and in the last few years especially. Most Western countries will be doomed in a few decades Much eaiser to just jerk off to...
  8. K

    Things that encourage a White boi to accept his fate as beta male.

    this is becoming more common. guys suck or fuck each other even tho not into each other cos its the only action u can get to relieve stress, its what i do now, femboys and trans girls are way better if u cant get a woman
  9. K

    Extreme BNWO sessions

  10. K


    @Blji99 053ccc993e567ab93707534c20208f1d9e34e860c7df6ce11e329567b8ddf97a35
  11. K

    Snow bunnies

    I'd love nothing more than to talk to a white woman on voice chat about this and have her bully and degrade me with what's happening and how a lot havnt realized what's happening yet
  12. K

    Comment by 'kiwiBeta' in media 'Just take them!'

    This is hot. Trans girls are better then white woman anyway for me since they get used to black guys
  13. K

    Comment by 'kiwiBeta' in media 'IMG_3483.jpeg'

    Any site like this but for trans and grooming and rubbing lgbt in ppl faces fantasy etc?
  14. K

    Are any other whiteboys like that too ?

    Trade girls feet or talk about bwno. Rather lick white girls feet than pussy 053ccc993e567ab93707534c20208f1d9e34e860c7df6ce11e329567b8ddf97a35
  15. K

    Extreme bnwo chat

    053ccc993e567ab93707534c20208f1d9e34e860c7df6ce11e329567b8ddf97a35 Add me
  16. K

    i have og extreme bnwo content that i cant post here (tried). can i get an invite to any extreme discord/telegram groups? i will share my stuff

    35m white beta loser. Add me to group. Recently new to this but so hot 053ccc993e567ab93707534c20208f1d9e34e860c7df6ce11e329567b8ddf97a35
  17. K

    Comment by 'kiwiBeta' in media 'EUROPE'S FUTURE AUDIO!.mp4'

    Who is this?
  18. K

    Comment by 'kiwiBeta' in media 'BNWO conquered whitebois_ DB93026.mp4'

    So true. Porn is so bad society but it works and it's hot
  19. K

    Are any other whiteboys like that too ?

    Girls feet are amazing