The Duplex Part I - The Photo Session

By Tonic 40

My beautiful wife Trina and I recently moved into a new home in the suburbs. It is a modern two-story duplex (two apartments sharing one wall and with adjacent outdoor patios separated by a privacy fence) that is large enough that we can entertain friends without really bothering the neighbors.

Jim and Shawn, the two athletic men that rent the other half of the duplex, introduced themselves the day we moved in but seemed a little less than neighborly to us. Both appeared entirely into each other and regretted having to share the lot with neighbors. It didn't take long for us to discover why.

The next morning, as we were unpacking boxes in the upstairs guest bedroom, Trina happened to look out the window and down at their patio. "Oh my God! Honey, you have to come see this," she exclaimed, giggling with embarrassment.

I put down the tapestry I was about to hang and joined her at the window. What I saw really disturbed me. Shawn was laying face down on a lounge with nothing on but a tiny black thong. I'm a pretty liberal person, and have to admit that Shawn certainly had the physique and smooth tan that made his near nakedness acceptable in the privacy of his own fenced-in patio. What shook me up was his roommate.

Jim, who stood nearby, was busily snapping pictures of the naked man with one of the high-quality cameras that only the professionals can afford to use. He stooped low near Shawn's feet and started shooting pictures of his legs and bare ass. Our window was closed so we couldn't hear what was being said, but it was obvious that Shawn was posing for Jim and following his directions.

Jim had Shawn roll over and Trina shocked me by saying, "Wow! I've never seen such a big package in such a small suit!" I looked at her and saw that she was completely taken by the man's obvious endowments and musculature. Her eyes were wide and riveted to our barely covered neighbor as he flexed his abdomen and posed for the camera.

Thinking to startle her, I slid my hand down the back of her sweat pants and dipped my finger between her ass cheeks. She grunted with surprise, but instead of slapping at my hand, she leaned forward and pushed her butt back so that my finger rubbed over her anus and into the warm folds of her pussy. She was very moist, but my own surprise at her sudden move caused me to pull my hand out.

"Jeez, Trina! Your soaked!"

She must have realized how her reaction had surprised me because she straightened up and playfully batted my arm. "I'm just not used to seeing gay men in public."

"Hardly public. They are in their own yard and there is a privacy fence." I looked down at the guy in his tiny little thong. " It really turns you on though, doesn't it?"

She was looking back down at the two men, her eyes still filled with lust. "Well, yeah, a little. You would do the same thing if some beautiful blonde girl was naked down there posing and her girlfriend was shooting pictures."

I had to admit that she was right. I looked down and saw that Shawn was rubbing tanning oil on his legs. Jim put down the camera and helped rub some on his back. I expected Jim to grope the guy but he only rubbed oil where Shawn couldn't reach himself. Then, they started the posing and photography again, Shawn's skin now reflecting the sun and glistening with moisture.

The phone rang and I went to answer it, leaving Trina standing at the window and watching the scene below. It was my boss letting me know that I didn't have to work the next day due to a scheduling conference being cancelled. I told him I was thankful for the extra time to unpack.

When I came back to the guest bedroom, Trina was back to unpacking but still seemed a little flushed. She smiled as I walked in and came up to me, grabbing at the front of my shorts with one hand and pulling my head down for a deep kiss with the other. She was so hot and aggressive that we ended up making love on the guest bed mattress.

Later that night, as we were climbing into our own bed, she mentioned how excited she had been.

"Do you think they do that kind of thing a lot," she asked me as we snuggled up to go to sleep.

"I doubt it, Honey. They would have a ton of pictures and that gets a little expensive."

"No, I mean ****** themselves like that outside."

"Who knows," I replied. "Probably. Shawn looked pretty tan and it IS a private yard except for where we were standing." She didn't say anything so I started to fade off to sleep.

"I ought to do the same thing," she said.

"What?" I wasn't sure if I'd heard her correctly or not.

"I ought to lay out naked like that on our patio," she explained. "So that they have a shock and realize that we can see them just as easily on their patio."

"That's a little extreme," I admonished. I had to admit that the image was a little intriguing. Trina has a very sexy body and looks GREAT naked. "Besides, I'm not sure having my wife ****** herself to the neighbors is something I'd be comfortable with."

"They're gay, Silly! They wouldn't care. And it would let me work on my tan. Imagine me without tan lines," she added.

