This story starts with my wife confessing her infidelity, as she did halfway through 'Getting Even.' But in this version, she admits something more. You may want to read 'Getting Even.' first as background.

It was early evening, and Nancy and I were sitting on our sofa talking. She had been sitting there when I got home from work, and I could immediately read fear on her face; she couldn't even look me in the eye. For the past hour we had been having a very serious conversation, the sort that could lead to the end of a marriage, or possibly be the first step in a long road to its salvation.

It had taken that hour for me to slowly get the truth from her, truth she knew she had to confess, but was ever so reluctant to do. I was in shock, but still in control. She had cried some, but I hadn't yelled at her, not once. I felt very proud of my restraint, but not at all proud of my wife.

I now knew that she had spent hours that afternoon going from climax to climax as she and her lover fucked. I now knew that he had come three times in her cunt, and he hadn't worn a rubber. She had told me tearfully that this was the first time she had ever done anything like this, but there's something more a cheating wife should say when she confesses to her husband, and I hadn't heard it yet. I had to ask.

"So, what happens now? Are you going to do this again?"

"I don't know. I really don't know. I know I want to have him again, but I don't know whether I'll let myself do it. I also know he's going to want me again."

She got up the courage to glance up at me briefly, something she had not done much in the last hour. "On the other hand, he's married, and so am I. Or at least I was until today. What scares me most is losing you, and I'm so afraid I've already done that."

"I don't know, yet. I think I can eventually forgive one time. I doubt if I can forgive you if you keep doing it. I don't know if I can ever forgive him. I'm sure he came here today planning to seduce you. I feel like beating the shit out of him."

"I understand that. That's why I haven't told you his name."

I gave her a thin smile. "You didn't have to. I know it was Pete."

Her head jerked up and her hand went over her mouth. "How did you know that?"

Actually, I didn't know, but I was pretty sure. I was sure because of the poker party last night, the one where I had to leave to give the other guys a chance to seduce her. I had sneaked back and peeked in our window, and I had seen her almost give herself to Pete then. I was sure because Nancy had told me that her mystery lover had an unbelievably long cock, and I had seen Pete's a week earlier when we both fucked Cindy. I wasn't about to admit to what I had seen either week, so I made up a story.

"Well, this is sort of embarrassing, but you know how guys are. When we get together, and there aren't any women around, we tend to get kinda rough. And Pete is always bragging that he has the longest cock of anyone he's ever heard of."

I sensed that she doubted my story. Why wouldn't I think that Pete might just be stretching things -- er, stretching the truth. So I decided to embroider my story a bit.

"We finally got tired of his bragging, and challenged him to prove it. Well, he dropped his pants, and we saw this long skinny dong hanging down more than six inches, and that was soft. We believed him then, and didn't even insist that we see it hard."

Nancy nodded, "Oh, yeah, that's Pete all right. But, look, we've got more serious things to worry about than that. You said you might be able to forgive me one time, and Richard, I really, really, do love you and don't want to lose you, even though I wouldn't blame you if you kicked me out."

"So what you're saying is, you loved fucking Pete, and you're dying to fuck him again, but you'd be willing to stop if it meant we could stay together?"

"Yeah, that's about it."

"There's two things I don't like about that." I counted them off on my fingers.

"First, it would be like I was forcing you; blackmailing you, really. Even if you went along with it, you would probably resent me, and that could grow into something that would tear us apart.

"Second, I'm going to spend the rest of my life knowing that you would rather be fucking him instead of me; that I'm not as good a lover as he is. That's going to be really rough on my male ego, and it's likely to destroy me."

"We can work on the first one together," Nancy reassured me, "but let me get rid of the second one right now. He's not a better lover than you, just different. You're a lot thicker than he is, and I love how it feels when you push yourself into me. I also love the way you are tender with me; with him it's more just raw sex. But it is exciting to be with someone different, and he really turns me on the way he talks dirty to me."

"I can believe that he talks dirty. He's got the foulest mouth of anybody in our group. But I guess I'm kinda surprised that would turn you on."

"It surprised me, too. Actually, a lot of things surprised me today, and last night. I seem to have a real horny, almost slutty, side that I didn't know about."

"Yeah, and that horny, slutty, side really turned me on last night when I got home. If you keep showing me that part of yourself I might be willing to forgive a lot of other things."

