Chapter One – Julie’s Secret Thoughts

I had kept my secret for most of my life. Nobody, not even my husband, knew about my desire to be bound and helpless. I had almost thought that the urge had disappeared until I was browsing Tumblr and came across a site about bondage and discipline. I had to explore it further, and I could hardly tear my eyes off of the images of women, young and old, tightly bound and ready for use by their captors.

One image was of a young woman tied in such a way that the only movement she could make would be with her eyelids or eyebrows. Even her mouth was secured with a wide section of tape. Her arms were pulled roughly behind her back and wrapped together with long pieces of clothesline. More rope secured her legs together above and below the knees and even more tied her ankles tightly together. She was wearing white pants and a white blouse so that no amount of skin was *******. It made me wonder why someone would want to tie her in such a way that none of her orifices were open to use.

Fortunately for me, all of my holes were available, and my fingers quickly slipped beneath my panties and found my dripping slit. My other hand was busy moving the screen so that more pictures were available to view. One that I liked was of the same girl, tied precisely the same except she was now on her stomach, and her ankles had been pulled up and tied off to her hands. She was now bowed, and I could imagine how uncomfortable that position would be after just a few minutes. If she were left like that for a period of hours, her muscles would begin to cramp, and her pain increased.

My moisture increased as I imagined myself being in that position, unable to ease the pressure on my legs, arms, and neck.

The next section was of a dark-haired woman, wearing jeans, a t-shirt, and glasses. She was sitting upright, and apparently, although her hands were taped behind her back, they must have been able to be used to keep her from falling over backward. A wide strip of tape was over her mouth, and someone must have used most of the roll wrapping her legs together from the hips to her ankles.

I kept moving from picture to picture, trying to find a position that I might be able to get into using self-bondage. It would be so much better if I could broach the subject with my husband and convince him to bind me and use me for hours on end without me being able to object to anything he decided to do to me. But, I was terrified that if I mentioned my desire that he would have me committed to the looney bin.

My only option would be to go back to self-bondage. The question was when I would be able to do that without being found out? And then I realized that unless I planned carefully, the answer was never.

So for now, I would just have to continue to daydream and use these pictures as a means of self-gratification. As I found a picture of a woman tied to a post so that only the toes of her left foot was supporting her, I finally found relief from my sexual frustration and wave after wave of pleasure washed over my entire being. And then I collapsed with every muscle in my body relaxed, and I drifted off into a pleasant sleep.

Chapter Two - An opportunity presents itself.

I revisited the pages of Tumblr, hoping to find more images of bound women, to use for stimulating my mind. It became more difficult because of a policy change where Tumblr was banning sexually explicit content. But fortunately, some of those that were posting found ways around that asinine policy and managed to get their images of bound and helpless women published.

I had almost given up hope of ever being able to subject myself to any of the positions that I saw until one day my boss came to me and told me that he was sending me out of town to a conference and that I should pack for an entire week. What joy came over me as I now realized that I would be staying in a hotel room all by myself for at least six nights.

On my way home, I did a little shopping for my trip. I would have to be careful how I packed so that my husband did not see that I was taking rope, handcuffs, padlocks, and other necessary equipment to make my nights more painfully enjoyable.

There were a few items that I could not get locally, and so I went online and ordered them from Amazon. I splurged and spent over 100 dollars on locks that could be set to release at specific times. I purchased four such devices to make sure that I could get into all those problematic positions that I so desired and that I would have to spend the entire night with no hope of escaping.

If I had been assured that the hotel room would be equipped with a freezer, I could have saved some of my money by simply freezing the keys to ordinary padlocks in cubes of ice, so that I would not be able to use them until they thawed out. That would have been my choice as I would not have such a specific time that I would be freed. Of course, that also might mean that there was a possibility of the locks not being released before the maid came in to do up the room. And the terror of that happening would only add to my pleasure.

By the time that I was through, I needed a separate suitcase for all the gear that I would be taking. This bag would have to be checked through as I would not want to have to explain why I had so many padlocks if the bag went through the scanners for carry on luggage. Then I smiled to myself and changed my mind and decided that would be precisely the thing to get me in the mood for my trip. A little humiliation would be just what the doctor ordered.

Chapter Three – Is it a Dream Come True

My husband was surprised on the day of my departure. He had insisted on driving me to the airport, even though that meant that he would have to take the day off to do so. “What in the world are you taking that requires two suitcases?” He asked.

I looked at him and smiled. “One never knows when another change of clothes will be needed on a business trip,” I said with a slight grin.

As we pulled up close to the terminal, he insisted on parking in the short term lot so that he could help me with my bags. No matter how hard I tried to convince him that I could manage on my own, he would not relent. So he wheeled both bags up to the counter. The ticket lady looked at my bags and told me that the smaller one could be carried on but that the large one would have to be checked since it would not fit into the overhead bins. Of course, the smaller bag contained all my bondage gear, so the chance for me to be publically humiliated was still in play.

I thanked my lucky stars that unticketed people were not allowed to accompany passengers beyond the security checkpoint. Now, I only had to convince him that I could find my way and that he should not follow me up to that area. I was pretty sure that if he did, my secret would come out.

I received my ticket, and still, my husband insisted on accompanying me as far as he would be allowed to go. I had almost accepted the fact that he would see me being questioned about what was in my carry on case. But as we got into the security check area and he saw how long the line was, he had a change of heart, gave me a kiss on my lips, and bade me have a pleasant journey. Then the turned and walked back up the causeway, leaving me to face my fate on my own.

When I finally moved to the conveyer belt and placed my small suitcase so that it could be scanned, my heart was beating twice its regular rate. As I stepped through the scanner, I was sure that something would go off, requiring me to be stopped and searched. But no light flashed, and no bell sounded. I was just breathing a sigh of relief when a uniformed agent stopped me as I reached for my bag.

“You need to come with me, miss.” He said authoritatively. He took the bag and pointed toward a glass-encased room just off the causeway.

As we entered the room, he was joined by a female agent. “What do we have here, John?” She asked.

“I am not sure. When her bag went through the scanner, I saw some suspicious items, and I think we need to check them out before allowing her to board the plane.”

They both donned latex gloves before opening the case. They rummage through the few items of clothing and toiletries that were in the bag and then pulled out ropes, leather straps, and padlocks. “Miss, can you tell me why you are carrying all this equipment with you?” The male asked me.

My face was beet red as I tried to look him in the eye. “Have you ever hear of self-bondage?” I asked, my voice quavering.

“Do you mean to tell me that you are going to use this stuff to bind yourself with?” The female asked.

“Unless I can find someone to help me with the task. You wouldn’t be going to San Antonio, would you?”

“No, but I think we better pat you down to make sure you aren’t hiding anything else we need to know about. Better still, take off your clothing so we can make double sure.”

“Yes, ma-am,” I said as I started to open the buttons on my blouse. I imagined that my face was now beyond any shade of red that I had ever seen. But my pussy was gushing with liquid, the fact that both of these agents would find out shortly.

I took my time, and I was surprised that neither of these people objected to my slowness. In fact, I stole a look at the male, and I could see him adjusting something in the front of his pants, and I realized that he was enjoying this far too much.

As I removed my blouse, I thought I heard an intake of breath, but when I looked to see who had inhaled, I realized that it was the woman and not the man. “Here, perhaps I can help you with that clasp,” she said as I was reaching behind me to undo my bra.

I didn’t object, and as her hand brushed my shoulder, I knew that she had removed the gloves that she had been wearing. There was only one reason that I could think of for that action, and that was that she wanted to skin on skin contact.

My breasts sprung free, and she spun me around so that her partner could get a could look at my globes. I pushed my shoulders back so that my breasts would be pulled higher, and I could see the male attendant licking his lips".

“Perhaps you would like to help me with my skirt,” I said and gave him a wink.

“Just get on with it,” the woman demanded.

As quickly as possible, I removed the remaining items of clothing and soon stood before the two agents in nothing, not even my shoes.

“Turn around and bend over,” the man ordered.

What he thought might be concealed between the cheeks of my ass, I had no idea. But then he was spreading those cheeks as well as my pussy lips and inserting his fingers into each of my orifices. He made quite a production of moving his fingers in and out of my vagina. “This bitch is enjoying this. She is gushing with fluid. Too bad that this isn’t a private room. I think she would like it if I took out my cock and shoved it inside of her.”

“Perhaps we should take a trip to San Anton this week. What hotel will you be staying at, cunt?” The woman asked.

I smiled, gave her the name of the hotel, and then proceeded to get dressed. I thanked them both, telling them that I felt so much safer flying, knowing that they were so thorough. “I hope that I see you again soon,” I said with a smile.

As I walked toward my gate, I was still at a sexual peak, wishing that the agent had indeed taken out his cock and forced me to either allow him to fuck me or to suck him off. What he had done to me was as close to **** as anything that had ever happened to me. I hoped that he was serious about coming to San Antonio. If he did show up, I would leave my door unlocked so that he could find me bound and waiting. I had never cheated on my husband, but being ***** is not cheating, is it?

By the time that I got to my gate, my flight had already been called. I handed my boarding pass to the attendant and made my way down the gangway toward the plane. There were no assigned seats, and being one of the last passengers on the flight, I had to settle for a middle seat between two male passengers.

With some difficulty, I found a space in the overhead compartment for my bag and was lifting it up when I felt someone behind me giving me a hand with the bag. I didn’t object even though I quickly realized that he was using this as an excuse to brush his hips against my ass. As he closed the overhead bin, I turned and noticed that he was one of the men that I would be between on the three-hour flight.

I thanked him and then slid into the middle seat and fastened my belt. He then sat next to me and did the same. I swore that I heard him draw in a long breath, and as I looked his way, he gave me a big smile. “I love the smell of your perfume,” He remarked.

“I am not wearing any perfume,” I announced.

“I know, but you smell wonderful, none-the-less. By the way, my name is Roger.”

Only then did I realize that what he was smelling was the result of having my vagina reamed out by the security agent. And I could have died with shame. But my humiliation did nothing to quell the flow of moisture between my nether lips.

A flight attendant came by asking if we needed anything, and Roger asked her if he could have a blanket. I thought that was a little strange since it wasn’t that cold in the cabin.

Once the plane was in the air, Roger raised the armrest between our seats. “It will give us both more room,” he announced.

I thought this was strange, but I had no real reason to object, so I smiled and remained silent. I closed my eyes and tried to doze off, but then I felt his hand find mine, and he pulled it to his lap. I started to open my mouth to tell him to stop what he was doing, but I didn’t want to make a scene. Instead, I tried pulling my hand back towards me, but his grip was like an iron vise.

He bent his head close to mine and whispered. “Your musk excites me. Surely, you aren’t going to deny me a little relief.”

And then he placed my hand directly on top of his cock, which he had pulled out of his pants sometime after placing the blanket over his body. I was both shocked and excited, knowing that I was touching a stranger’s sex organ. I was also amazed because I could clearly feel that this cock was much larger than any that I had touched in the past. My hand had a mind of its own as it closed around that tubular piece of meat. No matter how much I stretched my fingers out, they could not wholly circumvent that cock.

So, now, I started to explore what I had in my hand. I allowed my mind to try and picture what it must look like merely by the feel. I thought that must be how blind people would size up something just by their touch. Slowly and gently, I moved my fingers first downward until I could feel his pubic hair against my palm and then slowly moved it back until I could feel the slit between his glans. I was pleased to note that he already had a large dollop of pre-cum forming at the tip.

Moving my hand again to the base of his cock, I squeezed and then pulled upward, drawing more of the slippery fluid with me. I then began to smear it all over the head of his cock so that I could more easily slide my hand up and down his shaft.

I could feel him begin to tighten his muscles, and I knew that he was about to shoot his load when we were interrupted by the flight attendant, who was taking drink orders. She looked down at us and told him that his armrest would have to be placed back in its original position. And then she stared at me with a knowing glance that told me she knew exactly what I was doing beneath that blanket.

I released his cock and pulled my hand from under the blanket so that he could lower the armrest. He gave me a big smile, waited for the flight attendant to move up the aisle, and then I could see him rearranging his clothing.

“Perhaps we can finish this in San Antonio if you are spending the night there.”

“I am spending the week there; how about you?” I allowed my tongue to wet my lips after I replied.

“I live there. If you give me the name of your hotel, perhaps we could get together for a drink this evening.”

His hands were now out from under the blanket, and I noticed a single gold band on his left hand. “Won’t you wife, object to you spending time with another woman?” I asked.

“My wife does exactly as I tell her. Perhaps I will bring her along so that she can enjoy your company as well. Are you into women?”

The question surprised me but did not shock me. I had never even considered being with a woman until the female TSA worker had ordered me to disrobe, but now I found the prospect to be enthralling.

“Are you and your wife into BDSM?” I asked a little breathlessly.

“I think that you would look wonderful, trussed up, and ready to be fucked. That is what you were really asking, wasn’t it?”

“Yes, Roger, that is what I was asking.”

Then the damned alarm clock went off before I could give him the name of the hotel I would be staying at.

Chapter Four – Back to Reality, I Think

“Julie, you better hurry or we will be late to catch your plane,” My husband called from somewhere beyond our bedroom door.

I remembered the dream as my husband placed my bags to be tagged for the flight. Not taking any chances, I checked both bags through to my destination, kissed my husband goodbye, and headed for the security checkpoint.

The line was not as long as it had been in my dream, and I quickly moved through the metal detector, thankful that no bells went off. As I picked up my purse and put on my shoes, I looked at the various TSA workers. I don’t know if I was afraid that the ones in my dream would be there or if I was disappointed when I did not see them. I did notice one young woman being escorted into a private room for screening, and I felt a little jealousy thinking that she might be getting special treatment that I had in my dream.

When they called my flight, I was one of the first groups to board and therefore had no problem selecting a seat next to the window. I closed my eye, so I did not notice who took the seat next to me. As the plane began to taxi, I opened my eyes and looked out the window.

“A nice day to fly, isn’t it?” The voice seemed somehow familiar to me, and I turned to find out who had spoken.

I wondered if I was again dreaming as I looked into the deep blue eyes of Roger, the man from my dream.

“I am not a very good flyer,” I responded. And then I turned back toward the window, trying to avoid conversation with someone that I had so intimately touched even though it was not in real life.

“Come now, Julie, you can’t avoid me that easily.”

“How do you know my name?” I asked.

“I know everything about you. Why didn’t you bring the small suitcase as a carryon?”

I looked at him with wonder. Was I dreaming, or was this now real? And if it was real, why did it feel so much like a dream?

“I am afraid you have me at a disadvantage, sir. Have you been stalking me? How do you know what kind of suitcase I might have or whether it would be able to be carried onto the plane?”

“I already told you, Julie. I know all about you and your fantasies. I know about the ropes, the time locks, the vibrators, the gags, and your desire to have someone to help you play with them. The plane will be taking off soo, and then the flight attendant will be coming by to take drink orders. Should I ask her for a blanket as well? Of course, I won’t be able to put the armrest up. That only works in the aisle seat.”

“Then, there would be little reason for you to ask for a blanket, would there?” I asked breathlessly.

And then the plane was in the air, and I was watching the ground fall away before my eyes. We banked left, and I could see the entire city laid out before me, and I wished that I could have taken a night flight so that I could see the city lights.

I heard the ding and looked up to see that the fasten seat belt light had gone off. Someone on the loudspeaker announced that we were now free to move about the cabin but that while seated, it would be best to keep our seatbelts fastened. She further announced that we could now use our electronic devices except for cellular telephones. I never quite understood why that was, although someone had tried to explain to me that some wireless frequencies could interfere with navigational equipment.

Roger had opened his laptop, and as he opened the lid and tapped on a few keys turned the device so that the screen was visible to me but not to the passenger to his left. The screen came to life, and he tapped a few keys, and soon, pictures of bound and helpless women came into view. I tried to force myself to look away towards the windows, but his voice drew me back.

“Julie, why deny yourself the pleasure of my company. You know that you want to view these images with me.” His voice was almost hypnotic, and I found myself turning toward him.

“I don’t know who you are or who you think I am, but I am a happily married woman. Now please turn that thing off and allow me to enjoy my flight.”

Just then, the flight attendant came by asking for our drink orders. The man in the aisle seat asked for coffee, and then she turned to Roger.

“My wife and I will both have a Bloody Mary.” I thought of objecting, but I didn’t want to cause a scene. If he wanted to spend money on alcohol that I had no intention of drinking, so be it.

As she moved on up the aisle, I turned back towards him. “Why did you tell her that we were married?” I asked in almost a whisper.

“I thought you might be more comfortable being intimate with me if those around you thought we were a couple.” And then he reached out and took my hand in his.

I wanted to pull my hand away from him, but for some unknown reason, I could not even make an effort. “Now, sweetheart, let’s look at some pictures together, shall we?”

I did not respond, but I did not take my eyes off of the screen either. The first image was of a young woman that looked a lot like me. She naked except for knee-high boots, and her breasts were bound tightly with thin twine so that they bulged out unnaturally. Both of her nipples had small rings through them, and a chain hung down between them.

“I know of a little shop in San Antonio that specializes in nipple piercing. You would like to go with me and have yours done, wouldn’t you?”

My breath was now caught in my throat, and I was unable to answer him. But I could now feel juice begin flowing between the lips of my cunt, and my nipples were hard and pushing against the bra that I was wearing.

As if he was reading my mind, Roger squeezed my hand and then said. “You are getting excited thinking about all the things that we will be doing this week. I can smell your musk. Don’t you wish you had worn a skirt instead of pants?”

I tried to again avert my eyes, but I could not look away. “Julie, you are going to have to learn that when I ask you a question, I expect an answer. I am going to have to punish you severely tonight. Do you understand me?”

“Yes, sir,” I said with anticipation of what was to come.

The flight attendant was now back at our aisle, handing me my drink, then Roger and finally the man at the aisle. I had promised myself that I would not drink what was given to me, but I found the glass at my lips, and I was taking a long pull of the alcoholic concoction.

And all the while, my other hand was still encased in Roger’s fingers. I finished my drink, placed the empty cup on the seatback tray, and found my thumb caressing the back of Roger’s hand in a very intimate way.

I now wished that the armrest could be raised since I so wanted to be closer to this man. Roger also finished his drink and then reached over and put his arm around my shoulders. I leaned in a close as I could so that his hand could reach my breast. It did not matter to me that everyone could plainly see that he was manipulating my nipple through my blouse and bra.

“You need to go to the lavatory, remove your bra and panties, and bring them back and hand them to me.”

“Yes, sir,” I said as I rose and squeezed past his knees and waited for the man at the aisle to allow me to pass.

I slipped into the lavatory, took off my slacks and blouse so that I could remove my undergarments. I had never felt as excited in my life as I did this. It was humiliating, knowing that I was allowing a total stranger to order me to do something so degrading, but it was also exhilarating. I slipped one finger inside of my cunt and felt how wet and slippery that I was. Then I put my slacks and blouse back on and left the lavatory with my bra and my panties wadded up in my hand.

As I slid back towards my seat, I was sure that the other passengers would be able to smell my rut. The man at the aisle did not rise to let me in, so I had to squeeze past him, and I felt his hand brush my ass as I did so. Roger had moved over to the window seat, so I sat down between the men just like I had in my dream.

“Give me your bra and panties, Julie.’ Roger said loud enough for everyone in two rows to hear.”

I tried to push them into his hand, but he would have none of that. “Hand them to me one at a time and stop trying to hide what you are doing from the other passengers.”

“Yes, sir,” I said as I allowed my bra to unfold. Holding it by just the strap, I handed the garment to Roger and watched as he sniffed the cups. Then he accepted the panties. I half expected him to smell the crotch, but he only smiled and put them into his pocket.

“Julie, I don’t want you wearing any undergarments for the rest of the week. Do you understand me?”

“I think so, sir. But, I am required to wear hose to our meetings.” I said more in the way of explanation than disobedience.

“That will not be a problem. We will stop on the way to the hotel, and you can purchase some real nylons and a garter belt. And I think perhaps some higher heels than the ones you have in your suitcase are in order.”

He then reached over and began unbuttoning my blouse from the top down. I knew that I should object, but for some reason, the word no would not leave my lips. When he had undone the top four buttons, he pulled the blouse apart slightly so that the only part of my breasts that was covered was just my nipples.

When the flight attendant stopped and told me to cover my self, I felt about two inches high. Roger laughed as I turned and asked him permission.

“You two can play your games once you are off the plane. But, I have other passengers to consider, so try and behave yourselves until then.”

“Did you enjoy that little humiliation, slut?” Roger asked me.

“The question is, did you enjoy it, sir? What I may or may not enjoy is not relevant, is it?”

And as I asked that question, I realized that my wishes were not relevant. I would do anything that this stranger asked me to do or, more specifically, told me to do.

As we departed from the aircraft, Roger instructed me to walk three steps behind him as if I was on a leash.

I imagined how wonderful that would be. At some point, I was sure that I would find out how it felt to have a wide collar around my neck and to be led like a dog after its master.

I followed him to the luggage carousel and retrieved my two bags. He made no effort to help me to bring them off the revolving platform or to assist me in getting them out of the airport. When we stepped outside, I noticed a long black limousine that Roger headed for. A uniformed driver took my luggage, put it in the back, and then opened the door for Roger to slide in. I stood and waited until Roger slid over and told me to get in beside him. I knew that there was no turning back, nor did I want to retreat. Maybe the man might turn out to be a serial killer, but if so, then perhaps I would die happy.

I was no sooner seated than Roger reached over and roughly pulled my blouse apart, sending the buttons flying in all directions. “ Get out of your pants, slut. I want to see what I have to work with.”

The harshness in his voice told me that if I had any thought of this being a mild sexual encounter, that I was sadly mistaken. I reached for the top button, but apparently, I took too long, as he again ripped a button off my pants and roughly pulled them down towards my feet.

Roger insisted that I be totally naked. I was not even allowed to keep my socks or shoes. And then he reached into the seat back and produced long sections of thin rope. “Turn around slut and put your hands behind your back.”

I did as he told me, and soon he had wrenched both of my arms straight across my back and tied them securely together.

He then pressed a button, and the glass panel between him and the driver slid down. Roger gave the driver an address but left the partition down so that my nakedness could be observed by his servant. I could see his eyes on me from time to time as he drove.

The car pulled into a large parking lot and then swung around behind the buildings of a shopping complex.

The door was opened from the outside, and Roger told me to get out. I wanted to object since I was naked, but I knew that it would do no good. So, I swung my legs out of the car, and then the chauffeur reached out and took my elbow and helped me out of the vehicle.

Roger then approached me, took a large dog collar, fitted it around my neck, and then attached a leather leash to it. He then pulled me towards the back door of some shop. He pressed a button, and I could hear a buzzer going off on the other side of the door. After what seemed like a long time, the door finally opened, and a large man in a black leather apron eyed me from top to bottom.

“I see you have brought me another subject to work on. Are you going to want the full treatment for her?”

“Let’s start with a harness and some nipple rings. Perhaps later, I can bring her back for a labia piercing and branding. Would you like that slut?” he asked me.

I did not answer him, and he slapped me hard across my face for my deliverance. “When I ask you a question, you will learn to answer. Am I clear?”

This time I immediately said, “yes sir.”

Then tell me, are you looking forward to having a dull needle pushed through your tits today?”

“I am scared to death by the prospect,” I told him, and I saw him smile.

“Good, there is no sense in causing intense pain to someone that desires it. Now, let’s pick out some nice big rings to go behind your nipples. George, I want something that will hold a great amount of weight without tearing out of her flesh.”

“Of course, sir. I have a nice thick silver braid that will do the trick once I solder it together.”

He showed Roger what he had in mind, and when Roger gave him the go-ahead, he pulled me over to a chair, set me into it, and strapped me in.

He positioned what looked like a large wooden vise in front of me and shoved my breasts between the boards. Then he began to tighten the boards together so that my tits flattened out. I did not realize it at the time, but the bottom board was somewhat wider than the top one so that when my tits were mashed tight together, my nipples were supported on the bottom, but the top was left open so that the needles could be pushed through.

He brought the silver braid over and held it up in front of my eyes. Then he brought a rack of needles and measured one against the braid. This one, he discarded and selected the next larger size. “This will do nicely. Do you want it to go through fast, or would you prefer I blunt it to cause more pain?”

“Fast!” I exclaimed.

“I wasn’t asking you, cunt.”

“I want it to take a long time and hurt a lot.” I heard Roger say.

The man laughed and then took a fine file and began running it across the tip of the needle. He tested the sharpness several times, and only when he was satisfied that he had dulled it sufficiently did he begin to work on my left breast. I felt him place the needle just behind my nipple and then start to slowly push it through my skin. I knew that even with the needle being dull, he could have shoved it through my tender flesh quickly, but he deliberately took his time, causing me to begin screaming in agony.

I passed out at some point but was quickly reawakened by some vile-smelling liquid being placed under my nose. The vile was then taped in position, making it impossible for me to escape the pain. Once the first needle was all the way through my flesh, he began with the second breast, taking even more time and causing me even more pain. But, finally, he was finished, and I thought that my ordeal might soon end. But, I was sadly mistaken. No sooner had the needle been pulled from my flesh than the silver braid was shoved through the hole that wanted to reclose. Once both tits had a wire through them, the sadist produced a soldering iron and began to weld the braid closed so that it could not be extracted. No amount of ammonia would keep me from passing out from the pain of the intense heat and cauterization of the wounds.

When I awoke, I was no longer in the chair. Instead, I hung by my wrists from a hook in the ceiling. The tips of my toes were the only thing supporting my weight, and my legs had already begun to cramp. Apparently, the man had been busy, or I had been asleep for a long time since he was holding a leather harness which must have been precisely fitted for my body. When he put it over my head, it hung precisely where my breasts could be shoved through openings slightly too small for my tits. He seemed to enjoy himself as he used the rings to pull my breast meat through the holes until they bulged out grotesquely. I screamed at having my tender burned flesh drawn in that way, and both men laughed out loud at my predicament.

“We will have to lower her down so that I can spread her legs wide enough to get the butt plug in place.” The man said to Roger.

I felt my body being lowered until both of my feet were flat on the floor, and then my ankles were pulled apart, and a bar placed between them. This bar was adjustable so that it could be expanded until my legs could no longer go any further apart.

“With or without lube?” The man asked.

“Let’s not tear her asshole just yet. Use some lube and take your time inserting the plug into her ass.

I wanted to scream, but my voice no longer worked. I felt something being pushed through the flesh of my ass cheeks on each side. Only later did I discover that those were large fishhooks with the barbs removed. Then I felt my ass cheeks being pulled outward. The pain was intense, but not half as bad as what was to come.

I felt something being pushed inside of my ass, and then, cold liquid was forced inside of me. The man took his finger, inserted it, and moved it around, spreading that substance until my insides were slippery as an eel.

He then held a massive phallus in front of my eyes. It was larger around than any cock I had ever seen and perhaps seven inches long. “You probably think this won’t fit all the way inside of you, but I guarantee that it will. And, I am going to enjoy pushing each and every inch of it into your asshole.”

And then he proceeded to back up his words with action. I had noticed that the end was tapered so that if it were fully inserted, it would slip past my sphincter ring and become lodged inside of me, making it very difficult to expel. Only when that flange had disappeared inside of my ring was the man satisfied. He then took a strap that was hanging from my harness and forced it between my legs and further separated my cheeks and snapped it to a ring from another belt around my waist.

“That will keep her asshole open until it is ready to be used by your guests. By the way, am I invited to the party?”

“Of course, Will and why don’t you bring some friends? My slut has always wanted to be tied and used all night long. It would be a shame if she didn’t get the full treatment. Let’s get her arms secured behind her back, and then you can fit her with those special boots we talked about.”

Long black sleeves were put over my hands and up my arms and tied tightly above my elbows. These were not gloves as there were no finger holes in them. When they were wholly tied off, my hands were forced into fists so that I would not be able to flex my fingers. Then my arms were wrenched roughly behind me and pulled upward further than I thought they could go. Strings on the ends of the sleeves were then tied to rings across my shoulders. In a matter of minutes, I was in extreme agony from having my shoulders in such an unnatural position.

I was then shoved back into the chair, and a pair of boots with the highest heels that I had ever seen were put on my feet. Because of the height of the heels, I was forced to walk on my toes, much like a ballerina might. And to add to the misery, those boots had been filled with uncooked rice. The pain was unbelievable as I was forced to walk back to the limo.

I could not believe it when the limo pulled into the hotel’s parking lot. Surely they were not going to parade me through the lobby in this outfit where nothing covered my nipples except the silver rings, and the only thing covering my bottom was the leather strap that separated my vagina and ass cheeks.

But here I was, being forced out of the car and led by a leash towards the building. But, I wasn’t taken through the lobby, but rather up the back stairs. Any number of people passed me as I made that climb, and many of them made derogatory remarks to me.

I was in tears by the time that I was led into a vast room that resembled a conference area more than a bedroom. I notice video equipment had been set up so that whatever happened in any part of the room would be recorded. In the middle of the room was a long bench that appeared to be covered in some type of course material.

“Put her on her back,” Roger told the chauffeur. I want my guests to be able to play with her nipple rings while they fuck her.” And then he attached a chain between the rings so that if one were stretched, the other would also be.

I was positioned so that my ass just hung off of the bench. Then my legs were spread wide apart and my booted ankles tied so that I could not bring them even a fraction of an inch back together. Of course, my arms were still secured behind my back, unable to do anything but go to sleep as my weight pressing down on them. Then they released the strap between my legs. I had wondered how they expected to fuck me with that thing covering my hole, but now I knew.

“Put the hood on her. I don’t want her recognizing any of her rapists.”

Then a partial leather hood was held up in front of my face. I could see that it would cover my eyes and nose but leave my mouth to be used by anyone that wished to do so. This was not part of my fantasy. Never in my wildest dreams had I ever wanted to be face fucked by a group of strangers and unable to see them. It took them some time to get the hood in position so that it could be securely kept in place with my nose pressed down so that I could only breathe through my mouth.

Then I heard a knock on the door. “Our guests are arriving. Make sure the cameras are rolling. Our employer will not want to miss a minute of the action.”

These words seemed to cause me great consternation. Who could have possibly hired these men to do this to me, and why?

But then my mind was too busy with the hands that were moving all over my body. Somebody was pulling at the chain between my nipples, causing me a great amount of pain while somebody else had moved between my legs and was inserting his cock inside of me. He must have been enormous as I was being stretched to the degree that I did not think was possible. The man took his time, only pushing in perhaps an inch at a time, and then he would stop and allow me to become accustomed to his girth before easing another inch of cock meat inside of me.

I was sure that I would be utterly disgusted by having this done to me, but my body betrayed me. I could feel moisture begin seeping out of my mucous membranes, and then he was able to push forward, and I could feel his pubic bone against mine. And then he began to fuck me in earnest. I heard someone begging him not to stop, and then it dawned on me that it was my voice that I was hearing.

Then the end of the table holding my head up was somehow lowered so that my head dropped down. I felt something against my lips, and I knew that I was going to suck a cock, whether I liked it or not. There was no way that I could keep my lips closed and still breathed, so I relaxed and allowed that tubular meat to enter my mouth. Only when it reached the back of my throat, and I gagged did the man stop his forward thrust.

I began to panic, thinking that if he insisted on deep throating me, I would die of suffocation. So I began to minister to his cock with my tongue and teeth, trying desperately to get him to ejaculate into my mouth. I heard him moan with pleasure, and then he began to move in and out of my mouth much the same as if he was fucking a cunt. With each stroke, he would enter my throat but not long enough to cut off my supply of air. Each stroke went deeper, and I quickly learned to take a large gulp of air before that cock entered my throat. It became a game for him and for me, each trying to time the thrust so that he would get the maximum pleasure while I would stay alive.

It took so much concentration that I did not even realize it when the man fucking my cunt shot a massive load of white-hot cum inside of me. “Thank God, I am not fertile.” I thought.

At my husband’s urging, I had gone off the pill and had no other form of birth control. But, since I had just finished my period, there was little chance of me becoming pregnant.

Then I felt the cock in my mouth twitch, and I knew that I was going to receive another load of cum and that I would be expected to swallow this one. I had never allowed even my husband to cum in my mouth before, and I was not happy about having a stranger do so, but there was nothing I could do about it.

Another man moved between my thighs just as the cock in my mouth exploded, filling my throat and cutting off my air for a brief period. I gagged, and only then did the cock move back so that the last spurts landed on the tip of my tongue.

“Get a shot of his cum dripping down her chin. Our employer said he wanted to see her entire face covered with cum. That is a good start.”

My brain was trying to figure out who this employer could possibly be when another cock entered my mouth. This one was much larger in circumference but perhaps not quite as long. I had difficulty opening my mouth wide enough to accommodate him, and my jaw began to ache before he had taken his second stroke.

And then he was massaging my cheeks and jaw, which allowed it to loosen up enough so that he could gain full access. He then fucked my mouth harder than the previous man had done. Fortunately, he was not long enough to get all the way into my throat. And he did not have the stamina either as he took only a short time before filling my mouth with his vile tasting jizz. He pulled out and allowed the last spurts to fall on my lips and chin.

Six men fucked me and ejaculated inside of me, and another six had shot their loads into my mouth when my legs were finally released from their bonds, and I was pulled upright off the bench. Then my arms were untied and allowed to come back to a more normal position. The pain was excruciating as the blood rushed back into muscles that had been deprived for too long.

Then the hood was removed from my face, and I thought the party must be over. But then I noticed that I was still surrounded by naked men and women. Each wore a mask so that their identities were obscured. I wondered why that was until I was forced to my knees, and three men surrounded me. There was one man on each side and another man directly in front of my face. Each of these men was rock hard and ready for action. A woman moved in behind each man, reached around them and began to stroke their cocks against the side of my face. I could hear a voice cheering them on, and I thought it sounded familiar, but it was not loud enough for me to tell exactly who it might belong to. These men must have been working up to this moment for some time because it only took a few minutes for them to begin to shoot their loads. The two from the sides aimed for my forehead while the one directly in front of me shot his load into my eyes. I had not seen that coming, so my eyes were open when the first blast hit them. It burned like acid, and I tried to reach up to wipe it off, but the bodies were so close to me. I had no access to my hands.

And then my hands were again tied behind my back, so there would be no opportunity for me to use them to clean any of the cum from my face. I worked my eyelids as much as I could, trying to get the sticky stuff away from my eyeballs. When I finally managed to open my eyes, another load of sperm was released directly into them.

“Leave the bitch tied on her knees. We have enough cum shots for tonight. Why don’t we have a drink and relax for a little while? I need to talk to the boss anyway.”

“How about the cunt?” I heard a voice ask. “I am sure she would like something to drink.”

“You are right. Does anyone have to take a piss?” Roger asked.

Almost every person in the room declared that they needed to empty their bladders. “Take the slut into the shower. I don’t want to have to pay for carpet cleaning.

Strong hands were lifting me and carrying me toward the bathroom. I was shoved into the far corner, and then a clamp was placed over my nose so that I had no choice but to keep my mouth open as they began to urinate into my mouth.

Where has everyone gone? I can hear a voice from somewhere far away, but I can’t make out what they are saying. I can feel a hand on my shoulder gently nudging me, and again, the voice comes. “Wake up, Miss. We are at the terminal, and everyone else has deplaned. You need to wake up and exit the aircraft.”

Chapter Five - The first night

I shook my head to clear the veil over my eyes. I was surprised that my hands were free, and I rubbed the lids, wondering where the thick, vile liquid had gone. And then I realized that once again I had been dreaming. I pulled my self over to the aisle seat and then managed to get out of the row and into the aisle so that I could begin my trek to the exit sign ahead of me.

The Flight Attendant that had woken me up was the only crew member left, and she smiled as I left the plane and headed to the concourse. As I passed other people, some coming towards the gate and others just waiting for a plan, I carefully looked to see if Roger was waiting for me as he had in my dream. But, he was nowhere to be seen.

Finally, I reached the baggage area and searched the digital display to find what carousel my luggage would be on. Since it had taken me longer than usual to get to this point, my two bags were about the only pieces left, and I had no trouble retrieving them.

I wheeled my bags out of the terminal and looked for the hotel courtesy bus. There was one leaving in 15 minutes, and I spent that time thinking about what I might do on my first night away from home. Indeed, after the nightmare that I had on the plane, I had no desire to meet with anyone that might be interested in binding and using me. I have no idea where those weird ideas had come from. I certainly had never imagined that I would want multiple me from ****** me in all of my holes.

The bus pulls into the slot, and I wheel my luggage up to the back. The driver comes around, opens the luggage compartment, and puts my bags inside. I walk to the front of the bus, get on, and take a seat towards the front.

It is only about a 20-minute drive to the hotel. I accept my baggage and go inside the lobby and up to the reservation desk. In hand, the attendant my itinerary, my license, and credit card. As I finish checking in, a bellboy comes up and asks if I need help with my luggage. I smile, thank him, but decline. I know that the service is free, but these employees make most of their money in tips, and I never know how much to tip someone for a service that I can do for myself.

The room is nice, but I am disappointed when I notice that the bed has neither headboard nor footboard. Those things are not necessary for self-bondage, but they do give a person more options. I carefully unpack, smoothing out my clothes. I open the smaller bag and wonder what to do with all my equipment and toys. I consider putting them in a drawer, but what if the maid is nosy and checks? But then I don’t know these people, so why should I care if they discover that I am kinky?

I have no way of knowing that I am being watched. Only later will that fact become apparent. I fondle each of the ropes and locks and think that perhaps I should get started with my self-binding, but my stomach reminds me that I have not eaten since breakfast. Hunger wins out, and I head for the door and downstairs to the restaurant bar area.

Chapter Six - Checking her out while she is checking in.

Shadow noticed the young woman as she stepped up to the counter, wishing that she had come to her station instead of her co-workers. She was dressed conservatively, but not so much so that her ample young breasts were no accentuated. And even though she had on slacks, Shadow could imagine how well-toned those long legs would be, especially if they were stretched tightly.

Not having a customer, Shadow strolled past where the woman was checking in and got a glimpse of her room number. She made a mental note of that and then went back to her own station, where a couple had stepped up to check-in.