I did just that and it was a little exciting. "Well, not naked. Maybe in a skimpy suit though."

"It wouldn't matter one way or the other, Honey. They're gay." She thought for a moment. "I do need a new suit. Maybe I'll go and get one tomorrow."

I still didn't really take her seriously so I said, "Whatever you want."

The next morning, I fixed us breakfast and threw on my sweats instead of my suit. Trina looked at me questioningly. "Oh, I don't have to work today. We should be able to get most of the rest of those boxes emptied today."

"Okay," she smiled. Then she mentioned that she wanted to lay out and get some sun first but would help me later that afternoon. I had forgotten about our late night conversation and assumed she had as well. Apparently not.

True to her word, she went shopping for about an hour for a new swimsuit while I worked on finishing the guest bedroom. I glanced occasionally out the window but our neighbors never made an appearance.

When Trina got home, she refused to model her new suit until she showered and shaved her legs. I saw that she had purchased a small bottle of bikini wax and some new razors. She carried these into the bathroom along with a small plastic bag. "I'll be done in a while," she announced as she closed the door and started the shower.

Just thinking about her waxing her bikini line got me a little worked up so I started unpacking in the kitchen to occupy myself while I waited for her to make her appearance.

The water ran for about forty-five minutes and it was another half an hour before she finally opened the door. I was anxiously waiting for her at the kitchen table when she strode in wearing a terry cloth robe.

I couldn't believe my eyes! She was completely dolled up with her long blonde hair fluffed and thick, her makeup slightly exaggerated to make her lashes longer than normal and her lips a brighter red than normal. She was gorgeous! (I usually only see her made up that way once or twice a year for special celebrations like our anniversary or New Year's parties.)

She saw my approving look and spun around coyly. Then, she slowly lowered the robe over her bare shoulders to her waist. I thought she might be naked until I saw the thin spaghetti strap clasped at her neckline. It was covered by her hair leaving her whole back *******. She turned to face me and dropped the robe to her feet. My jaw hit the top of the table. She might as well have been naked!

Two silver-colored diamonds the size of playing cards were stretched over her breasts, barely covering her nipples which quite noticeably poked out like pebbles. Only the strap around the back of her neck held them up, and the two straps leading down to her crotch were the only things holding them in place. Between her legs, a silver triangle of the shiny fabric was cinched tight, like a second metallic skin that completely ******* the contours and folds of her pussy without showing the skin beneath. It rode so high that her already long legs seemed to stretch up to her ribs. She was VERY sexy! She smiled when she saw my reaction and slowly pirouetted to show me the full impact the tiny suit had upon her hot body. It was a shoe-string strap thong number that concealed nothing on her back-side and far too little on her front side.

"Holy shit, Honey! You can't wear that," I exclaimed. I couldn't believe that she had picked it out and was even more surprised that she was prepared to wear it outside of our bedroom.

"Oh, relax," she teased, admiring her large bare breasts as she looked down between them to her tone and flat tummy. "Don't I look great?"

"I didn't think you would actually do this," I admitted, trying to sound disapproving while still being aroused by her attire.

"The neighbors? Honey, they're gay, remember? Besides, they probably don't use their guest bedroom and won't ever see me." I could tell she was determined to go out so I didn't argue. I walked her to the patio doors and watched her firm ass flex as she pulled open the sliding door and strode onto the patio.

She unfolded a lounge recliner and draped a towel across it. As she did, her large breasts really struggled against the little patches that held them and caused the little triangle between her legs to pull up enough that a fold of her pussy "popped" out the leg hole. She faced me with a blushing look and used her fingernail to pull the fabric out and back over her mound. I looked closely and couldn't see any of the thin blonde pubic hair that was usually down there.

Like a cat stretching in the morning sun, she knelt on the recliner and arched her back as she laid her body across its surface. The foot of the recliner wasn't lifted up enough so her butt was raised higher than her back and thighs. The position made her anus (covered only by the shoe-string strap) and a portion of her tight silver covered crotch come into view. "Honey," she called as soon as she had settled. "Could you get me a drink and my sunglasses?"

I made her a strong margarita on the rocks and took two shots of the tequila myself before I brought it out to her. "I still can't believe you are doing this," I whispered as I set the drink beside her and handed her the sunglasses.