"Even if some of those other things were what made me feel horny with you?"

"Especially if they were."

"So are you saying I could see Pete again if being with him keeps me feeling horny for you?"

"Oh, shit, Nancy, you're really putting me in a bind. How do you think I would feel if you said, 'Pete's planning to come over this noon, so don't try to call me or come home for lunch.' Or, on the other hand, how would I feel if you didn't say anything and I called or came home when you were in the middle of something?"

That slowed her down, all right. "No, I couldn't put you through that. I guess we'd have to keep it a secret, but go someplace else."

"You mean like a motel? Don't forget that Pete's married, too. How would Terry feel if she was going through their bank accounts and started seeing local motel bills she didn't know anything about?"

"Oh, I guess I wasn't thinking very clearly."

I grinned at her. "Sex does that, you know."

She blushed.

"OK," I added, "maybe I can think this through more clearly, since, unlike you, I don't have the hots for Pete."

She blushed again.

"Here's what I think," I went on. "If a married person tries to carry on a long term affair, and keep it secret from the person they are married to, the marriage is in trouble, and likely to fall apart."

Nancy nodded, and started to speak, but I held up my hand to stop her.

"Married people can, in some cases, have affairs without destroying their marriage, but it takes some openness between the partners, and a lot of caring and acceptance."

Nancy nodded again. "You're talking about an open marriage, right?"

"That's not the only possibility. Everyone has heard of famous couples where one partner had lovers on the side and the other remained faithful. But that takes a very special sort of partner. So, yes, an open marriage, or a swinging lifestyle, seems like it would be more likely to work for a couple."

"What you're saying," she said slowly, "is that if I am going to have a lover then I should allow you to have one, too. That does seem only fair." She suddenly looked suspicious. "Why, do you already have a lover?"

"No, I don't. Though, since you admitted that you cheated on me today I guess I can admit that I cheated on you once. Please, no names."

She opened her mouth to say something, but I continued without giving her a chance.

"But I'm not the only partner involved here. What about Terry?"

"You obviously know her, because you've played poker at her house, but I haven't even met her. What kind of a person is she?"

"I don't know her that well, but she is pretty outgoing, and I'd think she must be pretty understanding to put up with Pete."

Nancy seemed to have a sudden thought. "Do you think she's sexy?"

I wondered if she was having the same sort of thought I was. I grinned.

"Well, she's very attractive, and I am a man. Yeah, I think she's sexy."

"Well, you're something of a hunk, and a smooth talker, do you think she would find you sexy?"

"Now there's an idea. I might be able to do a bit of research on the subject in the next week or two, assuming you didn't object."

"Considering what the research might lead to, I say go for it, and good luck!"

"Now that's what I call an open attitude," I said, grinning from ear to ear.

"And that's what I call an eager researcher," she laughed.

We fell into each other's arms at that point, and started cuddling. It did eventually lead to sex that night, though not on the sofa. I wouldn't have been comfortable there, not knowing all the action it had seen earlier in the day. The sex we had that night wasn't the mad passionate sort we had shared the night before. Instead it was a loving, caring, considerate, sharing, sort of lovemaking. Sometimes that's the best kind.

Next week's poker party was going to be at Pete's house, and I knew something Nancy didn't know: Pete was going to have an 'emergency at work' almost as soon as we got there. Hopefully I would make a good start on my 'research' that night.

Nancy was right. I was definitely an eager researcher, but poker night was five days away when we had our discussion. That made for a very long week; though the frequent hot sex with Nancy certainly helped compensate. Finally, the night arrived.

Due to the nature of the arrangement, the three guys staying when hubby left for his 'emergency' had to do some quick planning and playing by ear. After all, we couldn't discuss the upcoming seduction attempt with the gal's husband sitting right there. I did, however, do some thinking ahead about this one, and was ready with an idea once Pete left the house.

"Hey, guys, how about this. We hint to Terry that Pete is having an affair, and talk her into getting even with him."

"Are you crazy?" Tom asked. "You'll queer the whole thing."

"I'm not sure," Bob put in. "I agree it wouldn't work with just anybody, but think about Terry's personality. She's very outgoing, and quite flirtatious. Dick's idea might just be the best way to push her over the line."

