Part 4

“Happy Monday!” Jess greeted Sophie when she saw her. Sophie had arrived early to get a workout in before the day started and to try to clear her mind. The last few days had been a whirlwind of emotions since Richard had unexpectedly come to the clinic.

“Good morning, Jess,” she responded as she paused her music. “You’re here early.”

“I wanted to come in and get a few files organized this morning before patients started to arrive,” she told her. “Don’t let me distract you though. I’ll just be up front if you need anything.” Sophie nodded and restarted her music to drown out the rest of the world. She needed a little more time to herself this morning. She pressed the dumbbells over her head and felt the burning in her triceps as she pushed herself to keep going.

She finished the set and sat down her dumbbells on the bench and paused, looking at it. Everywhere she looked in the clinic reminded her of Richard. He had intended to mark his territory and it seemed that it had worked. All she could think about here was everywhere that Richard had taken her and how it felt when he was inside her. She hated how he had come here expecting her to just spread her legs for him and she hated it even more that she had. She had fought it ever since the first time she had been with Richard, but she craved the feeling of him stretching her out, the way he dominated her, the way he demeaned her. It awoke something in her and made her just lose control.

The music from her earbuds quieted and her phone announced that she had a text. She walked over and looked at her phone, expecting it to be from her husband. To her surprise though, it was from Hank. She had only texted him a little since the day she met him for drinks. He was, in so many ways, the opposite of Richard. She enjoyed his country accent and she found him charming in a way that put her at ease. He obviously wanted her, but he didn’t act like he was entitled to her, that she was an object to possess.

“Hey, darling. I’m in town this weekend and wanted to know if you were interested in getting dinner with me on Friday night,” his text read. She bit her lip as she thought about it. He had asked her to go up to his room the last time and she had been tempted even though she declined. If she asked James, she knew what his answer would be. Her interactions with the other men had put both of their sex drives into overdrive and James couldn’t seem to get enough of her. Sophie had been more than open to his advances to meet her own cravings, letting James take her sometimes twice a day over the last week. Occasionally, her mind would drift to Richard or Hank while they were making love, leaving her feeling a little guilty.

She thought for a moment and then typed out her response to him, “Where are you taking me?” James would be more than happy for her to go and honestly.

“I think that you deserve a proper date. I was thinking La Mer,” he answered her. La Mer was a French restaurant that was next to the Four Seasons downtown. She and James had never been, but she had heard incredible things. Sophie also wondered if the location next to one of the nicest hotels in the city was a coincidence.

“I’ve never been. How should I dress?” she asked him.

“Honey, they’d welcome you in if you wore a turnip sack. But a nice dress is more than appropriate,” he told her. Some of the things he said were so ridiculous but so sincere that she couldn’t help but enjoy them.

“Not sure I could pull that off, but I appreciate the compliment,” she sent back.

“Sophie, I mean it when I say that I can’t name a more stunning woman,” he answered. She smiled, enjoying the compliment from the older man. He had told her all about his background and work but almost nothing about his personal life whenever they met for a drink. That part of his life remained a mystery to her. He didn’t wear a wedding ring, or at least he hadn’t worn one whenever he met her at a bar. Perhaps he had just taken it off to meet her. Thinking about him having a wife made her feel a little guilty. She would have to ask him outright to be sure.

“I doubt that,” she told him, “I’m sure you’ve known a number of stunning women over the years.”

“A gentleman doesn’t kiss and tell, but I will maintain that none of them were more stunning than you,” he said, doubling down on his compliment.

“Is that why you want to take me out to dinner?” she asked him.

“I can’t say that being seen with you in public is a negative, but it’s also rude to invite you to my hotel room without taking you to dinner first,” he answered, explicitly stating his intentions. Sophie thought about what it would be like to go up to his room. Whenever they had gotten drinks he had been forward enough to put his calloused hand on the inside of her leg, teasing her sensitive skin at the hem of her dress. If that was any indication of what was to come, she couldn’t help but be excited.

“Oh, so that’s your plan. Think I’m that easy?” she sent back, trying to play a little hard to get.

“Darling, easy isn’t what it’s about. I’ve been jealous of Richard ever since I first laid eyes on you,” he told her. “I can’t get the memory of you from the poker game out of my mind.”

“What in particular?” she asked him, baiting him to tell her more.

“I remember how good your breasts felt in my hands,” he told her. “And how good it felt having you in my lap.” Sophie remembered how good his cock felt against her butt as she ground against him and how his rough hands had massaged her breasts through her bra. That had been the moment that she had really lost control that night.

Sophie looked over toward the front and Jess was out of sight. She held up her phone to take a selfie, trying out a few angles. She pulled down her tank top a little so that the top of her breasts showed and snapped a picture. She added a short message.

“These?” she asked along with the picture and hit send.


James stared at the screen of his phone. Sophie’s ass bounced with each thrust from Richard as he fucked her forcefully from behind. He must have watched the video a hundred times so far over the last week. He had been struggling to get the images out of his mind and he had been all over his young wife every chance he had gotten for the last week.

To her credit, she had been willing every time he had tried to initiate anything with her. They had made love in the shower, before work, and he had even bent her over the kitchen counter once the same way that Richard had in the video. Sophie had told him about the mishap with Richard last time and how he hadn’t pulled out in time. She had taken Plan B and they had talked about it all again. They needed to be particularly careful if anything happened going forward because they were going to really start trying to get pregnant.

James wondered how they had gotten to this point but ultimately, despite his worries, he was enjoying it too much to do anything other than continue to hope for more. The guys were planning another poker game in a couple of weeks whenever all of their schedules worked and he could hardly contain his excitement at the prospect of Sophie providing some of the entertainment. He wasn’t the only one though. The video that Richard had sent had reignited the entire group of men and their hopes for what would happen the next time they were all together. James still hadn’t told his wife about the group chat, keeping that one small secret to himself.

He tossed the empty coffee cup into the trash as he walked into the school. It was still early, and the few kids that had arrived were standing in scattered groups around the commons area, waiting for more of their friends to arrive and for the day to start. James made his way down the hallway and to his classroom door.

He unlocked it and went inside, getting his lesson plan out for the day and reviewing it briefly. It wasn’t long before the bell rang and the sound of his students chattering moved down the hall and into the classroom. They were a bit more subdued this Monday morning, coming from a long weekend. His phone vibrated, drawing his attention as the kids filled the room.

It was a message from Hank to the group text. He couldn’t resist reading it before class started and slid his finger to unlock the phone. As the conversation popped up, he was shocked to see a picture of his wife.

