This is a genuine true Story..

I have been married to Susan for 19 years. We have a reasonable marriage, sex once or twice a week OK but no great shakes, I had been on at her a few times to have a night out with her mates, Because when we were making love I always fantasized about Susan being screwed by another man and hoped she might meet some guy on one of her nights out. I have asked her on numerous occasions while making love if she would like to do this, she always replied "Don't be silly" but it seemed to make her more responsive in her love making, She always said "I love you and would not do anything to hurt you" During the heat of sex I said "I would really love for you to fuck another guy and come home and let me fuck you afterwards"

Susan began a new secretarial job in a factory making double glazed windows and doors, It was coming up to Christmas and she said "I am going on the works Christmas outing with a few of the staff from the factory is that alright with you?" I said "OK" This was to be the following Saturday night.. Saturday comes around and Susan begins to get ready for her party night out, She spent a lot of time doing her make up and hair and especially for the occasion she had bought a new dress and underwear which she would not let me see, when she finally came down the stairs, I must admit she looked stunning. She kissed me on the cheek and I smelt the heady perfume she was wearing. I said "Have a nice time and don't get up to any mischief" She just winked at me.

I sat down with a stiff whisky and watched television till midnight, I thought it's about time Susan was getting back! I had another couple of drinks and decided to go to bed and wait upstairs for her.

2-am and still no sign of Susan, I must have dozed off with the drink taking its effect, I woke with a start looking at the clock it was 3-30 am, I heard a car pull away from the house, then a key in the front door and a bit of fumbling and keys being dropped, I could hear Susan trying to climb up the stairs to bed but after what seemed a long time it went silent so I crept out of bed onto the landing at the top of the stairs and saw Susan lying sprawled out semi conscious, I said "It looks like you a bit worse for wear lets get you to bed" I lifted her gently she half helped me and slowly persuaded her into our bedroom, She was slurring her speech and obviously had too much to drink, so I decided to undress her myself as she was in no position to do it, I started to take off her top and skirt and noticed while taking her top off that she had some bruising round her arms, I removed her top and then proceeded to take off her bra, in the dim light from the stairs I could see her breast was bruised and both her nipples had teeth marks clearly visible, I stopped in my tracks and slowly absorbed the sight before me... I thought what as she been up to, Susan moaned faintly but was not fully aware what was going on, I then begin to remove the rest of her cloths, I thought she had stockings on before she went out, but there was no sign of them now, I thought no more and started to unbutton her skirt, removing her skirt was a little difficult as she was like a corpse, finally I pulled it off and was shocked to see Susan had no panties on! I placed her gently on the bed and stood back and took stock of the sight before me. Reeling slightly I started to look Susan up and down, she had obviously been with some one but how far had she gone? I slowly placed my hand near her vagina and noticed it felt slightly swollen and distended, she gave a moan and I removed my hand quickly. I decide I had better get into bed and pulled the sheets over the both of us. After what seemed ages she seemed to fall into a deep sleep, I then thought this is my chance to see what she has been up to, without hesitation I put my hand on her swollen cunt and proceeded to go further and probe deeper, No sooner had my fingers entered her cunt than they were met with moisture something I had not felt in Susan's cunt before a sort of creamy slime! It didn't take a detective to come to the conclusion that this thick moisture was semen! She had obviously taken me up on my suggestion, My cock was starting to get hard at the thought of some guy fucking my wife. I decided to take advantage of the situation as it might never happen again, I turned Susan round so her back was to me, she did not make a sound or movement and was well away, I slowly placed my now rigid cock at the entrance to her swollen cunt and proceeded to push it in, It seemed to be drawn in of its own accord as though the moisture was sucking it in, My stiff cock was in all the way and it felt so good, the best just like a silk glove, In all my life I have never felt something so exquisite. I could only manage a couple of thrusts before I came; it was the best orgasm I can remember...

To be continued