Wife has to please or ex-wife will !

This is a true account of events that happened several years ago. Only the names have been changed to protect the guilty.

Like many guys, I'd been trying to talk my wife into a threesome for a long time without success. The first thing that I had to convince her of was that I didn't want another woman in our bed, that just wasn't my thing. No, what I wanted was to see her with another guy. Not just any guy would do either. I wanted to see her with my friends.

Well, that sounds a little kinky, you say. Yeah, I guess it is but let me tell you how I got into it. Many years ago my first wife left me for someone she worked with. After several months of living with him, she found out that the grass is not really greener on the other side of the fence and wanted to come home. We dated for a while to see if the spark was still there and did well until we went to bed together. In bed, I just couldn't perform. I kept thinking about her sleeping with the guy from work and I couldn't get up for the task. When she'd ask what was wrong, we'd start talking about it and we discovered that I could perform while she talked about her sex life with "him".

Eventually, talk just wasn't enough and I told her that I wanted to actually see her with another guy. She said no of course but I told her that if she really wanted to come home she'd have to let me assume control of our sex life and agree to do anything that I wanted in bed. At first it was really difficult because she'd alternate between arguing and crying. Then I stopped dating her and all of the sudden it got easy. I got the call from her agreeing to do what ever I wanted and my friend Russ got the call from me telling him that it was on!

It was everything that I'd hoped for! She was herself most of the time, but became totally submissive in bed. We got back together and stayed together for years. Whenever I got the urge, I would set her up for a threesomes with one of my friends. We did get divorced eventually, for other reasons, but the sex life was still great. Often, even well after the divorce we'd have a threesome with one of my friends.

I had told this story to my present wife hoping that it would encourage her to try it but she always screamed that she wasn't "Jane" and she wouldn't do it! It was during one of these arguments that she hollered at me "If you want a threesome so bad, get Jane to do it and leave me alone."

As luck would have it, I was talking to Jane on the phone just a couple of nights later about my ******** from that marriage and mentioned Judy's outburst. Very casually, Jane said "We haven't done that in a long time. If Judy really doesn't mind, than I'd be up for it." I just couldn't turn down an offer like that! I thought about it for a day then called her back to see if she was serious. When she said absolutely I called my friend Tom to see if he was up for it. He jumped at the offer and I called Jane and set it up.

Jane had plans for the following weekend, so we set it up for the Friday after. We had occasional card games that lasted into the wee hours so that gave Tom a good excuse to get out from his wife. I had already given Judy the card game excuse and we were all set up when I just decided the Hell with it. I shouldn't have to make up excuses and sneak around. I had tried very hard to be faithful to Judy and it was her refusal to do a threesome that put me in this situation. Besides, she was the one that suggested that I ask Jane to do it. I told her the truth! There is no card game. We're going to do a threesome with Jane "**just like you suggested**."

Whoa! Did she ever go off! She cussed me out, she called Jane a slut, she even threatened to leave me. I just stayed calm and told her that I didn't know why she was upset, I only did what she suggested. She was the one that said I should call Jane if I wanted a threesome so badly.

She just walked out! She didn't pack anything or tell me where she was going or anything. She just walked out. She was gone for two days. When she did come back she didn't say a word. We went around the house for almost a week without talking! Wednesday night, two days before our get together, she asked me if I was still planning on going to Jane's on Friday. I said, "Yes, I'm going!" She said "If you love me you won't go." I told her that I did love her but that Jane was willing to satisfy me in a way that she wasn't and that I was going!

"I don't want you to go!" This time I didn't answer. She knew that I wasn't going to change my mind. With tears in her eyes, she said "Call Tom and tell him to come here instead of Jane's."