It was clearly a selfie taken by Sophie, who looked incredible as always. The tank top he had seen her leave the house in that morning was pulled down so that the tops of her breasts were visible. Fuck, Hank had convinced her to send something like that already this morning?

Another message rolled in. “Damn, she’s so hot. Have we confirmed that she’s coming to the next poker game?” Cliff asked. James had talked to her about it briefly, and he knew that she was open to the idea, though she wanted to be sure they didn’t let things get too out of control. From what James could gather, that mostly meant keeping at least some clothes on and definitely not getting fucked in front of the whole group.

“I’ll ask her when I see her this weekend,” Hank sent back. He reread that. Sophie must have agreed to see him again. He felt his cock harden as he remembered that she admitted she told Hank she would love to go up to this hotel room but made an excuse as to why she couldn’t that night. Did she intend to go up this time?

A text from Richard interrupted his thoughts. “I should probably be the one to ask her. Go back and listen to who owns her pussy. She said it herself,” Richard said, referencing the video he had sent last week. What a fucking asshole, James thought. He knew that James was in the group chat and seemed to enjoy throwing it in his face that he made Sophie say that her married pussy was his.

“We’ll see about that after I take her out this weekend,” Hank replied, raising James’ heart rate dramatically. The two men seemed to be directly competing with each other for Sophie in a way he hadn’t expected.

“Now this is getting interesting,” Cliff said, voicing James’ exact thoughts to the group.

“Hank, you’ll have to provide the same kind of proof as Richard, you know,” Ben said, adding one of his rare comments.

Cliff responded next, seemingly enjoying being the instigator of the group. “Ben, do you think Nora gets fucked by older guys like this? I wouldn’t mind a turn with her either,” he said. James couldn’t imagine Nora doing that but he had never expected Sophie to find herself in this situation either. For a moment, he tried to picture the raven-haired Nora with her pale complexion and slim figure bent over by the likes of Richard. He would pay to watch that, not that he could ever admit that to Sophie.

“Fuck you,” Ben answered.

“Ha, they’re friends. If she fucks half as good as Sophie does I’d give her a go,” Richard said, adding to the fire.

“There you go, Richard. You can have Nora once I take Sophie from you,” Hank answered next.

“Fat chance. She’s not going to forget how hard I made her cum anytime soon. I’d just have to keep both of them to myself,” Richard said.

“Fuck all of you,” Ben replied, annoyed with all of the talk about his ********.

“We’ll leave you alone if you send us a picture of Sophie from when she was younger,” Cliff told him. James knew he needed to put up his phone and start teaching but it was difficult to drag himself away from the conversation. He put his phone into his desk drawer and taught for the next twenty minutes, struggling to focus.

“I’m going to be nice today. For the rest of the class period you can get in groups of two or three and work on the homework for chapter five,” he told the class to excited murmurs. In reality, it was just an easy way to be able to focus on the text conversation with the other guys.

He sat at his desk and unlocked his phone, scanning the banter between the men before stopping on the picture that Ben had sent to the group. It was of a young Sophie and Nora posing with their arms around one another. Sophie was wearing sweatpants and a tank top, but you could see how young and slender she was. Nora was wearing a pair of shorts that showed off her legs and a T-shirt with the university name on it.

Ben had added a comment to it, “When she was a freshman in college. Good?”

“None of my ********'s friends ever looked that good or I might have gotten into trouble,” Arthur said with his first contribution of the morning.

“Yeah I’d have risked it all if I had a sexy little thing like her coming over to my house. I’d definitely fuck Nora too though,” Cliff said, ignoring that he had agreed to stop talking about her in exchange for the picture.

“Seriously, Cliff, fuck you,” Ben said.

“Oh come on Ben. You know Cliff would fuck anything that would give him 30 seconds,” Hank said, taking a shot at the other man.

The conversation continued as the men lobbed insults and jokes back and forth. James imagined how Sophie would have reacted back then to an advance from Ben. He was sure she would have been horrified at the idea of her friend’s father being attracted to her. There was no way she would have ever believed that a decade later he would have been seconds from actually burying his cock into her. James knew that he had made the right decision, stopping it from going further that night at the poker game, but it didn’t keep him from wondering what could have happened.


None of the dresses that Sophie had found at any of the shops had stood out to her. She had been to three different boutiques and a couple of department stores without luck. She needed something to wear to Nora’s upcoming engagement party in a couple weeks and she figured she would look for something new for her dinner with Hank as well.

She walked down the rack of clothes, looking through the dresses. Whenever she got home, she needed to tell James about the dinner tonight so that they were on the same page. She had spent most of the day texting Hank as he flirted with her and complimented her while she worked. He was laying it on thick but the flattery was working. Sophie enjoyed the way he talked to her and about her.

It was startling how Hank could manage to be the exact opposite of Richard even though they were apparently friends. She sighed as she thought about them and how messy things had gotten lately. Sophie was actively planning another date with Hank even as she worried about things spiraling out of control.

If anyone found out about what she and Richard did at the clinic… She wouldn’t be able to get a job anywhere if she got caught sleeping with one of her clients and she would almost certainly lose her professional license. Sophie looked through a few more dresses, picking one out and adding it to the ones she needed to try on.

Then there was Mr. Miller, she thought. She looked down at the stack of dresses she intended to try on for Nora’s engagement party. Sophie knew that her friendship with Nora would be over if she ever found out about the poker game and how close her father had been to… She didn’t even want to think about it. It was so wrong in so many ways. She blushed at the memory.

When they were in college, Mr. Miller used to make them snacks while she and Nora stayed up late watching movies. He had always seemed like such a normal ***... Sophie had even gone to the beach with them for a week to stay at their condo in South Carolina. When he admitted during the poker game that he had thought about her breasts for years it had been so dirty, so fucked up. Had he really had those kinds of thoughts about her all of those times she had been over at his house?

She felt the vibration of her phone in her purse and she pulled it out. Speak of the devil. It was from Richard. She unlocked her phone and read the message.

“Sophie, when are we getting together this week?” Richard’s text asked.

“No, Richard. I don’t think so,” she sent him back.

“Do I need to remind you whose pussy it is?” he asked her. She rolled her eyes. He was unbelievable.

“That was just talk,” she texted back, but in a way, it was sort of true. James made love to her like he respected her, like she was special, like she was fragile. She loved that about her husband. But Richard… He fucked her. It was crude, but it was the only honest way to describe it. And he fucked her without a care in the world for how much it degraded her or worry if she could take it. He fucked her like he owned her.

