Save the Clinic! Episode 13

"Save the Clinic" is a long-winding erotic soap-opera pinning virtuous characters promoting interracial harmony against institutional white racism ingrained in businesses, society, and even in marriages. With the help of The Black Power Movement, black supremacy is beginning to turn the tide in the war against bigotry. Saving an abortion clinic is important to black utopia. In our last episode, Nancy is reintroduced to black men and Piper awakens to a new day. This episode starts on a late Tuesday afternoon where Cassandra is trying to meet Chairman Kalu and Piper gives a speech renouncing her white privilege.

But we had an agreement!”
said Cassandra much too loud. Dressed in expensive, professional-looking attire down to the pinstripe slacks, sport coat, and white shirt, her heels were modest two inches. In other words, Cassandra looked the absolute bore.

“Nobody cares what you want, white girl. Mr. Kalu doesn't think you're worthy to meet him now. We'll let you know when you are.” said Aggie.

Cassandra would do better if she had argued with a wall, “I've been back and forth with your … organization … about a meeting time and place. I was assured ...” she groaned.

Aggie put her hand up, “Don't you dare raise your voice to me, you racist! You white people are rude, obnoxious, and bigots.”

Cassandra went defensive and whispered, “I'm not a bigot. I represent my client ...” However, Aggie cut her off “We know all about your client and their plans to evict our people from affordable housing. Your race is so fucking fucked up!” Aggie was becoming overwhelmed at the display of intolerance that she started to cry. There was no reprieve from white racism, not even inside The Black Power Movement.

“I'm sorry ...” said Cassandra, “I just want to meet Mr. Kalu's terms to put this divisive issue behind us.” Aggie cleaned her eyes with a tissue and told her in a broken voice, “Come back in an hour for instructions … come back in an ...” Aggie stopped speaking and put her nose into a ball of tissue. Cassandra nodded, turned around and walked out for her car.

For nearly an hour,
Cassandra sat in her car in far corner of lot at The Black Power Movement headquarters. She was feeling tired and bored. She rested her hands on the top of the steering wheel and rested her head on top of her hands. She felt the obnoxiously large diamond pressing against her cheekbone. It was almost insulting to have something so expensive in the possession of woman who was fighting for racism. Cassandra never gave one thought that it was a hard working, oppressed black man … an African … who had dug that stone out of the Earth. The brilliant rock belonged to the black people and its women. Cassandra only had possession of it due to the diamond trade known for its illicit business and racial practices.

In the small world of the BPM, there was hope. And hope came in a form of an old, re-purposed school bus. Painted white, the side of the bus was written “JUSTICE BUS”. As it pulled in, a small crowd of BPM followers cheered and applauded. This, of course, caught Cassandra's attention. The bus came to stop near the front of the building before the door unfolded open. Racing up were white people. Couples, single women, and a couple late-aged teen girls carrying signs, “Welcome Migrants”

Cassandra was curious. She had heard about the Africans coming to Black Pine but she never met one up close. Her busy schedule … her busy racism … denied her the many opportunities to integrate with the migrants into her city. One by one, the African men stepped off. They were tall, beautifully dark-skinned, and handsome. They were in the prime of their lives, ready to take, ready to mate, ready to father new members into their tribes. The blonde attorney was fascinated how the white crowd was greeting them like rock stars.

A white woman stepped away from her husband to give a migrant a hug. The African surprised her and her meek spouse with a kiss on the lips. The wife obviously enjoyed and was very receptive to him. The husband's feet froze to the asphalt as he stood helpless. When the couple lips parted they laughed. But the African didn't smile for too long before he nudged the white girl to press her chest against the bus. He started to rub his hands on her shoulders, back, and hips while pressing his loins against her ass. The wife kept still and obedient and stood on her toes so she could arch her back. The husband protested. It was likely a natural reflex of his bigotry. But his wife put her arm out to him and said “everything was alright.”

The African's hands groped the white girl's breasts. Nothing was said. There was nothing to say. The couple kissed again and Cassandra shook her head at the hypnotizing mating ritual. A small crowd had kept their circle watching the drama play out. When they saw the wife's top and bra come off, they cheered “Africa!” Cassandra's jaw dropped when she saw the wife throw her bra at him as she paraded topless, leading the African back into the bus. The small crowd cheered more and shook their white fists into the air. Cassandra saw the other migrants disappear into the front passenger seats of luxury automobiles where they would be given a place to sleep for the night … or the week.

Cassandra was anxious to meet Akin Kalu. The hour of waiting was nearly over and she felt confident she could represent the PORG effectively. But her phone “pinged” and she got a text message from Aggie. She was instructed to go to one of the meeting rooms at the Black Paradise Hotel in the Civic Zone. Knowing the meeting was back on, Cassandra felt empowered and overly confident.