Shadow only worked at this job because it gave her an excuse to spy on the hotel’s guests. Nobody but a few trusted friends knew that she had installed hidden cameras in all the rooms. She had made a deal with hotel management to allow her to live in one of the older rooms in the hotel. She gave the woman ample time to get to her room and then closed her position and headed to where she had a massive bank of monitors. She selected the room number she had seen assigned to the young woman and watched with interest as she opened a small suitcase and lovingly extracted what Shadow knew to be self-bondage equipment. Shadow could not help but feel between her legs as she imagined what the show she would be able to watch later that night. She was a little moist between her folds, hoping that this woman would begin immediately in her desire to be bound and helpless.

But those hopes were dashed as the woman replaced the equipment, closed the case and headed for the door.

Shadow switched monitors to the camera she had set up in the bar. She was rewarded a few minutes later when the woman walked into the room and took a seat at the bar. Usually, she might have called a male friend of hers and asked him to see what he could do about seducing the woman, but there was something about this particular female that attracted her to Shadow.

Shadow decided to change into street clothes, selecting a short leather skirt, a semi-see-through blouse, and high-heeled ankle-length boots.

Then to confuse the look slightly, she put on a wide, studded dog collar.

Shadow walked into the restaurant/bar area and immediately sought out the woman that she had watched on her secret camera. Without saying anything, she sat down next to the younger woman and waited for the bartender to come to her.

“What will it be tonight, Shadow?” he asked her.

“Bourbon on the rocks. I am in the mood for something strong tonight.”

As the bartender retreated to fix her drink, the woman beside her turned in her direction. “You must be a regular here,” Julie remarked to Shadow.

“You could say that. I can’t say that I have seen you here before, though. In town on business or pleasure?”

Julie smiled at the woman before answering that it might be a little of both. “I am here for a sales seminar. It begins tomorrow and runs through Friday.”

“Well, then perhaps we will be able to get better acquainted. Most people call me Shadow. And may I be so bold as to ask your name?”

“My name is Julie. Shadow is quite an unusual name.”

“Yes, I suppose it is. But then I am an unusual woman.”

Shadow did not elaborate, and Julie took a long look at her companion for the first time. If it had not been for the dog collar that she wore, she might have let the comment pass. But, now, she had to know more.

“I am sorry if I am too bold, but why do you wear the collar?”

Shadow hesitated before replying. “I suppose for the opposite reason that you wear the wedding ring.”

“I am confused,” Julie replied. “Why do you think it strange that I wear my wedding ring?”

“I didn’t say that it was strange. I said that I wear the collar for the opposite reason that you wear the ring. The ring is a symbol to everyone that you are taken, that you are unavailable for intimate contact. I wear this collar as a symbol that I might be available to the right person. It tells the right people that I am in my submissive mood. I also have a leash in my purse. If I get the right vibes from someone, I can pull it out, clip it on and hand it to them.”

Julie looked totally shocked at the bluntness of what the older woman had told her. “ I can’t believe that you would trust a total stranger not to take advantage of you,” Julie told her.

“Part of the allure is the danger,” Shadow replied. “Haven’t you ever wondered what it would be like to give yourself to a total stranger for a few hours? To let them use you as they wish, with you having no say as to what they might do to you?”

Julie could feel her face flushing, and she looked down, trying to avoid letting the older woman see how much she did desire that exact thing.

“There is no need to be embarrassed. It took me some time to admit that I am a submissive, even to myself, no less to a stranger,” Shadow announced. “You probably will be shocked, but I use to practice self-bondage. When I had the luxury of some alone time, I would find ways to tie myself so that I would have to stay in an uncomfortable position for hours at a time. For instance, if I was staying in a motel, I might tie myself so that I could not get free until just before dawn. Isn’t that a shocking thought to you?”

Shadow knew that it not only was not shocking, but she could even smell the odor of sexual arousal coming from the younger woman. And, Julie knew that the older woman suspected her deepest secret. Without saying another word, Julie rose from her seat and quickly left the room.

Shadow smiled as she saw the young beauty extricate herself from a situation she had thought would never happen. Shadow only hoped that her words would have the desired effect and that Julie would not be able to stop herself from getting out her own self-bondage equipment. Shadow would wait a few minutes and then go back to her own room and to the monitor where she could hopefully see Julie truss herself up in an inescapable position. After all, the night was long, and Shadow had keys to all the rooms.

Chapter Seven - A Midnight Surprise

Julie was totally humiliated as she headed back to her room. But, the humiliation only added to her sexual excitement. She could feel the dampness between the folds of her cunt, and it took all her will power to not pull up her skirt and to fondle herself as she rode the elevator to her floor.

She was almost running down the hallway towards her room as the excitement of what she was about to do built within her.

She fumbled with her keycard but finally got the light to turn green, and she hurriedly pulled the door open and entered the room. It took all her willpower to force herself to take the time to turn the lock and put the chain on the door. And then she began taking off items of clothing and throwing them away from her. She had always been a neat freak, but tonight there was no time to fold and carefully place her clothing.

And then she was totally naked lying on the top of the bed with her legs drawn up and spread. Her fingers dipped between her thighs and spread the lips of her labia so that her fingers could find the little nub she knew was waiting to give her pleasure. Pushing first one finger and then two more inside of her tight hole, she could feel little shocks of pleasure coursing through her body. Only because the phone rang did she stop from spoiling the rest of the night.

Reluctantly, Julie pulled her fingers from her dripping snatch and rolled to the side of the bed where she could reach the receiver of the phone on the nightstand. “Yes?” she managed to say although her labored breathing must have been obvious to whoever was on the other end of the line.”

“Julie, this is Shadow. You seemed upset when you left the bar. I just wanted to make sure that you were alright.”

“Yes, thank you for your concern. I am fine.”

“You sound a little out of breath. Is there anything that you need.”

“Just some sleep, thank you.” And Julie hung up the phone.

Shadow watched the screen and was glad that Julie went back to her preparations for self-bondage, having regained enough control to leave her masturbation practice.

Shadow watched as the young woman shook her head and then returned to the bondage equipment she had pulled out of the suitcase. She fondled a leather hood, tried it on for size, and then pulled it back off. A hood is difficult to use in self-bondage because once it is on, you can’t see to hook up everything else. Shadow chuckled to herself, thinking that this girl needs a partner.

Then she became absorbed in watching the rest of the show. Julie picked up a leather harness and fitted it over her shoulders. The harness closed in the front with two metal rings in the back. On the front of the harness were two large metal rings that settled against Julie’s ample breasts. Julie grabbed her left breast and started inserting it into one of the rings. Shadow smiled as she watched the woman’s face contort with the pain of trying to get her dry breast meat through the steel rings.

It took some effort, but Julie finally had the metal rings flat against her chest, and both breasts beginning to turn a dark shade of pink. She then pulled the harness together and zipped it closed. Next, she secured her ankles together with two leather cuffs and a short length of chain. To that chain, she attached a short piece of rope that had a snap clip on the other end. She picked up a pair of special handcuffs that Shadow knew contained a time lock. Shadow could not see how long the young woman set the time for, but she was hoping that it would be several hours at least.

Julie picked up a ball gage from the bed, forced the ball behind her teeth, and then buckled it in place. The woman was now unable to call for help, even if she so desired. Now all she had to do was to get her bound hands behind her back and to secure them to the rings at the back of the harness.

She now took two sound suppressors and put them into her ears. Now, she was unable to hear as well as unable to speak. If only she was also unable to see, her senses would all be suppressed. So, she again picked up the leather hood, fitted it over her head, and pulled it into place.

Using nothing but her sense of touch, she managed to pull her legs up and slide her feet through her cuffed hands. It took some doing, but she managed to grab the length of rope before pulling her hands to the small of her back. Using that length of rope, she soon had her ankles snapped to the ring in the back of her harness.

Shadow shut off her monitor and immediately made her way to Julie’s room. She used a master keycard to open the lock and was thankful that Julie had not bothered to put the chain on the door, although Shadow had come prepared to solve the problem if it had presented itself.

Slipping on a pair of smooth leather gloves, Shadow made her way inside of the room and over to the bed where the bound and helpless woman awaited her. Shadow admired how adept Julie had been in securing herself, but the position left a lot to be desired. While Julie’s breasts were prominently displayed and ready to be played with, it was almost impossible to get to the woman’s cunt either from the front or the back.

Shadow had not planned on what she did next, but she saw no alternative. So, reaching behind the woman, she took the line that was attached to her ankles and unclipped it from the ring in the back of the harness.

The woman could not cry out, but her legs thrashed as violently as they could. Shadow wished that she could see the fear in Julie’s eyes, but she did not take off the hood. She did, however, undo the leather cuffs from Julie’s ankles, and then she pulled the woman’s legs apart as far as she could. She released her hold on Julie’s ankles and went to the items that had been left on the dresser. She found a large roll of clothesline. She took out her knife and used it to cut two long lengths of line. With these in hand, she returned to the girl who was almost off of the bed.

Shadow smiled at the woman’s attempt to escape. “Where do you think you are going?” she said out loud although she realized that the woman could not hear what she was saying. Nor could she respond even if she did hear it.

Shadow repositioned the woman in the center of the bed and then returned to her feet. Shadow wrapped each ankle with one end of a line. Then, she pulled one leg over so that the foot was close to the post of the footboard and tied the line off. Next, she did the same with the woman’s other leg. Now, Julie was spread wide and unable to protect her now wide open cunt from Shadow’s invasion.

Starting at the woman’s left ankle, she slowing caressed the woman’s leg. Shadow took her time enjoying seeing goosebumps rising on the woman’s skin. When she had reached the apex of the spread legs, she moved back down and started her trek all over on the opposite leg.

Even though Shadow had not touched the pussy lips, the woman was now raising her hips off the bed, apparently trying to bring that section of her body into contact with those gloves. Shadow loved the idea that the woman was aching for a sexual release, and Shadow had no intention of allowing her one. So she decided to change where she was giving ministrations.

She allowed her gloved hands to begin moving up Julie’s torso. She wished that she could hear the woman’s moans of pleasure, but to do that; she would have to remove the hood, and then Julie would be able to see her. That would not be wise.

Shadow decided to see how the woman would react to a little pain and began manipulating her now purple globes of breast meat. Again Shadow could not hear the woman, but she could feel how violently Julie was trying to escape. Of course, there was nowhere she could go. All she could do was move her upper body a few inches. Shadow kept squeezing those globes until they started to regain their normal pink color. And then she bent down and began to slowly lick the woman’s nipples. When both of them were as hard as they could get, she sucked one into her mouth and then brought her teeth together, not enough to draw blood but enough to leave marks. When she was satisfied that she had caused as much pain as she could on the first nipple, she repeated the process on the second.

Shadow checked the time left on the counter on Julie’s wrist restraints and was satisfied that the woman would have several more hours before she would be released. Before she left the woman to her contemplations, however, Shadow had one more task to perform.

Finding the woman’s phone on the stand next to the bed, Shadow opened the directory and found Julie’s husband’s number. This she put into her own contacts and then turned to leave the room. On the way out the door, she did take time to turn the thermostat down to 60 degrees. After all, she did not want the woman to be so comfortable that she would be able to sleep.

Chapter Eight – Julie’s Midnight Surprise

Julie rushed from the bar. It wasn’t that she did not find the ideas that Shadow had related to her exciting. That was the problem. She not only found the idea of putting on a dog collar, attaching a leash to it, and handing the leash to a total stranger, exciting, she also found it terrifying. She also knew that she could not stay in the presence of Shadow without the woman seeing that what she said was having a profound effect.

No matter what she did, she could not shake the idea of being in complete control of another human being. But for tonight, she would have to settle for being bound and helpless. And even that thought was causing moisture to form between the folds of her cunt. The thought of masturbating was so powerful that she shed her clothes and immediately reached between her legs. She knew that what she was about to do would spoil some of the excitement of being self-bound, but she could not help herself. She was just starting to feel the onset of an orgasm when the phone rang.

Julie was surprised that Shadow would be calling her, but after hanging up, she was glad that she had. The interruption had caused the necessary distraction so that she was able to resist bringing herself off. Now she was able to get on with binding herself and enjoying a night of severe frustration.

The hardest part of self-bondage is the final act of getting one’s ankles pulled up and tied off to the rings in the back of the harness. And it was especially difficult when all of your senses, except for touch, were suppressed. But, Julie had many hours of practice before she had gotten married, and within a few minutes, she was trussed up with very little to do except to wait for the time lock to click open a 5 A.M. She had chosen that hour because she expected her leg and arm muscles would be severely cramped, and she would need a couple of hours to loosen them up enough to report for her work class. And she was right. In just a few minutes, her legs began to cramp. She moaned, but of course, no sound escaped from her gagged mouth. She tried to move her legs, but there was little room for them to flex. Every effort that she made to relieve the cramps only caused the muscles to tighten more. And then her arms began to cramp as well. It wasn’t long before her back muscles began to seize up.

For an ordinary human, the pain she was feeling would have been overwhelming, but for a masochist like Julie, it was bliss. If only she had someone that she could share that feeling with.

When the pain from her cramped muscles got excruciating, she thought of releasing her feet. But by that time, she was unable to grasp the rope to pull them up high enough to release the clamp. Now, she had no choice but to try and relax as much as possible. She had no idea how long she had been trussed up, but she figured that she had much longer to endure the pain than she had endured it so far.

Finally, her body gave up, and she fell into a deep sleep. When Shadow opened her motel room, she didn’t know it because she could not hear the door open and close, and because of the hood, she could not see any change in the light in the room. But, her one remaining sense caused her to come fully awake even before Shadow touched her. Perhaps it was because of some change in the movement of air on her body, or maybe it was some sense of vibration of the bed. In any case, she knew that someone was approaching her, and she became extremely frightened. She also became extremely excited. After all, the unknown was the most alluring part of self-bondage.

And then she felt a gentle, soft touch on her shoulder. She concentrated and tried to figure out what it was that was touching her skin. It did not feel like human skin, but it was soft and supple, and she wanted to feel more of it. Then it was no longer pleasant as she felt her breast being squeezed hard. And, since the blood flow had been suppressed by the metal rings, her breasts were extremely sensitive. Whoever was manipulating her flesh, was doing so with the express purpose of causing her pain. In her mind, she could see the color of her breast turning from a dark purple to pink.

Then, the hands were gone, and Julie wondered if perhaps that was all the person was going to do. But then she felt her ankles being roughly pulled upward, and then they were free and pulled down into a more natural position. A thousand pins seemed to be pressing into her flesh as blood began to flow into areas that had been denied for a long time.

When Julie felt the person begin to remove her ankle cuffs, she was certain that this person was not there to help her. More than likely, **** was part of the scenario. If help was the motive, the first thing to be removed would have been her hood.

So as soon as her legs were able to be moved separately, Julie tried to get her arms in front of her body. Unfortunately, her arms were still asleep, and she had little feeling in them to direct her movements. So, she tried desperately to throw herself off of the bed, but to no avail. She did manage to get her feet off of the bed, but before her body could follow them, she was pulled back into the center of the bed. Now she felt her leg ankle being pulled to the side and tied off to what she perceived to be the bedpost. She tried desperately to hold her right ankle tight to the left one but without success. In a matter of seconds, her right ankle was tied to the other bedpost, and she was splayed wide open to be used as anyone might desire.

Julie was sure that at any second, she would feel the weight of a body on top of her, and her cunt would be used by a stranger. This brought mixed emotions to the young woman. On the one hand, she found the idea of being ***** terrifying, but on the other hand, it was also extremely arousing. She wondered if the person preparing to enter her could smell her musk. Based on the amount of moisture that she was creating between the folds of her cunt, she was sure that the person must know that she was ready to be entered.

But the assault did not come. Instead, she felt the strange hand begin moving over her body, causing goosebumps everywhere it touched. She was now more aroused than she had ever been in her life, and if it had not been for the ball gag in her mouth, she would have been begging this unknown person to fuck her.

And then it was over, and all Julie could do was lie, tied to her bed and await five o’clock to come.

Chapter Nine – Julie’s Husband’s Surprise

Julie’s husband, David, was preparing to go to bed when the message indicator on his phone dinged. He had expected that his wife might call and say goodnight, but when she hadn’t, he figured she was tied up with some business function. Now, as he opened the video attachment, he could see that she was indeed tied up but perhaps not from anything other than monkey business.

He watched with interest and a little dismay as his wife began to pull out what could only be described as fetish gear from one of her bags and begin laying it out on the dresser. She had removed her clothing, and she was buck naked. It was also obvious that she was becoming sexually aroused as her hand kept returning to the triangle between her legs.

For an instant, he thought about calling her room and interrupting what she was doing, but he could not bring himself to do so. And then she did pick up the phone and began talking into the receiver. It was plain that someone else had interrupted her masturbation fantasy.

As soon as she hung up the phone, his wife returned to the equipment she had laid out. David was somewhat disappointed that she was no longer planning on caressing her cunt, as he had never before seen her when she was pleasuring herself.

But then he had never seen his wife using the collection of the kinky stuff that she had brought with her on this so-called business trip. The most alluring of what she has was a leather harness. It had two metal rings in the front and one metal ring in the back. It became obvious what the rings in the front was for as he watched his wife begin to push each of her breasts through them. He grimaced as he watched her do this because it was obvious that she was enduring a great deal of pain as she pushed and pulled the mounds of meat through holes much too small for the intended purpose. He thought to how he had always treated those globes tenderly. But, he knew that would not be the case the next time he had the chance to squeeze those globes.

And he knew that this was not the first time that she had used such equipment. With expert prowess, she moved from being totally free to having her feet secured together, a ball gag in her mouth, and her wrists locked together with handcuffs. He watched with some interest as she fitted sound suppressers into her ears. He wondered how she was going to block her remaining sense, and then she pulled the leather hood over her head.

What she did next surprised him. He watched as she managed to get her locked hands over her feet and pulled up behind her back. As she was doing this, she also grabbed hold of a rope tied to the chain between her ankles. Using that as leverage, she managed to pull her ankles up far enough to hook them to a ring in the back of the harness she wore.

He wondered how long Julie had wanted to do this to herself or when the last time she had done it. And most of all, he wondered why she had not trusted him enough to share her fantasy with him. But, then, he thought about fantasies that he had not shared with her as well. “I think it is time we started talking more to each other,” he thought.

The video feed ended, and David managed with a little help from his right hand to get his erection to go down so that he could climb into bed. Even though he had spewed his load, it still took some time before his mind would let go of the image of his bound and helpless wife. He wished that there had been more of the video so that he could have watched to find out what happened to his wife the rest of the night.

Chapter Ten – Another Day

Julie had no success in going back to sleep. It seemed like an eternity before she finally felt the locks on her handcuffs released, allowing her to separate her arms and begin working the blood back into them. Since they were pinned beneath her back, that task was more difficult than it might have been otherwise. But finally, she had them extracted and began to rub the skin, trying to get feeling back in them. After a few minutes, they were working enough to allow her to pull herself up so that she could start to untie her feet from the foot of the bed.

A half-hour had passed by the time she was free and able to leave the bed. She made her way to the bathroom and turned the shower on. Her mind was remembering what had occurred the night before. She wanted desperately to know who it was that had invaded her room and, more importantly, why they had not taken what she was in no position to deny them. She thought that she should be happy that she had not been ***** and murdered. But, did those things have to go together?

For the rest of the day, Julie’s thoughts continued to wander. Several times the speaker caught her looking off into space and had to speak to her to bring her back to the topic being discussed. At a break, he even came over to where she was getting a cup of coffee and asked her if she was alright.

She smiled and told him that she had not slept well the night before, using the excuse that she was not comfortable in a strange bed. She thought that she saw a wry smile come over his face, and she wondered if perhaps he would like to share her strange bed with her. She did not try to hide her inspection of his body as she looked him over from his handsome face to her well-toned body. She imagined what it might feel like to have that body slowly settle over hers, and those hips push between her spread legs. Her eyes moved down to his shoes, and she smiled as she saw that he must be wearing size 12 dress shoes. She blushed as she thought about whether the size of a man’s feet really did relate to the size of his cock.

The break ended none too soon as Julie felt herself getting further and further into trouble. For the rest of the day, she managed to appear interested in the topics of the conference. When the session finally ended, and she started to leave the room, the speaker cut off her exit. “Would you like some company for dinner tonight?” He asked.

“I am not sure that would be a good idea, Mr. Bennet. I am a married woman, after all.” Julie replied.

The man smiled. “Married women, don’t eat dinner?”

“Usually, not with men, they are not married to” was Julie’s answer.

“Well, if you change your mind, I will be in the dining room at seven tonight. And you can call me Tom.”

“Alright, Tom. I will think about it. But, don’t count on me to join you.”

As they parted, Julie wondered if maybe she should have accepted the man’s invitation. She would just end up eating alone, and that was never a pleasant event.

But, before she had to cross that stream, she badly needed a nap. Opening her hotel room door, she crossed to the bed and flopped down without even taking off her clothes.

Chapter – Eleven Another Surprise

This has to be another dream, Julie thought. She tried opening her eyes, and although her lids seemed to move, no light or vision came to her. She tried moving her arms, but they seemed to be fastened to something on each side of the bed. She tied to move her legs, but she found that they too were pulled apart and fastened as wide as they could go without breaking from her body.

She was sure that she had fallen asleep, fully clothed, but then why did she feel air moving over every inch of her body? And then she felt something caressing her upper body, paying particular attention to her breasts. Unlike the night before, these were actual hands that were manipulating her globes. And there was little doubt that they were a man’s hands from the size and the strength. Julie was now concerned about what was happening to her, and she tried to call out, but no sound would pass her tongue. Perhaps the reason for that was that her tongue could not move towards her lips. She had inserted a ball gag into her mouth enough times in the past so that she recognized how one felt in her mouth, and there definitely was a ball gag in her mouth now.

She tried to listen for some sound that might tell her who was in the room with her, but she heard no sound of any kind. She knew that it was highly unlikely anyone could be that quiet, so she figured they must have inserted her noise suppressors into her ear canals.

She had used the word they because it became apparent that more than one person was working on her flesh. While the big hands were squeezing her breasts, causing exquisite pain, smaller hands were caressing the inside of her thighs. So Julie was torn between the pain to her breasts and the pleasure from a lower region of her body. But the hands working her thighs were almost as maddening as the ones working her breasts since they never quite got to the one place that Julie longed for them to go. She moaned, although no one heard the sound. She thrashed her hips as far up and down as she could, trying desperately to get her cunt to make some contact with those maddening hands.

And then her breasts were no longer being manipulated. And no one was caressing her thighs. She felt the bed shift, and then a body lowered itself against hers. She felt something rubbing against her slit and she knew she was about to be *****. But, instead of terror, Julie felt only passion. She knew that whoever was about to penetrate her would realize her state of mind because she felt like her cunt was gushing fluid. And then in one push, he was inside of her. She wondered how big this man was because her husband had never reached the depths this cock had found. He held himself in place for what seemed a long time. Julie wanted to move, but he was much too heavy for her to do much more than perhaps get another inch of cock inside her cunt.

And then he slowly began to withdraw. Each inch of movement brought Julie intense pleasure. She had never felt this way before, her whole body feeling warm tingles spreading out from her pussy. And then she felt the cock slip out of her canal. Julie wanted to scream, but of course, she could not. She wished her hands were free so that she could reach out and grab those ass cheeks and pull that cock back inside of her.

And then her hands were free, as were her feet but only for the shortest time. Then she was pulled upright, and her hands wrenched behind her back and secured there. Strong hands picked her up, and then she was settled back down onto that wonderful large cock. Every nerve in her body sung out with pleasure as she was filled. He was now deeper inside of her than he had been previously.

His hands gripped her sides just above her hips, lifting her until she was almost off of him and then plunged back down. With each stroke, he seemed to go deeper and deeper inside of her, finding new and more sensitive areas of her cunt.

She wasn’t counting the strokes, but it didn’t seem long before she erupted with the best orgasm that she ever had. But still, he didn’t stop. He would lift her and then let her back down, over and over again, causing her more orgasms. And just when she was sure she could not stand another, she felt him tighten, and then she was filled with hot white cum. She could not believe how many times he spurted inside her. And then he allowed her to sit still over his hips. She did feel his cock twitch a few more times, and then it began to shrink.

Finally, he lifted her up and off of his body, laying her back against the mattress with her hands still tied. She felt the hood being removed from her head, and she thought that finally, she would get a look at whoever had given her so much pleasure. But, to her disappointment, the room was totally dark. Julie then felt something being wrapped around her head, covering her eyes. Only when the blindfold was tied off and secure, was the ball gag taken out of her mouth. She expected that maybe the man wanted to use her mouth in a way similar to how he had used her cunt.

Julie did not enjoy fellatio, but since she didn’t have a choice in the matter, she did not try to argue the matter. In fact, she was actually looking forward to finding out what this man’s cock tasted like. Imagine her surprise when instead of a cock, she smelled an obviously aroused cunt being lowered toward her face.

Never in her life had Julie had sex with someone of her same gender. Oh, she had thought about it, wondered about it, but had not acted on the thoughts. She tried to turn her head away, but strong thighs clamped down, making it impossible to move her head away from those wet lips. And then her mouth and nose were both engulfed by wet cunt lips. She tried not to open her mouth, but because she could not breathe through her nose, she had no choice but to try and breathe through her mouth.

Finally, she stuck her tongue out and tried to push the cunt away from her. Of course, that was not something that could be done. Then the body lifted off of her just enough to allow her to get a good breath. Then it lowered back and began to grind back and forth against her nose and mouth. Julie soon found that the more she licked with her tongue, the more air the woman allowed into her lungs. And then something strange happened. Julie found that she actually enjoyed the taste of the woman’s musk. And she was hoping that the woman was enjoying Julie’s tongue as well. After what seemed to be a long time, she felt the woman tense her leg muscles and then begin to shudder with an orgasm. Julie was extremely pleased that she had been able to give another person that kind of pleasure.

Her tongue worked even harder, trying to bring the woman off one more time. And her efforts had the desired effect. In fact, she felt at least three orgasms occur before the woman finally lifted off her face.

Julie was forced onto her face, and she felt her hands being untied, and then the ropes were replaced by handcuffs. Julie just lay there, waiting for what might happen next.

She still had the sound suppressors in her ears, so she did not hear the two people leave the room. Julie finally decided to see what would happen if she tried to work to get her hands in front of her. Rolling over, she pulled her knees up, forced her hands to slide past her buttocks, and soon had her hands in front of her. Next, she reached up and pulled the blindfold off her eyes. Julie was surprised to find that the lights in the room were on, but that she was completely alone.

Looking at the clock beside the bed, she noticed that it was one o’clock in the morning. She also noticed that she was very hungry, and she thought of getting dressed and heading downstairs to get something to eat. She was hoping that the kitchen was still open. As she was contemplating this, she heard a knock on her room door. Her first thought was that the two people had decided to come back for more fun and games and so she did not even bother to put a robe on when she opened the door.

Standing on the other side was a very surprised bellboy with a cart. Julie immediately tried to cover her whole body with two small hands. And then she gave up the effort, stood back and waved the young man inside. “I didn’t order anything from room service.”

The young man’s face was a bright shade of red, and his breathing was fast. “I don’t know anything about that, ma-am. I was told to bring this tray up from the restaurant to this room. If you don’t want it, I can take it away.” And then he smiled as he looked Julie over from head to toe. “I do owe someone a big favor, though.”

Julie smiled back and then took the covers off the food dishes. When she saw the steak, potatoes, vegetables, rolls, and a large chocolate dessert, she told the busboy she would accept the food. “If you wait, I will get some money for a tip.” As she turned and he saw the perfect globes of her ass, he replied.

“No tip necessary. I will remember this night fondly for a long time.”

And then he turned and left the room.

It was not until he had gone that Julie wished she had given him a blowjob as a tip.

Chapter 12 – The Day After

Julie set her alarm for 6 A.M. She awoke more refreshed than at any time in her recent memory. She had no problem going to sleep after her nighttime visitors and having eaten in the wee hours of the morning.

She climbed into the shower and let the hot water wash over her body. What aches she had from being severely bound and fucked the night before soon left her. She even washed and blew dry her hair. When her morning chores were finished, she left her room and headed downstairs for a continental breakfast.

As she walked into the breakfast area, she was surprised to see both Tom and Shadow there before her. They were sitting together and seemed to be enjoying each other’s company. Julie picked out a croissant, fruit bowl, and a cup of coffee and looked for a place to sit. As she passed the table where Shadow and Tow were sitting, Shadow spoke to her. “Why not join us?”

Julie looked at the other woman, smiled, and nodded. She found a seat across from the two and set her tray down on the table. Shadow looked across at her and smiled. “You look especially radiant this morning. I assume you had a fantastic night.”

Julie thought carefully about how to answer the woman. “Yes, it is amazing what a good night's sleep will do for a person.”

“A good night’s sleep, you say. Usually, I don’t have the type of glow you have from sleeping,” Shadow replied.

Julie frowned. “What exactly are you insinuating? If there is something you want to say to me, don’t beat around the bush, just spit it out.”

“Here, Here, ladies.” Tom broke in. “There is no reason to be testy with one another.”

“You are right, Tom,” Shadow replied. “I was just joshing with Julie. Please forgive me.”

A little flush of red came to Julie’s cheeks. “The fault is all mine. I overreacted.” And then she took a sip of coffee and started on her light breakfast.

Tom finished his meal before Julie, but he sat quietly and waited for her. Shadow only stayed for a few more minutes before announcing that she needed to get to work. She offered her hand with a smile, and Julie shook it before Shadow turned and left the room.

When Julie was done eating, She and Tom walked out of the room and headed for the bank of elevators. “I really had hoped that you would join me for dinner last night. But, it is obvious that whatever kept your attention did you a world of good.”

Once again, Julie felt self-conscious. She didn’t enjoy lying to anyone, but she certainly could not tell the man that she had been ***** in the middle of the night and that she had enjoyed the experience. “I am sorry if you mistook my answer yesterday as a maybe. I am a married woman, and it people might get the wrong idea if they saw me eating with a man, not my husband.”

“I suppose you are right,” replied Tom. “ Perhaps a group of us could have a meal together. Nobody could fault you for having dinner with several people, could they?”

“I think that would be a fine idea. Let me know what time you want to meet in the lobby.”

The rest of the day went by without incident. When the final speech ended, and the conference dismissed, Julie made her way to her room. She was thinking about what she might wear for a group dinner as she opened the door and walked into her room.

She was thinking about getting a short nap as she kicked off her shoes and headed towards the bed. Then, she spotted the envelope on her pillow and a video disc beside it. With curiosity, she picked up the envelope and pulled out the note. It read, “watch the video, and then you will be given instructions.”

Julie turned and looked at the television set, noticing that there was a built-in DVD player attached. She slid the disc into the player and picked up the remote to turn on the set. Then pressing play, she watched with horror a replay of her first night, preparing herself for self-bondage. She had barely recovered from that shock when the screen morphed into her middle of the night visit by two masked individuals. The only saving grace was that she had not been able to moan in ecstasy because of the ball gag in her mouth. And her movements when the woman mounted her mouth, could be construed as an attempt to avoid the cunt, although Julie knew the truth.

The CD came to an end, but not before a voice told Julie to check the door to her room. Julie immediately turned and walked to the door. There on the carpet was another envelope that had apparently been slipped under her door. Picking it up, she ripped it open so that she could get to the single sheet of paper inside.

“If you would rather not have a copy of the DVD sent to your husband, your parents, and others of your ******, you will follow these instructions precisely. The only clothing you will wear tonight will be your harness ad the pair of spike-heeled boots; I left for you In the closet. Before you fasten the harness in place, place a hook on the ring in the middle of the back. Fasten the chain of your handcuffs to that snap. Then set the time lock on the handcuffs to 4 A.M. Then put the harness on making sure that your breasts are completely inside of the rings on the front and then close the harness. Next, put on the boots and zip them up. Now, finally, put your hands behind your back and snap your wrists into the cuffs. You have exactly 15 minutes to complete these tasks. When I enter the room, you will be secured as I have demanded, or the disc will be sent out to everyone on this list, priority mail.”

Julie knew she had no choice but to obey since every one of her relatives and friend's names and addresses was listed on the back of the paper.

Julie hurried as fast as she could, and yet she had barely snapped the cuffs closed on her wrists when the door opened and in walked Shadow. “I thought you were the one responsible for this fiasco,” Julie announced. “Now, what the hell do you want from me?”

Shadow approached, Julie, and when she was within reach of the woman, she reached out and slapped Julie’s face hard enough so that Julie knew she had the woman’s handprint on her cheek.

“You were not given permission to speak. For the rest of the night, you will not speak unless spoken to. Do you understand me?”

Julie hesitated to answer. This earned her another hard slap across her face. And just to make sure that she had made her point, Shadow backhanded Julie for good measure.

“Yes, I understand, Julie replied and immediately lowered her eyes in a sign of submission.

“I am glad that we have an understanding. Now, one more thing. If anyone asked anything of you for the rest of tonight, you will answer either Yes, Ma-am, or Yes Sir, depending on the sex of the person asking. Are you clear on that instruction?”

Julie did not hesitate. “Yes, ma-am.”

Shadow smiled and then produced a studded dog collar, which she fitted around Julie’s neck and then buckled it in place. A small padlock ensured that the collar could not be removed. To the ring in the collar, Shadow snapped a short leash.

Shadow did not tell Julie to follow her, but since she had a hold of the leash, Julie had no other option. As they approached the door, Julie tried to balk. This time Shadow, opened her large purse and pulled out a riding crop. She walked around behind Julie and swung with all her might. The crop landed with a loud splat across both ass cheeks, and Julie cried out in pain. Because she had not been given permission to speak, that sound earned her another blow, this time across the backs of Julie’s legs.

Without any further comment, Shadow walked to the door, pulled it open, and led Julie through to the hall. Julie prayed that the hallway would be empty of human life, but since it was nearing dinner time, that prayer was not answered.

Julie was surprised when Shadow led her away from the banks of elevators. Of course, she did not dare ask her why. As they went down the hallway, several guests remarked about what a disgusting display the naked woman and her mistress were making. One even mentioned that she was going to call the police and have both of them arrested.

One man asked Shadow if it would be alright if he felt Julie’s breasts since they looked different than any he had ever seen, being as they were puffed out from the metal rings.

“You can feel anything of hers that you want. But, if you are going to squeeze her tits, make sure you squeeze hard. She loves pain, don’t you slut?”

“Yes, ma-am,” Julie replied.

And the man obliged, causing Julie excruciating pain.

When he was satisfied and had slid his hand between her legs and inserted a finger inside of Julie’s cunt, the man said, “I wish that I could go with you to wherever you are going, but unfortunately I am meeting three other guys for dinner.”

Before he could turn to leave, Shadow put a hand on his arm. “Here is the address of a club that we are going to. After you finish eating, why don’t you and your friends join us? My slave is looking forward to fucking as many men and eating as many women as possible. And of course, if you have sadistic tendencies, there will be a variety of whips and paddles that you can use on her. You would like this nice man and his friends to join us for fun and games, wouldn’t you slut?”

“Yes, ma-am,” Julie replied, and something deep inside of her knew that she would indeed like the idea.

They were not stopped by anyone else before they reached the service elevator and entered it. Julie had not had too much trouble walking in the boots while she was on the carpeted floors of the hallway, but as she stepped into the elevator’s hard floor, Julie’s feet began to rebel at the angle of toes and heels. She wanted to moan but managed to hold it in.

The stepped out onto the concrete floor of the garage, and Julie now had difficulty in walking. Shadow noticed this and laughed at her. “Imagine how your feet will feel at 4 a.m., slut.”

They had not gone far into the garage when Julie noticed Tom and two other men from the class were waiting. “I told you she was a hot, kinky bitch, didn’t I?” This Tom directed to Julie’s classmates.

Julie, of course, did not respond, nor did she make eye contact with Tom or the others. Shadow led her by the leash to a large sedan. “Put her in the backseat between two of you. You can do anything you want with her while I drive except for actually fucking her or forcing her to suck cock. She will get enough of both of those things when we get to the club.”

Julie was grateful that it was dark outside because she figured that passing cars would not be able to see her nakedness. That hope was dashed when Shadow turned on the dome light. Julie now knew that the light would not only allow people to see her but would attract other motorists to look her way.

Julie soon discovered that neither of these men had a great imagination of what to do with a bound naked woman. They both seemed to like the idea of squeezing her puffed out breasts. But that didn’t hold their attention very long. And finally, they gave up and rode in silence.

Julie kept her head down, avoiding looking at passing cars. That way, she could pretend that nobody was looking at her naked body.

As Shadow pulled into the parking lot of the club, Julie finally looked out of the window. She became a little nervous when she noticed how full the lot was. Until then, she had some hope that there would only be a few people to deal with. Now, it was unsure of how many of this packed crowd would want to use and abuse her.

Shadow parked the car, opened the door, and after Tom got out, helped Julie to exit the vehicle as well. They were parked a long way from the door, and Julie’s feet were killing her by the time they walked across the cement lot to the door.

A big burly looking man stood at the door, checking ID’s. He took one look at Shadow and her entourage and pulled the rope back to allow them to enter. The first room they came to was a combination lobby and bar.

Julie had never seen so many different types of kinky people in one room in her life. Men were naked and on hands and knees beside their mistress's chairs. Women were in various degrees of bondage, some with gags in their mouths and others staying silent because of their training.

Shadow led Julie through the room, speaking to several of the other dominants as she passed. Julie kept her head down in subservience.

They passed from that room into a long hallway. One each side were rooms, some with closed doors, and others open for passerby's to see into them. Shadow stopped in front of one open door and told Julie to notice what was going on inside. A young woman was tied by her hair and was hanging from the ceiling. Her toes barely touched the floor so that her entire weight was held by that thick hair. Her arms were bound together horizontal to each other. Julie could see the strain on the woman’s upper arms, and she wondered how long she could stand the pain.

“Do you find what this woman is going through exciting, slut?” Shadow asked Julie.

Julie knew the proper answer, but even if she had not received instructions, she would still have answered: “yes, ma-am.”

They moved through the facility, passing rooms where both men and women were being whipped and otherwise being used by the more dominant of their partners.

Finally, Shadow led Julie into an unoccupied room. She turned to the men following her and asked them if they would mind waiting outside, as she had something she needed to discuss with her charge. When they had left Julie and Shadow, alone, Shadow turned to Julie and said, “You are under no further obligation to follow my direction tonight. I have already sent the video to your husband, and I have no intention of sending it to anyone else without your permission.”

“YOU DID WHAT?” shouted Julie. “Did you even think about what would happen to my marriage?”