“Maybe I’ll come over to your clinic tomorrow and see if it was just talk,” Richard’s next text read. She set aside the stack of dresses so she could type out a message to respond. Sophie hated that just reading his threat made her slick between her legs. He was too much of an asshole to have this kind of an effect on her. She wasn’t some booty call that he could just show up and have his way with her. She needed to make that clear to him.

“No, Richard. That’s not going to work,” she told him as she held her ground.

“Well, then Friday, you should come over to my place. I know you’re going to want my cock again soon,” he told her. She let out a long exhale. Part of her did want it, as much as she disliked the man. He obviously knew she wanted it as well. That made her even more annoyed with him. She needed to keep her own power over him to keep him in check. He didn’t admit it easily but he wanted her far more than she wanted him.

“Friday isn’t going to work. I’m going out with Hank,” she texted him back. She knew that would get under his skin since she suspected that her date with Hank last time had prompted him to try and mark his territory.

“Fuck Hank. I know what you really need,” he told her.

“Oh yeah? What’s that?” she asked him before she continued looking through the rack of dresses for one more that she liked. Sophie knew what his answer was going to be and she was already reveling in the opportunity to turn him down again.

She found a pretty green sundress and added it to her selection. It would bring out some of the green in her eyes and it always went well with her hair color. Sophie took the ones she had picked out and made her way to the dressing room in the back of the boutique.

“Hey, I just want to try these on,” Sophie said to one of the workers, a girl who looked about college-aged.

“Sure thing,” the girl said, leading her to a room. Sophie typed out a quick text to tell James that she was going to be heading home soon. As the girl let her into the room, Richard’s response popped up on her screen, almost making her drop the phone. She barely reacted in time, turning the phone screen away from the girl before she had a chance to see what Richard had sent her.

“Thanks,” Sophie said as she quickly closed the door for privacy before looking at the picture. Richard’s cock looked huge from the angle he had taken the picture from. The head was thick and a few prominent veins ran down the shaft. She bit her lip as she looked at it, remembering how good it felt whenever it stretched her out and filled her up. He wasn’t wrong that she craved that feeling again, but she wasn’t without self-control.

“I think I’ll be fine without it,” she told him, then slipped out of her scrubs to try on the first dress. Her phone vibrated and she rolled her eyes again, imagining Richard’s next response. The man was persistent.

“I know that fucking your husband isn’t enough for you now. You’ll be begging me for it again soon,” he told her. Sophie felt her face flush. God, he really was such an asshole. She looked at herself in the mirror. Her lean, slender body looked pretty good in the flattering light. The idea that he was the prize out of the two of them was ludicrous, she knew.

Sophie thought for a moment and then took a few pictures of herself with her phone. The bra and panty set left little to the imagination and made her look very feminine. She selected one that was particularly flattering and hit send, typing out a message with it. “I think you’ll be the one begging,” she told him.

After putting down her phone, she slipped on the first dress and did a spin, looking at herself in the mirror. She slipped it off and picked up the green dress. It was her favorite of the ones she had found so far. She was about to try it on when Richard answered her. She set it down and read his message.

“You do look fucking good, but not as good as you did bent over that desk,” Richard answered, trying to provoke her.

“If you say so,” she texted him back and tossed her phone onto the pile of clothes. The dress was flattering on her and it did bring out the green of her eyes. Sophie always liked wearing green for that reason. It was definitely her color. This would be perfect for the engagement party, she knew. She could find another dress for Friday. Her phone buzzed annoyingly as Richard answered her again. She unlocked the phone and read his message.

“You’ve earned a few extra spankings next time for being so difficult about this,” his message read. That made her smile. Not the idea of spanking her but that she was getting to him. She liked having the upper hand. Today, though she wanted to really leave him wanting. She slipped off the green dress and pulled the straps of her bra off of her shoulders so she could pull the bra down to her tummy. She was topless, looking at herself in the dressing room mirror.


James folded again, frustrated by his poor luck. In his free time, he had been playing online poker, practicing for the next game with the guys. Sophie had gone shopping after work and he had taken the opportunity to play a few hands. He didn’t let himself play for a lot of money online but he still enjoyed the competition. He was going to be more than ready for the next poker game with Richard and his friends.

His phone went off again, no doubt a continuation of the group chat with the guys. They had been discussing the timing of the next game of poker but their schedules wouldn’t line up for a few weeks at least. All of the guys were eager for the game and they weren’t shy about why they were looking forward to it so much. James unlocked his phone and scrolled through the last –

Oh shit. His eyes stopped on the picture that Richard had just sent to the group. Was that from right now? It couldn’t be, could it? Sophie had just texted him a few minutes earlier that she was about to head home, but fuck had she just sent that to Richard? His gorgeous young wife was wearing only a pair of panties in the mirror selfie that was now in the group chat. Her perky, perfect breasts were exposed as she stood there proudly, flaunting the young body that all of the men craved so much.

Another text from Richard popped into the chat. “I didn’t even ask for a picture. She must be craving something big.”

“Excuse me while I save that somewhere I’ll never lose it,” Ben replied.

“Damn those tits are unreal. But be careful, Ben. How would your wife react to seeing that?” Cliff asked him.

“She would murder me. Like actually murder me,” Ben said before adding another text. “It’s worth the risk though.”

“Hank, what do you think?” Richard asked the other man. Fuck. It seemed like there was a rivalry developing between Richard and Hank as they vied for Sophie.

“It makes me more excited for Friday night,” Hank answered. “I look forward to seeing her in person.” He was definitely playing it cool and James got the feeling that he was the kind of man to let his success do his trash talking.

“Guys, I think we’re missing this big moment for Ben. This will be the first time that he’s jacked off to that girl without having to imagine her naked,” Cliff said, fucking with Ben as usual.

“Damnnnn,” James typed out. “She just sent that?” He felt the need to contribute to the group occasionally and it let him get more information on their interactions with Sophie.

“You know that’s what your plans are going to be tonight too,” Ben shot back at Cliff. James felt his cock stiffen even more as he imagined the men jerking off to his wife in their free time.

“Maybe but if she had been at my house all the time I’d have been clapping her cheeks every chance I got,” Cliff said.

“Sure, Cliff,” Ben replied again.

Richard answered him, interrupting the two men as they went back and forth. “Yeah, the little minx sent me that maybe twenty minutes ago,” he told James.

The sound of the door closing sent a jolt through James. Lucy got up from his feet and ran towards the front of the house to greet Sophie. He closed his laptop and stood up from his desk. His hand wasn’t any good anyway.