"Just remember, no tan lines," she sighed sleepily, relaxed by the warmth of the late morning sun.

I went back inside to put on some shorts so that I could join her. Unpacking could wait for a couple of hours and I didn't want to leave her out there alone.

Just as I finished changing, I heard our doorbell ring and went to answer it.

Jim was standing on our doorstep, dressed in a business suit and smiling (all of which really shocked me).

"Hi, Neighbor," he greeted me. "I was up in my studio working and couldn't help but notice that your wife was sunning herself."

(His studio! They do use that spare room!) "Oh, yeah." I tried to sound casual. After all, we had nothing to be ashamed of really. "She wanted to work on her tan before we finished unpacking."

"Yes, well," he began, a little unsure of himself. "She has quite a figure and, well. I was wondering if you would mind if I asked her to model for me."

I didn't know how to react. I was a little pissed that he been watching my wife, but we had done the same only the day before. I think I was more surprised that he found my wife attractive.

"You see," Jim continued, seeing my discomfort. "I'm a photographer for an advertising firm and am currently working on a tanning salon campaign. I need good models but am having problems coming up with the initial capital to pay them so they refuse. I was hoping that I could shoot your wife and pay her for the work over the next couple of months."

He said it so fast (and businesslike) that I was disarmed. He really sounded legit and the slight lisp in his words made him appear like the traditional stereotype of a gay man. I thought about it and had to laugh as I thought about how I might embarrass Trina in fun.

"Let's go ask her," I announced, opening the door for him. I lead him out to the patio and was shocked to find Trina sitting up, drinking her margarita, and talking to Shawn who was looking over the fence (he must have been standing on a chair).

"Hi, Honey," she greeted me. "Hi Jim. Isn't this exciting?"

I didn't know what to say. She was all but naked, her legs crossed casually at the ankles and her chest thrust forward in the sun. She seemed so relaxed about the situation that I regretted having made her drink so strong.

"I asked her, Jimbo," Shawn said, nodding toward me. "She says its up to her husband."

I still didn't know what to say, so I just stood there.

"Come on, Honey," Trina soothed. "We could use the extra money and it would be fun to be famous."

"In that suit?" It was all I could think of at that point.

"Actually," Jim explained. "I'll have to be really careful because it is pretty revealing. But she has such beautiful skin and such a nice figure that you really have nothing to be ashamed of." He paused for a brief moment before continuing. "Tell you what. Why don't we run a couple of rolls and we can look at the pictures together to make our decision. I have to make sure that she is as photogenic as I think and the two of you can make sure that nothing is too revealing. If all goes well, we can do a professional shoot and maybe pick out some other suits for her to wear."

"Sounds great," Trina chimed. "I'll do it."

I guess I nodded, or maybe I just didn't voice my disapproval, because Jim said, "Just let me get my equipment and I'll be right back."

I led him to the door and came back into the kitchen for two more shots of tequila. Trina came in smiling.

"This is so cool!"

I looked at her, trying to figure out why she was so comfortable with this. But, her enthusiasm was contagious and the drinks were having an effect on me. I smiled at her and had to laugh at myself for being so concerned about the whole thing. A gay guy taking pictures of my wife in a swim suit (small as it was) wasn't really something to be jealous about. Especially if I was able to view the pictures and select which ones were too revealing.

Jim and Shawn showed up about fifteen minutes later carrying some boxes and we all went out to the patio to set up. They unrolled a soft mat and covered it with a large beach towel. Jim had Shawn adjust some big reflector things until he said the light was good. After about ten minutes, Jim said he was ready and Trina sat down on the mat, not really sure what to do.

"Just relax," Jim began, snapping pictures as he talked. "That's it. Tilt your head back more. Good." "Now, lean back on your arms? Perfect!"

It was actually quite professional. Just like you would expect a photo-shoot to be except that my wife was wearing very little.

"Okay, now Shawn," he said. "You kneel behind her."

What? I turned and Shawn was taking off his shorts, revealing the same black thong he wore the day before. The thong looked even smaller up close and the front of it far larger. He stripped off his shirt and I noticed Trina admiring him as he walked up and took his position behind her. She wanted this, maybe even expected it!! I held my tongue, waiting for her to put a stop to where this was leading but starting to get turned on myself.