“I did. Whether you will admit it or not, you have been miserable trying to hide what you really desire from your husband. Perhaps it was not my place to bring this out into the open, but it is too late to cry about it now. In any regard, you are free to tell me to take you back to the hotel. Unfortunately, there is nothing I can do about the time lock on your handcuffs.”

Julie was still pissed. “I should have you arrested for kidnapping and ****.”

“You might be able to do that. Of course, you would have to explain why you had all that bondage equipment and how you came to be bound and helpless in your hotel room without anyone helping you. I sincerely doubt that you want to go through that type of scrutiny.”

“I don’t have much to lose, do I? You have already ruined the only thing in my life that I care about, my marriage.”

“Well, then, let’s get back to the hotel so that when your cuffs come off, you can dial a telephone,” Shadow announced.

As they walked back towards the entrance, Julie could hear the slap of a paddle on someone’s ass, and she almost wished that she had not been so impulsive. But she knew that it was too late to change her?

They were nearly at the door when Shadow stopped to talk with a large black man. She leaned over and whispered something in his ear. Then Julie saw her pass the man what appeared to be some form of currency and then handed the leash to Julie’s collar to him.

Without a word, the man began leading Julie out of the building. Julie thought about asking what was going on, but she figured with her hands tied behind her back, there wasn’t much she could do about it in any regard.

Julie was surprised when he stopped at a coat rack and removed a long outer coat from a hook. She was even more surprised when he draped that coat over her shoulders and fastened one button to hold it in place. It didn’t completely cover her nakedness, but anything was preferable to being totally naked as she walked across the parking lot towards the waiting car.

As Julie settled into the back seat, the man helped her buckle her seat belt and then closed the door. Unlike Shadow, he did not roll down the window so that cold air would hit those areas of her body that were still uncovered.

Again, Julie looked down so that if someone did see her bare breasts, she would not notice them staring. And so, the ride back to the hotel was uneventful.

Instead of taking Julie around back, the man led her straight through the lobby. Fortunately, except for the man at the desk, nobody was congregating there. But, as the elevator door opened a man that was starting to get off changed his mind when he saw Julie.

As the door closed behind them, he turned to the man holding Julie’s leash and spoke, “I hope that I am not out of order, here, but I have never saw a nearly naked woman being led through a hotel lobby before. Is there any way that you might be persuaded to take off the coat so that I can see her entire body?”

“Be my guest, unbutton the coat and remove it. And be free to feel any part of her body that you might like.”

Julie could hear the man’s breath being taken in. She took a peek at his face and good see that it was flushed with excitement. Reaching out, the man undid the one button holding the coat closed and pulled the garment from her shoulders. He allowed the coat to drop to the elevator floor and then began running his hands over her swollen breasts.

“God, her tits are so swollen and purple. Are they in any danger of harm from those rings?”

“I have no idea,” replied the black man. “It isn’t my concern. Why don’t you squeeze them and see if you can get some blood into them?”

The man needed no further encouragement. He grabbed a hold of first her left breast and began squeezing it until she thought she would not be able to keep from screaming. Just when she had reached her limit of pain, he changed to her other breast. That gave her enough respite to keep her moans to a level that could not be heard outside of the elevator.

Julie gave a sigh of relief when the elevator stopped and the doors opened. But then the man holding her leash spoke to the man who had been manhandling her breasts. “I can see that you are not finished with my slave. Why, don’t you follow us to her room and you can take as much time as you want with her?”

“God, that would be fantastic. Are you sure that she won’t mind?”

“She is a slave. She has no say in the matter.”

Julie started to object but before more than a single word came to her lips, she was jerked out of the elevator and pulled down the hall toward her room.

“Nobody gave you permission to speak, slut. Do I make myself clear?”

“Yes, Master,” Julie replied

As she was pushed into her room, Julie regretted that she had not taken care of her bondage and discipline equipment. For on top of the dresser, were all her paddles, whips and canes as well as a large roll of clothesline.

It took no time at all for both men to see and begin checking out her stash.

“I was going to leave you with this nice man,” her new master said. “But, now that I see you are into pain, I think I will stick around and use some of your punishment tools.”

Julie did not reply to this, but if the man had looked into her eyes, he would have seen how happy she was with this idea.

The man holding her leash pulled out the desk chair and forced the back of it into Julie’s stomach. Forcing her to bend over, he took some of the clothesline and threaded it through her armpits, wrapped it around her back, and then tied it off to the legs of the chair. Now Julie was held into a position where her ass was presented and ready for the whip. The only danger might be if Julie moved from side to side, the chair might tip over.

The black man turned to the other and told him to select his punishment tool. “I will hold the chair from tipping while you work her ass, and then you can do the same for me.”

Julie held her breath as the man approached her. She soon found that he was far from experienced as he did not wait for her to release her breath before bringing the crop down solidly across both ass cheeks. The pain washed over her, bringing a feeling of contentment. Before this first wave of pain had subsided, a second blow brought a new one, but not nearly as satisfying as the first one. The man acted as if he had to get a certain number of strokes done in a specified amount of time, bringing the whip down again and again.

Apparently, his arm wore out before her ass did as he handed the whip to the black man and told him he would hold the chair from tipping.

“I think that I will use the cat instead of the crop. I like the heft of it better, and I am sure she will feel every one of those lashes as I work the back of her legs and then the small of her back. You might want to turn the television up a little to drown out the sound of the whip. And maybe we better put a washcloth in her mouth to deaden her screams.”

Julie willingly opened her mouth to accept the semi-wet cloth into her mouth. She tested it with her tongue to see if it could be pushed back out and was happy to find that it could not.

Now she discovered that the black man was far more experienced in inflicting pain. Instead of wielding the whip with tempo, he varied the strokes to allow the pain from each one to subside before inflicting the next. And he never seemed to strike the same exact spot twice, knowing that damaged nerves did not cause as much pain as fresh ones did. He worked down her legs, each stroke causing her entire body to scream with the pain. Only when he reached her ankles did he move up and began again starting with the small of her back. Even though Julie loved the pain, her body could only take so much, and darkness came to her eyes and her mind.

Even when her time lock caused the handcuffs to open, Julie still did not awake. Finally, she came awake and found that she had been moved from the chair to the bed. Her entire body ached from the beating she had endured, and she smiled as she thought of how she could enjoy the aftermath all through the day.

Although she felt bad that the water would relieve some of the aches, she knew that she would need a shower before going to class for the day. She adjusted the water in the shower to just lukewarm, and then climbed in and let the water wash over her from head to toe.

Julie did not hear the hotel room door open as Shadow came into the room. Nor, did she hear it close as Shadow left again. But, when she came out of the bathroom, she did see the note lying on her bed. She picked it up and read the instructions. “You will not wear panties or a bra today. I have laid out the clothes that you will wear today. Of course, you can disobey these instructions, but if you do, there will be no further night-time visits while you are here.”

Julie checked each item and was pleased that the skirt was long enough to cover most of her upper legs. She quickly realized that it was so tight, however, that when she sat down, it was bound to ride up her legs, and unless she kept her knees together, her cunt would be visible to any who bothered to look between them. Knowing this, Julie realized that she would need to sit in the front row, where only the instructor would get a chance to see her snatch.

She was also a little surprised that the blouse was heavy enough to hide the curvature of her breasts, but it was sheer enough so that her bare nipples would cause the material to stick out. To allow for the rule that she must wear hose, Shadow had provided a black garter belt and sheer black hose for her to wear. Julie had expected that she would be required to wear the punishment boots from the night before, but instead, Shadow had left her a pair of black ankle boots with a modest four-inch heel. Julie half expected that when she put them on, there would be tacks in the soles, but there wasn’t.

When her hair was dry, and she had put on the required clothes, she made her way down to the Continental Breakfast. As she moved into the room she noticed that heads were turning in her way, and some people were whispering to each other. She assumed that they were talking about her, but she ignored them and got herself a cup of coffee and a croissant.

Not wanting to take a chance of sitting where someone could see her bare bottom, she took her breakfast to a standup bar and ate it.

Fifteen minutes later, Julie was seated in the front row of the meeting hall. She didn’t even bother to try and pull the dress down even though the clips of her garters were in full view of anyone that bothered to look her way. There was a strip of white flesh between the end of the skirt and the tops of her black nylons.

Julie could hear the whispers from those around her and her face flushed pink. She knew that there was going to be a scene when the instructor took the podium and her stomach rolled a little at the thought. And then there he was standing in front of her and looking down at the obscene view she was giving him. He started to speak and then stopped and again looked her way.

“Julie, will you join me in front of the group?”

This she had not expected and her face was now a bright red color. But, she felt she had no choice and so she rose from the chair and made her way around the stage and climbed the stairs. She knew that her dress was riding up with each step she took and she was totally humiliated. And, then she was next to the speaker.

“Ladies and gentlemen, I wanted each of you to see how not to dress for an event such as this. Julie, please take a seat in that chair over there.”

She obeyed and as she settled down on the seat the dress rode up once more. She could hear gasps coming from every section of the room as her garters became visible. She tried as hard as she could to hold her knees together knowing that if they spread even a little bit her cunt would be visible. But, her nipples were becoming so hard that the caused the material of the blouse to stick out. Nobody would have to look very hard to realize that she was sexually excited by being forced to show off her body in front of a large group of both men and women.

“Julie would you please explain to the group why you decided to dress like a slut for a business meeting?” When she didn’t answer right away, he spoke. “I asked her to dress this way as an example of what not to wear to a business function. Thank you, Julie, you may go back to your room and change. Now, let's hear a round of applause for her being such a great sport.”

And they did clap as she got up and headed off the stage and then towards the exit.

Chapter Thirteen-That Evening

The rest of the day went without incident, although at lunch many of the men had come over and congratulated her on the performance she had put on that morning. Several of them secretly slipped her their room numbers. The innuendo was clear, they wanted to see more of what little was hidden by the short skirt and nylons.

She was nearly drained of energy by the time she entered her room to get ready for dinner. Her adrenaline had spiked when she was called in front of the group. And then the humiliation had set in and caused her emotions to spike as well. Now, all she desired was to lay on her bed and catch a few winks. But, that was not going to happen.

She knew that Shadow was in the room before she even saw her. The fragrance of her perfume lingered in the air. As she closed the door and moved further into the room, Julie saw Shadow lying fully dressed on her bed. Her black high-heeled boots hung almost reached the foot of the bed and Julie spent a few seconds inspecting the soles. They were well worn and the heels needed repair but Julie’s mouth watered at the thought of sinking to her knees and running her tongue over those soles.

Shadow noticed the direction of Julie’s gaze. “So you have a boot fetish as well as one for bondage? Perhaps I will let you worship my boots, but first, we need to talk.”

“Yes, I think that we do. Is there a particular subject that you would like to begin with?” Julie asked.

“I was disappointed in how last evening ended. I had hoped to spend several more hours causing you intense pain and suffering. But, I thought it necessary to tell you what I had done with the videos and what I did not intend to do with them. I had not figured your reaction into the equation and the night ended “before I wanted. So, now, we need to decide where we go from here. Do you have any thoughts on the subject?”

“I don’t know where we can go from here. I think my marriage is probably over but in case it is not, I don’t want to do anything more to burn my bridges.”

“Well, you might be able to convince your husband that you were forced to do the things he saw on the tape. If that happened you might be able to go back to the way things were before you took this trip. Is that what you want?”

“What I want is for David to make me his slave to use and abuse as he sees fit, but I doubt that is going to happen.”

“Have you ever told him that was what you wanted?”

“No, of course not. How could I tell him something like that? What if he saw me as a total maniac?”

“And what if he liked the idea?” Shadow shot back.

“I’m quite sure that he isn’t going to like the idea of his wife being fucked by a stranger. And yet, that is what he must have seen when he watched the tape that you sent him.”

“There is nothing that I can do about what your husband has seen up to this point. What is done is done and nothing either of us can do will change that fact. So, what you need to decide is what you are going to do for the time you have left before you have to go home and face David. You brought your bondage equipment with you for a reason. My question for you is are you going to use it for the next couple of days or do you want to pack it up and forget it?”

“What makes any of this your business?” Julie asked. “I don’t recall asking you to get involved in my private life.”

“No, you didn’t ask me but the fact remains, I am involved. Now, you have to decide if you want to spend the next couple nights by yourself, trying to bind yourself or if you want to have a partner that will push you to the very limits of your tolerance. You don’t have to say anything right now. Instead, why don’t you get down on your knees so that you can get a better look at these boots I am wearing. You haven’t been able to take your eyes off of them since you walked into the room.”

Julie hesitated but only for an instance. Then she slowly, seductively lower herself to her knees so that her face was now at the same level as Shadow’s worn boots.

“Smell them slut,” Shadow demanded.

Julie flushed with shame as she realized that she was sexually excited at the thought of being at Shadow’s beck and call. She moved forward until her nose was almost against Shadow’s boots. She inhaled deeply and loved the smell of dirty leather. Without being told she allowed her tongue to slip out from between her lips and dragged it across the leather of one of the heels. Julie felt moisture begin to form between the lips of her vagina as the decadence of what she was doing caused her even more sexual excitement.

“That’s it slut, use your tongue to clean my boots.” With that Shadow moved down on the bed until her boots were on either side of Julie’s face. “Start at the tops and work your way down toward the soles. That way you won’t be dragging the filth from the bottoms up the shafts. And, make sure you clean your tongue often by scrapping the dirt off with your teeth. I want to make sure that every bit of dirt and dust ends up in your belly. Do you understand me, slut?”

“Yes, Mistress, and thank you, Mistress,” Julie replied.

“Before you continue licking my boots clean, I think that you should be less comfortable, don’t you slut?”

“Yes, Mistress, what do you have in mind?”

“I know that you brought a variety of nipple clamps. Take off all your clothing and then go get the most severe pair you have and bring them to me.”

Julie started to rise and then thought better of the idea. Instead, she turned and crawled across the room to the dresser and pulled open the top drawer. From her knees, she was just able to see into the drawer and she selected a pair of nipple clamps that had serrated teeth. The springs of the clamps were very strong and Julie knew that those teeth would bite severely into the tender flesh of her nipples. She cringed at the thought, but even more moisture formed between her pussy lips.

She stripped off her clothes and then crawled back to where Shadow was now sitting up at the end of the bed, Julie presented the cruel clamps to the older woman. Shadow smiled as she tested the strength of the springs. She opened one and then inserted her finger between the jaws and allowed the clamp to snap shut on her finger.

“Oh, Lord that hurts. I can only imagine how much pain these will cause you once they close shut on your nipples. Are you looking forward to the pain, slut?”

“Yes, Mistress.”

Shadow took one of Julie’s breasts into her hand and squeezed it until her nipple became hard. Then she opened one of the clamps and then let it snap shut onto Julie’s nipple. The pain was instantaneous causing Julie to gasp. Tears immediately came to her eyes but she resisted the urge to wipe them away.

“Oh, I love to see a bitch with tears flowing down her face. Let’s see if I can bring more of them when I put the second clamp onto your other nipple.” She took Julie’s other breast and repeated the process she had used on the first one. When the second clamp shut tight onto her tender flesh Julie let out a loud groan.

Shadow was pleased to see even more tears beginning to flow. “I think that will be sufficient for now. Perhaps later we can add some weight to the clamps. You would like that wouldn’t you slut?”

“I don’t know if I can stand that Mistress. Perhaps, you should bind my hands before you add the weight.”

“That is an excellent idea, slut. But, right now you need your hands to move my boots around so that your tongue can get to every nook and cranny. Proceed with the bootlicking, slut.

Chapter Fourteen – Julie Makes a Decision

Julie’s tongue was almost scrapped raw by the time she finished cleaning Shadow’s boots. Her mouth tasted like she had swallowed a pound of dirt. She knew that no matter how hard she tried to scrape her tongue with her teeth that it would still be black. And she could no longer bring up enough saliva to held remove the filth from the boots.

“May I speak, Mistress?”

“Permission granted, slut. What is so important that you dare interrupt you bootlicking?”

“I need something to drink. My mouth is so dry that I can not get any saliva onto my tongue.”

Shadow thought for a minute before replying. And then she smiled. I think that I can solve your problem and save me some effort at the same time. She then spread her legs, reached out and pulled Julie’s head between them. Putting a hand to the back of Julie’s head she pulled forward until Julie’s mouth was tight against her bare cunt.

“Open your mouth slut. And you better not allow one drop of my golden nectar to go to waste.”

Julie now understood what Shadow had in mind. She wanted to object but she knew that it would be a waste of effort. So she opened her mouth and waited. Shortly she felt a few drops of urine enter her mouth. The taste was not nearly as bad as she imagined but the Shadow let her full flow start. Julie no longer worried about the taste as it took all her concentration to keep from gagging and to keep up with the flood of piss entering her mouth. Shadow must have realized that the younger woman was struggling to swallow it all and she stopped her flow long enough for Julie to catch her breath.

And then her flow began again. This time Julie was prepared and managed to swallow every drop of the vile-smelling liquid. When Shadow felt that she was almost done pissing she instructed Julie to quit swallowing but rather to hold the rest of her piss in her mouth. She ordered her to swish it around and then to gargle with it before swallowing the last of the urine.”

“Did you enjoy that, slut?”

“I hated the taste, but I loved that you made me do it, Mistress.”

“Well, you will need to learn to love the taste of my piss, because that is all you will be allowed to drink for the remainder of your stay. I have a special cup that keeps liquid warm or cold for hours. I will make sure it is full for you before you leave for class tomorrow. Tonight, you will drink directly from my cunt. That is what you want, is it not?”

“Yes, Mistress, and thank you, Mistress.”

Just then Julie heard a knock on the hotel room door. She looked nervously to Shadow for instruction but she already knew what she must do.

“Don’t keep our guest waiting, bitch. Crawl on over there and open the door and invite him in.”

“Yes, mistress,” Julie replied.

Julie crawled to the door, reached up, and pulled the handle. She had some difficulty sliding back on her knees to allow the door to open but with some effort managed to do so. She kept her eyes down as was expected of a slave and then heard Tom’s voice.’

“So, I see you have decided to continue as a slave for the duration?”

Julie realized that she had not said it out loud but she also knew that what Tom said was true. “Yes, Master and thank you for your kindness this morning, sir.”

“Yes, I suppose you do owe me for allowing you to save face in front of the group. By the way, I love your choice of jewelry.” He then reached down and grasped one of the clamps and began cruelly twisting it one way and then the other. Julie was unable to suppress a moan and Tom took that as an invitation to take the other clamp and do the same. Tears were streaming down Julie’s face and sobs were wracking her throat.

Only when she was crying uncontrollably did Tom allow Julie to crawl back into where Shadow was waiting.

Shadow looked at Julie’s tears and gave Tom a thumbs up. “I see you too love to see a bitch with tears streaming down her face. How did you accomplish the feat?”

“Oh, I just played with her tit clamps. She really enjoyed that as you can see.”

Shadow laughed out loud. “The slut has not formally agreed to be our slave for the balance of her stay here but her actions tell more than words. However, before we can get on with the full treatment that she so justly deserves I will need her verbal and written permission. Once she gives that we will see just how much punishment her tits can take.”

Julie was unsure exactly what Shadow was referring to but she had mixed emotions as it was said. On the one hand, she was terrified thinking about how much more damage they could do to her breasts, but on the other hand, her pussy was dripping at the idea of the intense pain she knew they intended her.

“Well, while she is thinking about it, is there any reason that she cannot repay me for not outing her completely in front of the class this morning?”

“I see no reason why that would not be acceptable, depending on what you have in mind.”

“Causing a woman pain always makes me horney as hell. I think that a blow job would be a good start.”

“What about that, slut? Will, you suck your Master off to show him how much you appreciate his kindness? Oh, and just so you know the camera has been rolling from the minute that you entered the room. Is the implication clear, slut?”

“Yes, Mistress. I know exactly what you mean and of course, I would be honored to suck my Master’s cock.”

With that, Julie reached up and began pulling Tom’s zipper down. Tom reached down and grabbed Julie by the hair of her head and began pulling her toward the one chair that was provided in the room. “I want to be comfortable for this, cunt.”

“Of course, Master,” Julie said as she tried to keep up by only moving her knees.

Tom instructed her to help him remove his clothes. When he was naked and ready for her, Shadow instructed him to move his chair around so that Julie’s back was not blocking her view or the view of the camera. “We want to make sure that her cocksucking prowess is recorded for posterity.”

Then Tom instructed Julie to begin by licking his balls. “Squeeze them a little to get my juices flowing but not so much that you cause me pain. Do you understand that, cunt?”

“Yes, Master.”

Julie took both of his balls into one of her hands and began to gently roll them around in her palm. This elicited a groan of pleasure from Tom and Julie looked up to make sure that it was pleasure and not pain that she was hearing.

Seeing the bliss on his face, Julie again returned to his genitals. Opening her hand enough so that the tops of his balls were open to her she began bathing them with her tongue. Again she heard a groan but this time she did not doubt that it was a sound of pleasure.

She gently turned his testicles so that her tongue could reach the underside of them. She licked as far back towards his ass as was possible with him in a sitting position. “That is enough with the balls, for now, get to work on my cock,” Tom demanded.

Julie allowed the balls to drop and then began licking his shaft from the bottom to the top. She gently pulled the foreskin back as she reached the crown. She swiped her tongue all around the head of his cock until it was gleaming with her saliva and then used her tongue to pull that moisture back into her mouth. Giving his shaft a little squeeze and pulling upward with her hand, she milked a small dollop of pre-cum out of his piss slit. She used that moisture to lubricate the head of his cock and then cleaned it off with her tongue. She made sure that her tongue spread his piss slit and that she got the tip as far into the opening as it would go. Only when she felt his cock quiver slightly did she take the head into his mouth. She used her tongue on the head and closed her mouth tightly so that there would be friction from her tongue and her upper palate. She allowed her teeth to come together slightly but not enough to cause pain. And then she moved her head forward until she felt the head of his cock hit the opening of her throat. She stopped and began to pull her head back at that point, but Tom would have none of that.

“No, you don’t, cunt. My cock is going all the way down your throat. You better get a good breath of air.” He waited until she pulled as much air into her mouth as she could get and then using his hand on the back of her head pulled her roughly forward until his cock entered her throat. Fortunately for Julie, he was not hugely endowed. His cock only went into her throat a little way allowing her to still get a small amount of air around it.

Realizing that she was not going to choke, Julie relaxed and began to move back and forth but never backing off so much that he felt she was trying to avoid being throat fucked. Tom now took over and using her hair he began pulling her back and then shoving her face back hard against his pubic hair. Julie’s lips became bruised slightly from hitting his pelvic bone but she could not do anything about it.

She began to suck as hard as she could, causing as much friction against his cockhead as possible and was rewarded by feeling him begin to tighten up. She knew he was about to cum and she pushed her head forward to get his cockhead into her throat before he began to spurt. Tom, however, knew what she was doing and pulled her head back until just the tip of his cock was in her mouth. Knowing where his cum would now land caused him to have a massive orgasm. Jet after jet of white-hot cum ejected from his cock and landed on her tongue. Julie swallowed the first few spurts before Tom told her to stop.

“I want your mouth full of my cum so the camera can get a good view of what a cocksucker’s mouth should look like.”

When his orgasm finally subsided he squeezed the last vestiges of cum into her mouth and then told her to turn and face the camera with her mouth wide open. Only when he was sure that anyone watching that tape would be able to see that her mouth was indeed full of white-hot cum did he tell her to swish it around her cheeks and gums. Finally, he instructed her to gargle before swallowing what was left of his spunk.

“You may be a worthless piece of shit, but you are an excellent cocksucker. I bet your husband loves that about you.”

“Is that true, slut. Does David appreciate your cocksucking prowess?”

“No, Mistress. You see I have never sucked David’s cock. I thought of doing it a few times but he never ordered me to do it and so I never followed through on the idea.” As she said it she imagined what David’s reaction would be when he saw this tape. Her heart fell a little bit as she realized that Shadow would no doubt send the tape to her husband.

“I suppose that you have already emailed a copy of this tape to David?” Julie asked.

“Not, yet, slut. But I will as soon as you have signed the waiver that I have prepared. You do want to sign that waiver, do you not. Once, you have agreed to all my terms we can get started training you to be the perfect pain pig. Is that what you desire, slut?”

“Yes, Mistress. I will agree to anything that you desire of me.”

“Bring the slut over to the table so that she can read and sign the waiver.”

Julie was dragged across the room by her hair. She was then allowed to sit on the floor and the contract was handed to her on a clipboard. She began to read.

“I ________________________, agree to be the slave of ___________________________, to be their property. I agree to hold them harmless for anything they do to me from this day forward. I realize that my body belongs to them and that I have no say in how it is used, marked, or penetrated. I also agree to have all activities taped, filmed, or recorded and that such tapes, films, or recordings are the sole property of my owners to do with as they see fit, including sending them to my husband, ******, and friends. They may also sell them or post them to my social media accounts at their discretion.

I futher realize that my owners may at their sole discretion, have my body parts pierced, tattooed or branded. I hold them harmless for any damage done to my body or mind. I agree to all these terms willingly and without being coerced.

Signed this the ______day of June 2019.

There was another line for witnesses.

Julie picked up a pen, filled in her name on the top line, and then signed and dated the form.

Shadow and Tom filled in their names on the line provided and then witnessed the form.

Chapter Fifteen – Julie’s New Life

As soon as the contract was signed and witnessed, Shadow took it made numerous copies. One of these she gave to Tom, one to Julie and then put one into an envelope, addressed it to Julie’s husband and told Tom to take it out to the maildrop and post it.

Tom quickly dressed and did as Shadow had instructed. When he came back into the room Shadow was tying Julie’s arms behind her back. Before she helped Julie on with the punishment boots she had given her a few nights previously, she took a box of uncooked rice and poured a generous amount into each boot. Then she forced the boots onto Julie’s feet and locked them securely in place.

Now when Julie stood up she not only was forced onto her toes but the bottoms of her feet were punished by the cruel rice.

“Please, Mistress, I won’t be able to walk in these boots.”

“You will learn to walk, slut, or you will crawl. The choice is yours, but if you don’t keep up with me I will drag you across the carpeted hall and across the concrete of the parking garage. I hope that is not necessary because you won’t have any tits left to be pierced. Do you understand me, slut”

“Yes, Mistress,’ was all Julie said.

Shadow then found a large studded dog collar in Julie’s drawer. This she placed around the young woman’s neck and fastened it there with a small padlock. She then attached a long leather leash to a ring in the collar so that she could lead the girl anywhere she wanted.

Shadow then produced a pair of pasties that were just big enough to cover the nipples that were not covered by the jaws of nipple clamps. She then helped Julie into the skimpiest thong the girl had ever seen. ““That should satisfy the nudity laws, just in case somebody actually objects to seeing a naked slave girl,” Shadow said to Tom.

Then Shadow got Julie’s purse and pulled her wallet from it. She looked through the variety of cards and finally settled on a debit card. “How much do you keep in this account, slut?”

“Not a lot Mistress. There is probably 5 or 6 hundred dollars in available funds.”

“That will not be enough for what I have in mind. Do you have money in another account that you can transfer to this one?”

“Yes, we have a savings account with probably 10,000 dollars in it. But, I have a platinum credit card. Wouldn’t that work just as well?”

“Try not to think for yourself, slave. But, to answer your question, no. You see credit card charges can be reversed, but funds that are withdrawn from a bank account using the card and PIN usually cannot be. I don’t want you or your husband deciding that the money was obtained by fraud.”

Shadow then opened her laptop, asked for the name of Julie’s bank, and brought up the login page. “Now, slut give me your user name and password so that I can see exactly how much we have to work with.”

Julie wanted to say no, but she realized that one way or another Shadow would get the information from her. And so she complied.

When she was logged in, Shadow checked out both savings and checking. “You lied to me slut. There is over 25,000 in your savings account. We might just as well move the entire amount into checking so that we can use it as we see fit. You do want me to have access to your money, do you not?”

Julie knew that this entire conversation was being recorded and that record could be used later in case she tried to deny the money was transferred willingly. But, she simply said, “Yes, Mistress.”

“Tom, do you want to drive or should we call for a limousine?”

“Normally, I would opt for the Limo, but since we have all night, and I have just had the best blowjob of my life, I think I can drive. That way, if I get the urge to fuck the slut, I can just pull over and do it on the side of the road.”

With that settled, Shadow pulled on the leash, and Julie walked as fast as she could with her feet burning and aching. As they passed out of the room an older couple was coming down the hallway. Julie expected to be berated but to her surprise, the old woman looked at her companion and remarked how she wished she could change places with the bound and naked woman. And Julie now wished she could change places with the old woman.

There were two men in the elevator when then entered. One looked at Julie and then to Shadow. “I assume that she belongs to you? Is there any possibility that I could use her for a while after you have finished with her?”

“I don’t know that I will ever be finished with her as you say. However, if you would like to come with us, and you were generous, I might allow you access to her.”

“What do you mean by my being generous? Are you saying that she is a whore”

“She is my slave, and I can allow others to use her as I see fit. And if you are so stupid that you don’t understand what I am suggesting, then we might as well go our separate ways.”

Just then the elevator reached the garage level where Tom had parked his car. Shadow didn’t speak to the man again as she led Julie across the concrete floor. Just before they reached the car, a man wearing a uniform stepped out of the shadows. Julie was sure that the man was a cop and hoped that he might interfere with what was transpiring.

The man stepped up to Shadow and smiled. “I see you have a new slave. Are you taking her to have her tits pierced?”

“Yes, would you like to follow us in your squad car and watch the process?”

“I’ll give you an escort, just to make sure that some cop who doesn’t know you, doesn’t interfere with your fun. But, since I am on call, I will have to pass up the opportunity to see her skewered.”

Julie was then buckled into the backseat of the car. Tom got in the driver’s side and Shadow rode shotgun.

Shadow gave the directions to where they were going and then there was silence for the rest of the drive.

After about 15 minutes Tom pulled into what looked to be a strip mall. Shadow directed Tom to drive around in the back of one of the stores. There was a single light over the door. Shadow got out of the car and came around and opened Julie’s door. She helped Julie to exit the vehicle in such a way that she did not hit her head on the door frame. “We wouldn’t want you unconscious when the needles go through your tit flesh, now would we?”

Julie knew this was not a question that Shadow expected an answer to and so she remained silent. The thought of what Shadow had just said caused her to almost forget about the agony in her feet as she transversed the distance between the car and that door.

Shadow knocked and after a few seconds, it was opened. A large man stood on the other side and he immediately recognized Shadow and waved them inside. “I see you have brought me another victim. Are we going to give her the full treatment or are you in a hurry?”

“Let’s start with her tits and then I will decide if she is in good enough shape to enjoy having her cunt lips pierced as well.”

All this time Julie was being led through a hallway. On both sides were hooks that held bondage equipment and whips of every imaginable variety. Finally, they entered a well-lighted space. Julie surveyed the surroundings and saw there were several padded benches with straps hanging down from the tops and bottoms. She figured those were to secure a victim so that they could not escape. She wondered which one she would be secured to. But she was led past each one without stopping.

Finally, they stopped in front of a counter which was covered with glass cases. Each one was filled with rings of different sizes and materials.

“Do you want the rings to be able to be easily removed or are you thinking of something more permanent?”

“I realize that there is no way to guarantee that she will not be able to remove the rings. I would, however, like them as secure as possible and yet sturdy enough so that they can support a great amount of weight.”

“If that is your desire then the rings should go behind the nipples not through them. I have a couple of padlocks with hafts narrow enough to be used. The only other alternative would be heavy silver that I could solder in place once they were pulled through her piercings.”

“Mmm, that sounds like it would be very painful.”

“Yes, and no. Nobody will be able to keep from passing out while it is being done to them. Of course, we could bring her around but I doubt she would feel much after the first minute or so. The other method might be better because the size of the needle will need to be larger to make a hole big enough for the haft to go through.”

“Let’s go that route, then. But can we dull the needles so that it will take longer going through her breast meat?”

“Oh, you with little faith. I dull most of my needles because I love causing pain. Only those that pay extra for sharp needles, get them.”

Shadow then picked out a pair of locks and some heavy chain to go between them. She held the locks up in front of Julie’s eyes and asked her how she liked them.

“I don’t think that I will be able to stand to have my breasts pierced with something big enough to make the kind of hole necessary.”

“Don’t worry, slut. You will be restrained and gagged so you will have no choice but to stand it. And should you pass out, which you may well do, I will bring you back awake before we continue. Aren’t you grateful that I am such a considerate Mistress?”

Julie was no longer looking forward to being Shadow’s slave but she knew better than to voice that opinion. “Yes, Mistress, thank you, Mistress.”

“Bring her over here and let’s get her properly restrained,” the man told Shadow.

Julie was surprised that she was not led to a bench to be lain down upon. Instead, she was brought to a rough upright board with leather straps hanging down from various parts. Shadow forced Julie’s back against the board and then attached her dog collar to a ring which was the correct height. The man brought a heavy dowel and shoved it between Julie’s legs and pulled it up so that it rested between the lips of her cunt.

“It needs to be a little higher to go through the proper hole. Get up on your toes, cunt, and push up until I tell you to stop.”

Julie obeyed and then felt the dowel to slide forward and locked into place. The man then told her to let her weight down. He then pulled a leather strap around her middle and secured her to the board. He bent down and used another strap to secure her knees so that they could not bend. Another strap was pulled tightly under her breasts and tied off. Now, she could not move forward, backward, or left or right.

He then left her for a few moments. When he returned he had a bench that was adjustable for height. This he pushed under her tits and pulled it up so that her breast meat was pushed upward. He then attached a line to her nipple clamps and stretched the breasts across the wooden surface of the bench.

He reached down and picked up a large needle, held it against the haft of the padlock, and smiled as he discovered that it was just slightly larger than the haft. He then held the needle in front of Julie’s eyes. “This is what I am going to slowly push through your breast meat.” He then pressed the tip against Julie’s arm so that she could feel the blunted tip. “Are you looking forward to having this pushed through your tit, cunt?”

“I am scared to death at the idea, Master.”

The man laughed as did Shadow and Tom.

“I am so happy to hear you say that. I know you must be a pain pig but it wouldn’t be any fun for me if you actually liked the amount of pain I intend to inflict on you.”

He then turned to Shadow. “Are you ready for me to begin?”

“I have been recording from the moment you opened the door, so proceed at your own speed. If she passes out, I have some smelling salts to bring her back around. I don’t want her to miss even a second of pain.”

The man came forward and touched the needle to Julie’s breast just behind the nipple. He pressed down but not so much that the needle immediately penetrated Julie’s skin. The pain was severe but not unbearable and Julie thought she might be able to withstand it. Then he presses harder and Julie felt the skin stretching and then break. Now, the pain was excruciating. She cried out but not so loud that she could be heard outside of the room. He pushed even harder and the needle went through about half of her breast meat before he stopped. He reached over and took a bottle of rubbing alcohol and poured a generous amount onto her breast. He moved the needle back and forth so that the caustic liquid entered the needle hole. Now, Julie was crying profusely, but still, she did not scream loudly.

“I think that she needs to be gagged for the rest of the treatment. We don’t want anyone hearing her scream and she will. There is a dirty rag that I used to clean the restroom hanging over by the sink. Bring it to me and put it in her mouth.”

Shadow did as she was told. When she brought the rag back and held it up in front of Julie she demanded that the girl open her mouth wide. Julie refused at first and then the man pushed down on the needle again. Julie opened her mouth to scream and Shadow shoved the dirty rag into her mouth and then tied a length of cord around her head holding the rag firmly in place. Even though Julie had not rinsed her mouth since Shadow had pissed in it and Tom had ejaculated in it, the taste of that rag was almost more than her stomach could take. She realized that if she vomited she would likely aspirate into her lungs and so she used every ounce of will she had to keep from throwing up.

Finally, the needle had passed completely through her flesh and had come out the other side. “I need to cauterize the wound so that it will stay open while I pull the needle out and insert the haft.” He picked up a small torch, lit it, and brought the flame to the needle. The pain was so severe that Julie passed out at that point. When she was brought back to consciousness, the needle had been removed and the haft of the lock was being pushed through the cauterized hole.

One end of the chain, Shadow had selected was put on the haft, the lock was then closed and the key was given to Shadow before the man started all over again on her other breast.

Julie lost track of the number of times she passed out before the second lock was snapped shut.

“Do you want to select some jewelry for her cunt lips now, Shadow?” the man asked.

“I was going to say that she had enough but she looks like she has recovered enough for a few more piercings. Show us what you think we should add to her collection.”

“Let’s release her and take her to one of the benches so I can get her legs spread and elevated so I can see what I have to work with.”

They led her across the room to an uncomfortable-looking chair. It looked like a typical recliner but was made out of some type of hardwood. The seat and back were slats of wood, each slat about three inches apart. There was no headrest so that when it was reclined the sitter’s head would hang with nothing to support it. Julie was forced to sit down on those hard slats with her hands still bound tightly behind her. A leather strap was brought across her stomach and secured so that she could not get out of the chair but allowing her to squirm from side to side. She quickly understood that was not meant to relieve her discomfort but rather every movement forced a little more of her flesh down into the spaces between the slats.

If it were not for the dirty rag in her mouth, she would have tried to object. She was long past willingly participating in this madness but she was unable to verbally express that. She could move her head from side to side but whether that negative motion was in the camera’s view, she could not tell.

Julie was unable to do anything but wait for what might come next. She soon learned what that was as the man wheeled a metal contraption in front of the chair. It was slightly wider than the chair and had a metal bar higher than the man’s head. She soon learned that the bar was controlled by a pulley system so that it could be lowered and raised.

The chair was now tipped back so that her head hung down and if it was not for the strap around her middle she would have slid off onto her head and shoulders. Julie would not have been able to see what was going to happen to her if it had not been for the huge mirror attached to the ceiling above her. By painfully lifting her head, a feat not easily accomplished so could see what the man was about to do to her.

That bar at the top of the metal contraption was now lowered to a level where it was just slightly above her elevated feet. Julie felt the man grab one of her booted feet, wrap something around it and then violently pull that foot up and to the side. By twisting her bottom in the direction he was pulling her leg, she could take some of the pressure off of her pelvis.

That relief only lasted for a few seconds as her other foot was pulled up and in the opposite direction of the first. The man laughed as her bottom was roughly pulled back to the center of the chair. “Look at the strain on her legs. Before I am through she will be so cramped that she will not be able to walk.”

The pain was already almost unbearable and Julie wanted to scream but of course, all the sound that she could get past the dirty rag was a muffled sound that was unintelligible.