“Hey Soph,” he greeted her as he walked into the living room. She had a couple of boxes in her hands and set them down on the kitchen counter before turning to give him a quick kiss.

“Hey, sorry I’m late. I had to get a dress for Nora’s engagement party,” she told him.

“Oh, yeah. When is that?” he kept forgetting that was coming up soon. He really needed to put in down on his calendar.

He studied his wife, looking for any sign that something was amiss. She was wearing her scrubs like she did every day, her hair up in a tight ponytail to keep it out of her face. She looked the picture of professionalism, but he knew that she had just sent another man a picture of her in nothing but her panties. Even more perverse, that man had shared it with an entire group of men that were going to take their time enjoying it.

“I’ve told you so many times. You just have selective hearing sometimes,” she said with a smile. It was a good-natured ribbing and he deserved it.

“I’ll do better,” he told her as he wrapped his arms around her again.

“Can I help you?” she asked him playfully as she pretended to try to get away from him.

“There’s something I wanted to show you in the bedroom,” he said, hoping she would go for it right away.

“Stop,” she said with a laugh. “And they say romance is dead.”

“You know I’ve always been a romantic,” he joked back with her.

“Hank asked me to dinner,” Sophie said suddenly. He looked down at his wife as he held her. One admission for the evening so far. He wondered how long it would take her to tell him about the pictures.

“Oh really?” he asked. “What did you say?”

“He’s taking me to La Mer on Friday night,” she told him. He knew Sophie better than he had ever known another person and he could see the mix of emotions in her face. Embarrassment that she had a date with another man but excitement buried in there as well.

“Damn, Sophie,” he said.

“What?” she asked, a nervous look replacing the one from a moment before.

“Sorry, you just surprised me. I didn’t expect you to have another date with Hank so soon,” he told her.

“Me either, but he’s going to be in town for only one night,” she told him. One night, he thought. She said one night, not one day. He thought about what that might mean, his cock growing until Sophie stepped back from him a few inches. Her manicured hands traced the outline of his cock through his slacks and James realized she must have felt his erection as he held her.

“This really gets you so turned on doesn’t it?” she asked him. “Just the mention of going to dinner and you’re so… hard.” Her fingertips continued to trace the outline of his shaft while he tried to speak.

“Y-Yeah,” he managed.

“And if Hank invites me up to his hotel room this time?” she asked him sincerely. You have to tell me the truth.” He knew the answer, and Sophie knew what he wanted, but it was still hard to say it out loud—to give voice to such a depraved desire.

“You should go up to his room. If you want,” he answered slowly.

“Are you sure?” she asked him again.

“Yeah,” he said with a nod.

“Same rules as last time?” she clarified. Fuck he can’t believe he wasn’t even thinking about any of that. It was more important now than ever.

“Yeah. A condom this time though,” he told her. “We have to be especially careful now.”

She gave him a soft smile and wrapped her arms around him tightly. Nothing made the world feel right more than the feeling of her pressed against him. He knew she was going to make a wonderful mother whenever the time came.

“Want to make a baby in the meantime?” he asked her.

“Now that’s the kind of pickup line that works on me,” she laughed as she followed his lead to the bedroom.


The next few days passed at an agonizing pace. Minutes seemed like hours and hours seemed like days. James couldn’t get Friday night off of his mind and whenever he did manage to think about something else, the group chat would reel him right back in. He had seen Sophie with Richard the first time and watched the video of the second time she had been with him but he didn’t know what to expect with Hank. She had talked before about how animalistic Richard was with her, how turned on it made her whenever he degraded her and he wondered if that would be how it was with Hank.

He wasn’t sure, but he didn’t exactly have much experience to go off of in this arena. All he knew was that he wanted to see it. And not through pictures or a video. He wanted to be in the room with them. The image of Sophie’s green eyes looking into his own while Richard blew her back out was still etched into his mind. He wanted that kind of experience again.

The only question was how to make that happen. After days of thinking about it, the only reasonable way he could come up with was just to tell Hank the truth. To tell him that he was Sophie’s husband. That if Hank wanted to fuck her, he had to fuck her while James watched and enjoyed the show. It might be awkward but it gave him what he really wanted. He had considered texting Hank about it but decided against scaring him off. It was probably best to just tell him there in the moment. The man wouldn’t turn Sophie down once he saw her there in person.

James walked into the living room where Sophie was reading on the sofa. In about twenty-four hours, she would be at dinner with another man, anticipating going up to his hotel room afterward. It was his chance to bring it up and figure out a plan, he knew.

“I think I should go with you tomorrow,” he told his wife out of the blue. She looked up from her book, surprise on her face.

“What do you mean?” she asked him.

“I think I should go to dinner with you and Hank. I mean… I want to go to dinner with you and Hank,” he admitted.

“Like pretending to run into us there at dinner?” she asked. They had spent so much time talking about how to keep him from finding out they were married that it made sense that she might think that.

“Um, no. I was thinking we could just, like… tell him,” James said, gauging her reaction. Her green eyes stayed fixed on him for a moment as what he said registered.

“Tell him that we’re married,” she said as she considered the proposal.

“I want…” his voice cracked.

“To come to dinner?” she tried to finish for him.

“Yes, but that wasn’t… I just…” he stumbled over the words as he tried to find the right ones. It felt absurd to have to bring it up like this but he wanted to be there so badly. No, he needed to be there. He needed to see every second of it first hand.

Sophie turned a little more so that she was fully facing him while they talked. “Tell me what you want,” she insisted, her full attention on her husband. Sophie had always been great at communication and she had a sixth sense for when he was hiding something from her.

“…To watch,” he finished. Her eyes widened, realizing what he meant. “I want to watch,” he said again, more firmly this time before continuing to explain. “I’ve thought about it ever since that first night with Richard and it just wasn’t the same not being there with you. Don’t get me wrong, it was incredible getting those pictures of you and Richard, but… I want to see the expressions on your face and I want to see you whenever you have an orgasm. I want to be a part of it even if I’m not the one doing it to you.”

“Really?” she asked softly.

He answered by leaning in to kiss her.

She laid back on the sofa as he followed on top of her, kissing her gently. His body was over hers, pressing down lightly as he held himself above her. It wasn’t long before he was making love to her right there on the sofa, his hips grinding against hers as they moved in unison like they were made for each other.