"So how would you go about hinting?" Tom asked, still suspicious.

"I was thinking we might have an argument about some hypothetical husband we knew, and ask Terry to help us settle it."

Bob grinned. "You know, I do believe that would work."

"Well, OK," Tom admitted, "it does sound pretty good."

It wasn't long before we were raising our voices in a simulated argument, while being careful not to let Terry hear anything that would tip her off as to the subject. We got louder and louder until she finally popped her head in the door.

"Hey, guys, I thought this was supposed to be a friendly game of cards. What's all the noise about?"

"Terry!" I said. "Just the person we need to help us settle this."

She shook her head. "Sorry, I don't know a thing about poker."

"We're not arguing about poker," I explained, "we're arguing about women."

She giggled. "Well, I do know something about that subject. What's the problem?"

The guys were letting me take the lead on this, because it was my idea. "OK, just hypothetically, say there was a guy who was having an affair, and he has some buddies, and they know that he is doing it. Let's say his buddies are feeling kinda torn about it, because they like his wife, and they don't feel he's being fair to her.

"We just got to talking about that kind of thing, but we couldn't agree, if the situation should come up, as to what the guys should do about it. I think they should tell her, but Tom says it's none of their business, and they should just ignore the situation. Bob, you said, what was it? Oh, yeah, that if one of the other guys was married, and if his wife knew the wife of the guy having the affair, then he should tell his wife, and she should talk to the gal being cheated on. But each of us thinks the other two guys' ideas are terrible.

"Did I get that right?" I asked, looking at Tom and Bob. They both nodded. "So, Terry, what would be the best thing to do in a case like that?"

Terry stood there for what seemed like forever looking from one of us to another, and then another. Finally she spoke up, so quietly that we could only barely hear her.

"Pete didn't really have an emergency at work, tonight, did he?"

I shook my head. "No, Terry, he didn't."

She sighed. "Well, it wouldn't be the first time."

Then she looked at each of us again. "I don't know what the right answer to your question is, at least not 'hypothetically', and it probably depends on the people involved. But it seems to have been answered in one particular case, and I'm glad I know."

"I'm really sorry, Terry," Bob blurted out. "But, come to think of it, I guess that could raise another so-called 'hypothetical' question. If the wife that was cheated on did find out, what should she do about it?"

"Yes, Bob, I was just starting to wonder about the same thing. I suppose she could forgive him, the way she has in the past, but don't you guys think that would just encourage him to do it again and again?"

We all nodded soberly.

"Or she could yell at him and cry and threaten to leave him."

"Right," Tom burst out, "and tear apart what was left of the marriage, and end up with them yelling at each other during the divorce, and hating each other for the rest of their lives."

"I agree, Tom, I could see that happening. But what else could she do?"

"She could decide to get even," I said very quietly.

"You mean ... oh my ... oh dear ... I ... I guess it would sort of make sense. But if this isn't the first time, then even if she ... took a ... lover ... she still wouldn't be getting even, would she?"

Bob shook his head. "No, I guess she wouldn't. Unless, of course..."

Terry looked into his eyes. "You mean ... unless she ... had more than one lover?"

Bob nodded, his eyes still locked to hers.

"But while she was doing that, maybe he would be going off and having even more affairs."

Bob's eyes seemed to be boring deep into her brain. "Not if she had sex with several guys at the same time."

"Oh, no, I've never ... I couldn't ... oh, I ... oh, you ... I mean they ... I mean ... wouldn't that feel awful?"

"I don't know," Bob said slowly. "I guess it would depend on the woman. I understand some women can have lots of climaxes. And for some women the very best climaxes are when a man comes inside them."

"Yes, that's true. I ... they ... some women can. And feeling a man come inside you is ... Ohhhh!"

"If she were trying to get even," I ventured, "and if she did want to feel several guys come inside her, one after the other..."

"Ooohhhhh GOD!" Terry moaned.

" ... then wouldn't it be even more effective if the guys she did it with were her cheating husband's buddies?"

"Yeah," Tom put in, "but how could she manage to get together with all of them at the same time when her husband wasn't there? Now that sounds kind of far fetched."

"Except," Terry shuddered, "that's exactly what we have here tonight."

We all looked at her, and she took turns looking at all of us. Finally she spoke again.