She also could no longer hold her head up as her neck muscles were also beginning to cramp. As her head settled back with no support her airwave began to close and she began to suffocate.

“You better do something to support the slut’s head or she might just die from lack of oxygen,” the man stated. “Her face is already starting to turn blue.”

Julie was beginning to pass out when she felt something being wrapped around her hair. Then her head was roughly pulled upward so that the pressure on her airwave was relieved. She took a large gulp of air into her body. Looking up she could see that Shadow had pulled her hair together, wrapped a length of rope around it, and tied it off to the same bar her feet were attached to. Now her head could not fall back far enough so that her breathing would be hampered but her hair felt like it might be pulled out of her scalp.

And now Julie could see clearly what was being done to her. The man had produced a straight razor and without water or shaving cream was denuding her cunt from hair. She could feel him scrapping the hair from her tender flesh and she was sure that once or twice some of her skin was removed as well.

“Oh, shit, the slut is bleeding all over. Get the powdered alum and apply it to the wounds to stop the bleeding so I can see what the hell I am doing.”

Julie was sure that this would be painful but she was beyond feeling anything except for the cramped muscles in her legs and neck.

She closed her eyes and tried to let her body relax. She actually hoped at that moment that she would bleed to death and end her torment.

She managed to quiet her thoughts and what happened for the next few minutes was lost to her.

Julie woke with a start as some vile-smelling liquid was held under her nose and moved from side to side to get the vapors moving upward. She would have shaken her head from side to side but that was impossible since the pressure on her hair was too great.

“Welcome back, slut. I want to show you something and give you a choice. We are about to close up your cunt lips. Would you prefer that we sew a zipper on each side so that it can be zipped closed or would you prefer that we sew it closed using metal thread or perhaps some nice metal rings placed on each cunt lip that can be locked together with little padlocks.”

Julie did not answer because none of those options were acceptable to her. Shadow slapped her hard across her face but it barely fazed Julie because of the other areas of her body that were in pain. Shadow again slapped her and in the mirror, Julie could see the red hand mark on her cheek. And still, she did not answer.

“Well, I guess the slut doesn’t care which method we use so I will choose. While I would love to see her squirm while we sew the zipper onto each cunt lip, I can tell she is beyond the ability to feel pain. So I opt for the metal rings and padlocks. Can you imagine her trying to get through the metal detector at the airport security checkpoint?”

“That would be a hoot, but are you really ever going to allow her to get on a plane to go back home?”

“I haven’t decided that yet. I suppose it depends on how badly her husband wants her back after he has seen what she is willing to go through to be a sex slave. He is watching this entire episode in real-time and I have an earwig so that I can hear his comments on what is happening and the only thing he has objected to so far is that it is his money that is paying for his wife’s treatment.”

Julie heard that and tears began streaming from her eyes even though she had no way of confirming if what the evil woman had said was true.

“Oh, look the little cunt is crying. I know that is not from the pain because she is beyond that. Are you sad that your husband is not objecting to what we are doing to you, cunt?”

Shadow was looking down at her and then she reached out and pulled the filthy rag out of her mouth. Julie immediately tried to speak but her throat was so dry that she could not form any words. She stuck her tongue out and tried to wet her lips but no saliva would come forth.

“I think that she needs a little something to drink. I promised her that all she would be allowed to drink would be my piss for the duration of her visit, but I don’t feel the urge. David, would you be adverse to having Tom or Bill here urinate in your wife’s mouth?”

“I would love to see that. Why don’t you or them decide. Perhaps the one that needs to relieve himself the most would be the best choice.”

Shadow’s phone was on speaker so Julie heard every word that her husband spoke. Her heart almost broked knowing that what Shadow had said about her husband being complicit in what was happening to her was true.

The man that she now knew who’s name was Bill stepped forward, unzipped his pants, and pulled a large flaccid cock from his pants. Julie expected him to tell her to open her mouth as he aimed his cock directly toward her mouth but he just shook his cock up and down a couple of times and his flow of urine began. Instead of it hitting her lips, though it went directly into each side of her nostrils. That caused her to open her mouth to breath and that was when he changed his aim so that his piss went directly onto her tongue.

“Keep up with swallowing, cunt, or I will put the full flow directly into your nose so that you drown in my piss.”

Julie had no reason to doubt the cruel man and she kept her mouth open and swallowed as rapidly as she could. Bill must not have used the restroom for a considerable time because his flow continued for what seemed to be minutes although it probably was not that long.

Julie was not able to keep up with the massive amount of liquid and much of it flowed back out of her mouth and down her chin. Seeing this the man squeezed his cock to stop the flow to allow Julie to catch up. “You are wasting precious liquid, slut. I can now slow down and I want you to make sure that every drop from now on is swallowed. I am going to start again but I don’t want you to swallow immediately. I want you to hold it in your mouth and swish it around so that every inch of your mouth and gums is coated. Do you understand my instruction?”

Julie hated herself but for some reason, she had to answer. “Yes, Master and thank you, Master.”

Bill laughed and then allowed his urine to begin flowing but he kept hold of his cock so that he could slow it down. When Julie’s mouth was full and her cheeks were bulging out he stopped. Julie held the mouthful of piss until Bill told her to slowly begin swallowing. When she had taken all the vile-smelling liquid into her stomach he began again.

Finally, it was over and Julie’s stomach was rolling because it was so filled with Bill’s urine.

“David, did you ever suspect that your wife would be such a filthy slut? Did you see her lick her lips when Bill finished pissing in her mouth? I bet she wished Tom would take his place.”

“My only regret is that I didn’t know about her decadence before now. She would have been drinking my piss instead of a stranger’s. One thing is certain though, I am never again going to kiss those lips or stick my tongue in her mouth.”

That last statement hurt Julie more than any of the things that Shadow and her cohorts had done.

“Since you said that, I have to ask you, do you want the slut, back at all?”

“I am not sure. I never knew this side of her. I can see that it might be fun to have a pain pig to whip when I have had a bad day at work. It might be exciting to let my poker club fuck her in between hands. And it definitely would be nice not to have to get up to go to the pisser when I am watching TV or in the middle of the night for that matter. What do you have in mind for her for the next day?”

“I was hoping that you would agree to let me keep her a little longer than that. I might even be able to sell her services enough to allow you to recoup some of the funds that she is spending on her training.”

“Well, that changes things for me. If you can make enough money off of the bitch to return my investment and maybe cover some of her lost wages, then you can have her for as long as you want.”

Hearing that Julie lost all hope that this madness would ever end.

Chapter Sixteen – The Torment Continues – Julie’s View

Shadow now turned to Julie. “ Did you hear that slut? David doesn’t want you back until I am finished with you. And probably once he sees the end result, he won’t want you back then. And since we are no longer under a time crunch, I think we can let you heal up before we begin to work on your worthless cunt. Bill, do you mind keeping the slut for a couple of days and let her heal up. Of course, you can use her for whatever purpose you see fit while she is in your care. When her tits heal sufficiently and she can again feel extreme pain, give me a call and I will come back and help you with the vaginal closing.”

“That will be fine with me as long as you understand that it will cost you a thousand dollars per day. I don’t just work for the fun of it although this is my idea of fun.”

“Of course, after all, she is the one paying you.”

“Before you go, I would like you to help me though,” Bill said to Shadow.

“Certainly, what do you have in mind?”

“I want to pull her up so that her head is hanging down to the floor. But, I need you to hold her head so that it doesn’t hit the concrete as I am raising her fee and causing her to slide off the chair. We wouldn’t want her to be knocked unconscious would we?”

“No, that would be terrible. If she is comatose, she can’t feel pain.”

With that Shadow released Julie’s hair and then helped to support her head as Bill began raising the bar her feet were fastened to. I could now see the reason for him asking Shadow to help. If she was not supporting my head it would have struck the concrete floor and possibly rendered me unconscious.

Only when my head was safely clear of the floor did Shadow release my head and allow it to hang straight down.

Shadow then turned and headed towards the door. “Make sure that you record everything. I am sure that David will want to see her torment and I definitely want to.”

I heard the door open and close and I knew that I was now alone with the maniac that had skewered my breasts. Blood was flowing to my head and I was starting to feel dizzy by the time I saw Bill’s boots in front of my face.

“Don’t worry slut. I will keep track of you so that you don’t have a fatal attack from being hung upside down. I have done some research and although there is no set rule as to how long it would take for your other organs to settle down and cause your lungs to stop working, I think you should be safe enough for a couple of hours. But just in case I am going to attach a portable EKG machine to you. If your heart rate raises sufficiently, it will cause an alarm to go off and I can let you down”

The man then attached some leads to my chest, turned out the lights, and left the room.

I was in a panic and was surprised when I did not hear an alarm since I could feel her heart rate increase. But, after some time I began to calm down and I actually closed my eyes and relaxed. At some point, the lights came back on and my tormentor came back into the room.

By that time my bladder was in bad need of emptying, In fact, I had been considering what might be impossible, urinating while being hung upside down.

“Please, Master. I badly need to relieve my bladder. All of your piss went straight through me and is pooled in my bladder.”

“Is it very painful, slut?”

I knew that he would take delight in having me in pain from this strange source, but I replied that it was.

Then I think we can leave you hanging for another hour or so. There is a drain underneath your head so if you can push a little piss up and out, you are free to do so.

I didn’t want to do that and so I held back from urinating until Bill finally came back to release me. He lowered me until my head was resting against the concrete and then slowly lowered my body until my shoulders made contact with the floor. He left me there for what seemed to be a long time and my neck muscles were fully cramped. Then he allowed my body to settle until I was laying on her back. He then rolled me over and for the first time in many hours my hands were unbound. I was not able to move them since they had gone to sleep long ago and I had no feeling in my arms or hands. Bill, noticed this and forced my hands back to my sides. This caused the blood to return to areas that had been denied for a long time and feeling began to come back. The feeling soon became severe pain as cramped muscles tried to release.

Bill took the toe of his work boot and began to massage my arms with them. He was not gentle and i was sure that there would be bruises forming before he tired of the sport. When i was able to move my arms on my own he left me. When he came back he had a pair of wide leather cuffs, which he attached to each wrist. He pulled my arms wide apart and attached those cuffs to another metal bar. Then he removed the chair from the bar attached to my feet and snapped it onto the one now attached to my wrists.

Bil then pressed a button and the hoist began pulling me upward. He stopped the hoist when my spread feet were just touching the floor.

Now, all the blood that had been in my upper body began flowing towards my feet which had been denied. Again, I felt severe pain. But, I could no longer hold back and the strongest flow of urine I had ever experienced came out of my body. MY bladder had been stretched more than ever before and as it contracted even more pain was caused.

“I am going to leave you hanging there for a few hours. Customers will be showing up shortly and you are not to speak to any of them unless they ask you a direct question. Is that clear, slut?”

“Yes, Master,” I replied although the response was low since it was difficult for me to get enough air into my lungs. I was not sure if I would be able to hang for a few hours as the man had said, but then I had no choice in the matter. If the best thing happened I would suffocate to death. That thought brought a slight smile to my face.

The pain in my arms and shoulders was almost unbearable when I heard the ding of a bell signaling that someone had entered the main door of the shop. A few minutes later Bill ushered a young couple into the room where I was hanging.

The woman was the first to notice my plight and immediately came over to see what was happening to me. “I didn’t realize that you offered bondage services. How long has she been hanging here?”

“She has only been hanging in that position for about an hour, but she hung upside down for most of last night. I pierced her tits last night and her owner wanted me to keep her until she could feel adequate pain to have her vagina lips pierced and closed.”

“Mmm, I love the little locks, you put through her breasts. How much weight do you think could be suspended from them?”

“Once they heal up, I don’t know that there is a limit to the weight they could support as long as it was added gradually. Well, that probably is not true. There is always a limit to what flesh can bear before it tears. But, I can assure you that I will hang over 20 pounds from her tits.”

“Can I talk with her?”

“Ask her anything you want and she will answer you, won’t you, cunt?”

“Yes, Master.”

“God, I love her obedience. What is her name?”

I have no idea, her Mistress just calls her slut. What is your name, cunt?”

“My name is Julie but I will answer to anything you want to call me, ma-am.”

“Okay, Julie I want to know on a scale of 1 to 10 how painful it was having your tits pierced?”

“It was the most painful thing that I have ever gone through. So a 10 would be accurate.”

“Did you pass out while it was being done to you?”

“Yes, ma-am, but they always brought me back before continuing. They made sure that I felt every second of having the dull needle pushed through my flesh.”

“Did you say the needle was dull?”

“Yes, ma-am. My Mistress requested that the tip be dulled so that it would take longer to go through my breasts.”

The woman turned to Bill. “Can I see the needle you used on her?”

Bill did not reply but he did cross the room to the bench where he kept his tools and came back and presented the needle to the young woman.

I was surprised when the woman began unbuttoning her blouse. When the last button was undone, she pulled the blouse from her skirt and pulled it off her shoulders. She handed it to her male companion. She did not wear a bra so her tits were now in full view of everyone present. “Has this needle been disinfected?”

“No, but I can get some alcohol if you would like.”

“Yes, please, I want to test it out on my breast before I decide if it will work for me?”

Bill crossed the room again and came back with some paper towels and a bottle of alcohol. He handed them to the woman and she poured a liberal amount of the liquid onto a paper towel and then used that to rub the needle for about 60 seconds.

When she was satisfied that any germs had been killed she took the needle and pushed it against her breast just behind the nipple. Julie could see pain come into the woman’s face and then she stopped and handed the needle back to Bill.

Then she turned to her companion. “What do you think, sir? Would you like to see me pierced with that needle?”

He took the needle and pushed the tip against his thumb. “You charge by the hour, how much would it cost to have the same locks put into my fiance’s breasts?”

“Well, if you want me to go slow so that she will feel maximum pain and with the locks and chain to connect them, I would charge $500. And that includes cauterizing the wounds so they won’t be infected.”

“That will be fine. Can we make an appointment for Thursday morning, let’s say nine o’clock?”

“I will mark it on my calendar.”

I thought the couple would leave at that point but the woman reached between my legs and felt my pussy. She took one of my lips between her thumb and fingers and pulled it down and out. “You have lovely long pussy lips. I heard Bill say that he was going to pierce and close them. What is he going to use for that?”

“My Mistress chose some metal rings and small padlocks to lock them together with. She had thought about having a zipper installed that could be locked closed at the top, but she liked the idea of my humiliation in trying to go through security at the airport with the metal rings since they would set off the alarm and I would have to be manually inspected.”

“I love the idea, you must be very lucky to have a Mistress that is that sadistic.” She then inserted two fingers into my spread cunt. “Mmm, she is nice and wet. Come over and feel for yourself, sir.”

The man smiled and then moved forward. He pulled his fingers close together and then shoved all four of them inside of me. He then tucked his thumb in tight and pushed upward until the thumb started into my body as well as his fingers.

I wanted to object but I recalled Bill’s admonition not to speak unless directly asked a question and so I remained quiet. I almost screamed when he pushed forward and his entire fist disappeared inside of my cunt. The man twisted his hand back and forth and then pulled it back out.

“Her cunt is too sloppy for my liking. I thought some of paying to fuck her but she is just too loose.”

Bill spoke up. “If she stays with me long enough, I will fix that problem.”

He didn’t elaborate and neither of his customers asked him what he meant.

Throughout the day customers came and went. Many of them showed great curiosity over my plight but nobody else agreed to have similar things done to them. My arms felt like they would be torn out of their sockets but finally, Bill took pity on me and lowered me down. Or at least I thought he was taking pity on me. He removed the bar that was keeping my feet spread wide, pulled them close together, and used a leather belt to secure them so that they could not be separated. Then I was pulled back up so that my entire weight rested on just the toes of my boots. It only took a matter of seconds for my toes to cramp. This was followed closely by my ankles, calves, and knees.

I was crying profusely when my feet slipped and all my weight was supported by my arms. I screamed so loud that Bill came in to see what had happened. What saved me was that I could not breathe as the pressure from being hung in that position had forced my rib cage to pull in against my lungs. If Bill had not noticed that I would have died in a short period of time.

“What a pathetic piece of shit you are. I should let you suffocate, but then I probably wouldn’t get paid.” He then lowered me down.

“I guess I will have to come up with another way to suspending you.” He released my wrists from the restraints. I thought of trying to fight him when my hands were free but even if they hadn’t been almost useless from the past strain, I would have stood no chance against him.

He reached down and grabbed one of my ankles and began pulling me across the floor. It was a short distance, but my skin was abraded before he got me to where he wanted me. He then told me to stand against a large pole that was set into the floor and bolted to the ceiling joist. It had been rough-hewn and had slivers sticking out in many places. He forced my hands behind me and around that pole and tied them together.

He got down on his knees in front of me and started to unzip my boots, but then he discovered that the zippers were padlocked shut. “Oh, hell, this will cost me a few dollars but I have to get those boots off of you.”

He got up and walked out of my sight. When he returned he was carrying a pair of bolt cutters. It took him no time in cutting the padlocks. He then returned to his knees and unzipped my boots. I had worn them for over 24 hours and my feet were in bad shape by the time he got those torture boots off of my feet.

And then he forced me to put all my weight onto my bare feet. A few grains of rice had stuck to the soles and that was compressed into my flesh by the hard concrete of the floor.

“Now, raise up on your toes so that I can get the proper height for this dowel.” He showed the round piece of wood to me, but I wasn’t impressed since I had something very similar done to me earlier. But I obeyed and shoved up so that he could insert the dowel into a hole in the post I was secured to.

He then allowed me to lower my body, but it only went down an inch or so before my cunt lips settled onto the dowel. I knew that if I allowed my full weight to rest on that piece of round wood that I would suffer as it pressed into my pelvic bones.

He fastened my middle to the pole with a wide leather strap. This he pulled tight enough to hold my ass against the pole but not tight enough to help support my weight. He bent down and grabbed my left ankle and forced it off the floor. He pulled it behind me. Holding it up by putting it between his legs, he put a leather cuff around my ankle. This he snapped a leather strip to and pulled my leg as high as it would go and tied it off. Now all my weight was on the ball of my right foot. I was surprised that he had not positioned me so that my weight would be on the toes since that would have caused more severe cramps.

“I hope you will have a pleasant night,” he said as he turned and left the room.

It only took me a few minutes before I realized that Bill had not made a mistake in positioning me. When the pain in my foot became severe, I willingly pushed up on my toes to take the pressure off of it. But I could only stand that for a short time and I had to settle back down and allow my weight to settle onto the dowel between my legs.

That quickly became untenable and again, I pushed up onto my toes. The pain became unbearable but then it turned to pleasure as my body gave into it. Many times I had tried to bind myself in such a position but never had I succeeded in creating the type of pain that I was now experiencing.

My whole body was almost purring when Bill came into the room the next morning. He took one look at me and swore. “What the hell is the meaning of this. You should be a quivering mass by now.”

“I have you to thank, Master,” I told him. “Never before have I felt so good as I do right now.”

That really pissed him off and he went to the sidewall and brought down a cruel looking whip with multiple tails. “Let,s see how good you feel after a dozen lashes with old Betsy here.”

He wasted no time bringing the whip solidly across the front of my one leg that was ******* to be struck. The pain was extreme but it only added to the feeling of bliss that I had. “Thank you, Master,” I uttered.

“Thank me for this whore.” This time the whip came straight across my still healing breasts. That stroke caused me to cry out and Bill took that as a sign to continue whipping my breasts. It only took a few strokes before I felt so good that I could not suppress my smiles.

Bill was fuming but he gave up and threw the whip across the room. “You are going to pay for this cunt. Just remember that you still have a cunt lip piercing coming.”

I was left secured to the pole. I had no way of knowing how long but at some point, Bill returned and he had Shadow with him.

“Bill tells me that he has given up on you, slut? I knew you were a pain pig but I didn’t think you would reach nirvana this quickly. So I guess there is no reason to put off closing up your cunt.”

She came over and together with Bill quickly had me released from the pole. As much as I had enjoyed the pain, the cramps in my legs, arms, and back made it impossible for me to walk.

Bill wanted to just drag me back to the chair but Shadow insisted that I was a valuable piece of property and that she needed him to help her safely get me seated.

Bill groaned in protest but moved to one side of me and pulled my arms around his shoulders. Shadow did the same on the other side and between them managed to help me cross back to where the cruel chair awaited me.

Bill left the room to get his implements and Shadow bent down and whispered in my ear. “You need to become a better, actress, slut. I could clearly see on the camera when you went from pain to pleasure. That could have ruined the video for a lot of people if they recognized that change. But since I didn’t get any complaints from the paying customers, we didn’t lose anything. But, making Bill look bad was not wise. If I had not come back when I did you might have been in serious trouble. Hopefully, your piercing will not be pleasurable for you, but just in case it is you need to act as if it hurts like hell. Do you understand me?”

“Yes, Mistress. I will try not to disappoint you.”

By the time that Bill returned Shadow had already secured my feet to the metal bar and started to pull my legs up so that Bill would have free access to my cunt lips. I was surprised when instead of needles he came back with a soldering iron with a pointed tip on it. He plugged it in and waited until it glowed bright red. Shadow asked him what he was going to do.

“I am not going to waste effort pushing needles through her cunt lips and then having to cauterize the holes afterward. I am going to burn each hole with the iron. That way I can wait to begin putting in the rings until all the holes are prepared. It is going to hurt the bitch a lot but that is an added bonus. Do you have any objections to what I want to do?”

Shadow gave me a funny look. She mouthed something that I was unsure of, but I think she was saying "‘I told you so’.

“If it will speed things up and still cause her pain, I am all for it,” Shadow replied.

“Alright then take this magic marker and put a dot everywhere you want a hole. Just make sure they are far enough apart so they don’t tear out when we pull the rings together.”

“Shadow picked up the marker and pulled one of my cunt lips out away from my body. She began putting marks the full length of the cunt lip. I could not see exactly what she was doing, but I could feel that she had made an awful lot of marks. Finally she let go of that lip and pulled the other one away from my body. Again she took her time placing the marks. And again I knew she wanted a lot of rings placed. When she finished she told Bill he could start.

I tensed up as he pulled one cunt lip out so that he could see the marks Shadow had made. He then told Shadow she would need to hold the cunt lip for him as he needed both hands to guide the red hot soldering iron. When he touched it to my flesh, I screamed. “Scream all you want, cunt, nobody is going to save you.” He took his time burning the holes in my flesh. I passed out several times but each time I was brought back with smelling salts.

The smell of burning flesh filled my nostrils and I almost lost my cookies, knowing that smell was coming from what was left of my vulva.

Finally, Bill put the soldering iron down and unplugged it. He then began spreading the metal rings enough so that he could thread them through the holes. He worked non-stop until every single ring was threaded. Only then did he begin closing the rings together.

“There that part is finished. “Don’t you want her clit pierced as well? That hole I would make with a paper punch. Of course, she would never have another orgasm.”

“As wonderful as that sounds, I think she has suffered enough for one day. Let me pay you for your services and jewelry and I will take her off your hands.”

“Don’t I at least get to fuck the whore?” Bill asked.

“Do I get a discount if you do?” Shadow shot back.

“How about if I discount you 10 bucks to let me fuck her in the ass?”

“Sounds fair to me. Where do you want her secured?”

“Just tie her hands behind her and bend her over the bench with the horsehair mat. I’m sure her newly pierced tits will get a real kick out of sliding back and forth across that stiff hair.”

“Let me adjust the camera before you start. I have customers that will want to see a good ass fucking. Is there some way to hold her ass cheeks open so they won’t block the view?”

“You will find some large fishhooks and some monofilament line on the bench over there. Bring about a dozen hooks so that we can pull her ass cheeks wide apart. Your customers should pay extra to see those hooks shoved into the flesh of her ass and have her stretched wide open.”

“That is such a wonderful idea, don’t you think slut?”

I didn’t think it was such a great idea but I smiled and said, “Yes Mistress.”

“Where should I put the hooks?” Shadow asked Bill.

“Start as close to her cunt as you can. Place the hook close enough to the edge so that you can push it all the way through. Of course, you will not be able to pull it back out unless you cut the barb off of the hook when we are through. If it was me, I would just leave the hooks in so that you could have someone ass fuck her anytime you desired.”

“I like that idea.”

And then she started using large fishhooks to pierce my ass cheeks. It wasn’t too bad since she didn’t want to spend all night doing the deed and she pushed the sharp hooks quickly through my flesh. What did hurt like hell was when she attached the monofilament line and began pulling each side of my flesh open. She laughed every time I cried out. Bill found the process particularly satisfying.

He didn’t bother to use any lubricant. He started by sticking his middle finger into my asshole and wriggling it around. He added a second finger to open me up and then pulled out and put the head of her cock against my little bud. It would have been bad enough if he had lubricated the hole but when he pushed in dry, I almost died. He could only get in an inch or so at a time until my sphincter muscle started to relax. He would push in until the pressure on his foreskin hurt him and then he would stop, pull back out, and then thrust forward. He repeated this until I felt his pubic hair directly against my ass. Then he pulled almost all the way out and then plowed forward until he was buried to the hilt.

Every thrust caused more pain and I was sure that he was breaking some blood vessels inside my poop chute. Fortunately, Bill didn’t have all the stamina in the world and after a few minutes or the worst pain of my life, I felt him tense, and then my ass was flooded with his spunk.

When he pulled out, Shadow directed him to move out of the way so her audience could get a good view of his semen sliding out of my ass.

I expected something even worse was about to happen, but apparently Bill didn’t have much of an imagination. I thought sure he was going to make me clean his cock with my mouth but he was already headed to the bathroom to clean himself off.

I breathed a sigh of relief as he left and Shadow bent down and again whispered in my ear. “You know I should call him back here and clue him in on the proper way for a woman to clean his cock after he has fucked her in the ass, don’t you?”

“Yes, Mistress, but I would be eternally grateful to you if you did not.”

“Eternally grateful, you say? I am willing to be”t that you won’t be grateful to me much after tomorrow night.”

I had no idea what she meant by that but I lived to regret my words.

Chapter Seventeen – Some Things Hurt More than Physical Pain

I walked barefoot across the asphalt parking lot. It was late in the day but the surface still retained a great amount of heat from being in the hot sun all day. If it had been an hour or so earlier, I would probably had second-degree burns on the soles of my feet. But as it was, they were only slightly burned. Shadow helped me into the car and I sat on the seat with those fishhooks still stuck in my ass cheeks. Needless to say, it was an uncomfortable ride.

Shadow did not roll down the tinted windows, which I was grateful for since it would be difficult for passing motorists to see my nakedness. I watched as she drove and noticed that she was not heading toward the motel. I was surprised because I knew she had her surveillance equipment there.

I thought some of risking asking her about that, but I had gotten off fairly easily due to her kindness and thought it prudent to let it go at that.

But, as we left the city limits, I finally spoke up. “Mistress permission to speak please.”

“Permission granted slut. But, I imagine you are going to ask why we are not going to the Hotel.”

“Yes, Mistress, I was.”

“It is a surprise. You do like surprises, don’t you?”

“Some, more than others,” I replied.

“Well, this one is especially just for you. The good news is, it will make me enough money to pay David back most of what I spent having your piercings done. The bad news is that you are going to greatly suffer so that I can make that money.”

She didn’t elaborate further, nor did I ask her to. This was one surprise I was not looking forward to.

It was dark by the time Shadow pulled off onto a dirt road. Shadow could see very little of the passing countryside, but she could see trees on each side of the road illuminated by the headlights. Finally, Shadow turned into a narrow lane. It was so bumpy that she could only go a few miles per hour. And then she stopped in front of a log cabin. Shadow left the lights on so that they could see to walk to the door. And when the door opened she turned and pressed a button on her remote and the car lights turned off.

The inside was much more spacious than it looked from the outside. The main room had been converted into a torture chamber. My eyes were immediately drawn to a wooden horse that had been constructed out of rough lumber, making it even more devastating for a naked woman to ride. An old fashioned wrack was a few feet away from the horse. Hooks hung from the ceiling so that a person could be suspended. One wall was covered with a variety of whips and canes.

“Do you like what you see, slut?” Shadow asked me.

“You thought of about everything. I guess an ordinary woman might be in real trouble here.”

Shadow gave a little laugh. “My dear little slut. You think that I cannot hurt you, is that it?”

“Oh, I am sure that you can hurt me. The question is will I enjoy the pain?”

“I assure you that you will not. Tonight will be the last night that you will even think of pleasant thoughts. Some things hurt more than physical pain.”

“Would you care to elaborate on that point?” I asked.

“And spoil your surprise, not on your life. You will spend tonight stretched on the wrack. If you survive that, I will take you on a tour of the property in the morning and show you all the wonderful plants, animals, and insects that I will get you intimately acquainted within the next few days. Some cameras cover every inch inside and outside of the cabin. So no matter how I choose to torture you, it can be recorded. Each of those recordings will bring me exorbitant wealth.”

“How can you sell such recording without fear of being arrested?” I asked her.

“Have you ever heard of the “Dark Web?”

I tried to think. I guess that phrase was somewhat familiar to me but I didn’t know precisely how it worked or who could access it. “I am not sure exactly what it is.”

“Well, you probably use a web browser like google when you want to surf for something on the Internet. And if you search for soft porn, you probably will never be called to account by any law enforcement agency. But, if you want something special, like say ****** or bestiality and you use those words in your search you may have a visit from someone wearing a badge and gun. But there are search engines that are hidden from common people. And the users are encrypted in such a way that they are invisible to prying eyes. Of course, so far, the things you have agreed to are mild enough so that I can sell them without fear of prosecution.”

“Are you telling me that being tied down against my will is not against the law. Isn’t that kidnapping or something similar. Or maybe it is white slavery.

“It might be if you had not willingly agreed to allow me to do those things to you. You do remember signing the contract do you not?”

“I didn’t specifically agree to having my genitals mutilated.”

Shadow produced a copy of the contract and handed it to me. “Please read carefully and tell me again that what was done was against your will.”

I took the paper and for the first time really digested what I had agreed to.

“Do you see the line that says we own your body and that you hold us harmless for any piercings, markings, or penetrations we choose to do to it?”

“Yes, Mistress.”

“You should also remember that you were on camera when you signed that contract. Also, a copy was sent to my attorney, your husband, your parents, and your siblings. I also posted a copy of it to your Facebook page and your Twitter feed. By now everyone you know or everyone they know has read that contract and saw the video of you signing it.”

“What if I want to back out of it now?”

“Is that what you desire, slut? The camera is rolling so all you have to do is say that you want out and I will untie you and allow you to leave.”

“I don’t know what I want. From what you just told me, it sounds like, I have very little to go back to.”

“You don’t know the half of it. You do remember hearing David say that I could keep you as long as I wished. Well, things have changed a little since then and I doubt that he would take you back if you crawled all the way home to him on your hands and knees.”

“You said things have changed, what do you mean by that?”

“I think that pictures are better than words, don’t you slut? After I get you strapped in and stretched out a little I will turn on a video for you to watch while you wait for morning. I will stay with you and talk about the show so that I can see your reaction. I am looking forward to seeing your heart break.”

I had no idea what she might be talking about, so I didn’t press the subject.

“Did Bill keep you well hydrated while I was gone, slut?”

“What do you mean by well hydrated?” I asked.

“Are you stupid, slut? Did he piss in your mouth so that you had enough liquid in your belly?”

“Only once Mistress. The first night but not today.”

“Then you will be happy to know that I have drank a lot since the last time I visited a pisser. Get down on your knees and turn to your left so that the camera can capture how greedy you are for my golden nectar.”

I was mortified. It would have been bad enough just to have to drink the vile liquid but knowing that the act was being recorded made it so much worse. And to boot, I imagined that some of those watching would be people I knew. But I didn’t think I had a choice, so I turned in the direction she indicated and then dropped to my knees in front of her.

Shadow undid the button on the side of her skirt, pulled it off and tossed it over a chair. She wasn’t wearing any panties. I thought it strange that she did not mind her audience seeing her own nakedness but then I realized that most of them had seen this all before.

I didn’t wait to be told to open my mouth. As she stepped into position, my mouth was already wide open and ready for her stream.

“Look at that folks, this slut can’t even wait to be told to open up. She loves my piss so much that she can’t wait for my instructions. Slut, there isn’t any drain in this floor so you better make sure you don’t spill any of my precious liquid. If you do, you will be licking it off the dirty wood floor. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Mistress, and thank you, Mistress,” I replied.

As soon as my last word sounded she started her flow. Naturally, the first spurt hit my lips and slid down my chin before I could get my mouth back into position. I knew that she had done that on purpose, just so she could make me lick the dirty cabin floor.

I did manage to keep up, quite well from that time forward. Shadow did slow her flow a couple of times to let me swallow before beginning again. Speaking to the camera, she said, “Isn’t she just the best piss drinker, folks? Can’t you just imagine her laying on the wrack with her stomach filled with my piss all night? Some of you have sent me a suggestion that I should make sure that she can’t relieve her bladder and so after I get her settled I will follow the suggestion sent in by her old biology teacher.”

I heard this and wondered what she could be talking about, but that very moment I had to concentrate on swallowing the copious amount of vile, yellow urine. When her flow started to slow, I knew that she would want me to save the last mouthful and so I stopped swallowing.

“You are becoming well, trained slut. Swish it around making sure your entire mouth and gums are coated, then you can gargle to coat your throat before swallowing. “

I followed her instruction making sure that my mouth was toward the camera when I gargled. That pleased Shadow and for the first time, I heard encouraging words. “That was a good slut. If the audience wasn’t paying extra to see you lick the piss off the filthy floor I might have let you forgo that. But, as it is, money is more important to me.” The room was well lighted but Shadow produced a flashlight and shined the beam on the small puddle of piss on the floor.

She simply pointed to the pool and I settled to my belly. I lowered my head to the wet spot and began by sucking up as much moisture as I could. Then I began licking until I had a clean spot about the size of a five-gallon pail.

Shadow got down and inspected the area. “You did quite well, but unfortunately this spot is clean while the rest of the floor is still filthy. What do you think we should do about that, slut?"

At that point, I really didn’t care anymore so I said, “I guess I should lick the rest of the floor clean, Mistress.”

“While that might be fun for a few of the audience to watch, I have other things for you tonight. Perhaps sometime tomorrow, you can accomplish that task. That will give you something to look forward to. Now get up on your hands and knees and crawl over to the wrack.”

I did as she instructed. The floor had never been sanded and I picked up a few slivers in my palms and knees before I got to the rack. Before climbing onto the rack, I tried to pull a couple of the longer slivers from my left hand.

What I got for that effort was a hard slap across my face from Shadow. “Who the hell told you to pull those slivers out? Are you completely worthless, slut? If I had wanted the slivers removed wouldn’t I have told you so?” And before I could answer she backhanded me across my lips.

I thought it was a rhetorical question and so I remained silent, as I started to rise to get onto the piece of torture equipment. That earned me another hard slap. “Answer me, slut,” Shadow demanded.

“Yes, Mistress, I am worthless, but I will strive to do better.”

“That is better. Now tell me why did you try to remove the slivers?”

“They hurt Mistress and I was afraid that the would become infected if left in.”

“What is your sole reason for living, slut?”

I had to think about what she wanted me to say, but then it dawned on me. She loved causing me pain and I had signed my life away to her. “My only reason for living is to suffer for you Mistress.”

“That is right slut. So if those slivers should become infected and swell up, you will suffer just a little more will you not?”

“Yes, Mistress, please forgive me for being so selfish.”

Before you get onto the rack, Mr. Stevens, your old Biology Teacher would like to explain what is going to happen to you next.

I then heard a voice that came out of the speakers on the wall. Shadow turned me so that I could see the television screen on the wall next to those speakers. There sat my old Biology Teacher behind what looked like his classroom desk. “Do you remember me, Julie?”

“Yes, sir. I was in your 5th-period biology class.”

“That is right. Do you also remember being a royal pain in my ass. You were always talking in class and making snide remarks. Do you remember me telling you that sometime in the future you would get a comeuppance?”

“Yes, sir. I remember. I guess that time has arrived.”

He smiled and held up a long rubber tube. “Shadow do you have the special catheter that I sent you?”

“I do and thank you for that. If you hadn’t suggested this and sent the catheter I would never have even considered that this would be a possible torture. I wished that you were here so that you could administer this punishment yourself.”

“I wish that I could be as well. Perhaps at some future time, I could join you. I have a lot of other ideas on how to cause a body intense pain. Just one of the perks from learning about the human body.”

“Mr. Stevens, would you please explain what I am about to do to my slave?”

“Yes, of course.” He again held up the catheter. “Some of you may know that when urine becomes trapped in the body it needs a release. This usually happens to men when their prostate gland gets too big and closes off the urethra. So then you would insert a catheter through the tip of the penis and into the bladder. When the open end gets to where the urine is stored, then the liquid flows back out of the tube. Of course, that is the opposite reaction to what we desire for the little bitch in Shadow’s care. In her case, we want to keep the urine in as long as possible. I would suggest that Shadow add to Julie’s liquid intake as many times as she needs to empty her bladder.

Most of Shadow’s urine will quickly pass through Julie and into her bladder causing it to painfully swell. Usually, when the bladder is about one-fourth full you have the urge to urinate. When it is half full you will be very uncomfortable. The normal bladder can hold about 16 ounzes comfortable. The catheter that Shadow is going to push into Julie,s piss hole, has a unique aspect. The part that goes into the bladder has a balloon inside the end. Once it is pushed in as far as it will go, Shadow will simply blow the balloon up so that it completely blocks off the piss hole. No matter how much piss collects in her bladder it can’t come out. The more liquid enters the more the balloon will flatter against the exit point, closing it off even more. If Shadow wanted she could just leave Julie without release until the bladder stretched so much that it tore. If that happened, without surgery the girl would die in a matter of days.”

“Thank you Mr. Stevens for that informative lecture. What should I lubricate the catheter with?”

“You said she is a pain pig so I imagine her cunt is already slippery. You should be able to get enough slime from her cunt to do the job.”

Shadow told me to spread my legs as wide as I could. She then reached between them and inserted her middle finger inside of me. I knew that Mr. Stevens was right as I felt her finger slide easily inside. Shadow pulled it out and held it up so that the audience could see that it was glistening with my slime.

She then handed the catheter to me and told me to push it inside of my cunt so that it would be completely coated with my mucus. I hung my head in shame but did as she told me. Once the tube was fully inside of my vagina, I moved it around hoping to make it slippery enough so that it would not drag as it was pushed inside of my piss slit.