The hostess led the way, followed by Sophie who was right in front of him. She always looked good, but if the way she looked tonight was any indication, she wanted to make an impression on Hank. He watched her move between the tables, her hips swaying underneath the little black dress she had picked out for the evening. He couldn’t recall seeing this one before and he definitely would have remembered it. The dress came down to mid-thigh and her long, toned legs were in full view, ending in a pair of black heels. The dress had a moderate neckline, nothing like the dress she had worn for the poker night. It showed a little of the swell of her cleavage in a sophisticated way that paired nicely with the pearl necklace that hung around her neck. Her blonde hair fell in thick waves down her back. In contrast to the poker night, she looked gorgeous in a sophisticated way, like a model or an heiress.

James looked around the restaurant as they made their way across the dining room floor. La Mer was upscale, very upscale. He was glad he had worn a suit or he would have been underdressed. If Sophie was hoping to make an impression, Hank seemed to be trying to make one of his own. The lighting was dim enough to set the mood throughout the restaurant with small candles on each of the tables adorned with a pristine white tablecloth. A huge saltwater aquarium was on one side of the room, adding a splash of vibrant color to the atmosphere.

The hostess led them to a table where Hank was sitting by himself at a table for two. He looked up at them as he rose from his chair, his smile turning into a puzzled look as he recognized them both.

“James, what are you doing here?” Hank asked, confused at seeing him.

“Can we get another chair, perhaps?” James asked the hostess. She nodded and scurried off to accommodate the request, leaving the three of them alone.

“Hank,” Sophie said calmly and softly, “James is my husband and wanted to join us for dinner. If that’s okay.” He braced himself for the man’s response as his eyes moved back and forth between them.

The hostess came back and arranged the third chair by the table. Hank, Sophie, and James stood in an awkward silence as they waited. “Your server will be with you in just a moment. Enjoy your meal!” Sophie moved to take her seat in the middle of the table and Hank pulled the chair out for her, beating James to it.

The two men took their seats on opposite sides of the table, the table marinating in the silence. Hank seemed to be waiting for one of them to speak. Sophie was deferring to James. James wasn’t sure how to start but knew he needed to say something.

“I hope it’s not a problem for me to join you,” James said to Hank. The man was probably about twenty years older than James, but he was handsome for his age.

“I’ll be damned. I didn’t see this coming,” Hank said in his country accent as he sat back in his chair. Sophie looked at her husband, giving him the chance to speak again.

“If at all possible. We would prefer that we keep that between us,” he told Hank. The man nodded slowly, considering everything.

“Does Richard know?” he asked them, his eyebrow up.

“Yeah,” James answered for them. “He knows.” Hank seemed to consider that, too.

“So at the poker game. You just let us all sit there without any idea that you two,” he pointed at the two of them. “I guess it makes sense, considering the way that night ended.” The man rubbed his face as he thought back on that night.

“Yeah,” James answered again, “things got a little crazy that night.”

Hank nodded again. “And you know about her and Richard?” he asked cautiously, still seemingly unsure about their arrangement.

“He knows everything,” Sophie answered, speaking for the first time since they had taken their seats. Before Hank could answer, a middle-aged woman approached the table.

“Good evening. I’m Anna, I’ll be your server this evening,” the woman started before launching into the specials. James couldn’t pay attention and sat, just waiting for her to leave so they could continue their discussion. Finally, she started wrapping up.

“We would love to have a chat with the Sommelier when they have a chance. I want to be sure that the lady gets something she likes,” Hank said with a disarming smile. James wouldn’t turn down a glass of wine or two. He imagined he would need it tonight. Hank spoke again once the server was out of earshot.

“I’m more of a whiskey man myself,” he said with a smile. The tension in the air hung there, daring any of them to speak. “So what are you two thinking is going to happen tonight?” the older man asked. He didn’t need to say anything more. It was crystal clear what he was asking. James again thought about how strange of a situation it was to find himself in as he sat at the table with a man who was actively working to seduce his wife.

“We’ll see where it goes,” James told him, “But I’ll be there for everything.”

“I must admit, I don’t know why you would want to share a woman like Sophie. But then again, if I’m the one benefiting from it, then I don’t give a damn about the why,” Hank said with a grin.

James didn’t feel like he owed the man any explanation but he answered anyway. “There’s just something about watching her let go and enjoy the moment.”

“I guess that makes sense,” Hank said, studying Sophie “There’s something about a beautiful woman experiencing pure pleasure.”

James nodded his agreement with that sentiment. The sight of Sophie with Richard that first night had been otherworldly. A memory that he couldn’t forget, that he couldn’t put out of his mind no matter how hard he had tried. He needed a front-row seat if it was going to happen again.

“Well, let’s have a drink and see where the night takes us,” Hank said jovially.


It wasn’t long before the Sommelier came to their table and Hank picked out a bottle of wine for them to split. The drink flowed easily over the next hour as they talked and ate. The older man was easy to talk to and seemed to enjoy talking with them as well. James was drinking freely and slowly loosening up, she noted. As for herself, she could feel the anxiousness from the anticipation of what was coming and decided the best way to ease it was with another glass of wine.

She liked a lot about Hank but probably the most attractive thing about him was how interested he was in her for more than just her body. He was handsome in an older, mature way and he had a genuine and hearty laugh that made her enjoy being around him. Throughout dinner, he kept bumping his knee into hers until finally it stayed there, pressed against her. Now, they would go back and forth, moving their legs while the other one would intentionally keep contact. It was a subtle game but the effect it was having on Sophie was intense.

Since that day she had gotten a drink with Hank she had wondered what it would have been like if she had said yes. He had teased her at the bar, his hand working its way under the hem of her dress and along the inside of her thigh until she was afraid she would leave a puddle on the chair when she left. Hank was good with his hands, that was for sure. It had taken all of her willpower to leave that night and not to go up to his room and find out what else his hands could do.

Sophie sipped her glass of wine again as she felt Hank move his calf against hers, the hint of more to come that evening. Again she could feel how wet she was already, eager for more contact than just his leg against hers. James hadn’t even noticed that Hank’s efforts on her had started and she was fully ready to give in.

It was good that he had come, she knew. She wasn’t sure she would remember to take pictures or anything once things got started between her and Hank. The sexual tension had been intense the last time and they picked up right where they left off tonight.

“Hank, how often are you come into town for work?” her husband asked.

“A couple of times a month,” Hank answered. “I could probably do more of it remotely, but I like to oversee things in a more personal way.”

“And the rest of the time, where do you stay?” James asked.

“I spend a good bit of time on my property out in Montana. It’s a beautiful area. Mountains, great fishing, hardly a person for fifty miles around. Everything a man could want. Well, almost, everything,” he said with a glance at Sophie.

“Wow. That sounds incredible,” Sophie answered.

