Maybe in hindsight, it would have been a better idea to fly to Florida. But as you know, hindsight is 20/20, and it was much cheaper to go by car, at least that is what I thought at the time.

Perhaps I should back up and start from the beginning.

After going together during my Junior and Senior years at Spoylt University, Megan and I were finally married. All my friends were jealous as hell and with good reason. Megan had just turned 18 and was one of the best looking girls in our hometown. At 5'2" and 98 lbs, she was a very sexy young woman. She always had a nice tan and her butt was round and firm, plus she had big D-cup tits that drove men crazy. Her long blonde hair was complemented by huge blue eyes and full pouty lips.

What made my friends even more jealous was that Megan knew how sexy she was and she liked to flaunt it every chance she got. She was even a bit of a bitch about it to tell you the truth. You know the type. She would purposely dress in the sexiest clothes she could find and then when she caught some poor schmuck looking down her blouse or whatever she would give them 'The Look'. You know the look I mean, the one that says, "I know how bad you want to fuck me but you won't get to cause I'm way too good-looking for you!" Yea, that look! The thing is, 'The Look' is quite fun if you are the one getting to fuck the chick that all the other guys only get to look at. One time she caught a janitor at school checking out her ass in her short shorts and told him, "Dream on mop pusher, you'll never get your hands on an ass like mine, not if you live to be a hundred." Then she blew him a kiss and wiggled down the hall to her next class.

So anyway, here we were on our Honeymoon, driving my Chevy convertible to Florida. The sun was shining, we had the top down, and there wasn't a cloud in the sky. Megan was dressed in one of her favorite outfits, guaranteed to please any red-blooded man. Because of the heat, she had worn a little yellow sun dress which was extremely short. It barely covered her tight little ass even when she stood straight up and if she bent over anyone behind her could catch a glimpse of her yellow panties. The top of her dress was held up by spaghetti straps and was very low cut with an open back. A row of tiny pearl buttons ran all the way up the front and she would always leave a few undone to make the neckline even lower. It fit a little bit loose so that if she bent over just right you might catch a peek at her nipples.

"I'm bored," said my new wife, "If you hadn't been so cheap we could have flown to Orlando and we would be there by now."

"Come on Megan," I said, "It's not that bad, why don't we play a game or something? When I was a kid we used to count how many cars of a certain color we saw and whoever got the most was the winner." I was grasping at straws to entertain her knowing that we were only in Kentucky and had too far to go for me to listen to her bitch all the rest of the way.

Just then a semi went by us on Megan's side and we heard a big blast from his air horn. TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT! When we looked up he was giving us the thumbs up sign and grinning from ear to ear. "What was that old fart's problem?," said Meagan. When I looked over at my bride I realized what was going on. She had been so busy complaining that she had let her dress ride up until her long tanned legs were bare almost up to her little yellow panties.

"I think he likes the scenery around here," I laughed, pointing at her sexy legs.

She pulled down her dress and said, "Well that dirty old bastard, where does he get off thinking he can look at ME that way!" Then she sat back in her seat and I could almost see the wheels turning in her pretty little head.

In a few minutes she sat up and said, "Hey Randy, I've got an idea. Since we are both bored, let's make up our own little game. Instead of counting cars, let's see how many guys will honk their horns at your sexy wife if I give them a little show. I'll bet every man on the road would like to see these!" And then she pulled her dress up showing off her yellow panties and pushing her bottom lip out like a spoiled brat.

I damn near wrecked the car trying to get my hand in her pants, but finally she let me stick my finger in her pussy through the leg band and I fingered her for a few minutes. "MMMMMMMMMM" she said, "I'm gonna do it Randy, I'm gonna give these old farts a show and prove to you that every man driving on this road wishes they could fuck your wife."

After that I purposely drove a little slower so that traffic would have to pass us. The very first time a trucker came by Megan pulled her skirt up almost to her panties and sure enough he gave her a blast on his horn. "See what I mean Randy, he certainly liked your wife's legs didn't he?," she giggled.

At first this was great fun but eventually Megan started to pout again. "I'm bored," she complained, "I'm going to give these losers a real thrill." Before I could ask what she meant, the next trucker passed us and she pulled her sun dress up so far that her panties were on display. The trucker went nuts, blowing his horn several times and yelling out the window, "Nice panties Baby, let's see em again!"

"Megan!," I said, "What the hell are you doing?"

"Oh Randy," she replied, "Don't be an old stick in the mud. I'm just having a little fun and giving these old farts a thrill. You KNOW they've never seen anything as sexy as me in their lives. It should turn you on to see how much all these guys want to fuck your new wife. And besides this is making me horny as hell and you know how much you like it when I get hot." She was right about that, she could be a little bitch all day as long as I got to fuck that tight little cunt of hers that night.