“Now, pull it out slut and you can insert it into your piss slit. I certainly don’t want to touch it.” I could hear laughter coming out of the speakers and I knew that more than Mr. Stevens was watching and enjoying the show.

I had never tried to put anything inside of my piss slit although I had used many different objects to masturbate with. So it took me a few attempts to get the end to start the trip from my open cunt to my bladder. But finally, I felt it slip inside and I pushed it slowly along. I was surprised that it went fairly easily until finally, it stopped.

“Keep pushing slut, it has a way to go yet.” That instruction was from Mr. Stevens.

I moved my thumb and finger down the tube until they were close to my slit. That way the tube could not bend. I then pushed hard and painfully the tube move forward. The pain became very severe as I worked hard to get the catheter to finally enter my bladder. Mr. Stevens instructed me to keep going until all the tube was inside of me except a small amount that I could hold in my fingers. When my fingers touched the metal rings through my pussy lips he told me to stop.

“You can blow up the balloon now, Shadow,” he said.

Shadow produced a small hand pump and inserted the hose end into the receptacle on the end of the catheter. She pushed down on the plunger and I imagined the balloon beginning to expand. “How will I know when it is expanded enough?” she asked Mr. Stevens.

It is probably already expanded enough. Just have the slut try to pull the catheter out. If it stops you know the balloon worked. Then you can give it a little more air and clamp it off so that the balloon cannot deflate.

I did as instructed and felt the catheter stop. I didn’t know how hard to pull but Shadow stopped me and pushed the pump handle down a little more. She then produced an alligator clip and closed off the tube so that no air could flow back out.

“So now you can get onto the rack so I can stretch you out.”

I climbed into position and allow my ass cheeks to settle into the hole in the middle. I was already in pain at that point, even before Shadow secured my wrists to the top of the rack and my feet to the bottom. She then turned a crank on the side and I felt the boards under my back to start moving. A similar thing happened to the boards under my legs. My arms and legs were being stretched. Shadow stopped and felt the muscles along my sides and then turned the crank a few more turns. I was now screaming in pain.

“Should I gag the bitch or would you folks like to hear her scream.”

A resounding “scream” could be heard from the speakers.

Only when my throat was so dry that no sound came out did my screams stop.

Shadow then produced a sippy cup and pushed the straw between my lips. I couldn’t help myself I had to pull some of the liquid into my mouth and let it slide down my throat. Of course, I knew that the cup contained someone’s urine. Perhaps, Shadow had saved some from a previous trip to the toilet, or she had someone else fill the cup. She held the straw in place until I had greedily sucked every drop of piss from the cup and a dry sucking sound occurred.

I was able to control my pain by that time and so I no longer screamed. I thought that Shadow would turn the crank to entertain her audience but she didn’t.

“Remember me telling you that there are some things worse than physical pain, slut?” she asked me.

“Yes, Mistress,” I replied.

Concentrate on the television screen mounted on the ceiling above you.

Chapter Eighteen – Shadow Was a Prophet

As I focused my eyes onto the screen, it came alive. I heard Shadow say “action” and I could see two people enter a familiar room. The camera did not show their faces, but I could see that both of them were naked.

“Do you know where this is, slut?”

“Yes, Mistress. It is my bedroom back home.”

“And do you know who the people in the scene are?”

“I can’t see their faces but I have a good idea who the man is, Mistress. I believe that he is my husband, David. The woman looks familiar but I am unsure who she is.”

“Think carefully. This woman is about to fuck your husband. Who would be the one person that you would hate the most to have in your bed with the man you love?”

I thought for a long time about various women who we both might know, but no one person stood out.

“Oh, hell, slut, say hello to your younger sister, Beth.”

And then the camera moved up to her face and I began to cry as I recognized my little sister.

“Thank you so much for being such a slut, sis,” Beth said to me.

“I have wanted to fuck David for such a long time. Every time that I was alone with him, I made a pass at him, but he always resisted, telling me that he was too much in love with you to cheat on him. Only when I got the tape of you being fucked by a strange man and then the one showing you signing your life away to a couple of deviants, did I know that I would get what I wanted. By the way I watched those videos with Mom and ***. I am so looking forward to watching as they tell you exactly what they think of their precious little angel.”

I was now crying so profusely that I could no longer see the screen. But no amount of tears flowing around my face and into my ears could stop the evil voice that was speaking to me.

“So when we had finished watching the video I called David and asked him if he had also seen your debauchery. When he told me he had, I asked him if I could come over and help console him. He did not even hesitate. So I put on my sheerest blouse, my shortest skirt, and my highest heels and had Mom drive me to your house. She started to object but when I reminded her of what a whore her other ******** was she agreed to give me the ride.

David met me at the door, pulled me inside, and picked me up and carried me to your bed. I have fucked him repeatedly ever since. David tell the bitch who you love more.”

“I love you, Beth. I suppose that I always have loved you but I was too much of a fool to realize it.”

“And do you ever want to have Julie back in your life?”

“The only time I want to see that whore is when she is being whipped or tortured. I have sent Shadow some of your worst fears, cunt, and she has assured me that she will do every one of them to you. Now, you can watch as I fuck your little sister’s brains out. Enjoy the show.”

Shadow came over with a tissue and wiped the tears from my eyes. She waited to make sure that there was no more moisture to cloud my lenses before moving away from me. “Keep your eyes open, slut, or I will tape them open. Do you understand me?” she demanded.

I managed to mutter my acceptance of her order and concentrated on the screen above me.

When Shadow told the audience that I was ready to again watch the show, Beth settled to her knees in front of my husband. “David says that you never liked giving him head. What a stupid bitch you must be. God, I love the taste of his cum.”

And then she started to show me her cocksucking prowess. She worshipped his cock from the base to the tip and back again. She spent a long time licking his piss slit and around the crown of his cockhead. “Mmm, you taste so good, lover. I am so glad you agreed never to wash this tasty stick again. I doubt that it will ever have time to get real dirty but maybe I can suppress my urge to suck you off for a few days so it can build up a little more flavor.”

And then she took the cock that should have belonged to me into her mouth and began to suck in earnest. I could hear the audience oohing and aahing at her technique. I had to wonder how many other cocks she must have sucked to get that good at the trade.

I could see David’s ass cheeks began to clench and I knew that my little sister was going to get a huge load of cum in her mouth shortly. I thought that if she was smart she would take his cock into her throat opening so that the nasty white cum would hit past her taste buds. But he tapped her on the shoulder and she pulled back until his cock was just outside of her mouth. She held it in that position with one hand as she reached behind him with the other. Another camera angle showed her insert her middle finger into his ass hole. That caused his cock to twitch and a long stream of cum shot out of the tip and hit my sister’s tongue She quickly swallowed that and opened again for the next jet. David again tapped her on the shoulder and she stopped swallowing. Her tongue had a large pool of cum sitting on it and she used her hand to milk the last vestiges from his piss slit. She showed how full her mouth was to the camera and then I could see her move the cum around, coating every inch of her mouth and gums.

Finally, she looked up at my husband with loving eyes. “I so love the taste of your cum, lover. I will never get tired of having you ejaculate into my mouth.”

“I love you more than you can imagine, Beth,” He said. “But some of my cum has to go inside of your cunt if what we have talked about is going to happen.”

“Oh, that is right. Tell, your whore of a wife when we have planned.”

David smiled at the camera lens. “Remember, Julie when we discussed having a ******? Remember, what you said to me?”

I was silent but Shadow told me that I better answer him or she would turn the crank until my arms pulled out of their sockets.

“Yes, I remember.”

“Yes, what, slut?” Shadow demanded.

“Yes, Master, I remember. I said that I had no intention of having my belly swell larger than a bowling ball nor did I desire to have morning sickness or water retention. Something along those lines.”

“Well, Beth doesn’t share those phobias. In fact, she stopped taking birth control pills immediately when I agreed to let her move in with me. We realize that it will take a few months for her to become fertile but that just means that we have to fuck every day until her periods stop. It is too bad that you will never be able to hold the little waif.”

And then he urged Beth to come to bed so that he could start the fucking process. I think what hurt the most was not when his cock entered her body. It was when he lowered her lips to hers and began passionately kissing her. That was even more of a betrayal than the conjugal act.

It was hours later before they finally tired of making love to each other. And I knew that was what it was. It wasn’t just a physical thing. It was part of what lovers do. Knowing that my little sister had permanently taken my place was too much. Shadow had said she wanted to see my heart break. I don’t know if that is a physical thing that happens but it certainly felt like it was.

Chapter Nineteen – Shadow is a Torment Genius

The room was full of sunlight before Shadow came back into the room. She smiled down at me and then felt my belly. “My you feel a little distended this morning. Is it quite painful, slut?”

I thought of telling her that it was terribly painful, thinking that I could trick her into removing the catheter sooner. But then I thought it didn’t matter. Maybe she would keep the catheter in until what Mr. Stevens had said might happen and it would rupture and I would die. I had nothing to live for since both my husband and my sister clearly hated my very being.

“No, Mistress. It is only a little uncomfortable. I am thirsty, however, perhaps you could supply me with more of your golden nectar.”

Shadow laughed. “ I think you are trying to use reverse psychology on me. But you are right you do need something to drink before we start out for the day. And never fear I have a full two-gallon jug saved up so you will never have to go without a glass of my piss.”

She let the crank back off and the pressure on my arms and legs subsided. She didn’t offer to help me get up. She walked away and came back with the sippy cup that she had refilled. “Here drink this.”

I knew what was in it but that no longer bothered me. I was terribly thirsty probably because very little of the liquid was usable by my body. So, I drank it down as if it was the finest water on earth. By that time I was able to get to my feet and unsteadily begin to walk off the cramps that had taken over much of my body.

Shadow asked me how long it had been since I had eaten anything other than the pure protein I got from the big load of cum that Bill had given me.

“I guess, lunch the day before yesterday,” I replied.

“Well, unfortunately, I neglected to stop at the store so I didn’t buy any dog food. I hear that a dog food diet is good for female slaves. One of the stores delivers out here for a price. I will make a call and order you a case of wet dog food. Would you rather have chicken or beef?”

“Not being a connoisseur of dog food, I will let you decide.”

Shadow left the room, I assumed to make the call to the store.

When she came back, she handed me a protein shake in a bottle. “Here drink this. It should keep you going until your diet arrives.”

She had me go to one wall and get the leather harness that hung from a metal hook. I brought it back and handed it to her. Unlike the one that I owned this one did not have metal rings for my breasts to be forced through. It fit over my head and settled onto my shoulders. A strap crossed under my breasts and closed in the back with rings and clips. Shadow then put a leather cuff on each of my wrists. Each cuff had a metal clip attached. She then forced each of my arms behind my back and clipped the cuffs to the rings in the harness so that my arms were straight across and pulled tight. That put a great amount of pressure on my shoulders and I groaned a little.

“Oh, don’t be such a wimp. I have done far worse than that to you and you didn’t complain.”

“I am sorry Mistress.” I thought of making the excuse that I was still stiff from the night before but it wouldn’t have done any good and it might have given her an excuse to hurt me in some fashion.

“I was thinking of putting a set of hobbles on you so you can’t run away, but I doubt you would get too far since you are naked with no shoes and your hands secured behind you back. The hobbles would just slow us down and we have a lot of ground to cover before the sun goes down.”

“I doubt that I will be able to trust you to tell me the truth when I ask you about various things we will see on our hike today. So I am going to attach a portable EKG to your chest. I have an app on the phone that connects with it so every time your heart rate spikes, I will know about it. It is kind of like a lie detector test.”

She then opened the cabin door and motioned for me to precede her outside. As I stepped out of the door I noticed that it was much colder than the day before. Although the sun looked as bright the air was indeed chilly. I wished that Shadow had allowed me to wear clothing because my skin was already covered with goosebumps.

Shadow noticed me shivering and she laughed. “We are much higher in elevation that we were in the valley. You will warm up some as we walk. Now I will take the lead and you try to keep up.”

The path was dirt and grass and I guess that I should have been thankful that it was not crushed stone or concrete. Before the day was over, I discovered there were worse things to walk on.

The path went sharply uphill and without being able to pump my arms I had a difficult time matching Shadow’s pace. When I fell too far behind, she came back, attached a leash to my collar, and began pulling me up the hill. She kept going until my legs were so tired that I thought I would fall down. But then the trail leveled out onto a small plateau. There was a big tree stump where the tree had been cut down. Shadow led me to a patch of plants that I was unfamiliar with. She slipped on a pair of latex gloves and began picking some of the stems. The leaves were very sharp and some of the plants had white pods in the center of the leaves. When she had a good amount of stems and leaves she took them over to the tree stump and piled them onto it.

“I know that you are tired slut. Have a seat.”

I couldn’t believe that she was being kind to me, but since I couldn’t go much further so I did as she instructed. My first impression was that the edges of the leaves were sharp and prickly. But then the skin of my ass began to burn and itch. I tried to get up but Shadow put her hands on my shoulders and held me down.

“You can squirm all you want but you will not get up until your entire ass is covered with the juice of the leaves. They don’t call these plants Stinging Nettles by accident. Maybe tomorrow I will let you come up and pick enough to make a bed for you to sleep on. “Would you like that slut?”

“No Mistress, I would not enjoy sleeping on these leaves.”

“Well, you have a choice. You will either pick a large batch of these and spend the night on them or you will pick a large batch of poison ivy and use those for your bed. I will let you feel what poison ivy feels like in a little bit.”

She looked at her phone and I figured she was checking her app to see how much my heart rate had spiked. “Mmm, the app really works. You are scared shitless of the poison ivy but not so much of the nettles. I think that makes my choice for me, wouldn’t you say?”

“Yes, Mistress, I suppose it does.”

She then pulled on my leash and we started along the path again. In just a little while we came to an opening in the trees. The ground here was more sandy than it had been and the vegetation was more sparse. A large tree stood in the middle of an open field. Perhaps two yards from the tree was a large mound of sandy dirt. Shadow pointed to it and urged me to walk in that direction. When we got within 25 feet, I could see that the mound was crawling with large black ants. Shadow pushed me forward towards it. As I got closer some a large stream of those ants came off the mound and headed in my direction. I turned and tried to run back the way I had come. I could not run and look behind me with my hands secured behind me and so I just ran as fast as I could. I looked to see where Shadow was and noticed that she had moved way back from where she had been. I felt something on the back of my legs and then fire erupted on my skin. I screamed and screamed but I kept on running. By the time I reached Shadow, only a few ants remained on the backs of my legs. Forced me to stop and then gently brushed the ants off of my skin. “We wouldn’t want to hurt the innocent creatures would we?”

“My your heart rate is almost off the charts. I am going to have to find a way to trap some of those ants. I think an hour or so is a box with those ants inside would do wonders for your attitude.”

And then she looked at her phone again and smiled. Then she bent down and carefully picked up and ant and put it on top of my left breast. Apparently, the creature was hungry because he must have bitten me in a dozen different spots before he finally crawled off of me.

“I feel pretty good about our hike so far, don’t you slut?”

“I know you want me to say that I feel good as well, but you know that I don’t. Poisonous plants and biting insects are not my favorite things.”

“You do realize that the purpose of this excursion is to find the things that terrify you the most?”

“I figured as much but could you not have just asked me?”

“It wouldn’t have been the same. Come on I still have some surprises for you.”

As we rounded a bend the trail came to an end. Shadow forced me to walk through some briars until we came to a rock ledge that overlooked a valley far below. Shadow forced me out to the very edge and told me to look down. There was nothing but empty space for a thousand feet below. I have always had a fear of heights and if she had not been holding my leash I might well have fallen to my death. By this time my heart was beating so hard that I was almost in a panic. Shadow pulled me back from the edge and held me against her.

“Now I know exactly what punishment to administer in case you ever even think of disobeying me. I will just bring you up here, tied your hands behind your back, tie your ankles tight together, and leave you on the edge of the cliff.”

I had no reason to believe that she was issuing an idle threat. All it could do was say, “Please don’t Mistress. I will do my very best to please you.”

“Okay, then let’s go back.”

We had hardly reached the trail when I heard what sounded like the rustling of dried leaves. But there was no wind to cause such a sound.

“Stand perfectly still slut. Now, look to your right under that bush.”

I looked in the direction she was indicating and I could see what looked like a think rope coiled up. But the rope was expanding and contracting. And then I saw the diamond-shaped head and the tongue flicking out of the snake's mouth. I started backing away but Shadow put her hand in the middle of my back and stopped me. He can’t strike this far, get a little closer.”

“No way in hell,” I screamed.

“You don’t have a choice in the matter. And remember the edge of that cliff we just came from. Do you want to go back?”

“No, Mistress, but I am almost as afraid of the snake as the cliff?”

“I think the key word is almost. Now, start slowly walking towards the bush.”

My heart was beating almost out of my chest, but I forced my trembling feet to begin to move towards the bush. The closer I got the harder the snake would shake his tail making a terrible rattling sound. When I was about 8 feet from the bush, the snake pulled his head back and I figured he would strike soon.

“Just a little closer, slut. I think the snake is about six feet long, wouldn’t you say. They can only strike about half the distance as they are long so you should be safe for another four feet. You might even be safe for another 5 feet. Now, move forward.”

I couldn’t make my feet move so Shadow put her hand in the middle of my shoulders and forced me forward. One foot and then two feet. The snake was shaking its tail violently and I could see his coils tightening. And still, Shadow pushed me forward. I was now within 5 feet of that deadly viper and my heart was going to give out, I just knew it.

“Just another foot or so, slut.”

“No, please Mistress,” I begged.

“If you can move one more foot by yourself, I will let you stop. But, if I have to force you, I will make you go two more feet. I am pretty sure the snake will not be able to reach you if you only go one more foot. Of course, I could be underestimating his length. But I am almost positive that if I force you two more feet closer his fangs will be in your ankle. What is it going to be slut”

It almost made me fall over but I forced my foot one step closer to the snake. I had just set my foot down when that terrible head flashed towards me. It was so fast that I could barely see the movement. I desperately tried to throw myself backward, but Shadow held me fast. The snake missed me by about six inches and then began to recoil. I knew that I was too close at that point but I was so terrified that I could not move. The snake had almost recoiled its body for another strike when Shadow pulled me violently back and out of range.

“God that was so exciting, wasn’t it slut?”

I was so shocked that I could not answer her and then she laughed. “We have so much to show the group when we get back to the cabin. But there is one more thing I need to show you.”

I couldn’t believe there was anything else that could be worse than what we had already gone through so as she turned and started back, I followed. My knees were knocking together and I could hardly get my breath. Shadow was quite a way ahead of me when she noticed that I was not right behind her.

“Hurry up, slut. There might be another snake or two and if I am not with you I can’t protect you.”

I couldn’t answer her but I did pick up my pace slightly. Shadow waited for just a few seconds and then came back towards me. I could see that I was in trouble, but I wasn’t sure what she could do to me that she hadn’t already done.

When she reached me I was sure she was going to slap me or get a stick and beat me, but she simply grabbed my leash turned and started down the trail. I now had no choice but to keep up unless I wanted to fall headfirst to the ground.

When we reached the cabin, Shadow continued on past. There was another trail that led downward towards some large pine trees and Shadow followed that path.

We had only gone about 50 yards when I saw that we were coming to a large lake. I thought it strange that I had not noticed the lake before, but I figured that with all that was going on, I just had missed it. Shadow continued to pull on my leash until we came to the shore. There was a boat dock there and a sandy beach in both directions away from the dock. Shadow led me along the shore until we came to what looked like a game trail. She turned and started up the trail and then stopped and pointed down at the ground. I looked and saw large footprints.

“Do you know what kind of animal made those tracks?” Shadow asked me.

“They look like bear tracks,” I replied.

“They are. We rarely see them during the day but the bears come out at night looking for food. Sometimes fishermen clean their catch close to the dock. The fish heads and guts are like bear magnets. You might wonder why I am showing you these tracks. Well, you see every night we have an auction. Your fans bid for the right to tell me what they want done to you. Last night the winning bid, which was $5,000 by the way, was to have you suspended from the limb of one of those pine trees next to the trail from the lake to the cabin. The specific instruction was that you would be naked and that there be no breeze when you were tied.”

She stopped her narrative and I was both terrified and curious as to what more was in this deal. “Please go on. I am dying to know why they didn’t want a breeze. Surely if they wanted me eaten by bears they would want my scent wafting on the breeze so that the bears could find me.”

“The bears were not the issue. Sure they are hoping that a grizzly will find you, but what they want to happen while you are waiting for the bears to come is for the mosquitoes to feed on you. If there is a breeze the insects are not nearly as active as they are on a still night. I have no idea what the weather forecast is for tonight, but it looks like it might be quite calm.”

Again she looked down at her watch. “That is the reaction I was hoping for. Incidentally how is your bladder doing?”

It was strange but until she had mentioned my bladder it had not been bothering me. But, now it hurt like hell and I told her so.

She smiled as she ran her hand over my bare belly. My you are distended. Let’s go up to the cabin so that I can get the correct implement to make it feel better.”

Chapter Twenty – The Auction

I had so much on my mind at that point that I wasn’t even worried about what she might do to make my bladder feel better. I managed to keep up with Shadow as she led me back to the cabin. When we were inside she went and refilled my sippy cup. “We don’t want you dehydrated, do we slut?”

“Somehow I think dehydration is the least of my worries, Mistress.” But I open my lips so she could slip the straw between them and then began to suck the vile liquid into my mouth. I sipped and swallowed as fast as I could hoping that I could get the entire cup down before my taste buds really kicked in. If you have ever tried drinking piss, it goes down better if you swallow fast than if you are tentative in drinking it.

When Shadow heard the sound that told her that I had finished the cup she took me to the center of the room. She did not undo my hands from being tied behind me. But she did attach a chain hanging from the rafters to the back of my harness. Then using a pulley she pulled me upward until my toes were just touching the rough wood floor.

“I know this isn’t as good as if you were supporting your weight on your arms but, you will be here for a considerable length of time and this is safer than allowing your weight to settle and your ribs contracting against your lungs.”

Shadow then turned on the video system. That was not for the benefit of the audience as they always had access to what was being done to me. It was so that I could see and hear the audience discussing my fate.

“Good evening loyal fans,” Shadow began. “I am sure you all saw our little slut’s day in the wilderness. You should have also been able to see her EKG readings. Is there anyone here that does not know the rules for the auction?” When no one answered Shadow reiterated the rules for my benefit.

“Each of you can now submit in detail what you would like to see happen to our slave. Please be specific. For instance, don’t just say you want her bitten by ants. You must tell me how you want her restrained, how to keep the ants in contact with her, and for how long. Does everyone understand the rules?”

“Yes,” came from all the speakers.

“Okay, then you now have 15 minutes to write out your suggestions and then I will pick 5 of them and read them out loud for the group. When all 5 have been read and discussed, the bidding will begin. I am not necessarily bound to pick the highest bidder but most of you realize that I am money-driven. I am however bound to accept one of the bids. Only the bidder will have to pay to see the session. Everyone else gets to watch for free. Is all this clear to you?”

Again a resounding yes was heard.

I watched the screen to see if there was anyone that I might recognize. There were people of all colors, ages and genders. As I looked from face to face, I saw what I feared the most. My sister and husband were sitting in front of their television and she was busily writing on her tablet computer. I could only imagine what suggestion she was making.

Finally, a bell sounded and Shadow announced that time was up. She instructed me to look at the big screen across the room. That screen had been merged with her laptop so I could read what she was reading. I saw the first suggestion:

“I want the bitch covered with poison ivy and then wrapped in cellophane from head to toe. She needs to be left like that for a full night. When she is unwrapped she needs to be restrained for the entire period until she either dies or the blisters dry up.”

Shadow read the suggestion to the group and gave the screen name of the person that had made it. “Normally, I would like this suggestion enough to put it up for bid. The only problem that I have with it is that it takes the slut out of action for two weeks or more. But, I like your evil mind.”

The second suggestion then came onto the screen. “I want the bitch put in a coffin like box. She needs to be completely naked, except for a blindfold so that she does not know what is happening to her. Once she is restrained inside of that box, it should be filled with as many ants as can be collected from that mound in the woods. The box would be closed and she would be left there until the ants stop biting her or she dies. The box should be made of glass so that we can watch as she is eaten alive.”

“Again, I like the suggestion. But, we have to wait to do a snuff film with her, until I have made a lot more money. Of course, if someone wants to commit to a payment of 10 million dollars, I might reconsider. Will anyone commit to that amount?”

No one replied in the affirmative.

The next suggestion was even worse. “I want the bitch taken to the edge of the cliff. She should have her arms tied behind her back. She should be wearing the pair of punishment boots that we saw previously. She should be moved as close to the edge as possible and then her ankles tied tightly together so that she can not move away from the edge. If she can remain in that position for two hours she can be released.”

“That suggestion will be put into the bidding pile. However, since the chance of her death is severe, I will only accept a very high bid.”

“Aah, this next suggestion comes directly from the slut’s sister who has been fucking her husband since she signed her slave contract. Would you like to tell us what you want done to her, Beth, instead of me reading it?”

“Yes, Shadow and thank you for the opportunity. I want my slut of a sister taken back to the bush where the rattlesnake was seen earlier this afternoon. This should be done at night since snakes usually hunt for prey at night. I want her tied with her hands behind her back but with her ankles bound tightly together. She should be laid down within a few feet of that bush and left there. Of course, we would want floodlights so we could watch her terror as she waits for the snake to find her.”

“May I ask why you want her laid down instead of standing up?”

“Yes, so that she can roll away if she hears the snake. I think that will add to the suspense. And also if she is lying down, the snake has more area to sink his fangs into her.”

“You know if that suggestion had come from anyone other than her own sister I would have passed it by. However, I think it is only fair to put it in the bidding pile, don’t you slut?”

“Is that what you really want, Beth. Do you want me bitten by a poisonous snake and left to die a terrible death.”

“Yes, big sister. I hope that snake finds you and bites you in the face. Then I will never have to worry about you coming back to try and take my man from me.”

“I never thought that you could hate me that much. Mistress, add her suggestion to the bidding. Perhaps I will get lucky and the snake will kill me quickly.”

“As you wish slut. We now have two suggestions to bid on. We need three more.”

She put another email on the screen. “I want her to have her punishment boots put on. Those boots should be filled with poison ivy and they should be left on for a period of two days. Then they can be removed and her feet and legs treated. Of course, the boots must be either locked on her or her hands bound behind her so she cannot remove the boots until the time is up.”

“Thank you, that gives us three suggestions that are up for bid.”

“Let’s see what else we have.”

“I want her buried alive. Her grave should be lined with stinging nettles. When she is laid in the grave, more nettles should be placed on top of her. Then she should be covered with dirt. A breathing mask can be placed over her mouth and nose and a hose brought up to the surface. She should be left in the grave for 24 hours. Of course she will have no idea of how long she has been in there. Since she will have no way of keeping track of time, minutes will seem like hours and hours will seem like days. A microphone should be buried with her so we can hear her begging and screaming for help.”

“I am going to put that in the bid pile as well. Now, we just need one more.”

“Oh my, I was so happy when I got the suggestion from her sister. But, look at this, her husband sent one in as well. David, would you like to read yours?”

“Yes, I would. I want her immediately taken off of any type of birth control. Someone that understands ovulation cycles should keep track of her so we know when she becomes fertile. Then she should be given to a gang of black bikers with the understanding that she will be fucked five times everyday until we know she is pregnant. She will then be closely watched until she is ready to give birth. She should be allowed no drugs of any kind that might lessen her birth pains.”

“I like that suggestion as well. Do you have anything to say to your husband, slut?”

“David, why are you doing this to me?”

“Because I hate you worse than hell. I also know that you are a secret bigot and perhaps the worst punishment that can be bestowed on you would be to be fucked repeatedly by black men and then to have a black baby.”

“That settles it then, folks we have our fifth suggestion up for bid. You have 24 hours to submit your bids. Remember the more you bid the more likely your suggestion will be accepted.”

For now, we need to take the slut outside and see whether it is calm enough to fulfill yesterday's winning bid. Does everyone remember what that was?”

A couple of people spoke up that they were new to the proceedings and would like to hear what was going to happen to the slave.

“This cabin is located next to a lake. There are two large pine trees next to the path leading to the lake. We are also located in bear country. If you stay by the lake for any length of time you will see black bears. These are seldom aggressive. But, occasionally a grizzly bear will wander by. Those are mean and very aggressive. The winning suggestion was to wait until dark, take the slave to one of those pine trees, and suspend her from a limb. I imagine that the real reason for doing this was to have her attacked by a bear. But, the stated reason was that after dark, on a still night great swarms of mosquitoes come up from the lake. Imagine what she will look like in the morning after being fed on by a million or so blood-sucking insects. The bid was $10,000 so I hope she survives the night. It would be a shame if I lose such a good money maker?”

“I’ll give you another $10,000 to spread some fish cleaning out around her,” someone said.

I’ll add another $10,000,” someone else said.

“If someone deposits another $100,000 I will immediately go to the fish cleaning area and get as many heads and guts as I can find. That would be a total of $120,000. You have ten minutes to deposit the funds in my account starting right now.”

Shadow logged into her account and put the balance on the screen so that I could see it. A count down timer was started in the lower right hand corner. Less than two minutes had elapsed when her balance went up by $10,000. When the counter was down to 5 minutes another $10,000 was added. Now, I was horrified and I was begging that no one deposited the other money. The clock had less than 10 seconds left on it and the final deposit was made.

“I just wanted the cunt to sweat it out until the last possible seconds. I believe we have a deal.”

“We do and thank you for your generosity? It isn’t quite dark yet but she needs to be restrained while I am gone to get the fish guts so I am going to take her down and string her up. I’m sure that a few bloodsuckers will be out and you can watch her squirm until I get back.”

Chapter Twenty One – A Night in Hell

Shadow led me kicking and screaming towards those trees. I was begging, pleading, and promising to do anything that she asked for the rest of my life.

“The rest of you life may well be tonight. I had not bargained on anyone actually taking me up on the offer of $100,000 but since they did, I can’t very well back out now can I?”

“Please Mistress, I don’t know how, but I will somehow get the money to pay you for your loss.”

“Why would I do that even if I believed you could come up with that amount of money. If you die tonight, I am richer by $120,000. If you live, we have another bid tomorrow and I might get a lot more money perhaps to see you bitten by a poisonous snake. It is a win win situation, don’t you think.”

“Dear God, you can’t do this. There is no way that you will get away with this. You will go to prison for the rest of your life.”

“Keep dreaming slut. You do remember me telling you about the dark web. People are snuffed for sport every single day and the snuffers are never caught.”

By that time I was under the low hanging limb. A rope was already hung over it. Shadow took the rope and tied it to the hook in the back of my harness. She then went to the tree, released the other end, and because it was run through a system of pulleys, she had no problem in pulling me up until my feet were off the ground. “Now, don’t go away slut,” and she laughed.

I watched her go up the path towards the cabin. A few seconds after she was out of my view, I heard a car engine start and begin driving away towards the main road. I had no idea how far away the fish cleaning spot was, but I was hoping that it was a long drive, one that would take her all night.

I tried swinging around so that I could see in other directions and found that I could but only for a few seconds and then the rope would return to the main position. I tried to close out all the other sounds and tried listening for any sound that might indicate danger was close by. But all I heard was the gentle lapping of the water against the shore. There was a slight breeze and I was thankful for that since Shadow had said that mosquitoes didn’t swarm as much in a breeze. But then I heard a buzzing noise and something landed on my cheek just below my eye. I tried to blow air out of my mouth hoping to get the bug to leave. Then I felt the unmistakeable itch of a bug bite. And then one started sucking on blood from my flesh under my right arm.

I have no idea how many bites I must have sustained by the time I heard Shadow returning in the car. I thought that she would only be able to carry a couple of buckets of fish cleanings but then I saw that she was not alone. Two men proceeded her down the path. Each of them were carrying two large buckets. Right behind, came Shadow who also had two buckets with her. Those were not quite as big as the ones the men carried but big enough so that I could see she was struggling with them.

The first man came up to me and set his bucket near my feet. I could smell the rancid odor and if I could smell it I figured every bear in the state could smell it as well. The man reached up and ran his hands over my breast jewelry. “You know I didn’t believe the woman when she told me what she was going to do with the fish guts. But, I thought what the hell, I might as well go along for the ride so I told her I would help her carry the buckets if I could come along and see for myself. She only agreed if I would load my truck with every bucket of guts and heads that we had accumulated over the past week and then bring them here. These two are just the beginning. I have 20 more pails in the van.”

By the time he had finished his speech his partner had arrived with his two pails and Shadow was nearly here as well.

They both set their pails down near me. The smell was now unbearable or should I say bear bait. The second man took his liberty in inspecting my naked body. He spread my legs and started tugging at the rings in my pussy lips. “My God, you really are an evil bitch, aren’t you?” He said to Shadow.

“I have my moments. Thank you gentlemen for helping me with my little task.”

“Sure where do you want these first buckets spread out?”

“When we were out here earlier I found a game trail coming down the hill towards the water. There was a large bear track a little way up the hill. I think we should start baiting there. Spread one bucket out on either side of the trail where the track is. Do you have a lantern so that you can see to find the spot?”

“I have one in the truck. I will get it when Jake and I go to bring two more pails down.” The men then left and headed back up to the truck.”

When they were out of earshot, Shadow spoke to me. “I didn’t think this night to get any more exciting but with 26 full buckets of guts and heads I can’t imagine not attracting a few bears.”

She then went back up the hill, I presumed to help carry more buckets down.

Again all three of them came back together, each carrying a large lantern. “Let me show you that game trail,” Shadow said and picked up two buckets and started in that direction. They were gone for quite a long time and I had no idea of where they went or what they did with the vile-smelling contents of those six buckets. I only knew that they had been emptied and perhaps rinsed out in the water.

By this time it would normally have been completely dark but the floodlights had been turned on and the whole area from the lake to the cabin was bright as day. No one spoke to me as they passed and headed back up the hill towards the van and its deadly cargo.

The made trip after trip and I was surrounded with full buckets. The process probably took around an hour, so that was one hour that I was safe from bears.

“I think we have well baited that game trail and the water’s edge. What do you say we go down the beach in the other direction and see what we can find there,” Shadow said.

Again they were gone for a long time. They were laughing and joking when they came close to me.

“My God, slut, you will never guess what we found about a mile from here?”

By this time most of my fear had dissipated. In fact, I was hoping for a huge grizzly to come and with one swipe of his huge paw to end my miserable life. “I wait with bated breath,” I said sarcastically.

“We found a much bigger game trail. And it is covered with bear tracks. We spread the buckets that we took along both sides of that trail and we are going to take what is left and spread them from there along the beach and right up to your lovely feet.”

“Why carry them all the way down there? We should start here and empty buckets as we go. Hopefully, we will have enough to connect where we left off with this spot,” one of the men said.

“And even if we run out along the way, the breeze is blowing from here towards that direction. Any bear worth his salt will be able to find your victim.”

“We can watch all the action safely from the big screens in the cabin. Would you like to stay around, and watch the show? If the slut lives through the night which I doubt, you can fuck her in any hole you want in the morning for being such good sports.”

“You have a deal, lady. Let’s get this job done before a bear decides to eat us.”

I swung around and watched them begin baiting the path to the lake. But then the rope swung back around and I could only imagine what they were doing. Several trips later they had finished, rinsed out their buckets, and returned them to the truck. I was covered by itching bites and I wanted to scream from not being able to scratch them. Then a breeze kicked up and the worst of the insect bites ceased. It was probably a good thing since I must have lost half my blood supply.

I closed my eyes and tried unsuccessfully to go to sleep. If it had not been for the maddening itching, I might have accomplished the task. I had no idea how long I had hung there when I heard loud crashing noises coming from the direction of the game trail we had found that afternoon. What sounded like pigs snorting could also be heard. Then I heard the most terrifying roars I had ever heard and more brush crashing noises. I had no doubt that a bear had found the first bait area and was busily eating his fill.

But bears were not the only things in those parts Soon the sound of coyotes barking and wolves howling was added to the sound of the bear crashing through the brush. Sleep was now the furthest thing from my mind. I began to beg loudly for Shadow to come and release me. The only response I got was the sound of laughter coming from a nearby speaker. I had figured that speakers were there to record the sounds of my plight but I had no idea she had installed a speaker so that she could torment me with her laughter.

Then I heard something large coming up the trail from the lake. I swung around as hard as I could so that I could see what was approaching to eat me. In the brief time that the rope allowed me to be in the opposite direction, I caught sight of a huge black animal. I wasn’t turned long enough to tell what he was doing but I assumed he might be eating some of the bear bait they had spread along the trail.

The crashing in the brush continued and then I heard more roaring from that direction. It now sounded like more than one animal was interacting with each other. ‘How many fucking bears live in this area?’ I thought.

But I didn’t have long to worry about what might be that far away from me. I could now hear a snorting sound very close to my hanging body and a wet snout pushing against my bare leg. I forced myself to look down and I could not stifle a scream as I realized that a very large black bear had found me. I did not doubt that I was about to add to the creature's diet and my only hope was that my death would be quick.

The bear pushed forward and I began to swing. I felt a large paw against my left hip begin moving me back and forth. The bear apparently found me curious and was enjoying using me as a swinging toy. I was wondering when he would begin using me as a chewy toy.

From the speakers, I heard someone say, “Oh look another bear has found the slut. Now, we should get some real action. Oh, Christ, a grizzly is coming from the beach as well. No, way your slave will survive until morning.”

The last thing I heard was the loudest roar of my life.

I shook my head when my nostrils were filled with a smell viler than even fish guts. “Welcome back from the dead, slut.”

That sounded like Shadow’s voice. I thought that I must be in Hell, but how did Shadow get there with me? My eyes were having trouble focusing and I shook my head rapidly from side to side. I felt my body being lowered to the ground and I was lying flat against the pine needles.

“Help me get her to her feet and up to the cabin,” I heard Shadow say. And then my vision began to return and I could see two large men with Shadow. One of the reached down and with one hand under my head and the other under my knees picked me up as if I was no more than a rag doll.

When we got into the cabin Shadow instructed the man to sit me down on a hard wooden bench. I was somewhat surprised as the only other thing I had been allowed to sit on since the gynecological chair was that tree stump covered with stinging nettles.

“How is it possible that I am still alive?” I asked.