It was a “progressive love story”.
Veronica was on her back looking up into her lover's eyes in a room at the Black Owned Motel. She had met him in the video booths of Black Fantasies Video Shoppe in the red light district. In the late afternoon,Veronica was starving to “suck cock”. Black Fantasies offered what she needed and went there to feed her hunger for cum. Her breasts were coated with spit and semen when she met the handsome businessman who stepped into the nearby booth. He had a deep, booming voice and used it flirting with her when his needful dick was in her mouth. One thing led to another. One sexual-witty one-liners was followed with another and soon later the couple decided it was best to regroup at the motel.
Jefferson, was traveling between one city and another. On his way to Inner City, he made a detour to Black Pine for sexual relief. Jefferson felt deserving of a white girl to provide her body to him without strings or bullshit. Submit, please, and surrender is what he expected out of her. Veronica was naturally drawn to him. The attraction may have been physical or racial but he was of similar age as she. Veronica was very comfortable with him.

Jefferson moved his loins, thrusting them back and forth, pushing his cock into Veronica. He growled, “This is for the black man! I wanna fuck your race up!” Veronica arched her back and let out a moan as she felt every inch pump inside her womb. She was serving Jefferson's race faithfully and rewarded with a cock-hard orgasm. Veronica moaned again very loud pleasing her black lover. Jefferson' put his nose into her neck and said, “I got me some white pussy!”

Veronica responded by telling him, “You deserve it.” She smiled feeling the soothing weight on top of her. Veronica turned her head feeling how good it was being needed and used. His fat cock snaked its way deep inside her. Jefferson groaned again feeling the power flowing through him with a submissive white girl below. He felt his heavy balls grow hot. “This is how we fight the racist white man!” Veronica moaned again and looked into his eyes, “I'm not … a racist!” she pleaded. “Fuck me! Make me prove it!” she added.

The black man picked up his pace and began grunting, “... ugh … ugh … ugh!” Words were unimportant only release and he pushed his angry organ inside Veronica's cunt. Her pussy was a hot, wet mess put to its rightful use as a man's fuck hole to satisfy his sexual needs inside. Jefferson recalled the bigotry he had to endure in his head before being an up and coming business man. But the successes in the “white world” kept him from a stable home and always traveling between cities. He needed pussy. Every day. Every night. Need.

“I feel black victory cumming!” he screamed.

Veronica immediately answered with a wail and told him, “I want black victory! I want black power!” She wrapped her arms around Jefferson and pulled him close as he began bucking and started flooding her pussy with pent up, frustrated semen finally experiencing release. The couple grunted and cursed in unison. In that one, beautiful moment there was no white culture. Its racism and bigotry was defeated and forgotten. A black man expressed his sexual power to completion spilling his seed into a white womb. This was a racial victory the room and society craved for.

As Jefferson rolled off to catch his breath, Veronica caught hers and told him, “I just love black dick.” She rubbed her sore pussy and scooped up some of the sticky, white gel Jefferson left for her and put it into her mouth.

“You're a true black cock freak.” Jefferson complimented her.

Veronica giggled, “This is your city now. I'm only a slut for black men to use.”

Jefferson nodded acknowledging the reputation Black Pine was earning. “This city is a black paradise.” he added. “It is ...” Veronica said before grabbing her phone, “... and there's more work to do. That's why I'm hooking my friends up with black men.”

It was the tallest building in Black Pine's Civic Zone.
Formally known as “White Pine Paradise Hotel”, it was properly renamed “Black Paradise” after the inauguration of Mayor Jordyn Sweet, the city's first black mayor. During the days when bigotry and intolerance was common place, the hotel was a popular with rich, white people to live decadent and racially insensitive lifestyles. It represented money that was made on the backs of hard-working, oppressed minorities. However, since the change in name and the changes in the city culture, the clientele were more enlightened and open-minded. Money still flowed into the city's most prestigious hotel but it was black money. A new generation of wealth frequented the lounge and took rooms in one of its many stories. The penthouse was reserved for the next two years to exclusive and powerful members of the black community including athletes and activists alike.

Its meeting rooms were reserved for racial justice advocacy groups. No more would the hotel accept requests from businesses that didn't promote, advance, and support justice for the black race. Black power over profits was their motto.

In one such meeting room, came the “mighty”, white-girl and attorney, Cassandra. She was still thinking she could save the PORG, their civic reputation, and the project. Cassandra stepped into one of the smaller rooms in the back of the hotel near the fire exit. It didn't seem a place to hold an important discussion with the Chairman of The Black Power Movement. But there was a sign board reading, “BPM - Breeding a better future” Cassandra looked inside and there were a small gathering of women, all white women. There was a conference table, several folding chairs, even a buffet stand with fresh fruit and juice. The women were dressed like they were going to on a date to a dance club late night. Every white-girl was in heels wearing either a mini-skirt or tight short pants. They were in their best make up and perfect hair.

Leading the room was Amanda. The 26 year-old woman in dark blonde hair was dressed in a crop-top and tight, black pants that barely covered any thigh. Even Cassandra couldn't resist looking at Amanda's nice ass. Cassandra stepped in as Amanda was finishing her speech to the ladies.

