She Deserves Bigger & Better! Ch.20

A quiet week of peaceful married bliss, as blissful as it can be in a house of three usually horny young ladies and a nine-stone, lesser-endowed, ED-suffering, somewhat nervous submissive man.

Last Sunday evening, after Jess and I returned from the successful trip up to the Lakes, all four of us went to the Harvest Moon for dinner. It was on Nia, she said.

"A little thank you for putting them up all this time."

Afterwards, we strolled down to the local pub. Jess teased about having pool lessons, but though we had a drink at the bar, we left soon after, as the place was heaving and difficult to get served, plus we had wine at home. Jess and I made love that night, using George to give her a nice little orgasm.

Monday evening, getting back from work to find only Ejo at home, she had baked scones and was doing spicy chicken and chips for dinner when the other two came in from their run. Jess had gotten Nia up to doing 5 miles now, and there is talk of doing a half marathon maybe in the summer.

Both the sisters had job interviews this week. Nia's was on Tuesday morning at a fashion shop in the mall and is waiting to hear. Ejo had hers Thursday at 4 p.m. and was offered and accepted a part-time, three-day-a-week job in the local supermarket, where she can walk to work easily and starts Monday at 9 a.m., which suits her.

Wednesday, after school, they again went running, doing the shorter 3 miles in the rain, which Jess pointed out before they went up to shower.

"It was only drizzling to start, then it became a downpour, and we had to cut it short."

Twenty minutes later, it had gone quiet up there; the shower had stopped after ten, so I took them both a hot drink up on the tray, going into our room to find them both, still nude and on the bed tribbing. Both George and Mr Brown lay nearby, either ready to or having been used by one or both.

The odour in the room suggested near-finishing already. Putting the tray down bedside, Jess saw me smile and pulled me down to briefly kiss me. I stood, moving away, to watch for a couple of minutes by the bedroom door, then closed the door and left them both in peace to enjoy.

Monday evening, I munched on one of Ejo's fresh scones I'd pinched.

Ejo was asking about the results of my trip to the lake district and how glad they both were that Jess had called the Saturday evening so much happier. She also mentioned Petrina, asking if she would ever make another appearance, that she wished to have met her having had only the quickest of glimpses via video call, and how she had wanted to do her makeup ever since. My answer, of course, was I didn't know—maybe sometime.

Well, coming down from taking the tray up on Wednesday, Ejo looked at me, wondering where her sister and Jess were. I told her,

"They're making up; it shouldn't be long now."

But Ejo misunderstood what I meant and said,

"Oh, I wish you'd let me do yours for you."

To which I answered, "Maybe one day!"

Jess and Nia came down soon after, both after showering again, resulting in a very puzzled look on Ejo's face before it eventually dawned.

All four of us cosied up on the sofa watching a chic flic, then Charley's Angels2 and finishing all the boxed wine off before heading up to bed, Jess and I naturally in ours, the sisters share the guestroom but only ten minutes later Nia came in, got in with Jess, kissing her and giggling, Jess told me that Ejo was lonely and to go and sleep in there for tonight, I'll see you in the morning, Twice during the night I heard either Jess or Nia have an orgasm, and I managed to give Ejo one using her dildo before I had mine fucking her pussy then cleaning up my mess, then in the morning I cum again, in her mouth and I tongue-fucked her pussy, while laid back her thicker legs wide apart I notice she has a bit of stubble there like me.

Thursday, after work, Jess messaged me, saying to meet them at the supermarket in N*****, a nearby town, where there are boxed red and white wines on special offer.

When I met up, they had 5 white and 1 red, plus vodka and gin, and then the two girls went off to look at DVDs. Jess took me to show me a dress and a couple of tops on the reduced rail in clothing, asking my thoughts on the tops for her, picking up a pack of three pairs of hold-ups also reduced, and last of all, she said,

"I know you have said maybe, and I'm not pushing you, but I wondered what you thought of this for Petrina. You know Ejo wants to meet her in the flesh, well, I'm thinking maybe, one more time for Ejo's birthday on Sunday."

The dress is a short, grey blazer dress that has two hidden buttons on one side and then a single button to fasten the front. It's okay, but the reduced label states there is a button missing and a mark on the lapel, but at six quid, a bargain, I said so, but then foolishly went over to Nia, leaving Jess alone with the trolley. We caught up with Jess, looking at the meat counter.

Yes, of course, back at home and unpacking the shopping, steaks, some salad items, frozen chips and stuff, three DVDs, and clothes, including that dress, which Ejo worked on to try removing the mark on the lapel.