“Well, as your sister said in disgust, ‘that whore is luckier than any other person on earth’. I for one am happy that you didn’t become bear fodder. That would have ended some of my happiest moments. I have to tell you though the vast majority of your audience were rooting for the bears. Your sister was urging the bears on louder than anyone. She is on video chat, would you like to talk with her?”

“I knew that I was supposed to agree and so I did. I looked across at the big screen on the wall and my sister’s face came into view. David was standing beside her and she had his erect cock in one hand and was lovingly stroking it.”

“Good morning, Beth,” I began. “I understand that you wanted to see the bear kill me?”

“I wanted that bear to begin eating you from your toes and continuing to tear and eat the flesh of one leg until he got to your worthless cunt. Then I wanted to see him return to the toes on your other leg and repeat the process. If you were still alive with no legs I was hoping he would take his huge claws and rip your stomach open, pull out your guts and eat them in front of you. You should be dead this morning but here you are lounging comfortably on a bench in a cabin. The only good thing about all this is that Shadow may accept my idea to tie you and leave you for a rattlesnake. Maybe watching you be bitten in a dozen places and slowly die might be better than a quick death by a bear.”

I opened my mouth to reply but the screen went black.

Chapter Twenty – Two – Another Day, Another Challenge

Shadow approached and handed me my sippy cup. “I am sure that your throat is dry after all the screaming you did last night. By the way how is your bladder?”

I hadn’t even thought about my bladder but after she mentioned it, it was causing me extensive pain. “I don’t think it can stretch much more Mistress. If you don’t take the catheter out soon, I am afraid it will rupture.”

“Well, we wouldn’t want that to happen but I am quite sure you can stand it for another hour or so. I agree to allow these kind men to fuck you in all your various holes as payment for helping me with the fish guts.”

One of the men spoke up. “Actually, I have been reading some of the emails from your bidding pile and I have a request.”

“Ask away, if it is reasonable I will grant it.”

“Well, one of the emails was from her husband. In it, he stated that she is a bigot and hates black people. Two of my employees are of African American descent. I think a proper punishment for a prejudices whore would be to have to serve two black men, don’t you?”

“How about it slut? Was David telling the truth when he said that you hated Black people?”

“Does it matter one way or the other Mistress. I assume you have already made up your mind. But, no I don’t have a bigoted bone in my body. I don’t know why David told that lie. I think it was more about me being impregnated than about who did it. Maybe he thought it would humiliate me having a colored child but I am way past any such humiliation.”

“There you have it. She denies the allegations and I have never known her to deliberately lie, although she does stretch the truth from time to time, trying to get out of some type of punishment. So I suppose that she might be lying to us now. In any regard, you should exaggerate her hate for Black people as much as you can so that they will do the vilest things to her that they can think of.”

“I will go make the call. Jim, do you want to fuck the bitch while I am gone?”

“Can she be fucked with her belly that full of your piss?” Jim asked Shadow.

“Let’s find out. Do you want her bent over a bench so her swollen belly will be underneath her or would you rather she was flat on her back so that you weight would push down on that bloated flesh.”

“Bend her over the bench. I think the hard surface will hurt her more when I bear down with my full 250 pounds on her back. Can you position her so that I can see her face while I am fucking her?”

“Sure, drag her over to this bench. You notice that it is adjustable so that her cunt can be at just the right height for your cock.”

He took her literally and grabbed me by the hair of my head and pulled me across the floor. When we got to the bench, Shadow instructed him to move me forward until my legs hit the edge of the bench. She then raised the bench until my swollen belly was the only thing resting on it. She then forced my legs as far apart as they would go and tied them off to some hooks on the bottom of the bench. She didn’t have to do anything with my arms since they were still secured behind my back.

The man walked around in front of me and unzipped his dirty jeans. It took some effort for him to drag his cock out into the open because he was very excited by the thought of fucking me and causing me pain while he did it.

Normally, just the thought of being fucked by a stranger would have had me gushing with mucus but when he pushed into me I was dry as a bone.

“Tell, the audience how it feels as you enter her,” Shadow instructed.

“Her cunt is so dry that it is creating wonderful friction on my cock head. The sound of her whimpering is making me even harder than I have ever been before. I have never thought of myself as a sadist but I have to tell you I really enjoy knowing she is in pain while I am getting pleasure.”

“Push down on her back with your hands. Put all of your weight down so that her bladder will be flattened.”

He was nothing if not obedient. My belly felt as if it was going to tear in two pieces but it didn’t. I screamed and that caused him to push forward with all his might. I felt his cock slide into me deeper than anything had ever been before. With each stroke, he caused me extreme pain, which should have made me happy, but some types of pain are worse than others.

My body betrayed me and I started to get wet in my fuck tunnel. “Damn the slut is starting to enjoy it.”

“Why don’t you pull out and put inside of her poop chute.” Shadow suggested. “I bet she won’t enjoy that.”

“I love your sadism,” he said and then he followed her instructions. He pulled out and started to immediately put his cockhead against my sphincter muscle.

“Wait,” Shadow began. “I want to separate her ass cheeks so our audience can get a good view of you stretching her asshole with your big cock. She then started attaching monofilament line to each of the hooks that were still in the flesh of my ass cheeks. She wasn’t gentle as she pulled on those lines and I groaned in pain as she tied them off so that I was stretched wide open.”

“Now you can fuck her ass.”

I felt his cock pushing against the little bud. Again I was dry and horrible pain came to me as he pushed forward and his cock head slipped inside of me. He placed both hands on my back and pushed down as hard as he could and then forced another inch of cock meat past my tight hole. But then something strange happened. The horrible pain began changing to pleasure and instead of screaming, purring sounds came from my throat. This seemed to anger the man and he shoved down harder and pushed all the way inside of me.

I was sure that the change of sounds from my throat would piss off the audience as well as my ******, but much to my surprise I heard clapping coming from the speakers. Even Jim seemed to admire me when I began to violently spasm with my own orgasm even before he shot his load inside my ass.

As he finished pumping his load into me he allowed his body to settle onto my back not because he was trying to hurt me but just because he was mentally and physically exhausted. And then I heard him swear.

“The bitch is pissing all over me.”

At first, I didn’t know what he was talking about and then I felt hot moisture flooding down the sides and backs of my legs.

“The balloon must have ruptured. I will have to talk with Mr. Stevens and see if he can send me another catheter. I so liked seeing her belly swell up and hearing her beg me to remove the catheter.”

“I guess we should get her cleaned up. Jim do you want to drag her down to the lake and toss her in. The water is probably a little above freezing.”

“I will do that right after the slut cleans the shit off my cock.” He then walked around in front of me, pulled the skin of his cock back and showed the shaft to me. It was coated with what you would imagine that a cock having been pulled out of dry asshole would be. There was some blood mingled with my feces and I knew that he had broken some of my small blood vessels inside of my tunnel.

“Open your mouth, cunt,” Jim demanded.

I could have tried to resist but I may be a bitch but I am not a stupid bitch. I opened as he had directed and allowed him to slide the slimy male meat into my mouth. As quickly as I could, I began to use my tongue to lathe his cock and suck everything down my throat. I had long ago learned to control my stomach muscles and so I managed to keep my gore down. It didn’t take long for Jim to start to respond to my ministrations and I could feel him begin to swell in my mouth. So I changed from cleaning to sexing. For some reason, I was proud that I could get a man hard so quickly after he had ejaculated. No longer was I licking and sucking out of haste to get the thing out of my mouth. Now, I was lovingly administering to a man’s needs, as I now knew was the purpose of all women.

He had his hand on the back of my head but he wasn’t pulling me harshly against him. I could hear him moan with pleasure and that caused me to become aroused as well. I wished that there was another man present so that he could put another cock into my cunt or my ass. And, I didn’t really care which orifice he would use.

Jim started to tense up and I hoped he would pull back so that his jets of cum would land on my tongue and not in my throat, as I desperately needed to taste him. But, Jim was not that sophisticated. Instead, he pushed forward and shot his load down my throat. He did, however, milk the last vestiges of cum out of his piss slit and wiped in on my tongue. I held that small amount and pushed it against my cheek.

“How, did you like that bitch?” Jim asked me.

“I loved every minute of it Master.” I didn’t know if I was supposed to use that term when referring to him, but then I knew in my heart that every man in the world was my Master and every woman in the world, including my sister, were my Mistresses.

I was pulled off the bench by the hair of my head and pulled out the cabin door. I was led down the trail toward the lake. Shadow stopped as we got to the tree where I had been suspended the night before. She pointed to the trunk and I could clearly see long deep scratch marks that had apparently been made by a huge bear who was marking his territory.

I looked at Shadow. “Better the tree than my ribs,” I told her.

“Not according to your sister, slut. And not to the men that paid for the bear-baiting to be done.”

“I will try to make it up to each of them, sometime soon.”

“Let’s start with a little polar bear swim.” And with that, she pulled me out to the end of the dock and pushed me off and into the freezing water.

The shock of the water made me suck in my breath. That was a huge mistake since my mouth was underwater. I would have drowned if Shadow had not attached a long leash to the back of my harness and used it to pull my head back up and out of the water. I was gasping for breath and coughing up water but Shadow did not pull me up onto the dock. Instead, she allowed the leash to become slack and since my hands were secured behind my back I had no way of staying afloat. As I realized that I was again going to sink I took a quick breath. But nobody could hold their breath in water that cold. Fortunately, Shadow pulled me back above the surface.

And finally, she pulled me up and onto the dock. She didn’t seem to mind that some of my skin was scraped off on the edge of the dock.

She let me lay on my belly on the dock and I thought that she would give me something to dry off with and maybe to warm up with. But, Shadow was not thinking of my comfort but rather my discomfort.

“Are you cold, slut?”

I wanted to reply yes Mistress but my teeth were chattering so badly that only gibberish came out of my mouth.

“I will take that as a yes. Warm her up Jim.”

I didn’t have long to find out what she was referring to as I felt what must have been a tree branch come down in the small of my back. Pain erupted throughout my body and I soon forgot about how cold I was. The next stroke was across my buttocks. I don’t know if he had deliberately tried to strike one of the fishhooks but that was an added bonus.

When the next stroke hit another of the hooks I knew that he was aiming for them. I now had got enough air in my lungs so that I could scream when the third stroke landed. That seemed to please him and he brought another hard stroke down a few inches lower than the last.

My whole body was warm and I looked forward to the next stroke of the branch. But it did not come.

“Get her up on her feet,” Shadow demanded.

As I was pulled to my feet Shadow bent down and whispered in my ear. “Our guests have arrived and you might believe that it is in your best interests to try and deny what your husband said in that email. But you should remember that we have a paying audience that wants to be entertained. Are you getting my drift.”

I smiled a little as I looked directly into her eyes and mouthed, “Yes, Mistress.”

Jim dragged me by my hair towards two huge black men. I can’t say that they were handsome, but I can tell you they had huge hands and feet. I was hoping that what they say that there is a correlation between the size of a man’s hands and his cock. My cunt was dripping by the time I was forced in front of those two.

“Meet Randy and Phil, slut. They came all the way over here to fuck you. Aren’t you honored?

My cunt was saying, yes please but my mind knew that was not the correct answer. So I put as much venom into my voice as I could muster and said, “Keep those black bastards away from me. I am not into bestiality. I will die before I let a niger put his horse cock inside of me.”

The man called Randy reached out and slapped me across my mouth. He had no way of knowing that I loved to be bitch slapped and I feigned horror to keep him in the dark. Again his hand came across my lips and I felt one of them crack and begin to bleed. There was a wooden horse rail that had been set into the ground. It was just the correct height to bend a woman over and I figured that had been the purpose in putting it there.

Randy dragged me to the rail and bent me over it and then using his boots kicked my ankles apart. “Phil come over here and stick your cock in the whore’s mouth while I fuck her. By the time I am through with her, she will never enjoy a white cock again.

I felt the tip of a very large cock enter my vaginal opening. Randy stopped just long enough for Phil to shove an equally big cock between my lips. “Don’t even think of biting, bitch or I will knock every tooth out of your head.” I thought about biting down just to piss him off so he would fuck my mouth more roughly, but I didn’t want to lose any of my teeth.”

Phil then shoved his hips forward and his cockhead immediately entered my throat. He was so huge that he completely closed off my airway and I began to panic. I tried to shake my head from side to side but Phil had a hold of my hair and held me still. He seemed to take delight in pushing another inch of cock into my throat.

I was so scared of suffocating that I barely felt Randy push the full length of his cock inside of me. But then Phil pulled back and allowed me to get a breath of air into my lungs. I was able to get control of my emotions and began to use my tongue on the underside of his cock trying to give him as much pleasure as possible. I did not realize that he would be able to figure out that was what I was doing.

“The cunt is enjoying this.”

“I know, her cunt is so slippery that if I pull out she will ooze all over the ground. But, I don’t care, I am going to fuck her none-the-less. And you should fuck her mouth and throat as well. We will figure some other way to make her pay for being a bigot when we have filled two of her three holes.”

Phil pushed back into my throat and held it there until I thought I would pass out from lack of air. But, he apparently knew how to face fuck a woman and he backed off just in time. While I was catching my breath he was shallow fucking my mouth.

But then something happened to me that did not expect. My entire body started shaking and I lost all control of my body. I am positive that if I was not bent over that rail, I would have fallen to the ground. Phil stopped, perhaps sensing that something was wrong. Randy apparently saw his partner had ceased face fucking me and asked him why.

“There is something wrong with the cunt. Her body is shaking and it is not because of an orgasm.” He pulled his cock out of my mouth and let go of my head. Now, my head was shaking side to side. I was suddenly so cold that I could not help shivering.”

Shadow saw something was wrong and hurried forward. She apologized for interrupting and then asked for their help in getting me into the cabin. She quickly made a call, but I could not concentrate on who it might be. And then everything went black.

When I woke up I was in a large tub of warm water. My hands were no longer bound and the leather harness had been removed.

“What happened?” I managed to mumble.

“You reacted to the mosquito bites is the best I can figure. Mr. Stevens suggested that I take you to a hospital, but I am sure you understand why I could not do that. And then he suggested that I give you antihistamine capsules and to immerse you into warm water with baking soda added. It was touch and go for a while but your color is better now. And even the bites seem to be going down.”

“I am sorry Mistress. I so wanted to apologize to Randy and Phil. Did they at least get to cum?”

“You have to be the weirdest woman I have ever met. You almost died and all you can worry about is whether two strangers got to have an orgasm. And to answer your question no. Would you like to make it up to them when you are well?”

“It is important to me that I get to grovel at their feet so that they know that I have learned my lesson about black men.”

“You can stop the act. I know that you had no bigoted feelings. But, I thank you for playing the part so well. I was actually afraid for your well being when you called them black bastards and Randy started slapping you. He is so huge and I didn’t know if he could control himself. Your split lip is evidence that he was totally in control of his emotions.”

Shadow then went and got some more hot water and added it to the tub. She also added some more baking soda. “Close your eyes and lay back in the tub. I will watch over you and I will keep the water warm. Your torments are ended for the rest of the day and night?”

“What about tonight’s bidding. It would be a shame if you lost money because I was so weak that I could not stand a few insect bites.”

Shadow laughed at that. “A few you say. There wasn’t an area of your body that wasn’t swollen up like a balloon, including the inside of your pierced cunt lips. If I decide to do something similar to you again I am going to have to cover most of your body. I do like the idea of leaving your cunt open for the little bloodsuckers to get at though. How does that sound to you, little one?”

The first thing that struck me was that she had not called me slut, cunt, or bitch. And the second thing was that it sounded like she truly wanted my opinion. “Mistress, I am honored to serve you in any way that you see fit. You can hang me from those pines any time you want. I won’t tell you that having bears sniffing me to see if I would be a good meal isn’t something I relish, but if you want me eaten by bears, I understand. By the way, how did I escape that fate, last night?”

Shadow chuckled a little. I took a calculated risk. I had to bait the area with fish guts but I thought that more would be safer than less. If I had only used the two buckets that our benefactor had requested, I might have only attracted one very hungry bear. That would not have been a good outcome. But, I thought that if I dumped large quantities any bears that came would probably not be too hungry by the time they found you hanging. I was just lucky that it was a black bear that ambled up first. If it had been a grizzly, whether he was hungry or not he would have probably pulled you down and carried you off to be consumed later.”

“I thought that before I passed out that I did hear a larger bear than the black that was using me as a swinging toy.”

“You did. A large grizzly came up from the lake and another black came from above. They took turns roaring and posturing but they were so busy with each other that they didn’t even bother you. There was a time when I thought I would have to look for another slave, though.”

Shadow then turned and walked away. I let my head rest against the side of the tub and was soon sound asleep.

Chapter Twenty – Three – A Brief Respite From Physical Pain

At some point, I woke up enough to realize that I was being helped out of the water and toweled off. I was still a little unsteady on my feet, but with Shadow’s help she got me to a soft bed and laid me down. I mumbled a thank you and she replied, “Don’t get used to it. As soon as you are well enough, we will continue. The next piece of furniture you sit on will be the wooden horse. You like that idea do you not?”

“Yes, Mistress I live to make you happy.”

It was morning before I awoke again. Shadow came over and asked me how I was feeling. I told her that I would know more when I got up and tried to move around.

“Here give me your hand and I will help you up,” she said.

I was a little unsteady but managed to do a couple of laps around the main room in the cabin. Shadow then urged me over to the table where normal people ate their meals and had me sit down on the wooden bench.

“What do you think you might be able to eat, little one?”

The last time she had talked about food, she had told me that I was going to go on a dog food diet. I didn’t want to mention that but I felt guilty thinking about my feelings and not about hers.

“Have you decided against putting me on a dog food diet, Mistress?”

“No, you will have to eat a can of dog food a couple times a day for the camera. Your fans expect you to be treated as less than a human being and we don’t want to disappoint them, do we? But, the cameras are turned off, right now so if you think you could eat some bacon and eggs and perhaps a cup of coffee, I will fix it for you.”

“That sounds like a meal from heaven to me, Mistress. Thank you for your kindness.”

Shadow didn’t reply to that but simply went to the stove and put a large fry pan on one of the burners. While it was heating up she brought me a cup of steaming black coffee. “I hope you like it black because I don’t have any creamer or milk.”

“Black is beautiful,” I said with a smile.

As she went back to cook breakfast, I sipped on the hot, black liquid. It smelled heavenly and tasted even better. I had nearly finished the coffee by the time Shadow handed me a plate of scrambled eggs, bacon and buttered toast. I thanked her as she refilled my cup and she patted me on the cheeks as a reply.

Just then there was a knock on the cabin door. Shadow left me at the table to go and answer the door and soon came back. With her were Randy and Phil.

“We wanted to come over and check to see how you were doing. I see you are able to sit up and take nourishment,” Phil said.

“Thank you so much for coming to see me. I need to apologize for the terrible things I said to you the other day.”

“No apologies are necessary,” Randy replied. “We know that you were playing a part for the camera. And I want to apologize for bitch-slapping you as hard as I did.”

I smiled at him. “I will let you in on a secret. I love to be face slapped, especially by a big strong man that can put a little muscle behind it. I have been enjoying my split lip ever since, at least when I have been awake which has not been too often.”

He then turned to Shadow. “Do you know exactly what happened to her?”

“Not specifically. I think that it was a combination of the mosquito bites, dehydration from drinking only my piss for over 24 hours, and maybe the shock from almost being eaten by bears.”

“Well, I am glad she seems to be on the mend, now. We don’t want to intrude on your breakfast so we will be going.”

They turned and headed towards the door when I spoke to them. “I am not up to much activity this morning but would you two mind coming back sometime and finishing what you started with me the other day. Maybe we can do It while my hands are free to help give you pleasure unless you would rather I was tied. It doesn’t matter to me as long as I can make both of you feel good.”

Phil looked at me and smiled. “Would you feel too bad if I told you that part of my excitement was knowing that I was hurting you?”

“Not at all if you won’t feel bad when I tell you that part of my excitement was being hurt.”

He laughed as he turned and left the cabin along with his friend.

I began eating the meal that Shadow had prepared for me. Eat bite made me feel stronger and more ready to go back to the action. “When will you decide which of the auction scenarios you are going to accept.”

Shadow looked at me and then shook her head a little. “I imagine that you will not be very happy, but I have already decided. The highest bid was for the snake. I am not going to lie to you, so I have to admit that was the bid that I was going to take even if it had not been the highest, simply because it had come from your sister.”

My heart fell at the thought of being tied where a deadly viper was likely to bite me and I would die. A few tears came to my eyes, knowing that any kindness Shadow had shown me was simply out of fear that she would lose her payday.

“There are the tears, I so love,” she said with a smile.

“How soon before I live my last day with you?” I asked with more tears streaming down my face.

“There is always a small chance that you will live through the experience. Of course, that brings mixed emotions since the bid was in stages. The first stage was $50,000 just to take you out, tie you with your hands behind your back, and securing your ankles together. Of course, you will be naked so that if the snake strikes anywhere on your body, it’s fangs will strike flesh. Whether the snake shows up or not, I get the 50k. The second stage is if the snake actually shows up and sinks its fangs into at least one area of your body. If that happens and you live, I will get $200,000.”

“You said there were three stages. What is stage three?”

“If the snake strikes you and you die on camera, I get 1 million dollars.”

“I can see why you have mixed emotions about me living through the ordeal.”

“Yes, on the one hand, a million dollars is a lot of money. On the other hand, I might make more than that with future auctions. I am going to announce the results of the auction tonight. You won’t have to go up the hill until this weekend. I want as big an audience as I can get in case the snake does kill you. This event is by pay per view.”

I was crying almost uncontrollably now.

“Try to get a hold of yourself, slut. Your mother would like to speak to you. This might be the last time you get to talk with her, so take advantage of it.”

I wiped as many of the tears from my eyes and cheeks and then turned to face the camera. My mother’s face came on the screen and I heard her call my name.

“Julie, are you alright?”

“Yes, mama, I am fine. And how are you and daddy doing?”

“I am fine although I was terribly disappointed in the awful things you said to those nice black gentlemen the other day. I had no idea that you harbored such racist thoughts about other human beings.”

“I am so sorry that you had to hear that. If it makes you feel any better I have apologized to them and offered to do anything I can to make up for it.”

“Well, at least they got a chance to properly discipline you although it is too bad you were so weak that they didn’t get to finish the lesson.”

“Mama, are you watching this feed regularly?”

“Why of course dear. I never miss an episode of ‘Julie’s Punishment’”

“Is that what it is called? When did you start watching?”

“Why as soon as Shadow, sent us the video of you signing your life away to her and that other man. I saw you getting your breasts and vagina pierced and have watched ever since. I hope you don’t mind that I am following your debauchery?”

“No, mama. I am just surprised that you would want to see your ******** abused and humiliated.”

“Oh, dear, I have always known that you were a submissive. You tried to hide it, but it was pretty easy to tell. You never talked back to me the way most children do to their parents. The few times you even raised your voice, I knew that it was to get me to punish you. Your father didn’t like it when I took the belt to your ass and I didn’t tell him that it was what you desired.”

“You are very wise, mom. And how is daddy? Is he home? Can I talk with him?”

“Your father is fine and yes he is home, but no you can’t talk with him. He says he has disowned you.”

“I guess he has seen the videos too?”

“He has and the funny thing is that for a while, even though he didn’t say so in so many words, I thought he liked them. He was all flushed in the face and had trouble keeping his hands our of his lap when he saw you getting pierced.”

“But then something changed and like a light switch was thrown he became abusive in his language towards you.”

I thought for a minute and I knew exactly when that change had taken place but I didn’t tell my mother. “I am so sorry if I have caused you problems, mom. At least he doesn’t have to watch any more.”

“Oh, dear that is where you are wrong. He watches every episode of the auctions. He roots for the most dangerous and terrible things that are suggested. And you should have seen him when Shadow strung you up under the pine tree and started spreading the bear bait. It was funny though, as soon as she explained what was about to happen, your father left the room. When he came back, he had on a pair of the shortest shorts I had ever seen him wear. I didn’t even know that he owned a pair of shorts like that.”

“Yes, you did, mom. Don’t you remember when Beth and I were little and daddy would insist on taking us out for a Sunday drive? Don’t you remember what he always wore?”

“That was so long ago, sweetheart, how do you recall something so far back?”

“It wasn’t something that I will ever forget mama. No matter how cold it was out, daddy always wore a pair of shorts, like the ones you just described. Didn’t you think that was strange?”

“Apparently you think it is strange, so tell me what you are getting at.”

“Well, you remember that I used to ask you to go with us. No begged you would be more like it, but you never did. Why didn’t you come, mama?”

I was crying now and tears were streaming down my face making me almost blind. I had trouble seeing my mother’s face but I imagined that there might be a trace of shame on it.

“I thought about it a couple of times, but when I would ask your father, he would always tell me that I had things that needed to be done around the house and besides he needed some alone time with his precious little girls.”

“Do you remember that he would always buckle us into the back seat before we left the drive, but we would always be in the front seat when we came home? Didn’t you ever wonder about that? Didn’t you ever wonder what he was doing to his ********* on those long drives? Or did you know and you didn’t care?”

“If you want the truth, I tried not to think about it. And yes I did care. I cared that he always fucked me when he got back. And if I could get him to fuck me like that today, I would do exactly the same thing, I did back then, except it wouldn’t just be on Sundays. I suppose you hate me now?”

“No mama, I don’t hate you. And you do know why he was wearing those short shorts to watch the video, don’t you?”

“Of course, I do. I looked over a couple of times and saw the head of his cock slipping out of those shorts. And I didn’t mind in the least that he was playing with himself. He hasn’t fucked me since you girls left home so if he jacks off now and then, I’m not losing anything. Now that I have confessed that I might as well tell you that my own hand was between my legs for most of that night. When I saw that first bear come up the trail, I slipped three fingers into my cunt and they never came out even when I knew your father was taking a peek at me.”

“I am glad you enjoyed the show, mama. Did daddy give you a good fucking when it was over?”

“No, I was hoping that he would and I think he might have if the bear had eaten you, but he was insane with anger when it didn’t work out that way. All I got was his hand across my face. She moved in towards the camera lens. If you look real close you can still see the handprint on my cheek.”

“I am so sorry that I disappointed the two of you. Maybe the next auction will get a better result for you. Tell, me mother, which of the bids are you hoping for Shadow to take?”

“I think you know the answer, dear. Do I have to say it out loud?”

“Yes, mother, I think I do know the answer but yes I want to hear you say it.”

“I will always root for your sister sweetie.”

“You do realize that I will probably die from a snake bite?”

“Dear, you are already dead to your father and your sister wishes that you were dead, so the only one rooting for another miracle will be me. I know it is a long shot but if the snake gets you, maybe I will get fucked.”

“Are we finished mother?”

“No dear, I am just getting started. Now that you have got me all wet and slippery, please tell me what your father did to you girls on those drives.”

“No, mom. I am not going to help you masturbate to memories that I can’t get out of my head after 15 years. Maybe you could ask Beth. She might enjoy relating those things with you. Or if you really want to know, daddy always filmed those drives. I know for a fact that he has some, probably all of them on his computer. Why don’t you go into his office when he isn’t home and watch them?”

“I would if I knew how to get into the machine. You wouldn’t be able to help me with that little problem would you dear?”

“He keeps his logins and passwords on a sheet of paper under his right-hand desk drawer. Just pull out the drawer, turn it over and copy everything down. It might come in handy if you want to get into his secret bank account too.”

“Oh, thank you so much for that little information. I am going to suggest he go to the store for me and I am going to give him a list that will take him a long time to put together. Hope we can talk again soon.”

“Not if it is after Saturday. Goodbye, mom.”

The screen had hardly went dark when Shadow was beside me. “God, that was even hard for me to watch. I think I know why you are so screwed up after listening to that.”

“Was the camera rolling for the audience?”

“You know it was. I bet Beth is on the phone with your mom, right now. Do those rides with your father have anything to do with why Beth hates you so much?”

“I was three years older and a lot bigger than she was. I’m sure you can imagine that daddy did things to me that he wasn’t able to do to her until later.”

“Yes, but I would love to hear you tell me about those things. In fact, I order you to tell me everything he did to both of you.”

I hung my head and then said, yes Mistress.” And I began the narration of events.

Chapter Twenty – Four – The Prelude and the Auction Results

I was still relating my experiences with my father when the screen came back alive. This time it was my front door, or I guess I should say my sister and husband’s front door. My mother was ringing the doorbell and the door was opened almost immediately by a very naked Beth.

“Come on in Mom. I know you were anxious to get into daddy’s computer but I really wanted to talk with you first. You did know that your entire conversation with my whore of a sister was being shown to millions of viewers, worldwide. I bet your entire garden club heard you tell Julie that the only time daddy fucked you was after he had spent quality time with the two of us.”

“Do you miss being fucked so badly, mom?”

I saw my mother hang her head in shame. “I am not going to discuss my sex life with my youngest ********.”

“To hell, you aren’t mother dearest. You just admitted being complicit in the molestation of your two young ********* to a million or more people. You also admitted masturbating while you thought your oldest ******** was in danger of being killed. And thanks for your support in hoping that a deadly snake finishes the cunt off.”

“Now sweetheart, I didn’t exactly say that I supported you in hoping she dies. I just said that as long as someone's suggestion was going to be picked it should be yours.”

Just then I saw David, my husband enter the room. “What do we have here ladies. Beth, you know that women are not allowed to wear clothing in this house.”

“I am sorry, Master. I haven’t had the opportunity to fill mom in on that rule.”

“Well, now she knows. Mother dear, if you want to stay and chat with Beth, you have to remove your clothes.”

“Leave her alone you fucking pervert.” I heard a voice say. And when Shadow tapped me on the shoulder and informed me that the sound only went one way, I realized the voice belonged to me.

“I guess that I will be going then. I can’t take my clothes off in front of my son-in-law.”

“Please mom, humor us. We have a reason for wanting to see you naked and besides, I have a favor to ask of you. After listening to your conversation with cunt Julie, I think you will find the idea intriguing if not downright exciting.”

My mother looked down again and then to Beth and finally to David. “Is it really that important that I disrobe in front of you?”

“It is mom, please do it for me,” Beth said.

I could not believe my eyes as my mother reached for the top button of her blouse. It seemed to take an inordinately long time for her to work the button from the eyelet. The next one was faster and I saw her wet her lips with the tip of her tongue as she reached for the third. I didn’t know if that little gesture was because of nerves or if it was part of a strip-tease or both. I could see David’s cock start to rise and I wondered if the idea of an older woman stripping for him was exciting or if it was because the older woman was my mother.

When I looked back towards my mother she had finished opening her blouse and was pulling it up and out of her skirt. She let it slide off her shoulders. Being the neatnik that she was she insisted on folding the garment and laying on the arm of a chair instead of just tossing it to the floor.

“Mmm, for an old broad she has a nice upper body. Give her instruction, Beth.”

“Take off the skirt, mom.” Until that point, Beth’s tone had been soft, but that last sentence came out hard as someone of authority would issue an order.

My mother’s expression seemed to change as well. Her upper body slumped slightly as if she was taking a submissive pose. She then reached for the button on the side of her skirt and opened it. Next she slid the zipper down and started to pull the skirt off.

“Just let it drop.” Now Beth sounded like a drill sergeant. And my mother obeyed as if she was a new private. She wasn’t wearing a slip so now she only had on her bra and a pair of plain cotton panties.

“Now, take off the bra and let it fall,” Beth demanded.

I looked towards my husband and noticed that his cock was now fully engorged with blood.

Looking back my mother had already released the clamp on the front closing bra and added it to her skirt on the floor by her feet.

“Now the panties.” Beth had long since quit using familiarities like mom or mother. I wondered when she would start using the term slave.

Mom hooked her thumbs into the waistband and pulled the panties down past her hips. When they were loose she let them fall to the floor and kicked them away from her with her sandaled feet.

“You can leave the sandals on but from now on when you come over I expect you to be wearing shoes or boots with no less than five-inch heels. Do you understand those instructions?”

“Yes, Dear.”

“From now on you will refer to me as Mistress and to David as Master do you understand, slave?”

I could see the confusion on my mother’s face. “I don’t understand any of this. Why did you call me slave?”

“Look at David.”

I could see my mother physically turn in his direction not just shift her eyes. I could also see her tonge wet her lips again.

“Tell, me what you see.”

“I see a very handsome and very naked young man.”

“Do you like seeing him naked?”

“Sure he is very pleasing to look at.”

“What do you like the most about his nakedness?”

My mother hesitated. I could not believe it when Beth crossed the room and slapped her mother’s face.

“I asked you a question, now answer it or would you like me to backhand you as well?”

“I like his cock, Mistress.”

“Would you like to feel that cock inside of your slave?”

“Of dear God, yes.”

“Yes what, slave?”

“Yes, Mistress.”

“What would you do for us, in order to have David fuck you not just once but every night?”

“I would do anything if that could be possible, Mistress.”

“Get down on your hands and knees and crawl across the room to your new Master, slave.”

And to my amazement and dismay, my mother dropped to her hands and knees and began crawling across the floor towards my husband. When she got to him she waited for more instructions.

“Now take his cock in your right hand and bring it down to your lips.”

There was no hesitation in my mother’s obedience. She brought it to her lips and began to kiss the tip.

“That is enough, slave. Now crawl over to the sofa and sit on the floor near the middle. Again she obeyed without complaint.

From now on you are not allowed on any furniture while you are in my house. Your place is either on your knees or sitting at our feet. Is that understood, slave?”

“Yes, Mistress.”

“Now, tell David that you want to have him dominate you as his slave.”

“Master, will you please take me as your slave.”

“Do you remember the contract that your oldest ******** signed for Shadow?”

“Yes, Master.”

“Tomorrow, go to your attorney and tell him that you would like something a slave contract drawn up and that you want it binding and irrevocable. Then pay him to come here tomorrow evening, watch us sign the document, and then he will witness it. Do you understand those instructions?”

“Yes, Master, but I am unsure of what to have him put in the document.”

“Are you a stupid, cunt. You have a copy of the one that Julie signed. He can use that as a guide but he should include financial servitude as well. Now, do you understand?”

“Yes, Master, and I guess that I am a stupid cunt. I apologize.”

“It is time for the auction results,” Beth declared. “I can’t wait to see if my suggestion wins. I am so wet just thinking about my slut of a sister, bound and waiting for that snake to sink his fangs into her. You want that as well, don’t you slave?”

“I want you to be happy, Mistress. If that means watching your sister die a horrible death then yes I want that.”

Chapter Twenty – Five – The Results Show

“Welcome to the results show from our most recent auction. I have heard both positive and negative comments about the last event. Would someone like to tell us what they didn’t like about the show?”

“I would came a voice through the speakers. I was the benefactor and while technically you lived up to the contract. I think that you may have cheated to save the slut from being ripped asunder.”

“What makes you say that, Norman? You don’t mind if I call you Norman do you?”

“I say that because, I expected that you would put out just enough chum to attract a large bear, not so much that you would stifle his appetite.”

“Did you specify how many pails of chum I could use?” Remember, I did say that suggestions should be very specific. Had you said that I was to use only two pails, I would have done so. I always follow the instructions. But, I thought if I only put two pails along the one trail, I might not attract any bears. And if I did, they might just eat the chum and go back up the trail. Or they might come to the lake, get a drink of water and go the wrong way up the beach. I wanted the best possible result for those that paid for the suggestion. So when I went to the fish cleaning station and learned that they had accumulated chum for the past week, I made a deal for it all. And if you recall, that was the best choice, as I attracted not one but three bears and one of the three was a very large grizzly. Do you still think that I cheated?”

“No, please forgive me. It is just that I had my heart set on seeing the slut, with her guts hung out and being eaten by a grizzly.”

“I am sorry that you were disappointed. If it makes you feel any better, the vast majority of comments from our audience were along that same line. Maybe you will find tonights auction results more to your liking. If nobody else has a comment, we can begin.”

You will recall that we had several different suggestions. One was to have my slave taken to the very edge of the drop off to the canyon. They wanted her wearing the punishment boots with the tacks in the soles and the super high-heels. Her hands were then to be secured behind her back and her ankles bound tightly together so that she could do nothing but stand in one spot. They wanted her left in that position from dark till dawn or until she plummeted to her death. Does anyone remember what happened to that suggestion?”

“I do.” I looked to see who was talking and saw that it was my naked mother sitting on the floor between my husband and my sister.”

“Ahh, it is my slave’s mother who speaks. Please continue.”
“You said that would almost certainly end in my ********’s death, so unless someone would pledge a million dollars, it would not be worth losing your payday.”

“Not, exactly in those words, but close enough. Tell, me mom, do you agree with my decision?”

I saw Beth bend down and whisper in her ear. Then mom nodded and began speaking.

“I do not agree. In my opinion, she is a worthless piece of shit, and the sooner she is dead the better I will like it.”

I knew that she was being forced or coerced into saying that but it brought tears to my eyes never-the-less,

“I thank you for your honest response. Let’s see how many of our audience agree with you. Audience please press 1 on your keypad if you agree with Julie’s mother or 2 on your keypad if you agree with me.”

It only took seconds for the results to come up on the screen.

“Well, look at that, it is almost an even split.”

Another suggestion was for her to be covered with poison ivy and then wrapped in cellophane. She should be kept wrapped for an entire night. When she was unwrapped, if she was still alive she was to be restrained so that she could not scratch until all the blisters were dried up. She was to be given no antihistamines or allowed to bathe during that time.

“Can someone tell me why I rejected that suggestion?”

“Yes, because it would take her out of commission for too long, and would cause a loss of money. You did say that you loved the cruelty of the suggestion. Personally, I am glad you rejected that one. It would be really dull watching her sitting and squirming to two weeks.”

Another suggestion was to have her placed in a glass coffin. The only thing she would be allowed to wear would be a blindfold so that she couldn’t see what was happening to her. Then the coffin should be filled with huge black, biting ants. She should be left there until she either died or the ants stopped biting. Since I am very familiar with the ants in question, there is no doubt in my mind that she would be dead before they stopped biting. And again no one came up with enough money.”

“I know that most of you have been watching the totals of the bids. Can someone tell me which suggestion was the top money winner?”

“Yes, let me.”

“Well, looky here. It is my slave’s sister. Go ahead, Beth.”