"Nooo ... I couldn't. It's tempting, but, no, that's not me."

Terry looked down at the floor. Her voice was not much more than a whisper.

"I'm really sorry, guys, but I think I need to be alone, now. Would you mind if I chased you out?"

Damn, I thought. I really screwed things up for everybody. But we were so close!

After we got out of the door, Bob punched my arm.

"Ouch," I said, "but I guess I deserved it."

"Nah," Bob reassured me, "that was just a love tap. I still think it was a good idea, and it almost succeeded. Probably the whole four-week plot I came up with in the first place was a stupid idea."

Not hardly! I thought, remembering the first week. But of course Bob didn't know about that. Tom and I glanced knowingly at each other, but didn't say anything.

"Hey, look," I finally said, "the night is young. We didn't get any pussy, and didn't get to play poker, but how about going and drowning our disappointment in booze?"

"Hear, hear!" they said in chorus, and that is exactly what we did.

I was still thinking about Terry the next day, though. OK, so she wasn't the sex pot I thought she might be, but I might still have a chance of seducing her one-on-one. After all, that's the way Pete got to my Nancy. At work that morning I found Pete's number in my Rolodex, and called it, hoping that Terry would be at home. She was.

"Hi, Terry, it's Dick, from the poker gang."

I was afraid she might hang up on me, so I rushed ahead without giving her a chance to say anything.

"Look, I wouldn't blame you for being really mad at me ... at all of us ... but I felt so awful about what happened that I just had to call and apologize."

I did pause a moment then, but she didn't say anything.

"Terry, are you OK?"

"Oh, Dick, it really wasn't your fault. I'm the one who should apologize. I realize now that I led you guys on, and then kicked you out without even letting you have your poker game."

"Well, I guess we all let things get a little out of hand. But at that point you were right to kick us out. It would have been very awkward for all four of us if we had stayed after what we had said."

"True, but I have to admit it was very lonely after you left. I mean, knowing that Pete was out fu- ... out with another woman."

"Oh, God, Terry, that must have been awful! And we were to blame for that. I mean for you knowing. Me especially, 'cause I was the one who thought we should tell you. Oh, Terry, I'm so sorry!"

"It's OK, Dick. As I told you, it wasn't the first time, and it probably won't be the last time. I do love Pete, but I know he's a little wild, and I just have to learn to accept that."

"That's a terrible thing to have to learn to accept. Uh, Terry ... uh ... I really, really, don't want to make things worse for you, but there is something else you and I need to talk about. And I don't think we can do it on the phone."

"Oh, I suppose you want to come over here and try to seduce me." I could hear a tinge of bitterness in her voice.

"No, Terry, that's not what it's about, though I'll admit that I have fanta ... no, I'm sorry I said that. When I see you I promise I'll be a perfect gentleman. And it doesn't have to be at your house. In fact, I don't think it would be a good idea for me to go over there to see you alone."

"Yes, I agree." Her voice now sounded shaky, and not a bit bitter.

"We should probably meet someplace that's very public, so we won't be tempted..."

"Yes, definitely, very public, or it wouldn't be ... safe." She was sounding even more shaky.

"How about lunch somewhere? Maybe the WaterBoy?"

"Oh, dear, isn't that awfully fancy?"

"If you've been there for dinner, yes. But lunch is much more relaxed. And you have to admit the food is great. Come on, say yes."

"Well, maybe. But certainly not today."

"Of course not. In the first place, it's too soon ... after last night. In the second place, I already have lunch plans today. Can we make it tomorrow?"

I heard a big sigh at the other end of the line. "I really shouldn't, but OK."

"Great. I'll meet you there at 12:30. Uh ... one thing, Terry. I don't want you to keep secrets from Pete, so I expect you to tell him about us having lunch, but it would be better if you wait to do that until after we have talked."

"Don't worry," she said, her voice tight. "I'm not talking to him about anything right now."

"Ouch! Did you confront him about last night? ... No, sorry, that was out of line. Forget I asked."

"It's OK, and no I didn't. Oh, Dick, you're so sweet! Thank you for caring."