“Remember, married white women want black babies too. We have to do everything to educate and encourage them. There is no better purpose than to breed out racism!” said Amanda.

“Fuck white racism!” cried out a dark-haired supporter.

“White wombs for a black future!” said a red head.

When Amanda noticed Cassandra stepped inside, she rushed to the blonde and smiled, “May I help you? Are you looking to breed a black baby?

Cassandra blushed, “Um … no. Actually, I was sent here to meet a gentleman ...”

Amanda replied, “Let me guess, a black man? A handsome, black man?”

Cassandra had to nod and confess to Amanda, “In fact, yes. He's black.” Amanda interjected, “I bet you two would be so good together! Amanda stepped near and put her palm on Cassandra's belly. In a tender way, reminding Cassandra she was overdressed. Amanda whispered, “Are you sure you don't want his baby? We really could use your womb to end racism.”

Images of black cock penetrating Cassandra, the erotic foreplay that would happen, flashed in her head. She shook them off like trying to shake off a sudden buzz of heroin or coke. “No, no! It's not like that at all. I'm here to meet Mr. Akin Kalu.”

Just merely mentioning the Chairman's name, even in whisper, put the room to dead silence. Other ladies took sudden breaths anticipating a visit from the vaulted, cherished, and beloved leader of the Movement. Amanda gasped, “Akin Kalu? Here? Oh, my gawd white-girl … no!”

Cassandra looked surprised but felt sudden disappointment. Had she been given the runaround again? Amanda went on, “If Mr. Kalu was coming here do you think we would be dressed … like this? Fuck, no! This is way too … uptight and conservative. A man like Mr. Kalu deserves more from us white girls!” Cassandra took a deep breath, she needed the energy to get past this “set back”. However, Amanda made it worse by saying further, “We need to be ready to drop to our knees and worship the black man! He wouldn't give you the time of day dressed … dressed like 'that'!”

All defensive, Cassandra looked unsure and asked, “What's wrong with the way I'm dressed?” Amanda huffed, “ It's disrespectful to African culture. Mr. Kalu demands respect of his traditions and his people. African women are very appreciative of masculinity and black power. Besides, it makes you look stuck up, conceded, and unapproachable for black men to come up to you and discuss sex.”

Cassandra felt small but interesting relieved she didn't embarrass herself meeting Mr. Kalu. However, in her small mindedness the smart-ass lawyer lady felt compelled to say, “I didn't come here to have sex.”

Amanda sneered, “Why not, are you racist?”

Just outside the Black Pine city limits,
off a highway leading into Inner City, was the Crooked Branch Retirement Center. It was a senior home for retired laborers, all men and all black. A resident had to reach the age of 55 before they qualified for a bed in Crooked Branch. However, by then they had a body 10 or 20 years older due to the life of hard, backbreaking work. It once had the antiquated and disrespectful name of “Colored Branch” as late as the 80's but thankfully, forward-thinking minds prevailed. State grants kept the home in operation and always funded when liberal politicians had their say. Rather than representing segregation, the home was a symbol of black exclusivity. Funding the home was an entitlement and payment after years of tolling work and enduring oppression for a meager paycheck.

Piper pulled into the visitor's parking spot and looked at the text message Veronica had sent her. She double checked with her map on the phone to double check she was at the right place. Veronica's instructions to her were simple; meet the assistant manager, make a speech renouncing white privilege, dress appropriately. Piper looked at herself, she was dressed very provocatively. But that was expected from a sexually confident young woman. Wearing black, leather mini-skirt at least her top covered most of her upper half but her belly button. She took off her glasses and made sure her hair was perfect. Piper let out a deep breath sounding almost very disappointed and frustrated. She had hoped Veronica would set her up with an important black member of the community, maybe another rapper, athlete, even a convicted felon. She realized her boss was really putting her to work by reaching out to the black community to discuss race and tolerance. After all, she was representing her generation, her gender, her race.

Without her glasses, Piper clumsily stepped out of her car and looked at her reflection in the driver's side window. She hoped the staff inside and their retirees wouldn't mind her outfit. Piper figured the residents would be “stuck in their ways” and maybe not appreciate a young, white girl taunting them with her body. “I wish I had brought a coat!” she cursed herself.

In her cute little booties, she walked through the front, double doors past a resident in his wheelchair. “Lordie, lordie, lordie!” he mumbled to himself. Piper stepped inside the rather bleak and sterile lobby where a large counter awaited her. It reminded her more of a hospital than a retirement community. Black and white pictures of MLK, Malcolm X, and RFK were posted on the walls. The lobby's blend of off-white and yellow lighting made it appear it had changed since the late 60's. Even a calendar on the wall was over 10 years old. It's paper was yellowing and peeling.

A black woman, in her mid-thirties with her hair in the bun looked up and smiled at Piper. Dressed in loose-fitting blue medical-style pajamas, she looked just as sterile, just as unspectacular as the rest of the lobby. The woman called out to Piper, “Why, don't you look fantastic today! How may I help you young lady?” she asked.