“The suggestion with the highest monetary total was from me. Most of us watched as you took her for a walk up the hill. Just when you started back she heard a snake rattle. Her EKG went off the charts when she discovered that the noise was made by a huge rattlesnake. The snake was some distance away but you made her walk towards it. With each step, her terror increased to the point that she refused to move forward any more. You then put your hands in her back and forced her forward. I remember you saying that the snake could only strike half the distance of its body and the snake was around 6 feet long, so my whore of a sister would be safe if she was as close as 4 feet. Finally, you threatened to take her back to the edge of the cliff and leave her there if she didn’t move forward. I thought she was going to die but she managed that last step. And just as she set her foot down, that snake struck. It missed her by less than six inches. She was so terrified that she couldn’t move and I was yelling and urging that snake to recoil so he could strike again. And he was fast at recoiling, but you had to spoil the whole thing by pulling her back to safety.

So my suggestion is that you take her back up there at sundown because I hear that snakes feed at night. I want you to put her within five feet of that brush, tie her hands behind her back and lay her down and tie her ankles tight together. You asked me why I wanted her laid down and I told you so that the snake would have more bare flesh to sink his fangs into. I also said that it would give her some chance of being able to roll away from the snake, should she see it coming. Of course, that was only to give the bitch hope and then to watch it taken away when she discovered that the snake could crawl faster than she could roll. “

“Now that is what I call being specific. And you are right that was the highest bid. I want to tell you that even if it had not been the highest, I would have accepted it anyway just because her sister was the one that made it. I believe that suggestions from those close to a slave, especially exceedingly cruel ones should always be chosen over suggestions from strangers.

I have to tell you all that the pot has been sweetened since I accepted the bid. It seems that there is someone that will pay a lot more if my slave is bitten in more than one area of her body. And someone else will pay far more money if he can watch her die from the bites. So, I have a monetary interest in making sure that Julie is at the very least bitten twice. Now, you might wonder how I could increase my odds of that happening. Well, imagine that someone went up there, found several large snakes, and just before dusk moved them down to that bush. Then further assume that someone was to take a long stick and start hitting that bush from the far side. I imagine that not only would those snakes crawl towards the bound and helpless Julie, but that they might be severely agitated when they reached her. Does anyone want to make my additions a binding part of the deal for say 1 million dollars? If I have that amount deposited in the next 30 minutes, it will cement the deal. If not then we go back to having her taken up and secured where there is a chance a snake may come, but also a chance onwill not. Start the timer.”

I didn’t even bother to look. Somehow, I knew that from the millions of people that watched his feed there had to be one with enough money to want to hedge his bet. And different from the other night when they waited until the last minute, the funds were transferred in less than five minutes.

“That settles it. I hope that you all are on hand Saturday night. If you logged in tonight there is no charge to watch the show. If you have friends that are not regulars, the link will be available on a pay per view basis. Until then feel free to watch any of the available feeds. I hope most of you saw my slave’s mother agree to serve her ******** and son-in-law. The ******** in question is Julie’s sister and the son-in-law is Julie’s husband. I have it on good authority that Julie’s mother will be fucked tonight. You want to watch that don’t you slut?”

She directed the question to me. “If I live past this coming weekend, I will make it my life’s goal to kill you, Beth. I swear to God, you will never have a peaceful night for the rest of your life because I will be coming for you. And unlike the snakes you are wishing on me, you won’t hear me coming.”

“I am scared to death, whore. From the rules that Shadow laid out, there is no way in hell you will be alive after Saturday night. And when I know that you are dead and buried, I am going to make our mother pay dearly for what she allowed that fucking bastard you call daddy to do to us.”

“My slut, this is getting interesting. I don’t see any way that you will survive since I set it up so that you can’t but just in case I hope I can sell the right to watch you murder your sister. And if you do die then I hope I can sell the rights to watching your sister turn your mother into her whore. That is what you plan to do isn’t it Beth.”

“After I put her on an exercise regimen so that she is worth selling We need to tighten her breasts so that they don’t hang down to her navel, and her legs need toning so she can hold a man between them and of course her cunt needs to be tightened up so that a man can at least feel his cock scrape the sides. In the meantime, her asshole is probably tight enough to satisfy a man. David will check that out tonight.”

“You will leave the feed live so that our audience and your sister can watch won’t you?”

“Of course, Shadow. I owe you for setting this whole thing up. And please send my dear daddy a link so he can watch his wife being bum fucked.”

“You didn’t even have to ask. He has been logged in every since you called me and told me what you planned for your mother. Isn’t that right, Ed?”

There wasn’t an answer but I had no doubt that my father was watching. And as much as I wanted to feel sorry for my mother, looking back at what she had allowed to happen to Beth and I just so she could get fucked, I hoped she would get everything she had coming.

Chapter Twenty – Six – A Moment of Rebellion

The more I thought about what Shadow had done in this auction, just to make more money, the angrier I got. I would not have been happy to be taken up that hill and tied so that a snake might find me. But, because I felt so submissive to Shadow, I would have endured the ordeal. But, when she changed the rules to ensure my death, I had to draw the line.

For the first time in a long time, I was not bound in any way and I used that opportunity to make my escape. I headed for the cabin door and was just opening it to leave when Shadow spoke to me. “Just where the hell do you think you are going?”

I turned and was thankful that she had not made a move toward me. I had not considered what I would do if she physically tried to stop me from leaving. I doubt that I could have struck her or did anything else to cause her harm. So had she decided to be physical with me, I would have stood no chance. But, she was just standing there, waiting for me to respond.

“I am going to look for a bear and get this shit over with.”

And with that, I walked out the door and started down the path to the lake. I had gotten to the pine tree when I realized that being naked on a still night wasn’t in my best interest. What a fool I was to not have at least put on some clothing before hurrying out of the cabin. I could hear those damn blood-sucking insects swarming around me and when they started to land, I realized there was no way for me to swat them all. I thought about turning and hurrying back to the cabin, but that was much too far away. The lake was nearer and although I didn’t like the idea of the freezing water, I liked the idea of being eaten alive, less. So I ran as fast as I could and when I reached the end of the dock, dove headfirst into the lake. The shock of the cold water took my breath away but I forced my entire head underwater none-the-less. When I surfaced I was grateful that the mosquitos had given up and had gone looking for easier blood to suck.

I treaded water for a few seconds but I was quickly losing all my body heat and I knew that if I stayed in the water much longer I would suffer hypothermia. I almost decided to allow my head to sink under the surface and get the ordeal over with when I heard Shadow calling my name.

I looked up and saw her standing near the end of the dock and she was spreading out a large plush towel to show me. “If you are done with your tantrum, come out of that water and get warm.”

My mind said no way bitch but my body said, get the hell out of this cold water and my body won the argument.

As I pulled myself onto the end of the dock, Shadow wrapped me in the towel and put her arm around my shoulder and urged me in the direction of the cabin. “Can you run, little one? We need to hurry or we will be mosquito fodder.”

I indicated that I could run by doing it and I beat Shadow to the cabin door and hurried inside just ahead of her.

She handed me a mug of steaming coffee and urged me to sit down at the table. “I don’t blame you for being angry with me. It must have been quite a shock to hear me outline what will most likely be your last night on this earth. But, I am sure that you realize that I could not turn down that amount of money. Answer me honestly, did you expect that I would?”

“I was hoping that you would find other ways of making money by using me for other torture scenes for a long time in the future. You could have put me in a box with a dozen ants. I would have been in extreme pain, but I would most likely have survived. Or you could have buried me alive, in a grave filled with nettles. If you had given me a breathing tube, I could have suffered for you for days. You haven’t even hung any weights from my pierced tits. There are so many things that you could have done if you hadn’t decided to kill me.”

I took a sip of the hot liquid and felt some warth coming back into my body and soul. And then Shadow replied to what I had said.

“You are right of course. My original plan for you was to find the things that were most terrifying for you to do. In my mind, it is so exciting to make you choose your own punishments, knowing that you would suffer more if you understood that the idea for your terror came from your own mind.”

“Why can’t you still do that Mistress. I will write out a list of my greatest phobias and you can start with the easiest and progress to the most terrifying. And I imagine that we would never run out of ideas unless I went stark raving mad or my heart gave out.”

“Do you think that I owe you an explanation for why I can’t do those things?”

I had to think about that and I realized that a slave owner never owed anything to the slave. “No, Mistress you don’t owe me anything. But, it might make my death a little easier if I knew why you thought it was necessary.’

“Then I will tell you. Remember when I told you about the dark web? Remember that I told you that I believed that we could do anything and never face any legal consequences for them?”

“Yes, I remember you saying something like that. What has changed?”

“Well, what I didn’t take into account was that people had created the “dark web”. And those creators could find those that used their tools. It didn’t bother me until I got this email.”

She handed me a paper copy and I began to read. It was addressed to Shadow with her full name, age, and social security number. It also had a picture of her at the hotel where she had worked and another picture of her ******. And then the body of the email had this message.

“I know that you think you are pretty smart. That trick by over baiting the bears was tricky and I can appreciate a good trick. But, I only allow anyone to trick me once. You should not have been greedy. You should have made sure that your slave was torn apart for the benefit of my audience or did you think you were the only one making money off this little drama? Now, your audience was disappointed by mine was livid. The people that I sell to have no moral code. The only thing they care about is whether what they see will get them hard or wet. So here is what you are going to do. You are going to accept the bid that your slave’s sister suggested. But you are not just going to take your slut up the hill, tie and leave her there. The odds are pretty good that no snake would find her and even if it did they would probably just crawl up on her belly for the warmth and go to sleep. I’m quite sure that was your plan. You would collect another big payday and still have your bitch to play with. Kind of like having your cake and eating it too.

But, that is not going to happen. You are going to make sure that the bitch is killed on-screen and dies a horrible death after she screams her lungs out. So let’s take all the chance out of the equation. Instead of just hoping for the one snake to find your little whore, you will collect at least four, poisonous snakes and put them in the brush next to where you leave her tied. To make sure that they don’t just crawl away, they should be planted there immediately after the bitch is tied in the manner that her sister requested. And to make sure that the snakes find her you will beat the far side of that bush with a long stick. And I did not stutter when I said that you would be the one to do it.

To make sure that your slut knows exactly what is happening to her, you will tape her eyelids open and place a small screen device in front of her face. Everything that the audience sees, she will see as well. She will not only feel the fangs sink into her flesh she will see the snake as he strikes her.

To ensure that, you are going to alter the rules slightly from what her sister had requested. We can’t have her rolling over away from the screen. So when you have positioned her on her side facing the brush, you will drive wooden stakes into the ground against her back. One at her shoulder blade, one at her hips and the third against the back of her knees. To make sure she doesn’t roll forward onto her stomach you will drive another stake in the front of her between her breasts.

Now, just in case you decide to try and pull another fast one if the bitch doesn’t die on camera, you will. I think having you staked out to that ant hill you showed your audience earlier would do the trick.”

That was the end of the email.

“So you see, little one, I really don’t have a choice in the matter. What would you do in my place?”

“That isn’t a fair question since I am the slave and you the Master. I guess if I had total control over another human being, it would depend on how much I like that person. But, to make you feel a little better, I don’t blame you for what you are going to do to me. I ask one favor however.”

“I will grant you anything that I can, little one. So, make your request.”

“Just make sure that I am always restrained in some manner that I cannot escape from until after Saturday night. I love you more than you can imagine, but I am not sure that when the time comes to die for you, I might not rebel.”

“Finish your coffee and I will get you properly tied. Do you want me to tie you just to secure you or do you want me to cause you severe pain.”

“The more pain, the better, Mistress.”

“Well, then when you have finished the cup, head on over to the wooden horse. I think you will find a level of pain that you have not experienced so far.”

I drank the rest of the coffee in two gulps and stood but I did not walk to the horse. Instead, I got down on my hands and knees and crawled across that unfinished floor. I picked up several more slivers to go along with the ones that had stayed in my palms and festered. When I reached the horse, I had to stand to mount it. I had not inspected the device, but I soon learned that the height of the horse was high enough so that my feet could not touch the floor. On top of the peak of the horse was a serated metal strip.

I settled down on that strip and pain immediately shot through my body. I couldn’t imagine that I would be able to stay on that torturous device for more than a few minutes without screaming and begging to be let off.

Shadow came over and asked me how I like it so far.

“I am sorry Mistress, I will not be able to take this amount of pain,”

“I am sorry, slut, you asked for this and you are going to get the full treatment.” She ordered me to put my hands behind my back and tied them in place. Now there was no way that I could dismount without doing severe damage to my cunt and probably my head as I would surely fall onto it.

“Now to make sure that you get the full benefit of those small spikes, I have another surprise for you.”

Tears were streaming from my eyes, but I didn’t have to see for her surprise. I felt her attaching something to my ankles. I did not know it at the time but she had twenty-pound weights that she had put on a stool next to each of my feet. Those weights were tied off to the line she had attached to my ankles and then lowered to hang above the floor. Now not only my own weight by an additional forty pounds pulled my cunt against the metal spikes. I immediately began screaming and Shadow laughed. “I am sure that my audience will enjoy your screams. If they get tired of it they can always hit mute. Goodnight slut.” And she turned and left the room.

I had never experienced this level of pain and every second that I was on that midevil device was like a year in Hell. I tried to count off the seconds but I soon lost track. It took me a long time but finally, I managed to relax my body somewhat. I also got my breathing under control so that I could concentrate strictly on what was between the folds of my cunt. I could now feel moisture down there but I knew that it was not from being excited. It had to be that the spikes had penetrated my flesh and the moisture that I was feeling was my blood.

“Please Mistress, I have changed my mind. I don’t want to experience any more pain. And I think that I am bleeding. You wouldn’t want me to bleed to death before your big payday, would you?”

I thought that might bring her around to my way of thinking but she didn’t even respond through the speakers. Perhaps she had gone to sleep and my pleading was going to deaf ears. I thought, ‘I really am a stupid cunt.’

I was sure that I had just thought that statement until I heard Beth’s voice coming from the speakers. “You have that right Sis. It is too bad that you will be dead so soon after your gaining that understanding. On second thought, it isn’t too bad at all. I can’t wait until Saturday to see you put under the ground. Your mother is sitting at my feet with her fingers stuffed up her cunt. She is so excited just thinking about that horse you are riding. She asked me to see if I could find one for her to ride. Do you think Shadow would recommend a place that sells midevil torture devices?”

“We aren’t wasting money by buying something ready-made that I can make myself. I will just go down to the lumber yard and pick up some unfinished plywood and a few rough 2x4s. Add a box of nails and I will have the thing built by tomorrow night.”

“That sounds wonderful, Master,” Beth said. “But what are you going to use for the serrated metal to go along the top of the A-frame?”

“I hadn’t given that much thought. I figured since the plywood would be unfinished there might be enough slivers for the slut. What do you think cunt? Do you need steel spikes to set your cunt on?”

“Please Master, I am not my ********. I have never enjoyed pain. Please don’t make me sit on anything like what Julie is on.”

“That is too bad, cunt. You do remember signing a contract with your lawyer as a witness giving your youngest ******** and me sole rights to your body to do with as we see fit? I believe you also signed away your half of all the monetary assets that you and your husband have accumulated over the years.”

“Yes, I remember but I didn’t know that you intended to be as cruel as you are. I want out of this entire thing.”

“Cunt what does irrevocable mean?”

“I guess it means it can’t be canceled.”

“And what word did you insist your attorney put into our agreement?”

“Irrevocable, Master.”

“So, you do know where you are going to spend tomorrow night don’t you cunt?”

“Yes, Master, and I hope I die from the pain.”

“Oh, we are not going to allow you to get away that easily, will be Beth?”

“No, thanks to Shadow sending me a portable EKG monitor like the one she uses on my fucking sister.”

“You know that I am going to kill both of you sadistic bastards, don’t you?” I spit at them.

“Unless you know how to come back from the dead, I doubt you will be much of a threat after Saturday night. There is no way for you to escape this time, cunt.”

I wanted to argue with her, but I knew that all I would accomplish would be for my mother to pay for my insolence. And even though she had willingly allowed my father to sexually abuse me, I couldn’t wish her that much harm.

I managed to survive the night, although I am not sure how. There was no point where the pain turned to pleasure and both my legs felt like they were being torn off of my body from those weights.

It had been light for sometime when Shadow finally came to let me off the horse. “I hope you had a most unpleasant night, slut. Perhaps you will learn to accept my kindness in the future.”

“I guess we both know that there will not be much of a future for you to show me kindness. What would you like to do today, Mistress? Maybe we could go snake hunting so you wouldn’t have to worry about whether you will be able to fulfill all the requirements of your deal.”

“That sounds like an excellent suggestion. But, I just got a text from Beth and she wants to have a video chat with the two of us. I will mention your idea to her and see what she thinks.”

Chapter Twenty – Seven – More Input From My ******

Shadow didn’t offer me any more coffee. She did tell me to select a can of dog food and to open it and put it in one of the dog bowls she had purchased for me to eat out of it. I thought she might allow me to fill the second bowl with tap water, but she insisted that I start drinking her piss again and to bring the jug from the bathroom and fill the second bowl before I set it on the floor.

When I had obeyed her commands, I got down on my hands and knees and started to lower my head towards the bowl of her piss. I figured that with that taste in my mouth, the dog food might actually taste pretty good. But, Beth stopped me.

Before you begin, I need to restrain your hands behind you. Otherwise, you might forget that dogs don’t have hands. And besides, I imagine it will be more fun for the audience if you have to shove your face into your food and drink. And just so you know, I am onto your idea of drinking my piss first to make the dog food taste better. That isn’t going to happen.

Before we get started I want you to have a present. She produced a very wide studded dog collar and put it on my neck. It was so wide that my neck could not bend. She told me to stand back up and to turn around with my back towards her. She then took my left hand and pulled it up as high as it would go. Normally she would have stopped when my arm was straight across under my shoulder blades but she forced It up even higher than that. She kept forcing my elbow up until I thought my shoulder would break. When she was satisfied that it could not go any higher she tied a length of rope around my wrist and wrapped the other end tightly around my collar holding my arm in place. Of course, that would have shut off my airway if it had not been for the thick leather. She then took my other arm and wrenched that behind my back. Again she forced it well past horizontal. Holding it there with one hand she loosened the rope from around my neck. She threaded it through the ring in the collar and then tied it off to my second wrist. Now my arms formed an x shape behind my back. It was extremely painful.

“Now, Fido you may begin eating your breakfast.”

Because the collar would not allow me to bend my neck, I had no choice but to get all the way down on my belly and push my face fully into the dog bowl. While I was desperately trying to keep the soft stuff from going up my nose, I heard my sister’s voice again.

“You are way to soft on the bitch.” I heard her laugh. “I guess that word is apropos. A bitch is a female dog is it not?” She didn’t wait for a response. Anyway, I don’t see why you waste good money on dog food. You should have saved some of the fish guts and fed them to her. Or better yet, why don’t you just have her eat your shit?”

“Those are both excellent ideas, Beth. And if by some act of God she survives past this coming weekend, I may implement them.”

“She damn well better not survive if you know what is good for you. At least I see you have her back drinking your piss..”

That remark made me wonder if Beth had something to do with helping the benefactor from the Dark Web find her. But, I didn’t have any idea how she would have accomplished that.

It was hard for me to switch bowls but I managed to lap up some of Shadow’s piss. I really had no choice, as I had to have some moisture to get the dog food down my throat.

I tried to concentrate on finishing my meal but I caught a snippet or two of what was being said. Beth was encouraging my mother to berate me and Mom did throw a barb or two my way.

Beth tried to switch to serious conversation, but Shadow always cut her off, telling her that she wanted me to hear any suggestions that she might have about my training.

Finally, I finished both bowls and licked the sides of the dog food bowl clean. My face was covered with food that I could not reach to lick off with my tongue. I thought that Shadow might wipe some of the excess off my face, but she didn’t do it. She just reached down and grabbed me by my hair and dragged me across the room and forced me to my knees and pushed me back so that my weight was resting on my ankles.

“Now that we have my pet’s attention you can tell me why you wanted this call?”

Beth hesitated and then began. “Well, I was wondering what you are going to do “with Julie’s body once she is dead?”

“I hadn’t given it a lot of thought. Do you have a suggestion?”

Shadow was talking about disposing of my body in the same tone she might be talking about what TV show she might want to watch.

“Actually her mother wanted to have Julie’s body shipped back here so that she could have a proper burial. I just want to make sure that you are not entertaining such a thing. The whore doesn’t deserve a marked grave so that the few people who might give a damn about her could go visit the site.”

“You have no worries about having the body sent anywhere. And I assure you her grave will not be marked. I don’t want any possibility of anyone ever digging her up.”

“I don’t even think she deserves a regular grave. Don’t you have a pig farmer around there? Why not just throw her into the pen so she could be covered by pig shit.”

“I might consider that but I would worry that some of her might be discovered before the pigs could eat her. But, I tell you what, I do know a pig farmer. I will take Julie to his farm today and pay him to allow her to dig a grave next to his pig pens. Once she is dead I will throw her body in the hole and have him fill it with pig shit with his front-loading tractor. Will that work for you.”

“I think I love you and your evil mind. Take some before and after pictures or better yet, run a video for me to cherish for the rest of my life.”

“I will see what I can do for you. By the way my slut suggested that she be allowed to accompany me while I gather the snakes for Saturday’s show. Since she will be digging her own grave today, we will do the snake gathering tomorrow. Of course, the video feed will be on so you can watch.”

“Thank you Shadow. Mother show Julie how much you are looking forward to seeing her covered with pig shit.”

I could see my mother flush with shame but she stood up, spread her legs, and began masturbating as a sign of excitement.

Chapter Twenty – Eight – Digging My Own Grave

When Shadow closed out the video call, she led me down to the lake, attached the leash to my dog collar, and pushed me off the dock. She allowed me to go completely under. She quickly pulled me back up before I could inhale enough water to drown. She would allow slack in the leash so that my head would go under and then pull me back out. It was her idea of rinsing a blouse in a bucket of water. Each time my face would go under, a little more dog food would wash off my face. Not until I was completely free of the stuff did she finally help me back on the dock.

She did not offer me a plush towel, this time just began leading me back towards the cabin. She did use a pine bow to beat me so that the water droplets would come off my body. I thought that it was because she didn’t want me to get the seats of her car wet. But when I got to where her car should be parked, there was a pickup truck in the drive, instead. She told me to look in the back of the truck. I did and saw a large dog crate in the bed of the truck. She dropped the tailgate and pushed me as close to the bed of the truck as I could go.

“I will untie your hands if you promise not to try to escape Do I have your word?”

“Yes, Mistress. I have accepted my fate. You don’t have to worry about not getting paid for my death.”

She loosened my arms and let me work some of the kinks out.

“Now, go over by the shed and get the shovel and pickaxe and put them in the bed of the truck beside your crate.”

I did as she told me. When I got back to the truck she instructed me to climb into the dog crate and then she shut the door and secured it with a padlock. Finally, she raised the tailgate so that that the crate and it’s less than human contents could slide out the back.

It was a large crate but not large enough for me to turn around. So as we drove, all I could see was what was visible over the sides of the pickup bed.

The road was bumpy and I was jarred back and forth and up and down. My shoulders were bruised as was my knees and I had some knots on the back of my head by the time the truck finally stopped.

She slowly drove up a long drive and stopped in front of a large farmhouse. A short way from the house was a large barn. A terrible odor was coming from someplace close by but I could not view enough of the area to figure out where it was.

Shadow didn’t immediately come around and open the tail gate. I heard her door close but I could not see where she went.

Then I heard her talking to someone and shortly a large man wearing filthy overalls came around and opened the tailgate. He pulled the crate close to the edge of the bed and Shadow used a key to open the lock on the crate door.

“Back out of there, slut,” my Mistress demanded.

I did as I was told and was soon standing in front of what I assumed to be the farmer. “Come up to the porch and I will have Edna bring out some lemonade for us to quench our thirsts with,” the big man stated.

Shadow attached the leash to my collar and told me to follow close behind them. When we got to the porch, the farmer told Shadow to have a seat in one of the padded porch chairs. He then asked if I was allowed to sit in a chair and Shadow shook her head from side to side.

“No, dogs are not allowed on the furniture. Of course, I do have a special place for her to sit while she waits for me to get up in the morning.”

Just then the kitchen door opened and an old woman with grey hair came out carrying a tray with a large pitcher of lemonade and four glasses. She set the tray on a wooden table next to where her husband and Shadow were sitting and then she settled to her knees beside her husband's legs.

Shadow spoke to her. “Thank you for bringing the lemonade out for us, Edna?

“That is my name, ma-am but my husband usually calls me cunt. I answer to most anything.”

Well, Edna, I see that you are not allowed on the furniture either. How long have you been Jacob’s slave?”

“Ever since he bought me for two pigs from my parents. I think that I was 10 years old at the time.”

“Wow, that is a long time. I would love to hear that story sometime.”

“If my Master wishes for me to tell it, I will be happy to. Can I pour you some lemonade?”

“Yes, thank you.” She looked at me and said. “I am sorry, slut that I didn’t bring a container of piss for you to drink. We certainly aren’t going to waste good lemonade on you.”

The wife looked at her husband but did not speak. He noticed the look and nodded his head. “Cunt you may pour yourself a glass as well. I like Shadow’s idea of her slave being on a piss only diet. Would you like me to keep you supplied with my urine as well?”

“I would be honored to drink your urine if that is what you want, Master.”

Shadow was just telling me about the wooden horse she made her slave ride last night. You remember we watched that and how excited you got when you saw the spikes. You would have masturbated if I had not tied your hands behind you, wouldn’t you?”

“Yes, Master, the thought of those spikes sinking into her cunt flesh made me almost gushing wet.”

“I know,” he said. “I saw her riding the horse last night. How much damage did it do to her cunt?”

“Show him, slave. Turn around bend over, grab a hook on each side of your ass cheeks and pull them wide open for him.”

I did as instructed and the big man came over. “Do you mind if I use my hands to spread her cunt lips? It is a little difficult to see inside with all those rings hanging from her cunt lips.”

“Of course not, and you don’t even have to ask me. Treat her like you would if you owned her. She knows that she belongs not only to me but to anyone that I designate as my surrogate.”

The man reached forward and using both hands spread my cunt lips wide open. He took his callused fingers and wiped them from one end of my cunt to the other. “That is such a pretty sight. Those spikes on the top of the horse did a number on the inside of her cunt.

“Perhaps late when we have finished out business you might want use her damaged cunt,” Shadow said matter of fact like.

“Perhaps I would, but for now why don’t you tell me what made you drive all the way over here to talk with me about?”

“Have you been watching the feed that I sent to you when I first moved into the cabin?”

“Your auctions usually start while we are still out in the barn. I don’t have a DVR so I miss a lot. But most of the really exciting stuff comes on later so I see those segments.”

“I’m sorry about that. If I had known, I would have got a DVR for you. So I guess you missed last nights auction results?”

“No, Edna called me in when she heard what was being discussed. So I know what the final result of the auction is. Does your visit have anything to do with that?”

“It does. If you understand everything involved in this Saturday’s show, you know that there is no chance that Julie will live through the night.”

He looked over to me. “It is a damn shame that such a nice piece of ass should have to die so young. But I have to tell you, my cock is sliding down the leg of my overall pants just thinking about those snakes biting her and then she dies perhaps a horrible death.”

“So how can I assist you?”

“Well, I was talking with her sister today about what to do with her body. She suggested that we just throw her in a pig wallow and let the pig’s take care of the corpse. But, I am not comfortable doing that. Something always goes wrong with the best-laid plans and I can’t risk having any part of her body discovered.”

“Well, my pigs will eat almost anything but I see your point. It might be better if you just had her cremated.”

“That is not an option unless you have access to a crematorium. Her sister has her heart set on my slut being buried in pig shit. I thought perhaps if you had a spot close to your pig pens, I could have Julie dig her own grave. You could use you tractor to scoop the grave about half full of pig shit from your pile that I saw out behind your barn. Then after she is dead, I could bring her body, toss it in the hole and you could cover her up with more pig shit. That would make her sister so happy and of course, I try to please ****** whenever I can.”

“Sure, I have been thinking of expanding their pens some anyway. Let me show you where the best place for her grave would be.”

“Come on slut. Let’s go take a look at where you will spend eternity.”

I said nothing, I just got up and followed the farmer and my Mistress. When we were passing the truck she turned and told me not to forget my tools.

“Yes Mistress,” I said as I picked up the pick and shovel.

The farmer led the way behind his barn and past a pen filled with pigs. The animals were rolling around in the much and their bodies were covered with the foul-smelling stuff. The smell was so horrible that I couldn’t hold my gorge down and I puked my guts out.

Shadow laughed at my plight. You better get used to the smell slut. You will be smelling it for centuries if the dead can smell that is.”

Finally, I got control of my stomach enough so that the could show me where my grave would be dug.

“That flat section over there will be the best place for her to dig. But, I have a better idea if I can be so bold as to suggest it.”

“Of course, what do you have in mind?”

“Well, even though the ground not too rocky here, it will still take her all afternoon and most of the night. I could scoop out the hole with my backhoe in no time. Then you could have her clean up the sides and bottom. She will still get a good workout and she will have more time to ride her horse tonight.”

“That is very kind of you. And I accept your kind offer. Thank the man, slut?”

I turned to him, bowed my head, and said, “thank you so much for your kindness.”

Shadow swung me around and slapped me hard across the face. “Have you learned nothing from being my slave? Now, get down on your knees and do it the proper way.”

The ground was covered in mud and who knows what, but I sunk obediently to my knees kept my eyes on his boots and begged his forgiveness, and then thanked him again much more enthusiastically.

“That is some better, slut, but I think you know that it is not sufficient. Now, do it correctly or I will put you in with the pigs to wait for Jacob to dig your grave.”

“I am so sorry Master.” I then bent got down on my hands, bent my head, and kissed both of his rubber boots.”

I started to get up, but Shadow kicked me solidly in the ribs. “I might have let you get away with that weak assed kiss if you had done it without me having to tell you. But, now I want you to lick both of the toes of his boots clean. And I mean all the way to the soles. Am I understood?”

“Yes, Mistress.” I closed placed my lips against the toe of his left boot, closed my eyes so I wouldn’t have to see what I was ingesting and began licking. I followed the contour of his boot just by the feel of the rubber against my tongue. The taste was worse than anything that I had ever experienced before and I felt the gorge in my stomach start to rise. It took all my will power to keep from throwing up. I knew that what I was experiencing at this moment would be a walk in the park if I insulted the man by throwing up from licking his boots.

I had to open my eyes when my tongue was close to the sole of his boots so that I could lick just the rubber and not the filth of the ground. I was horrified when I noticed that my tongue had gone beyond the toe and had got cleaned somewhat behind it.

I didn’t say anything, I just moved to the other boot and kept my eyes open this time so that I would not repeat my mistake on the second boot. When I finished, I thanked the man and started to rise.

“Not so fast slut. Don’t you see something wrong with his boots?”

“Yes, Mistress. I cleaned more than I was told and so the boots look uneven.”

“So what are you going to do about it?”

“I will have to lick the other one to match, Mistress.”

“You will never get them to match unless you lick both boots completely from toe to heel. What do you think Jacob, should she finish your boots now or wait until she has finished with the grave?”

“We will wait. I have other work that needs doing. Let me get the tractor and dig out the hole and then the slut can smooth out the sides and bottom.”

Shadow made me stay on my knees in the much while Jacob got his tractor and began using the backhoe to dig out a rough grave. It only took him a half hour or so to dig a hole, roughly six feet long, three-foot-wide, and six-foot deep.

I was then told to use my shovel to even out the sides and remove any loose impediments from the bottom. It was nearly dark by the time that I finished my task. Shadow helped me crawl out of the hole that was intended for my final resting place. She would not allow me to get to my feet but made me crawl across the mud and shit covered barnyard. When we got to the barn door she told me that I could take a short cut through the barn. She made me stay on hands and knees as I traversed the cement between sides that were lined with cows. Below the cow's tails were gutters that were filled with cow shit. As I crawled up the aisle several of the cows relieved their bowels and much of what they deposited in the gutter splashed out and onto my arms, legs, and some on my face. I dared not say anything, I just crawled faster.

Edna was carrying two buckets of milk and Jacob was putting a milking machine on one of the cows. Shadow stopped beside him and told him that I had finally finished with the grave. “I was hoping she would get done in time to lick your boots before you had to start evening chores, but the cunt was so slow. If you have another pair that you could put on for tonight, I will have her take those home and lick them clean including the soles.”

“No, that will not be necessary, will it Edna?”

“No, Master, I will properly clean them while you are watching whatever feed is available.”

“It is Edna’s nightly job to completely lick my barn boots clean. She has never missed that chore in all the years that I have owned her. She absolutely hates the taste of the rubber covered with cow and pig shit and that is why I make her do it. It keeps her meek and submissive. And besides it keeps her immune system healthy. I doubt there is any type of virus or bacteria that she has not ingested over the years. And she has never been sick a day in her life. I do have a few minutes if you don’t mind I would like to fuck her cunt. I want to hear her scream when my cock slides against the tender flesh that was torn by the spikes of your horse.

“Absolutely, where do you want her?”

“Just have her bend over and grab her ankles, right where she is standing. I would prefer that she is facing the gutter as I don’t particularly enjoy cow manure being splashed on me, but you can’t tell that from looking at me.”

“Assume the position, cunt,” Shadow instructed.

I turned, faced the gutter, and bent over so that I could grab a hold of my ankles. I was no sooner in that position when I felt his hands grab the cheeks of my ass and spread them open. Without any preliminaries, he plunged his cock inside my cunt. I screamed when his huge cock stretched already bruised and torn flesh.

He lied though, he lasted a lot longer than five minutes.

Chapter Twenty – Nine – A Deal Gone Wrong

Without being told, I crawled into the dog crate when we got back to the truck. The trip back to the cabin was even worse than the one coming if that was possible. When we finally pulled up in front of the cabin, Shadow told me to get out and take myself down to the lake and clean up. You will find a bar of lye soap in a bucket under the pine trees. Make sure that you wash your hair as well. If you hurry both ways you shouldn’t get more than a few hundred mosquito bites.

I don’t know if her estimate was high or low but I was a blotchy mess by the time I got back inside. I expected that Shadow would ream me out for not staying outside until I was dried off, but she just tossed me a towel and told me to get rid of as much water as I could.

“Don’t worry too much about your hair. It will drip dry, while you are on the horse tonight. You are excited to spend another night on your favorite piece of equipment aren’t you?”

“You might say, I am dying to spend another night on the horse, Mistress.”

Just then her phone buzzed with a notice that she was wanted on video chat. She pushed a button and the screen came alive with the hated image of my sister.

“Good eveing Beth. What do I owe the pleasure of this chat request?”

“Actually, Julie’s mother requested to be able to talk with her one last time before she dies. If you don’t mind, I will grant her permission for one last chance to say goodbye.”

“Of course, she can talk as long as she wants. Speak to your mother, slut.”

“Hello Mom, how are you tonight?”

“I am fine, dear. I just wanted a chance to say goodbye to you. I am so:” she jerked and bent over.

“What happened Mom? Are you alright?”

“Yes, I just have a little twinge?”

“Okay, mom, what were you going to say?”

I saw what I thought was fear on her face before she finished the sentence she had started again.

I saw Beth tighten her grip on my mother’s slave collar and I knew that it was a warning to my mother.

Mom looked down as if she was reading a script. “I was going to say, I am so happy that you can please your sister and your Mistress by sacrificing your life for their pleasure.”

Somehow I figured that was not what she wanted to say, but I didn’t want to cause her problems by pressuring her on the point. “I am just sorry that this will be the last time we get to talk. Was there something specific you wanted to talk to me about, mom?”

“Well, I asked Beth if she could talk Shadow into sending your remains back so that I could give you a proper burial, but she told me that Shadow wouldn’t agree to do that. And besides, she wanted to make sure that you spent eternity in a manner that you deserved. I asked her what she meant by that but she said to ask you.”

“Do you really want me to tell you where my body will lie forever? It might not be easy for you to hear.”

This time I saw mom’s head snap back a little and I knew that Beth had jerked on the leash.

“Oh, yes dear, please tell me and don’t leave any details out.”

“Okay, if that is what you want. Beth suggested to my Mistress that she wanted me thrown into a pig wallow so that what was left after the pigs were through eating on me would be covered in pig shit.”

“Oh, dear. That is.”

This time she lifted off the floor and gasped for breath. “Leave her alone, Beth,” I demanded. “I know that you are forcing her to read from a script. She probably was going to say ‘Oh dear, that is terrible and you either jerked on her leash or something worse.”

I warned the cunt not to say anything other than what was written down. But since you have figured out what is going on, I will fill you in. There is a cattle prod shoved up her ass. Every time she deviates from the script I hit a button and she gets hit with a jolt of electricity. But since you spoiled it, here is what is going to happen. You are going to relate everything that happened today. If you leave anything out or try to sugar coat something, I am going to press this button.” She held it up for me to see and depressed the button. My mother jumped about a foot off the floor. “That was one of the lower settings, I am now going to turn the crank halfway to the highest setting. Would you like to see what she does if I press the button now?”

“No, Beth, please don’t.”

“It is entirely up to you whether I press the button or I let her sit quietly as she listens to the story. And from now on you will address me as Goddess and you will address David as God.”

“Yes, Goddess. Would you like me to start with my ride in the dog crate or do you want me to jump right to the part where I was on my knees in front of a pig farmer?”

My mother screamed and I knew that Beth had caught my sarcasm. So I started from the beginning and told it narrative style. My mother would comment occasionally usually to read from Beth’s script to try and make me feel worse than I did. But since I knew she was being coerced and since there isn’t much worse that can happen to a person than to be killed by poisonous snakes none of what mom said to me really effected me or my mood.

Beth too remained quiet but I did see her breathing quicken slightly when I mentioned that Shadow had made me lick the toes of the farmer’s rubber barn boots.

“Describe the taste for me cunt?”

“Yes, Mistress.”

My mother jerked violently and I realized my mistake.

“I meant yes Goddess, please forgive me Goddess. You may not realize that I love to lick leather boots. And if they are dusty I enjoy cleaning them even more. But the taste of leather is vile even if it isn’t covered with mud and pig shit.”

“Oh Lord, I wished I could have seen you licking that much filth into your mouth and swallowing it. I would give a lot to witness that.”

“Goddess, would you agree to not cause our mother pain until after I am dead if you got to see me eating shit an mud off of a pair boots?”

“It depends on the boots.”