Then she slipped the straps of her sun dress down over her shoulders so that her big tits practically fell out. The next car was filled with construction workers and they screamed at the top of their lungs, saying rude things about what they wanted to do to my bride. "In your dreams!," she laughed back at them. "Do those clods actually think they would ever get to touch someone like ME?," Megan said, as she flipped her long blonde hair with her hands.

We were now deep into Kentucky and the road became only two lanes, with traffic getting very thin. As we came up behind an old beat up pickup with bald tires and Kentucky plates, she said "Pass these two yokels and I'll show them what you"ll be getting tonight." As we started to pass them she stood on her knees on the seat, facing the truck. Right as we got beside them she pulled down the front of her dress, exposing her D-cup tits and cupping them in her hands.

The guy driving the truck veered off the road and came to a stop in a cloud of dust. In our rear view mirror we could see him starting to pull out and get back on the road. Megan jumped back down into her seat, pulling up the top of her dress, but not bothering to put the straps up over her shoulders. "Pull off behind this barn and let him pass us." she laughed. When I pulled back out on the blacktop, we were behind him again.

Megan began to squirm in her seat and I looked over just as she slipped her yellow panties down her legs and tossed them towards the back seat. The wind caught them and they went flying out the open top and were gone.

"Pass them again," she laughed, "These hillbillies are going to cum in their pants when they see this." When we pulled up behind them she stood up on the front seat and held on to the top of the convertible's windshield to steady herself. Then she put one foot on top of the window ledge and pulled her dress up to reveal her blonde crotch. When we were right beside them they both looked over as my new bride put her finger in her gorgeous pussy and spread the lips apart. Then she popped her finger in her mouth and sucked the pussy juice off of it.

"Hey Baby," yelled the driver, "Pull over so we can get to know you, we want to fuck that tight little cunt for you!"

Megan's long blonde hair whipped in the wind as she gave them the finger and then 'The Look' and yelled back, "Fat chance you losers! You'll never get to fuck anyone as gorgeous as me, go fuck your sisters you stupid hilljacks!"

Then she jumped down into the seat and yelled, "Get out of here Randy!" I floored the big V-8 Chevy, and in a few minutes they were out of sight. Then the car started to miss and backfire and I knew we needed to find a service station quick. Up ahead was a side road and a sign that said "Leon's Gas Shack 2 miles." We headed down the road and I prayed that we would get there before the Chevy gave up the ghost.

Finally we saw Leon's and pulled in just as the Chevy died, coasting to a stop beside the old wooden building. In the window was a sign that said, "Moon Pies 3 for a buck" and another that stated "Mechanic on Duty."

"I told you we should have flown," Megan whined.

"It's O.K. Babe," I told her, I'll talk to the mechanic and you go in and get a coke or something. As I went into the service bay I remembered that the shoulder straps on her dress were still hanging down showing off her big tits and she had no panties on. I couldn't find anyone in the service area so I went into the other section of the building.

As I approached the counter, I saw a man about 55 with very few teeth, a bald head, and a big pot belly. He grinned when he saw me and said in a low voice, "Son of a bitch, would you look at the tits on that little slut over there. I'd love to stick my dick in that little bitches cunt, now how about you?" Then he nodded and when I looked I saw that he was talking about my wife, Megan. She had bent over to pick out some pretzels and her big knockers were almost hanging out of the top of her sundress.

I didn't say a word, but rather went over to my wife and pulled the straps up on her shoulders, letting him know she was with me. Then I went back and asked him if the mechanic could look at our car for us.

"Sorry son, he started, "but that sign was old when Hector was a pup, we ain't had no mechanic around here for 15 years or so. You'll have to call Mayfield County and have em send a tow truck over. And I didn't mean no disrespect about your Missus, it's just that around here no womenfolk dress like that except for whores and such. I ain't never met a man before who would let his wife show off her tits to other men in public like that."

Just then I heard a vehicle pull up and stop in a cloud of dust. The door opened and in came the two guys from the pickup truck! "Hey Uncle Leon, you won't believe what we just seen. We was on the highway and this really pretty city gal was showin' us her titties and her cunt and everything!"

"Shut your trap Ronnie," said Leon, "We got us a lady present."

Ronnie looked over and saw Megan and replied, "Hell Uncle Leon, that ain't no lady, that's the city gal who was showin' us her pussy and titties. You tell em Roy, it is too her!"

The other guy, a not too intelligent looking guy in a Grand Ole Opry T shirt, snickered and said, "It's true Uncle Leon, she showed us her cunt right out there on the highway and she even stuck her finger in her pussy. Then she told us to go fuck our sisters."