"I know it's all bottled up inside you right now, and it makes me hurt to know how much pain you must be feeling. Three things. First, what Pete did last night wasn't right, but you don't know the whole story. We'll talk about that tomorrow. Second, if you can hang on without yelling at him until after we meet, I may be able to give you some useful suggestions. Third, I told my wife I wanted to talk to you, and what we would be talking about, and she approves."

"Thanks. That really helps. I was feeling kind of guilty about meeting you, but now I'm just happy about it. You have no idea how much I'm looking forward to it."

"I am, too. 'Bye, Terry."

"'Bye, Dick. Until tomorrow!"

I got one more interesting piece of information from Nancy that night. She looked at me a bit oddly when I got home, and asked me how the poker game had gone the night before. I thought, Oh, oh, here it comes. I was pretty ***** when I got home, and she must have noticed, even though I thought she was asleep.

I decided honesty was the best policy in this case, and admitted that we didn't really play poker, but went to a bar instead. Her next comment caught me off guard.

"Oh, right, you were going to Pete's house, weren't you, and I'll bet he told you something came up."

"Yeah, that's right. But what made you say that?"

"Because he told me. He called and said he had canceled the game so he could come and see me."

"So you mean he was here again last night? I thought you said..."

"No, I told him I couldn't let him come over. We just ... talked ... on the phone."

The way she said it I immediately suspected phone sex, but given what I was up to at the same time, I decided not to push her.

The next day Terry arrived at the restaurant promptly at 12:30, and we were escorted to the table I had reserved. I had made a point of asking for one where we could talk without being overheard, and was delighted with the alcove the maitre d' put us in. But I was worried that the things I intended to talk about might interfere with our appetites, so I was careful to keep the conversation light and friendly until we finished the scallops we both ordered. Then I leaned forward and looked into her eyes.

"I'll bet you are wondering what I had to say that was so important, and why I haven't been saying it."

She nodded.

"Actually, there are several things. But I'll start with one that I feel terrible about. The four of us guys cooked up a really evil plan. I'm so ashamed of it now that I can hardly bring myself to tell you about it. It was like none of us seemed to have any respect for our wives at all; like we were thinking of you as pieces of meat.

"I know, I'm not making any sense, yet, but I'll try to explain. It's just that now I can't believe that I would have agreed to the plan, or that any of us would. There's just no way around it; I have to say it straight out. Basically, we each offered to let all the others have sex with our wives."

I stopped, seeing the shocked look on her face that I knew would be there.

Finally she tried to speak. "No! That's ... it's ... it's..."

"I know," I said softly. "It's hard to find any words for it. Maybe despicable, or disgusting, or vile. Now you see what I meant by pieces of meat."

"How could you do that? How could any of you do that?"

"I don't know. I can only say we weren't thinking or acting as if we were married. The truth is we were behaving like horny teenagers.

"Look, I know this is very hard for you to listen to. It is also very hard for me to tell you. I struggled a long time before I decided that I really had to, but I'll explain why later. For now, you need to know that my stomach is tied in knots thinking about how much this must be hurting you. If it's too much, just tell me."

"No, go on. I think I need to hear it all."

I nodded, but didn't say anything for a bit, because the waiter brought our bill, and I gave him my credit card.

"He'll be back soon with the credit slip," I pointed out. "I'll tell you the rest after that." We basically just sat there, each thinking our own thoughts, while we waited for him. Fortunately we didn't have to wait long, and then we could resume our private conversation.

"Well, our plan was that for four weeks, one week in each guy's home, we would arrange that the guy hosting would get called away on an emergency, leaving the field open for the other three guys. We did at least agree that the wives were not to be forced to do anything; but the guys could use any technique they wanted to try to seduce them."

"So that's why you came up with that so-called hypothetical argument."

"Yes, Terry, and as long as I live I'll never forgive myself for doing it."

"But ... but ... then you lied to me! Pete didn't leave to have an affair with another woman."

"Actually, I did know he was having an affair, and I happen to know, now, that he did hope to be with her then, but I didn't know that part at the time. And, yes, we did sort of lie to you. We never actually said he was going to be with a woman that night, but we did try to lead you to that conclusion, and when you said it we didn't disagree with you."

"Oh, you were so evil! And to think I almost fell for it!"

"I'll admit that at the time I hoped you would fall for it, but now I am very, very, glad that you didn't."

She seemed to be thinking about something. "Dick," she said very tentatively, "was this the first week you guys tried your trick?"