I neglected earlier to mention that Shadow had anticipated that she would be walking in mud and muck and so she too had worn a pair of rubber work boots. Of course, they weren’t nearly as big as the one Jacob had on but they were rubber and they were covered with all of what we had walked through out back of the barn and inside of the barn. I had also noticed that she deliberately stepped in some areas that were worse than others. For instance, when we walked through the barnyard there were areas she could have avoided much of the slop. But she not only walked through it I saw her drag her feet a couple of times. I knew that was to fill the grooves in the soles of her boots as full as she could get them. I also suspected that I knew why she wanted them that way. And when we came back through the barn I noticed she walked closer to the gutter than she needed to.

“I think you will be satisfied, Goddess. If you are so satisfied, do we have a deal?”

“If as you say, I am satisfied, we have a deal. But don’t try and pull a fast one on me.”

I turned to Shadow. “Mistress, where did you take off the boots you wore today.”

“They are outside the door cunt. I have been listening to the conversation and since I was going to make you lick them clean anyway, you may go get them and show Beth how filthy they are. And make sure you don’t lose anything off of the soles when you pick them up.”

“Yes, Mistress, I will be careful.”

I dropped to my hands and knees and crawled towards the door. I thought that would please my Mistress and maybe appease the one that insisted I call Goddess.

I opened the door and slip halfway outside, picked up both boots in one hand. When I got them inside, I took both tops, put them between my teeth, and carefully crawled back to where the camera had a good view of what was about to take place.

When I was in position I held up one boot, revolved it so the camera could get a shot of every angle including the soles. I repeated the action with the second boot before asking Beth if we now had a deal.

“The deal is that if you licked every drop of filth off of both boots, including the soles and that would get everything out from the cracks in the soles and swallow all of it, we have a deal.”

“Thank you Goddess, may I begin?”

When she agreed I brought Shadow’s left boot and began licking and sucking on the first crack of the sole. Nothing that I had ever done was as disgusting to me. It took me over two hours of licking, sucking, and scraping with my teeth before the first boot was clean enough to pass Beth’s inspection. Then Shadow gave me a glass of her urine and had me use it to rinse my mouth and tongue before telling me to begin with the second boot.

That one took me even longer. Beth was laughing and urging me on. She was also berating me to my mother telling her that I had always been a shit eater and that I had licked her dirty yard shoes every time that my mother had taken them off and left them where I could get a hold of them. Of course, it was a damned lie, but I wasn’t going to try and correct the record.

I was sick to my stomach long before I was finished but the fact that I had saved my mother from a night of torture, made it worthwhile.

I held up both boots and asked Beth if they were to her liking. “Yes, you are a true bootlicking whore. It is too bad those may be the last pair of boots you will ever lick. Shadow, you can put him on the horse now.”

“You heard your Goddess, slave. Crawl over and climb on. I will be over shortly to tie your hands behind you and to attach the weights to your ankles. I have good new for you. Last night I only had twenty pound pails of cement to attach to your ankles. So you only had a total of forty pounds to pull you down. I made a call today to a neighbor that works in concrete. I had him bring two 50 pound pails over. You will find them on the low benches. So you will spend tonight with 100 pounds of additional weight pulling you down.”

I was crying profusely as I crawled towards the horse. I was just mounted when Shadow came and tied my hands behind me. She didn’t bother to try and force my arms up to the point where it would cause me pain. I guess she knew that I wasn’t going to feel pain anywhere except my cunt and perhaps my ankles. She then attached the leads to the big pails and with some effort managed to lower them until the full weight was on my legs.

Then I heard Beth’s voice. “Cunt do you see how obedient your slut of a ******** can be when she is motivated? Now it is your turn to obey me. Go mount the new horse that David so kindly made for you today. I will help you with binding your arms. I am sorry that I didn’t think about the extra weights.”

I heard my mother begin to scream shortly after Beth announced that she was going to bed for the night. “You fucking bitch, I screamed. You made a deal with me.”

“Remember last night when you called yourself a stupid cunt. Well, you are exactly that. My deal was if you licked those boots clean that I would not cause your mother any more pain until you were dead. I did not, however, say that I would stop your mother from causing herself pain. And since she willingly walked over and crawled onto the horse, she caused her own pain. Goodnight, cunt.”

The screen went dead while I was still railing my hatred for my sister.

The night dragged on with pain so great that sleep was impossible. I had now been awake for over 48 hours and coupled with the lack of real food and little to drink except for recycled liquid, my body was beginning to shut down.

As some point I felt my body beginning to shake violently and my heart was racing so hard that I thought it would come out of my chest.

But, then Shadow was at my side, releasing the weights from my ankles and helping me off of the horse and over to the rough bed. She quickly cut the bindings from my arms and pulled them in front of me so that I could be more comfortable.

She left and returned with my sippy cup. I knew what would be in it but my mouth was so dry and filthy that I didn’t care. I took the straw and pulled hard on it. Much to my surprise, my mouth filled with iced cold sweet water.

And then my eyes closed and I was fast asleep.

Chapter Thirty – Preparing for the big Day

I don’t know how long I slept but when I finally woke up Shadow was there with more delicious water. She even gave me an energy drink to help with my recovery. “There will be no more torments. I love you for the way that you have willingly suffered for me.”

“I only wish that it could go on much longer. I know where I am going once I am dead and being burned alive for eternity doesn’t sound like a walk in the park.”

“I don’t really believe in Heaven or Hell,” she insisted. “If I did then I couldn’t do the things that I love so much. I think that we have to live the best we can and do what makes us happy while we are alive, because after that there is nothing but endless darkness. There is no pain and no pleasure.”

“What day is it?” I asked.

“It is Thursday. “

“Did you collect the snakes for Saturday night?”

“No, I have been too worried about you to leave your side. If you think you will be alright, if I leave you alone, I need to go out today.”

“Give me an hour. I want to accompany you.”

“I don’t think you are in any shape to make it up the hill. And there is no reason for you to see those snakes until just before the end.”

“Help me up. I need to relieve myself and then I would like to sit out in the sunshine for a few minutes.”

She did as I asked and when I was through in the bathroom, I unsteadily made my way to the cabin door. I was surprised that the air was warm and the sun was shining brightly. I started to sink down to the deck, but Shadow stopped me. Here take a seat here. She led me to a deck chair that she had added a soft cushion to.

It felt wonderful as I settled into the softness. I wriggled my bottom a little bit and then I realized that something was different. I reached under me and ran my hand along the cheeks of my ass and I didn’t feel the fishhooks. I saw Shadow looking down at me with a slight smile.

“I cut the barbs and removed the hooks. I didn’t think that you needed any more pain and that if you decided you wanted to be fucked in the ass you didn’t need those hooks distracting from the experience.”

“Thank you Mistress.”

“Have to get ready for my snake hunt. Will you be alright by yourself?”

“I am feeling much better. I will be ready by the time you have prepared yourself. Please let me go with you.”

“It will take me a few minutes. If you really want to go, you might want to try to walk a little bit while you are waiting.”

I did as she had requested. I managed to walk down to the dock and back. I seemed to get stronger with each step that I took. Although I realized that going up the steep path to the cliff would be more difficult I figured with just a little help from Shadow I would be able to make it up the hill.

The cabin door opened and I saw Shadow coming out to meet me. I was shocked by the way that she was dressed. She was covered from the neck down in thick heavy leather. This was not a leather outfit that a dom would wear, but rather leather for the purpose of protecting the wearer. I could only see the very tops of her leather pants because they were covered by the thight high, flat heeled boots she had on her feet. She had a long sleeved leather coat draped over her arm and she had long heavy leather gloves carried in her left hand.

“Wow, you are going to extremely hot in all that thick leather,” I remarked.

Shadow laughed and replied, “Yes but I won’t be snake bit. I am sorry I don’t have anything like this for you to wear, if you still want to go.”

“I still want to go, and I am fine doing so dressed as I am.” Shadow shook her head and laughed since I was buck ass naked.

She walked to the corner of the porch and picked up a long bamboo stick with a hook on its end. I didn’t have to ask it’s purpose. I had to be so that she could pick up a snake and still keep its fangs well away from her body.

“Can I carry that for you Mistress. You have enough to carry with your coat and gloves.

She thanked me and then handed me the staff. I put the hook over my shoulder and used the other end as a walking stick. We must have looked like a strange pair as we started up the hill. One woman covered from head to toe and the other naked as the day that she was born.

Shadow took her time, not forcing me to go faster than I was able. She stopped by the large tree stump and started to remove the nettles that she had placed for me to sit on previously. “Leave them. I looks like they have dried out in any event. I wouldn’t mind if you wanted to gather some fresh ones.”

“Dear God, girl. Isn’t there any end to your masochism? I thought you might want to relax for the last couple days of your life?”

“I will have a long time to relax, starting with this Sunday.”

Honoring my request, Shadow pulled a large armful of nettle leaves, piled them on the stump and helped me sit down. I immediately felt the itching sting and I pushed down hard to try and get some of the leaves between the lips of my cunt. I reached down and squeezed a leaf to get some of the juice to come out. When I felt the juice on my fingers, I rubbed it all over the inside of my cunt lips and then pushed my fingers deep inside of me.

“There that should give me something to occupy my mind as we look for snakes.”

“Don’t occupy it to much. I can’t afford you getting bit before it is time.”

“Yes, Mistress, thank you for your consideration.”

I indicated that I was ready to resume and with my pussy and ass cheeks itching and tingling I again began to follow her. As we passed the spot with the large ant hill, I stopped and turn to look that way.

“I suppose you want to go visit your friends now as well.”

I smiled at her and began walking towards the mound.

“Oh for Christ’s sake. We are never going to get any snakes if you keep getting side tracked. If you are still in the mood when we come back down, I will cheer you on as the ants crawl up your legs.”

“I am looking forward to that Mistress.”

We approached the brush with some degree of care. Shadow took the staff from me hand carefully shread the brush. She was almost in snake armor, but she still was cautious of where she stepped.

She pushed through the first layer of brush and shortly I heard what I now knew was the warning sound of a deadly snake. I caught up to Shadow and told her to ready her snake hook. I moved in front of her and spread the brush. My heart was beating as I knew that I had nothing to protect me in case that I surprised a snake within striking distance. My bare legs would be and easy target.

But the snake was not under the brush. There was a little opening with a small spring and tightly coiled a snake was positioned on a large flat rock. I imagined that he had been sunning himself and soaking up the radient heat from the rock before we rudely interrupted him.

Shadow followed me into the opening. She slowly approached the snake, causing the reptile to beginning shaking his tale violently. Using her long hooked pole, she pushed it underneath the snake and began to lift him into the air. The snake didn’t like that in the least but since the hook was almost dead center of his think scaled body, there wasn’t much that he could do. The pole was too long for him to get to Shadow and he couldn’t crawl off. All he could do was hang, hiss and bide his time.

“Well, you caught him. Now what are you going to do with him?” I asked.

“I had Randy bring a large trunk up to store the snakes that I caught. It is back out by the trail. But, I didn’t consider how I would get the snakes back through the brush to get them into the trunk.”

“Sounds like one of the more important aspects of snake catching to me,” I said and laughed.

“Well, smartypants, I am not a fucking snake wrangler. Why don’t you give me a good idea instead of making snide remarks.”

“My best idea would be to hire a snake wrangler, but maybe I can help with the one you have already caught.”

I carefully approached the dangling reptile being careful to stay out of the way of his swinging head. I picked up a branch from the ground making sure that it was actually a branch and then waved it beyond the snakes head. He immediately moved in that direction. My hand was shaking badly so I didn’t have to try to wave it to keep his attention. Carefully, I moved closer and when I was close enough I quickly reached out and grabbed the snake just behind his head. The snake began to try and pull away but I held tight. Once you had a snake safely in hand the last thing that you would want would be to drop it.

I put my other hand under the snake’s belly about where the hook was. Now with one hand behind his head and one under his belly, I pulled him off the hook and held him up so that his tail couldn’t reach the ground and his fangs couldn’t reach my flesh.

“Lead the way Mistress and please keep the brush separated so that I can get through without dropping this big guy.”

If you have never tried to carry a rattlesnake through thick brush, I can’t describe the experience for you. Needless to say, unless you have nerves of steel, which I don’t happen to have, your heart rate will be more than a little elevated by the time you get back to open ground. The one piece of advice that I can give you is to not worry about the hand holding the snake’s middle but keep the hand holding the head well away from any ******* flesh.

When we finally reached the spot where the big trunk had been placed, Shadow bent down and pulled the lid up. “Carefully lower your new friend down into the box. When all that is left is his head in your hand drop him and I will quickly close the lid.

Dropping the snake turned out to be much easier than grabbing the head had been. As the lid closed, I breathed a sigh of relief. “Well, wasn’t that fun?” I said but my voice was shaking as the words came out.”

Shadow looked at the face of her phone. “Your EKG went off the chart about 10 minutes ago and it hasn’t come down much since.”

“Well, that is one, how many did you want to accumulate?”

“I need at least four. Are you up for another trip to the spring?”

“Oh well, what the hell, I can’t dance and it is too wet to plow.”

“What the hell, are you babbling about?”

“Don’t throw a hissy fit. I was just trying to lighten the mood. Do you want to go first and run interference for the naked woman?”

“Hell, no I don’t want to go at all but I don’t see that I have much choice.”

With that, she walked to the edge of the brush, spread the limbs, and walked through. She held the branches apart so that I could follow and shortly we were back in the little clearing. I walked over to the spring and carefully looked around every flat rock that I could find. And then I heard the very angry rattling of a snake. It was coming from an indentation in the rocks just behind the pool created by the spring. There was just a very narrow ledge that we could traverse to get to that indentation and I didn’t want to be the first one that tried that path.

Shadow started to climb onto the rock shelf and then heard an angry snake giving his warning and it was not coming from the indentation. It was just above her head on another outcropping of rock.

“Fuck this shit,” she exclaimed, and as fast as she could bring her trembling legs to carry her came back to where I was waiting.

“How are we going to get to those snakes?” I asked.

“We aren’t. I am going to take your advice and hire a snake wrangler.”

Friday morning was spent with going out into the woods with a crosscut saw and finding some small trees to make the stakes that would be used to hold me in place. I found a small and straight tree that was about 6 inches around. It was fairly easy for me to cut it down and then remove the branches so all I had to haul back to the cabin was the main trunk.

Shadow came out as I dragged the trunk up to the porch. She nodded her head to show her approval and then told me to cut the trunk into 5-foot lengths. “I know it might be easier for you to take the whole piece up the hill, but it is going to take you some time to sharpen the stakes in order for you to pound them into the ground. I don’t want to have to stand in the sun to supervise your work. Take the trunk over to the old stump and use that as a base to put the stakes on while you use the ax to sharpen one end on each stake.

I did as she directed and when I was satisfied that each stake was sharp enough, I took them back and laid them out on the cabin porch. I opened the door and told Shadow that I thought the stakes were sharp and ready to be used. She came out checked the stakes and seemed pleased with what I had done.

She took the stake with the largest circumference and marked a spot near the top. I need you to make a notch where I have marked the stake. It needs to be deep enough so that a rope can be secured around the stake so that it cannot slide up or down the stake. Do you understand what I am saying, slave?”

“I think so, Mistress. You want to be able to tie me to the stake so that I cannot move forward. That way you won’t need to put a stake in front of my hips.

“You do know why I don’t want to have to put a stake in front of your body, don’t you?”

“I assume that you don’t want any part of my front protected from the snake's fangs. Is that it?”

“I am glad that you understand.

It took me a few minutes to cut the notch and then square off the edges so there would be no way that a tightly tied rope would be able to slide either up or down the stake. I showed it to her and she seemed satisfied that it was to her liking.

“Can I trust you slave?”

“I am not sure what you are asking, Mistress?”

“It is going to take you at least two trips to get the stakes and the heavy mall up the hill. I don’t see why I should have to walk with you just to make sure that you come back do you?”

“No, Mistress, and I swear to you. I am not going to try to run away. I know how important my death is to you. Yes, you can trust me implicitly.”

“Fine, you can wrap the bundle of stakes with some clothesline so that you only have to make one trip to get the stakes up the hill. You can leave the clothesline up there as we will need some of it tomorrow anyway. Then you can come back and get the maul. I will go up with you tomorrow morning for a run through. I will have you lay down so that I can mark where the stakes need to go and then you can pound them into the ground. We can use that opportunity to make sure that you cannot move forward and back. You will be on camera and I will ask the audience for any suggestions they might have. Just in case someone comes up with an idea that requires another stake we will take the rest of the trunk with us as well as the saw.”

I spent the night reading comments from the audience, most of them wishing me a very painful and slow death. I didn’t hold it against them. I knew that they were paying good money to see me die. If I could I would do my best not to disappoint them.

Shadow did not put me on the horse but rather allowed me to lay down on the cot. I closed my eyes and tried to sleep, but all I could see was my dead body being dropped into the grave that I had helped dig and then being covered by the front-loading tractor.

As I never went to sleep I was up well before Shadow. I had made a pot of coffee and without her permission had poured a cup for myself. She had asked me if I wanted something for a last meal, but I had told her that I wanted nothing in my stomach and that I wanted her to clean me out with the garden hose before our final trip up the hill. No way did I want to be the woman remember for shitting herself when confronted with a snake.

I had taken a few sips of the wonderful hot liquid when Shadow came in and sat down across from me. “Did you have a pleasant night, slave?”

“No, how was your night, Mistress?”

“I slept like a baby, thank you for asking. We have a busy day so when you finish with your coffee, we should get started.”

I do have to tell you that I did not hurry in drinking that last cup. But, there is only so long you can stretch a cup of coffee out before it is lukewarm and undrinkable.

Finally, I announced that I was ready and headed out the door. I went and got the last piece of the tree trunk and the saw and started up the hill with Shadow coming behind. I didn’t bother to stop at the tree stump to rest nor did I stop to view what was happening at the ant hole. I dragged the tree to the spot that Shadow had selected for my final stand and laid the piece of the trunk alongside of the other stakes.

“How do you want to do this Mistress?”

“I want to take a look and see how my snake handlers made out. Come on and let’s take a look.”

She led me to the spot where we had left the trunk and found that it had been moved to a place under a bush. Shadow explained that the handlers had moved it out of the sun and had drilled some air holes in the trunk to make sure that they had proper ventilation so that they not only could breathe but that they didn’t overheat. Shadow tapped her heel against the side of the trunk and immediately angry rattling could be heard inside of the trunk.

“How many snakes did they catch for you?”

“There are only four snakes in the trunk. They were the biggest ones that they could find. They said that the largest one was over 8 feet long and as big around as a man’s arm. They sent me some pictures, would you like to see them?”

“No, thanks Mistress I will see them live in a few hours.”

Shadow looked a little disappointed but did not express that emotion to me. She just led me back to where the stakes were laid out. “I thought some of moving you close to the brush, but then I figured that the audience would appreciate it if they could see the snakes for a longer period of time before they strike you. So let’s move back about ten yards and set the stakes.”

“Aren’t you afraid that the snakes might decide to go left or right and miss finding me at all?”

“That won’t be a problem. I will have a couple of men, stationed on the wings with long branches that they will strike the ground to keep the snakes funneled in the right direction. It will also piss the reptiles off and make them angry with whatever they do run into. Unfortunately, that will be you.”

She found a spot where the ground was slightly elevated. “This should give the camera a good angle don’t you think?”

She was talking as if she was about to shoot a commercial for maxi-pads instead of a snuff video. I thought of saying something snarky but decided against it.

“Lie down on your side facing the brush.” I did as she directed and then I heard her talking to someone about camera angles.

They want you to turn slightly to your right. They seem to think that the audience will get a better view of your tits from that position.

I shook my head in wonderment. How could anyone give a damn about my tits when I was about to be murdered by snake bite? But it didn’t seem worth mentioning and so I just followed the instructions. She spent some time marking the spots for the stakes and then told me to get up and to place each stake exactly where she had made the mark on the ground.

I picked up a stake and set it upright on the first x. The ground was fairly soft and so I raised it up so that my hands were just about eye level and then brought it down hard. It sunk into the ground about three inches, enough so that it could stand by itself.

I picked up the maul and raised it above my head. Now, I have to mention that I am not a very big woman nor am I particularly strong. So I could only pound the stake in a few inches at a time. It took me quite a while to get that stake deep enough into the ground so that it was solid enough for Shadow when she inspected it.

“You might have been better off to hire someone to set these posts. It would have been a whole lot quicker.”

“I thought about that but somehow it seemed only proper that the victim should do the work kind of like Jesus carrying his cross. That is why I insisted on you helping to dig your grave. Now, quit dawdling and set the next stake. That one should be the one with the notch since it is exactly where your bound hands will come.”

Pardon me ma-am,” I heard a voice coming from a loudspeaker. “We think that her arms should be forced higher up towards her shoulders. It will cause her tits to stick out more and give a better target.”

“Okay slave move that stake about six inches closer to the first one. Do you think that will be sufficient?”

I knew she wasn’t asking me so I must have been directed to the one that had made the suggestion.”

“Why don’t you have her lay back down, bind her hands as severely as you can and then remark the stake? If you set that stake exactly under her wrists it will be added protection against her being able to move.”

I could see that Shadow was a little pissed at being micromanaged but I thought that anyone paying as much money as these people had a right to give a small amount of direction.

Shadow was an expert at tying my hands and so it only took her a few minutes to get them as high as they could go without dislocating my shoulders. She asked for the man’s approval and when it was given she remarked the spot, released my arms, and told me to set that post.

The final post had been marked at where my knees would come but again the man making suggestions wanted it moved. “I want it down to where her ankles will be. It needs to have another notch cut near the base so that her left ankle can be secured to the ground and a notch at the very top so that her other leg can be pulled straight up as high as it can go and tied off to the top of the post.

“I suppose you have a reason for wanting that as well?” Shadow asked with a little disgust in her voice.

“Are we going to have a problem with you, bitch?”

“No sir, I just want to know why things are done so that I can do the best job possible.”

“Having her legs spread as wide as they will go will do two things. First, it will give our paying customers a great view of her cunt with all the rings through her cunt lips. And second it will give the snake a chance to strike her on the inside of the legs. If we get lucky maybe they will get both legs that way. Is that explanation enough for you?”

“Yes, sir, it will be done exactly as you directed.”

When the final stake was set, I was again told to lay down. Again Shadow had to tie my hands in a severe position and then secure them to the post which came exactly underneath them. Then she was directed to tie my ankles spread as wide as she could. When all that was accomplished a small screen was set up in front of my face. The camera panned in all directions and Shadow made sure that no matter where the snakes approached me, I would have to see them coming.

“How are you going to make sure that the cunt can’t close her eyes?”

“I will tape her lids open so that she will not be able to do so.”

“I am afraid that will not be sufficient. No matter how well you attach the tape, when she starts tearing up some of the tapes will come loose. That would ruin the entire scene and we don’t get any do-overs once those snakes are released.”

“What if I were to sew her lids open?”

“I was thinking more of having you just slice her eyelids off, but that might get too much blood in her eyes, so if you think you can sew them so that they stay open, I agree.”

“What time do you want to start filming?” Shadow asked him.

“I was thinking just about dusk, but perhaps you should put her in position a couple hours before the snake release. That was the audience gets to see her sweat a little longer. And maybe we could get some added play by a tearful goodbye to her ******. I have been watching the exchanges between her and her mother and sister. If you can get her father, to join in, I think it might increase my revenue.”

The sun sets just about 6 o’clock this time of year, so let’s say I bring her up and get her set at 4.”

“That will be fine and make sure that her ****** knows to log in about 3:30 so they can see everything from the time you lead her to the slaughter.”

Chapter Thirty – One – My Last Hours

It was noon by the time we returned from the undress rehearsal. Shadow had fixed herself a light lunch while I spent a few minutes laying contemplating what would happen to me in a few hours. When Shadow finished with her meal she took me down to the lake and had me bathe in the cold water. It wasn’t so much to punish me. In fact, she had offered to draw me a hot bath in the tub that she used for herself. But, I had insisted wanting to feel that every pore in my body was still alive for the last time.

Shadow helped me to towel off and then we went back to the cabin and Shadow spent the next hour drying and styling my long blonde hair. Her hands worked lovingly making sure that the audience would see the most beautiful woman possible being sacrificed for their amusement.

Sometime later, I was surprised to have a visit from Randy, Phil, Edna, and Jacob. We spent the afternoon on the porch of the cabin, soaking up the warm sunshine and conversing about how much they had enjoyed the short time that they had known me. Nobody mentioned what would happen in a few hours, but before they left, each of them took me in their arms for a big hug. I doubt that I ever felt more loved in my life.

Finally, Shadow announced that it was time for her to make the final preparations for my body. Each of my new friends wished me luck and then Shadow took me inside. She pulled a bench over against one of the posts that supported the ceiling of the cabin.

“I have to tie your hands behind you so that you don’t try and stop me from doing what is necessary. You might hit my hand causing me to put one of your eyes out and that would not be good.”

I knew what she was referring to and willingly put my hands behind me. Shadow quickly tied them together after pulling them behind the support pole. Now I was not only unable to move my hands but I was unable to move away from the ceiling support.

“Lay your head back against the pole. I have to make sure that you are unable to move your head.”

I had no idea how she was going to accomplish that until she produced a large roll of duct tape and began winding it around my forehead and the pole. Soon my head was immobile. Shadow patted my cheek and left me for a few moments. When she returned she had a needle threaded with bright red thread.

“I am sorry but this is going to hurt.”

“You should never apologize to a slave for anything that you do to them. And besides, as long as I am in pain, I know that I am alive.”

She then took her thumb of her left hand and used it to pull one of my eyelids up so that it came slightly away from my eyeball. Carefully she inserted the needle under the lid and quickly pushed it through. She had put a knot at the end of the thread and had clipped off any excess thread below the knot. She pulled the thread tight and then I felt her pinching my eyebrow and then the needle began to penetrate the flesh between her thumb and first finger. She then pulled the thread tight, made another loop around my eyelid, and tied the thread off.

She had started in the outside corner of my eye. Now she moved to the very center of my eyelid. Again she had prepared the end of the thread so that it would not pull all the way through. Soon my eyelid was sewn to my eyebrow in three locations. She then repeated the process on the other eye so now my top lids were pulled up making it impossible for me to close them.

Shadow told me to try as hard as I could to move my eyes into a position where I couldn’t see. With much effort, I was able to look down so that a little of my iris was covered by my lower lid.

“I was afraid of that,” she said more to herself than to me.

She then inserted the needle under the lower lid of my left eye and pulled the thread through to the knot at the end. I felt her pinching some of my cheek together and then the needle was pushed through my cheek and the thread tied off so that my lower lid was pulled down as far as it would go. Again she sewed the lid open in both corners and the middle. Tears were filling both my eyes well before she had even begun on the lower lids. Several times Shadow took a little puff of cotton and daubed the tears soaking up as much as she could.

Finally, she was satisfied that no matter how much I tried there would be no way for me to move my eye to a position where I could not see. Of course, the tears might be a problem but I found out later that contrary to popular opinion you can run out of tears. So by the time that I was tied to the stakes, my eyes were completely clear and I could see everything that was to happen to m”e.

When she was finished Shadow brought a hand mirror and held it up in front of my face. I was aghast by the image that I saw. Bright red threads stretched upward and downward from both of my eyes. The underside of my eyelids was visible and the red knots stood out from them.

“I look like a freak.”

“As you told me earlier, a Master should never apologize to a slave so I will not. It is time to go.”

She then cut the tape around my forehead and pulled the sticky stuff off, freeing my head to move. She brought a cloth with what she told me was dampened with nail polish remover and spent some time scrubbing the tape glue from my skin.

When she finished with that she untied my hands and helped me up after warning me not to try and touch any part of my face. She then pulled my arms behind my back and tied them in the position that I would die in. I guess she thought it would be a waste of effort to tie them comfortably for the walk up the hill and then have to change the position of my hands when we got there.

The sun was low in the sky by the time that we reached the stakes. Shadow helped me lay down on my side making sure that my back was in the correct position. As my hands came into contact with the center stake she added another short length of road and secured me to that post.

I could hear cheers and comments coming from the speakers so I knew that we had an audience even for these preliminaries. I heard some people laughing about the state of my face and others talking about my piercings.

And then I heard the voice of the man that I was sure had paid for all this to be set up. “Quit dawdling and stretch her open so that our fans can see her pierced slit.”

“Yes, sir.” And Shadow moved down to my feet. She bent down and secured my left foot to the bottom of the stake and then took a lead, tied it to my right ankle and roughly pulled my right leg up until I thought that my hip joint would be dislocated. Soon she tied the end of the lead to the top of the post and I was wide open for all to see.

While all of this was happening I was watching compliments to the portable screen that had been set up in front of my face. The camera scanned to a group of people that were gathered in what I recognized as my old living room. My father sat in a large armchair. He was wearing his little white shorts and I could see the head of his cock sticking out of the left leg. Somehow I was happy that he was getting enjoyment from my torments. My sister sat near the middle of the sofa and my husband sat next to her with his are around her shoulders. They looked like the happiest couple in the world. My sister did however have and evil expression on her face as she used her hand to stroke the cock of the man that I had loved and married.

My mother sat on the floor at there feet. She was naked and I could see that her hands had been severely tied behind her back.

My sister looked up at her screen and saw that I was looking at the group gathered around beside her. “God, isn’t such a wonderful sight. The fucking bitch’s eyes are sewn open so she won’t be able to look away when the snakes come for her. I so love the red thread. It adds such a gruesome look to her ugly fucking face.”

“I am glad that you are enjoying yourself, Beth. Momma, I am so sorry that I brought this on you.”

“Shut the fuck up whore, you are not going speak with my slave.”

David then surprised me by turning to Beth and slapping her hard across her face. “You shut the fuck up he said to her. Sit there and play with your slit if you want but if I hear one more word from your filthy mouth, I will drag you out of here by the hair of your head and lock you in the dark basement. Do you understand me?”

“Yes, Master.”

I was hoping that those last words would cause my husband to do as he had threatened but I guess his threat wasn’t literal enough to apply to her answering a direct question.

David then spoke to my mother. “You can speak freely with your oldest ********. I will make sure that you are not punished for anything that you say.”

“Thank you, Master. Sweetheart, you have nothing to apologize to me for. I need to apologize to you for allowing some things to happen to you when you were just a child. “

“Momma, I know that you have felt guilty for a long time. But, I want you to know that you have nothing to feel guilty about. Perhaps you need to make amends to Beth, but not to me. Daddy, can I talk to you please. I know that I have disappointed you by some of the things that I have done but I want you to know that I have always loved you.”

The camera panned over for a closeup of my father’s face and I could see that tears were streaming down his face and he was trying to wipe them away with a large red-checkered handkerchief. Finally, he was able to get control of his emotions enough to reply. “How, can you say that you have always loved me after what I did to you when you were little?”

“Daddy, don’t you know that our Sunday drives were the happiest times of my life. My only regret is that I can’t take one more with you. I would even bring my own scarf. Would you do me a favor?”

“My father wiped his face one more time and then said, “I will do anything within my power. What would you like?”

“Tomorrow morning, take Momma for a Sunday drive with you. Take her to our favorite place and show her how much you love her in the same way that you showed your love for me. And make sure that you have a scarf to use.” I then turned my attention to my husband. “David, I know that you don’t owe me anything but it would make me happy if you would allow my Father to come over and pick my Mother up and take her for that drive.”

“You have my word. And you have my word that I will do my best to protect her from now on.”

“Thank you, I would say that I will be eternally grateful, but I am afraid my gratitude and everything else will end in a few minutes."

Chapter Thirty – Two – The Last Minutes

It was then announced that it was time for the real show to begin. While it had been deathly quiet while I was saying my last words to my ****** now, I could hear the raucus cheering and laughter at the anticipation of what they had waited so long to see.

The camera panned to the backside of the brush and I saw a man wearing a mask and carrying a long stick with what looked like salad forks attached to the end. Another man opened the trunk that housed the deadly serpents and I could clearly hear angry rattles. The man with the stick used it to extract a very large snake and held it up so the audience could see how extremely long and thick its body was. I am sure that if he could have found a way to do it, he would have forced the snake's mouth open to show it’s fangs as well.

Someone from the audience gasped and then said, My God, look at the size of that snake. I’ll bet it is all of 8 feet long. Can you imagine the vast amount of poison that it has in its sacks. One bite from that monster will probably cause her to go into cardiac arrest. I hope that a smaller snake bites her first.

Apparently, the snake handler was listening and paying attention to comments that might be suggestions. Carefully he lowered the huge snake back into the crate and pulled out a somewhat smaller snake, although I wouldn’t call it a baby. He held that one up and then moved the end of the pole to the brush and dropped the reptile as deep into the brush as he could. I couldn’t see what the snake did when it hit the ground but from the sound of angry rattling, I figured he had immediately coiled into a strike position. Two more snakes were pulled out and released at different areas of the brush. I expected the monster snake was going to be finally pulled out and added to the brush, but instead men began beating sticks on the back of the brush in an attempt to get the first three snakes to begin moving in my direction.

The camera again panned to the front of the brush and I could see one snake immerge and start down the hill toward me. I was sure that I had mentally prepared myself for this moment but when I saw the deadly reptile moving toward me with its tongue flicking out of its mouth, I broke down and screamed.

Only when two more snakes were moving in my direction did the snake handler bring out the larges snake. He did not bother dropping that snake into the brush but brought him to my side of the brush and dropped him a little way behind the others.

One snake started to move in a direction that would have caused it to pass me but a man with a branch beat the ground close to its head causing it to change its path so that it was again moving toward my bound and helpless form.

When I saw the first snake was only inches from my breast, I heard someone sobbing, but the cameraman didn’t think that was a significant enough event to show who it was coming from. The first snake’s tongue was tasting the air and when it caught the scent of a very terrified woman, it coiled into strike position. I saw the coils tight and the evil head pulling back. As it launched itself toward me I could see its mouth open and the fangs extend. And then I felt a small pain in my right breast. The camera caught those fangs sinking into my flesh and then the snake pulling back without opening its mouth apparently trying to inject as much venom into my body as possible.

Again I screamed but now even though my eyes were sewn open, I was having trouble focusing on what was happening. I did, however, feel another strike, this time on the inside of my lower leg, very close to the jewelry in my pussy lips.

I could feel a burning feeling near both bites and I assumed that the poison was starting to circulate into my blood.

The crowd had now gone quiet and I wondered why. I shook my head as much as I could and my vision cleared enough so that I saw the monster snake coiled right in front of my face. His mouth was open and I could see his huge fangs hanging down.

I screamed and the snake struck. Those fangs drove into my upper cheek missing my eye by less than an inch. He pulled back dragging some of my flesh with him. I was still screaming as he struck again sinking his fangs into my face but on my lower cheek.

I am sure that anyone watching my EKG monitor had seen my heartrate spike to an all time high, but now I could feel it slowing down. I didn’t know if that was caused by the poison reaching it or if my adrenaline had simply run its course. But then although I could not close my eyes, I realized that I was now blind. My hearing was going as well leaving me almost with no senses.

I felt my body beginning to shut down and then I didn’t see, hear or feel anything again.


The funeral procession looked more like a celebration than a time for mourning. True, most of the women were dressed In black and a few even had veils covering their faces, but for the most part, as they moved along toward the gravesite, they were laughing and joking with one another. One woman had on a bright red dress that was so short that it barely covered the tops of her stockings.

Only one old man and one old woman were weeping and holding onto each other for support. As they got to the grave, the woman wearing the red dress exclaimed, “Why are we wasting our time on this farce? She isn’t in that casket that they are going to lower into the ground. She is swimming in pig shit and will remain there for eternity.”

The man with her told her to shut the fuck up and show some degree of moral decency. “She is dead and that is what you wanted. She can’t see or hear what is happening here today but her parents should have the right to grieve and get some kind of closure.”

The woman started to open her mouth to say something more, but the look on the man’s face caused her second thoughts.

Off to the side, well away from the main group of mourners, a woman dressed all in black, her face covered with a black veil stood and viewed the procession. Nobody noticed her as she was well back from the grave and partially obscured by the tree trunk she was next to.

A few days later that same woman sat in her car down the street from where the victim had spent her childhood. She watched as uniformed and plain clothed policemen carried large boxes from the house and placed them into vans for transport. The victim’s father was led from the house, his hand shackled behind him back and put into a police vehicle.

“Was this really necessary?” the woman asked her female companion.

“You know that Beth is pregnant. What if she has a little baby girl. Do you really want that child subjected to his Sunday drives?”

“I have already told you that my father did nothing wrong. Everything we did was because we loved each other.”

“I am afraid that I don’t agree. In any event, it is too late now. There were years of child porn on his computer and that will be enough to put him behind bars for the rest of his life. Now we need to be moving before someone discovers where we are. It would be a shame if all my scheming came to naught.”

In another part of the world, two men sat, smoking big cigars and sipping on expensive liquor. One man turned to the other. “Are you really going to let the cunt get away with it?”

The other man chuckled a little. “Technically she did pull a fast one on me. But none of my audience knows that fact. I lost no revenue because of it and I have to admire her ruse.”

“How did you find out that she had avoided her slave’s death?”

“I caught up with the slave handlers and interrogated them. They admitted that she had instructed them to milk the snakes of their venom within minutes of releasing them into the brush. While the did still have a small amount of poison it was not enough to kill the woman even though she was bitten six times by four different snakes. That was quite a calculated risk on her part. She could not have known that the girl would not die. And there was always a chance that a snake they had not caught would find the woman and with a full dose of venom, put an end to her life.”

“I am still a little confused. I watched her EKG monitor and saw it go flat line. How is it possible that she isn’t dead?”

“I am not a doctor, but there are some drugs that can slow the heart enough to appear to be not beating. And that EKG equipment wasn’t very sophisticated. In addition, the girl might have been injected with anti-venom. I am not sure how that was done, but probably with a compressed air gun. The crowd was making so much noise that no one would have heard the sounds of the gun being fired.”

“I am still surprised that you are letting it go. Don’t you feel bad that your threat to kill one if the other didn’t die wasn’t carried out?”

“As far as the audience is concerned my threat was carried out. Everyone in the world that watched that show, knows that Shadow’s slave died that night. Some of them were disappointed that the death wasn’t gruesome enough but I will make up for it with our next victim.”

“Have you chosen who that will be?”

“I have and I think you will be pleased with my selection. As soon as she gives birth an ambulance will pick her up from the maternity ward and will transport her to my private jet. It will happen in the middle of the night and with all the proper paperwork. The next day there will be an investigation but there will no longer be any trace of where the woman disappeared to.”

The end.