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H-h-honey, i would p-p-p… prefer to fight for you and c-c-claim you. I s-swear, really. But i… i can’t.

So let’s think this over:

I could probably fight him and chase him away – this task alone would be hard enough.
Chances are i’d loose and be dead.
If i win the fight, then what?
I wouldn’t be able to get my 'little dick' (her words, and sadly she’s right and it hurts) hard enough to claim her.
I wouldn’t be able to fuck her properly and would cum instantly like the PE loser i am.

At this point she would laugh and with an evil grin tell me things like 'size doesn't matter' or 'don't be so hard on yourself' and maybe 'big boys don’t cry' (yup, puns would be intended).
She’d tell me that she loves me – and then go and fuck him behind my back anyways.
All this would mentally castrate me forever…
Then she’d have every right to do so.
And i guess she’s right, i mean, look at me. I can’t even stand up for her.
I’m just another limp whiteboi loser who struggles to accept the ugly truth.
Compared to him i almost look like a girl. No, more like a s-s-s… s-sissy?
At least feel girly besides him.


Wtf – did i really giggle? What the hell is wrong with me? Is it him? Or does she make me feel like that?
Somehow i can’t take my eyes off of this strong alpha male and his big cock.
His delicious, hard, big, black cock. My tiny peepee isn’t anywhere near comparable…
Ohh god, i feel soo ashamed… i can feel the heat in my face…

Is he going to nut inside her? Flood her womb with his hot seed?
Make her pregnant? Put a, no, his black baby in her? Would she want that? A black baby bump?
Now, now – look at those sparkles in her eyes – she plays cat and mouse! And guess what i am to her…
She wants to cuckold me with that big… big…ughh. In front of me!

I mean, i can see why… he’s soooo manly… and strong… and masculine… such a big beast!

Huh, i wonder what his cock tastes like… and his heavy balls… and… his… spunk?
How would his big cock… feel like… in… in… my uhhh… pussy? Ohhhh god… what am i thinking?
What the fuck is this? Why am i… Why do i want to… ?

Ummm, uhh… S-s-sir?
When you’re d-d-done with her… ummm… uhhh… c-can i… uhhh… lick her p-p-p… p-p-pussy?

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