"Great! Now, lean back against him, Trina"

Instead of leaning back, she laid her head on his thighs and arched her back so that her chest was thrust up. Her nipples were ROCK hard and so obvious that they made tents of the shiny patches covering them. The extra tension her arched back placed on the straps caused the triangle between her legs to ride up and ****** the sides of her pussy. She had definitely waxed. There was not a trace of the fine blonde pubic hair that was usually there. I was expecting one of her pussy lips to "pop-out" around the edge of the fabric at any second. But Jim said, "Okay, that's it for this roll. Let me get another while Shawn lays down and Trina kneels."

Trina sat up and watched as Shawn sprawled out face down. She was staring at his ass and muscular legs still when Jim nudged me. "Can you grab that oil?"

Without saying anything, I picked up the suntan oil and handed it to my wife, who smiled up at me. I could see the crazed lust in her eyes. She HAD expected this!!

"Ready," Jim announced. "Okay, Trina. Rub some oil onto his shoulders."

Trina squirted out quite a bit of the oil onto Shawn's naked back and began spreading it all over. He moaned a little, saying that it felt really warm. She started massaging it into his shoulders and neck and then moved down his back. She rubbed and smoothed the oil all over before moving down to his legs. She squirted more oil out onto each of his legs and then begain rubbing and smoothing the oil from his calves up to his thighs. When she reached his ass, she massaged the oil in with her thumbs on his cheeks, causing him to spread his legs a little wider. Encouraged, she reached a hand between his legs and ran her nails up his inner thigh to lightly cup his balls before doing the same to the other leg. He grunted and spread his legs wider when Jim interrupted again.

"Okay, switch while I reload."

I didn't stop it. I couldn't. It was just so sexy seeing my nearly naked wife oiling up this muscular guy.

Trina shifted, giving Shawn room to sit up. He faced her and smiled but she was staring down at his crotch. The tip of his cock was barely held back by the elastic at his waist, distorting the thong so that it barely covered his heavy balls. The guy was big and Trina was blatantly staring. He turned so that she could lay down and she did so, keeping her feet about three feet apart so that her anus and barely covered pussy were in view.

"Go ahead," Jim directed.

Shawn squirted oil onto my lovely wife's back and ran a stream down each leg. He quickly smoothed the oil over the surface of her skin so that she shined in the light. Then, he rubbed her shoulders and neck, massaging the muscles and bringing a sigh from her mouth. He spent a lot of time on her lower back before moving down to her legs. He teased her the same way, moving from her calves to her thighs on each leg and then spending a long time rubbing her naked ass with his thumbs. The oil had saturated her tiny suit and it was slippery enough to slide the patch up so that the shoe-string strap separated the outer folds her pussy. He took advantage of this by lightly sliding one hand down with his fingers spread so that they lightly brushed each side of her outer lips at the same time. She moaned deeply and pushed back against his hand. He lifted his hand and placed it on her ass again. This time, when he slid it down, he pressed with more force against her outer lips. She gru nted and pushed back harder, lifting her ass several inches. This made the patch slide all the way onto her tummy and pulled the shoe-string deep into her pussy and tight against her uncovered clit. She moaned loudly as he slowly brought his fingers together, lightly pinching her lips around the strap that separated them. He pulled is fingers up along her anus and she lifted even more, completely ******** her sex in anticipation for his next downward caress.

"Wait," Jim said, setting down his camera and searching through one of the boxes they had brought. I was rock hard. Trina was in ecstasy and seemed to have nearly reached orgasm with Shawn only touching the outer folds of her pussy a couple of times.

Shawn reached forward and grabbed Trina by the shoulders, pulling her upright on her knees. He moved behind her and knelt so she laid back against his chest. Her pussy was still completely open between her splayed knees and the triangle patch had slid up nearly to her naval. The shoe-strap now bisected her entire vagina and her swollen clit was peeking around the edge, forced to the side under the tension. Her eyes were closed in a dreamy state and her mouth was smiling. "I'm ready," Jim announced. He was holding a video camera now and had zoomed in on her opened pussy. He slowly panned it up her naked torso and barely covered breasts before focusing on her beautiful face lost in lust.