Sounding meek and uncertain, Piper replied “Um, I'm Piper … I'm here part of a community outreach program my company set up. I'm supposed to meet the assistant manager ...” The woman in the blue Pjs answered, “That would be me. Hi! I'm Shanice.”

Shanice was all smiles and even further complimented Piper as she escorted her to a far wing of the building. With clipboard in hand, she told Piper “You're going to bring so much joy just by visiting and saying a few words to some of our residents.” Piper blushed, “I'm not really sure what I'm supposed to do other than talk about my 'white privilege'”. As the two continued down the quiet hall underneath the flickering florescent lighting, Shanice comforted Piper, “What you say doesn't matter. Just being here gives them hope in the future for the black community. After all, this is a retirement home for 'black' men, right?”

Shanice stopped in front of a thick wooden door. She smiled at Piper waiting for her reply. Piper took a deep breath and simply conceded, “Right.” Shanice's smile disappeared

as she gave Piper a little wisdom about life in a retirement home, “The men here are kept alive but its up to us to make them feel alive. Understand?” Piper nodded her head and Shanice's bright smile returned. Shanice knocked on the door two times before pushing it open letting her and Piper inside.

The meeting room was surprisingly small. It was a corner room with one, lone window. It had two old, plaid couches pushed against the far wall. Included, was a console television, one of those with a picture tube inside a wooden frame. It was long abandoned, unplugged, and doing little more than hold up a couple potted plants and an African fertility idol. There were four retirees waiting patiently in their seats for Piper in clothes celebrating the 1970's.

The youngest retiree in the room was Spunky Saul. He was in his late 50's with spiky salt and pepper hair. His head looked over-sized on his wiry build. Spunky had bushy eyebrows over his large eyes that defined his over-zealous personality only subdued by his advancing age.

Sitting next to Spunky was Leadpipe Sr. Leadpipe was 65 and a retired plumber who had spent the last years of his working life in Inner City. He had a face as round as his belly. His short gray hair was little more than a stubble like what he had on his face. Leadpipe had stubby short fingers and his cheeks were plump giving him a permanent smile.

On the other couch was Roscoe. He was a skinny, bald man of 60 years old. Roscoe was still physically fit and mentally sharp who once lived a busy life in Inner City before retreating to the Broken Branch. Still very active, he had lost a step or two when in his youth he was enjoying pussy twice or more a day.

Finally, there is Railroad Joe. The eldest in the room, Railroad was over 70 years old. In his youth, he was a strong, brute of a man. But age, a history working in inclement weather, and living through decades of oppression broke his body. He valued every moment he could breathe without feeling pain. Railroad earned much respect in the retirement home because of his age, size, and his strength to move around without aid of a wheelchair or cane.

When the men laid their eyes on Piper, they focused and licked their lips. They felt “something” in their loins they haven't felt in a long while. Shanice escorted Piper to the center of the room while closing the door behind her. Piper didn't notice the 'clicking' sound behind her when Shanice locked the door.

“Gentlemen, this is Piper. She's from Black Pine and is here to … say a few words about how she fights 'white' racism. Isn't that right, Piper?”

“Um, yes. Um, hi!” said Piper as she waved to the old men. “Tell us something about yourself, sweetie.” asked one of the kind retirees. Piper cleared her throat and began making up dry, boilerplate SJW nonsense about living up to her generation's responsibilities and owning up to her white privilege but swore to give it up for racial harmony, tolerance, and justice. But the group of four, seasoned black men grew quickly bored with her speech.

“Do you support black power!” Roscoe called out. Shanice grinned and nodded making notes with her clipboard.

Piper nodded and said emphatically, “Oh, yeah. I'm woke as hell! I don't want rights, I want racial justice for the black man.”

“How badly?” asked Shanice. Another retiree asked, “Yes, white girl. How bad?”

Piper felt intimidated. Her good looks and a smile wasn't going to get out of this awkwardness. But she had confidence in herself and answered, “Pretty, fuckin' bad!”

The room went into laughter. Shanice showed approval. Maybe, the effort in community outreach was a success after all. Piper felt great. A naive, young affluent white girl strolled right in and talked the talk and walked the walk, as they say, with four men who had seen more hardship than Piper or any from her ****** would ever experience. As the laughter died down, Shanice wanted to say something. Piper expected it would be final words before a 'goodbye' and leaving the men to their 'retired' life with AM-radio and boiled meat and vegetables for dinner.

“Very good, Piper.” said Shanice, “You've made them feel good, real good. But now it's time to make them feel like men. With a gesture of … racial justice?”

Piper stood looking at Shanice with a confused, bewildered look on her face. “Sure. What can I do?” she asked. Shanice smiled, “Take off your clothes. Let them see your beautiful, naked white body!” The room of men nodded and mumbled, “... yeah … yeah ...”

Piper let out a gasp, “You're kidding, right?” But she saw Shanice's bright smile turn into a frown. The assistant manager shook her head, “No. These kind men didn't come here for a speech. They were promised a naked white girl. You talk about renouncing white privilege … those clothes give it to you. Or … were you bullshitting us about wanting 'black power'?