I couldn't believe she'd said it. I asked her if Tom could expect to get the same thing here that he is expecting to get at Jane's. A little bitterly, she said, "I guess that's up to you. You want control. Okay, Friday night you can have control. I'll do whatever you say." She wanted me to call Jane in front of her to tell her that we were not coming Friday. I called and thanked Jane for the offer but told her that Judy had promised to fill all of my needs. Instead of getting mad Jane just laughed! "Good luck" she said. I'll be home, so if Judy chickens out you and Tom can just come on over. I told Judy what she'd said and you could see her resolve tighten.

The next call was to Tom. When I told him that the **card party** was at my house instead of Jane's you could tell he was excited but he couldn't say much because his wife was in the room. Thinking on his feet, Tom said "too bad George can't make it. Are we going to have enough players to play the usual games?" Yes, Tom, were going to play the same games as before but with Judy, not Jane. Sounds good, he said, see you on Friday!

Judy asked if she could stay upstairs on Friday while Tom and I visited downstairs. When we were ready, we could come up and she would already be in bed with the lights down low and wearing sexy negligee. "No, maybe the next time we can do something like that, but for the first time I want it to go very slow and with the lights up so that I can get a good look!" I told her we'd make the plans on Thursday night and do it for real on Friday.

Thursday night, I had stopped off at the mall and picked up a rented X-rated movie and several boxes of Polaroid film. I told her to dress casually, but the same way that she would dress tomorrow and then come into the media room to watch the movie. Naturally, I had picked out a movie that had several scenes where there are two guys on one girl. After the first really good threesome scene, I put the movie on hold and had her stand up. This is how it's going to go, I told her. You're going to do a nice slow strip right now and I'm going to take a lot of pictures. Tomorrow night, I'm going to give the pictures to Tom . I'll pick up a different movie that we'll all be watching and every once in a while I'll stop it and Tom will give you the pictures one at a time. You will pose each and every picture for us! If you stop or chicken out at any time, we'll take the pictures over to Jane's. I'm sure that she'll pose them us!

Friday night finally came. I met Tom at the door and we sat around and had a couple of beers waiting on Judy. When she finally did join us, I was pleased to notice that she was dressed just like she was last night. A short sleeve button up blouse and black slacks. We sat around in the living room for a few minutes and socialized. Several times Judy asked Tom about his wife, mentioning what a wonderful girl she was. I'm sure she was hoping Tom would have an attack of conscience and go home to his wife but that wasn't going to happen! At last I suggested that we go into the media room to watch the movie.

In the media room, the first thing I did was turn on the cam corder. It was all set up and aimed at the spot she was to pose from. I turned on the movie and I sat on the couch with Judy while Tom sat in the chair where he could get the best view of her! After a couple of minutes, I pulled out the first set of Polaroid's and gave them to Tom. There were several pictures of her removing her blouse, several removing her slacks and then a couple of her posing in her under ware. Tom started looking hungrily at the pictures and I could see Judy watching him out of the corner of her eye to see his reaction. After he'd seen them all, I waited a couple of minutes and then put the movie on hold. Time for the moment of truth. "Judy, stand right in front of Tom. Tom, hand me the first picture." In the Polaroid's, she undressed herself because I had to take the pictures. Now though, I wanted to undress her. Tom handed me the pictures one at time and, very slowly, I removed her blouse and slacks just like in the pictures. I made her pose each picture for several minutes before going on to the next one. Then I sat down too and made her pose for us in her under ware just like she had posed in the pictures. She was very, very nervous but went through with it! At times she tried to pretend it was a joke and laughed nervously but most of the time she just looked mad while I undressed her. She tried not to look at Tom.

After we both had a good look at her in her under ware, I let her sit back down on the couch and took the movie off of hold. I know that she was enjoying the break and was even starting to get into the movie a little when she saw me pull out the next set of pictures and hand them to Tom. She knew that in this set of pictures that she loses her bra and panties. She also knew that there were at least a half dozen pictures of her completely naked and that she'd have to pose each and every one of them. If I thought she was nervous before, I hadn't seen anything yet! She didn't want to watch Tom looking at her naked pictures but she couldn't help herself. She'd keep stealing glances at him to get his reaction and then look back quickly to the movie.

