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Yeah they do. Lebanese, Egyptian, Italian, Spanish etc. They mostly are olive skinned. Including Tunisia, Algeria, Greece, ...

I know because there's plenty of them here in Australia.
Yeah they do. Lebanese, Egyptian, Italian, Spanish etc. They mostly are olive skinned. Including Tunisia, Algeria, Greece, ...

I know because there's plenty of them here in Australia.
1. This girl isn't "olive skinned", she's black. If you believe this is the skin color of the average Greek, Italian, or Tunisian girl, you've never seen any of them no matter how many there are in Australia.
2. Mediterranean girls have Arabic (North Africa & the Levant) or European/Caucasian facial features (Italy, Spain, Greece, etc). This girl has neither. She has black facial features because, again, she is black. 🤷‍♀️
1. This girl isn't "olive skinned", she's black. If you believe this is the skin color of the average Greek, Italian, or Tunisian girl, you've never seen any of them no matter how many there are in Australia.
2. Mediterranean girls have Arabic (North Africa & the Levant) or European/Caucasian facial features (Italy, Spain, Greece, etc). This girl has neither. She has black facial features because, again, she is black. 🤷‍♀️
I've seen thousands and thousands of them. I've even had several girlfriends who one was Lebanese, and several were Greek.

You talk denial and nonsense.

Skin tones are not black and white. They're not dichromatic and have never been.

They're a range of tones from very pale to very dark.

You get a range of tones from the very dark chocolate in deep Africa (etc) to the very pale in northern Europe in Russia, etc.

They're adaptive to the climes as well as genetically (meaning sex). The climate adaptability takes a few generations longer than mating.

The only difference lately has been more travel from say Kenya to Norway, or Mongolia to Sudan. This has occurred at a greater volume in the last couple of hundred years.

Your blind racism is showing. Believing what you want to believe than what is actually out there.

Two other things: 1) skin tone does not correlate with penis size, 2) there's no existence of purely white (eg Albinos nor Alapecias) are not purely white. And there's no purely blacks. Eg there's a myriad of tones (including mulattos), half skin tones, and everything in between, but NO FULLY BLACKS. Just physically impossible. Just as pure whites is physically impossible. Its just the USA's stupid racism reducing everyone down to two skin tones, when neither exist, and everyone else is in between.
1. This girl isn't "olive skinned", she's black. If you believe this is the skin color of the average Greek, Italian, or Tunisian girl, you've never seen any of them no matter how many there are in Australia.
2. Mediterranean girls have Arabic (North Africa & the Levant) or European/Caucasian facial features (Italy, Spain, Greece, etc). This girl has neither. She has black facial features because, again, she is black. 🤷‍♀️
Additionally we have Africans in Australia as well as Aborigines. The populations of them are not as great as in USA but they're certainly noticeable.

And anybody with long straight hair can get their hair done like the Africans if they wish to. I've even seen blondes have it done. But this is the trivial end of the argument.

Here 35 Phenomenal Black and Blonde Box Braids To Try in 2022 - HqAdviser knock yourself out. There's thousands of pages like this. Notice the pale skins with African hairstyles amongst them as well as dark skinned ones.
lol white boys writing entire essays to vent their frustrations because they've been canceled.
Have fun with that, ineligible cuck.
Ive been cancelled, i was actually spat at, a few weeks ago by a young lady. Simply because I was white. I can't help being a whitey, but I do apologise for my whiteness.

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