Immediately, Piper answered “No, I wasn't bullshitting anyone. I promise!”

“Then get out of those fuckin' clothes! These black men have a right to see you naked.” said Shanice. The older, most elder retiree in his crackling voice spoke out, “We have rights!” Piper nodded her head and began unbuttoning her top. She flashed her bra as she put out her shoulders. Piper unzipped her black leather mini-skirt. The very sound of its undoing filled the room with erotic anticipation. The young, naive pale-skinned girl stood in only her bra, panties and booties. She turned away to find the needed courage to unclasp her black bra. When her breasts were ******* the room “Ooohed” and “Aaahed”. Piper kicked off her booties and twirled like a stripper ballerina. ******** her tight body to a room full of old men made her feel dirty yet confident. The men reached for their loins, rubbing their crotches through their slacks. They were aroused, bewildered, and the tease made the old men confused and frustrated. With her back to the men, Piper bent over and pulled down her g-string. She gave the elderly a good look at her shaven snatch. She even turned her ass to Shanice to show the black woman she was serious about the rights of black men.

Piper's g-string fell to the floor and she turned on her heels again to give the room a good look at a pretty, vulnerable white girl. Shanice covered her mouth shaking her head in disbelief. “Look at that pussy! Shaven clean like a whore. I can't mother-fucking believe it. We have a white whore in our sacred institution.” said Shanice.

“Nice! Nice!” replied Roscoe. He joined his fellow retirees by pulling out his old, fat dick and stroked it. Piper managed to put herself into another world and didn't hear the pants and struggled breathing by the retirees that should be seeing medical attention. She just stared into the ceiling like a white girl oblivious the effect her body was having on others. Piper just rubbed her hands over her body, squeezing her breasts, caressing her ass. She bent over again, parting her knees to let everyone see her pink pussy spread open by her fingers.

“... fuckin' slut … fucking slut!” Leadpipe cried out who couldn't decide if he was offended or uncontrollably aroused. Piper spun again, shut her eyes and put a finger in her mouth. This was new for her. She was expressing her sexuality, her femininity, her open desire for sex. Yet, she found power in her cock tease. Her body could make her feel new things and have new things. When she opened her eyes, she noticed the four retirees were on their feet and their pants dropped to the their ankles. They started shuffling their old, tired feet towards her, circling her. Piper gasped and instinctively covered her breasts as if the show of modesty would change anything.

“Piper, dear? Do you fuck black men?” asked Shanice as the men were very close to Piper. Their old, wrinkly fingers reached out just inches from touching her white flesh. Startled, confused, and a bit frightened Piper, blurted her answer, “Yes … I fuck black guys.” That was all Shanice needed to hear and nodded to the men to go on advancing on their prize.

Piper felt the dry hands grope her breasts, ass, and a hand went across her pussy. She tried to back up but she bumped into Railroad Joe. She put her right hand behind her and felt Spunky's stiff cock pulled out from his pants. She let out a high pitched whine when lips started mouthing her nipples. Kisses landed across her neck. Her clit was being rubbed. A hand smacked across her ass before it took a nice, hard grab. She opened her mouth and let out a groan but Roscoe planted his lips onto hers and they kissed. Their tongues massaged the other. While she felt like resisting at first, she quickly returned the kiss as heated and passionately as with any lover in her life. Her other nipple was teethed and she felt someone kiss her ass cheek. Hard dick rubbed against her hips and thighs. If there was a bare patch of white skin in reach, a black cock was there to rub against it. Piper shifted her head and continued kissing when she moaned, “... yes … yes ...” showing her pleasure and consent into being shared between the four.

“Renounce your race, white girl … and drop to your knees!” said Shanice.

With a finger in Piper's ass, her eyes popped and her mouth dropped. Both of her breasts were being groped and squeezed hard. Someone was pinching her clit and it made her feel raw like a wild, caged animal. One of the old men, Railroad Joe spat on her face. He longed dream of doing that and knew this may be his last opportunity. Leadpipe, seeing the importance of such a display of racial dominance, followed. Piper opened her mouth to the 70 year old plus man, wanting another spit. She got it and understood it wasn't an act of hate but of racial understanding. She was white and her place was to submit, surrender, and to be fucked. Without her holes, she was nothing. Regardless of their age difference, her body belonged to them. Her holes will be filled with black cock. This is the duty of a white girl.

“I renounce my race and white privilege!” said Piper before she buckled her knees and put them to the floor. Black cock bounced across her face, her ears, and the back of her head. Using her hands, she reached out for two of them. Who's? She didn't look. Nor did it matter. She just stroked them making them harder and more demanding. The black organs were coming closer, a black hand on each were guiding them to their target like missiles. Piper found amusement that only a couple days ago she was a “good, white girl” who had a “nice” boyfriend who occasionally had safe sex with. Now, she was a dirty, bad slut having sex with many strange black men with no condoms! No, she wasn't going to get out of this and she didn't want to. Piper was determined to show them she was a race traitor. Her mouth opened and took in the first black cock in front of her. It felt so dirty and nasty. That's who she was and she had to prove it to these four black men. Feeling the bodies of four men surrounding her, she moved her head and hands from one dick to another. That's what they were to her, “bodies” supplying cock. The rituals of getting gang-fucked was something she was quickly getting into. It was much preferable than the fidgeting and unsure awkwardness she experienced with useless Timmy.