For the first time she wavered. When Tom went to the bathroom, she asked me not to make her go any further. She said she'd "proved her love", just like Jane had, but wanted to stop! I told her there was no way! Tom and I were both horny as hell by now and we were not about to just stop and go home. Someone was going to act out the rest of the Polaroid's and if she didn't do it Jane would! She didn't say anything in response but I could see that she was really pissed off at me. I didn't want to give her too much time to think about being pissed off, so as soon as Tom came back I told her to stand in front of him again. We were going to pose the second set of pictures. She just sat there giving me a hard, pissed off look and I thought she'd quit. I was just about to tell Tom that I'd meet him over at Jane's, when she very slowly, very reluctantly, stood up and moved into position. The show was to go on! The first couple of pictures in this set were just like the end of the last set, with her posing in her under ware. This was fairly easy, as she'd been down to her panties and bra for over a half hour now. After she posed them, I went over to Tom and we looked at the next series together. She was wearing a bra that snaps in the front. The next several pictures showed her unsnapping it, opening it up so that you could see most of her breasts but still concealing her nipples and finally opening it all the way ******** her breasts to the camera. I took all of the "bra" pictures over to her. I couldn't do these one at a time because I was going to be undoing her bra and I didn't want to reach for a picture and have it open before I was ready. I wanted to do this very slowly!

I stood behind her and reached under her arms and took hold of the snap. She held my hands and stopped me. "I want you to kiss me first and tell me that you love me," she said. She turned into my arms and I kissed her passionately and told her that I loved her. Then I turned her to face Tom and this time she let me undo the snap on her bra.

Up to this point, Tom and I had been talking to her and trying to calm her down and to help her relax, but there was no one talking now. Tom was staring at my hands and at the undone snap as I slowly pulled it apart. For the first time she looked at Tom instead of looking away. Tom and I were both too turned on to talk and just stared as her breasts slowly came into view. Finally it was done! Her bra was hanging open and Tom could see her bare breasts. I almost lost it in my pants. I think I would have except I was already thinking about getting her panties off!

Judy is fairly well built and I think that Tom's compliments helped to relax her a little. Taking her bra the rest of the way off was sort of an anticlimax. We posed each picture in turn but much faster now. After the bra was all the way off, there were several pictures of her posing topless. Tom and I slowed down at this point and enjoyed these poses tremendously and even Judy seemed to relax and to show off just a little. She was almost starting to enjoy herself until I handed her the last topless photo. That's when she realized that the next picture was the start of her panties coming off and the nervousness returned.

Taking off her panties was a series of a half dozen pictures. I was having a hard time controlling myself now. I wanted to do this very slowly and teasingly just like in the pictures but at the same time I wanted to just rip her panties off and ****** her to Tom. I managed to get control and had Tom give me the first picture. Very slowly, over the next couple of pictures I pulled her panties down until they were just a small triangle barely concealing her vagina. I turned her around and showed her the next picture. This picture was taken from the back. In the photo her panties were pulled all the way down in the back and her naked ass was in full view. "Kiss me first," was all she said. I did and then slid to my knees and very slowly pulled her panties the rest of the way down in the back and Tom could see my wife's naked ass!

God was I turned on at this point. I don't remember weather I asked Tom for the next picture or not. I knew what I had to do! I turned her around until she was facing Tom again and then, right in front of him, pulled her panties down past her vagina! She looked beautiful. I know she felt awkward with her panties around her knees and she started to kick them off, but I stopped her. "That's the next picture, Hon" I told her. We're going to enjoy this pose first. I went over the couch and sat down. Tom was sitting in the chair right beside me. For the first time I noticed that her face was bright red. She was actually blushing! For several minutes Tom and I just sat there and enjoyed the view as she stood there with her panties around her knees. For me, it was the highlight of the evening. It was the first time a friend of mine saw my wife's pussy and I took my time and enjoyed it! Now, I had to get her panties the rest of the way off of her. Two or three pictures later, I had her panties in my hand and she was completely naked. I couldn't believe it. My wife was completely naked right in front of Tom and I was getting ready to have her pose the rest of the pictures in this set. For the next ten to fifteen minutes I sat on the couch next to Tom and we looked at naked pictures of her. When we were ready, I handed them to her and she posed each one! When she finished the last one she even took a little bow.