“Oh, it is. Perhaps I’ll have to have the two of you come up some time,” he told them as his leg pushed against hers. She could feel her breathing getting a little heavier and she consciously slowed it down.

“Yeah, it could be fun,” James answered.

“How long have you two been married?” Hank asked them both.

“A little over two years,” Sophie answered him. “We met in college and got married when I was in grad school.” She didn’t want to talk too much about their marriage though. It wasn’t exactly an aphrodisiac considering the circumstances.

“Well, you’re a lucky man, James,” Hank told him earnestly. She looked at James and flashed him a smile and to make sure he was still okay. He looked relaxed and she felt reassured that everything was okay so far.

Hank had asked them quite a few questions, but Sophie wanted to know more about the man. She wanted to know what made him tick, what had led him to this point in his life. She wanted to know him before she let him have her tonight. And she was going to let him have her.


“And there isn’t a lady in your life, Hank?” Sophie asked him. The man had been an open book, and Sophie was taking full advantage. Her green eyes were on him, studying him as she dug into his past.

“Currently, no. I’ve been married a couple of times, though, and they didn’t work out,” he answered her with another sip of his drink.

“What happened?” she asked him. James was tickled with his wife's interest in the man and his prior marriages. In James’ experience, marriages were delicate and required mutual respect, compassion, and, most importantly, trust. He already had friends who had been divorced because one of those things was lacking. And none of them were more of a sure way to end a marriage than a lack of trust. You can’t share every intimate part of your life with someone if you don’t trust them, not really.

The irony of discussing what went wrong in a marriage wasn’t lost on him as he watched his wife on essentially a date with another man.

“Well, the first time, I would say that it was just a difference in what we wanted. I was focused on the business and she wanted to start a ****** right away,” he said thoughtfully. “In hindsight, I think that was obvious from the beginning. We were different people with different dreams. It just took us a lot longer than it should have to figure that out.”

“I guess when you’re in love you think that you can make anything work,” Sophie suggested to him. James could feel the connection between the two of them. Unlike with Richard, she actually enjoyed Hank’s company. Hell, she might actually be attracted to him, he realized. He wondered how that would change things upstairs compared to when she was with Richard.

“She was also a tigress in the bedroom,” Hank said, winking at Sophie. “And there’s no faster way to Hank’s heart than that.”

“That seems to be common enough,” James remarked with a laugh, keeping his eyes on Sophie. He had let the two of them enjoy their conversation for the last few minutes, but he could feel the dinner winding down and the anticipation of what would come next was starting to get to him.

“What about the second?” Sophie asked. She appeared genuinely interested in where things had gone wrong in his prior marriages.

“Hmmm. Carol. I guess I don’t have much to lose to tell you. She was my first love growing up and the one that got away. Her ****** moved to another state and that ended it for us. For a while, at least. A couple decades later, she was getting out of an unhappy marriage and I was just figuring out who I really was and that’s when we ran into each other. A couple months later we were hitched and planning the life we thought had been taken away from us all those years ago. Turns out, being in love as teenagers doesn’t mean you’re right for each other at forty,” Hank told her with a sad smile. “I don’t mean to pry, but how’d the two of you get yourselves into all of… this?” He didn’t have to say it for them to know what he was asking.

James looked at his wife and she met his eyes. God, she was gorgeous, he thought. She turned back to the other man at the table and answered him. “Honestly, I’m not even sure at this point,” she admitted. “I wonder sometimes if we’re crazy. Well, truthfully, I wonder if we’re crazy all the time. It all started so innocently with him. With Richard, I mean…” she trailed off. James could tell that the wine was helping his wife loosen up.

“I have got to admit I don’t understand what he has to offer a woman like you,” Hank said with a shake of his head.

“He’s an asshole,” Sophie said with annoyance, “But…” she trailed off again. James felt himself blush. The video that Richard had sent gave a pretty clear idea of both his size and dominating presence in the bedroom, or in that case office.

“I think I get the idea,” he laughed. “Well, would you two like to come up to my room?”

Sophie looked over at him, her emerald eyes waiting for his answer. James nodded. “I think we would both enjoy that,” he said with a smile.


The walk to the hotel felt like a dream. Sophie and Hank walked side by side with him a couple of steps behind as they exited the restaurant. Sophie drew looks from a couple of men that seemed more than a little jealous of the man with her. They made their way across the street to where Hank was staying. The older man slipped his hand into hers as he led her through the lobby toward the elevators. It was a small gesture but it struck James that in a way it was more intimate than anything she had done with Richard. It was almost affectionate, he realized.

He stepped onto the elevator after them and stood on the opposite side as the started to rise. The other woman on the elevator would have no idea that Sophie was his wife and not Hank’s. At least with Hank, the age difference and the appearance wasn’t as striking as it was with Richard. It didn’t draw quite the same degree of scrutiny. Hank was whispering something to Sophie. Sweet nothings, perhaps but his young wife made eye contact with him across the small space of the elevator and he knew that she was already poised to lose herself in the evening like she had done before.

When the doors opened, Hank led her down the hallway to the moment he had been anticipating. They reached the door to Hank’s room, he unlocked it and welcomed them inside. The room was an upscale suite with a living room where a small sofa and coffee table took up the majority of the space. The bedroom was off to the right and James could see the king-sized bed occupying the room. Hank didn’t waste time and brought Sophie directly into the bedroom. James followed, slowly, being sure to give them space. As he stepped into the bedroom, he saw the chair in the corner facing the bed. He had heard it called the cuck chair before, but now he knew it really was perfect for the situation. James slipped inconspicuously into the chair and watched the scene that was already heating up.

Hank turned Sophie towards him and their lips connected, kissing passionately. One of his hands was around her waist to keep her close while the other caressed her neck, guiding her as he kissed her again and again. Sophie for her part had melted into him without a second of hesitation, kissing him back like it was as natural as anything she had ever done. James was fascinated as he watched, noting the immediate difference in his wife with Hank compared to the other man.

His hand ran down her neck as they kissed and he pressing her up against the wall with his body. He pinned her there without taking his lips off of hers. His other hand had slid down her back and gently across the top of her butt. The man was taking his time, exploring her body patiently, a little at a time before going further. James was only watching but even still it was agonizing how badly he wanted Hank to grab a handful of her ass or to rip her dress off. Instead, they were making out like teenagers. Taking their time before they moved to the next base.

