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  1. AlfonsoAnon

    A.I. Assisted Writing

    ...only ... (checks specs on RTX 4090s on Nvidias website) something like 10x the raw power of what I've got now, which itself is ~5x what I used to have *shakes head*. Sometime I'll poke around again with using AI writers more seriously. Properly guided, they can spit out some pretty good content.
  2. AlfonsoAnon

    A.I. Assisted Writing

    What card are you running in your machine? I recently got a laptop with a 4060 but I haven't tried doing AI stories on it yet. Old rig with a 1050 was between slow and glacial on even the small models. I've been having a lot of fun doing online stuff with Perchance's character chat ( Perchance...
  3. AlfonsoAnon

    Looking for a writer

    Why did you bump a thread that already had the newest post in the subforum?
  4. AlfonsoAnon

    I need an idea of where to take a cuckdad story

    Glad I could help. Sounds like that'll make for a fun story.
  5. AlfonsoAnon

    I need an idea of where to take a cuckdad story

    I could give you some ideas, but in the end this is your story so instead I'll give you a few questions that might spark something for you. Is the ******** sweet & innocent, or is she a mean little brat? Is she disgusted, amused, or turned on by her *** being a cuck? What is the status of the...
  6. AlfonsoAnon

    Where'd my post go?

  7. AlfonsoAnon

    A.I. Assisted Writing

    Sure. Here are a couple that at least give an idea of the basics on what AI writers are like. [FREE] AI Story Generator | ToolBaz.com This one can whip up 250-500 word stories with a single prompt. The stories aren't great, but they can at least turn an idea into a plot outline. InferKit This...
  8. AlfonsoAnon

    My wife's ex

    This is far more than an 'idea', it's a full fledged story. And glancing through, it's pretty good. But you're going to need a whole mess of quotation marks.
  9. AlfonsoAnon

    Looking for cuck vids where the woman is really sweet and kind but then suddenly becomes really mean and degrading once she gets her BBC.

    Haven't seen much of their stuff, but I'd bet that Dog Fart's Cuckold Sessions videos would be a good place to start. Kink might have some stuff like that too, though I'd expect them to do it more as a BDSM thing (whipping, strap-on, bondage, etc) than a 'normal' cuckold vid. As for specific...
  10. AlfonsoAnon

    Where'd my post go?

    Archive Of Our Own. Story site built around fanfic but allows just about anything, near as I can tell.
  11. AlfonsoAnon

    Where'd my post go?

    Toniboy deleted it by accident. He was trying to delete the introduction as it wasn't really a story and inadvertently took down the whole thing. Looks like it's back up now. If you want any more information, feel free to message him directly.
  12. AlfonsoAnon

    Rejected story

    My main Nebic hangup is that the main character usually ends up doing some version of 'yeah, okay' when the others talk about snuffing him.
  13. AlfonsoAnon

    Review by 'AlfonsoAnon' in story 'Bullied and Feminized by mean girls'

    I gave it high marks for the creativity of the story, but lowered for it's execution. The main charcater's ****** was introduced, then they play no real role in the story. It mostly involves a completely different group of girls. On a technical side, you had a few awkward time jumps. The...
  14. AlfonsoAnon

    Review by 'AlfonsoAnon' in story 'Brother-In-Law Moves In'

    Nice! You said you were inspired by B.P. but I noticed a lot of Hercuckman in there too. Not a bad thing. Personally I would have preferred if Mike was a bit more hesitant about the whole thing & the others trying to make it happen. But that's just my taste.
  15. AlfonsoAnon

    A.I. Assisted Writing

    Curious to get the thoughts of folks on here regarding the use of AI tools for writing. I myself started playing around with writers back in the spring. Results were hit and miss, but it was an amusing toy if nothing else. They certainly aren't going to be replacing human writers any time soon...
  16. AlfonsoAnon

    Dead forum?

    Forums need a critical mass of engagement. Without enough people posting topics, there won't be very many replies. Fewer replies means fewer visits per day. And without many visitors, you're not going to get many new topics -which brings you right back to the start of the problem. :(
  17. AlfonsoAnon

    Story suggestions: wifes/gf's who LOVE cucking

    2022 Update: Men In Nature has added a 3rd chapter to his 'Natural Consequences' story. It is stupendously long (34 Lit pages) and the first half/two thirds is pretty slow and tame. But there is a multi-page section near the end that is great if you're into cucks getting humiliated.
  18. AlfonsoAnon

    Interqueen's Art

    You may or may not remember, but a couple years ago I offered to 'un-weave' your story 'Adventures of a Housewife' into a collection of stories that focus on one or two characters each. The work is done (7 parts for the main stories, plus Cassie's epilogue & a set of shorts from Zoey's Support...
  19. AlfonsoAnon

    Husband forced to help bull seduce his own wife.

    I've read a few similar ones where the husband is forbidden from interfering, usually as part of a bet. But being forced to actively sabotage things is a bit different. And I think you hit on something with using a debt as a mechanic for a story like this. Hubby loses big at the casino or...