By this time it was getting pretty late and I know that she was hoping that the evening was over, but there was one more series of pictures to do yet and I wasn't quitting until she had posed every one of them. I didn't care if we were there till dawn. I can guarantee you that Tom felt the same way. He'd have to come up with some reason to give his wife as to why the **card game** ran later than usual. It was obvious though that Judy needed a rest before we could start posing the next series. I started the movie again and told her to sit with me and watch it. She excused herself first and left the room. I thought she had gone to the lady's room but she came back a minute later with a robe on. No way, Hon! I stood up and took the robe off of her. It's taken us hours to get you naked and you're going to stay naked! She could see that I was very serious about it and didn't argue. She sat down to watch the movie completely naked and Tom adjusted his position in his chair to get the best look at her. I could see that she was trying hard to concentrate on the movie, but I know she was very self conscious about being naked in front of two guys.

After a while I reached into the end table drawer and got the next series of pictures. She immediately tried to stop me from giving them to Tom. She said, "Please, Honey, when I let you take those pictures they were just for you. They are too personal to show to anyone else"! You could see that Tom was curious as hell about what was going on. After all, he'd already seen the last series of pictures and seen her pose them naked. What could be so special in this series that she didn't want him to see? "You've done very well so far," I told her. "Don't ruin it all by quitting now!" She started to argue further but I told her "I'm serious, Hon. You've gone too far to quit. Tom and I are both horny as hell and were not going to stop now!" She let go of the pictures and let me hand them to Tom. She looked at me very seriously and said, "If I pose that next set of pictures for you, you better love me forever!" "I will, Hon, I will".

As soon as Tom looked at the pictures, he knew why she didn't want him to see them. Each one that he looked at prompted a response of some kind. Sometime a low whistle, sometimes a muttered "wow" or my personal favorite, the under the breath "damn"! Well, Tom, I said, what do you think? Should we ask Judy to pose the final set? "Absolutely!" He said. By this time I was already naked since Judy pulled my clothes off as I undressed her so that she wouldn't be the only one naked. Okay, Tom, but I think you should be as naked as we are during this set. He quickly complied and stripped naked. Now we were all naked and I think Judy knew that she'd gone too far now to quit. She tried not to look at Tom's nakedness but I could see her steal an occasional peek to see what was in store for her!

I stood up, leaving Judy sitting alone on the couch. Hand me the first picture, Tom. Judy was already posing the first picture. It was taken from the chair that Tom was sitting in so he had the exact same view as the photo. It showed Judy sitting on the couch just like she was. Hand me the next photo. I gave it to Judy. After a little hesitation, she turned a little towards Tom. She looked at me to see if I really wanted her to do this. When I said go ahead, Hon, she slowly raised her right leg and put it on the couch. The way she was turned towards him and with one leg on the couch and the other on the floor he had a perfect view of her pussy! Christ was she blushing! I took the next picture from Tom. It showed her in pretty much the same position except that she was lying back on the couch. Her legs were still spread apart though and Tom never took his eyes off of her snatch as she lay back like in the photo. I handed her the next photo. In this one she was lying down completely and her legs were spread wide open. Believe me they were spread **wide**.