Leon pulled a pistol and a cheap badge out of his desk drawer and said, "As deputy part-time of this county I'm holding you two on charges of lewd behavior." He took us into the back room and handcuffed me to the desk and began to lecture Megan while Ronnie and Roy looked on in glee. I prayed that Megan would keep her temper and not get us deeper into trouble.

"Now young lady," he began, "Around here we have moral values and we don't like city folk comin around and exposin' our good young boys to sin and so forth. You can't come down here from the city and be showin off your big titties and sayin' rude things to our young folk. And when you told my nephews Roy and Ronnie to go fuck their sister you were telling them to fuck my niece! Now we can't be havin that kind of carryin' on little lady."

Megan stood up and looked him square in the eye, put her hands on her hips and said, "You stupid hicks crack me up. You're just upset because a toothless old geezer like you will never in your life get to fuck anyone as beautiful as me and you know it! Now tell me how much my fine is and hurry up about it you hillbilly idiot."

The room got deathly silent and Leon looked at Megan and said, "I was fixin to let you off with a warning but not now, no way. I think the punishment should fit the crime. If I fine you money you would just get it from your rich Daddy wouldn't you? I think she should pay your OWN debt to this county, don't you boys?" Roy and Ronnie shook their heads in agreement and leered at my wife's body like they had never seen a woman before.

"You are hereby found guilty of actin' like a little spoiled bitch and a whore. Your husband is found guilty of lettin' his wife act like a tramp. Your punishment is that you are gonna get fucked like a cheap slut by all three of us! Your pretty boy husband gets to watch us fuck his wife, and if he shuts his mouth that is all that will happen to him. Now take your clothes off you little bitch." I knew better than to say anything to these guys but Megan was still indignant.

"I will NOT take my clothes off and you can't make me," my tiny wife fumed and stamped her little foot.

Roy and Ronnie grabbed her and Roy reached up under her dress and said, "This slut ain't got no panties on Uncle Leon, she's runnin' around with a bare cunt like she wanted to be fucked all the time."

"Get your dirty hands off of me you bastard!" Meagan cried.

While Roy and Ronnie held her, Leon walked up and started roughly squeezing her big firm tits. His greasy hands left black marks on the bodice of her yellow sun dress. Then he ripped it open and the pearl buttons down the front went flying in every direction. The flimsy spaghetti straps broke and the dress came off in Leon's dirty hands.

"Damn, city gal," said Leon, "You may be a spoiled little bitch but you sure have got a nice set of tits on you. Let me see if that pussy is as good as you think it is." Then he stuck his dirty fingers in my bride's tight little cunt and twisted them around, making her inhale sharply.

"Oww," she whimpered, "You're hurting me."

He pulled his fingers out and reached up and pinched her big pink nipples and said, "You don't talk so smart when you've been stripped out of your fancy city clothes and you've had your pussy fingerfucked now do you? When we get done with you there won't be any sass left at all."

I had to be proud of Megan's spirit when stood defiantly with her beautiful chest stuck out and her hands on her hips and said, "I'm always going to be too good for you ignorant hicks, no matter what you do."

Leon shook his head and said, "Well now, we'll just see about that Miss Sassy Mouth. Tie her to that table over there boys, with that round little butt of hers up in the air!"

They tied her spread eagle to the table, her gorgeous round ass naked and vulnerable. Leon walked up and said, "This is something your Daddy should have done for you when you were a little girl and then you wouldn't have such a sass mouth on you now." Then he raised his big callused, oily hand and brought it down on her pretty white ass. SMACK! "Now are you ready to calm down city gal?"

"Never, You stupid hick!" she said defiantly. Again and again he spanked her upturned naked ass. Finally she whimpered something and Leon said, "What was that gal?"

"I'll be good," she said, "just don't spank me any more."

"Turn her loose boys," he said, I think she is ready to learn her lesson."

When she was untied, Leon and the other two guys both stripped out of their overalls. "Now city gal," said Leon, "You were mighty rude to Ronnie here so why don't you crawl over there on your hands and knees and suck his cock for him." Megan started to refuse but all it took was one look from Leon and she knew better.

Although I couldn't understand why, my cock began to swell in my pants as I watched my pretty 18 year old bride crawl on the dirty floor over to Ronnie. Her blonde hair had never looked more sexy as it swished back and forth, her big blue eyes were open wide in fear of what would happen next. Her firm D-cup tits jiggled as she approached his waiting cock.

She opened her red lips and took his cock in her mouth. Ronnie grabbed the back of her head and started pounding his dick in and out, his balls slapping against her chin. "Hey pretty boy," he grinned in my direction, "Your wife sucks cock real damn good. You stick a dick in her smart mouth and it shuts her up pretty quick." Then he reached down and started playing roughly with her big tits until finally he began to shoot his load in my wife's mouth. "That's it city gal, eat up that cum and don't waste it." His load was more than she could swallow and some of it dripped out onto her tits, glistening in the light of the single 40 watt bulb that lit the dirty office.