Friday, because I'd finished earlier than usual, I messaged Jess and arranged to meet her for a quick half-hour doing lengths in the pool. She was in the carpark at the sports hall when I arrived and said,

"You remember the lad BT I told you about? He got detention for inappropriate remarks at school, and he'd flashed me here last week. Well, he's here again and just gone in, so you don't know me; he doesn't know you from Adam, so let's see if he does it again, right? Then we went in.

In the communal changing room, left are nine rows of cubicles back to back, with a row of lockers between each 2nd row, as well as the two entrances to the pool's shallow end. On the right are a couple of cubicle showers and a row of six open showers, like at school, and to the toilets. Jess and I both swam lengths, but naturally, Jess nearly doubled my amount. As I came to the end of my last one, Jess was the youth she had pointed out as BT. She was leaning back and arms outstretched listening as he spoke to her. He seemed to be grinning and looking straight at her. As I stopped and stood up, brushing the water from my face, the only part of the conversation I heard was Jess saying to him,

"Not in here; it's not allowed, costumes only; anyway, I have to go."

At that, she turned and pushed herself up and out of the water, her costume raised to show a fair amount of bare bum, which Jess quickly adjusted on her way to change. Both BT and I looked at her and then followed her out.

Jess had opened a locker to retrieve her towel and clothes, then headed to a cubicle, placed her gym bag on the bench seat in there, got her shampoo bottle, and went to the shower.

BT meanwhile, having hung back to see which cubicle Jess was using, quickly moved his belongings into the one right opposite hers, I took the next one to him, by now Jess was in a shower cubicle and pressing the button to turn the water, turned, smiled, and shut the door, as I removed my swimming shorts and wrapping my towel around my waist, I'd still not heard BT's cubicle door shut, I decided to take a peek see if he had shut it, on the pretext of wringing out my wet shorts over the drain grill running between each row, his door hung half open, his back to me, drying his now naked body with one foot up on the bench, he was surprisingly well built for someone his age, knowing he is in the sixth form, and hopes to go to Uni in September, yes he has the look of rugby player already.

Both of us noticed at the same time that Jess's shower cubicle door had swung wide open, and she stood there, covered in way too much shampoo and white suds everywhere, and with her head down, she seemed oblivious to the door opening, and that the youth from school and I were both enjoying the view. When Jess had rinsed her hair and face off and saw us watching her, she only smiled at me, shrugged as though to say, Ah well, you've seen me now, and carried on rinsing off, pulling the front of her cossie away from her skin, allowing the suds to wash down inside, then using her fingers by her crotch to ease it away very slightly. The soapy water washed down her legs. I peeked around at BT again; he had a towel around him, but it was evident he had a hard-on.

Jess returned to her cubicle, smiling in our direction. BT looked at him, closing the door. We saw her wet costume drop to the floor, then a foot lift as she dried her leg. Suddenly, her door opened, and Jess, a towel wrapped around her, moved quickly to the shower she'd used and retrieved the shampoo she had left there. Returning, she saw that her panties that she'd left on top of her gym bag had fallen off onto the wet floor just inside the cubicle. She bent down to pick them up and had to grab the front of the towel as it threatened to come loose. Standing still with her back to us, she put the wet panties in the waterproof bag used for her damp costume and placed them in the gym bag. Still holding the towel at her boobs, she half-turned to shut the door again. I came out of the changing room area, passing both of them by the mirrors; he was combing his, and Jess was using a dryer to do hers beside him.

Back on the driveway at home, Jess had pulled in behind my Citroen. She got out smiling and said, "BT thinks you're a bit of a pervert, hanging around the changing room, and was sorry I didn't get to see his junk again, and the effect that I had on him, you being next door, stopped him Pete, but he asked if I'd enjoyed seeing it the other day; he'd like to go somewhere to show me again, and maybe see mine in return. When I started to tell him off and that I'm his teacher, he said sorry miss, but wished I'd go to school next week dressed as I am now. I pointed out that I often wear this dress at school, and he leaned in closer to me to say, Next Wednesday, miss, come just as you are now, and only I'll know you have no panties on in class, bloody cheeky bugger."

I asked her what was said when you answered something he had said,

"Not in here; it's not allowed."

"Oh, that. He told me he'd love to see me in a tight little bikini, that a Brazilian bikini would be even better, no top. I tell you Pete, he only gets away with his cheek 'cause he finished school in a couple of weeks, if I was to report him it could ruin his future."

"Horny little bugger ain't he; I was the same at his age, mmm, Miss Price, crushed on her till she married the bloody gym master."

"Ah, did you try it on with her then? Make her horny too."

"No, daren't back then, why, did BT get you all hot and bothered then?"

"You'll have to wait and see; let's go in, I'm famished and dinner will be ready."

Dinner was as well, with a spicy cottage pie, Ejo's recipe, and a fresh brownie to follow.