She tried to pose the picture, she really did. She lay the rest of the way down, and with her pussy pointed right at Tom, she spread her legs. I told her that her legs weren't spread as far apart as they were in the picture. She spread them a little farther but you could see that she was still holding back. I knelt down beside her on the couch and spread her legs for her. Her legs were spread as far apart as they would go and Tom was in the perfect position for the best possible view. I looked over at Tom to see if he was enjoying the view and noticed that while he was looking at her he was stroking his hard on. She knew how ******* she was in this position and didn't want to look at him. She just lay there blushing, knowing he was looking right up her snatch!

I let her sit up and relax for a minute. I'd have liked to have given her more time to regain her composure before starting the next set of pictures but it was getting late and I was determined to finish all of the pictures.

We only have a few more to go, Hon. I took the next picture from Tom. Tom hadn't said very much in a while, but when he handed me the picture he said "I can't wait to see these"! Judy blushed worse than ever as she remembered this set. "Okay, Hon, stand up". "Please, Honey", she said, "lets not do these. I don't think that they're even sexy". "I think that they're sexy", I said. "What do you think Tom"? "I think they're sexy as hell", Tom said. Judy finally stood up. As I turned her around to face the couch, she said, "I can't believe that I'm doing this."

I showed Judy the picture that Tom had given me. "No, please," she said. But you could tell that she knew that I wasn't listening and that I wasn't going to stop. Tom leaned way over in his seat to get a better view. I turned Judy the rest of the way toward the couch and gently bent her over. Judy put her arms out to catch herself and she was posed just like the picture. She was bent over at the waist, leaning on the couch.

I took the next picture from Tom. I laid it in front of Judy. She hesitated for a minute and then leaned over farther, dropping from her hands on the couch to her elbows. Her ass was almost straight up in the air! Tom couldn't stay in his seat any longer. He jumped up and got about three feet behind her and bent over to look right at her. She saw what he was doing and tried to get up but I gently held her in place. "You're almost done, Hon".

I took the next picture from Tom. "This is the one" he said. Judy knew it too. I reached down and gently spread her legs apart. Judy started to squirm around on me and I had a hard time posing her just like the picture. Finally she gave in and held still. With Tom just a couple of feet behind her, I put a hand on each ass cheek and spread her wide! This was the view that she was trying to avoid. With my hands holding her open, she was ******* like you wouldn't believe. You could see everything. Even the cute little pucker to her anus. I don't think either Tom or I had ever seen a girl spread any more than this, not even in a X-rated flick. "Please, Honey, that's enough" she said. "Just a minute more, Hon". After we had seen our fill, I finally let her up.

As soon as I let her up, she went right into my arms and held on tightly. "Tell me that you love me", she said. I pushed her back a little so that I could see her face and told her that I loved her and that I always would. She looked at Tom and immediately blushed knowing the view that he had had of her. Then her gaze dropped to his hard on and she blushed even deeper knowing that she had caused his erection. "Sit down and relax a little, Hon. There are only a couple of pictures left". "That's what you said the last time", she said. She did sit down to relax, laying back on the couch and closing her eyes. She didn't try to stop me as I reached over and gently pulled her legs farther apart. After all, Tom had already seen it all!

We gave her a couple of minutes to get herself together. That last set had been really tough for her! While she was resting, I got up and moved the cam corder to the doorway of the bedroom. I thought that she might try to stop me but she didn't. She got up and watched me set it up and watched while I focused it on the bed. She knew that this was where the last set of pictures was taken and she knew that she would have to pose them! There was no quitting now. After the cam corder was ready I called Judy into the room. Tom didn't wait to be asked, he just handed me the first picture in this set. It showed Judy sitting on the bed. She got into position on the bed and posed just like the photo. I handed her the next photo. It was just a little harder for her. She lay down on the bed. She really looked good. I handed her the next picture. In this picture she was spread eagle on the bed, both arms and legs spread wide. I expected some resistance but I didn't get it. I guess she figured we'd already seen it all in the media room so there was nothing to hide. She posed the picture beautifully, laying spread eagle on the bed with both Tom and me watching from the foot of the bed.