"No, Terry, it wasn't," I said, looking her straight in the eye.

"But, a week ago, I think Pete said he was going to your house for poker."

"Yes, Terry, they were at my house last week."

"Pete came home a little earlier than usual, but he was still gone quite a while. Were he and Tom and Bob alone with your wife all that time?"

"Yes," I whispered. I couldn't look at her any longer.

"Oh, Dick, I'm so sorry! Do you ... know if ... anything happened?"

"Yes ... Nancy told me what happened."

"Did she and Pete ... do something? Oh ... that must be what you needed to talk to me about, right?"

"Yes, it was. She didn't actually have sex with him ... I mean, she sort of did, but it depends on what you mean by sex. She said she didn't see or touch his ... penis, but ... she did have an orgasm from what he was doing to her."

"Yeah," she said dryly, "like Clinton didn't have sex with Monica Lewinsky."

"Right, very much like that, but the other way around."

"I shouldn't say this about my own husband, but I can't believe Pete would go that far and then just stop."

"Nancy said he wanted to keep going, but she said no."

"Good for her."

"Yeah, but Pete didn't leave it at that. He came back to our house the next day at noon, and told her he wanted to apologize, and asked if they could talk. She let him in, and they did a lot more than talk. That time she didn't say no, and I guess he spent most of the afternoon with her."

"Oh, God, Dick! This is terrible! What are we going to do?"

"We can talk about that, but first I need to tell you that Nancy was crying when I got home that night, and finally told me the whole story. She admitted that she really wanted to be with Pete again, but she also said she loved me, and because of that she had decided to never see Pete again. At least not if there was any chance she and I could stay together. I told her I didn't know, but there was a chance.

"But I was thinking all crazy, Terry. I wanted to get even with the bastard, and all I could think was that I had to fu- ... that I had to have sex with you to get even. And that was the state of mind I was in this week when I tried to trick you."

"No wonder! It all makes sense now. I can see how you would have felt that way after what you had been through. I do forgive you, Dick. No, I more than forgive you ... Dick ... if we weren't sitting across the table from each other in a public place I ... I would be hugging and kissing you right now."

"That, my dear, is precisely why I was very tempted to have this conversation at your house, and why I told myself that I mustn't let it happen that way."

Terry let her breath out in a great whoosh. "Thanks, I needed that."

"But we do have one more thing to talk about, don't we? We need to face up to the fact that last week your husband and my wife spent an entire afternoon together. And that they were wildly and passionately... ," I dropped my voice to a whisper, "fucking. There, I said it. They were fucking, Terry. Pete and Nancy were fucking all afternoon. And not only that, they both want to do it again. Actually, I think they are both dying to do it again."

I stopped at that point and looked pensively at her for a bit. Then I changed the subject a bit.

"You know what, I said we had one more thing to talk about, but I was wrong. Because there's another thing we need to face up to."

"What's that?" Terry asked, but I suspected she knew the answer because she couldn't look at me as she asked it.

"Unless I am reading the signs wrong, and I don't think I am, Pete's wife and Nancy's husband are also dying to be together. They haven't made love, at least not yet. They haven't even kissed. But I think it's inevitable that they will."

"Ohhhh ... yesss ... it is."

"Do you think they'll stop with a kiss?"

"No, they won't. Pete's wife wouldn't let them stop."

"Nancy's husband wouldn't be able to stop, either."

"Oh, Dick. OH, DICK!"

"So now we have to decide what we are going to do about these two problems. I have a suggestion ... Nancy and I want to invite you and Pete over Saturday evening for dinner and ... some time together."

"Oh, God, YES!"

"So you'll be there?"

"YES! ... I can't wait..."

"Wonderful," I said, getting up and offering my hand. "Until Saturday night then, which I imagine will be one of the most memorable nights of my life."

I started to pull her up, but she pulled her hand back and shook her head.

"No, Dick, you don't understand. I really mean it. I can't wait. I need you to come home with me right now. Leave your car here and come with me. You have to!"

"Oh, Terry, YES!"

This time I did pull her up, right up against me. We both gasped as our bodies touched for the first time and our nervous systems shorted out.

"Let's get out of here," I groaned, "before I get arrested for what is trying to rip its way through my zipper right now."