Around the table, it was decided we would go for a drink somewhere different for a change, maybe over the border into Wales. Later, all freshly shaved, showered, and dressed casually tidy, we set off, nowhere in mind really, and ended up in N****w***, a nice place out in the beer garden, by the canal there, but it proved to be too cool, so we moved on towards home, stopping for one more not far from home, the girls well oiled as they should be, me being the driver for the evening. Once back in, a box of white was opened, and I could enjoy a drink

At some point during the next couple of hours, all of us made out with the others, even the two sisters had a cracking make-out session, Nia suggested I take the last little blue pill and fuck all of them, seeing as she hadn't had an all-night session for like ages, and for the first time made mention of needing a serious fucking all night.

By midnight, we were all down to our panties except Ejo, who still had her bra on. Soon after, both Jess and I were down on our knees, pleasuring the other two. It became somewhat of a competition to beat the other in giving the first orgasm, and I won, giving Ejo the winner. Then, lifting her legs with Jess's help, I fucked her ass till I cum. Then it was said that the last pill would wait till tomorrow evening, so as not to waste it, we all ended up sleeping in the one big bed in our room and waking to find three still there, cuddled up in each other's arms. Ejo downstairs was doing breakfast, and I smelled it cooking.

Saturday morning, after a cooked breakfast and coffee, Jess and Nia went off for a run, I washed up, Ejo dried, and she's dressed in her PJs only. I'm in a pair of pale lilac boy shorts, soft, lacy, and have a snug fit. In these, I am 'tucked', giving me a similar mons pubis shape as Jess, with no unsightly bulges. As small as it is, it's neat, and I like it. Finished in the kitchen and taking coffee for us both upstairs, we both stripped off and showered, washing each other's hair and bodies. I turned my back, leaning against the wall with both hands as Ejo washed my back, bum, and legs, coming back up to my bum to insert a finger, giving me a partial prostate massage. OMG, guys, the sensations are extraordinary! It made me so damn hard.

Then she stopped and said, "Later, I promise."

Nia and Jess got back and came up to shower. They were giggling about something, Nia said,

"I just saw a couple of old friends of Jess in the park over there, Gee, I'm telling you, Pete, it took some nerve to do that."

Jess laughed with Nia, then told her to

"Go turn on the shower; I'll be in there in a minute."

Then she leans down to kiss me, saying,

"Hiya, you two been having fun? We walked back through the park and saw Les and Bert sitting there, in the same place. It's nice how Les takes such care of poor Bert. Anyway, I pointed them out to Nia and told her just what happened, and she thought it was a scream: Listen, better go join her in the shower, leave you to tell Ejo the story."

Jess went into the bathroom while Ejo and I headed off down to make a drink, I told her about the park saga, and Ejo said,

"Can we go and see if they're still there so I can see who she did what with, in my mind's eye?"

"Sure, why not? It's only over the road; drink up first and then dress."

We are both dressed in jogger's sweats and tops and walk over entering the park by the top gate, at the crossroads of the two paths surrounded by tall shrubbery, we turn right towards the broken fountain. Holding hands, we stopped, and I said,

"Oops, dead-end, then nodded hello to the two elderly men sitting on the bench there beside it."

One old guy sat leaning forward on a white cane; the other replied,

"Nice day for now; it'll rain later on, though."

Taking the path back and turning left, we slowly head back across the road to the house, Ejo talking about how risky it is to blow an old man there and strip naked as well. I pointed out that the shrubs were only shoulder height then, and they'd grown a fair bit since. Just as we walked up the drive, Ejo said,

"Jess sure likes the risky sex, especially if she's told to do it, yeah?

"Yep, that's my Jess, submissive exhibitionist extraordinaire, who gets carried away sometimes, but what can I do? I'm just in love with her."

Ejo said, "And submissive to her too!"

As we go in, the other two are talking in the kitchen. Jess, seeing me, said,

"Where do you two disappear to? Never mind, come and see this, Peter."

Taking me through into the utility room, she turned and said,

"What do you think about taking them both to Manchester tonight, not stopping over? I'm thinking I drive there and you drive back. Be a night out for Ejo's birthday tomorrow, and Nia needs to get laid. They've both been cooped up in here for six weeks, seeing nobody but us. What do you say, love?"

"You want to go nightclubbing again; you want to 'get laid' as you put it, Jess, yeah, missing the big dicks, 'eh?"

"No Pete, this time it is for the girls; Ejo doesn't mind; she only wants to meet Petrine, but Nia, she is getting a bit desperate for some good hard sex, even if it's not a gangbang, and Pete, I swear, I promise I will not fuck anyone, no one but you this weekend; I promise okay, so can we go.?"

"Right, you're driving there, okay?"

Later, they're all upstairs, trying things on. I'm sitting downstairs, writing this journal up, and thinking, Why, why couldn't I just this once say NO! to her..