The men felt vitalized as they felt the physical pleasures of having their cocks receiving attention. They felt vindicated, avenged by putting a white girl through a black gang bang. Each cursed at themselves, at Piper, or at the white race in general. “I've waited too long for this … serve the black man!” cried out Spunky. Piper looked up to see who had said it so she could suck his cock. She said out loud, “Black power!” and put Spunky's dick into her mouth and started gagging on it. The other three cocks started smacking her head. The cheer for black power only made them more invigorated and more determined.

Shanice peeled off her blue pajamas and sat on the couch in her black lace panties and bra. She looked like she had just stepped out of a soft core photo shoot. Licking her fingers, she then put them to her pussy and enjoyed the show of racial domination. The retirees had lived through so much. They needed this. They deserved this.

Piper bobbed her head like a mad girl. Spit ran down her chin and she did everything she could to please all four with only a mouth and two hands. The fourth dick left out always was smacking her with it. The men collectively went back to plopping her face with cocks. Piper giggled and welcomed it. She playfully stuck her tongue out and said “Aaaaahhhh!” Balls ran across her face and one of them asked her, “I bet you hate your race now, huh?” Piper laughed, “I'm beginning to!” She started sucking cock again showing no modesty in herself.

“Lookie at that whore! Little, white whore!” cheered an old man.

“You like getting old, black dick, missy?” asked another.

Piper answered, “I looovvvve the black dick!” She grabbed a cock in each hand and slapped her face silly with them. She was punishing herself for the racism her skin color was responsible for. But it wasn't enough and started lapping at the old, swollen balls smelling the musky odor old men have, especially when made sexually excited.

The men started fucking her hair, her ear, if they weren't yet chosen to push their organ between Piper's lips. However peculiar, it was an erotic sight of five naked, fleshy bodies with four of them making a tight circle around the crouched fifth, thrusting their hips into the center. Shanice was enjoying rubbing her clit and squeezed her plump, round breast. “Fuck that cracker!” she cried out. The normally gentle, merciful woman cried out for racial payback. Roscoe, playfully, grabbed Piper by her dark hair and lifted her off her knees. A slap across her ass and she obediently shuffled towards the other couch. Piper giggled like a little school girl liking the attention her body was giving her. Another old hand made slap across her ass and it brought so much satisfaction to them.

Piper fell backwards on the couch. Railroad St., stroked his cock like a teen and was about in tears in this gratifying display of white atonement. “Your grand-pappy was a racist, and his pappy before him. So, we're going to fuck you!” Piper simply smiled and said, “Okay.” Spunky jumped to his knees on the cushions and shook his dick at Piper's face. She grabbed it and stroked before spitting on the cock-head. Piper parted her knees, signaling she was ready for someone to enter her precious, white pussy and fill her with old, black cock.

Railroad the Elder began huffing. His heart raced and he struggled to take in all the oxygen he needed. His throat made a gurgling sound that ordinarily would disturb the staff. Shanice was too busy with two fingers in her twat. Railroad took his turn first. He saw Piper's pink cunt and its beautiful bright colored clit. It was too long since he seen one so close. He struggled to get on his knees and pushed Piper's knees apart. The old man was hungry for a taste. He wanted to eat. He needed to eat pussy!

The elder let out a deep groan before his lips and tongue landed on Piper's femininity. His tongue pushed in between her pussy lips and into her little tight hole. He started licking, eating, tasting as if it would be the last pussy in his life. Piper arched her back realizing an old man was feasting on her cunt. She quickly returned to her senses when the cock in her hand made its way into her mouth. With couple confident thrusts of hip, she was pacified and complaint. Piper was in her “happy place” for the moment. With a hot, hungry tongue in her sweetness she had a cock in her mouth and another in her hand. She turned her head and took the other cock needing oral attention. The youngest retiree showed teamwork and let Leadpipe take his place so he would have a chance at her mouth. Spit, pre-cum, and some sweat covered Piper's mouth, smearing her makeup. The vamp shamelessly used her mouth to smack and lick, making pornographic noises.

Railroad's right middle finger disappeared into Piper's asshole. It felt tight, warm and snug. He pushed it as far as his finger was long while using his thumb to rub her clit. Piper let out a gasp, unable to decide to whether whine or moan. The finger in her ass moved in and out a couple times making her whine more feeling very vulnerable, very susceptible to sexual suggestion. Piper felt controlled like a puppet.