Finally, after another couple of minutes, he brought Sophie over to the bed and she lay back onto the comforter with him in pursuit. Their lips barely came apart in the process with Hank now finding himself on top of James’ wife just a few feet away from him. There was no need for Hank to push her legs open as she spread them willingly for him as she held onto the front of his dress shirt to keep him close. His hand tracked down the side of her strong, toned thigh and disappeared under her dress. Her head rocked back suddenly, her eyes closed.

“Ohhhh,” she let out softly, laying her head back in pleasure. His hand must have found what it was looking for beneath her dress. He kissed down the nape of her neck, working down her chest, and then kissing her stomach through the material of her dress. When James didn’t think he could take any more waiting, Hank’s hands pushed up her dress to her hips.

Sophie’s lace panties were pulled to the side already and he had two fingers buried in the young woman’s pussy already as she panted from the stimulation. Hank didn’t take long before he wanted more. His head lowered down between her legs.

“Ohhh, God,” Sophie moaned as his tongue started working her slit. James sat up higher to get a better view. He couldn’t believe how eagerly the man’s tongue was moving. James had only done it once for her, and it had been more awkward than enjoyable for both of them. It might have been his inexperience and lack of skill or it might have been the fact that he did it out of obligation and not desire.

Right now though, Sophie was definitely enjoying the other man’s tongue as it worked magic on her clitoris. James watched as she raised her hips against him, desperately pushing her crotch against his mouth. Her arms reached out involuntarily in both directions and grabbed two fistfuls of the sheets. It was a decadent scene in front of him. His gorgeous, blonde, green eyed young wife writhing in pleasure from the tongue fucking of a man twice her age and he couldn’t help himself.

James unzipped his pants and pulled them down so he could start stroking himself as he watched. His rock hard cock was so sensitive that he just barely touched himself to start.

Sophie’s fists twisted in the sheets from the pleasure suddenly. “Mmmmmm,” she moaned loudly, seemingly building toward a release already. Hank diligently continued, not pausing even for a moment. After all of the talk between him and Richard, he was a man on a mission apparently. She kept writhing and shifting on the bed as he worked on her.

“Hold on, it’s too much,” she said suddenly, her thighs closing around his head from the intensity of the sensation. Hank didn’t seem surprised though. He just calmly wrenched her legs back open so he would have unrestricted access to continue his work. Hank didn’t stop. If anything, his tongue increased its efforts as he feasted on her. Her pelvis tilted up in response, letting him get his tongue even deeper. James watched as he masterfully lapped at her pussy like he was starving.

“Oh FUCK,” she moaned even louder, grabbing the back of his head with both hands. Her fingers entwining themselves into his hair as she held on like her life depended on it. Her hips were rising and falling as she desperately tried to help, her breathing unsteady. James knew that Hank’s tongue was about to bring her to a devastating orgasm. He stroked himself in earnest now, enjoying the wild scene in front of him. It was so fucking erotic watching her like this. Her dress was pulled up around her hips, exposing everything as the man focused on her sole pleasure like it was the only thing on Earth.

Finally, it happened. Sophie’s body tensed up all at once and she closed her eyes, letting herself go to the enormity of the orgasm. It was as intense as he had ever seen for her, lasting nearly thirty seconds before it finally subsided. She couldn’t seem to speak and just curled up in the fetal position trying to recover.

Hank sat up and watched her for a few seconds before turning and grinning at James. The older man was proud of himself but his grin wasn’t to rub it in James’ face. It wasn’t meanspirited. If anything, he was looking at James so they could revel together in how incredible her orgasm had been. Sophie hadn’t had an orgasm like that before. It was different than when she was having sex. She lay there, taking a moment to herself.

“Damn she looks sexy when she cums,” Hank said with a laugh as he started to strip off his own clothes. He tossed his dress shirt aside and then dropped his pants, revealing his cock. He wasn’t as large as Richard, maybe about the same size as James, but his cock had a pronounced curve to it compared to his own. He climbed onto the bed, putting his back to the headboard so he was sitting up.

He beckoned her to him, a small amount of precum already dripping from the tip of his waiting cock.

“Do you have a condom?” she asked him. Good girl, James thought. He had brought some himself just in case. He didn’t want that to be the thing that ruined the evening. Before he could offer them one of the ones in his pocket though, Hank answered her.

“Oh yeah, Darling,” he told her with a laugh. He pulled one out of the pocket of his pants that he had discarded a couple of moments earlier and ripped it open. He watched Hank roll the rubber on while Sophie pulled her little black dress over her head and tossed it onto the floor. Then she discarded her bra and slipped off her panties while Hank watched her. Every time he saw her like this he had the same thought about his wife. She looked like a Greek goddess with her blonde hair, green eyes, and athletic, slender body. Like she had been carved out of marble to be the ideal woman. James stroked himself while he watched it all, trying not to blink so he wouldn’t miss a moment.

“Goddamn you have an amazing body,” Hank said, clearly thinking along the same lines as James. “I’ve been thinking about this moment since I first laid eyes on you.”

“Really?” She asked as she climbed over the man, straddling him.

“The first time I saw you at that cocktail party I knew that you were too good for that old bastard,” he told her. “Oh shit, you’re tight.” Sophie hadn’t waited and had sunk down and forced his curved cock deep into her. Fuck, James thought. What a difference compared to the first time she had been with Richard. He had cajoled her and been the one that pushed everything. Tonight, Sophie wanted it as bad as Hank did.

He watched as his wife rode the older man slowly, sensually. The way his cock was curved, it had to be putting a significant amount of pressure on her G-spot. Hank’s hands weren’t idle, taking time to fondle her breasts, feel along her hips, and squeeze her ass as she rode his cock up and down, again and again. Occasionally she would grind forward and back on him, giving herself a different sensation.

“You should have come up to my room the other night,” Hank told her. She rose up again, letting the curve of his cock angle into her with the slow movements. Hank leaned in and kissed her deeply. The tongue that had been between her legs a few minutes earlier was now in her mouth and it looked to be as skilled there as it had been down below.

“I wanted to,” she told him, giving in completely. His stroking was almost frantic as he listened to them.

Unlike Richard, the man wasn’t fucking her like an animal. Hank was making love to her, tenderly, sensually. Focusing on her pleasure as he paid attention to her neck and breasts. He worked his cock with slow, intentional movements to meet her as she moved up and down. They made out while they did it, barely taking their lips from each other. James couldn’t believe what he was seeing. He had expected it to be similar to what had happened with her and Richard, but this was so much more intimate than the pounding that Richard had given her.

Minutes went by as he watched Hank make love to his wife as they slowly built the intensity. They weren’t in any rush for it to end. This wasn’t about the destination for either of them, they were just enjoying the journey.

