Andi let herself surrender to the lips of the two men that had her on her back. One switched back and forth with the other man in kissing her on the lips, driving his thick tongue inside of her throat. The other took her nipple in his mouth and sucked hard. her breast were already a mass of hickies and bruises from the attention that the five men gave her. One man was at her feet, driving his thick cock up into her anus. It had taken him several painful thrust to get his cock in her there, but now that it was she wailed out loud at the pleasure he was giving her.

She had met these men on her regular "wives out night". Jim, her husband, had to work later than normal and she went out with Sandra and Lillie for their monthly bash. Lilli had to leave early because she drank too much early on. Sandra seemed to hit it off with a nice guy she met and Andi felt that she would give her friend some space. She left the two men well satisfied and cleaned herself up. she decided it was still early enough in the evening to catch her husband. She walked the few blocks across town to her husband's new building. She had never been to the new office that the company had only occupied for a week. "Now was as good a time as any," she thought.

As soon as she arrived at the building she realized that she had no idea of how to contact him. His new number was programmed on speed dial for the land line home phone. She depended on the speed dial and never really looked at the number. Now she realized that she had her work cut out for her. There was a party of five men coming out of an elevator. She walked up and told them that she was looking for Jim Williams, that she was his wife and she didn't know how to contact him. She wasn't sure what he was working on but she thought they had something to do with vendor contracts.

"Hey you must be Andi," he said smiling. He was Randy Walker and he worked in personal so he knew the name. Also he had his own little file called the XXX Files. Pictures of the wives of employees that deserved, according to him and his friends, to be lusted after. Vince Carter was from the mail room. The others worked in computer repair. At the time they ran into Andi, they were on their way to the Rat Room, a nearby bar. They were looking for female company and to their thinking , Andi was it.

"Andi, talk about blind luck", Randy said, "Jim is still busy and we are going to the Rat Room and wait for him to come have a drink with us." Andi smiled at the news. Jim had no idea that Andi would be there to greet him. Andi tingled with the pleasure out if the fact that she would surprise Jim for once. She followed Randy and the others across the street to the bar. Andi had planned on getting quite loaded with Sandra and Lillie at the same bar that the men were going to right now.

As she gulped one, what she thought were regular rum and cokes were actually 151 proof Rum. She was getting quite smashed. When the men started to talk about sex, Andi matched them in their descriptions of a particular sex act. The strong drink was making her tongue looser than normal. She was prone to use the term 'cunt hairs difference' to mixed company and thought nothing of it. Jim took some actual pride in his wife's gutter mouth at times. He heard many things Andi had said at parties and such, as the latest saying with others. People that they never knew.

One night several months back Andi had made the statement that she would like to be gang banged at least once in her lifetime. "You won't mind will you Jim?" she asked. Jim smiled and told her that if she did anything like that in her lifetime and he was still a part of it then he wouldn't be a part of her life very long after that. Jim's mother had cheated of Jim's father for years before he left. Jim's *** would get ***** and tell him that all women were sluts and needed to be kept on a tight rope.

Jim had matured as a pretty mellow person, except in one area. He talked a lot about sex and so did Andi, but he made sure that he concidered fidelity necessary in a good marriage. He felt that he had a good one. Some of the work crowd teased him and said that he was old fashion. Andi was asked if she had a chance to have a gangbang if Jim didn't know about it, would she? She took her time answering and looked at her husband as she did so, "Well Jim's not into all that but let me just say that I would be very happy if he was."

Jim was ready to leave the office and he tried to call Andi several times and got no response. He just thought that he would stop by the "Rat Room" on the way and he might be able to find Fred Connors and he still needed to see him about the project he was working on with him. He stopped as he first entered to let his eyes become accustomed to the dim light. He finally was able to make things out and made his way to a booth. He sat and ordered. He was about to ask Johnnie, the bartender, if Fred had been in yet. He was turning up his glass when he saw them come into the bar like blind rats. He could clearly see his wife with the men. He was shocked to see her turn and kiss Randy on the lips and then turn to let Vince kiss her. It was no little innocent kiss either. It was full blown tongue twisting spit swapping kiss.

He saw that Randy was shoving his hand up her skirt and knew when she moaned that Randy had shoved his fingers in her cunt. Randy began a rapid sawing motion. Andi bit randy in the shoulder to keep from screaming out in orgasm.. Vince Carter and one other man lifted her skirt up and Jim saw Randy's fingers inside his wife's dark pubic hair. He only saw the last knuckle so he knew that the rest of Randy's fingers were embedded deep in her cunt. Andi writhed on the hand while Vince opened her top. her naked breast were now on display. Jim sat there detached as he watched Andi break her wedding vows with his low class co workers. While Vince sucked on one nipple another guy, Chuck, took the other nub and chewed on it.