Railroad Joe admired the glorious sight. His finger felt good inside Piper's ass. “Gawd-damn! Bless the almighty black man! A white girl gives it up to our race!” The room cheered as everyone should. The near 70-year old, geriatric bull felt it was time and more than deserving. He pushed himself up hoping his knees and his elbows didn't buckle and grabbed his cock by its base when its very tip felt like it wanted to explode. He rubbed his cock against her wet, pussy and felt that nice slick feeling and … lunged in.

“Mmrraaaph! Ugh!” uttered Piper. The fat cock pushed inside, making its way deeper. Old man and young woman united as one. She couldn't resist looking down to see. Her dreams since adolescence were filled having wonderful love-making with a handsome white gentleman the same age as she. Piper imagined the sex would be sweet, soft, and romantic, with little words exchanged. She would do certain “things” to please him but not too much. After all, she had self-respect. But much had changed in the past 24 hours. Piper became aware … woke … of black power. Black men were having sex with white women not just because they wanted or needed to, but because they were entitled. Young men, old men … it didn't matter when they were black. Piper's duty was to spread her legs and open her body. When she felt the strange cock fill her womb, she accepted her place as a hole, a receiving end to their frustrations. She willingly gave up her privilege and comfort to experience the racism and oppression the men had endured by getting fucked. Racial harmony demanded giving sexual pleasures to the black man.

As the slow thrusts followed, Piper resumed licking balls and sucking cocks. She welcomed the full, plunging feeling between her legs as well as the flavor of dick in her mouth. Shanice was still watching and cheering “Fuck that cracker!”

Railroad gave as many throws into her womb as he could before his knees gave. He propped himself up and Roscoe hurried to take his place. Roscoe's snake was 10 plus inches long with a fat cock-head and spread Piper's blossoming pussy lips apart and he pushed his way. Piper groaned and crossed her eyes. She put her right palm flat on Roscoe's chest but at that time he had already began steady rhythmic thrusts and Piper responded by wanting more. Her legs were lifted and Roscoe began kissing her right toes while chanting “Shit, yea … fuck, yea … shit, yea ...”

Piper began panting, “Fuck .. oh … fuck ...” But one of the retirees reminded her, “Don't be talkin' … suck those dicks ...” Piper worked to put a cock back into her mouth while Roscoe was filling her with his hard organ. “Feels so right … so right ...” he whispered in euphoric bliss.

With a tap on Roscoe's shoulder, he understood he had to give up his turn. Piper was pulled over on her knees and she straddled the rotund, well-fed belly of Leadpipe. She gasped and felt worn with spit dribbling down her chin. But Leadpipe did most of the work grabbing his dick and making sure it found that spot spread open thanks to the two before him. Leadpipe let out long, hot breath re-living that feeling of manhood pushing into a warm flesh-hole. Piper twerked her hips and shut eyes grunting like a dirty cowgirl. “Mmmm … fuck me!”

Roscoe hopped on the couch and turned Piper's head to put his cock into her mouth. She was more than willing to part her lips and have him fuck her face. Leadpipe squeezed Piper's little breasts. They were tight, cute and deserved his hard-working hands gripping them.

Railroad stood a few steps away waiting for his legs to recover. He stroked his cock making sure he would be ready for his next turn. He looked over to Shanice masturbating on the other couch. Railroad was tempted to walk over but Shanice notice him eyeing at her. Shanice waved her finger and gestured that the old man should be paying attention to the white girl.

That left the youngest resident in the room, Spunky, with little to do. He tried coaxing Piper's free hand to stroke him but she was too busy with two cocks penetrating her. Piper used her feet to give her leverage to lift herself before dropping into Leadpipe's lap. She did it again and again but was getting quickly exhausted and collapsed into Leadpipe's arm. Piper sniffled and raised her ass moving it left and right tempting the room. Tempting.

Spunky got on his feet and looked at Piper's tiny ass and her perfect, little asshole. He wanted that! He gripped his cock tightly by its base and used his over-sized free hand to spread Piper's ass cheek. Spunky stepped up and aimed for that pink, puckered sphincter. When he felt his cock-head plop inside he got giddy and excited. With a mouth full of Roscoe's cock and her pussy filled with Leadpipe's organ, she let out a muffled moan. Spunky pushed forward another inch and two and felt his cock stiffen more in the excitement of getting a piece of white ass. Roscoe, while running his hand through Piper's hair, nodded to Spunky. Roscoe said to him, “Take it, brother! It's yours!” Roscoe and Spunky high-fived and clutched each other's hand in celebration and solidarity. For several more minutes, Piper was the center of black flesh pressing and pushing into her.

Leadpipe was the first to “pop”. The excitement was too much more him. If it wasn't feeling Piper's hot breath on him, it was the loud slurping sounds she made feeding on Roscoe's cock. He let out an incoherent moan sounding both pleasure and pain. Spunky was soon next spilling several dumps of seed into her ass. Spunky was proud of himself getting off in a white girl's ass.