Next Leon made her suck off Roy. He came almost immediately, pulling out his dick and shooting a huge load that hit her in the face and ran down her chin. Then Megan was forced to lick him clean as she ran her tongue all around his cock and balls. Leon even made her wipe the cum off her face with her hand and put it in her mouth so as not to waste a drop.

"Now git yer ass over here on this sofa City Gal," Leon ordered my wife. When she laid back on the dirty couch he began to finger her tight pussy. First one finger, then two, till finally he had three of his greasy fingers stuck in Megan's tiny pussy. Next he began to rub her clit with his other hand and said,"Now you're starting to like that aren't you, you little spoiled bitch."

"No, I hate it and I hate you," she said, but I noticed she was breathing very hard and having trouble getting the words out.

He kept on manhandling her cunt and said, "You sure City Gal? Your little pussy is getting awful wet for me to think you don't like it. Are you sure you want me to stop?"

"Oh Damn you, you bastard, please don't stop, keep fingerfucking me, you're going to make me cum!" my little wife cried out. And then suddenly Leon pulled his fingers out of her pussy and held her hands back when she tried to rub her own cunt. Then he crawled between her legs and put his cock right up against her pussy lips and lightly rubbed them with it. Megan tried to push her hips forward to get his cock in her cunt but he held back and smiled an evil grin.

"Now Honey, he said, "A little while ago you said that a toothless old hillbilly like me would never get to fuck a pretty city gal like you. Well now, you are gonna beg me to fuck your smart ass city cunt." Again he rubbed his hard cock against her blonde pussy, driving her up the wall with animal lust. "Now BEG city gal and make it good."

"Please fuck me," she said softly, "Please I need it so bad."

Leon rubbed his dick between the lips of her cunt and chuckled, "Not good enough you little bitch, now make me believe that you want fucked good and hard."

"PLEASE FUCK MY SLUTTY CUNT!," she screamed. "I want your big cock in my tight little blonde pussy. I showed off my cunt like a whore and now I want you to fuck me like the slut that I am. Please fuck me!"

Leon suddenly shoved his cock deep within my wife's body and began to ram it in and out of her. Megan wrapped her legs around his wrinkled ass and continued to beg him to keep fucking her and he did. He turned to me and said, "Hey pretty boy, your little slut wife has got a pretty tight little cunt but I'm stretchin it out real good for you. This little whore is gettin' ready to cum all over my cock." She whimpered and cried out as she came several times while he fucked her. Then he pulled his cock out of her, grabbed a hold of her 5'2," 98lb. body and flipped her over on the couch so that her tiny round ass was up in the air.

He stood behind her with his potbelly and his bald head and put his cock at the entrance to my young bride's asshole. "Say please bitch if you want my dick planted in your tight little butt." He pushed against her ass and reached down and rubbed her clit with his hand.

"Shove it in my ass, Please!," she cried. He pushed forward just as she was pushing back toward his cock and it began to disappear into my wife's virgin asshole. He fucked her ass violently until finally he began to grunt and fell forward on top of her back. "Oh yes," Megan whimpered, "Shoot your cum in my ass, I want your hot cum in my ass!"

When she said that, I couldn't take it anymore and I shot my load in my pants, but thankfully none of the others noticed. They were all too busy to care what I was doing at the time.

When Leon pulled his dick out of her well fucked ass she rolled over on her back and Ronnie and Roy came over to take turns fucking her and shooting their wads in her unprotected cunt. Then Roy turned her over again and made her get back on her hands and knees.

He shoved his dick in my wife's ass and was fucking her as hard as he could while Ronnie was fucking her mouth. She sucked Ronnie's cock so greedily that he rewarded her with his cum in no time and she swallowed every drop. Megan reached back and fondled Roy's balls until he shot his load in her ass. When he pulled it out she turned around and began to lick it off as if she couldn't get enough of it.

Later, after they had used my wife in every way they could think of they went out and looked at our car. "You ain't real bright are you pretty boy?," said Leon, "The spark plug wire was off! Now get your dumb ass and your slut wife out of our county."

We didn't waste any time getting out of there, let me tell you. In fact we just went back home and called off the rest of the trip. I was in no mood to take a chance on being so far from home anymore.

Megan and I are still married. She still dresses sexy as hell and still looks great. The difference is that now she doesn't just tease guys, she wants to get fucked. Almost all of my friends have fucked her, in fact some of them have stopped coming around since they have had her so many times it's not fun anymore for them. I love watching her get fucked though, and if I have to, I'll start letting her bring home strangers. All she has to do is give them 'The Look'.
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