There were a couple more pictures to do and she did each one. Then she was doing last picture and wound up spread eagle again. I slipped into bed beside her and started making out with her. She was very responsive, kissing me back passionately. Then I noticed that she hadn't changed her position from the last photo. She was still spread eagle and Tom had moved even closer for a look. With Judy watching me, I signaled Tom to join us on the bed. She closed her eyes but didn't try to stop him. She finally opened her eyes and looked directly into my eyes while Tom's hands started to roam over her breasts. I couldn't believe she'd gone this far. Tom was feeling her up right in front of me and she wasn't making any move to stop him.

Then Tom's hand started to move slowly down across her stomach. He almost reached her pussy when she took hold of his hand and stopped him. She looked at me again and asked "Are your sure this is what you want"?

"Yes, Hon, I'm sure."

"Do you love me," she asked.

"Yes, I love you."

"Are you sure."

"Yes, I'm sure."

"I'm doing this for you," she said. "I want you to watch everything!" I didn't know what she meant and I continued to look into her eyes. A little more forcefully, she repeated "I want you to watch everything." I finally understood and broke eye contact. I looked down to where she was still holding his hand. When she saw me watching, she let go of his hand!

She still was in the same spread eagle position and Tom had easy access to her pussy. I don't think I've ever been more turned on or seen anything sexier than when he started to caress my wife's pussy. I waited for a reaction from her but there wasn't any. She was staring at me, watching for my reaction. I turned back to her and leaned over to kiss her but she pulled away. Don't, she said. "You'll miss something, I need you to watch it all."

She was absolutely right because when I looked back down Tom had gently opened the flower of her vagina and was gently rubbing her clit. The next couple of minutes seemed to go in slow motion. Christ, he had his finger at the entrance to her love tunnel. I heard the familiar little grunt that she always makes when she's first penetrated and I saw his finger disappear into my wife. It didn't go in easy either. After all this time I would have thought that she would be lubricated at least a little but I guess her nervousness had kept her tight. Tom didn't seem to notice though. He immediately started sawing his finger in and out of her. I couldn't take my eyes off of it! I know that she didn't want me to take my eyes off of it either. I slowly backed away, watching everything as I did. There was a flash of panic on Judy's face because she didn't know where I was going. She relaxed a little when she saw me pick up the cam corder. I had to make sure that I got this on film. I focused in on Tom's finger sliding in and out of Judy. I panned the camera back up to Judy's face and was amazed to see that there was no expression. She was letting this happen but she seemed determined not to get aroused!

I went back and forth several times between the bed for a close up look and the cam corder to get it recorded. I stopped looking into Judy's eyes or trying to kiss her because that's not what she wanted. She wanted me watching!

At first I wasn't sure what was happening. Tom rolled over on his side and was looking Judy up and down. He got up on his elbow so that he was kind of looking down at her. I had never seen anyone do this before but he started really slapping his penis against the side of her leg. Not gently either! It looked to me like it should hurt. I was amazed to see the effect it had on him. His already hard penis got even harder and must have gotten nearly an inch longer. I finally realized what was going on. Tom was ready! He was going to fuck her and he was going to do it right now. Judy realized it too because she immediately looked at me to be sure that I was watching.

Of course I was watching. I couldn't take my eyes off of it. I suddenly realized that the cam corder position that was so great for the foreplay would be blocked once he got on top of her. I grabbed the camera off of the tripod and moved to the bottom of the bed. She watched me the whole time. Then it was starting. Tom got on top of her and was using his hand to try to guide his penis into my wife. At first she pulled away. Then I saw her pick her head up and look over his shoulder to be sure that I was watching. When he'd gotten on top of her he had blocked her view of me. She didn't want me to miss the penetration! When she saw me watching and filming, she lay back and stopped pulling away. My God it was really going to happen, and it was going to happen with me watching and filming!