Piper crawled off of Leadpipe after Spunky Saul pulled out. After Leadpipe got off and off the couch, Piper went to her knees and put her cheek to the cushion. Railroad Joe walked up having waited long enough for the “yung-ins” to finish. Looking awkward with his cock in his right hand, he scooted over, shuffling his feet one after the other to Piper's rear. Railroad pushed and plopped his cock into Piper's slick cunt and filled her with dick.

“Ugh … ugh .. ugh ...” he grunted giving her old-man thrusts. “Oh, fuck!” he chanted as his right hand went across Piper's ass. Piper just whined sheepishly. Railroad kept going with thrusts, sometimes steady, others a little shaky. But his friends encouraged him and cheered. “Fuck that white girl!” said Spunky. “For the black man!” said Roscoe. Piper whispered in reply, “Yes, for the black man.”

Looking almost distressed, Railroad felt the end of his turn. His balls was ready to release and started spitting globs of semen inside of her. The old bull did it! Railroad released inside the young woman's womb. “Fuck white girl … fuck!” he mumbled. Railroad stumbled backwards and Piper collapsed on her belly thinking she couldn't take more. But there was Roscoe.

Roscoe turned Piper over on her back and looked into her eyes as he climbed on top of her. The two exchanged looks. Piper looked exhausted but willing to continue giving her body to a great cause. Roscoe grunted and shook his hard cock on Piper's pussy. Her clean, shaven skin there felt so good and erotic. But her wet, sticky pussy hole felt better and he went in. The two locked eyes on each other as they could feel and hear his manhood push deep inside her and plunge in and out making swoosh-sloshing sounds through semen of two other men.

Piper put her hand on Roscoe's sweaty cheek and begged, “Fu .. fuck me.” Roscoe gave what the white girl begged for with a thrust and again. Piper took in a deep breath and told him again, “Yes … fuck me.”

“Tell me you want black dick!” Roscoe demanded out of Piper, his nose pressed against hers. Piper roared back, “I want black dick!” The confession made Roscoe head spin in lust and power. He slammed forward and groaned. “You're a slut.” he told her. Piper didn't see an “old man”on top of her. She saw a black man fucking her with a big cock her pussy needed. She teased back, “Yeah … I'm a slut! Whatcha going to do with me?”

Roscoe answered with another loud roar and a heavy dump of cum deep into Piper's unprotected womb. Roscoe dropped, dumped, and deposited his seed into her. Piper put her head back and laughed loving the feeling of more cum inside her before she came to a sudden stop and let out a moan overwhelmed by an orgasm. Roscoe put his nose into her ear and whispered something to her. Something that made her answer with a deliberate nod acknowledging what sort of woman she had begun.

The retirees silently gathered their clothes and dressed before filing out of the room. Piper laid on her side taking in as much air as she could as fast as she could. But Shanice who just finished pleasing herself didn't want the white girl to nap on the couch. Shanice got dressed back into her pajamas and knelt by the couch to tell Piper, “Get dressed white girl and get out. We'll let you know when we want you to volunteer again and I'll find more retirees to 'entertain'.” Piper answered with nod and jumped off the couch to get her clothes. Shanice saw the hot cum run down Piper's thighs and commented, “What a tramp!”

Cassandra took the phone call from Aggie.

“I apologize Miss Cassandra ...” said Aggie in an impish voice, “but Mr. Kalu requested to relocate the meeting. He suggests a new place more fitting to the settlement you will agree.” Cassandra just replied with “Sure, sure, just give me the address and the time of the appointment.” Aggie was very polite and gave the anxious attorney the address and the time very late in the evening.

“11 O'Clock, that's sort of late but I can deal with it.” said Cassandra who just added, “Aggie, may I ask how should I appear in front of the Chairman? I mean, how should I dress?” Aggie was more than happy to give advice, “Have you heard of the Blossom Boutique?” Aggie asked.

It would be a long evening wait for Cassandra who had great plans to score the biggest win in her career. Meanwhile, Kathleen stood naked in front of her mirror wondering how she would find sexual relief that night. Her prayers were answered when her phone chimed getting a text message from Tremaine. A big smile came to the woman's face. Hours later, back at the Crooked Branch Retirement Center, Piper returned in the night. She wore casual sweatpants and a jacket and sneaked in finding her way to Roscoe's room. The sweatpants and jacket didn't stay on very long.

Late in the evening when many of the retirees were fast asleep, Piper laid flat on Roscoe's bed with a pillow underneath her belly. Roscoe laid on top and mounted her putting his needy cock inside. He smelled how fresh, cleaned, and perfumed her body was. Roscoe was fucking again and hadn't felt this young and vibrant in a very long time. Roscoe hated the white race and by scoring Piper's piece of ass, he was free to hate them more. "I fuck the white race! I'm back, I'm black, I win again!" he said to himself. Piper only looked ahead and grinned. Roscoe nibbled on Piper's right ear telling her, "You're never going to fuck a white boy again." Piper felt another orgasm coming. She tried to fight it off just long enough to answer Roscoe, "Nope. No white boys for me."

To learn more about the city of Black Pine and its characters, read the reference guide under the Author's Den found in the forums section.