The men had Andi in a back booth where it was dark as it was. They couldn't see anyone else so the thought that they were likewise invisible. Not true cause Jim could see as if there were a spotlight on the six people there. His wife was the only one he really saw though. It looked like Randy had lowered her panties to the floor. They puddled around her legs till she kicked them away. Jim could have well went and kicked some ass then but he wanted to make sure that Andi deserved an ass kicking just like his co-workers did.

Sure enough Andi gave him reason. She pulled Randy's fingers from her and grabbed his thick cock that he had uncovered. Andi just pulled the pantie gusset to the side wildly and allowed Randy to slide up into her cunt. Vince at her nipples dropped his pants and presented a stiff good sized cock to her lips. Andi sucked till she had taken the cock down her throat. She reached for other crotches till she had the other men's cock's out and was jerking them wild like. Vince stiffened and shot his cum in Andi's mouth. She gulped and swallowed, licking the sperm from his flacid cock. She took a new one to suck while Randy was shooting his sperm well up her wet cunt. Randy moved aside for Trace Eveans to shove his cock in her.

Andi took the cock from her mouth long enough to yell for the man to fuck her hard. Jim looked toward the fireplace in the back of the bar and went over and took the heavy iron poker from it. He walked back to where his former wife was getting fucked. Randy was getting his clothes straight when he noticed Jim advancing on him with the poker raised. He had such a surprised look on his face that he didn't even yell. He yelled after Jim had brought the poker down on his head. Blood spurted out over Andi as she was sucking another man's cock. She must have felt the hot spray of the blood for she let the cock go just as it was spurting cum in her mouth. She caught the cum and also Randy's blood. Randy screamed loudly as he slumped almost unconscious from the blow.

Jim caught the man that was cumming in his wife's mouth from the rear and the blow drove the cock deep in Andi's mouth and down her throat. He had a pretty long cock and Andi was sucking only what she could take. The force of the blow caused Andi to drive herself on the long cock and she began to immediately cough and gag painfully. As she gagged, sperm from the three other men she had sucked spewed from around the cock that was stuck down her throat. The cock rapidly deflated and the man pulled it back from her mouth only to have Jim bring the poker down on it and almost tear it from his body. More blood spurted into Andi's face already racked with ragged breathing and coated her chin red.

By this time the other men especially Vince Carter tried to run away from the cluster fuck and ran right into Jim's poker in the gut. Jim followed the poker blow with one from a wine bottle that he had grabbed from the table. The wine bottle broke over Vince's head and he went down. One man that could not see what was happening was the man that had his cock in Andi's cunt while she lay atop him and was sucking two different cocks till Jim hit one of them and drove it deep into her throat. Jim aimed with the poker at the junction where the cock was filling his wife's cunt. The poker caught Andi's cunt and the man's cock just right and cock and cunt became one in the same.

Andi and the man tried to scream together. Andi's scream came out as a a hiss of air from her ruined throat. When she pulled off what was left of the man's cock. Jim slashed at the other men that were trying to escape his wrath. About then three police officers entered the area. The bartender was leading them to where Andi and the other men lay sprawled in several clusters of ruined flesh. " Oh Jim...you're ok?" The bartender yelled and came to his aid, " As you can easily see officers ...Jim was only defending himself when he tried to break up the little orgy and take his wife away. They attacked him and I'll swear to it in court and several of my friends will also."

The incident was written up and Jim had filed assault charges against his former co-workers. Three ambulances came to cart the victims away. Jim looked down at Andi as she was being wheeled away. She couldn't make any sound other than a croak. She appeared to have tried to cry but she couldn't. You no good for nothing slut whore. I guess you now understand how strongly I feel about the subject we were discussing at home. Oh you better find a place to live if and when you ever leave the hospital cause you sure will not be coming to my home."

"Hey Randy...you no good for nothing slut bitch...guess you want be doing much fucking any more. And you other creeps...I don't think you had better come to work any more...ever...you will not have a job as I am filing for restraining orders for you all. So go fuck yourselves...Oh yeah don't you wish you had now instead of fucking my wife...I get real mad at stuff like this.

Jim was given time off from work to steady his nerves after such a horrible incident. He was resting at home several days later when the doorbell rang. He opened the door to Andi with her face in bandages. She made pleading motions to Jim but Jim just slammed the door in her face causing the sutures in her jaw to burst. He watched her flop around on the street till someone called the police and an ambulance came to cart her off. He got up to answer the door when his next door neighbors rang. "Oh thanks for checking on me butt it was nothing but an old used up whore trying to get money from me."

Jim went back inside and watched his favorite show on the video, ' when cheaters get caught.'