As soon as she relaxed, he pressed the head of his penis against her. At first nothing happened! I could tell he was pressing down hard because I could see the head of his penis flattening out against her. Even as hard as he was, he was bending in the middle from the pressure. I couldn't believe the force that it was taking to penetrate her. She usually lubricates well and is easy to enter. Not this time. Way too nervous I guess. Finally it happened. She must have relaxed a little more because the head of his penis popped into her. I could hear her grunt when it happened and I could tell from the sound she made that it wasn't easy for her.

I've known Tom for many years and he is really a pretty gentle guy, especially with women. But he was far from gentle now. Despite his best efforts she was not lubricated at all and he was having a hell of a time getting in her. He pulled back just slightly and rammed his penis into her as hard as he could. I heard her groan from the pain and I looked to see how much progress he had made. My God, he got an inch farther at the most. He had a brief attack of conscience and asked her if she wanted him to stop. She looked over his shoulder at me. She saw the expression on my face and knew that I didn't want her to stop. "No Tom" she moaned. "Don't stop until you're finished".

He pulled back until just the head was inside of her, giving up that hard earned inch. Then he slammed into her again! Another groan from Judy, but not as bad as before. I leaned over for a closer look. Good progress, he was half way into her. The next good hard push should do it. I didn't have to wait for long. I could see Tom shaking his head and closing his eyes. I knew that he was fighting back the urge to cum. I also knew that he wanted to at least get all the way into her before he lost it. He pulled back again. I could see the ridge of the head of his penis. Only the very tip was inside of her. He slammed into her again. Again Judy moaned. Damn! He almost made it but not quite. There was still an inch of penis outside of her, but now Tom had enough in that he could work in and out a little to try to loosen her up. He moved in and out of her for a couple of minutes, just an inch or so at a time. He had regained his control and now he was not in danger of cumming. Then he pulled all the way out again and I knew he was going for the final push. This time he rammed it home! I saw his balls pressing against her anus! He was all the way in. Tom was fucking my wife!

I guess it was the long build up or maybe it was because of how tight she was but Tom clearly wasn't going to last for long. At first he fought it. Then he just gave in. He started slamming in and out of her. He started to fuck her hard and almost violently. I'd never even seen an X-rated movie that could compare to the scene that was being played out in front of me! I know Judy wanted it over with. She reached down and held his ass with both hands and pulled him into her. "Go ahead Tom", she said, "give it to me". When he came he hollered so loud I was afraid the neighbors would call the police. He just collapsed on top of her. Finally he rolled off. He must have cum a ton. When he got off of her I could see the cum leaking out of her pussy. Christ, she was overflowing.

Then it was my turn. I wanted to make out with her first but I just couldn't wait. I mounted her immediately. My penis slid easily into her very wet hole. Her pussy was the warmest and the wettest that I had ever been in! She was the first one to speak. "My God you're hard," she said. "Did you enjoy the view?" "Yes, Hon, that was great, and you're great for doing it for me."

"Really," she said. "Are you sure that you wouldn't rather be with Jane right now!"

"I'm sure," I said, "I'm very sure." I wanted this to last but I was so turned on that I just couldn't hold back. "Hold me Hon, I'm cumming already!" I added my huge load to Tom's.

Tom watched all this but now it was time to go. He kissed Judy good night and left. Judy went into the bathroom to clean up. When she came back, I took her back to bed to make love to her more slowly than the last time. When I entered her again she was still wet from our cum. She whispered in my ear that when she tried to clean up she was so full of cum that it was leaking down her leg. She said that she'd never been so full of cum before and didn't want to clean up. She hoped that I didn't mind. I not only didn't mind, I loved it! I assured her that this was only the beginning. There were going to be a lot of nights like this one. "I know," she said. "I'll try to keep you satisfied. Your mine now and Jane will never get you back!"

Although we have had several experiences since that night, that was still the best. I immediately made a copy of the video I took that night because if anything happened to the original, it just couldn't be replaced. I've watched it over and over and I always get as turned on as the first time!