After what felt like forever of the two of them making love in dramatic fashion, Sophie’s body couldn’t hold out any longer. He watched his wife’s breathing picking up, her movements a little less smooth. When she spoke, he had already known what was coming.

“I’m going to cum again,” she told her lover between kisses.

“Let’s cum together,” Hank told her as his hips continued to meet her each time she dropped down on his lap. She nodded desperately in agreement.

“So close. Almo… almost there,” Sophie gasped. He watched Hank’s hips speed up a little and the angle of his cock tilt, putting even more pressure on his wife’s G-spot. That almost immediately caused a jolt through her, putting her over the edge. James won the race though, his own cock firing into the air a split second before the couple on the bed came together.

“Now. I’m cumming, ohhhh,” she told him as her toes curled involuntarily with the intensity of her second orgasm of the night. Hank kissed her again as they shared an intense orgasm. He buried himself deep into her and James was thankful for the condom that was keeping him from dumping that load into Sophie’s fertile womb. They lay there together in the limited light of the bedroom, kissing in the calm of their climaxes and James decided to give them a moment.

He stood and walked back into the living room of the suite. The room was dark and still as he sat on the sofa to try and process everything he had just watched. It had been so erotic, so sensual, but so totally different from all of her encounters with Richard. This wasn’t animalistic at all. Hank had been firm but caring with emphasis on bringing her pleasure. He might have watched Richard fuck Sophie, but tonight he watched Hank make love to her. It was different. The intimacy wasn’t even the physical nature of it but the openness, the willingness that his wife and displayed with another man. No pretense of money, no reluctance. Richard might have dominated her, but Hank had seduced her in a way that the other man couldn’t hope to do. The question now, which one would capture more of Sophie’s desire.

He thought about what this would mean going forward as he relaxed on the sofa, his eyes getting heavy. It was getting late and the wine on top of his own climax made it very hard for him to stay awake. He tried to fight it. His eyes slowly closing until he would realize that he needed to open them again. Each time it was harder than the last until, at last, he didn’t open them.


The room was dark, and James tried to make sense of where he was as he emerged from the fog, his head pounding. The soft noises coming from the bedroom drew his attention. It was all starting to come back to him. They had met Hank for dinner where he had more than his share of the wine, and afterward…

“Mmmm,” he heard the soft moan coming from somewhere in the darkness in front of him. He looked around the room and found the digital clock on the other side of the room. It was after three in the morning. He had been asleep for hours, he realized. He listened intently as he waited for his eyes to adjust. He was lying on the sofa of Hank’s suite, just outside the bedroom. That meant that Sophie was still in there. Still in bed with him. And that moan…

Carefully he tried to work his way off the couch as quietly as possible and then painstakingly crossed the room to the bedroom door. He peeked inside, able to see shapes but the details were still limited in the darkness. From what he could see, the two of them were spooning. Hank behind his wife, holding her while only half covered by the sheets. There was a rustling as one of them moved. At least from this close he could hear what was happening in the room.

“Do you have another condom?” he heard his wife ask.

“No I only had the two,” Hank replied in little more than a whisper. “Don’t worry, I’m clean. I promise.”

“No, it’s not that,” she told him. There was a long silence as James craned his neck to try to listen for anything they might say next.

“You aren’t on anything?” Hank asked to confirm.

“We’ve been trying,” she told the older man.

“I can pull out,” he told her. “You know you want to go for another round, darling.” James’ eyes were almost fully adjusted now and he could see Hank’s curved cock between Sophie’s legs, teasing her with it as the curve made it push against her lips whenever he pushed his hips into her ass.

“Okay, yeah, okay,” she said before kissing him. Hank’s hand reached around her and pressed the tip of his cock into her until it disappeared. He buried himself to the hilt in her unprotected pussy.

“Mmmmmm,” he heard her let out a long moan as he started thrusting. He had slept right through the second time they had fucked but now they were on a third time in the same night. James and Sophie had only done it twice in one night and that had been on their honeymoon.

“Richard told me that you said this pussy was his,” Hank saw with his country drawl as he picked up his pace, driving into her with more force.

“It… was… just… talk,” she managed between his deep thrusts. His hands roamed over her breasts, giving them a gentle squeeze.

“That’s not what he thinks,” he answered.

“He – He’s just big,” she told him. “So big.”

“It’s not all about size, darling,” he answered as his cock changed angles, hitting a different spot for her. She bit her lip, tightening her hands on the sheets to keep from squealing in pleasure.

“Has he ever made you come this many times in one night,” he asked as he delivered several fast, deep thrusts, making her gasp in pleasure.

“No. But don’t stop, you’re going to make me cum again,” she told him.

“I need you to tell Richard the truth about whose pussy it really is,” he told her.

“Okay, just don’t stop,” she begged him. James saw Hank quickly take out his phone and turn the screen toward Sophie. In the light of the phone he could see a glazed look in her eyes.

“How many times have I made you cum tonight?” he asked her without stopping his strong pace.

“F-four, about to be fivee,” she moaned as she took his dick deep into her.

“And whose pussy is it really? Is it Richard’s or is it Hank’s?” he asked her.

“Oh God. Fuck. It’s Hank’s. It’s Hank’s,” Sophie said directly into the camera.

“I’m close,” the older man warned her suddenly, tossing the phone aside. Sophie was close too though, he could tell from where he was watching. She was approaching another big orgasm and didn’t seem to have even heard her lover announce that he was about to cum.

“I need to pull out,” he heard the man remind her. His wife’s response left him shocked though.

“Don’t stop. Please don’t stop,” she begged him. Her manicured hand grabbed his arm, pleading with him to continue what he was doing to her.

“Oh shit,” he heard the man exclaim as he came. His cock buried every possible bit of itself into her, shooting a forbidden load as deep into her as possible. They stayed still for a moment and then James watched him thrust his cock into her several more times, slowly milking out every last drop from his cock.

The last time, Richard had cum whenever he wasn’t supposed to but this time… Sophie had broken their one big rule, letting Hank creampie her. No, making Hank creampie her so that she could reach her orgasm. He hated it, but fuck that was so fucking hot.

“Shhh,” Sophie whispered, warning him to keep his voice down.

He watched Hank’s cock slip out of her with a stream of his seed dribbling out after it. Hank kissed her again, their lips locking together. James moved away from the door and sat back on the couch, thinking about everything. He would have to find the right time to tell Sophie that he knows about their extra rounds. For right now though, he was going to need to cum again before he was going to be able to sleep after watching his wife with Hank again. They could talk about it all later.
Previous page: Part 3