Shawn took the oil and ran a stream from one breast to the other, totally soaking both silver diamonds and all of the ******* skin around them with the warm liquid. It trickled down her abdomen and dripped from her ******* pussy lips as he set the bottle aside. He reached his hands down and around her rib cage to cup her large breasts under the thin straps below. She sighed and arched her back, grabbing his oily hands and threading her fingers into his. He slipped his thumbs under the tiny triangles on each side and rubbed them across her hard nipples.

"Mmm," she sighed, bringing her hands down across her abdomen as he continued to push his thumbs back and forth under the tiny patches. "That feels nice," she purred. She lifted her hands and reached behind her neck to undo the strap. When it was released, the suit came apart like a rubber-band and the loosened strings collapsed in a heap across her thighs.

Shawn moved his fingers up to meet his thumbs and lightly pinched her nipples, pulling them up and out before the oily skin snapped back.

"Oh, yeaaah," Trina moaned as he did it again. Her nipples had never been so hard and swollen. She really enjoyed his light tugging on them.

He slid one hand down along her abdomen and spread his fingers to each side of her opened pussy. She thrust her hips forward slightly, trying to capture them in her sex as he traced his fingers up and spread her lips wide. His other hand continued to pinch and tug on one nipple, letting it slowly slip out of his oily fingers. He raised his hands and brought them up around her sides, gently pushing her shoulders forward.

She leaned down and lowered her head to the mat, raising her ass high into the air with her knees still spread as he pulled the tiny suit from her and tossed it aside. Her shaved pussy was quite swollen and opened as Shawn reached a hand beneath her and lightly caressed the smooth skin between her navel and pussy. Then, he slowly leaned forward and darted his tongue between her ass cheeks. She grunted pushed back so that his tongue pressed against her anus.

"Unngh," she groaned as he flicked his tongue back and forth, up and down across the tiny hole.

Using one hand to support her tummy, he brought the other across the top and slipped his thumb down to press where his tongue had been teasing. She reacted instantly, pushing back against the probe. He held firmly and let her push back against his hand until the tip of his thumb slipped into the oiled hole. As it did, he leaned forward and licked the full length of her opened pussy with his tongue flattened out. She bucked hard against the sudden stimulation and he began lapping at her pussy as she pushed back harder and harder on the thumb that had fully penetrated her ass.

"Oh, oh, ooooh," she gasped pushing herself against his tongue and coming hard. He continued licking gently as he slowly withdrew his thumb and lowered her to the mat. She rested for a moment as he ran his fingers up and down the backs of her legs and ass.

It was the sexiest thing I'd ever seen and I was ready to come without even touching myself. Jim seemed to be having the same difficulty and was trying to situate his obvious bulge without rocking the camera.

Trina sat up and smiled at Shawn, patting next to her to indicate it was his turn now.

Shawn grinned and laid down on his back. The tip of his cock had stretched the tiny thong up to his navel and soaked the fabric. She admired the size of his erection openly and lightly traced its thick outline with her fingernails before reaching for the oil. She drizzled the warm liquid up one leg, across his torso and then down the other leg before holding it above his cock and draining the rest onto the material covering it.

She took her time smoothing the oil across his chest and well-defined abdomen. She took even longer rubbing it onto his lower legs and thighs. When she finally had him all shined up, his cock was lifting up away from his stomach and twitching with anticipation. She shifted and knelt between his thighs so that he had to spread his legs wide to accommodate her. Looping her fingers in the waist band, she had him first lift his hips and then raise his legs so that she could remove the tiny thong.

She smiled, as he lowered his feet beside her and opened his knees wide to completely ****** his huge naked cock and shaved balls. It was completely saturated with the oil and throbbed by its own accord as she took a moment to admire its size. Then, with a determined look on her face, she wrapped her tiny hand around its base and began to stroke him.

"Uunggh," he grunted as her fingers slipped across the ridge of its head before plunging back down to the base. She used her other hand to massage his balls and inner thighs. But the hand that was stroking him was steady and firm. She leaned down and sucked one of his balls into her mouth, lightly tonguing it before releasing it and moving to the other. Then, sensing he was getting close, she leaned over and took the head of his cock into her mouth. While still pumping him with one hand and massaging his balls with the other, she sucked and licked and kissed the head of his cock until he thrust his hips from the mat. Enthused, she raised her head and used her oily hands like pistons on his throbbing cock, causing him to come instantly and violently, shooting gobs of thick come all over his chest and neck.

She calmly took the towel beside them and wiped him clean.

(End of part 1)