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Around 10 years since her divorce, Margaret Strauss (formerly Woods) finally decided to share her story.

Margaret, 40 is following #BlackOnly lifestyle after she divorced her husband of 8 years Todd around a decade ago.
"I never thought I would fallen out of love with Todd" she says.
"We knew each other from middle school and starts dating soon after, we married right after we graduated from college " she continues
Interviewing her Sheena Hamilton,
SH "as a black woman myself, it's great to see white women are adopting #BlackOnly lifestyle"

Margaret can't hide her blushes as her pale cheeks gets red "I guess modern women just financially more independent than ever"

SH "indipendent?"

"yes, in earlier days a white woman like us very few opportunities to explore as we are dependent to our provider white males but with modern education and new wave of empowerment, we are becoming financially independent to taste the benifit of relationship with black men without facing blockade from our ****** members" Margaret

SH "our readers would love to know what kind of benifits you are talking about?"

Margaret " Benifit likes to know what getting fucked means, benifit of knowing how real men treat their mate , benifit of having multiple orgasam during one single round.... benifit of worshipping the big ... black..cock"

Both women give each other naughty looks as Sheena sips from her glass of wine, the sexual prowesses of black men is hot topic now for few weeks now specially since conservative senetor John Kallis has accused black men to form gang and systemically targeting white women to trap and impregnating them.
SH "Why such realisation in your 30s?

Margaret: " cause I grew up in a very conservative ****** and the only person I dated and later married is from a similar background as well, so I didn't get a chance to explore in my teens and tend to believe the opinion of my echo chember to be true."

SH" so what leads to the change? Was your husband neglectful or abusive, so you star..."
Margaret interrupted Shenna in mid sentence " no..no ...Todd is a great man, a proper gentleman, we are still friend you know.."
Shenna this time stop Margaret in mid semargarrntence" so what's prompt you to seek replacement of your white hubby?"

Margaret took some time now as she drinks from her half filled wine glass.

"WellbI never wanted to replace him, I darely loved him, we are each other's first love, we took each other's virginity....we should have stayed together till our deathbed surrounded by our great-grandchildren but circumstances makes things different..."

Shenna could see Margaret become teary
"Did you regret killing that marriage Margaret?" Shenna asked compassionately, she knows this confession would be different from the others involving white teens or woman in abusive relationship.

Margaret was in a happily marriage yet she falter and now a black cock slut, and mom of 4 halfbreed kids with 3 different Black ***, definitely she has good memories with her earlier marriage but still if Sheena could bring out net positive from this interview, then it could have been used as a propoganda tool by BNWO to even steer married white women to cheat on their spouses and became like Margaret, something her boss wants to see in much more numbers

to be continued... hopefully

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